Textile Handbook

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Textile Handbook



Textile Handbook


Copyright 1974, 1970, 1966, 1963, 1960 by
The American Home Economics Association

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

American Home Economics Association. Textiles and Clothing Section
Textile handbook
Bibliography; p.
Includes index
1. Textile industry and fabrics. I. Title.
TS1445.A46 1974 677'.002'02 74-31289
ISBN 0-8461-1611-1

Contents Donated
by the
Lea Family
in Memory of
FUomena Lea
1 Introduction
2 Chemical and Physical Properties of tVaMI'P IMPS'
2 Specific Gravity
2 Strength
2 Wet Strength
3 Moisture Regain
3 Extensibility, Elasticity, and Abrasion Resistance
7 Textile Fibers
7 Natural Fibers (Cellulosic)
9 Natural Fibers (Protein)
12 Man-Made Fibers
33 Paper in Textile Uses
33 Fiber Identification
34 Yarns
34 Yarns Classified by Degree and Amount of Twist
34 Yarns Classified by Form of Raw Material
36 Yarns Classified by Number of Parts
36 Yarns Classified by Similarity of Parts
36 Yarns Classified by Size
37 Yarns Classified by Method of Producing Texture
39 Yarns Classified by Fiber Content
41 Thread
43 Fabric Construction
43 Weaving
45 Knitting
46 Interlocking of Fibers
47 Netting and Lacemaking
47 Braiding
47 Stitch Bonding
47 Bonded and Laminated Fabrics
47 Stretch Fabrics
48 Shrinkage of Fabrics
50 Finishes
50 To Improve Appearance and Texture
50 To Roughen and Dull
51 To Make Smooth and Lustrous
bslfenoG 51 To Chan^ : Weight, Flexibility, and Hand
51 To Increase Serviceability

*o xmmtioWI -
57 Impdrtanee for the Consumer
«»i er»mo.>' 58 Dyes and Dyeing
60 Dyeing Processes
61 Factors that Relate to Colorfastness
61 Colorfastness Properties
63 Fabric Design
63 Structural Design
64 Applied Decoration
66 Importance for the Consumer
67 Fabric Definitions
81 Maintenance of Fabrics
81 Professional Cleaning
85 Home Laundering
91 Spot and Stain Removal
97 Textile Labeling
97 Types of Labels
97 Control of Labeling
98 Textile Standards
98 American National Standards
98 Federal Government
99 American Home Economics Association
99 International Organization for Standardization
100 Test Method Standards
101 Textile Legislation and Trade Rules and Regulations
101 Legislation
104 Rules and Regulations
106 Appendix
111 Bibliography
115 Index

Preface to Fifth Edition
Modern technology continues to change The Appendix and Bibliography have been
the characteristics and classifications of revised to provide viable sources of current
fibers and fabrics. During the short time information. Throughout, of course, the
that this revision was in process, two new basic facts that do not change remain the
generic classifications of fibers became same.
known through their approval by the Fed¬ Members of the revision committee who
eral Trade Commission (FTC). Man-made worked diligently to make this revision pos¬
fibers now comprise about 50 percent of the sible are: Janet Bubl, Ruth Galbraith,
fiber market. Within another 10 years, the Pauline Jarma, Marjory Joseph, Sr. Ann
synthetic fibers may hold as much as 80 Gabriel Kilsdonk, Mary Lapitsky, Rose
percent of the market. Obviously, to pro¬ Padgett, Delilah Roch, Wayne St. John,
duce a completely up-to-date revision of a Teresa Wages, Jessie Warden, and Mary
textile handbook at any one time is about Jean Wylie. To all, sincere appreciation.
However, this edition includes new infor¬
mation on fibers and yarns and their pro¬ Norma Walker
ducers, on fabric finishes and dyes, on re¬ Chairman, 1973-74 Revision Committee
cent textile legislation and FTC regulations. AHEA Textiles and Clothing Section

Preface to Fourth Edition

In the decade since the American Home contained in this latest edition of the hand¬
Economics Association first copyrighted the book.
Textile Handbook, the textile industry has
The tried-and-true information of the
consistently grown and changed. Within the
earlier editions still remains. Much of it
last year the Federal Trade Commission
will be new to the students and young home¬
identified a new generic group of man-made
makers who are only now discovering a need
fibers recently developed. Numbers of im¬
for this knowledge.
proved fabric finishes appeared—all in¬
tended to make life simpler and safer for Among those who contributed their ex¬
the homemaker by protecting her family’s pertise toward the success of this booklet
clothing against shrinkage, wrinkles, soil, are Lois Dickey, Helen Gray, Alice Linn,
Anne Lyng, Iola Mathias, Sue Morton,
bacteria, flammability, and weather. Laws
Dorothy Sparling, A. Frank Tesi, William
that govern the labeling of furs and fabrics
Weaver, Rose White, and Maynette Wil¬
were amended in a further effort to aid both
liams. To them the chairman of the re¬
industry and.the confused shopper who finds
visions committee is particularly grateful.
herself confronted with bewildering abun¬
dance. The search for fast and easy means
to care for clothing produced an array of Mamie Hardy
new soaps and detergents. Facts about these Chairman, 1969-70 Revision Committee
separate yet essentially related subjects are AHEA Textiles and Clothing Section

Introduction / 1


Textiles today offer the consumer unending play an important part in the satisfaction users
horizons of beauty, variety, and serviceability. receive from colored fabrics.
New developments constantly challenge the^o
consumer to know his own needs and his owA$*i'ini8*1
resources, to encourage the best efforts of in- Many different Physical and chemical finishes
dustry, and to make wise, thoughtful choices. are appIied to fabrics to Sive them added and
Along with the beauty of textiles for clothing desirable properties. They may also influence the
and environment, suitability and serviceability use and care ^ab”cs’
must also concern the consumer. These are th^^Vjgcorstivc Designs
attributes with which this handbook is largely-^ Decorative designs may be applied to a fabric
concerned. _ surface or as a part of the basic weave in con¬
Many individual {propertied combine to influ¬ struction. They add interest and variety. Many
ence the manner in which a fabric or garment or designs give very satisfactory performance in
household item performs in wear and in cleaning. wear and in cleaning; some designs may limit
The major ones are: the wear life of a fabric.

Fiber Content ( 7^Garment Construction

A fabric composed 100 percent of any one' The manner in which fabrics are combined in
given fiber may be expected to have different garment design and construction is a very im¬
qualities than a fabric of one or more fibers portant consideration for consumer satisfaction.
blended together or in combination. For ex¬ In addition to a well-selected fabric, a garment
ample: The qualities of a 100 percent silk fabric must have proper cutting and good sewing if it is
would be different from a fabric of 20 percent to be satisfactory in use.
silk and 80 percent wool.
Garment Findings and Trim
Yarn Construction Findings and trim are as important as the fab¬
Fabrics may be made from any of the follow¬ ric itself in garment design. If the stitching
ing^ rns : filament or staplej) woolen or worsted; thread shrinks or interlining bleeds, if the bias or
carded or combed; relatively simple; complex stay tape and the ribbon or embroidery trim do
novelty types; or textured yarns. Each type of not perform satisfactorily in cleaning, much or
yarn construction contributes certain qualities to all of the value of the garment is lost.
a fabric. Fabric properties can be determined by labora¬
tory tests, and often test results are used to
<D Fabric Construction
Fabric construction may be simple or complex.
prepare the labels, hang tags, and advertising
and promotional material on textile merchandise.
There are a variety of standard weaves, knits,
These are important sources of current informa¬
and other methods of fabrication that have be¬
tion for the consumer.
come familiar over the years. But every year, the
Today the consumer’s acquaintance with the
ingenious fabric designer may produce new and
world of textiles from fiber to finished product is
attractive fabric constructions.
a necessity as well as a pleasure. The information
Dyeing or Printing in this handbook has been chosen for its value
Dyeing or printing of a fabric provides a wide in furthering a profitable acquaintance with to¬
selection of colors and designs. Dye chemistry day’s textiles and for its usefulness in helping the
and the proper application of dyes to fabrics consumer expand his knowledge in the future.
2 / Handbook

Chemical and
Physical Properties
of Textile Fibers

i All textile fibers have certain physical and strength (breaking load) which is the resistance
chemical properties that make them suitable for to rupture by tension, i.e., pounds.
use in yarns and fabrics. These fiber properties Important as the tenacity of fibers is to the
carry over, in varying degrees, to yarn and fab¬ completed yarn or fabric, the carry-over contri¬
ric. Infinite research, experimentation, and skill bution of fiber strength to the completed yarn
have been, and still are being, devoted to study¬ or fabric will also depend on such factors as fiber
ing, manipulating, and supplementing the prop¬ length, fineness, and yarn twist, in addition to
erties of fibers to achieve desired results in yarn, fabric construction. Yarn size and fabric con¬
fabric, and clothing. These efforts may extend struction being equal, the stronger fiber will pro¬
even to the creation of certain properties or to duce the stronger fabric. However, low tensile
the elimination of undesirable characteristics. strength of a fiber can be compensated for in
A chart on page 4 shows comparative values construction of yarn andfabric and in finishing
for some of the chemical and physical properties processes. Wool is an example of a compara¬
of fibers; other properties, such as affinity for tively weak fiber that can be made into strong
dyes, resistance to light, and heat sensitivity, are and durable fabrics if enough fibers are used to
discussed elsewhere. make a comparatively heavy fabric. Higher fiber
strength does allow the construction of a greater
Specific Gravity variety of fabric weights and designs.
The relative densities of textile fibers may be Of the natural fibers, silk, linen, and ramie are
compared by means of specific gravity values, outstanding in regard to strength. There is a
i.e., the ratio of the mass of material to the mass wide range between the high and low values re¬
of an equal volume of water. Articles made from ported for these fibers because there is less uni¬
fibers low in specific gravity are lighter in mass formity than in manufactured fibers.
per unit of volume than are those containing a Many of the man-made fibers such as rayon,
denser fiber. nylon, and polyester, are produced in high-
Specific gravity is important in the processing tenacity forms, as well as in regular-tenacity
of fibers and in the designing of fabrics. Low forms. These high-tenacity forms are produced
specific gravity is one of the attributes that make for special purposes (tires, for example). The
it possible to have high bulk and light weight in high-tenacity yarns are characterized by con¬
the textured yarns. siderably higher strength than that of regular-
tenacity yarns.
Tensile strength is the ability of a material to Wet Strength
withstand tension. It is expressed in terms of the Wet strength for fibers is expressed in the
amount oMorcej-equired to breakj^fiber, yarn, same units discussed above under Strength.
or fabric of a given cross-sectional area (pounds Cotton, linen, and ramie are outstanding fibers
per squarejpch^L, In the case of fibers or yarns, in that they gain in strength when wet. This
the strength is usually measured as [tenacity and
A is expressed in terms of force per unit of linear
property makes them relatively easy to launder.
Silk and wool decrease in strength when wet.
density, i.e., grams per denier. In the case of fab¬ Among the man-made fibers, the cellulosics and
rics, strength may be expressed as breaking cellulose acetates—rayon, acetate, and triacetate
Chemical and Physical Properties of Textile Fibers / 3

all show a considerable decrease in strength Extensibility, Elasticity, and

when wet. This factTshould be considered iiiTthe
care and handling and particularly in the clean¬
Abrasion Resistance
Extensibility is the property of a material
ing of these fabrics. The man-made fibers—
which permits^k^J^£_fixtendedor elongated
nylon, the acrylics, and the polyesters—generally
adien force is applied. Elasticity is the property
maintain substantially the same strength,
by virtue of which a materia] recovers its original
whether wet or dry. This property is due to the
size and shape immediately after removal of the
fibers’ low moisture regain and hygroscopicity
Jtress^causing~^eformation Fibers are complex
(that is, the ability of the fibers to absorb and
retain moisture). in their extension and elastic properties. A chart
on page 4 indicates the range of these values for
Moisture Regain various fibers.
A fiber’s ability (to extendy1 and
Most textile fibers absorb some moisture from
■'retuni to its original'srzeand shape'
the surrmmamg^iunospnere. The amount ab-
Toad is removed, are of extreme importance in
_is referred toas the fiber’s moisture re-
considering such end-use requirements as
gain. This property is extremely important in
abrasion-resistance, wear-resistance, wrinkle-re¬
manufacturing, dyeing, and finishing processes.
sistance, shape-retention, and resilience.
Moisture regain of a fiber is defined by the Nylon is an outstanding fiber because it ex¬
American Society for Testing and Materials as hibits high strength as well as high extension.
“the amount of moisture in a material deter¬ Because it maintains these properties in repeated
mined under prescribed conditions and expressed stressing, nylon has very high abrasion-resist¬
as a percentage of the weight of the moisture- ance. Wool’s ability to extend under low loads
free specimen.” 1 and to return to its original dimension upon load
While there appears to be a relationship be¬ removal are some of the reasons for its excellent
tween the moisture regain of the fiber and the wear-resistance. Glass is a good example of a
maximum amount of water which a fabric can fiber which is outstanding in its high strength but
hold, yarn and fabric construction play much because it is so inextensible there are severe
more important parts in this property than does limitations to its use. Fibers with very low
fiber content. For example, a bulky acrylic elongations (such as glass) usually have very
sweater may be much slower to dry than a poor resistance to abrasion in the flexed or bent
medium-weight cotton fabric. In general, how¬ state.
ever, fibers with low moisture regains will show Elasticity helps fabrics to conform to specific
small or no differences in properties such as contours of the body and to maintain their origi¬
strength and elasticity when they become wet. nal shape in use and wear. The elastic recovery
Moisture absorption is related to ease of dye- of a fiber is dependent upon how much it is
ability and to freedom from the buildup of static stretched, how long it is held in the stretched
electricity. It also plays a part in the comfort of state, and the length of time it has to recover.
clothing made from the various fibers. The high Most fibers have very high recovery values when
ability of wool to absorb moisture from the body stretched only one or two percent but have less
or the atmosphere accounts for much of its com¬ complete recovery when stretched four or five
fort. Manufacturing processes such as bulking of percent. The fit of nylon and silk hose results
yarns, or finishing processes such as anti-static from inherent elastic recovery of the fibers.
finishes, are applied to fibers of low moisture Fibers with low elasticity (cotton and linen, for
regain to help them achieve some of the prop¬ example) wrinkle easily in their normal state.
erties of fibers that have natural moisture regain. For many end-uses, therefore, fabrics of these
fibers are treated chemically to improve their
crease- and wrinkle-resistance. Cottorf may also
1 Standard Definitions of Terms Relating to Tex¬
tile Materials, D123-73, American Society for be made into crepe yarns7or*woven into fabrics
Testing and Materials, 1978 Book of ASTM Stand¬ such as seersucker or terry cloth, in which the
ards, Part 24, p. 31. weave IIsguiseswrmkTing.
4 / Handbook

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Chemical and Physical Properties of Textile Fibers / 5

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NOTE: See footnotes at end of chart, page 6.

