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Study of Chemotaxis in Paramecium

Object: To study / demonstrate the phenomenon of Chemotaxis in Paramecium.

Requirements: Paramecium Culture, Dropper, Acetic Acid, Glass Slide, Microscope,

Hypodermic Syringe with Needle.

Procedure: To study the phenomenon of chemical response in Paramecium, proceed as


1. Take a drop of Paramecium culture on a clean glass slide with the help of a dropper.

2. Examine the drop with the help of microscope to confirm the presence of Paramecia in the

3. Put a cover slip over the drop of culture; again observe under microscope and draw a
diagram on white paper sheet show you relative distribution of Paramecium in the culture

4. Now introduce acetic acid (Acetic Acid 1 Drop + Water 50 Drops) under the cover slip
with the help of hypodermis syringe and needle examine under microscope.

5. Note that Paramecia are moving towards the acid the drop under the cover slip and
aggregating there.

Result: Paramecium shows positive response to weak acids

Note: Contrary to above experiment, if you observe the response of Paramecium for same
strong acid, you will find that it shows NEAGATIVE RESPONSE.

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