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Module 2



Most Essential Learning Competency

⚫Describe the feedback mechanisms involved in regulating processes in the female
reproductive system (e.g., menstrual cycle) (S10LT-lllc-35)

To the Learners

This module is designed to better understand the concept about the feedback
mechanism of the female reproductive system. It also covers how menstrual cycle
happens. Furthermore, it also gives focus on the various hormones stimulated and
produced during the cycle.
1. Read and understand the topics included in this module.
2. Write down significant information that would aid one’s understanding.
3. Read all directions carefully in each activity.
4. Apply the lessons learned to daily living.
The Writer


After accomplishing this module, one should:

• explain how feedback mechanisms work in the body;
• differentiate positive feedback mechanism from negative feedback
• explain how female reproductive system affects the physiological
mechanism of the body;
• discuss the hormones stimulated and produced by various glands/organs
such as the ovaries, hypothalamus, and anterior pituitary gland; and
elaborate the phases of menstrual cycle.


Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before
each number.

______1. What do you call the loss of the cells from the uterine lining, blood and egg
in the uterus?
A. Fertilization C. Ovulation
B. Menstruation D. Reproduction

______2. What will happen after menstrual cycle?

A. The cycle stops. C. The ovary produces an egg.
B. The cycle starts again. D. The uterine lining thickens.

______3. What do you call the process through which the level of one substance
influences the level of another substance?
A. Feedback mechanism C. Reproduction
B. Homeostasis D. Respiration

______4. All of the items below are phases of the menstruation cycle EXCEPT
A. Luteal Phase C. Ovulation Phase
B. Follicular Phase D. Stimulation Phase

______5. Which statement is INCORRECT?

A. After menstruation, the cycle starts again.
B. The sperm moves through the oviduct and enters the uterus.
C. The thick uterine lining is no longer necessary, so the cells of the
thickened uterine lining breaks off and leaves the vagina.
D. The pituitary gland releases hormones that cause the egg in the ovary to
mature. The luteinizing hormone (LH) initiates the maturation of the
follicles, converts ruptured follicles into corpus luteum and causes the
secretion of progesterone.

Looking Back
Adolescence is the stage wherein physical and emotional development take
place. In this stage, puberty happens. Puberty is a stage where changes in the body
occurs. There are different hormones responsible for these changes. These hormones
are regulated by the pituitary gland.

Directions: Read each item carefully. Then, determine whether the change occurs in
boys, girls, or both. Write G if the change in body happens for girls only, B if
the change happens for boys only, and GB if the change happens for both
girls and boys. Write the correct answer on the space before the number.

______1. Shoulders broaden _____6. Menstruation starts

______2. Hips widen _____7. Height increases
______3. Voice deepens _____8. Pubic hair growth
______4. Facial hair growth _____9. Acne/ pimples breakout
______5. Breasts enlargement _____10. Sweat production increases

Brief Introduction
Menstruation is the process in which blood and other tissues are shed from the
uterus and leave the body through the vagina. It is also called a menstrual period or
menses. This occurs on a monthly cycle throughout female reproductive
life. Menarche (the first menstrual cycle) normally occurs between the ages of 11 and 15
and the menopause between the ages of 45 and 55. On average, an ovary releases only
one egg every 28 days. Hormones control many of the changes in the reproductive
system. Remember that hormones are chemicals that affect certain body organs.

What really happens during the menstrual cycle?

The Menstrual Cycle has four phases:

PHASE 1: Menstruation Phase

The thickened uterine lining falls
away, so the body can start
preparing a new one.

PHASE 2: Follicular Phase

Hormones prompt the creation of
follicles on the ovaries. Usually
just one
follicle will mature into an egg.
PHASE 3: Ovulation Phase
The mature egg is released from the
follicle and is ready for fertilization.
Follicle will mature into an egg.
PHASE 4: Luteal Phase
If there is no fertilized egg, your body
will prepare to shed its thickened
and the cycle will begin again with

Feedback Mechanism is the process through which the level of one substance
influences the level of another substance. Homeostasis refers to the state of balance
within a system.

How does feedback mechanism work in the female reproductive system?

Positive Feedback Mechanism Negative Feedback Mechanism

+ --

hypothalamus hypothalamus

Estrogen stimulates the Progesterone inhibits the

production of GnRH and production of GnRH and

Before ovulation Before ovulation

4 Progesterone
1 Estrogen Estrogen

Before Ovulation After Ovulation

Once the ovary produces estrogen, the productions of GnRH (Gonadotropin

Releasing Hormone and LH (Luteinizing Hormone) in the hypothalamus and in
the anterior lobe of pituitary gland, respectively, are stimulated. The production of
FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) in the anterior lobe of pituitary gland is also
triggered. The production of estrogen, GnRH, LH and FSH is a positive feedback
mechanism. Positive feedback mechanism increases the production of a product
and stimulates the production of another product. The substance that stimulates the
production of a product is called stimulatory.

On the other hand, when the level of LH in the blood gets higher, it will
produce progesterone. The production of progesterone inhibits the production of
GnRH and LH. This is an example of a negative feedback mechanism. negative
feedback mechanism inhibits the production of a product. The substance that inhibits
the production of a product is called inhibitory.

Activity 1: Phases of Menstrual Cycle


➢ Explain the phases during the menstrual cycle, and

➢ Distinguish each phase from one another.

Directions: List down important events that occur in each phase of menstrual

Menstrual Phase Follicular Phase

________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
____ ____

Luteal Phase Ovulation Phase

________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
____ ____

Guide Questions:

1. Write down the sequence of the menstrual cycle?


2. What will happen when menstrual cycle is completed?


Activity 2: Menstrual Cycle Bracelet

➢ Identify the occurrence of each phase of menstrual cycle in a month time.


