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Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human PersonGrade 11- Senior High School
SUMMATIVE TEST WEEK 3 & 4Term:1ST SemesterS.Y.:2021-2022
Address:__________________________________Contact No.:________________ I. Multiple
choice. Directions: Read carefully the questions below. Write Capital letter of the correct answer
in each of the given questions. Write your answer on a space provided. 1. ___What do you call
the statements that are observed to be real or truthful? A. claimb. Opinionc.truthd. view 2.___
What are tendencies or influences that affect the views of people? A. fallacyb. Biasc.opiniond.
truth 3.___ What is an argument based on faulty reasoning? A. opinionb.fallacyc. Truthd. Bias
4.___ What are statements that express convictions that are not easily explained by facts? A.
biasb.opinionc. truthd. View 5.___“I know that my school is the best school in the city” this
statement is a a.Truthb. factc. Claimd. Opinion
6.___ Which theory holds the notion that propositions are true when they correspond to reality or
the world? A. coherence theoryb. Pragmatic theory c. correspondence theoryd. Logic 7.___ What
is the first thing to consider when evaluating an opinion is to know the origin of the material? A.
reliabilityb.sourcec. purposed. Assumption. 8.___ Which best describes the Socratic Method?
A.inductive reasoningb. Logicc. Deductive reasoningd. Critical thinking 9.___ What is the study
of correct thinking which focuses on the analysis of arguments? A. critical thinkingb.
Existentialismc. Logicd. Phenomenology 10.___ What method of philosophy espouses the idea
that reality is made up of events perceived and understood by the human consciousness. A.
existentialismb. Postmodernismc. Phenomenologyd. Logic 11.___What philosophical movement
focuses on the relativity of truth or truth having multiple views. A. phenomenologyb.
Existentialismc. Logicd.postmodernism 12-14 Choices a.Argumentum ad Hominem(against the
person)-12 b.Argumentum ad misericordiam (appeal to emotion/pity)-14 c.Argumentum ad
Baculum(appeal to force)-13 d.Argumentum ad populum(Bandwagon fallacy) 12.___A student
goes to the guidance office to report that she has been sexually harassed. She argues that this is a
violation of her basic right to respect and dignity. Unfortunately, people respond to this
argument: “If you were wearing something revealing too much skin, then the person who
violated should not be blamed. You have no right to argue against the violation of dignity if you
were carrying like a slut.” What fallacy is this? 13.___A student raises a critical question against
his history teacher who must have taught them an erroneous reading of an historical event. The
teacher gets upset with the question, and insists that there is nothing wrong with what he taught,
and subtly insinuates that if students would question him further then the whole class will be
getting a harder final exam. What fallacy is this? 14.___Candidate A who has been reported to be
involved in massive corruption of public funds, would pay high rates of advertisement in the
media portraying him as a poor and suffering man. II.Classification Group the following
statements according to TRUTH or OPINION. Write only items in their respective categories.
1.Europe is the best holiday destination. 2.Ferdinand Magellan reached the Philippine Islands in
1521 3.December 25th is regarded as the birth of Christ. 4.Everyone loves ice cream. 5.Android is
better than iPhone. 6.Christians are the people who are believers of Christianity.
TruthOpinion 1.Ferdinand Magellan reached the Philippine Islands in1521 1. Europe is the best
holiday destination. 2.December 25th is regarded as the birth of Christ.2. Android is better than
iPhone 3. Christians are the people who are believers ofChristianity 3. Everyone loves ice cream
__________________________ Parent’s Name & Signature Teachers Name & Contact No.:
Charlene A. Pueblas-09955314811Date Submitted:______________ Received
by:___________________ Printed Name & Signature Teacher “Character is doing the right thing
when nobody’s looking.” – J.C. Watts You can do it!!! God bless!!!Mrs. Charlene A.
Please use theanswer sheetby shading the letter of your choice. (DO NOT write your answers
here) 1. These are the arguments based on faulty reasoning.A. FallacyC. LogicB. BiasD. Analytic
tradition2. A group of statements that serve to support a subjective conclusion. A. LogicC.
Agreement B. OpinionD. Evidences 3. This method is more concern about logical structures,
forms, and meanings of the words and statement and their logical relations. A. LogicC. Analytic
Tradition B. PhenomenologyD. Existentialism 4. It is a method of philosophy which spouses the
idea that reality is made up of events perceived and understood by human consciousness. A.
ExistentialismC. Logic B. Analytic traditionD. Phenomenology
5. This approach to finding the truth is heavily based on one’s attitude and outlook in life A.
ExistentialismB. Analytic tradition C. LogicD. Phenomenology 6. What is the other term used
for “scientific method”? A. LogicalC. Empirical B. dialecticD. Historical 7. Which among the
philosophers below laid out the earliest structured scientific approach? A. PlatoC. Socrates B.
AristotleD. Kant 8. How is scientific method supported to arrive at the truth? A. by readingC. By
experimenting B. by arguing factsD. By evidences 9. Which of the following scenarios
demonstrate the scientific method? A. Eating vegetables to see its effect on one’s health. B.
Looking out of the window to see the color of the sky. C. Recording your grades in every
subject. D. Answering the math questions of a frien
10. A student raises a critical question against his history teacher who must have taught them an
erroneous reading of an historical event. The teacher gets upset with the question and insists that
there is nothing wrong with what he taught, and subtly insinuates that if the student would
question him further then the whole class will be getting a harder final exam. To which category
of fallacy does the statement belong? A. Appeal to the popular. B. Appeal to tradition C. Appeal
to pity D. Appeal to force 11.It refers to a perspective that considers large- scale patterns in
systems______. A.DoubtC.Holistic Thinking B.AcademyD.Partial Thinking 12.It focuses on
specific aspects of a situation, as an individual focuses on certain areas or aspects of a problem in
order to understand it. A. DoubtC.Holistic Thinking B.AcademyD.Partial Thinking 13.It is the
process by which specific statements are analysed to reach a conclusion or generalization.
A.AcademyC.Holistic B.Deductive reasoningD.Partial 14.It requires a person to be willing to
examine one’s thoughts, feelings, and action and to learn more about one’s life and experiences.
A.ReflectionC.Knowledge B.ObservationD.Doubts 15. The Greek term for philosophy,
philosophia, means ___. A. Holistic ThinkingC.Love of wisdom B.Partial ThinkingD.Knowledge

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