Science 10 Q3 Week 7

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Module 7
Maintaining Balance Amidst Diversity on Earth

"Biodiversity Jenga (Policy)" by The Open University (OU) is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Most Essential Learning Competencies

Explain how species diversity increases the probability of adaptation and survival of
organisms in changing environments. (S10LT-lllh-41)

Explain the relationship between population growth and carrying capacity.


To the Learner
This module was specially designed to help you understand and apply the lesson
objectives. To achieve the objectives of this module, read and follow the simple instructions as
your guide.
1. Set a helpful learning space at home so you can focus on your studies.
2. Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
3. Answer all the given tests and activities intelligently within given allotted time as closely
as possible.
4. Follow the directions in the activities diligently.
5. Seek assistance from your parents or guardians to guide you in doing the activities.
6. Take down important concepts and list questions you would like to ask to your teacher.
7. Reflect and apply the concepts that you have learned.
The Writer


Hello! I am Tarsius, your Science

Learning Buddy. We will learn from this
module how important biodiversity in
the adaptation and survival of living

Let’s begin learning together!

In this module, you will learn about the role of biodiversity in the adaptation and
survival of living organisms in the changing environment. When you finish studying
this module, you are expected to:

1. Explain the flow of energy in an ecosystem using diagrams/pictures.

2. Explain how the biodiversity increases the probability of adaptation and

survival of organisms in changing environment.

3. Explain population growth and carrying capacity using a model.

4. Explain how population growth affects carrying capacity.

Direction: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of the BEST answer.
Write your answer on the space provided before the number.

____ 1. Which of the following is the CORRECT representation of the flow of energy in
an ecosystem?

A. Consumer → Decomposer → Producer

B. Consumer → Producer → Decomposer
C. Producer → Consumer → Decomposer
D. Producer → Decomposer → Consumer

____ 2. The word that describes the differences or variation of living organisms.

A. Adaptation C. Population
B. Biodiversity D. Species

____ 3. An old farmland is converted into housing project by a real estate developer.
From the information given, how it would affect the probability of adaptation and
survival of organisms in the said area?

A. The conversion of land benefits humans and many domesticated animals.

B. The conversion of land helps in the increase in the number organisms originally
living in the area.
C. The conversion of land reduces the number of plants that may affect the
population of farm animals and naturally thriving insects in the area.
D. The conversion of land spreads the plants and animals in the correct location
where they can live in the area.

____4. The graph at the right shows the relationship between population
size and time or population growth in an area. What type of population
growth is shown in the graph?

A. Exponential Growth C. Limited Growth

B. Existential Growth D. Logistic Growth

____ 5. How does population growth affect the carrying capacity of a specific area?

A. The growth of the population delivers more resources for all the living organisms
living in that area.
B. The growth of the population limits the number of resources needed by the
organisms to live, causing other organisms to die.
C. The growth of the population makes adaptation and survival of organisms in the
environment better.
D. The growth of the population makes the area more viable in supporting life of
different organisms.

Do you know who are the persons in the

cartoon at the right?

Yes, they are Darwin and Lamarck.

Let’s see if you really learned about
their evolution ideas from the previous
module. Let’s look back!

Direction: Read each idea carefully. Put a check mark (✓) on the corresponding
column whether the idea is related to Darwinian Evolution or Lamarckian

Idea Darwinian Lamarckian

Evolution Evolution

1.Organisms changes their physical

features when they use or disuse their
body parts. (Acquired Traits)

2. Survival of the fittest. (Natural


3. The changes in the physical features

of parents that happened in their lifetime
can be passed on their offspring.

4.Organisms cannot become extinct.

5.Some organisms have set of traits that

can make them adapt and help them
survive more in changing environment.

The Planet Earth is inhabited with many
living organisms- tiny or huge; dull or colorful;
single or colony; and simple or complex. The
existence of every living organism is important
because they contribute to the balance of the
world’s ecosystem. In this module, we will deal
with the study of biodiversity. Biodiversity is the
term used to describe the differences or
variation among organisms. In this module, you
will learn how biodiversity helps in the adaptation
and survival of organisms in the changing
environment. Adaptation means the ability of an
organism to adjust and to thrive in environment.
We will also tackle ecological concepts such as
Planet Earth: The Home of Living Things population growth and carrying capacity.

From your previous Grade levels, you have learned that organisms are
interconnected to one another as they pass their energies to one another. Let us do this
activity for you to recall the concepts about the energy flow in the ecosystem.