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6 / Handbook

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Textile Fibers / 7


Today, consumers find themselves increasingly into fabrics that are durable but less fine and
in need of information on which to base their lustrous. Fiber lengths are designated as:
selections of textile products. Familiarity with
Extra long staple 1.1% to 2 inches
the general characteristics of broad groups of
(3.49 to 5.08 cm)
fibers from which fabrics and other textile prod¬
Long staple .D/g to 1% inches
ucts are made can aid consumers, teachers, stu¬
(2.86 to 3.49 cm)
dents, and researchers in knowing what to ex¬
Medium staple .1 to 1 Vs inches
pect of these fibers, alone or in combination with
(2.54 to 2.86 cm)
Short staple.% to 1 inch
Fabrics, carpeting, or other textile products,
(2.22 to 2.54 cm)
when made of one particular fiber, generally
retain the properties of the fiber with possibly There are two general categories for American
some modification due to the structure of the cotton: American-Upland and American-Egyp-
yarn, structure of the fabric, or the finish. When tian. Upland varieties include Coker, Deltapine,
two or more fibers are combined, some individual Acala, and Stoneville. The best known American-
properties may be lost or modified. Egyptian variety is Pima.
This chapter lists the major properties of
fibers as advantages or limitations. The fibers Advantages of cotton: (1) Fabrics made from
are classified as natural fibers and man-made cotton offer a wide selection of weights, textures,
fibers. The natural fibers are grouped in two colors, and patterns. For example, among the
broad classes: cellulosic fibers (cotton, flax, sheer cottons are chiffon, organdy, lawn, batiste,
hemp, jute, ramie) and protein fibers (silk, wool, voile. Medium weight includes poplin, denim,
speciality hair). The man-made fibers are sailcloth, flannel, terry cloth. The heavyweight
grouped in the 19 generic classifications defined cottons include tweed, knit fabrics, brocade,
by the Federal Trade Commission in the Rules corduroy, velveteen.
and Regulations for the Textile Fibers Products (2) Textured effects may be achieved either
Identification Act (1958) as amended to 1969. by yarn, fabric structure, or by special finishing
(See Textile Legislation and Trade Rules treatments. Cotton may be mercerized and pol¬
and Regulations, pages 101 to 105.) ished to improve luster and crispness.
(3) Cotton fabrics may be dyed and printed
easily and evenly.
(4) Cotton also has a special affinity for vat
Natural Fibers (Cellulosic)
and reactive dyes and is available in a wide
Cotton fibers grow in the boll or seed pod of
cotton plants which are cultivated in warm 1 Staple, as a textile term, refers to fiber length.
climates. Different species of cotton plants pro¬ Fibers, natural or man-made, that are so short they
are customarily measured in inches or centimeters
duce fibers of different lengths.
rather than yards or meters are called staple. Fila¬
Long fibers are used in better quality fabrics
ment is the term for fibers that can be measured
because they can be spun into fine, smooth, in yards or meters as, for example, silk and the
lustrous, and comparatively strong yarns. Short man-made fibers. Some man-made fibers are
fibers produce coarser yarns which can be made manufactured in staple and filament lengths.
8 / Handbook

Advantages of cotton (Continued) climates. Retting, a soaking process in chemically

treated water, dislodges the fibers by destroying
selection of brilliant and subdued colors and
the pectic gum holding the fibers. After the flax
has dried, scutching separates the fibers and the
(5) Cotton is comfortable to wear primarily
woody portions. Hackling is the combing of the
because of high absorbency and wickability (abil¬
long fibers, called line, and the carding of the
ity to transmit perspiration moisture away from
short fibers called tow. Both retting and scutch¬
body). Freedom from static electricity lends
ing are unique processes for the bast fibers. Line
fibers may average 18 to 20 inches (45.72 to
(6) Durability and wear life are excellent with
50.8 cm) in length. Fine grades of linen fabric
no pilling or melting, and little, if any, seam
are made from these long fibers. Tow fibers are
used in novelty, homespun, and textured yarns.
(7) Fabrics can be laundered or drycleaned.
Cotton is one of the few fibers that increases in Advantages of flax: (1) Fiber is extremely
strength when wet. White and colorfast fabrics strong.
may be washed in hot water (120°-212°F) and (2) Fabric gains in strength when wet, and
dried at high temperatures (160°-200°F). They this added strength contributes to easy laun¬
are resistant to strong alkalies and respond dering.
readily to chlorine or other types of bleaches (3) Linen fabrics can be cool and comfortable
but may be weakened by excessive use of chlorine to wear because of high moisture absorption and
bleaches. wickability.
(8) Cotton fabrics can be stabilized mechani¬ (4) Linens are smooth and therefore do not
cally and chemically. lint.
(9) Fabrics are receptive to many chemical (5) Fabrics made from flax are moth-resistant
and additive-type finishes. Cotton is the com¬ and resistant to alkaline substances and reagents.
ponent, when blended with man-made fibers, (6) Linens can be laundered or drycleaned,
that reacts chemically with durable press finishes depending on dye, finish, design application, and
to give wash-and-wear properties and resistance garment construction.
to wrinkling. Other chemical treatments include (7) White linen may be bleached with chlo¬
resistance to perspiration odors, mildew, rot, rine-type bleaches unless finish is chlorine-reten¬
weather, fire, and water. Chemical finishing in¬ tive. Overbleaching weakens fiber.
volves the chemical reaction of the finish with (8) Unless resin-treated, linens withstand high
cotton cellulose, whereas in additive finishing the ironing temperatures.
finish impregnates or coats the fibers. Chemical
finishes are durable. Additive finishes may be Limitations of flax: (1) Untreated linen fab¬
durable or nondurable depending upon the end- rics lack resiliency and elasticity. Chemical fin¬
use of the fabric and the finish employed. ishes can be applied to impart crease or wrinkle-
resistance, but at the expense of lowering tear
Limitations of cotton: (1) Untreated cotton strength and abrasion-resistance.
fabrics lack elasticity and resilience. They crease (2) Fibers are stiff with poor resistance to
and wrinkle easily. Treatment with a chemical flex abrasion; consequently garments often show
finish can provide wrinkle-resistance at the ex¬ wear at edges and seams where fabric is bent.
pense of some degree of tear strength and (3) Pressed crease retention is poor.
abrasion resistance. (4) Untreated linen fabrics are flammable.
(2) Untreated cottons are degraded by micro¬
organisms (mildew and rot), sunlight, and strong Hemp
acids. Hemp is grown in the United States, Russia,
(3) Untreated cotton fabrics are flammable. Yugoslavia, and Poland. In its color and luster it
is similar to flax. Because it is quite resistant to
Flax salt water, it is used primarily for cordage. It is
Flax fibers surround the woody core of the also used for fishing lines, nets, sailcloths, and
flax plant, a tall thin stalk, grown in cool, damp other items that must withstand weather.
Textile Fibers / 9

Advantages of hemp: (1) Fiber is strong. Advantages of ramie (Continued)

(2) It is resistant to salt water. (5) White ramie may be bleached with chlo¬
rine-type bleaches (but should not be over¬
Limitations of hemp: (1) Fiber is harsh and
bleached) .
(6) Ramie withstands high ironing tempera¬
(2) Hemp is comparatively expensive.
(3) It is damaged by bleaching.
Limitations of ramie: (1) The supply and
availability are limited.
Jute is a bast fiber from the stalk of a plant (2) Fibers are damaged easily by strong acid
which is grown primarily in India. The fiber is
substances and reagents.
separated in a process similar to that used on
(3) Ramie is low in elasticity and resilience;
flax. The fibers are cut into the lengths desired
hence wrinkles very easily.
by the manufacturer.
(4) Fibers are stiff and brittle, have poor flex
Jute is a coarse fiber used in the construction
abrasion-resistance, and tend to crack along folds.
of carpet backing, burlap bagging, and other (5) Ramie fabrics are more expensive than
burlap fabric. cotton and linen.

Advantages of jute: (1) It can be processed

with finishing agents to increase its durability
Natural Fibers (Protein)
and resistance to rot, microbial decomposition, Silk
water, and fire. Silk is the fiber excreted by the silkworm (the
(2) Jute can be treated with caustic soda to larval stage of the moth Bombyx mori) when it
give it wool-like characteristics. builds its cocoon. Cultivated silkworms are fed
on mulberry leaves and then stifled by heat so
Limitations of jute: (1) Jute fibers are the that they will not emerge and break their co¬
weakest of the important textile fibers. coons. The cocoons are soaked in warm water to
(2) Jute is naturally very harsh and difficult soften the gum that binds the cocoon together.
to bleach. Then the silk fiber is carefully unwound (reeled)
(3) It is susceptible to microbial decompo¬ in a continuous filament 400 to 1300 yards
sition. (365.76 to 1188.72 meters) in length.
(4) Unless especially treated, jute cannot be Several cocoons are unwound at one time, and
drycleaned or washed; hence use is limited. the filaments are twisted together to produce a
yarn. A subsequent treatment may be used to
remove the gum either partially or completely.
Ramie (also known as China grass) comes
from the stalk of a semitropical plant. Chemical Douppioni. Occasionally two cocoons acci¬
and mechanical methods separate the fibers from dentally grow together, and sometimes cocoons
the woody stalk. Ramie fibers range from about are deliberately placed so they will grow to¬
2 to 18 inches long (5.08-45.72 cm); the longer gether. The resulting fiber filaments are joined
fibers are processed in the same way as flax. at intervals, thus producing a thick-and-thin
Shorter fibers may be processed on cotton, wool, yarn. This property is used to advantage in
or other machinery for staple fibers. making certain textured silk fabrics. Silk shan¬
tung is a typical example.
Advantages of ramie: (1) This fiber can be
made into strong, lustrous fabrics of various Silk Noil are short fibers from broken or de¬
weights because of the fiber’s natural strength fective cocoons. They are spun by a method
and luster. similar to that used for cotton. These short silk
(2) Fabrics made of ramie dye fairly easily. fibers may be called silk noil or silk waste. They
(3) They are resistant to alkalies and mildew. may be blended with other natural fibers or with
(4) Fabrics can be laundered, wetcleaned, dry- man-made fibers to produce color contrast or to
cleaned, depending on dyes, finish, and design introduce an interesting texture. They are fre¬
application. quently used in thick-and-thin yarns.
10 / Handbook

Tussah or Wild Silk. Uncultivated silkworms Advantages of weighted silk (Continued)

may feed on oak leaves or cherry leaves instead than a pure-dye (unweighted silk) of comparable
of mulberry. The resulting fibers tend to be tan construction.
in color and cannot be bleached. These fibers are (2) Fabrics are less expensive in most cases
also more coarse and uneven than cultivated silk. when compared to pure-dye silk fabrics of com¬
They are called tussah or wild silk. The fabrics parable constructions.
produced are textured and uneven. The fibers (3) Weighted silk can be laundered, wet-
may be dyed dark colors but not light tints. cleaned, or drycleaned depending on dye, amount
and kind of weighting, design application, and
Advantages of silk: (1) Fabrics are luxurious
garment construction.
in appearance and feel.
(2) Silks can be dyed and printed readily for Limitations of weighted silk: (1) It is not
beautiful, brilliant shades. so serviceable as pure-dye silk. The greater the
(3) Silks are adaptable to a variety of con¬ degree of weighting, the less the degree of serv¬
structions, from very sheer drapeable fabrics to iceability.
heavy, stiff, bouffant fabrics. (2) Weighted silk may crack and split with
(4) Fibers are very strong in relation to their very little use or wear or drycleaning.
filament fineness. (3) Perspiration and sunlight quickly weaken
(5) Fabrics are moderately resilient and also weighted silks.
elastic; therefore, moderately wrinkle-resistant. (4) Spots and stains are more difficult to re¬
(6) Silks are very absorbent; hence comfort¬ move from weighted silks than from pure-dye
able to wear. silks. Reagents used for removal may react with
(7) Garments made of silk can be laundered, weighting material and cause fabric damage.
wetcleaned, or drycleaned depending on dye,
finish, design, and garment construction.
Wool is the fiber from the fleece of the sheep
(8) White silk fabrics may be bleached with
or lamb. Hair of certain goats or camels may be
hydrogen peroxide or sodium perborate bleaches.
classified as wTool under the Wool Products Label¬
Limitations of silk: (1) Sunlight and perspira¬ ing Act (1939). The better quality wool is clipped
tion weaken fabrics. annually from live sheep. A poorer quality
(2) Many dyes used on silk are affected by (pulled wool) is removed from the hide of
sunlight and perspiration; some dyes bleed dur¬ slaughtered sheep. The wool is sorted, graded,
ing laundering. and then washed or cleaned to remove dirt and
(3) Silks may be damaged by certain acid and natural oils.
alkaline substances and reagents. Yarns made of wool may be classified as woolen
(4) Silks generate static electricity that makes or worsted, depending upon the manufacturing
fabrics cling. process used. Short fibers, which may be two
(5) Some fabrics water-spot readily. inches (5.08 cm) or less in length, are made into
(6) Silks can be attacked by insects, especially soft, fuzzy woolen yarns. Long wool fibers,
carpet beetles. which may be two to eight inches (5.08 to 20.32
(7) Strong soaps and high ironing tempera¬ cm) long, are used for worsted yarns, which are
tures tend to weaken and yellow fabrics. smoother and firmer than woolen yarns.
(8) Silks may also yellow with age or exposure
Advantages of wool: (1) Wool is warm and
to sunlight or bleaching in a chlorine bleach.
comfortable. Its resiliency and natural absorb¬
Weighted Silk ency impart a dry warmth; wool never feels
This silk fabric has a metallic weighting, clammy.
usually tin salts loading or an adulterating mate¬ (2) Wool is also cool in lightweight fabrics. It
rial in the fabric. breathes and thereby lets heat out and air in
to keep the body dry and cool.
Advantages of weighted silk: (1) In some (3) Wool absorbs moisture readily without
cases, weighted silk may have more drapeability making the wearer feel cold.
Textile Fibers / 11

Advantages of wool (Continued) The Camel Family (Continued)

(4) Wood fibers are very resilient and elastic; Guanaco. Sometimes called fibers of the
hence fabrics naturally resist wrinkling. wild. Fabrics using this fiber are soft, luxurious,
(5) Wool dyes easily, permitting a wide range and expensive.
of colors with no “frosting” or change of color.
(6) Fibers are fairly resistant to acid sub¬ Llama. True brown fabrics predominate.
stances. A few are light beige.

