Inteligencia Artifical en La Educación Superior de La India

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Artificial intelligence in Indian higher education institutions:

a quantitative study on adoption and perceptions
Silky Sharma1 · Gurinder Singh1 · Chandra Shekhar Sharma2 · Shikha Kapoor1

Received: 31 May 2023 / Revised: 20 September 2023 / Accepted: 19 October 2023

© The Author(s) under exclusive licence to The Society for Reliability Engineering, Quality and Operations Management (SREQOM), India and
The Division of Operation and Maintenance, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden 2024

Abstract The integration of Artificial Intelligence perceived organizational support, and perceived risk. The
(AI) into higher education has the potential to bring new findings of this study can guide the strategic planning and
approaches to learning and teaching, but also poses chal- decision-making related to the integration of AI in higher
lenges such as ethical concerns and job displacement. To education and contribute to the understanding of the poten-
address these challenges, efforts are being made to develop tial benefits and challenges of AI in education.
frameworks for the adoption of AI in education. This study
investigates the role of AI in higher education in Indian uni- Keywords Artificial intelligence (AI) · Technological
versities, identifies dimensions of AI applications, explores acceptance model (TAM) · Social cognitive theory (SCT) ·
factors influencing the adoption of AI in higher education Human–computer interaction (HCI) theory · Technology in
processes, and develops a framework for the adoption of AI education · Higher education
applications by stakeholders in the higher education sector.
The study uses a quantitative research design to collect data
from students, academics, and management staff at differ- 1 Introduction
ent higher education institutions in India. The technologi-
cal acceptance model, social cognitive theory, and human– Every decision we make is driven by our aspirations for
computer interaction theory model are used to understand the future, and even though we can’t accurately predict it,
the factors that influence the acceptance and adoption of we can use our current knowledge to shape and envision it.
AI in higher education institutions in India. The results of Understanding the present and the past that has influenced
the study indicate significant relationships between vari- it is crucial to better comprehend the potential outcomes
ous factors, including artificial intelligence self-efficacy, of the future, particularly in the context of the widespread
behavioural intention to adopt AI, AI adoption in higher use of artificial intelligence (AI) in society. The rise of AI
education, perceived usefulness, perceived effectiveness, has caught the attention of academics, governments, and
the general public, and there is a growing interest in its
potential to revolutionize learning, teaching, and education,
* Silky Sharma while also presenting new challenges for educational institu-; tions. As AI becomes more prevalent, it has the potential to
Gurinder Singh exacerbate skill inequalities and job polarization, or it can promote equal opportunities for learning. It may lead to the
Chandra Shekhar Sharma reorganization or obsolescence of traditional classrooms, enhance instructional efficiency, or potentially restrict
Shikha Kapoor human agency and responsibility by imposing technologi- cal demands. Given these vast possibilities, it’s essential to
Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India carefully consider the implications of AI on learning, teach-
Delhi Institute of Advanced Studies, CGS Indraprastha ing, and education.
University, Delhi, India

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

The integration of AI into organizational settings and its compelled to look into and implement alternative teaching
maximum utilization has led to efforts to address its ethical, and evaluation methods. Particularly in developing and
legal, and social implications. AI has been a hot topic in pub- emerging countries, the COVID-19 pandemic has made it
lic, business, and academic debates, and discussions have simpler for people to accept digital learning (Dhawan 2020).
focused on issues such as job displacement, military and While universities and schools were closed owing to the
cyber security threats, ethical concerns including bias, and pandemic, e-learning tools were crucial in assisting teachers
economic rewards. In today’s digital era, big data is trans- in fostering student learning (Subedi et al. 2020).
forming knowledge environments, including education, and In this evolving educational landscape, we find ourselves
AI has the potential to fundamentally change how students at the intersection of history, present challenges, and future
and teachers are supported in their learning and teaching possibilities. We are tasked with understanding and harness-
efforts. This can be achieved through the utilization of cut- ing the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI)
ting-edge learning analytics and data-driven insights to bet- in education. The promise of AI has captured the imagina-
ter understand student behaviours’, needs, and skills, which tion of academics, governments, and the general public in
in turn can increase operational effectiveness in educational the twenty-first century. AI holds the potential to revolu-
institutions and unlock the learning potential of children. tionize education, learning, and teaching while simultane-
While the subject of AI and its implications on education ously posing new and complex challenges for educational
may be complex, it is significant, institutions.
The field of artificial intelligence (AI) in education needs AI, in its various forms, has the capacity to democratize
to adapt to changes and a new reality (Close et al. 2020) education by enhancing equal learning opportunities or,
in educational settings, which combine authentic activities conversely, exacerbate skill disparities and job polarization.
and collaborative settings through significant challenges, to It could lead to the reinvention or obsolescence of tradi-
remain relevant and influential. Education, teaching, and tional classrooms, amplify the effectiveness of instruction,
learning have evolved over time with changes in society, or potentially constrain human agency and accountability
technology, and the emergence of educational technology through stringent technology requirements. The magnitude
(Ed-Tech). The National Education Policy recommends the of the potential impact of AI on education is staggering, and
introduction of subjects like AI in the syllabus to leverage therefore, it is essential to meticulously analyze how AI will
the strengths of both machines and teachers for the benefit of influence the core pillars of education—learning, teaching,
students. However, predicting the future of AI in education and the educational system itself. The subject matter may be
completely is impossible, and history can serve as a useful complex and multifaceted, but its importance is undeniable,
lens to assess its potential (Steps Taken by the Government compelling us to direct our attention to it.
to Use Artificial Intelligence for Education Transformation As the integration of AI in education unfolds, efforts to
2021). address the ethical, legal, and societal ramifications of AI
The epidemic, which has had a profound effect on edu- have accompanied the push to maximize its utility. Public
cational institutions all across the world, has decimated discourse, business strategies, and academic research have
all economies. As a result of the administration’s sudden centered around various aspects of AI adoption, including
declaration of a lockdown, schools, colleges, institutes, the potential for employment displacement, concerns about
and universities were forced to postpone their regularly cyber security and military applications, ethical issues sur-
scheduled activities. The 1.3 billion pupils throughout the rounding bias and data privacy, and financial incentives.
world who were unable to attend class as usual included One of the transformative elements in the digital era is the
over 320,713,810 kids from India alone (Joshi et al. 2021). rise of big data, which is profoundly altering knowledge
These disruptions precipitated a cascade of changes in the contexts, including education. AI leverages cutting-edge
educational landscape, including dwindling enrolments, learning analytics and data-driven insights to gain a deeper
institutional closures, mergers, and a host of similar chal- understanding of student behaviours, needs, and skills. It has
lenges. In response to the inadequacy of traditional face-to- the potential to reshape how both students and teachers are
face teaching methods, educational institutions were forced supported in their learning and teaching endeavours. This,
to explore and implement alternative teaching and evaluation in turn, promises to enhance operational efficiency in edu-
approaches. It is in this crucible of necessity that digital cational institutions and unlock the latent learning potential
learning, underpinned by technology and artificial intelli- of students.
gence (AI), gained ascendancy. To remain influential and effective, the field of AI in edu-
The educational system has seen substantial changes cation must adapt to the evolving educational settings where
as a result of issues including lower enrolment, closures, authentic activities and collaborative settings are being
mergers, and other issues of a similar sort. Since the face- combined, giving rise to new educational challenges. While
to-face method did not work, educational institutions were the ideas themselves may not be novel, the convergence of

