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Project Outline

Benchmark 1:
The red planet, named after the god of war. It's
been a hot topic for potential human
colonization, but let's not pack our bags just yet.
Project Outline
End Product : Space Station Model.
NASA has decided to colonise other planets in our solar
system and has put you in charge of designing the colony.
Each group will be asked to design a colony that fits the needs
and wants of its colonizers.
Why Are We Doing This? Design and Create a model of a
space station/ colony station that
For decades, humans have had a rising curiosity regarding will hold a small population.
space exploration and what is yet to be discovered. This
curiosity has also encouraged conversations about the
potential for humans to live in various unexplored areas. Here
we ask you to try and design a space colony of your choice
while factoring in important priorities and concerns that may

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