(7) Woolens are supple and yield with body Vicuna. Coats made of vicuna sell in the
movements. Fabrics tailor well because of abil¬ same price range as fur coats. A very limited
ity to be molded to shape. Crease and stitch amount of vicuna is available, because the ani¬
marks easily steam out.
mal cannot be domesticated and the Peruvian
(8) Fibers are naturally water-repellent and government has made attempts to prevent the
extinction of the vicuna.
(9) Wool may be laundered, wetcleaned, or
drycleaned depending on the dyes, finish, gar¬ Fur-bearing Animals. Fabrics are being sold
ment design, and findings. currently that combine beaver, mink, seal, or
Angora (rabbit) in a variety of items.
Limitations of wool: (1) It is very sensitive
to alkaline substances. The Goat Family. Two well known fabrics are
(2) Fabrics are readily attacked by moths and made from fibers obtained from the goat family.
carpet beetles unless treated to resist them.
Angora goat. Better known as mohair.
(3) Wool requires some special handling in
This should not be confused with Angora rabbit
laundering and drycleaning to prevent felting
hair. Mohair is used in fabrics ranging from
and relaxation shrinkage. Special finishes reduce
heavy drapery and upholstery fabrics to very
felting and shrinkage hazards.
sheer dress fabrics.
(4) Chlorine bleaches may yellow or even
dissolve wool. Cashmere goat. A natural fiber obtained
(5) Wool must be pressed with steam to pre¬ from the fine underdown of the Kashmir goat
serve appearance of the fabric. found in the high plateaus of inner Asia. A small
(6) Woolen garments tend to stretch during amount of the fiber comes from Kashmir, India.
wear and excessive handling while wet. (Gar¬ China and Outer Mongolia produce the greatest
ments should be allowed to “rest” about 24 hours amount of the fiber. The natural color of cash-
between wearings to allow garments to return to mere is white, gray, or tan. It can be dyed from
shape.) very light pastel colors to dark colors, blue,
brown, and black.
Specialty Hair Fibers
The word “Kashmir” generally refers to a
Specialty hair fibers are obtained from several
lower grade of cashmere. Over the years, how¬
families or species of animals. They are used
ever, the words “Kashmir” and “cashmere” have
with wool or other fibers to produce special
been used interchangeably.
effects or to give additional beauty, color, soft¬
The annual clip of the Kashmir goat is very
ness, or luster. Some may be used alone.
small in relation to the demand. The inaccessi¬
The Camel Family. Several different fabrics bility of the areas where cashmere is produced
belong to this group. and the primitive methods of transportation con¬
tribute to its cost.
Alpaca. Gray and fawn-colored fabrics pre¬
There are some limitations to cashmere:
dominate, but fabrics are also available in white,
(1) The fabric is susceptible to abrasion in
black, or coffee color.
wear. In garments, effects of wear usually occur
Camel’s hair. Genuine camel’s hair fabrics first at neckline, cuffs, front opening, and edge of
are very expensive. They should not be confused pockets. The seat may show abrasion, too.
with the wool fabrics that are made to resemble (2) Small dark hairs often appear throughout
genuine camel’s hair. pastel-colored cashmere fabrics. These are the
12 / Handbook

Specialty Hair Fibers (Continued) Each group of fibers also has certain advan¬
guard hairs that were not removed from the fine tages and limitations. Fibers of the same generic
down fibers before they were spun into yarn. name but produced by different companies may
(3) Cashmere is subject to pilling (a term used have like properties but in varying degrees.
to describe the bunching together of surface There are, however, sufficient traits in common
fibers into a ball). This is usually more noticeable to make a knowledge of them helpful to the
in knit goods than in woven cashmere and occurs consumer in the interest of wise selection and
most frequently in the underarm area where the satisfactory use. Just' as in the past the consumer
sleeve rubs against the body. became familiar with the characteristics of the
natural fibers, he may now profitably gain by
Musk Ox. Qiviut, the underwool fiber of the understanding the characteristics, and advan¬
domesticated ox of Alaska, is used in hand- tages and limitations of man-made fibers.
knitted products which are soft and lacy in The consumer should keep in mind that a fiber
design. The products are expensive due to the property which may seem to be a limitation is
limited amounts of qiviut that the musk ox not necessarily a disadvantage if the fiber is
produces annually. used in a suitable end product.
The generic types of man-made fibers as de¬
Reindeer. The hair fibers are used to give fined by the Federal Trade Commission do not
textured effects. break down easily into logical groups; however
these rather arbitrary classifications may prove
Man-Made Fibers1 Cellulosic fibers: acetate, rayon, triacetate
The American Society for Testing and Mate¬ Non-cellulosic fibers: acrylic, anidex, aramid,
rials defines the term man-made fibers as “a class lastrile, modacrylic, novoloid, nylon, nytril, ole¬
name for various genera of fibers (including fin, polyester, rubber,** saran, spandex, vinal,
filaments) produced from fiber-forming sub¬ vinyon.
Fibers manufactured from non-fibrous natural
stances which may be (1) polymers synthesized
substances: azlon, glass, metallic fibers, rubber**
by man from simple chemical compounds, (2)
(rubber fibers indicated with ** are included
modified or transformed natural polymers, and
in two classifications since the fiber-forming
(3) glasses.” 2
The generic names of these man-made fibers substance may be made of natural or synthetic
are as follows: acetate, acrylic, anidex, aramid,
azlon,* glass, lastrile,* metallic, modacrylic, no- The Textile Fiber Products Identification Act,
voloid, nylon, nytril,* olefin, polyester, rayon, which became effective in March, 1960, requires
rubber, saran, spandex, triacetate, vinal,* and identification of fiber content and percentage of
vinyon. (The names marked with an * signify each fiber in textile merchandise. Consumers are
fibers not produced in the United States.) thus informed of the fiber or fibers contained in
Most man-made fibers are thermoplastic, textile articles. Labels must also give generic
which means that they are softened by heat—a names of fibers, but trademark names are
characteristic that must be taken into account optional.
Although no publication can keep completely
in the manipulation of the fiber in production
up to date about fibers and their adaptations and
processes, in clothing construction, and care.
uses, an understanding of the current situation
helps in the evaluation of future developments.
1 Generic names and italicized definitions in this
section are those established by the Federal Trade Acetate
Commission under Rule 7, Rules and Regulations
Acetate is a manufactured fiber in which the
under the Textile Fiber Products Identification
Act. fiber-forming substance is cellulose acetate.
2 Standard Definitions of Terms Relating to Tex¬ Where not less than 92 percent of the hydroxyl
tile Materials (D123-73), 1973 Book of ASTM groups are acetylated, the term triacetate may
Standards, Part 24 or Part 25. be used as a generic description of the fiber.
Textile Fibers / 13

Cellulose Acetate. Purified wood pulp is acteristics of acetate are different from those
usually the starting material for cellulose acetate. of other fibers.
This starting material, cellulose, is treated with
acetic acid and acetic anhydride. The resulting Limitations common to generic group of
acetate fibers: (1) Are heat sensitive.
solution is poured into water and coagulated into
(2) Some dyes are subject to atmospheric
flakes. The flakes are dried and dissolved in
acetone, forming a colorless syrupy solution. This
(3) Have poor abrasion resistance.
solution is extruded downward into a warm air
(4) Generate static electricity.
chamber, and as the acetone evaporates, the pull
(5) Have low conditioned strength.
of gravity causes the filaments to stretch slightly.
(6) Lose some strength when wet.
The filaments may be chopped into short staple
fibers for use in spun yarns. (7) Are soluble in acetone and acetic acid.
(8) Are weakened by lengthy exposure to light
Special cross-section fibers provide greater re¬
—dull fibers especially.
flective surface when woven into a fabric. These
(9) Require special class of dyes.
filaments are flat and can reflect light to a greater
(10) Absorb little moisture.
degree than can a round filament.
(11) Are moderately flammable.
Cellulose Triacetate. Cellulose triacetate is Advantages of special cross-section acetate
produced from purified cotton linters or wood fibers: (1) Provide shimmering effects.
pulp activated with acetic and sulfuric acids. (2) Combine well with regular acetate, silk,
The product is treated with acetic anhydride in wool, nylon.
the presence of acetic acid and precipitated into (3) Can be dry cleaned.
water. The triacetate flakes are dissolved in
methylene chloride and extruded with minimum Limitations of special cross-section acetate
stretching. Heat treatment is essential to make fibers: (1) Have lower strength and stretch
triacetate yarns more dimensionally stable. This than regular acetate.
heat treatment may be done after the yarn is (2) Fabrics are more fragile than regular ace¬
woven into fabric. tate of same construction.
(3) Present some dye problems.
One of the most noticeable differences between
cellulose triacetate and regular cellulose acetate Advantages of triacetate fibers: (1) Can be
fibers is the higher temperature at which triace¬ heat-set.
tate can be ironed. (2) Take dye readily.
(3) Have good wrinkle resistance.
Advantages common to generic group of
(4) Resist glazing during ironing.
acetate fibers: (1) Can be given durable sur¬
(5) Can be given durable crease- and pleat-
face effects by hot calendering.
(2) Have luxurious soft feel.
(6) Anti-static finish can be built into fiber.
(3) Have silky appearance.
(7) Can be ironed at moderate ironing tem¬
(4) Have excellent draping qualities.
(5) Can be solution-dyed and thereby increase
(8) May be bleached with peroxygen-type
color fastness to light, atmospheric gas-fading,
crocking, perspiration, and cleaning.
(9) Are machine washable.
(6) Resist mildew and moths.
(10) Dry with excellent stability.
(7) May be bleached with hydrogen peroxide
or sodium perborate bleaches at temperatures Limitations of triacetate fibers: (1) Are
not above 90°F. susceptible to gas-fading unless heat-treated.
(8) May be laundered, wetcleaned, or dry- (2) Have low conditioned and wet strength.
cleaned depending on dyes, finishes, decorative (3) Have poor abrasion resistance.
design, and garment design. (4) Are damaged by light.
(9) Provide many interesting cross-dye effects (5) Are soluble in acetone and acetic acid.
in fiber-blended fabrics because the dye char¬ (6) Are moderately flammable.
14 / Handbook


Trademark Name Description Manufacturer*

Arne! Triacetate staple and filament yarn Celanese

Celanese acetate Bright and dull filament yarn; staple; volum¬ Celanese
inous yarn; thick-and-thin filament;
textured filament; crystal

Celaperm Solution-dyed yarn Celanese

Arnel-plus-nylon Blended filament yarn du Pont

Acele Filament yarn, natural and color-sealed du Pont

Color-sealed acetate Solution-dyed fiber du Pont

Estron Filament yarn Eastman

Chromspun Solution-dyed fiber Eastman

Avisco acetate Acetate filament yarn and staple FMC

*See Appendix for full name and address.

