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Thesis Title: __________

i. Chapter Overview
ii. Research Background
iii. Problem Statement
iv. Research Questions
v. Research Objectives
vi. Scope of the Study
vii. Significance of the Study
viii. Conceptual & Operational Definitions

Literature Review
i. Chapter Overview
ii. IV
iii. DV
iv. Mediating/Moderating Variable
v. Review of Past Studies - Justification for doing this research
vi. Theoretical Foundation of Study
vii. Hypothesis Development
viii. Conceptual Framework

i. Chapter Overview
ii. Research Design & Philosophy
iii. Research Approach
iv. Nature of Analysis
v. Unit of Analysis
vi. Time Horizon
vii. Population of the Study & Targeted Population
viii. Sampling & Sampling Frame
ix. Sample Size & Response rate
x. Methods of Data Collection
xi. Instruments of the Study
xii. Pre-testing
xiii. Pilot testing

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