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Evaluación Continua


1. Missing alternative ways of mobility, currently there are a lot of cars, looks
like the traffic never will end. The use of bicycle is every day most likable,
but we need to improve the quality of roads, to give an space for the bike
2. I live near of the National Park Cerro de la Estrella, located in Iztapalapa, it
is not very well-known. Even it has the category of a Protected Natural Area,
this classification give to the park a special management and embrace the
importance of its value speaking of ecosystem services. For me it is
important that the Iztapalapa people get to know their green area,
consequently people would be more interested in doing ecotourism


Costa Rica have a biodiversity hotspot, that means that a very high number of
species are endemic of its lands, and of the total richness of species Costa Rica
have a considerable percentage. It is well known for being the country that of the
total area has a lot of National Parks, given it the fame for being a pioneer of

Recently, the Republic of Costa Rica, for the first time in about 60 years, have
declared a new category of an Protected Wild Area, it is called Urban Natural Park
(PANU acronym in Spanish), which objective is to conserve ecosystems
endangered in the cities..

Led by the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) with UNDP support, the
initiative seeks to preserve remaining ecosystems in the city; capture carbon;
stimulate recreation and ecotourism; promote biological connectivity with the city's
green fabric and rivers; and prevent natural disasters.


The first pan-European plan to promote cycling is launched, which will bring a triple
benefit to our societies: boosting the local economy with more green jobs,
increasing people's health and actively protecting our climate.
The Master Plan is designed to help stakeholders at both national and local levels
streamline efforts to promote cycling and has seven key objectives to be
implemented between now and 2030.

Reduce transport-related greenhouse gas emissions. Doubling the current level of

cycling would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by eight million tons of carbon
dioxide equivalent (CO2e), with indirect economic benefits of 1.1 billion euros per
year in the region. Integrate transport, urban and land-use planning policies.
Cyclists' needs can be met by providing adequate infrastructure and enabling
connectivity, accessibility and multimodality by integrating transport, health and
environmental objectives into urban and land-use planning policies.

Increased cycling can accelerate progress towards several Sustainable

Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda.

For example, cycling supports healthy, non-polluting lifestyles, envisioned in Goal 3

on health and well-being; creates jobs and fosters tourism, as reflected in Goal 8
dedicated to decent work and economic growth; and contributes to decarbonizing
mobility, a target captured in Goal 13 addressing Climate Action.


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