Acrylic strength and dimensional stability. Heat setting,

in either yarn or fabric form, is necessary to
Acrylic—a manufactured fiber in which the
achieve good stability.
fiber-forming substance is any long chain syn¬ A bicomponent Orion fiber is also produced.
thetic -polymer composed of at least 85 percent
In bicomponent fibers, two acrylic polymers
by weight of acrylonitrile units (—chz—ch—).
which differ slightly in heat sensitivity and water
absorption are joined to form a single fiber. Thus,
Acrylic fibers are made from a special group of one side of the fiber will shrink more upon heat¬
vinyl compounds, primarily acrylonitrile. ing than will the other. This forms a final fiber
The acrylonitrile is copolymerized with from 5 with a three-dimensional spiral crimp. Garments
to 15 percent of a second monomer. This second made from Orion bicomponent acrylic should be
monomer may differ in chemical type from one either dried flat, or preferably tumble-dried at
fiber producer to another or even between two moderate heat to restore the fiber crimp and to
types of acrylic fibers produced by the same keep the garment from stretching.
manufacturer. The use of different types of Acrylic fibers are thermoplastic (that is, they
monomers to copolymerize with the acrylonitrile can be made plastic by the application of heat),
can produce fibers with different softening points they have low moisture regain, are low in
and attractions for different types of dyes. density, and can be made into bulky fabrics.
The polymer is dissolved in a solvent, usually They wash and dry easily and are dimensionally
dimethyl formamide, and extruded through spin¬ stable.
nerets. Orion (du Pont) is dryspun; that is, Some representative acrylic fibers and yarns
the fiber is extruded into a warm chamber where are Creslan (staple and tow, American Cyana-
the solvent evaporates. Other acrylics such as mid), Acrilan (staple and tow, Monsanto),
Acrilan, Creslan, and Zefran are wetspun— the Zefkrome and Zefran (staple and tow, Dow
spinning solution is extruded into & bath which Badische), and Orion (staple and tow, du Pont).
removes the solvent and solidifies the fibers. After Trademark names of Orion bicomponent
spinning, the fiber is drawn slightly to improve acrylic fibers are Wintuk and Sayelle.
Textile Fibers / 15

Advantages of acrylic fibers: (1) Have low (2) The resiliency of the fibers is not im¬
density. paired by repeated washings and drycleanings.
(2) Can be heat-set. (3) White, colored, and printed fabrics con¬
(3) Have good bulking properties. taining anidex fibers may be safely chlorine-
(4) Are resilient. bleached.
(5) Have good pleat-retention and wrinkle- (4) Anidex, when blended with other fibers
resistance. such as cotton or wool, imparts additional stretch
(6) Are comparatively dimensionally stable. and recovery without changing the appearance
(7) Wash easily. or characteristics of the original fiber.
(8) Are resistant to bleaches, dilute acids, (5) In fiber-blended fabrics, anidex provides
alkalies, to weathering and microbiological at¬ good shape retention.
Limitations of anidex fibers: Since the fiber
(9) Have good dye fastness.
is new and not yet consumer tested in household
(10) Are thermoplastic.
and apparel uses, the limitations, if any as com¬
(11) May be laundered, wetcleaned, or dry-
pared to other fibers, are not known.
cleaned, depending on dye, finish, design appli¬
cation, and garment construction. Aramid
(12) May be bleached with chlorine-type Aramid is a manufactured fiber in which the
bleach. fiber-forming substance is a long chain synthetic
(13) Have moderate abrasion resistance. polyamide in which at least 85 percent of the
amide (—c—nh—) linkages are attached di¬
Limitations of acrylic fibers: (1) Have low
moisture regain or absorption. o
(2) Are heat sensitive. redly to two aromatic rings.
(3) Accumulate static electricity. Aramid is a new generic group, defined by the
(4) May pill in some yarn constructions. Federal Trade Commission in a ruling that be¬
(5) Are moderately flammable. came effective as of January 11, 1974. Aramid
(6) Have moderate retention of oil-borne fibers are polyamides with a chemical base dif¬
stains. ferent from that of regular nylon.

Anidex The first two fibers to be classed as aramids

Anidex is a manufactured fiber in which the are Kevlar (Fiber B) and Nomex, both by du
fiber-forming substance is any long chain syn¬ Pont. The properties given below are based on

thetic polymer composed of at least 50 percent the manufacturer’s claims.

by weight of one or more esters of a monohydric Advantages of aramid fibers: (1) Kevlar has
alcohol and acrylic acid, ch2=ch—cooh. high strength and a greater stretch resistance
Anidex is a new generic group of fibers, defined than conventional fibers.
by the Federal Trade Commission in a 1969 (2) Kevlar is used in tires and other rubber
amendment to the Textile Fiber Products Identi¬ goods and as reinforcing material for plastic
fication Act and authorized as of October 31, composites.
1969. Anidex fibers are elastomeric fibers with a (3) Nomex fiber has resistance to high tem¬
chemical base different from that of spandex or peratures and is used in protective clothing.
rubber. (4) In paper form, Nomex is used as insula¬
The first of this generic class to be put out tion in motors, transformers, and in mechanical
under a brand name is Anim/8, developed by aerospace structures.
Rohm and Haas Company. The properties given (5) Nomex fiber is used in carpets for aircraft
below are based on the manufacturer’s claims. and navy ships.

Advantages of anidex fibers: (1) They have Limitations of aramid fibers: Since the fibers
excellent elastic recovery with warp, fill, and bias are new and are still being tested in commercial,
stretch that permits freedom in the garment industrial, and military uses, the limitations, if
design. any, as compared to other fibers, are not known.
16 / Handbook

Azlon (3) Glass fibers are weather- and sun-

Azlon is a manufactured fiber in which the resistant.
fiber-forming substance is composed of any re¬ (4) They are not damaged by moths, mildew,
generated naturally occurring proteins. or many chemical substances.
Azlon fibers are not currently in production in (5) Fabrics do not absorb moisture—an im¬
the United States. Aralac (casein from milk) portant quality in curtain and drapery fabrics.
and Vicara (zein from corn) are examples of (6) Glass fabrics shed dust and soil; soil is
azlon that were produced in the United States. easily removed unless it is allowed to become
Some azlon fibers produced elsewhere are ground into the surface of the fabric.
Fibrolane (England) and Merinova (Italy). (7) Glass curtains and draperies may be hand-
laundered or wetcleaned; they should be finished
Advantages of azlon fibers: (1) These fibers with steam.
dye readily and resist moths and mildew. (8) White glass fibers may be bleached with
(2) In blended fabrics azlon fibers contribute chlorine-type bleaches.
wrinkle-resistance, softness, and absorbency, and
reduce pilling. Limitations of glass fibers: (1) Because
(3) Azlon fibers are dimensionally stable. glass fiber fabrics have low moisture-absorption,
(4) They can be bleached with hydrogen dyeing and printing of them are limited. How¬
peroxide. ever, recent developments in dyeing glass fibers
make it possible to obtain multicolored effects
Limitations of azlon fibers: (1) They have
through cross-dyeing fabrics woven from glass
low strength—wet or dry.
fibers with different surface characteristics.
(2) They are affected by alkalies.
(2) Unless given special treatment, fibers have
Glass Fibers very low abrasion-resistance. For example, cur¬
Glass as a textile is defined by the Federal tains blowing in and out of a window or rubbing
Trade Commission as a manufactured fiber in against a sill can cause abrasion of fibers. A
which the fiber-forming substance is glass. glass fiber Beta (Owens-Corning) is claimed to
Glass fibers are produced from a special glass. be more abrasion-resistant because it is spun in a
Silica sand, limestone, soda ash, borax, and other much finer filament size.
ingredients are melted together. The resulting (3) In some constructions, seam and yarn slip¬
glass is formed into marbles, inspected for qual¬ page may occur because of the smoothness of the
ity, then melted. The glass flows downward yarns.
through a spinneret at high speed. The continu¬ (4) Fibers are attacked by weak alkaline solu¬
ous filaments are stretched as they cool and are tions and by hydrofluoric acid.
wound on a reel at high speed. When short glass (5) Glass fibers are easily damaged by me¬
staple fibers are desired, the fibers are broken chanical action in use and in cleaning.
by a steam jet as they leave the spinneret. These Metallic Fibers
fibers are caught on a revolving drum and then
A metallic fiber is a manufactured fiber com¬
spun into yarn.
posed of metal, plastic-coated metal, metal-coated
Some glass fibers are listed below with trade¬
plastic, or a core completely covered by metal.
mark names given in italics. For full names and
Metallic fibers are usually aluminum filaments
addresses of manufacturers, see Appendix.
covered with plastic materials such as cellulose-
Fiberfrax Ceramic Fiber, used in applications
acetate-butyrate or polyester film. These fibers
requiring high temperature insulation (Carbo¬
possess a bright glitter and are available in gold,
rundum) ; Unifab, Uniformat, and Unirove
silver, and a wide range of colors.
(Ferro); Beta and Fiberglas (Owens-Corning);
Metallic fibers are used in making decorative
PPG (PPG Industries, Inc.).
yarns for apparel fabrics and in home furnish¬
Advantages of glass fibers: (1) They are ings and domestic fabrics.
incombustible. Metallic fibers with an electrically conductive
(2) They are very strong. metal (aluminum) core laminated to a plastic
Textile Fibers / 17

film have been developed to control static and tow, Union Carbide), and SEF (fire-retard¬
build-up in commercial carpets. The anti-static ant staple, Monsanto).
fibers are incorporated into the yarn during the
plying process. Novoloid
Trademark names of metallic fibers are Lurex Novoloid is a manufactured fiber containing at
(Dow Badische) and Zefstat anti-static (Dow least 85 percent by weight of a cross-linked
Badische). novolac.
Novoloid is a new generic group of fibers, de¬
Advantages of metallic fibers: (1) They fined by the Federal Trade Commission in a
provide a wide choice of highly decorative yarns. ruling that became effective as of. February
(2) Fibers coated with a plastic covering are 15, 1974. Novoloid fibers are phenolic fibers. The
non-tarnishable and can be laundered or dry- first fiber in this generic group has been pro¬
cleaned. duced under the brand name of Kynol, developed
by the Carborundum Company. The properties
Limitations of metallic fibers: They must
given below are based on the manufacturer’s
be ironed at low temperatures because of their
plastic coverings. However a polyester film such
as Mylar (du Pont) will withstand heat better Advantages of novoloid fibers: (1) They
than will an acetate film. have excellent resistance to organic solvents.
(2) The fibers resist flame temperatures to
Modacrylic Fibers 2500°C.
Modacrylic is a manufactured fiber in which (3) They are non-melting; when subjected to
the fiber-forming substance is any long chain flame, they convert to carbon fibers and remain
synthetic polymer composed of less than 85 in fabric form to provide continued protection.
percent but at least 35 percent by weight of (4) They have fair resistance to dilute oxidiz¬
acrylonitrile units (—CH2—ch —).1
ing acids and dilute alkalies.
Limitations of novoloid fibers: Poor resist¬
The modacrylic fibers are copolymers contain¬
ance to concentrated oxidizing acids and to con¬
ing acrylonitrile and one or more additional
centrated alkalies.
compounds from the vinyl group.
The modacrylic fibers have many general Nylon
characteristics similar to those of the acrylic
Nylon is a manufactured fiber in which the
fibers. For example, they have warm, pleasing
fiber-forming substance is a long chain synthetic
hand; good drape; resiliency; and wrinkle-re¬
polyamide in which less than 85 percent of the
sistance. Since they are very heat-sensitive, they
amide (—c—nh—) linkages are attached di¬
are used chiefly in blends or in fabrics that are
not ironed. However, they are more flame re¬ et
sistant than the acrylics and are therefore being rectly to two aromatic rings.
used in children’s sleepwear. Modacrylic fibers The definition of the nylon generic group was
have good resistance to acids and strong alkalies revised by the Federal Trade Commission under
but tend to accumulate static electricity. the rules and regulations of the Textile Fiber
Modacrylic fibers are used in deep pile fabrics Products Identification Act and became effective
for use in linings or as the outer fabric in coats, as of January 11, 1974.
draperies, blankets, and floor coverings.
Nylon 66. Nylon 66 is produced chemically
Trademark names of modacrylic fibers are
from starting materials which include benzene or
Verel (staple and tow, Eastman), Dynel (staple
phenol, hydrogen, ammonia, and caustic soda.
These products are derived from coal, gas, and
1 Except fibers qualifying under category (2) of sea water; hence, the statement that “nylon is
the generic description for rubber and fibers quali¬ made from coal, water, and air.” An organic
fying under generic description for anidex. base, hexamethylene diamine, and an organic
18 / Handbook


Trademark Name Description Manufacturer*

An so - X Anti-static staple (carpets) Allied Chemical

Caprolan (type 6) Yarns, monofilaments, and Allied Chemical
textured yarns
Crepeset Anti-static filament American Enka
Enka (type 6) Staple fiber and filament American Enka
Enka/ure II Multilobal filament yarns (carpets) American Enka
Cadon Multilobal Monsanto
Chemstrand (type 66) Filament Monsanto
Antron 1, II Trilobal Multifilament yarn du Pont
Antron III Anti-static filament du Pont
Cantrece Bicomponent fiber du Pont
Nylon 420 Low elongation staple fiber du Pont
Qiana Staple, filament, textured du Pont
Celanese (type 66) Filament Fiber Industries
Firestone (type 6) Filament, textured filament Firestone
Tajmir (nylon 4) Staple fiber and filament Alrac
* See Appendix for full name and address.

acid, adipic acid, derived from these materials ing point than nylon 66. Modifications of nylon
are reacted together to form a salt. Many mole¬ fibers have resulted in anti-cling, anti-static
cules of nylon salt are linked together under high characteristics for wearing apparel and home
temperatures to form a long chain of molecules furnishings.
known as a polymer. The nylon polymer, which The dyeability of nylon fibers for apparel and
is a polyamide, cools and is broken into chips. home furnishings has been enhanced with differ¬
These chips are melted and extruded through a ential or cross-dyeing and with space-dyeing of
spinneret into air to harden. The resulting fila¬ regular, deep-dyeing, and cationic dyeable fibers.
ments are weak and dull in appearance. When
they are cool, the filaments are stretched greatly
Advantages of nylon fibers: (1) Are very
in length in a process called cold drawing to make
strong, resilient, and elastic.
them stronger, finer, and more lustrous. They
(2) Have high wet strength.
may be used as filaments or chopped into staple
(3) Are dimensionally stable.
(4) Resist alkaline substances, mildew, and
Nylon 6. Nylon 6 differs from nylon 66 in that insect damage.
slightly different materials and chemical process¬ (5) Have excellent abrasion resistance.
ing are used. Nylon 6 has a slightly lower melt¬ (6) Can be heat-set to retain pleats.
Textile Fibers / 19

