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1 Monitoring The Environment Formative SAT 1

• Questions 1 to 5 (49 marks)
• Answer all questions
• Write your answers in this question booklet
• You may write on page 8 if you need more space
• Allow approximately 50 minutes

Examination information
• Question booklet 1
• Periodic table and data sheet

• Use black or blue pen
• You may use a sharp dark pencil for diagrams and other representations
• Approved calculators may be used

Total time: 50 minutes

Total marks: 49

page 1 of 8
1. Ozone is a pollutant that has many detrimental effects in the lower atmosphere.

a) State whether ozone is a primary or secondary pollutant and give one reason for your answer.




_________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

b) Describe the formation of ozone in the lower atmosphere, and explain why it is a pollutant there.

Include relevant equations in your answer.








_________________________________________________________________________(6 marks)

c) Describe how catalytic converters can prevent the formation of ozone in the lower atmosphere.






_________________________________________________________________________(3 marks)

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2. Steel is analysed by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) according to the following chart:

a) Name the piece of volumetric apparatus used to:

i) Take the 10 mL sample.

__________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

b) Identify the solution used to rinse the piece of volumetric apparatus used to take the 10 mL

__________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

To find the concentration of manganese ions in a steel sample, the absorbance of different containing
known concentrations of manganese ions was also measured. The results are shown in the graph

c) Using subshell notation, write the electron configuration of the Mn4+ ion.

__________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

d) The absorbance reading for the unknown sample is 0.22.

From the graph, determine the concentration of manganese in ppm.

__________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

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e) Manganese and other alloying metals can be analysed from the one sample by AAS. Explain
why the presence of other metal ions does not interfere with the analysis of manganese.





_________________________________________________________________________(2 marks)

3. Samples taken from a reaction mixture before and after reflux were analysed, using a polar
solvent to produce chromatograms.

a) The chromatogram shown in Figure 1 was produced using the reaction mixture before reflux.
State which spot (H or I) consists of the more polar compound and explain your choice.

More polar compound: ______________________________________________________________




_________________________________________________________________________(3 marks)

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The structure of the reactants are shown below:

b) Which of these is the more polar compound.

__________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

c) The sample taken after reflux was analysed using the same process. The sample contained the

acid, the alcohol and an ester. Draw the positions of the spots on Figure 2 on the previous page.

(3 marks)

4. Agriculture contributes to approximately 13% of all greenhouse gas emissions.

a) State a greenhouse gas and how this gas is produced during agricultural processes.

Greenhouse gas:___________________________________________________________________




_________________________________________________________________________(2 marks)

b) Explain how and increase in the concentration of this gas can contribute to an increased average global





_________________________________________________________________________(3 marks)

c) State one environmental consequence that may arise from disrupting the thermal balance of the atmosphere.

__________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

d) Sodium hydroxide is used as a cleaning product in agricultural processes. Calculate the pH of a

sodium hydroxide solution if the concentration is 0.20 mol L-1.

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(3 marks)

5. The alcohol content of wine can be calculated using the following procedure (Steps 1-4).

Step 1: The ethanol was distilled from a 100 mL sample of wine. The ethanol distillate was then
diluted to 100 mL.

a) Suggest why the distillate was diluted to 100 mL.

__________________________________________________________________________(1 mark)

Step 2: A 10.0 mL sample of the ethanol solution was added to a 20 mL aliquot of potassium
dichromate solution.

b) Calculate the number of moles of potassium dichromate (Mr = 294.19 g mol-1) originally in the 20.0
mL aliquot of 1.25 mol L-1 potassium dichromate solution.

(2 marks)

Step 3: The mixture was then heated at 60°C for 30 minutes for oxidation to occur, as shown in the
following equation.

Step 4: The unreacted potassium dichromate was then titrated with an iron(II) solution, as shown in
the following equation.

c) Balance the equation shown in Step 4. (1 mark)

d) The amount of potassium dichromate left after the reaction with the ethanol was 6.91 × 10-3 mol.

i) Calculate the volume of 2.00 mol L-1 iron(II) solution required to react completely with the
remaining potassium dichromate.

(3 marks)

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ii) Calculate the number of moles of potassium dichromate that reacted with the ethanol in
the 10.0 mL sample.

(1 mark)

iii) Show that there were 0.0271 mol of ethanol in the 10.0 mL sample.

(2 marks)

iv) Calculate the concentration of ethanol in the in the 10.0 mL sample in mol L-1.

(1 mark)

v) Calculate the mass of ethanol in the 100.0 mL sample of wine.

(2 marks)

vi) Explain whether the volume of iron(II) solution needed in Step 4 would have been
increased, decreased, or unchanged if the mixture had not been heated in Step 3.





_________________________________________________________________________(3 marks)

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You may write on this page if you need more space to finish your answers to any of the questions in
this question booklet. Make sure to label each answer carefully (e.g. 2(a)(iii)(2) continued).






























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