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School Grade Level V

Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Dates WEEK 8, Day 2 Quarter Third Quarter


A. Content
Organize information from a secondary source in preparation of writing
and similar academic task in collaboration with others.
Write an outline for a story, an essay or article. The learner demonstrates
understanding of different formats to write for a variety of audiences and
purpose. Demonstrates understanding of the research process to write a
variety of texts.
B. Performance
The learners use a variety of research strategies to effectively write a
variety of texts for various audiences and purposes. Draft text using
appropriate text type for a variety of audiences and purpose.
C. Learning
Organize information from secondary source in preparation of writing
reporting and similar academic task in collaboration with others. (EN5SS-
Objectives (Write
the code for each
A. Subject Matter
Organizing information from Secondary Source in Preparation for Writing,
Reporting and Similar Academic task in collaboration with others.
Writing an outline for a Story, An essay or an article.
A. References k-12 Curriculum Guide Grade 5
k-12 Teacher’s and Learner’s guide Grade 5
Online Sources
DLL English 5 by Olivarez, et al.
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Material Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from
LR Portal
B. Other Learning
Pictures, strips of cartolina, Teacher charts, Copy of short articles,
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity/ies Learner’s Expected Response/s
A. Reviewing
Who can volunteer to make a 1. Making Request
previous lesson or
sentence asking permission and
presenting the new
making a reques. Could you buy me some
Stick of barbecue?

2. Asking permission:
Can I go out Maam?

B. Establishing a
Word meaning Search!
purpose for the
Find the Meaning of each word in
the dictionary. Write the meaning
in the blank.

1. Reconciliation – 1.Reconciliation – The restoration of

2. Tension – freedom.
3. Disengage - 2. Tension – State of wellbeing
4. Disintegrate - stretched tight.
5. Disentangle - 3. Disintegrate – Separate
4. Disintegrate – break up into small
5. Disentangle – Remove.


I have her picture of a robot

1. A robot is a machine.
Ask: What can you say about the
2. It Can help work make easier.
What do you think it can do
in the future?
3. Robot can be used in factory
What does robot can do
works, hospital works ( surgical
operation) or can be a toy for people.
C. Presenting
examples/ Class, Read the story Pupils will read the story with
instances of the accuracy, appropriate rate and
new lesson Let There Be Peace, Not War proper expression.