Advantages of nylon fibers (Continued) are strong fibers but have comparatively low
(7) Resist non-oily stains. melting points. Significant developments in dye-
(8) Wash easily and dry quickly. ability of olefin fibers, which previously resisted
(9) Blend well with other fibers and add available dyes, are accelerating the use of olefin
strength and abrasion resistance in blends. in apparel and home fashions. Both solution
(10) Are heat sensitive. dyed and dyeable forms of bulked continuous
(11) Have low moisture absorption. yarns are available for carpet use.
(12) May be laundered, wetcleaned, or dry- An important use for olefin fabrics is in seat
cleaned depending on dyes, finishes, design appli¬ covers for automobiles and outdoor furniture.
cation, and garment construction. Other uses are in hosiery, sweaters, carpets, and
Limitations of nylon fibers: (1) Are dam¬
Some trademark names for olefin fibers are
aged by sunlight; bright types have better re¬
DLP (Dawbarn), Durel (Celanese Corporation),
sistance to sunlight than dull types. Special addi¬
Herculon (Hercules, Incorporated), Vectra (En-
tives may increase light resistance.
jay Fibers and Laminates Company), and
(2) Accumulate static electricity.
Marvess (Phillips Fibers Corporation).
(3) Are affected by strong acid substances.
(4) Absorb and hold body oils and per¬ Advantages of olefin fibers: (1) They are
spiration. chemically inert to alkalies and dilute acids and
(5) May show yarn slippage in some filament are resistant to mildew.
yarn fabrics. (2) They do not absorb water readily; will
(6) Melt rather than burn, but may be flam¬ float.
mable in sheer and brushed pile fabrics because (3) They have high strength and high abra¬
of the finishes. sion resistance.
(7) Fabrics made from a staple nylon tend to (4) Olefin fibers can be used for special fabrics
pill. or marine cordage.
(8) White nylon picks up dye and soil in (5) They have good resilience.
laundering. (6) Heavy denier yarns are used to make
(9) White nylons require whitening with spe¬ three-dimensional effects in upholstery fabrics.
cial nylon whiteners or bleaching with hydrogen
Limitations of olefin fibers: (1) They shrink
peroxide, sodium perborate, or chlorine bleaches.
easily when heat is applied.
Nytril (2) They have low melting points.
Nytril is a manufactured fiber containing at (3) They are affected by concentrated nitric
least 85 percent of a long chain polymer of acid and oxidizing agents.
vinylidene dinitrile (CHs—C(CN)2—) where the (4) They are light-sensitive.
vinylidene dinitrile content is no less than every (5) They readily absorb mineral and vegetable
other unit in the polymer chain. oils which cause swelling of fibers.
Darvan (Celanese), a nytril fiber, is no longer
being made in the United States.
Polyester is a manufactured fiber in which the
Olefin fiber-forming substance is any long chain syn¬
Olefin is a manufactured fiber in which the thetic polymer composed of at least 85 percent
fiber-forming substance is any long chain syn¬ by weight of an ester of a dihydric alcohol and
thetic polymer composed of at least 85 percent terephthalic acid (p—hooc—CoHi—cooh).
by weight of ethylene, propylene, or other olefin Polyester fibers are produced by the poly¬
units.1 Most of the currently produced olefin merization of the product formed when an alco¬
fibers are composed of polypropylene. The olefins hol and organic acid react. The product is melted
and extruded through a spinneret. Then the hot
or cold filaments are stretched to several times
1 Except amorphous (non-crystalline) polyolefins
qualifying under category (1) of the generic de¬ their original length. They may be used as fila¬
scription for rubber. ments or chopped into staple.
20 / Handbook

Polyester (Continued) (4) Have high affinity for oily soil and oil-
borne stains.
(5) Some fabrics made from staple yarns tend
The outstanding characteristic of polyesters
to pill.
is their ability to resist wrinkling and to spring (6) Fabrics of filament yarns may show yarn
back into shape when creased. In addition, poly¬
esters have good dimensional stability, wash and (7) Have low moisture absorption.
dry easily and quickly, and possess excellent (8) Will burn in flame but are self-extinguish-
wash-and-wear or minimum-care characteristics. ing when removed from flame.
Modifications in polyester fiber structures have
provided low-pilling polyester (Dacron 53) to be
used as a blend with cotton, cross-dyeable fibers
which create multicolor effects from a single dye Rayon is a manufactured fiber composed of
bath and multilobal cross-sections for improved regenerated cellulose, as well as manufactured
silk-like hand and drape. fibers composed of regenerated cellulose in which
One of the chief uses of polyester fibers is in substituents have replaced not more than 15
apparel fabrics of the wash-and-wear, minimum- percent of the hydrogens of the hydroxyl groups.
care or durable-press types. Polyesters are also Two basic processes by which rayon is pro¬
used in casement curtains, throw rugs, and as a duced are viscose and cuprammonium. They are
cushioning or insulating material. described in the sections that follow:
Some representative polyester fibers and yarns
are Vycron (filament, staple, tow, Beaunit), Viscose Rayon. Viscose rayon is produced by
Fortrel (filament, staple, tow, Fiber Industries), treating purified cellulose made from wood pulp
Dacron (filament, staple, tow, du Pont), and with alkali and carbon disulfide to form a thick
Kodel (staple, tow, Eastman), Trevira (filament, solution. After aging and chemical treatments,
staple, Hoechst). the purified cellulose xanthate solution is ex¬
truded through tiny holes in a spinneret and is
Advantages of polyester fibers: (1) Are solidified in a weak acid bath into regenerated
wrinkle-resistant and resilient. cellulose filaments.
(2) Have good dimensional stability. The degree of luster may be controlled by the
(3) Wash and dry easily. introduction of pigments into the spinning solu¬
(4) Have excellent wash-and-wear char¬ tion. For solution-dyed yarns, the coloring com¬
acteristics. ponents are added to the spinning solution.
(5) Are resistant to moths and mildew. The continuous filaments are stretched as they
(6) Have high abrasion resistance. harden to increase their strength and elasticity.
(7) Have good strength. To produce a smooth yarn, slight twist is
(8) May be heat-set for dimensional stability added to the groups of filaments. A softer, fuzzy
and pleat-retention. yarn is produced by chopping the filaments into
(9) Blend well with other fibers to increase short lengths, called staple fibers, and by carding
wrinkle resistance. and spinning as if the fibers were cotton or wool.
(10) Can be laundered, wetcleaned, or dry- One of the major limitations of conventional
cleaned, depending on dyes, finishes, design appli¬ yarns produced by the viscose process is their
cation, and garment construction. lack of dimensional stability. However, improved
(11) Have good light resistance behind glass. viscose rayons are being produced by modifica¬
(12) White Dacron can be bleached with a tion of the spinning conditions.
chlorine-type bleach. These improved rayons are called high wet
modulus rayons because they gain their im¬
Limitations of polyester fibers: (1) Have proved dimensional stability from a greater re¬
poor affinity for many dyes. sistance to deformation, especially when wet.
(2) Are heat sensitive. They absorb slightly less water than conven¬
(3) Accumulate static electricity tional viscose rayons and swell less. They can be
Textile Fibers / 21


Trademark Name Description Manufacturer*

Bemberg Cuprammonium filament Beaunit

Cupioni Thick-and-thin cuprammonium Beaunit
Nub-Hte Nubby, thick-and-thin cuprammonium Beaunit
Xena High wet modulus Beaunit
Erika American Enka name for viscose American Enka
Jetspun Solution-dyed viscose filament American Enka
Zantrel or Polynosic High wet modulus American Enka
Avril or Fiber 40 High wet modulus FMC
Avron High strength staple fiber FMC
Rayflex High strength viscose filament FMC
Coloray Solution-dyed viscose staple Courtaulds
Li relie High wet modulus Courtaulds
Fibro Viscose staple fiber Courtaulds
Nupron High wet modulus viscose fiber IRC
Strawn Straw-like rayon monofilament, bright IRC
and dull; for upholstery and drapery

*See Appendix for full name and address.

given a compressive shrinkage treatment to re¬ (4) Have moderate abrasion resistance.
duce relaxation shrinkage. (5) Have good drapeability.
When resin treated, fabrics made from high
wet modulus fibers gain crease recovery without Limitations of high wet modulus fibers: (1)
the loss in strength that usually occurs when Are weakened by light.
natural cellulosic fibers are resin treated. The (2) Are damaged by acids.
high wet modulus fibers are said to be 50 percent (3) Are susceptible to mildew.
stronger than conventional viscose fibers dry and (4) Have low resiliency.
100 percent stronger wet.
(5) Require low ironing temperatures.
Fabrics made from high modulus fibers can be
(6) Have slightly lower degree of water ab¬
described as having a crisp, firm hand with good
sorption than conventional viscose rayon.
drapeability and a subdued luster resembling
that of silk. Cuprammonium Rayon (Bemberg, trade¬
mark name of Reaunit Fibers). In the
Advantages of high wet modulus fibers: (1) cuprammonium (or Bemberg) process, cotton
Have moderate wet and dry strength. linters, which are short waste fibers that stick
(2) Have good dimensional stability. to cotton seeds, are dissolved in a copper am¬
(3) Have crisp, firm hand. monium hydroxide solution which gives the proc-
22 / Handbook

ess its name. After aging, the solution is extruded as a generic description for fibers falling within
into a weak acid bath where it hardens into cellu¬ this category.
lose filaments. These filaments are immediately (3) a manufactured fiber in which the fiber¬
stretched to increase their strength and fineness. forming substance is a polychloroprene or a
copolymer of chloroprene in which at least
Advantages of conventional viscose and 35 percent by weight of the fiber-forming
cuprammonium fibers: (1) Are suitable for substance is composed of chloroprene units
a wide range of fabrics from lightweight, luxury (—CH2—C=CH—CHs—).
types to heavy, strong, durable types. Cl

(2) Dye easily; solution-dyed yarns have high Fiber-forming substances referred to in the
colorfastness. generic description are called elastomers.
(3) Blend well with other fibers. For its textile uses, rubber is extruded through
(4) Are absorbent. a spinneret to the desired fineness. The rubber
(5) Can be given many finishes. core is usually covered with one or more fibers.
(6) Can be laundered, wet cleaned, or dry- Some trademark names for rubber yarns are
cleaned, depending on dye, finish, design appli¬ Lastex, Lactron, and Laton of UniRoyal, Inc.
cation, and garment design.
Advantages of rubber fibers: (1) They have
(7) Can be bleached with chlorine-type
low strength.
bleaches although peroxygen type is preferable
(2) They have exceptionally high elongation.
because of low initial strength.
(3) They have moderate holding power.
Limitations of conventional viscose and (4) They can be adapted for many uses such
cuprammonium fibers: (1) Are weaker when as elastic webbings, waist bands, stitching threads
wet than when dry and have only fair abrasion for decorative effects, a variety of elastic fabrics.
resistance. Limitations of rubber fibers: (1) They are
(2) Have low resiliency and poor dimensional severely damaged by oils, including body oils.
stability. (2) They are damaged by light.
(3) Are weakened by exposure to light, espe¬ (3) In some uses, flexing causes breakage of
cially dull type yarns. yarns and loss of elasticity.
(4) Are susceptible to mildew. (4) In some uses, bondings may become soft
(5) Are damaged by acid substances. and tacky from perspiration or cleaning.
(6) Require low ironing temperatures. (5) Some fabrics are easily discolored in wear
from perspiration; some discolor in laundering.
Rubber Fibers

Rubber is a manufactured fiber in which the Saran

fiber-forming substance is comprised of natural Saran is a manufactured fiber in which the
or synthetic rubber, including the following fiber-forming substance is any long chain syn¬
categories: thetic polymer composed of at least 80 per¬
(1) a manufactured fiber in which the fiber¬ cent by weight of vinylidene chloride units
forming substance is a hydrocarbon such as (—CH2—CCI2—).

natural rubber, polyisoprene, poly butadiene, Saran has high resilience, low absorbency, little
copolymers of dienes and hydrocarbons, or chemical reaction. Fibers are used for upholstery
amorphous (non-crystalline) polyolefins. fabric, water-repellent fabrics for lawn and patio
(2) a manufactured fiber in which the fiber- furniture, rugs, and similar constructions. They
forming substance is a copolymer of acry¬ are also used in industrial fabrics.
lonitrile and a diene (such as butadiene) com¬ Saran is also the generic name for a fiber made
posed of not more than 50 percent but at least from 85 percent polyvinylidene chloride and 15
10 percent by weight of acrylonitrile units percent polyvinyl chloride. These are poly¬
(—CH2—ch—) _ y/jg term “lastrile” may be used merized by heat and a catalyst. The copolymer
CN is melted, extruded into cool air, then quenched.
Textile Fibers / 23