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

education, teaching, and learning in the digital age and the systems for computer-aided instruction, adaptive learn-
rise of educational technology (Ed-Tech) presents a compel- ing, and educational content creation.
ling opportunity. (b) Focus on Personalization: One of the key trends in AI
Distance learning or online education, which gained adoption in Indian higher education institutions is the
popularity in the 1990s with the advent of the internet, has focus on personalization. AI technologies are being
been one of the precursors for AI in education, although used to create personalized learning experiences, adap-
it is not always dependent on AI. Despite the early recog- tive learning systems, and recommendation systems
nition of its potential, criticism has accompanied its more that cater to individual student needs and preferences.
optimistic objectives, with concerns about cost-cutting, the (c) Emphasis on Learning Analytics: Indian higher edu-
commodification of education, deskilling and displacement cation institutions are increasingly leveraging AI for
of professionals, and harm to students being raised. Massive learning analytics, which involves analysing data on
Open Online Courses (MOOCs), another online educational student performance, engagement, and behaviour to
system that is not typically dependent on AI, gained atten- gain insights and inform decision-making. Learning
tion in the 2010s for their potential to universalize educa- analytics are being used for predicting student per-
tion, but concerns about high dropout rates and participant formance, identifying at-risk students, and providing
demographics have tempered initial enthusiasm (Bond et al. timely interventions.
2019; Christensen et al. 2013; Rivard 2013). (d) Virtual Labs and Simulations: AI technologies are
Proponents of AI claim that it will “change the game in being used to create virtual labs and simulations in
education” by enabling individuals and groups to learn more Indian higher education institutions. These virtual
effectively than with a single human instructor in classrooms environments provide students with hands-on learning
worldwide. The Department of Education’s STEM 2026 experiences, especially in science, engineering, and
vision also recognizes the potential of intelligent tutoring medical fields, where access to physical labs may be
systems, the most popular AI-based educational technology limited.
currently, to play a significant role in the future of education (e) Use of Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP is a
(Tanenbaum 2016; Woolf et al. 2013). significant area of AI adoption in Indian higher educa-
A growing body of research on AI in education is cen- tion institutions. NLP technologies are being used for
tered on the use of AI technology to enhance teaching, build tasks such as automated essay scoring, language trans-
a smart campus, and realize intelligent learning, teaching, lation, and sentiment analysis for feedback analysis.
and management. Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies (f) Growth of Ed-Tech Start-ups: India has seen signifi-
are being employed in education, resulting in a number of cant growth of EdTech start-ups that are leveraging AI
advancements that will improve the learning experiences of technologies to offer innovative solutions for higher
both students and teachers (Cui et al. 2019). These technolo- education. These start-ups are providing AI-powered
gies include image identification, facial recognition, adaptive platforms for online learning, skill development, and
learning, and others. career counselling.
In this complex and evolving landscape, the adoption (g) Collaborations: Indian higher education institutions
and integration of AI in Indian higher education institutions are collaborating with both domestic and international
become a critical area of examination. This study aims to companies to bring the latest AI technologies to their
contribute to the burgeoning body of literature on AI in edu- campuses. These collaborations help to bridge the gap
cation by delving into the specifics of its adoption in Indian between academia and industry and provide students
universities. Employing a quantitative research methodol- with real-world experience.
ogy, this study seeks to explore the myriad factors influenc- (h) Skill Development: Indian higher education institu-
ing AI adoption and provide insights into both its potential tions are also focusing on developing AI skills among
benefits and challenges. Furthermore, it aspires to construct students. Many institutions are offering courses in AI,
a comprehensive framework. machine learning, and data science to prepare students
for careers in the field.
(i) Virtual Learning: With the COVID-19 pandemic,
1.1 Key milestones and trends in AI adoption in indian virtual learning has become a necessity. AI-powered
higher education institutions virtual classrooms and simulations are being adopted
by many institutions to enhance the virtual learning
(a) Early Adoption: Indian higher education institutions experience.
have been relatively early adopters of AI technologies
in the educational landscape. As early as the 1990s, The adoption of AI in Indian higher education institu-
Indian institutions began experimenting with AI-based tions is still in its early stages, but the potential benefits are

