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Case Study: Library Management System with UML

Scenario: Imagine developing a library management system that allows users (librarians and patrons) to
interact with the library's collection.

Conceptual View:

UML Class Diagram:

 Classes:

o Member: Represents a library member (patron) with attributes like name, ID, contact
information, and borrowing history.

o Librarian: A subclass of Member with additional attributes like employee ID and

functionalities specific to librarians (e.g., adding new books).

o Book: Represents a book in the library with attributes like title, author, ISBN, publication
date, and availability status (available, borrowed, overdue).

o Loan: Represents a loan of a book to a member, with attributes like due date, date
borrowed, and references to the Member and Book involved.

 Relationships:

o Member and Librarian - Inheritance relationship (Librarian inherits attributes and

behaviors from Member)

o Member - Association relationship with Loan (a member can have multiple loans)

o Book - Association relationship with Loan (a book can be involved in multiple loans)

Technical View:

UML Sequence Diagram (focusing on borrowing a book):

 Objects:

o Member object representing the patron borrowing the book.

o Librarian object assisting with the borrowing process.

o Book object representing the specific book being borrowed.

o Library System object representing the core system functionality.

 Messages:

1. Member -> Library System: Requests to borrow a specific book (identified by title or

2. Library System -> Book: Checks book availability in the system database.
3. (If available) Library System -> Librarian: Requests confirmation for loan from librarian
(optional step for certain book categories).

4. Librarian -> Library System: Confirms or denies the loan request.

5. (If approved) Library System -> Book: Updates book status to borrowed and assigns it to
the Member.

6. (If approved) Library System -> Member: Provides confirmation and loan details (due
date etc.)

Benefits of using UML in this case study:

 Conceptual View: Provides a clear understanding of the system's entities (classes) and their
relationships. This helps in defining functionalities and data structures.

 Technical View: Illustrates the interaction flow between objects during specific actions
(borrowing a book in this case). This aids in developing the system logic and user interface.


Case Study: Automated Parking Management System with UML

This case study explores how UML can be used to design an Automated Parking Management System

Conceptual View:

 Actors:

o Drivers: Interact with the system to enter, pay for, and exit the parking facility.

o System Administrator: Manages parking rates, tracks system health, and generates

 Use Cases:
o Driver Enters Parking Lot: Identifies license plate, checks for available space, opens gate.

o Driver Pays for Parking: Chooses payment method, confirms payment details.

o Driver Exits Parking Lot: Scans license plate or ticket, verifies payment, opens gate.

o System Administrator Manages Rates: Sets parking fees for different durations and
vehicle types.

o System Administrator Monitors System Health: Tracks sensor data (parking space
availability, gate functionality) and generates alerts for malfunctions.

Technical View:

 Classes:

o Vehicle: Stores data like license plate number, vehicle type.

o ParkingSpace: Tracks availability, location within the lot.

o Payment: Represents different payment methods (cash, credit card).

o EntryExitStation: Handles license plate scanning, payment processing, and gate control.

o SystemMonitor: Monitors sensor data and triggers alerts.

 Relationships:

o Vehicle interacts with ParkingSpace (occupies a space).

o EntryExitStation interacts with Vehicle (scans license plate) and Payment (processes

o System Administrator manages ParkingSpace and Payment options.

o SystemMonitor interacts with EntryExitStation (receives sensor data) and triggers alerts.

Benefits of using UML:

 Clear Communication: UML diagrams provide a visual language for developers, stakeholders,
and system administrators to understand the system's functionality and interactions between

 Early Design Decisions: Identifying use cases and classes helps define the system's scope and
functionalities early in the development phase.

 Improved Maintainability: Well-documented UML diagrams can make future modifications and
maintenance of the system easier.

Example UML Diagrams:

1. Use Case Diagram:

This diagram would illustrate the actors (Drivers, System Administrator) and their interactions with the
system through use cases (entering/exiting, paying, managing rates, monitoring).

2. Class Diagram:

This diagram would show the main classes (Vehicle, ParkingSpace, Payment, etc.), their attributes, and
relationships (associations) between them.

Conceptual vs. Technical View:

 The conceptual view focuses on the functionalities and interactions from the user's perspective
(drivers, administrator) without delving into technical details.

 The technical view dives deeper into the system's internal structure, representing classes, their
attributes, and how they interact with each other to realize the functionalities defined in the
conceptual view.

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