The filaments are cold-drawn in the same manner Advantages of spandex fibers: (1) They are
as nylon. more resistant than rubber to perspiration, body
Saran by Enjay (Enjay Fibers and Laminates oils, cosmetic oils, oxidation, and drycleaning
Company) and Lus-Trus (Southern Lus-Trus damage.
Corporation) are tradenames of saran fibers. (2) They are more light resilient than rubber
but may yellow on exposure to light.
Advantages of saran fibers: (1) Are highly
resilient. Limitations of spandex fibers: Some spandex
(2) Are very resistant to acid and alkaline fibers should not be bleached with chlorine
substances. bleaches; others are more resistant.
(3) Are resistant to staining.
(4) Are flame-resistant; do not support com¬
bustion. Vinal is a manufactured fiber in which the
(5) Resist moisture, weather, moths, mildew. fiber-forming substance is any long chain syn¬
(6) Have good abrasion resistance. thetic polymer composed of at least 50 percent
(7) May be wetcleaned or drycleaned depend¬ by weight of vinyl alcohol units (—chs-choh—),
ing on construction of item. and in which the total of the vinyl alcohol units
(8) White fabrics may be bleached with chlo¬ and any one or more of the various acetal units
rine-type bleach in bath not above 100°F. is at least 85 percent by weight of the fiber.
Vinal is not currently _produced in the United
Limitations of saran fibers: (1) Tend to re¬ States.
tain wrinkles; fabrics should be air-dried.
(2) Cannot be pressed because steam causes
Vinyon is a manufactured fiber in which the
excessive shrinkage.
fiber-forming substance is any long chain syn¬
(3) Are heat sensitive.
thetic polymer composed of at least 85 percent
(4) Fabrics tend to shrink in synthetic sol¬
by weight of vinyl chloride units (—CHa—chci—).
vents due to swelling action.
These substances are polymerized into larger
(5) Have little chemical reaction.
molecules by heating in the presence of a
(6) Have low moisture absorbency.
catalyst. The vinyon is then dissolved in acetone
(7) Solution-dyed fabrics have good colorfast¬
and extruded into warm air. The filaments are
ness to light but are limited in range of colors.
Spandex Avisco Vinyon HH (FMC Corporation) is a
Spandex is a manufactured fiber in which the trademark name for vinyon staple fiber.
fiber-forming substance is a long chain synthetic
Advantages of vinyon fiber: (1) It has high
polymer comprised of at least 85 percent of a
resistance to acids and alkalies.
segmented polyurethane.
(2) It is resistant to water, hence has built-in
Yarns made of this man-made elastomer are
used where good holding power combined with
(3) Vinyon fiber does not burn although it
softness and light weight are desired. The fiber
does melt.
can be made into a filament yarn to be used
(4) Vinyon is a strong, very elastic fiber.
uncovered or covered with another textile fiber.
(5) Vinyon fiber is easily heat-bonded to other
The yarns are used in foundation garments,
swimwear, surgical hose, and other elastic prod¬
ucts. Core-spun spandex yarns are being used to Limitations of vinyon fiber: (1) It is dis¬
produce stretch garments. solved by many solvents.
Trademark names include Lycra (du Pont), (2) Vinyon melts at a very low temperature;
Numa (American Cyanamid Company), Vyrene shrinks when heated above 150°F.
(UniRoyal, Inc.), Glospan (Globe Manufactur¬ (3) It is affected by trichlorethylene, acetone,
ing Company), Fid flex (Carr-Fulflex, Inc.), Uriel chloroform, pyrodene, ethyl acetate, amyl ace¬
(Union Carbide). tate, toluol, and benzol.
24 / Handbook

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Textile Fibers / 25

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26 / Handbook

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2 pCO 4-* o
I -C L. k_ tj k_
40-») 4CD-»
a 3
S Cr 'S s

OCD ,c
Cr 2


coCD CDc
a 5 & </> 2 O

■S € c L_ a

-s ■§
'to o to
a c .<2 a co ■(->
CO tj Co CO CO z z £ c3

Methods of Testing Solvent

LU -i; 05
cc o D LU §! £ c
H z < «a I
_l cc
o o _ ^L $ 22
LU X _l < o X cc c > O

O cj X o § UJ O 5
O C o

CC o o X II to

■C —.

LU ^ o < -8
o CC H-Q. —J1 -I I-
Q. LU o < CO T3
2- Q-
O z IT
o ° Qd §

O § > LU x o § s

r— o
X > LL 8
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LU 2
3 2
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Q+J Q)
— ? UJ |_
Q. £

X < < < Oo X X CD O 5 < 22

00 -a

* *
c ® C C C C C
L .tj k. > k. k. k. k.
d -a D
<D D
D 4-
-Q -Q

f o
o ™D
O "D
O "O
-Q “O
o “D
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« ° D D D .E Q. 0)
CD «0
o O ■8 11 Q. 4- CD 2



8 O

Q 5§

o CD
> Q.

c c c CD a CO CO
CD c
TJ o o 4- 4- _> >
o > a> o <D o

z z o CL Cl O o
2 O CL a.
Textile Fibers / 27

1 T— CO
"St 00
t—" CN

Cb 73
73 co Cb
CO 2 CO i


J3 * 5
.co -S
^ « I5

M S °Q 5 p c
.2 g> o

s €
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-C '3
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i Cb
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§ J5
s § Cb
QQ QQ $ 2
Qq si g 2 Cb Co
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-3 -5
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° 03
— ir
c cj < DC Q.
,<J o D CO
£ ■3 u_ I
o .c .P
O ,co

1 <b $
tr LU ■2

Iis | I
LU 8 2
§ 2
8 X X
•c < >- z 8 8<0
cc I < CO

c s

o LU LU c
<3 Co K 5b
LU o S3
CC cc CC
CL 0. CL (/>
< < c
< L.
o z O z O z “O
cc CC z cc CD CO
z z CO
O cc O cc O cc ■H
Q D Q z> Q D <D cb
O CO O CO O CO NOTE: See footnotes at end of chart, page 28.
28 / Handbook

in in in
co co 0)
• DJ c >
r- i 0j

C O ' C _c- CD
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£2 -is to S co
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.o 1-’ as
a> a)

? <A
C 0)
c CM
o C 4—

L- § CM
c CO & as qz
’c £
cd as
CO .c E


(Boiled 100 hours)

C u

acid or 50 percent
sodium hydroxide
o to -Q X

70 percent nitric
z CJ
c as
0) o ■a
_> o c I c
Qj V. O >
c D .§
o cc p sp CO
CO c § Lf) UJ
05 O o
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but otherwise

sists chemical
as > n - to

May corrode
> O)
o as

generally re-
o X Q g C I— .Q
_c r- f
• >
1 Qi
o 8o II

■<— < Q. c o < k-

as g
c 8 OJ
£ jz

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CO o
£2 X! X
c -a "O 0 as
c c E
<o CO o
D V) </>
+-■ C c 05
<D £0 o OlC
jQ _as
sulfuric acid
100 percent

g E
o x:
in os
00 > 1c +-•
o © C
2 00 a3 CO ‘oOS

a £ o T— > -C CL
8 co
§ CD

O © E

o a
> o
> H-
^ < C
sulfuric acid

E 0
60 percent

*D "o
r as
c O as CD ^ 00
o o § _0 c
0) CD o 1 as ^ ©
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© 2
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to o 5
c o
k. o

E 8i c >
CD 8 f 0C ♦-*$ as

t: 2 £ _c CJ

*I— ?
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3 C 0 — c 0 c
(D o £ O) £ k-
> -m D as
■M o
<D c O
c O £ O* *
CQ O ©
> £ * CO QQ
Textile Fibers / 29


Fiber Chief Apparel and

Characteristics Precautions
Household Uses


Cotton Light- and medium-weight Versatile Protect stored items

apparel Durable against dampness to
Household textiles Can withstand frequent hard prevent mildew
Is easily ironed at high

Linen Women's and children's blouses Beauty and luster endure For best wear, do not press
and dresses; summer suiting through frequent hard in sharp creases
Handkerchiefs launderings Protect stored items against
Table linens Does not shed lint dampness to prevent
Other household fabrics May be more expensive than mildew
cotton For smooth appearance,
Wrinkles easily unless treated to iron at high temperature
resist wrinkling
Resistant to dye-type stains

Silk Light- and medium-weight Has natural luster and strength To clean most items,
apparel Is moderately resilient to dryclean
Accessory items such as scarfs wrinkles and readily returns Protect from prolonged ex¬
Some expensive upholstery to shape posure to light
and drapery fabrics Dyes well Protect against moths and
Is more expensive than man¬ carpet beetles
made (filament) silky yarns
Some items may be carefully

Wool Outerwear Springs back into shape; requires Dryclean most items
Light-, medium-, or heavy¬ little pressing Never wash woolens in hot
weight apparei Has great versatility in fabrics water. Moist heat and
Blankets and colors agitation as in some
Carpets Has insulating capacity which laundering will shrink
Upholstery increases with fabric thick¬ and felt wool
ness; hence fabric can be Protect against moths and
warm or cold carpet beetles
30 / Handbook


Chief Apparel and Characteristics Precautions

Household Uses


Acetate Light- and medium-weight Drapes well Iron or press only at very
apparel Dries quickly low temperature to pre¬
Drapery and upholstery fabrics Is inexpensive vent melting and fusing
Fiberfill Is subject to fume-fading of fibers
Has poor abrasion resistance
Loses some strength when wet

*Acrylic Tailored outerwear Resists wrinkling and effects of Remove oily stains before
Acrilan Knitted wear sunlight washing; waterborne
Creslan Pile fabrics Has high bulking power and stains will come out
Orion Blankets soft hana easily
Zefran Carpets Some fabrics have silky texture

Anidex Proposed for upholstery and Has high degree of stretch and Launder or dryclean, ac¬
(new fiber) other household fabrics; recovery cording to recommenda¬
Animl8 also for wearing apparel Stays resilient through repeated tions on hang tag or
washings and drycleanings care labels
Can be chlorine-bleached

Nomex Clothing and household High temperature resistance Precautions, if any, are not
goods currently established

Kevlar Tires

*Modacrylic Deep pile and fleece fabrics Resists wrinkling Iron at extremely low
Dynel Carpets (in combination Resists chemicals temperatures only
Verel with acrylic) Is soft and resilient
Elura and non-combustible

Novoloid Blankets, draperies Outstanding flame Precautions, if any, are not

Kynol Fireproof clothing resistance currently established
and fabrics Non-melting
Textile Fibers / 31


Chief Apparel and

Fiber Characteristics Precautions
Household Uses

*Nylon Hosiery, lingerie Has exceptional strength Remove oily stains before
Sweaters, wind jackets and excellent elasticity washing
dresses Retains permanent shape To maintain whiteness, use
Carpets Woven fabrics are often any nylon whiteners on

hot and uncomfortable the market

to wear Press at low temperature
Washes easily but tends
to attract dirt
High abrasion resistance

*0lefin Seat covers for autos, Has no water absorption

Herculon outdoor furniture Has low melting temperature
Marvess Carpets

•Polyester Wash-and-wear apparel, Has exceptional wrinkle Remove oily stains before
Dacron often in combination resistance; therefore, washing
Fortrel with other fibers needs little ironing or Follow directions given on
Kodel Curtains pressing hang tags or care labels
Vycron Fiberfill Easy to wash to keep white fabrics
Anavor Has sharp pleat and crease white
Avlin retention
Blue C Some fabrics resist pilling

Rayon Light-and medium- Absorbent Launder carefully to prevent

(conven¬ weight clothing Inexpensive shrinkage or stretching:
tional) Drapery and upholstery Moderately durable rayon does not withstand
Lacks resilience; wrinkles treatment that can be
easily given cotton or linen
Brushed or napped fabrics When in doubt about the
may be combustible washability of garments,
32 / Handbook


Chief Apparel and Characteristics Precautions

Household Uses

Rayon Sweaters, wind jackets Can be mercerized

(high wet Dresses Has higher dry and wet
modules) Home furnishings strength than con¬
Avril Sportswear ventional rayon
Nupron Can be washed

Rubber Foundation garments High degree of stretch Wash frequently with mild
Lastex Swimwear and recovery soap and detergent
Damaged by oils and light Avoid constant overstretching

*Saran Seat covers for autos, Resists soiling and staining To remove stains, first blot
Rovana outdoor furniture Resists weathering stain; then rinse with
Saran Screening, awnings Is flame resistant but clear water
Luggage sensitive to heat

Spandex Foundation garments Has high degree of stretch To machine launder, use
Glospan Swimwear and recovery warm water and dry on
Lycra Surgical hose Resists abrasion lowest heat with
Numa Ski pants, other Is resistant to body oils shortest cycle

*Vinyon Mixed with other fibers Resistant to chemicals and

for heat bonding sunlight

*ln addition to specific characteristics mentioned for each fiber, those fibers marked with an * have these general
properties in common: (1) moderate to high strength and resilience; (2) resistance to moths and mildew; (3) sen¬
sitivity to heat of pressing iron; (4) dimensional stability; (5) resistance to shrinking or stretching; (6) tendency
to accumulate static electricity in cold, dry weather; (7) non-absorbency; (8) good washing and drying qualities;
(9) resistance to non-oily stains but retention of body oils that penetrate the fiber and are hard to remove; and
(10) pleat retention because of thermoplastic qualities.
Textile Fibers / 33

Paper in Textile Uses1 dresses, aprons, handkerchiefs, underwear, swim

wear, graduation gowns.
To a certain extent, paper is used for textile Items for institutional use include hospital
products. Some of these uses are:
gowns for surgeons, assistants, nurses, anes¬
Knit Paper Fabrics thetists, laboratory technicians; also isolation
A specially treated high-strength paper yarn gowns and x-ray caps and gowns, head covers,
is knitted into a variety of knit and mesh con¬ face masks, gloves, operating room pack, mat¬
structions for use in wearing apparel and house¬ tress covers, bed sheets, draw sheets, drop sheets,
hold items. Paper knits are claimed to be pli¬ pillow cases, head rest covers, bath mats, wash
able; cleanable; sewable on a regular-needle, cloths, hand and face towels.
power, trade machine; and wrinkle-resistant. Industrial uses include factory aprons, protec¬
They maintain shape, can be reshaped when tive coveralls, work shirts and pants, industrial
damp, and can be pressed. They do not lose wipers.
strength when wet. They are drycleanable.
A Woven Paper Product
Nonwoven Paper Products This product, called Papertex, was first shown
A nonwoven is defined as a construction of in 1955 at the World Trade Fair. It is a light¬
fibers held together either chemically or me¬ weight nylon web, coated with chemically bonded
chanically. Nonwoven paper products are also acrylic resin. It was developed by Snia Viscosa
known as disposables. They can be produced of Milan, Italy, for sportswear and accessories.
faster and more economically than woven or
knitted fabrics made of natural or man-made
fibers but must be replaced more frequently and Fiber Identification
therefore are not necessarily more economical to
Accurate identification of fibers requires pre¬
the consumer in the long run. Disposables do
cise tests and often more than one type of test.
offer convenience since they need no laundering
The five methods used by textile technologists to
nor maintenance. Industry and institutions pro¬
identify fibers are: (1) burning test, (2) determi¬
vide the largest markets for disposables.
nation of fiber density, (3) microscopic exami¬
Among the consumer items are tablecloths,
nation, cross-section and longitudinal, (4) stain¬
napkins, sleeping bag liners, bedsheets, pillow
ing of fibers by dyes or reagents, and (5) solu¬
cases, polishing cloths, diapers, baby bibs,
bility of fibers in various reagents.
The accompanying chart from the Man-Made
Textile Encyclopedia (Textile Book Publishers,
Inc., 1959) adapted with permission from pages
1 For information about producers and suppliers, 159-162, presents the characteristics of fibers for
write to Disposable Association, 260 Madison Ave- each of the five tests. See Note on chart for
nve. New York, New York. further explanation of tests.
34 / Handbook