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significant. The trends and milestones mentioned above are communication skills of pupils will decline. Students should
likely to continue as institutions look for ways to improve the be encouraged to learn from each other. To address this
quality, achievement, and job market of education (Bhagat issue, AI education programs can be built up with a focus on
and Kim 2020) in offline and online era and prepare students socialization-focused distance learning. Students can study
for the future. online in addition to participating in class discussions and
social activities.
1.2 Challenges of AI in education
1.3 Ethical concerns related to AI adoption in higher
Although AI has numerous benefits for education, it will also education
face some unexpected challenges Alam 2020). If individuals
are aware of the various problems that could develop, it will Ethical considerations surrounding the adoption of artifi-
be simpler to prepare for and improve future applications of cial intelligence (AI) in higher education, particularly in the
AI in education. Fairness must be guaranteed before any- context of Indian universities, are of paramount importance
thing else while utilizing AI in education. As AI advances, and demand comprehensive strategies. First and foremost,
developing countries run the risk of seeing their educational addressing algorithmic bias and ensuring fairness in AI sys-
gaps get wider. Similar to how the digital gap has separated tems is imperative. This involves promoting transparency,
those who can access the Internet from those who cannot, using diverse datasets, and actively mitigating biases in AI
the expanding algorithmic barrier now threatens to deprive algorithms. Additionally, universities should prioritize stu-
many educational opportunities provided by AI. Since the dent data privacy by complying with data protection regula-
majority of AI algorithms come from rich countries, they are tions and implementing stringent security measures while
unable to fully take into consideration the circumstances of fostering a culture of informed consent. Ethical concerns
developing countries and hence cannot be adopted directly related to AI-enabled surveillance should be addressed
(Yu 2020; Fu 2020). To create the conditions needed for AI through clear communication, stringent data usage policies,
to enhance learning, the education sector must overcome and regular audits. Ensuring the transparency and explain-
tremendous obstacles such a lack of basic infrastructure ability of AI models, coupled with ethical education pro-
(Leung and Sharma 2020) and technology (Anderson 2020; grams, can mitigate ethical issues. To combat academic
Carey 2020). misconduct facilitated by AI, institutions should employ AI
Data collection, use, and distribution raise ethical and tools for detection and invest in academic integrity educa-
security issues that need to be considered. AI has produced tion. Furthermore, universities must proactively address job
various ethical challenges in the areas of providing tailored displacement concerns by providing reskilling opportuni-
guidance to students, collecting personal data, data privacy, ties and exploring collaborative AI-human models. Bridging
and the ownership of obligations and data feed algorithms the digital divide and establishing ethical guidelines for AI
(Bodó et al. 2017; Southgate 2020). To improve the moni- adoption are crucial steps (Buckingham Shum and Luckin
toring of AI technology and its products, the public must 2019), as is promoting ethical AI research practices within
debate the relevant ethical, responsible, and safety issues. the academic community. Ultimately, a concerted effort
It supports educators as they become ready to teach using involving universities, regulators, tech providers, and civil
AI. Teachers must master new digital teaching methods in society is essential to establish a responsible and ethical
order to effectively use AI to help educational transforma- framework for AI integration in Indian higher education.
tion. In order to build an easy-to-use usage strategy for their
products, makers of AI teaching tools also need to be aware 1.4 Current state of AI adoption in Indian higher
of how teachers’ function (Hwang et al. 2020). education institutions
Due to changes in teaching strategies, higher criteria for
student autonomy in learning are needed. In the age of AI, The use of AI technologies is gaining interest and adoption
learning activities will primarily include students, and they in Indian higher education institutions, although implemen-
will be student-centred (Chang and Lu 2019; Fu 2020). tation and maturity levels vary (Chatterjee 2020). While
According to several studies (Fang et al. 2019; Walkington some institutions have fully integrated AI into their educa-
and Bernacki 2020; Yilmaz 2018), students can use an intel- tional processes, others are still in the early stages of explor-
ligent teaching system to construct personalized learning ing and experimenting with AI technologies. Very few stud-
plans, independently select learning resources to track their ies to understand adoption intention of AI-Chatbots (Sandhu
progress, and participate in group cooperative learning. and Gide 2019) in Indian Higher Education sector through
It takes greater concentration to communicate between UTAUT (Chatterjee and Bhattacharjee 2020) and the use of
students. As more and more people use AI platforms for AI-Based robots in Indian university (Roy et al. 2022) have
learning and talking with computers as their aim, the social been done recently.

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AI has numerous applications in education in India, different facets of the educational process, including
including profiling and prediction, assessment and evalua- admission procedures, teaching–learning methods, exam-
tion (Roll and Wylie 2016), adaptive systems, personaliza- inations, course administration, and mentorship?
tion, and intelligent tutoring systems. While AI is both inno- • How do the attitudes, perceptions, and intentions of
vative and derivative, it is changing educational tools and stakeholders, including students, faculty, and manage-
organizations. Teachers remain crucial in the educational ment, contribute to the adoption of AI technologies in
system, but their role has been transformed by AI. Through the higher education sector?
advanced analytics, deep learning, and machine learning, AI • How can a comprehensive framework be developed to
can monitor individual progress, identify gaps in teaching streamline the adoption of AI applications within Indian
and learning, and increase educational efficiency and per- higher education institutions, taking into consideration a
sonalization (Bhoturia 2022). Additionally, AI can alleviate wide array of factors, causes, and effects associated with
administrative responsibilities, giving teachers more time AI adoption?
and freedom (Mason et al. 2020) to focus on understanding
and adaptability, which are uniquely human qualities. Com-
bining the strengths of machines and human teachers can 3 Research methodology
lead to the best outcomes for students. Overall, AI technolo-
gies have the potential to revolutionize education (HolonIQ The focus of this research is to investigate the function of
2020; Jaiswal and Arun 2021) in India, offering new oppor- artificial intelligence in Indian higher education institutions.
tunities for personalization and efficiency while maintaining The study is co-relational and conducted in an unplanned
the critical role of teachers in the educational system. setting. Researchers disseminate a questionnaire to respond-
ents for a quantitative study, as the study involves a larger
1.5 Objectives of the study population. A quantitative design, which tests a hypothesis
using variables measured with numbers and evaluated with
• Investigate the current utilization of artificial intelligence statistical methods, is preferred over qualitative methods
(AI) within the higher education system of Indian uni- such as interviews and small samples. The present study is
versities, encompassing its applications in various edu- exploratory in nature, aiming to explore the role of artificial
cational domains. intelligence in the higher education sector, specifically in
• Describe the diverse range of AI applications employed Indian universities.
within Indian higher education institutions and elucidate
their impact on different aspects of the educational pro- 3.1 Population and sampling
cess, including admission, teaching–learning, examina-
tions, course management, and mentorship. Primary data for the study was collected from students, aca-
• Delve into the behavioural factors that influence the demics, and management at different higher education insti-
adoption of AI applications across various facets of tutions in India. Respondents from India were chosen using a
higher education. Understand the attitudes, perceptions, Stratified Random Sampling method. The population under
and intentions of stakeholders, including students, fac- consideration in this study includes an extensive number
ulty, and management, which shape the adoption of AI of stakeholders from Indian higher education institutions.
technologies in higher education. Students, faculty, and management personnel from numer-
• Create a comprehensive framework aimed at facilitating ous sectors and institutions are among the stakeholders. The
the adoption of AI applications within higher education large demographic we chose reflects our goal of gaining a
institutions in India. This framework should consider complete knowledge of the role and impact of artificial intel-
and integrate a wide range of factors, causes, and effects ligence in Indian higher education.
associated with AI adoption, providing guidance to stake- We used Stratified Random Sampling to ensure that our
holders on the effective implementation of AI technolo- study provided a representative depiction of the popula-
gies in the higher education sector. tion. The population is divided into separate subgroups or
strata based on key characteristics such as academic roles
(students, faculty members, management) and institution
2 Research questions kinds (e.g., universities, colleges, technical institutions) in
this approach. Each group is then considered as a separate
• How is artificial intelligence (AI) currently being population, with a random sample collected from each. The
employed within Indian higher education institutions? rationale behind employing stratified sampling lies in its
• What are the various AI applications utilized in Indian ability to account for potential variations within subgroups.
higher education, and how do these applications impact By selecting participants from each stratum, we ensure

