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Concept of numbers

BASIC MATHS — Use Y587 to get 78% Discount

Find total number of digits from 11 – 1111 ?

11 – 1111 से अंक ं की कुल संख्या ज्ञात कीजिए?
Concept of numbers
BASIC MATHS — Use Y587 to get 78% Discount

Find total number of digits from 131 to 2023 ?

131 से 2023 तक अंक ं की कुल संख्या ज्ञात कीजिए?
Concept of numbers
BASIC MATHS — Use Y587 to get 78% Discount
Sum of 5 consecutive natural number is 215.
find difference of 3 times of 4th number with
2 times of second number?
5 क्रमागत प्राकृत संख्याओं का य ग 215 है । चौथी
संख्या के 3 गुने का दूसरी संख्या के 2 गुने से अंतर
ज्ञात कीजिए।

(1) 45 (2) 46
(3) 47 (4) 48
Concept of numbers
BASIC MATHS — Use Y587 to get 78% Discount
Sum of 8 consecutive natural number is
188. find product of 5 number with ?
8 क्रमागत प्राकृत संख्याओं का य ग 188 है। 𝟔 के साथ

5वी ं संख्या का गुणनफल ज्ञात कीजिए?

(1) 4 (2) 5
(3) 6 (4) 8
Concept of numbers
BASIC MATHS — Use Y587 to get 78% Discount
The sum of the four consecutive even
numbers is 284. What would be the
smallest number?
चार क्रमागत सम संख्याओं का य ग 284 है । सबसे
छ टी संख्या कौन सी ह गी?
(1) 72 (2) 74
(3) 68 (4) 66
(5) None of these
Concept of numbers
BASIC MATHS — Use Y587 to get 78% Discount

nks vadksa okyh la[;k dk mlds 𝟏

ls 5 vf/kd gSA nksuksa vadksa
ds chp varj fdruk gS\
𝟏 𝟏
of a two digit number is 5 more than its
What is the difference between the two
(1) 60 (2) 45
(3) 75 (4) cannot determine
(5) None of these
Concept of numbers
BASIC MATHS — Use Y587 to get 78% Discount

fdlh la[;k dk nks&frgkbZ mlh

la[;k ds 𝟑 ls ?kVk;k tk,] rks ifj.kke

la[;k ls 2 vf/kd gksxkA og la[;k

D;k gS\
If two-third of a number is subtracted from 𝟑
of the same number, then the result will be 2
more than the number. what is that number?
(1) 42 (2) 21
(3) 9 (4) 3
Concept of numbers
BASIC MATHS — Use Y587 to get 78% Discount

If m and n are distinct natural numbers,

then which of the following is/are
𝒎 𝒏
I. +
𝒏 𝒎
𝒎 𝒏
II. mn + (m2 + n2)-1
𝒏 𝒎
III. 𝟐 𝟐
𝒎 +𝒏
Select the correct answer using the code
given below.

(1) I and II (2) Only II

(3) II and III (4) Only III
Concept of numbers
BASIC MATHS — Use Y587 to get 78% Discount
The number of prime numbers, which are
less than 100, is
100 से कम अभाज्य संख्याओं की संख्या है

(1) 24 (2) 25
(3) 26 (4) 27
Concept of numbers
BASIC MATHS — Use Y587 to get 78% Discount
The pair of numbers which are relatively
prime to each other, is
संख्याओं का वह युग्म ि एक दूसरे से अपेक्षाकृत
प्रधान हैं , है

(1) (68, 85) (2) (65, 91)

(3) (91, 85) (4) (102, 153)
Concept of numbers
BASIC MATHS — Use Y587 to get 78% Discount

2/3 is a rational number, whereas 𝟐/ 𝟑

2/3 एक पररमेय संख्या है , िबजक 𝟐/ 𝟑 है

(1) Also a rational number

(2) An irrational number
(3) Not a number
(4) A natural periodic number

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