1. Show the menstrual cycle bracelet by coloring the beads in the drawing below.
2. Refer to the figure inside the bracelet.
3. Use the key notes below as guide when coloring the menstrual cycle bracelet.

• Crayons

Key Notes:
The Menstrual cycle is sequence of events that prepares the female body for pregnancy.

1. Menstruation: During the menstrual phase, the lining of the uterus breaks down
and is shed with some blood trough the vagina. Menstrual bleeding
usually lasts 5-7 days (red color)

2. Follicular phase: This is the time between the end of menstruation and ovulation.
During this phase estrogen levels rise and the uterus starts
thickening its lining and preparing for pregnancy. This phase lasts
6-7 days (white or light color)

3. Ovulation: When ovulation occurs, the egg is released from the ovaries into the
fallopian tubes. After the egg is released the uterine lining thickens
even more in order to receive the egg. Ovulation occurs usually
between the 12th and 14th day of the cycle (yellow color)

4. Luteal phase: If the egg is not fertilized, and there is no pregnancy, the thickened
lining of the uterus breaks down and is shed, and a cycle begins
again. This usually lasts 12-14 days (black or dark color)

Guide Questions:
1. What colors correspond to each phase of menstrual cycle?
2. How long does each phase last?

Activity 3: Complete Me!

➢ Determine the hormones produced by the given organ.
➢ Identify the site of hormone production.

1. Analyze the diagram on feedback mechanism.
2. Fill in the box with appropriate terms to complete the diagram.

in the
GnRH 4.
stimulates the
production of
in the
3. 5.
inhibits the
production of

Guide Questions:

1. What hormone stimulates the production of GnRH? ________________

2. What hormone inhibits the production of GnRH an LH? _____________

3. What organ produces the Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone or GnRH?



Menstruation is the process in which blood and other tissues are shed from the uterus
and leave the body through the vagina.

Feedback Mechanism- is the process through which the level of one substance
influences the level of another substance

Positive feedback mechanism increases the production of a product and stimulates

the production of another product.

Stimulatory- is the substance that stimulates the production of a product.

Negative feedback mechanism-inhibits the production of a product.

Inhibitory- is the substance that inhibits the production of a product.

Check Your Understanding

I. Fill in the Blanks: Complete the paragraph by supplying appropriate term/s.

Choose the correct answer from the word bank.
Word Bank

Menstrual cycle Uterus fertilized cervix egg

28 days Ovary Blood vessels Menstruation period

In the menstrual cycle, the (1.)_________ releases an

(2.)___________every (3.)______________. Each time an egg is released, the
(4.)________ must prepare itself for a fertilized egg. A thick lining full of
(5.)_________________ slowly develops. If the egg is fertilized, it passes into the uterus
and attaches itself to the uterus wall. If the ovum is not fertilized, it passes out of the
uterus. The uterus lining will begin to break down and exit through the vagina. This
process is called (6.)______________, otherwise known as (7.)“_____________”.

II. True or False:

Direction: Read each statement about the important events of menstrual cycle
carefully. Then, identify whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE. Write your
answer on the space before the number.

______1. On average, an ovary releases only one egg every 28 days.

______2. The ovary releases luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating
hormone (FSH).

______3. Luteinizing hormone (LH) initiates the maturation of the follicles, converts
ruptured follicles into corpus luteum and causes the secretion of

______4. The follicle stimulating hormone assists in the maturation of the follicles and
causes the secretion of estrogen from the follicles.

______5. The ovary releases a hormone called estrogen, which causes the uterine
lining to increase thickness.

______6. The egg has not been fertilized; therefore, it will attach to the uterus.

______7. The loss of cells from the uterine lining, blood and egg is called

______8. After menstruation, the cycle starts again.

______9. There are six phases of menstrual cycle.

______10. The first menstrual cycle (menarche) normally occurs between the ages
of 11 and 15.

Post Test
Direction: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write
your answer on the blank provided before the number.

______1. What do you call the process in which blood and other tissues are shed
from the uterus and leave the body through the vagina?
A. Ovulation C. Menstruation
B. Fertilization D. Reproduction

______2. All of the items below are phases of the menstruation cycle EXCEPT.
A. Luteal Phase C. Follicular Phase
B. Inhibition Phase D. Ovulation Phase

______3. What will happen after the menstrual cycle?

A. The cycle stops. C. The uterine lining thickens.
B. The cycle starts again. D. The ovary produces an egg.

______4. What do you call the process through which the level of one substance
influences the level of another substance?
A. Respiration C. Homeostasis
B. Reproduction D. Feedback mechanism

______5. Which statement is INCORRECT?

A. The ovary releases 28 eggs in a cycle.
B. The production of progesterone inhibits the production of GnRH and LH.
C. The thick uterine lining is no longer necessary, so the cells of the
thickened uterine lining break off and leave the vagina.
D. The pituitary gland releases hormones that cause the egg in the ovary to
mature. The luteinizing hormone (LH) initiates the maturation of the
follicles, converts ruptured follicles into corpus luteum and causes the
secretion of progesterone.


Reflect on Your Work

Complete this 3-2-1 organizer to guide you in reflecting on the lessons.

3 things I learned 2 things I enjoyed 1 question that I still have

⮚ __________________
✔ ____________________
⮚ __________________ ❖ _____________________
✔ ____________________
⮚ __________________

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