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that the sample includes proportional representation from job to the best of my ability” and “All the classrooms of
various categories of stakeholders and institution types. my institute are equipped with necessary devices for using
This approach enhances the study’s validity and allows for AI technology for teaching purposes,” were adapted from
meaningful comparisons between different groups within the research by Eisenberger, Huntington, Hutchison, Sowa, and
population. A total of 411 participants were included in the Chatterjee and Bhattacharjee, reflecting the organizational
study, drawn from the defined strata. This sample size was context (Eisenberger et al. 1986; Chatterjee & Bhattacharjee
determined to provide statistical power for the analysis while 2020).
ensuring that the study remained manageable and logisti- Perceived Ease of Use: This domain assessed partici-
cally feasible. Prior to data collection, all participants were pants’ opinions about the ease of using AI technology. State-
provided with clear information about the study’s objec- ments such as “AI provides helpful guidance in performing
tives, their role, and the confidentiality of their responses. tasks” and “Overall, I will find AI easy to use” were drawn
Informed consent was obtained from each participant, from research by Moakofhi, Phiri, Leteane, Bangomwa, and
emphasizing their voluntary participation in the research. Davis, reflecting the ease-of-use aspect (Moakofhi et al.
A questionnaire was distributed to 411 students, faculty, 2019; Davis 1989).
and management staff from higher education institutions in Artificial Intelligence Self Efficacy: Self-efficacy refers to
India. The responses from the respondents were measured one’s belief in their capability to perform tasks effectively.
using a nominal scale for the most pertinent questions, while In this domain, items like “I am confident that I can perform
an interval scale is employed as the principal measurement effectively on many different tasks” and “I am confident
scale in the second half of the questionnaire. Participants about my ability to use the software to complete my work”
rate their agreement with statements on a 5-point Likert were adapted from research by Chen, Gully, Eden, Pütten,
scale ranging from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree”. Bock, Zheng, Wang, Doll, Deng, and Williams, reflecting
To supplement primary data and narrow the scope of data participants’ self-efficacy concerning AI technology (Chen
gathering, secondary data are gathered. Due to its usabil- et al. 2001; Pütten and Bock 2018; Zheng et al. 2018).
ity, efficiency in terms of time savings, and affordability of Perceived Effectiveness: This domain explored partici-
data, ProQuest, EBSCO Host, Emerald, Science Direct, and pants’ perceptions of the effectiveness of AI technology in
Harvard Business Review are frequently utilized online data- education. Statements such as “AI technology in education
bases. To support the terminologies and theories applied in contains Summative assessments to help learners assess
the research, reference books are also utilized. To turn data their learning” and “Overall, it is a very effective teach-
into useful information, the data analysis process entails a ing and learning technology” were inspired by research by
number of connected steps. After a complete data analysis, Natividad, reflecting the perceived effectiveness of AI in
the tested results are generated using PLS-SEM software. education (Natividad 2021).
Perceived Risk: Participants’ concerns about the risks
3.2 Measurement scales associated with AI adoption were assessed in this domain.
Items such as “I believe AI-powered educational content is
The questionnaire begins with a section to collect demo- not always correct” and “Using AI Technology exposes me
graphic information about the respondents. This includes to an overall risk” were adapted from research by Chatter-
gender, age group, education level, income, and marital sta- jee and Bhattacharjee, Chen, and Chao, reflecting perceived
tus. These demographic variables can help segment and ana- risks associated with AI technology (Chatterjee and Bhat-
lyze the data based on different participant characteristics. tacharjee 2020; Chen 2012; Chao 2019).
The questionnaire utilizes a 5-point Likert scale to gauge Behavioural Intention: This domain focused on partici-
respondents’ agreement with specific statements. The scale pants’ intentions and willingness to adopt AI technology in
ranges from “Strongly Disagree” (1) to “Strongly Agree” the future. Items such as “I intend to use AI Technology in
(5), with intermediate options. the future” and “I am willing to use AI technology for devel-
The questionnaire utilized in this study encompassed var- oping smart content” were adapted from research by Yau and
ious domains related to the adoption of artificial intelligence Ho and Chatterjee and Bhattacharjee, reflecting behavioral
(AI) in higher education in India. Each domain had specific intentions related to AI adoption (Yau and Ho 2015; Chat-
scale items, and these items were sourced from existing terjee & Bhattacharjee 2020).
research to ensure their reliability and validity. Measurement Adoption of AI in Higher Education: This domain aimed
scales used for each domain and their respective sources: to capture participants’ perspectives on the impact of AI
Perceived Organizational Support: This domain focused adoption in higher education. Items like “Application of
on participants’ perceptions of support from their organi- AI in higher education will make education more interac-
zations regarding AI adoption. The scale items, including tive” and “Application of AI in higher education will make
statements like “My Organisation helps me to perform my it cost-effective” were sourced from research by Chatterjee

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and Bhattacharjee, reflecting perceptions of the adoption of how their behaviours and interactions are influenced by
AI in higher education (Chatterjee & Bhattacharjee 2020). the presence of artificial intelligence. SCT emphasizes
In summary, the research design involves the systematic self-efficacy, which is the belief in one’s ability to per-
collection of numerical data using a structured question- form tasks effectively. The domain “Artificial Intelligence
naire. This questionnaire is designed to measure respond- Self Efficacy” in the questionnaire assesses participants’
ents’ perceptions, attitudes, and intentions regarding AI confidence in their ability to use AI technology effec-
adoption in higher education. The data collected will be tively. SCT also highlights the role of observational
analysed quantitatively to draw meaningful insights and learning, where individuals learn by observing the
conclusions about the research objectives. behaviours and outcomes of others. While not explicitly
measured in the questionnaire, the domain “Perceived
3.3 Theoretical framework Organizational Support” indirectly relates to this aspect.
If participants perceive that their organization supports
The theoretical frameworks that may be relevant in the con- and encourages the use of AI technology, it can serve as a
text of this research on the function of artificial intelligence form of observational learning, influencing their attitudes
in Indian higher education institutions could include: and intentions toward AI adoption.
• Human–Computer Interaction (HCI) Theory: This theo-
• Technological Acceptance Model (TAM): TAM is a retical framework focuses on how people and technology
well-known theoretical framework that explains how interact. HCI theory can be applied to this research to
users perceive and adopt new technologies. TAM pos- better understand how users engage with AI systems in
its that users’ acceptance of technology is influenced by higher education settings in India, considering elements
two primary factors: perceived ease of use and perceived like usability, user experience, and human-centered
usefulness. In this study, the domain “Perceived Ease of design principles. HCI theory emphasizes the user’s
Use” directly aligns with the TAM concept. The scale experience and satisfaction with technology. In this
items in this domain assess participants’ perceptions of study, the domain “Perceived Effectiveness” assesses
how easy it is to interact with AI technology, such as participants’ perceptions of how AI technology enhances
“My interaction with AI is easy for me to understand.” the teaching and learning process.
TAM also emphasizes the role of behavioural intention
as a determinant of technology acceptance. The domain These theoretical frameworks can serve as a conceptual
“Behavioural Intention” in the questionnaire captures foundation for comprehending and analysing how artificial
participants’ intentions to use AI technology in the future intelligence functions in higher education institutions in
and their willingness to recommend it to others. India. They can also serve as a roadmap for formulating
• Social Cognitive Theory (SCT): SCT is a theoretical research questions, hypotheses, and methods for data analy-
framework that focuses on the role of individual cogni- sis. Theoretical comprehension of the function of artificial
tion, behaviour, and the social environment in shaping intelligence in higher education can also be advanced with
human behaviour. In the context of this research, SCT their assistance in evaluating the research’s findings and for-
can be used to understand how artificial intelligence is mulating insightful conclusions (Fig. 1).
perceived, learned, and adopted by students, faculty, and
management in Indian higher education institutions, and