1. Explain the flow of energy in an ecosystem using diagrams/pictures.

2. Relate food chain to energy pyramid and explain its importance to describe the
flow of energy in an ecosystem.


1. Create a correct food chain using the pictures of organisms below. Draw the
corresponding arrows on their feeding habit. The placement of the arrowhead (→)
corresponds to the organism who feeds on the other organism.



Corn Plant
Note: The pictures are not scaled on their actual sizes. Eagle

2. Supply the names of the organisms on the blank energy pyramid given below.
The arrangement of organisms must be based on the food chain you have
created on Procedure 1.

The Energy Pyramid

2. Answer the following guide questions:
a. What organism does the food chain begin? _____________________________
How can you describe the amount of energy it has based on its
placement in the energy pyramid?
b. How many consumers are found in the food chain you have created? ____
Enumerate all the consumers in the food chain.
c. Arrange the consumers based on their gained acquired energy from
highest to lowest.
d. What organism consumes the least amount of energy in the food chain?
Explain why.
e. Why are food chain and energy pyramid important in describing the flow
of energy in an ecosystem?

The flow of energy is an ecosystem is illustrated using Food Chain and

Energy Pyramid. Food chain shows the sequence on how organisms feed on one
another, showing how energy is transferred. Energy pyramid is a graphical
representation showing the flow of energy in a trophic level in an ecosystem. A
trophic level is the group of organisms within an ecosystem which occupy the
same level in a food chain. The width of each bar in the energy pyramid shows
the amount of energy in each trophic level.

Highest amount of energy is captured by plants because they are

producers. Producers are organisms that can make their own food using
sunlight. Producers are found in the first level of both food chains and energy
pyramid. The energy of the plants is then transferred to consumers. When a
consumer dies, the energy is then transferred to a decomposer.

We have found out that living organisms are
interconnected as their energies is being transferred
from one organism to another. Let us explore why
differences or diversity among living organisms
important to adaptation and survival.


1. Describe and determine the pictures given whether it shows high biodiversity or
low biodiversity.
2. Explain the importance of biodiversity found in an ecosystem.
3. Explain how biodiversity important to adaptation and survival of living
organisms in changing environment.


1. Study the sets of pictures below. Label the pictures below whether it shows High
Biodiversity or Low Biodiversity. An area with high biodiversity is where many
kinds of organisms live; whereas an area with low biodiversity is where few kinds
of organisms live. Describe each picture using the space provided.

A. Tubbataha Reef B. Maypajo, Caloocan City

_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________

C. Amazon Rainforest D. Estero de Magdalena, Tondo, Manila

_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________

2. Answer the following guide questions:
a. Based on the analysis you have made from the pictures; how can you
describe an area with high biodiversity?
how about to an area with low biodiversity?
b. What are the possible factors that causes decline in the biodiversity in an
c. How can you describe the resources (things needed by the organisms needed
to survive) in an area with high biodiversity?
how about to an area with low biodiversity?
d. What do you think will happen when one organism in a certain ecosystem is
loss or become extinct? Do you think other organisms can adapt or survive?
Explain your answer.
3. Identify the different practices given in the box below whether it is beneficial or
harmful to biodiversity. Write the practices on the spaces corresponding
column in the given table.

Kaingin Farming Use of Organic Fertilizers and Pesticides

Making of Green Spaces at Malls Conversion of Farmland to Subdivisions/Villages

Introduction of Foreign Species Propagation of Local Species

Treatment of Waste Waters Spilling of Oil and Chemicals in Bodies of Water

Poaching or Illegal Harvest on Endangered Species Bioconservation


Biodiversity plays an important role in the adaptation and survival of

living organisms. The existence of every living organism plays an important role
in the existence of another. For example, when plants are gone, there will be no
foods for insects and other animals that consumes plants for food. This may
cause the death of other living organisms.

Now, let us move on to studying two important
concepts related to biodiversity: the population
growth and carrying capacity.

Adapted from

1. Make a graph illustrating population growth.
2. Describe and differentiate the Exponential Growth Model and Logistic
Growth Model of population growth.
3. Explain how population growth affects carrying capacity.

