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Implementing a Grade Viewer Website Integrated with G Suite in St.

John Paul II

College at Davao

Joshiel Magdagasang1, Juden Amatoza2, Queen Magbanua3,

Jian Codriga4, Darryl Imperial5

St. John Paul II College of Davao

Background of the study

The traditional process of managing student records, computing grades, and

submitting them manually has been a persistent challenge for academic institutions.

The St. John Paul II College of Davao, for instance, faces similar issues with manual

grade management, record-keeping, and informing students about their grades. This

manual process is time-consuming, prone to errors, and leads to slow retrieval and

release of records. Consequently, students often have to visit the school to inquire

about their grades, resulting in a tedious and laborious process.

The purpose of this research is to explore the utilization of technology to

automate the grading process, specifically through the development of a Grade Viewer

website integrated with a G Suite account. This system aims to provide efficient

management of grading and facilitate seamless access to grades for teachers, students,

and school administrators. Research shows that many academic institutions have

already adopted online platforms for various administrative tasks, such as admission,

registrar, and tuition payment. However, the grading process still involves a significant
amount of manual labor. The proposed Grade Viewer website integrated with G Suite

aims to address this issue by automating the computation, submission, and

management of grades.

According to Gulbahar's (2008) findings, educational institutions around the globe

are evaluating and adjusting their utilization of information technology to improve

efficiency, accessibility, dependability, and accuracy in academic work. Suwardi and

Permatasiri (2007) elaborate on this by highlighting that while numerous educational

establishments have introduced information systems to elevate the efficiency and

competitiveness of academic endeavors, only a handful are equipped to accommodate

and address the expanding institutional demands that necessitate changes in

organizational structure, policy, regulation, and technology.

Rashad et al. (2008) noted that the advent of the World Wide Web and the

Internet has revolutionized education. This platform has the potential to cater to the

individual needs of students, foster enhanced engagement in the learning experience,

and offer access to a vast pool of information beyond conventional methods. Rashad et

al. (2008) further observed that in recent years, multiple assessment techniques and

structures have surfaced. With the progress of information technology, many of these

techniques have evolved from their traditional paper-and-pencil models to digital and

web-based formats.

Based on research conducted by Interino (2004), student records are deemed

the most crucial data and source of information for educational institutions. Enrollment-

related systems, which are part of the school's information system, are recognized as

valuable resources that can enhance the image of a school as a top educational
institution. Consequently, it is the responsibility of faculty members and other academic

personnel to ensure accurate grade recording, maintenance, and accessibility.

Research Questions:

To provide solutions to the research problem raised, the following research

questions will be addressed:

1. How can we develop a system that effectively displays student records?

2. What are the problems encountered by the students and teachers in the

current Grading Systems?

3. What design of an Online Grades Monitoring System may be proposed? 4.

How secure is the storage of files?


The Grade Viewer website integrated with G Suite will be developed using the

PHP programming language, which is compatible with HTML and seamlessly integrates

with databases. The front end of the web application will be created using HTML, CSS,

JavaScript, JQuery, and Bootstrap code to ensure an intuitive user interface. The

database component will be developed using MYSQL, a widely used database software

suitable for local/client storage in web applications. To gather data, surveys will be

conducted among students, educators, and administrators to identify their needs and
requirements. Data gathered from these surveys will be processed and analyzed to

develop an efficient and user-friendly Grade Viewer website.


Gulbahar, Y. (2008). Improving technology integration skills of prospective teachers

through practice: A case study. The Turkish Online Journal of Education Technology,

7(4), 71-81. Interino, M. L. S. (2004).

Effectiveness of the computerized university entrance examination (Unpublished

master's thesis). Adamson University, Manila, Philippines.

Rashad, M. Z., Kandil, M. S., Hassan, A. E., & Zaher, M. A. (2008). An Arabic web–

based exam management system. International Journal of Electrical and Computer

Sciences, 10(1), 48-45.

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