Fig. 1  Conceptual framework

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Table 1  Response rate Table 2  Gender

Questionnaire Count Percentage Gender Count Percentage (%)

Returned 411 82 Female 159 38.69

Non-returned 89 18 Male 252 61.31
Total 500 100 Grand total 411 100

Source Author creation Source Author creation

3.4 Hypothesis Table 3  Age

Age group Count Percentage (%)
H1 There is a favourable relationship between behavioural
intent to use AI and perceived organisational support. 18–30 years 281 68.37
31–45 years 92 22.38
H2 Perceived ease of use and behavioural intention to use 46–60 years 32 7.79
artificial intelligence have a favourable relationship. 61 and above 6 1.46
Grand total 411 100
H3 There is a positive relationship between behavioural
intention to adopt artificial intelligence and self-efficacy of
artificial intelligence. Table 4  Educational qualifications
Educational qualification Count
H4 The behavioural intention to use artificial intelligence
is positively impacted by perceived effectiveness. Pursuing Doctorate/Doctorate 114
Pursuing Graduation/Graduate 169
H5 Perceived risk has a beneficial effect on behavioural Pursuing Post-Graduation/Post-Graduate 128
intentions to use artificial intelligence. Grand total 411

H6 The use of artificial intelligence has a favourable effect

on behavioural intention. 4.2 Respondents’ demographic profile

H7 The adoption of artificial intelligence in higher educa- The questionnaire’s Sect. 1 contains demographic informa-
tion is positively impacted by behavioural intention to adopt tion about the respondents, including questions about their
it. gender, age, and race. This section also seeks information
on marital status, occupation, monthly income, and level
of education to gain a better understanding of the respond-
4 Results and discussion ents’ characteristics.
Out of a total of 411 respondents, 159 Females and 252
4.1 Response rate Males as mentioned in Table 2.
The number of the various age groups among respond-
An aggregate of 500 questionnaires were given out in total, ents who took part in the questionnaires is shown in the
and 411 of them were completed and returned, yielding an Table 3. The majority of respondents 68% were from
82% response rate. According to Mugenda and Mugenda’s age group 18–30 Years, 22% were from 31 to 45 Years,
(2008) guideline that a response rate of 50% is sufficient for 8% were from 46 to 60 Years and the rest 2% were from
analysis, this response rate was deemed satisfactory. In addi- 61 years and above. The results show that a good number
tion, return rates of 50% are deemed appropriate for analysis of respondents from appropriate categories were included
and publication, 60% are deemed good, and 70% are deemed in the study to gain meaningful insights about the use of
very good, according to Babbie (2004) (Table 1). artificial intelligence in higher education, with an empha-
The current study’s response rate was greater than 70%, sis on Indian Universities.
which denotes a good degree of response. A very good Table 4 indicates that 169 respondents to the survey
percentage of response rate 83% was achieved during the were graduates, 128 were postgraduates, and 114 were
survey. Doctorates. A good representative of qualified people of
various levels like Doctorate, Post Graduate and Under
Graduate have been included in the study.

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

Table 5  Designation Designation Count as the outer model. According to Hair et al. (2013), the
measurement model offers guidance for determining corre-
Faculty 197 lations between latent and observable variables. It enables
Management 21 the use of several variables to examine a single independ-
Other staff 10 ent or dependent concept. Validity and reliability, some-
Student 183 times referred to as the outer model, are the two main PLS
analysis criteria that are used to evaluate the measurement
model (Ramayah et al. 2011). Validity tests evaluate the
Table 6  Income precision with which the instrument measures the intended
Income range Count
notion, and reliability testing evaluate the consistency and
stability of the measuring equipment.
0 to 5 lacs per annum 158
5 to 10 lacs per annum 85
10 to 15 lacs per annum 101 4.4 Construct reliability
15 to 20 lacs per annum 28
20 to 25 lacs per annum 29 Cronbach Alpha, a conservative measure of item depend-
> 25 lacs per annum 10 ability, is used to evaluate the reliability of multiple-scale
items (Nunnally 1967). All variables in the study have
Cronbach Alpha values above this level, which indicates
The designations of respondents from Indian higher the reliability of the data and the significant correlation
education institutions in Delhi NCR is as captured in the between variables and constructs. Table 7 shows that all
Table 5. A good number of sample had been taken from variables in the study have Cronbach Alpha values above
faculty and students category. Also, response from man- this threshold. For the non-PLS model, Cronbach Alpha
agement and other staff have been captured in the survey. is used because it does not imply equivalence and does
The count of earners and percentage wise distribution has not give each construct the same amount of weight (Chin
been mentioned in Table 6. Respondents’ categorised on the 1998). Composite reliability is used to further support
basis of income earners have been found with income rang- the models’ accuracy; this measure is more individualis-
ing from 0 to 5 Lacs Per Annum, or 5 to 10 Lacs Per Annum, tic than composite reliability, which takes external load-
or 10 to 15 Lacs Per Annum make 84% of the total sample ings into account (Hair et al. 2006). According to Kline
size those have been considered for analysis purpose. 16% (2018), a high correlation between a construct’s indicator
of respondents make a total of income earners who earn 15 variables is essential for dependability as it is a need for
to 20 Lacs Per Annum or 20 to 25 Lacs Per Annum together. construct quality. Hair et al. (2006) defined reliability as
the consistency of a variable or set of variables with the
4.3 Measurement model object of the measurement. Commonly cited metrics for
construct dependability include Cronbach Alpha and com-
A Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis’s first stage entails posite reliability. The reliability of the multiple-item scale
assessing the measurement model, sometimes referred to is estimated using Cronbach Alpha, a cautious appraisal of

