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Creating an employee onboarding deck is a great way to ensure new hires receive

consistent, comprehensive information about your company. Here's a sample

template for an employee onboarding deck:

### Slide 1: Welcome Message

- Title: "Welcome to [Company Name]!"
- A warm welcome message.
- A high-quality image that represents the company culture.

### Slide 2: Our Mission and Vision

- Briefly outline the company's mission and vision statements.
- Include images or graphics that represent these concepts.

### Slide 3: Company History

- Key milestones in the company's history.
- Photos or timelines depicting the company's growth and evolution.

### Slide 4: Company Culture and Values

- Description of the company culture.
- Key values and how they are reflected in the workplace.
- Include employee testimonials or quotes.

### Slide 5: Organizational Structure

- An organizational chart.
- Brief descriptions of different departments/teams.
### Slide 6: Meet the Leadership Team
- Photos and brief bios of key leadership team members.
- Their roles within the company.

### Slide 7: Your Role and Expectations

- Detailed description of the new hire's role.
- Key responsibilities and expectations.

### Slide 8: Policies and Procedures

- Overview of important company policies.
- Links to where detailed policy documents can be accessed.

### Slide 9: Benefits and Perks

- Description of employee benefits.
- Additional perks and facilities offered by the company.

### Slide 10: Training and Development Opportunities

- Information about training programs.
- Opportunities for professional development.

### Slide 11: Health and Safety Information

- Health and safety policies.
- Emergency procedures and contacts.
### Slide 12: IT and Tech Support
- Information on IT policies.
- Contact details for tech support.

### Slide 13: Your First Week

- Outline of the first week's schedule.
- Introduction to any initial training or orientation sessions.

### Slide 14: How to Get Help

- Points of contact for different types of queries.
- Encouragement to ask questions and seek support.

### Slide 15: Closing and Next Steps

- Next steps in the onboarding process.
- Encouragement and motivational quote.

### Slide 16: Q&A

- Space for any questions the new hire might have.

Remember, each slide should be visually appealing and not too text-heavy. Use
your company's branding (colors, fonts, logo) for consistency. The goal is to make
new employees feel informed, welcomed, and excited about their new journey
with your company.

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