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Task 1

The given time-varying graph compares the figures for the urban residents in four countries in
Asian from 2017 to 2020, and has a prediction for the next decade starting from 2030.
In general, the data on the total population in all Asian countries have experienced an increase
over the years and Malaysia’s figure has been always ranked first for the vast majority of the
period despite not being the highest level initially.
As can be seen from the given graph, in the initial year, the percentages of urban residents in
both Philiphines and Malaysia had striking differences from these of Thailand and Indonesia. In
1970, 30% citizens in Philiphines and Malaysia were living in cities. Meanwhile, the numbers for
Thailand and Indonesia were higher than 10 % and lower than 20 %. In the following fifty years,
most contries witnessed a slight increase except for Philiphines whose total citizens residing in
cities were dwindling starting in 1990 amd this trend was maintained within 20 years in this
countries. In 2020, nearly 80 % people in Malaysia lived in urban areas. The opposite pattern
was happened in Thailand where people living in cities was only about 30 %.
From 2030 to 2040, the figure for Malaysia will continuously rank first with nearly 80 %.
The percentage of the total population living in the cities of Thailand is still the lowest with only
40 %. This trend will continue until 2040. In 2010, Indonesia surpassed the Philiphines to
become the second-largest urban population and the proportion of urban population for this
country is predicted nearly 60% in 2040. The rate of people who lives in Thailand’s cities is third
from 50% in 2030 to nearly 53% in 2040.

The most important aim of science should be to improve people’s lives. To what extent
do you agree or disagree with this statement?

While many opinions affirm that the enhancement of people’s lives should be the most
necessary objective of scientific endeavours, I absolutely believe that the aim of scientific
development has to orient more universal missions. The universal missions mentioned here are
creating the green development and changing the awareness of people in realisation progress
ideology. This essay will clarify the reason for these mentioned tasks being no less important
than improving people’s lives.
In the sense of practice of science, notwithstanding the undeniable role of science in lifting the
standards of people’s lives, creating the green development has a larger meaning. The green
development should be understood as the progess in science also ensures the environmental
protection. Dealing with environmental issues in addition to betterment of people’s lives of
scientific achievements brings authenic values for all of us in both present and future. For
instance, exploration and exploiting of nuclear sources bring people the nearly infinitively
electrical energy, but they also immensely negative influence in the planet due to the massive
waste of radiation. Thus, the renewable energy has been invested and studied in many decade
to deal with both two goals. If science’s aim only concentrates on enhancing people’s lives
without focusing on environmental protection, these enhancements have marginal significance
since the environment is seriously polluted.
In addition to creating the green development, science’s aim should be orient to change
the awareness of people about the progress ideology. This goal should not be overshadowed
lifting the standards of people’s lives. The scientific achiements in philosophy, historical,
political, or religion fields can not create machines or labour tools but they have been support
the socialty to approach the novel ideology and new values. As a result, the socialty is
developed and people’s live is enhanced. Take the freedom and democracy values in
philosophy field for illustration. If the human rights and a democracy state were never accepted
in feudailism perspectives, they are now popular in most countries around the world and
become criterias to evaluate the living standards of a certain country thank to achievements in
philosophy field. If the science’s aim only focuses on improving the people’s lives and
overshadow the enhancement in the awareness of people, the fogy perspective is still exists
and these improvements in people’s lives is extremely hard to be sustainable.
In conclusion, although the betterment of people’s lives is an important aim of science, creating
green development and prompting the feedforward ideology in the society should not be
overshadowed. When all objectives are balanced and propelled, the society is fast developed
and sustainable. It directly results in enhancement in living stardards of people for both present
and future.

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