Table 7  Confirmatory factor model fit and reliability and validity assessment
Cronbach’s alpha Composite reliability Composite reliability The average
(rho_a) (rho_c) variance extracted

Adoption of AI in higher education 0.920 0.929 0.940 0.757

Artificial intelligence self efficacy 0.925 0.939 0.942 0.766
Behavior intention 0.883 0.886 0.914 0.681
Perceived ease of use 0.891 0.910 0.920 0.696
Perceived effectiveness 0.928 0.942 0.945 0.776
Perceived organisational support 0.892 0.906 0.919 0.694
Perceived risk 0.872 0.893 0.905 0.658

Construct reliability and validity assessment

Source Author creation

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items. According to Nunnally (1967), a construct’s internal 4.5.1 Discriminant validity

dependability is indicated by a Cronbach Alpha score of
0.7 or higher. When evaluating a construct’s discriminant validity,
researchers look to see if the phenomenon it represents is
4.5 Convergent validity distinct from and not covered by other constructs in the
model (Hair et al. 2013). The Fornell-Larcker criterion, the
According to Zikmund et al. (2013), a measure’s validity Heterotrait-Monotrait correlation ratio, and cross-loadings
has to do with how accurately and precisely it communicates across components (HTMT) are a few techniques that can
the intended concept or idea. Construct validity is especially be used to evaluate discriminant validity. The initial load-
important in the social sciences. It evaluates how closely test ings of the construct should be high for the target construct
findings adhere to the theories upon which they are founded, and low for other constructs in order to achieve discrimi-
offering information on whether the test instrument actually nant validity, demonstrating that the construct is measuring
measures the desired construct as suggested by the study. a unique notion distinct from other constructs in the model
The measuring scales are subjected to tests for convergent (Chin 1998).
validity and discriminant validity in order to verify validity. By contrasting the square root of the Average Variance
The degree to which one measure of a construct coincides Extracted (AVE) values with the correlations between latent
with another measure of the same construct is known as con- variables, it is possible to evaluate a construct’s discrimi-
vergent validity. The average variance extracted (AVE) and nant validity (Fornell and Larcker 1981). The square roots
item loadings are used in partial least squares (PLS) analysis of the AVE coefficients are shown in the correlation matrix’s
to assess convergent validity (Hair et al. 2013). According diagonal. Since all HTMT (Heterotrait-Monotrait) values
to Hair et al. (2013), the average variance (AVE) among in Table 8 fall between − 1 and 1, demonstrating that the
the indicators connected to a given construct is determined constructs are measuring distinct concepts apart from one
as the total of the squared loadings divided by the num- another, discriminant validity has been established.
ber of indicators. When a construct’s AVE is higher than The squared foundation of the Average Variance
that of the other constructs in the same model, it means that Extracted (AVE) for each construct must be higher than its
the construct has a higher variance in relation to its own highest correlation with any other construct in order for dis-
measurements. criminant validity to be correctly established. According to
A latent variable is said to account for more than 50% of Table 9, each construct’s squared value is always greater
the variance in the indicators it is related to when the AVE than the correlation between that construct and any higher-
value is larger than 0.5, while another latent variable only ranking construct. Based on this, Table 9 provides an illus-
accounts for less than 50%. All AVE values in the current tration of the study’s achievement of discriminant validity.
study are greater than 0.5, showing strong convergent valid-
ity (0.776 and 0.658). The CR values in Table 8 also show 4.5.2 Structural model
that all study constructs have excellent levels of internal con-
sistency and reliability and that all item loadings are more The coherent and theoretically defined contextual relation-
than the 0.6 minimum requirement. ship between the observable data on the input and output
sides is represented by the structural model and its latent
variables. The investigation’s major goal is to forecast the
output layer data using the structural model and the input

Table 8  Results discriminant validity—HTMT

Adoption of AI in Artificial intelli- Behavior Perceived Perceived Perceived organi-
higher education gence self efficacy intention ease of use effectiveness sational support

Adoption of AI in higher education

Artificial intelligence self efficacy 0.743
Behavior intention 0.647 0.629
Perceived ease of use 0.296 0.264 0.355
Perceived effectiveness 0.629 0.432 0.423 0.327
Perceived organisational support 0.591 0.546 0.709 0.127 0.283
Perceived risk 0.603 0.599 0.711 0.173 0.261 0.866

Source Author creation

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Table 9  Fornell
Adoption of AI in Artificial intel- Behavior Perceived Perceived Perceived Perceived risk
higher education ligence self intention ease of effective- organisational
efficacy use ness support

Adoption of AI in higher educa- 0.870

Artificial intelligence self efficacy 0.694 0.875
Behavior intention 0.595 0.590 0.825
Perceived ease of use 0.271 0.248 0.326 0.834
Perceived effectiveness 0.580 0.408 0.394 0.297 0.881
Perceived organisational support 0.560 0.536 0.662 0.120 0.277 0.833
Perceived risk 0.572 0.571 0.656 0.135 0.263 0.769 0.811

Source Author creation

layer data. This means that the structural model is used to Additionally, when the VIF, which is the inverse of the toler-
depict one or more dependence relationships that are con- ance coefficient, is less than 0.25, multicollinearity might be
sistent with the model’s proposed construct. However, mul- found (Hair et al. 2014).
ticollinearity problems at the structural level could affect Path analysis was used to look at the relationships
both formative and reflective models. When there is a strong between the constructs in the structural model using PLS-
correlation between two or more independent variables, mul- SEM. The expected size and direction (positive or nega-
ticollinearity occurs. Increased standard errors in Ordinary tive) of the path coefficients can be determined using the
Least Squares (OLS) regression and erroneous significance standardized regression coefficients, which make up the path
tests for the independent variables can all be consequences coefficients. When the independent construct is increased by
of this. It can also make it more difficult for the researcher one standard deviation while keeping the other explanatory
to determine the relative significance of each independent constructs unchanged, these coefficients show the change in
variable in relation to the others. When the Variance Infla- the dependent construct, measured in standard deviations.
tion Factor (VIF) coefficient surpasses a standard cut-off of With the exception of the effects of the two control varia-
4.0, multicollinearity is typically regarded as unfavourable. bles, business size and industry, the expected path coefficient