All fabrics—except plastics and fabrics that Yarns of very high twist are used to create the
are formed by the direct interlocking of fibers— crinkle in true crepe fabrics. Yarns of very low
depend upon the use of yarns. A yarn is an twist are used in fabrics to be napped.
assemblage of fibers that are laid or twisted to¬ The characteristics of a finished fabric may be
gether to form a continuous strand. Yarns may determined in part by the direction of twist,
be made from either staple fibers (fibers short described as S-twist or Z-twist. A yarn has an
enough to be measured in inches or centimeters) S-twist if the spirals formed by the twist con¬
or filament fibers (fibers long enough to be form to the slope of the central part of the letter
measured in yards or meters). S when the yarn is held in a vertical position. A
Staple fibers are spun or twisted into yarns; yarn has a Z-twist if the spirals conform to the
filament fibers need little or no twist to hold them central part of the letter Z. The Z-twist is the
together in yarns. The type and length of fiber, standard twist used. S-twist is used for special¬
the type, ply, and size of yarns, and the amount ized purposes and also for yarns such as ply yarns
of twist given to yarns determine many of the in which a reversal of direction is desired.
characteristics of fabrics made from the yarns.
Some fabrics, by their general appearance and
properties, indicate the presence of one or more
Yarns Classified by Form
of these yarn characteristics. For example, fab¬
rics constructed of spun yarns are less smooth of Raw Material
than fabrics constructed of filament yarns. They Yarns Made from Staple Fibers
also have a lower luster. Cord or rib fabrics Yarns spun from staple fibers are normally
contain ply or larger yarns in the rib direction. spun by one of three conventional systems or by
Yarns may be classified by the direction and some non-conventional systems developed to
degree of twist, the form of the raw material, achieve a simple, efficient, and economical spin¬
the number and similarity of parts, the texture ning process.
or effect produced, the size, fiber content, and The processes involved in each of the conven¬
use. tional systems (cotton, woolen, and worsted) are
similar, but the equipment used in each system
is highly specialized to deal with the length, co¬
Yarns Classified by Degree hesiveness, diameter, elasticity, and surface con¬
tour of the natural fiber for which it was orig¬
and Amount of Twist
inally designed. The resulting yarns consequently
Twist in yarns brings the fibers closer together differ in characteristics, not only because of
and makes them more compact. Twist is neces¬ basic fiber differences but also because of differ¬
sary in order to make yarns from staple fibers. ences in the total spinning system. Yarns spun
In contrast, fabrics can be made from filament by the same system will have similarities no mat¬
yams which have no twist. ter what fiber is used. In each of the conven¬
The amount or degree of twist is expressed by tional spinning systems the processes are designed
the intended end-use of the yarn or in a more to (1) clean and parallel staple fibers, (2) draw
technical way as the number of turns per inch, fibers into a fine strand, and (3) twist fibers to
expressed as the “tpi.” As the degree of twist is keep them together and to give them strength.
increased, the yarn becomes harder, its luster de¬
creases, its strength increases up to a certain Cotton System. Inasmuch as the cotton system
point of twist, and it becomes shorter in length. of spinning is basic, an understanding of this
Yarns / 35

system gives a structure upon which to compare weight although many heavy, coarse yarn fabrics
and relate the other systems. do exist. When man-made fibers are spun with
The first steps in the manufacture of yarns by cotton equipment, fiber-cut staple with length
the cotton system are the opening and loosening and fineness comparable to cotton is used. Blends
of the fibers in the mass as purchased, regardless of cotton and a man-made fiber, or 100 percent
of whether the fibers are natural or made-made. man-made fiber yarns may be made. Silk noil or
Leaves and other impurities are removed from waste silk may also be cut into suitable length
cotton in a cleaning process. The spread-out and spun by use of this system.
mass of fibers is known as the lap.
Woolen System. The steps in the production
The next step is carding, in which fibers are
of yarns by the woolen system are similar to
carried between large revolving drums covered
those of the cotton system that produces cotton
with steel wire needles. This operation separates
carded yarns. The equipment handles the
the fibers, and also removes impurities and short
shorter wool fibers and man-made fibers of simi¬
cotton fibers. The fibers are laid essentially in
lar length and coarseness. The resultant yarn
one direction in a thin web which is condensed
is classified as a woolen yarn. Woolen yarns are
into a soft, fluffy strand called a sliver.
made from fibers that are carded but not laid
Several slivers are combined for evenness and
completely parallel or tightly twisted. This pro¬
are drawn out in length to produce slivers of the
cess produces a fuzzy yarn used for fabrics that
desired weight. Slivers of differing fiber contents
are relatively soft and have a somewhat fuzzy
may be combined. Drawing and combining
surface. Flannel is an example of such a fabric.
slivers blends the fibers.
The next process, drafting or roving, continues Worsted System. The basic steps in the pro¬
the drawing out and adds just enough twist to duction of yarns by the worsted system are
hold the fibers together. The actual yarn is then similar to those for the manufacture of combed
produced in the spinning process in which addi¬ cotton yarns. The three basic worsted systems,
tional twist is inserted to make it strong. French, Bradford, and American, vary according
to the length of fiber used, the nature of the
Carded cotton yarns are made by the sys¬
combing process, and the actual number of steps
tem described above. These yarns do not pro¬
in the process. In each system, the fibers are
duce fabrics as smooth or as lustrous-looking as
longer than those of the woolen system and are
fabrics made from combed cotton yarns. How¬
combed so that the fibers are comparatively
ever, fabrics made from carded cotton may be
parallel. In the spinning step, the yarn is given
very durable. Examples of fabrics made with
a tight twist. The resultant fabrics are compara¬
carded yarn are: calico, muslin, crash, cretonne,
tively smooth, have ‘a crisp feel, and are usually
and some ginghams, chambrays, and broadcloth.
tightly woven. Examples: gabardine, serge, and
Combed cotton yarns, as the name implies, fabrics labeled worsted.
result from a combing process. When long staple
Non-conventional Spinning Systems.
fibers are spun in the cotton system, the carding
Through research, efforts are continually made
and drawing processes are followed by a combing
to simplify yarn spinning by the elimination of
process which causes the fibers to be laid parallel
some of the conventional steps. Thus far, results
and removes short fibers. The combed yarns con¬
tend to produce a new type of yarn not com¬
sequently tend to be longer and more uniform
parable to yarns produced by conventional
than carded yarns. Fabrics made from combed
yarns are more lustrous and smoother than The open-end method introduces the drawn
fabrics made from carded yarns. Examples in¬ sliver of fibers into a rotating machine which
clude : organdy, lawn, ginghams, chambrays, and twists and binds them to a seed yarn. This sys¬
broadcloth. tem is faster and less costly than conventional
An advantage of the cotton system is its methods and produces a medium to coarse
ability to spin finer and shorter staple fibers than Z-twist yarn.
the woolen and worsted systems permit. The Twistless spinning is a method in which the
yarns are frequently fine and the fabrics light in roving is wetted, given a minimum twist, and
36 / Handbook

spray-starched. The starch is gelatinized to give together sufficiently to form the desired yarn.
fiber bonding. The resultant yarns are soft, A monofilament yarn is one made from a single
lustrous, flat, and ribbon-like and have good cov¬ filament. Multifilament yarns are made from
ering power for use where opaqueness is highly more than one filament twisted together. Spun
desirable. yarns are made from staple fibers twisted
Yarns Made from Filament Fibers
Silk in filament form is a fine, smooth fiber Ply Yarns
many yards long. These filaments are twisted Ply yarns are made by twisting together two
together to form yarns. The yarns may have or more single yams. Each part of the yarn is
a high amount of twist (crepe-type yarns) or called a ply. The number of plies used (two
they may have no twist. Fabrics made from fila¬ plies, three plies, etc.) describes the structure.
ment yarns are smooth and even. They may Most ply yarns are twisted in the opposite direc¬
be heavy or light in weight, and may be trans¬ tion to the twist of the singles from which they
parent or opaque. are made. Ply yarns are stronger than their
In much the same way as silk filaments, man¬ equivalent single yarns of the same diameter and
made fibers may be manufactured into filaments fiber.
and then into yarns. The resulting fabrics may
Cord Yarns
be similar to those described for silk; or they may
Cord yarns are ply yarns twisted together.
reflect properties unique to the man-made fila¬
This is the structure of rope and of some types
ments. The degree of luster in man-made fibers
of sewing thread. Cord yarns are seldom used in
can be controlled from very low to very bright.
conventional fabrics.
Multifilament yarns are those which are made
from more than one filament. Monofilament is a Yarns Classified by Similarity
single filament which may be formed into various of Parts
sizes depending upon the size of the spinnerette
Simple Yarns
hole and the end-use.
All parts of. a simple yarn are alike. A simple
Yarns Made from Tow (Direct Spinning)
yarn may be a single, ply, or cord yarn of any
In addition to selling fiber in staple and fila¬
size or fiber content. The kind and amount of
ment form, man-made fiber producers sell fiber
texture that a simple yarn produces in a fabric
as tow, a thick rope of thousands of parallel
depends on the texture of the yarn and the
filaments. Filament tow can be made into yarns
manner in which the yarn parts have been com¬
without disrupting the continuity of the strand.
The filaments are cut into staple of equal or
variable lengths and then made into sliver (tow Novelty Yarns
to top system) or yarns (tow to yarn system) A novelty yarn is composed of unlike parts
in steps similar to those of the cotton system. which are irregular at regular intervals. Novelty
The processing eliminates basic steps in the yarns are usually ply yarns produced to give an
conventional systems, produces yarns that have effect or texture to a fabric rather than strength.
a higher degree of strength and greater uniform¬ The typical novelty yarn has three basic parts or
ity, and offers unlimited possibility for novelty plies, each different in structure. The basic
effects. These qualities are best suited to uphol¬ parts, however, may be made of the same or
stery fabrics. The processing can lead directly different fibers. The central core or foundation
into the formation of hi-bulk yarns used in the ply is surrounded by the fancy or effect ply
knit apparel trade. which is held in place by a binder ply.

Yarns Classified by Number Yarns Classified by Size

of Parts Staple Fiber Yarns
Single Yarns
The size of spun yarns or yarns made from
Single yarns are made from single filaments or staple fibers is referred to as count or number
from a group of staple or filament fibers twisted and is based on a relationship of length to weight.
Yarns / 37

It is an inverse system in which the largest num¬ Boucle Yarns. Boucle is one of the most
ber designates the finest yarn and the lowest used novelty yarns. It is characterized by an
number the heaviest yarn. Specifics of the ratio effect yarn forming tight loops which project
will vary with the kind of fiber used. In the cot¬ from the body of the yarn at fairly regular
ton system, the yarn number size is the number intervals. These yarns are often made of a com¬
of hanks (one hank is 840 yards) required to bination of fibers. They are used in knitted or
weigh one pound. For example: woven fabrics.
Weight and Length Yarn Number
Loop or Curl Yarns. These yarns have
1 hank or 840 No. 1 yarn or Is
They may be used in woven or knitted fabrics
yards, weighing
to create a looped pile such as astrakhan, and for
1 pound
textured effects on other types of coating and
10 hanks or 8400 No. 10 yarn or 10s dress fabrics.
yards, weighing
1 pound Nub Yarns. A nub yarn is formed by twist¬
The woolen and worsted systems also follow ing one yarn around another many times within
indirect numbering but differ in yardage per a short space to create enlarged places on the
hank according to the system used. surface of the base yarn. Sometimes a binder is
used to hold the nub in place. These nubs may
Filament Fiber Yarns
be uniformly spaced on the base yarn or they
The size of yarns made from man-made or silk
may be irregularly spaced. This type yarn is also
filaments is expressed as denier. Denier is de¬
called knot, spot, or knop yarn.
fined as the weight in grams of 9000 meters of
yarn. It is a direct system based on the weight Ratine Yarns. A ratine yarn is very similar
per length of yarn. The higher the denier num¬ to a boucle yarn. In ratine the loops are twisted
ber, the coarser the yarn. In man-made filaments continuously and are not spaced as they are in
the size can be controlled by the size of the holes boucle.
in the spinnerette and the rate of flow of the
solution through the spinnerette. Denier is also Seed Yarns. Seed yarns are similar to nub
used to express the size of the filaments before yarns, although the nub is very small. These
formation into yarns. Both the size of the basic yarns often use a natural fiber for the core or
filament and the number of filaments within the base yarn and a man-made fiber for the applied
yarn combine to determine the denier of a yarn. seed.

Yarns Classified by Method Stub Yarns. True slub yarns are made by
varying the tension of yarn twist at regular in¬
of Producing Texture
tervals to produce soft, thick elongated low
Yarns used to create other than comparatively twist areas (slubs). A core or binder yarn may
smooth textures in fabrics may be achieved by or may not be used. On fabrics such as shan¬
(1) modifications in the spinning process of tung and slub broadcloth, the slub in these yarns
simple yarns to create irregularities of texture, can be seen.
(2) combining these modified or effect yarns
with a core and binder to create a novelty yarn, Snarl Yarns. A snarl yarn is made by twist¬
(3) modifying a thermoplastic fiber by mechan¬ ing at one time two or more yarns held at dif¬
ical texturizing methods, or (4) using bicom¬ ferent tension. The effect yarn forms alternating
ponent fibers in making the yarn. unclosed loops along both sides of the core yarn.

