Undertaking For Trade Transactions

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(on customer’s letter head)

Undertaking for Trade Transactions

With reference to
- my/our ongoing trade business relationship with your bank.
- my/our request to avail your bank services for processing my/our trade business,
I/we truthfully submit hereunder the name(s) of the bank(s) where I/we currently/formerly am/are also
routing/had routed my/our trade business and the type(s) of trade transactions dealt in.

I/we solemnly declare that I/we have not been denied any banking facility including but not limited to
trade related service by any other bank before approaching your bank.

Bank Branch Title of Account # with Type(s) of trade transactions

Name Name Account branch code
□ Foreign □ Imports / Purchases □ LC
□ Exports / Sales □ Collection
□ Local □ Open Account
□ Advance Payment
Dealing status □ Export refinance
□ Ongoing □ Export Discounting
□ Past □ Import Finance
□ Foreign □ Imports / Purchases □ LC
□ Exports / Sales □ Collection
□ Local □ Open Account
□ Advance Payment
Dealing status □ Export refinance
□ Ongoing □ Export Discounting
□ Past □ Import Finance
(* use separate sheet in case of additional bank)

I/We undertake to abide by all and any of the applicable terms of the bank policies, rules and regulations
in maintenance of my/our account and in all aspects of my/our dealings with your bank and to provide
you for any reason you may deem necessary any information and document(s) at your first request.

I/We hereby confirm that the above information provided by me/us and the information in the submitted
document(s) is true, accurate, complete and updated in all respects and I/we am/are fully responsible to
bear all the consequences (including imposition of penalties imposed on the Bank by the SBP and/or
other regulators) in case any information is proven to be inaccurate, incomplete and/or false in which case
you shall be fully authorized and entitled to take the necessary action as per the prevailing laws including
but not limited to stopping the requested transaction and terminating the banking relationship with me/us.

I/We authorize you to collect all information you may require from above named bank(s) with regard to
conduct of my account and details of facilities extended to me/us.

_________________________ _________________________
Signed by authorized signatory (Co. Seal) Signed by authorized signatory

Name : Name :

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