Fig. 2  Path coefficient

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

estimates for the connections in the example shown in Fig. 2 desire to do so. The findings also confirm H3, which holds
range from 0.112 to 0.595 and are all statistically significant that perceived usefulness and behavioural desire to adopt
at a 5% level of significance. AI are positively correlated (path coefficient = 0.174,
In order to evaluate PLS path modeling, bootstrapping t = 4.269, p 0.001). This implies that people who view AI
must be used because it is the only approach for demon- as a user are more likely to be inclined to adopt it.
strating the significance of path coefficients in PLS analy- Similarly, H4 (path coefficient = 0.112, t = 2.573,
sis (Chin 1998). According to Efron and Tibshirani (1993), p > 0.005), which proposes a positive association between
“bootstrapping” is a non-parametric resampling technique perceived effectiveness and behavioural desire to embrace
that combines replacement from the original sample with AI, was validated by the findings. This suggests that those
repeated random sampling. who believe AI to be productive are more likely to have
The research’s conclusions are consistent with the theo- higher adoption intentions. The findings also support H5,
ries and conceptual framework and conceptual framework which postulates a beneficial association between perceived
as per values in Table 10. The hypothesis (H1) that there organisational support and behavioural desire to apply artifi-
is a correlation between artificial intelligence self-efficacy cial intelligence (path coefficient = 0.313, t = 4.172, p 0.001).
and behavioural intention to embrace artificial intelligence Finally, H6 (path coefficient = 0.256, t = 3.580, p 0.001),
was accepted in light of the significant positive correla- which examines the relationship between perceived danger
tion that was found (path coefficient = 0.187, t = 3.668, p and behavioural intention to embrace AI, was supported by
0.001). This demonstrates that those who are more at ease the findings.
with artificial intelligence are more likely to be interested The results are succinctly summarised in Table 11 and
in implementing it. The results validated hypothesis 2 Fig. 2, which indicate the significant path coefficients, t-val-
(path coefficient = 0.595, t = 14.118, p 0.001), which states ues, and p values for each hypothesis and confirm the study’s
that behavioural intention to use AI and AI adoption in general conclusions. The links suggested in the study have
higher education are significantly correlated. This suggests empirical support in these results, which also contribute to
that people are more likely to really adopt AI in the con- the prevailing theoretical framework.
text of higher education if they have a higher behavioural

Table 10  Path coefficient

Original sam- Sample mean Standard deviation T statistics (|O/ P values
ple (O) (M) (STDEV) STDEV|)

Artificial intelligence self efficacy→behavior Intention 0.187 0.189 0.051 3.668 0.001
Behavior intention→adoption of AI in higher education 0.595 0.595 0.042 14.118 0.001
Perceived ease of use→behavior intention 0.174 0.174 0.041 4.269 0.001
Perceived effectiveness→behavior intention 0.112 0.112 0.044 2.573 0.005
Perceived organisational support→behavior Intention 0.313 0.309 0.075 4.172 0.001
Perceived risk→behavior intention 0.256 0.26 0.071 3.58 0.001

Source Author creation

Table 11  Specific indirect path (Mediating Effect)

Original Sample Standard T statis- P values
sample mean deviation tics (|O/

Perceived effectiveness→behavior intention→adoption of AI in higher educa- 0.067 0.067 0.027 2.434 0.007
Perceived risk→behavior intention→adoption of AI in higher education 0.152 0.154 0.044 3.468 0.002
Perceived organisational support→behavior intention→adoption of AI in higher 0.186 0.184 0.048 3.915 0.001
Artificial intelligence self-efficacy→behavior intention→adoption of AI in 0.111 0.113 0.032 3.518 0.001
higher education
Perceived ease of use→behavior intention→adoption of AI in higher education 0.103 0.103 0.024 4.372 0.001

Source Author creation

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

Finally, we consider how behaviour intention influences survey responses were obtained by the study from staff and
how perceptions of artificial intelligence’s adoption in higher students at higher education institutions in India. All of the
education, perceived danger, perceived organisational sup- hypotheses were supported by the findings, which showed
port, and perceived efficacy of use. H7 looks into the pos- that a number of factors, including artificial intelligence
sibility that behaviour intention mediates the relationship self-efficacy, perceived ease of use, perceived effectiveness,
between perceived efficacy and AI uptake in higher educa- perceived organizational support, and perceived risk, sig-
tion. It does, according to the findings (= 0.067, t = 2.434, nificantly influence stakeholders’ behavioural intention to
p 0.007). The results show that Behaviour Intention plays a adopt artificial intelligence in higher education institutions.
significant and mediating effect between Perceived Risk and In accordance with earlier studies, exposure to AI tech-
Adoption of AI in Higher Education (= 0.152, t = 3.468, p nologies and experience-gaining may improve views about
0.002). The results of H9 indicate that behaviour intention the usefulness of technology and boost students’ motiva-
significantly mediates the relationship between perceived tion to use it (Kim 2017). The results of this study highlight
organizational support and the adoption of AI in higher edu- how behaviour intention plays a substantial mediating role
cation (= 0.186, t = 3.915, p 0.001). The findings of H10 in the relationships between perceived efficacy, perceived
show that Behaviour Intention significantly mediates the risk, perceived organizational support, perceived ease of
relationship between Artificial Intelligence Self-Efficacy use of artificial intelligence, and adoption of AI in higher
and AI Adoption in Higher Education (= 0.111, t = 3.518, education. Behavioural intention is a key driver of AI adop-
p 0.001). The results of H11 demonstrate that Behaviour tion. Universities can conduct awareness campaigns, work-
Intention plays a substantial and mediating effect between shops, and seminars to educate students and faculty about
Perceived Ease of Use and Adoption of AI in Higher Educa- the potential of AI in education. These findings support
tion (= 0.103, t = 4.372, p 0.001). Hence, it has been dem- Zhang and Gutierrez’s claim that behavioural intention (BI)
onstrated that behavioural intention significantly mediates is a reliable indicator of taking part in activities that are in
the relationship between perceived effectiveness, perceived line with that intention (Zhang and Gutierrez 2007). Uni-
risk, perceived organizational support, perceived ease of versities can conduct awareness campaigns, workshops, and
use, and adoption of AI in higher education. The results seminars to educate students and faculty about the potential
demonstrate (Table 11) the important role that behavioural of AI in education. Engaging stakeholders in the decision-
intention played as a mediator. making process and involving them in AI pilot projects can
also increase their willingness to adopt AI. These findings
offer actionable insights for Indian universities seeking to
5 Discussion successfully integrate AI into their educational processes
and underscore the importance of promoting self-efficacy,
The study’s findings, align closely with the hypothesized minimizing risks, and fostering a supportive AI adoption
relationships and theoretical framework, and shed light on climate to enhance higher education with AI technology.
critical factors influencing the adoption of artificial intel-
ligence (AI) in Indian higher education. The positive cor-
relation observed between AI self-efficacy and behavioural 6 Conclusion
intention underscores the importance of bolstering users’
confidence in AI technology through training and support In conclusion, the study’s findings are consistent with the
initiatives. Furthermore, the strong link between behav- fourth hypothesis and theoretical framework. The results
ioural intention and AI adoption highlights the pivotal role show that a number of variables, including artificial intelli-
intention plays in driving actual adoption, emphasizing the gence self-efficacy, behavioural intention to adopt AI, adop-
need for strategies that enhance stakeholders’ intention to tion of AI in higher education, perceived usefulness, per-
use AI. Perceived usefulness, perceived effectiveness, and ceived effectiveness, perceived organizational support, and
perceived organizational support were also found to posi- perceived risk, have significant relationships. These findings
tively influence behavioural desire, emphasizing the signifi- shed important light on the variables affecting artificial intel-
cance of emphasizing AI’s practical benefits, and efficacy, ligence adoption in the setting of higher education.
and creating a supportive AI-adoption environment within According to the study’s findings, people who are more
educational institutions. Lastly, the positive relationship confident in their ability to use artificial intelligence are also
between perceived risk and behavioural intention suggests more likely to be inclined to use it. Additionally, discov-
that addressing concerns related to AI’s reliability and secu- ered to positively influence behavioural intention to adopt
rity is crucial in encouraging adoption. AI are perceived usefulness, perceived effectiveness, and
As a result, prognostic analyses provide the foundation perceived organizational support. This finding suggests that
of all of this study’s conclusions. In addition, 411 insightful people who perceive AI as useful, effective, and receiving