Ben opened his eyes and

flexed his finger. He slowly lifted
his right arm and gently took off his
visor. Then, he pulled the wire and
tubes that were attached to both
sides of his head, just an inch
above his earlobes. He spent
some time adjusting to his
“Feeling more at home now?
| A familiar voice made him turn to
his right. He found Rene already
seated upright on the inclined bed
that is similar to where he was still
lying down.
“Yes, we’re finally back in the
real world. “
“Aren’t you glad you don’t
have to be engaged in a
Rene wrinkled his nose in
“This still war, my friend. We
may not be physical there, but our
minds and hearts are a part of the
hostilities because we manipulate
these robots to engages in
combat, “Ben Said.
“It’s a relief we’re not killing
humans but machines,” Rene
“Our enemies are also
engaged in human-assisted robot
soldiers. You know very well that
our brains are at stake here. What
if the robot you are connected to
was destroyed before you could
disengage yourself? Surely you
would suffer a lot more than just a
“That’s one of the skills
soldiers like you and me should
The ability to sense to
coming of a laser destroyer so we
evade it, “Rene Echoed with burst
of laughter.
The two were long-time
buddies. Ben and Rene entered
the military service in the same
year. They went through a series
of hardcore training to qualify them
as company commander for
special missions. Both work as
leaders in the human-assisted
robotic warrior system. Their
brains are connected to the robots
and they control their movements
during a battled.
“So, if you’re sane enough,
then it’s time we leave this cell. I
feel suffocated. Come on, let’s get
some fresh air,” Rene said.
“Is Kent all right?” Ben asked
his friend when they were along
the hallway of the building.
Rene Nodded.
“The doctor says he had an
overload of war experiences in his
brain that keep him break out on
most nights.” Rene said.
“Sorry to hear that, Ben
sighed and looked up into the sky.
Kent was a soldier. Certain flaws
in the system had triggered brain
trouble. “There’s no difference at
all. We found ways to preserve
ourselves from sure death but war
still finds its way to destroy us. “
“I never disagreed with you. I
was thinking, I should rather die a
hero that lived as “Rene said.
Ben was given two weeks of
vacation to spend with is family.
However, on the day before he
was to leave for vacation, he
received an urgent call from his
office. He had to report for work.
He apologized to his family and
told them that he’d make up next
time. After an hour, he reached the
military post.
“We are on are on a red
alert,” Rene met him as he was
coming out of his car.
They proceeded to their
superior’s office for the briefing,
the chief updated them of the
tension in Port Montreal where one
of their bases was under attack.
Ben and Rene went back to the
war chamber where they quietly
stationed themselves and
prepared for their mission.
After sometime, Ben saw
himself in the battleground once
more. It was so real that he
couldn’t stop his heart from
beating fast. He was giving signal
to his team to advance towards the
enemy line. One of his team
members raised his arm that held
the power laser gun aimed t robot
soldiers before them. There were
three of them and the last one that
disintegrated made him flinch. He
thought he heard a distant cry of
“Ceasefire!” he barked,
unsure if is voice was heard
amidst the firing.
They stopped. His men were
waiting for his next order. The fire
from the enemies was never
returned, too.
Ben sent brain signal to his
robot counterpart and it walked
slowly to the center where he was
totally exposed to his enemies. An
enemy robot met him halfway. For
a long time, their robotic eyes
locked together. Finally, Ben broke
the trance.
“let’s go home and rest. Your
family and I wouldn’t be happy to
learn what we are doing.” He said
his enemy. The robot did not reply.
Instead, it games him a salute
before it turned to go.
“What happened? Chief
masters wouldn’t be pleased to
know that we didn’t follow orders,”
Rene told him late.
“They can discipline me for
that, but I guess it’s time we
realize that war isn’t everything.
Even technology cannot solve our
problems, it is us who could affect
peace among nations at war, “Ben
Ben was detained in the
interrogation room for longer hours
than his usual debrief. Rene was
right, the chief was under pressure
But late in the afternoon, they
received a message from the
minister of defense. The enemies
did a remarkable thing. They
offered reconciliation. Ben was
“So what’s going to happen
now? Rene asked.
“Well, we got to find a new
job now,” Ben answered, they
smiled and went home to their
D. Discussing new
Comprehension checkup: 1. Because he spend a vacation to
concepts and
1. Why was ben is unhappy with his family.
practicing new
his job? 2. Kent had an overload of war
skills #1
2. What happened to kent? experience in his brain that keep
3. How did the tow promote him freak out on most nights.
peace instead of war? 3. They do ceasefire and offered
4. How do ben and the other reconciliation.
soldiers engage in battle? 4. They work as leaders in the
5. Why did Ben ask Rene to find human- assisted robotic warrior
another job? system.
6. Why is it important to promote 5. Ben realized that even
peace? technology cannot solve war
7. As a student, how will you problems, only they could affect
promote peace? peace among nations at war.
8. Discuss outlining. Show 6. To lessen victims of war.
examples. 7. Understand cultural diversity.
8. Outlining is summarizing a
selection to help students. One
can make it by using key word or
phrases from the selection –
Activity 1 below is an example of
an outline. To lessen victims of
war. Understand cultural
Outlining is summarizing a
selection to help students. One
can make it by using key word or
phrases from the selection –
Activity 1 below is an example of
an outline.
E. Discussing new
Activity 1: Get details from the
concepts and
story that would support the
practicing new
topics given below.
skills #2
I. Post battle activities:
A. Activities in the office 1. Ben was released.
B. Activities at home 2. They went on a vacation

II. Procedure for a mission call.

A. In the office. II. A.
1. 1. They Received an urgent call
2. from his office.
2. Report for work.
B. Engaging in the battle. B.
1. 1. Proceed to their superior’s
2. office for the briefing.
2. They went back to the war
chamber where they stationed and
prepared of their mission.

Activity 2. (Group activity) The pupils present their outputs to

F. Developing
 Divide the class into two. the class.
Get your materials
(cartolina, manila paper,
pentel pen, crayons.)
 Help each other and make
your output peacefully.
 Choose your
representative to present
your output to the class.

Read the paragraph then make

G. Making
an outline.
generalization and
abstractions about the
Group 1:
Plants are vital in our
The pupils will make their own
lives. Man and other form of
outline out of the paragraph given by
animals can’t live without plants.
The food we eat, the medicine
that we take, the book and pencil
we use in school come from
plants. They also give oxygen that
we need in order to breathe.
People eat a large number
of plants every day. Most animals
like us, depend on plants for their
foods too. Fortunately, the earth
doesn’t run out of plants because
plants are able to reproduce.
Group 2:
Nilo, my friend went to the
province with his parents last
week. They visited his
grandmother. He went around the
farm with his grandmother. She
shows him the duck and chicken
poultry. He observed and played
with them.

He continues to go around and

came to a vegetable garden. He
admired the big squash, patola
and ampalaya. He picked some
and agrandmother cooked these
for lunch. Nile enjoyed his stay on
the farm.
H. Finding practical
applications of concepts Let he pupils do the penalization, Ask 1. By making an outline
and skills in daily living them questions: 2. Organizing ideas uses certain
1. What are the ways to outlining pattern where ideas are
organize information? classified under the major ideas.
2. What is outlining? 3. One can make it by using key word of
3. What are the points to phrases from the selection.
remember in outlining?

I. Evaluating learning
Look for a story, an essay, or an
article in your English books.

Read and understand the content.

Write an outline following the
outlining pattern presented in Activity

J. Additional activities for

application or Write a short story and make an
remediation outline.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use / discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?

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