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Dr. Loai Afana 1

An object of mass 5 kg undergoes an acceleration of
a = (8 m/s2) ŷ
Find the force acting on the object.

Dr. Loai Afana 2

Two forces, F1=45.0N and F2=25.0N act on a 5.00kg block sitting
on a table .
What is the horizontal acceleration (magnitude and direction) of
the block?

Dr. Loai Afana 3

A 3.00-kg object is moving in a plane, with its x and y coordinates given by:
x = 5t 2 + 1 and y =3t 3 + 2, where x and y are in meters and t is in seconds.
Find the magnitude of the net force acting on this object at t = 2.00 s

A 3.00-kg object with an acceleration given by a = (2.00ˆi + 5.00ˆj) m/s2.
Find the resultant force acting on it and the magnitude of the resultant force.

Dr. Loai Afana 5

Two forces F1 = 20.0 N and F2 = 15.0 N , act on a 5.00-kg object.
find the accelerations in (a) and (b) of Figure

Dr. Loai Afana 6

What is the average force if a 7.0 kg object released with a speed
of 13 m/s , and stopped after a distance of 2.8 m.
Assuming that acceleration is constant

Dr. Loai Afana 7

An electron of mass 9.110-31 kg has an initial speed of 3.0105 m/s. It travels in a
straight line, and its speed increases to 7.0105 m/s in a distance of 5.0cm.
Assuming that acceleration is constant,
(a) determine the force on the electron
(b) compare this force with the weight of the electron, which we neglected.

Dr. Loai Afana 8

The parachute on a race car of weight 8820N opens at speed of 55 m/s.
What is the total force required to stop the car at a distance of 1000 m?
Assume that: there is no brake. Assuming that acceleration is constant ..

Dr. Loai Afana 9

Newton’s Laws of Motion

Dr. Loai Afana 10

Definition of equilibrium
If the net for force exerted on an object is zero, the acceleration
of the object is zero and its velocity remains constant. That is, if
the net force acting on the object is zero, the object either
remains at rest or continues to move with constant velocity.
When the velocity of an object is constant (including when the
object is at rest), the object is said to be in equilibrium.

The first condition of equilibrium

F x 0

F y 0

. 11
A traffic light weight 122 N, hangs from a cable tied to two other cables,
fastened to a support, as in Figure The upper cables make angles of 37.0 ° and
53.0 ° with the horizontal.
Find the tension in the three cables.

Dr. Loai Afana 12

Find the tensions in each string in the figure. They are attached to a wall and
ceiling, as shown, and are holding up a mass of 10 kg

Dr. Loai Afana 13

Example: A 3.0 kg mass hangs at one end of a rope that is attached to a
support on a car. When the car accelerates to the right, the rope makes an angle
of 4.0° with the vertical. Find the tension, and the acceleration of the car.

Dr. Loai Afana 14

A 20-kg box is sitting on the floor and someone is pulling on it with a rope. The tension
in the rope is 60 N at an angle 60◦ above the horizontal. However, the box does not
move. It just sits there, held by static friction.
(a) Draw a free-body diagram of the box.
(b) Find the normal force that the floor exerts on the box.

Dr. Loai Afana
Two blocks connected by a light rope are being pulled by a horizontal force F (acting on m2)
as shown in Fig. Suppose that : F = 50 N, m1 = 10 kg, m2 = 20 kg, & Assume that no friction.
(a) Draw a free-body diagram for each block.
(b) Determine the tension, T, and the acceleration of the system.

Dr. Loai Afana 16

Two blocks having masses of 2 kg and 3 kg are in contact on a fixed smooth inclined plane (37o)
as in Figure. Treating the two blocks as a composite system,
calculate the force F that will accelerate the blocks up the incline with acceleration of 2m/s2,


Dr. Loai Afana

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