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

organizational support are more likely to have a higher inten- The practical and managerial implications derived from
tion to adopt it. The study also discovered that behavioural this study have significant ramifications for the adoption of
intention to adopt AI is significantly influenced by perceived artificial intelligence (AI) in higher education. In practical
risk, suggesting that those who perceive AI adoption as hav- terms, it is imperative for educational institutions to formu-
ing less danger are more likely to have higher intentions to late comprehensive AI integration strategies that encompass
embrace it. user training and development, user-centric design of AI
These findings have repercussions for institutions of tools, risk mitigation measures, and a supportive organiza-
higher learning and legislators who are thinking about tional culture. These strategies should prioritize the devel-
integrating AI into their instructional strategies. In order to opment of self-efficacy among faculty, staff, and students to
encourage the use of AI in higher education settings, they enhance their comfort and competence in using AI technol-
emphasize the significance of addressing elements like ogy. Furthermore, a user-centric design approach ensures
self-efficacy, perceived usefulness, perceived effectiveness, that AI solutions align with the unique needs and expecta-
organizational support, and perceived risk. tions of the higher education community, promoting their
It is significant to emphasize that this study includes limi- widespread adoption. To address concerns related to per-
tations that may limit the generalizability of the results, such ceived risks, institutions must establish robust data security
as the use of self-reported measures and the unique environ- protocols, ensure transparency in AI algorithms, and have
ment of higher education. Future studies could investigate mechanisms in place for addressing errors promptly. Encour-
these connections in more depth and make use of objective aging a culture of organizational support is essential, with
metrics to increase the validity of their conclusions. Despite administrators and managers providing necessary resources,
these drawbacks, the study’s findings add to the body of incentives, and recognition for individuals actively involved
knowledge on the application of artificial intelligence and in AI initiatives. Additionally, the continuous monitoring
offer useful information to practitioners and academics who of AI effectiveness and feedback collection should be inte-
are interested in this area. grated into the adoption process, enabling institutions to
refine and enhance AI applications continually.
On a managerial level, institutions need to allocate ade-
7 Implications quate budgetary and human resources to support AI adop-
tion initiatives fully. Recognizing the long-term benefits of
The framework developed in this study provides valuable improved efficiency, personalized learning, and enhanced
insights and practical guidance for stakeholders in the higher educational outcomes, these investments are crucial for suc-
education sector who are looking to effectively harness the cessful implementation. Moreover, offering training pro-
potential of artificial intelligence (AI). By following the out- grams and opportunities for ongoing skill development is
lined strategies, institutions can systematically address the essential to empower faculty and staff with the necessary AI
challenges associated with AI integration and pave the way competencies. Clear policies and guidelines should be estab-
for its successful adoption. Initially, conducting a compre- lished to govern AI adoption, encompassing aspects such as
hensive assessment of the institution’s current AI readiness data privacy, ethical AI usage, and academic integrity. These
and the perceptions of its stakeholders is crucial. This will policies must align with regulatory frameworks and evolving
help identify specific areas that require attention and ensure best practices in AI. Encouraging interdisciplinary collabo-
that AI initiatives are aligned with the needs and expecta- ration among departments and faculties can harness the full
tions of faculty, staff, and students. Subsequently, stakehold- potential of AI in higher education, promoting resource shar-
ers can prioritize training and capacity-building programs ing, research collaboration, and the dissemination of best
to enhance AI skills and self-efficacy in the academic com- practices. Regular performance evaluation, benchmarking
munity. Engaging users in the design and development of processes, and transparent communication with stakeholders
AI applications, along with a strong focus on data security further contribute to the effective management of AI adop-
and ethical considerations, will contribute to user-centric AI tion initiatives.
solutions. Adequate resource allocation, well-defined poli- Finally, as successful AI adoption models emerge, insti-
cies, and interdisciplinary collaboration are key components tutions should consider scaling these initiatives to other
of a successful AI adoption strategy. Regular performance departments or institutions within the higher education
monitoring and transparent communication with all stake- ecosystem, enabling broader access to the benefits of AI-
holders, as well as the scaling of successful models, will enhanced education. In conclusion, the practical and man-
further accelerate the integration of AI in higher education, agerial implications underscore the need for a strategic,
ultimately enhancing the quality of teaching, learning, and user-focused approach to AI adoption in higher education,
administrative processes. ensuring its successful integration and transformational
impact on teaching, learning, and administrative processes.

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag

8 Future research direction Informed consent In the research conducted, the participation of the
respondents was totally on voluntary basis understanding the purpose
of the study. Authors adhered to the strict ethical guidelines related
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can explore several promising directions to address both responses to the survey.
opportunities and challenges. One significant avenue
for research is the exploration of strategies to mitigate
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