Pre-Activity Discussion:
Population is a group of living organisms belonging to same species
that live in a certain geographical area. The population of organisms living in
an area is studied because it can be an indicator of underlying problems in the
environment and can serve as warning for us if there is something wrong that
affects the ecological balance.
Population growth shows us the trend whether a certain population is
increasing or decreasing. Population growth can be affected by the following
factors: birth rate (natality), death rate (mortality), immigration (moving
into an area), emigration (moving away from an area), geographical space
and availability of resources, and others. A population grows from having a
higher birth rate than death rate, having more immigration than emigration or a
combination of any factors.
There are two (2) models for population growth, these are the Exponential
Growth Model and Logistic Growth Model. The two models are compared using
the Venn Diagram below:

EXPONENTIAL -organisms reproduce
GROWTH increasingly but
Pop. gradually decreases
-organisms reproduce
Growth due to a finite, or
at the constant rate.
Models limited, amount of
-depicts J-shaped resources
curve in graph
-depicts S-shaped
curve in graph

Venn Diagram Comparing Exponential Growth Model and Logistic Growth Model in Population Growth
Graphs from Britannica Encyclopedia

The Logistic Growth Model in more realistic than Exponential Growth Model in a
sense that in a certain area, resources would be limited causing the gradual decrease
in population. The maximum amount of population that a certain area can support is
what we call the environment’s carrying capacity.
1. Plot the data given to a line graph. Take note to put the Population or Number
of Organisms on the x-axis and Time on the y-axis and give a title for each
A. Yeast Growth in a 10 Hour Time Period
# Yeast
2 200 600 1000 1050 1045
0 2 4 6 8 10

B. Rabbit Growth in a 250 Year Time Period
10 15 30 90 250 700
0 50 100 150 200 250

3. Answer the following guide questions:

a. What organism shows Exponential Growth? ______________________________
Explain your answer based on the graph.
b. What organism shows Logistic Growth? __________________________________
Explain your answer based on the graph.
c. Based on your graph, what appears to be the carrying capacity of the rabbit
d. Describe a scenario, or situation, where Exponential Growth could happen.
Is it beneficial for our planet?
e. How does the population growth affect the carrying capacity of the

Remember these important

concepts that we have learned
from this module!

1. The flow of energy in the ecosystem is illustrated with the use of

Food Chain and Energy Pyramid. Food shows the sequence on how
organisms feed on one another. Energy pyramid shows the amount of
energy in trophic level in an ecosystem.
2. Biodiversity refers to the differences or variation among organisms.
Having high biodiversity increases the probability of adaptation and
survival of living organisms.
3. Population Growth shows us the trend whether the population of
organism is increasing or decreasing. The known models to describe
population growth are Exponential Growth and Logistic Growth.
Carrying capacity is the maximum population that a certain area or
environment can support.

Direction: Write TRUE in the space provided if the statement is CORRECT, write
FALSE if the statement is INCORRECT.

__________ 1. The energy flow in the ecosystem can be illustrated using Food Pyramid.
__________ 2. There is high biodiversity in areas having many types of living organisms.
__________ 3. The increase in biodiversity helps in increasing the probability of
organisms’ adaptation and survival.
__________ 4. The Logistic Growth Model is the more realistic model of population
__________ 5. The Carrying Capacity is the minimum population an area can support.

Direction: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of the BEST answer.
Write your answer on the blank provided before the number.

____ 1. Which of the following helps in the correct representation of the flow of energy in
an ecosystem?

A. Food Chain B. Food Web C. Energy Pyramid D. Both A and C

____ 2. The word that describes the differences or variation of living organisms.

A. Adaptation B. Biodiversity C. Population D. Species

____ 3. An old farmland is converted into housing project by a real estate developer.
From the information given, what will happen to the biodiversity of the area?

A. The biodiversity decreases, because of the limited resources.

B. The biodiversity decreases, because of decrease in number of plants.
C. The biodiversity increases, because of unlimited supply of resources.
D. The biodiversity increases, because of increase in number of humans.

____4. Which of the following refers to the trend that shows the increase or decrease in
the population in an area?

A. Exponential Diversity C. Population Growth

B. Exponential Growth D. Population Rate

____ 5. How does population growth affect the carrying capacity of a specific area?

A. Population growth develops an increase in the resources.

B. Population growth limits the amount of resources available for organisms.
C. Population growth increases the biodiversity of the area.
D. Population growth stops the increase in the biodiversity in the area.


have learned many new things in
this module. Happy Learning!

Learning Bullets: Write five ideas that you have learned from this module:


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