Common Handout - Field Trip

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Traversing the South Indian Temples

Field Trip 01 (24,25 February 2024)

Hand out

Objectives of the field trip

1. To appreciate the architecture of the building visited through various analytical lenses.
2. To appreciate the relationship between whole and part in architecture
3. To improve observation skills
4. To improve representation, drawing and sketching skills

Activities at Site

Day 01 is spent by engaging in three different activities: Observing, Seeing and Measuring

1. As you enter the premise keep your sketchbooks and camera/mobile phones away and
take about an hour to go around and within the building you are visiting. Try to absorb
everything that you find interesting.

2. Click at least 10 photographs with Building to sky ratio in the image at 20:80 and 80:20.
3. Sit at your favorite spots and do the following:
a. Express the first Impressions about the temple premise through 100- 200 words
Write-up/ Poem/ Sketch
b. Sketch an Exterior view which caught your interest
c. Sketch an Exterior space with Activity of your interest
d. Sketch an Interior space which intrigued you
e. Sketch ‘an Element’ of interest

Explore these through a) line sketches using pen (black) and b) sketches using charcoal/pastels
in A5 cartridge sheet. Minimum 5 sketches per student. All the students should explore both the

4. Assemble together in a spot and display your sketches.

Carefully look at the plans and sections. Can you relate the plan, especially all the
elements in the plan to what you are seeing around? Can you identify the choreography
of horizontal, vertical and inclined planes? How are spaces organized? What are the
operations of form? How is the form articulated? What are degrees of enclosure? What
is the impact of light and shadow on the exterior and interior of the building? How do you
explain the form of the building using “Ordering Principles”? Look back at the sketches
made to make sense of these questions.

5. Identify any one element from the building you are visiting: Motif, Pillar, Plinth, Chajja,
Cornice…. Etc and measure draw using any of your own body parts: Index finger, arm,
feet, leg etc. Make a scaled diagram in an A5 cartridge sheet.
6. Most importantly spend a lot of time enjoying the temple and its surroundings.
Appreciate the craftsmanship.

Day 02 is spent by engaging in drawing up analytical diagrams. Students will be divided into two
groups to explore the Architecture of the Temple in different perspectives.

I. Theory of Architecture

Use reference image given to generate similar set of diagrams discussing the following
1. Axis
2. Datum
3. Symmetry and Balance
4. Hierarchy
5. Repetition and uniqueness
6. Elements of design
7. Structure
8. Natural Light and articulation of form
9. Solid Void relations
10. Massing
11. Plan to section
12. Circulation, use and function
13. Unit to whole
14. Additive, Subtractive, transformation
15. Parti diagram
16. Geometry

Make diagrams in 2 A3 Cartridge sheets

Most importantly appreciate the Architecture of the temple.
II. History of Architecture

Decoding the style of the temple:

The architectural history of Indian temples starts from the cave temples of the 3rd century BC.
Later it was cherished during the Buddist and Jain periods. Tigawa temple of the Gupta period is
considered the first structural Hindu temple. Different layers of transformation occurred to the
built fabric which can be seen as an amalgamation of belief systems, symbolism, and
socio-cultural aspects. This field visit to various South temples is an attempt to understand how
the styles vary from place to place and from dynasty to dynasty. It also positions the selected
temples in the entire chronology of temple architecture of the country. So the temples of India
can be seen as a result of the prevailing socio-cultural system of different eras, intertwined with
the symbolism and belief system. It became materialized through the spatial organization, both
vertically and horizontally, and achieved elegance through various elements.

The output of the study will be a comparative relational matrix that includes the following
aspects of all three temples together.

Aspects Details Methodology

1.Socio-cultur ● Power of politics- history of ● Literature review

al factors dynasties ● Interviewing resource
● Context and Cultural background
● Caste system and Implications

2.Symbolism ● Devalaya, the house of God - the ● Reading and on-site

structure symbolizes the body in observations

both horizontal and vertical


3.Spatial ● Spatial planning ● Proportionate

organization ● Quality of space Analytical sketches
4.Elements ● Image and Iconography ● Visual documentation
● Architectural Details ● Sketching

5.The Way of ● Building Materials ● Observation Notes

Building ● Construction Systems ● Analytical Sketches
● Photographs

Make Analytical diagrams in A2 Buttersheets.

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