Modification in Spinning Process Spiral or Corkscrew Yarns. A spiral yarn

of Simple Yarns is made by twisting together two yarns of dif¬
Variations in texture that result from modifi¬ ferent thickness and twist, one soft and heavy
cations in the spinning process of simple yarns and the other fine. The heavy yarn is fed faster
used singly or as the novelty part of novelty than the fine yarn and winds around it in a
yarns are identified by such terms as: spiral formation.
38 / Handbook


Trademark Name Fiber Texturing Method and Description*
Agilon (Deering Milliken) Nylon, Dacron Edge crimping process
Polyester Stretch; no-torque type
Cadon (Monsanto) Nylon Second generation bulk yarn
(for carpets)
Cumuloft (Monsanto) Nylon Bulk yarn
Encron (American Enka) Polyester Heat-set under false twist
Fluflon** Nylon, Dacron Heat-set under false twist
Stretch yarn; false-twist type
Helanca (Heberlein) Nylon, Dacron False twist
Several types: stretch yarn, conven¬
tional type; no torque and
modified type
Monvelle (Monsanto) Nylon, Spandex Conjugate spun, i.e., nylon and
spandex segments extruded side
by side and joined entire length
Stretch yarn
Saaba** Nylon, Dacron False-twist type stretch yarn modi¬
fied to remove some of the
stretch, retain maximum bulk,
and control surface texture
Stretch yarn, modified type
Superloft** Nylon, Dacron, Heat-set under false twist
Orton, Arnel Stretch yarn, false-twist type,
Taslan (J. P. Stevens) Fiberglas, Air jet; yarn structure is opened,
Rayon, loops formed, and structure
Polyester closed again
Bulk yarn, loop type

* Note that the description of each yarn is given in italics.

** Trademark name of a type of textured yarn produced on Leesona Corporation machinery.

Yarns / 39

Modification of Thermoplastic flattens one side and causes the yarn to curl.
Filament Yarns Both methods impart a permanent torque or
Variations in texture that result from the ap¬ twist to a thermoplastic yarn. This yarn is ex¬
plication of heat to a thermoplastic continuous pandable when stretched and may be used in
filament yarn so as to displace the compact posi¬ fabrics for garments that require a form-fitting
tion of the filaments and produce a crimp, coil, resilience without pressure. Stretch yarns are
curl, or loop can be classified as bulk, stretch, or distinguished from elastic yarns based on rubber
modified stretch yarns. They are commonly and other elastomers in that the stretch of
referred to as textured yarns. elastic yarns is a basic polymer property not
The texturing process increases the surface associated with yarn curl.
area of the yarn, allowing more circulation of air Modified Stretch Yarns. These are also known
through the fabric, greater moisture absorption, as textured “set” yarns. They are made in
and higher thermal insulation. The yarns gain in basically the same manner as stretch textured
bulk and resiliency without gaining weight. The yarns except for a final step of stabilizing or
resultant yarn has many of the desirable char¬ setting the yarn by heat after the untwisting
acteristics of spun yarns without the pilling and step. Although the yarn is stabilized it still tends
shedding of spun yarns or the cost of converting to return to its twisted shape. Modified stretch
man-made filaments to staple fibers. yarns are characterized by bulk, loftiness, and
In greatly simplified terms, the procedures about 10 to 15 percent of stretch. They lack
used to form the textured yarns are: filament is the recovery characteristic of regular stretch
removed from the bobbins; individual filaments yarns but are effectively used in polyester
are released and their usual positions changed doubleknits and in textured fabrics woven of
in some manner (for example, twisting); the fila¬ man-made fibers when texture, wrinkle resist¬
ments are heat-set in the desired configuration ance, and ease of care are desired.
then untwisted. Yarns Made from Bicomponent Fibers
Bulk Textured Yarns. The bulk-type textur¬ Bicomponent fibers are composed of two
ing processes can be used with any type of fila¬ generically similar but chemically or physically
ment fiber. Filaments may be fluffed, crimped, different polymers joined physically in a single
or curled by (1) passing the yarn through gear- filament. The components can be joined side by
teeth rollers, or (2) packing or stuffing the yarn side or bilaterally or in a sheath-core structure in
into a stuffer box and heat-setting the yarn in a which one component forms the sheath and the
crimped position, or (3) subjecting the yarn to other the core.
the pressure of an air jet. In each case heat is Due to the chemical differences of the com¬
applied simultaneously. ponents each shrinks to a different degree when
These processes can increase bulk from 100 to exposed to certain conditions such as heat or
300 percent but give only a minimal amount of moisture. The difference in shrinkage causes a
stretch or elasticity. They are used as carpet pulling of the yarn into a crimped conformation
yarns, in tricot fabrication, in sweater fabrics, creating bulk and texture. Typical bicompo¬
and for novelty textures. The resultant fabrics nent yarns are Orion and Sayella used in sweaters
are usually soft and opaque with some degree of and Nylon Cantrece II used for close-fitting and
bulk and warmth but are light in weight. resilient hosiery.
Stretch Textured Yarns. The stretch-type Yarns Classified by
texturing processes given to thermoplastic fibers
produce coiled or crimped yarns of 300 to 500
Fiber Content
percent elongation. Two basic techniques are Yarns may be made entirely of one fiber (man¬
used: In the jalse-twist method, the yarn is made or natural) and be classfiied as such by the
twisted, heat-set, and untwisted. This process name of the fiber used. Or yarns may be a blend
results in a coiled yarn which will expand when of two or more fibers the names of which are
pulled. In the edge-crimp method, the heat fila¬ included in the description of the yarn. Yarns
ments are drawn over a knifelike edge which are blended to capitalize on the good qualities of
40 / Handbook

a fiber and to minimize its weaker qualities by the must also have some idea of the carry-over of
combining of fibers that complement each other fiber properties into blends and which criteria,
in the desirable characteristics they provide. such as amount of fiber present, determine the
effectiveness of this carry-over. Fabric construc¬
Blends and Combinations tion and finish also play a very important part
Blended Yarns. Yarns may be combined or in the characteristics of the final fabric. There¬
blended in any of these ways: (1) by mixing fore, the study of the characteristics of blends of
staple fibers before they are spun; (2) by com¬ fibers is usually undertaken on fabrics of similar
bining filament fibers before adding twist; (3) construction and finish.
by combining simple yarns of different fiber con¬
tent into a ply yarn. A combination can also Elastomer Fiber Yarns
be achieved by blending two generically different Elastic yarns are made from rubber, spandex,
polymers before they are spun. In this latter or anidex fibers. They differ from stretch yarns
process, a solution does not form, but one poly¬ that are made by texturizing a thermoplastic
mer becomes the matrix surrounded by fibrils filament because the recovery power of elastic
formed by the other polymer. The result is yarns depends on the elastomer core, whereas in
known as a biconstituent fiber. The primary stretch yarns the recovery depends on the heat¬
goal achieved is similar to the purpose of the setting of crimped filaments. The three basic
mechanical mixing of staple or filament fiber. kinds of elastic yarns are as follows:
Fabrics of more than one fiber content are
Covered. A covered elastic yam consists of a
described in terms of the manner in which the
core of rubber, spandex, or anidex, wrapped
combination was achieved.
singly or doubly with filament or staple yarns.
Blended fabrics are those made of yarns in
Double-wrapped yarns are heavier and are used
which two or more fibers are mixed before the
in a more durable fabric than the single-wrapped
yarn is spun. These yarns may be used as either
yarns. The covering allows for absorbency, im¬
warp or filling or may be used in both directions.
proves the hand, and permits a color range.
Combination fabrics contain yarns of differ¬
Covered elastic yarns are used for foundation
ent fibers. Warp and filling may be of different
garments, swim suits, suitings, and hosiery.
fibers, each color of yarn in yarn-dyed fabrics
may be a different fiber, or each ply of a ply or Core-spun. A core-spun elastic yarn is made by
novelty yarn may be a different fiber. spinning a sheath of staple fiber around a core of
More simply, in a “blend,” fibers are mixed spandex or anidex while the core is being
before spinning, and in a “combination,” fibers stretched. Core-spun yarns give fabrics the ap¬
are mixed in weaving or during plying of the pearance of being made with regular yarns. They
yarn. are generally used to create a comfortable
Blends may be made for economic, aesthetic, stretch-woven fabric for use as outerwear, for
or functional purposes, or they may be used to upholstery, or for slipcovers. Core-spun yarns
facilitate one of the manufacturing processes. are also used in knitted fabrics where more elas¬
Particularly since the introduction of the man¬ ticity is desired.
made fibers, blends have become so generally Bare Elastic Yarn. A bare elastic yarn is sim¬
used that knowledge about them is of great im¬ ply the spandex or anidex elastomer monofila¬
portance to the consumer. Since the Textile ment yarn as it comes from the spinnerette.
Fiber Products Identification Act became effec¬ These yarns are less costly than other elastic
tive in March 1960, the proportions (by weight) yarns and are suitable for thin garments such as
of the various fibers in a textile product must sheer foundation garments and sock tops. Bare
be made known on the label. Consumers, there¬ elastic yarns or monofilaments, however, lack a
fore, are told the amount of each fiber present. pleasing hand such as that provided by the
To use this information most effectively, the covering processes in other methods.
consumer must know the general characteristics Metallic Yarns
of the various fibers, and their relative position Metallic yarns date back to Biblical times and
with other fibers in these characteristics. He were reserved for the apparel of the rich, the
Yarns / 41

nobility, and the clergy. Gold and silver were A satisfactory sewing thread must have the
hammered into extremely thin sheets, cut into following physical, chemical, and aesthetic char¬
narrow strips, then woven into fabrics. The re¬ acteristics as well as others demanded by the
sult was spectacular but heavy, brittle, and ex¬ end-use of the item:
pensive. Today gold and silver yarns are seldom High strength and elasticity
used, but their effect has been duplicated by Smooth surface
aluminum in combination with man-made sub¬ Dimensional stability
stances. Modern metallic yarns are soft and light High friction resistance
in weight and do not tarnish. Resistance to snarling
The most common process of manufacturing Good appearance or hand
consists of coating a tissue-thin sheet of alumi¬
Good sewability whether used for hand or
num foil on either side with adhesive. A sheet machine sewing
of transparent plastic film (polyester, acetate,
Resistance to color loss
cellophane, or cellulose-acetate-butyrate) is ap¬
Resistance to degradation from sunlight, per¬
plied to each side of the adhesive-coated foil. The
spiration, and chemicals in finishes or
assembly is then cut into narrow strips from y4
laundry products
to 1/120 of an inch for weaving with other yarns
The fibers most commonly used in sewing
into fabrics.
threads are cotton, silk, linen, nylon, and poly¬
The plastic film forms a protective coating
ester. Rubber, spandex, and anidex are used in
and gives added strength. Of the films used,
elastic threads. The fiber determines basic char¬
polyester is not only the strongest, but is also
acteristics that should relate to the fabric on
the least affected by heat and chemicals.
which the thread is to be used and to the gar¬
Color can be introduced in several ways: (1)
ment or other item to be made.
in the adhesive that holds the “sandwich” con¬
struction together; (2) in a thermoplastic resin
Types of Sewing Thread
that is attached to either side of the foil and
heated to fix the color; or (3) in the film on Core-Spun Thread. This type of thread has a
either side of the aluminum foil. core made of one kind of fiber surrounded by
Fabrics that include metallic yarns can be a spun sheath of another. Core-spun stretch
laundered, but the method of laundering varies threads have a spandex or anidex core with a
with the type of plastic film used. Hang tags and sheath of staple fibers. Core-spun regular sewing
labels often give care instructions. thread has a high strength fine filament polyester
core around which is spun a sheath of high qual¬
Plastic Yarns ity cotton fiber. The thread combines the good
In recent years experiments have been under characteristics of polyester and cotton fibers.
way to create “yarns” of plastic by cutting sheets
Elastic Thread. Elastic threads are constructed
of plastic into thin strands which may be left
of an elastic core covered with nylon or other
flat or rolled into tubelike structure or double-
fiber coating. They are used to obtain a gathered
folded. Plastic yarns are intended for use in
or shirred effect.
making fabrics that are as easy to care for as
plastic and at the same time are as pliable and Monocord Sewing Thread. This type of
porous as woven or knitted fabrics. Fabrics made thread is possible with the thermoplastic man¬
from plastic yarns are intended chiefly for uphol¬ made fibers. Fibers or filaments for the thread
stery. are laid parallel and welded or bonded together
into a thread with only one cord and no spin or
twist. Monocord thread has a finer diameter,
Thread higher strength, and higher abrasion resistance
than have the more familiar threads of conven¬
Thread for sewing, embroidery, and lace-mak¬
tional construction.
ing must be so constructed that it is adaptable to
use in a hand or machine process and will be Multiplecord Plied Sewing Thread. Tradi¬
durable and satisfactory in the finished product. tional sewing threads are of this type. They are
42 / Handbook

made of single yarns, doubled and twisted in Thread Numbering Systems

plied yarns, and then the several plied yarns are Cotton threads are usually sold by number
twisted together. For example, six-cord cotton with the smaller numbers indicating the coarser
consists of six single yarns first made into three threads. For example:
two-ply yarns which are then twisted together. No. 12 coarse
Spun polyester is made from staple polyester No. 50 medium
fibers twisted into yarns in a manner similar to No. 100 fine
mercerized cotton thread but is stronger than Size of silk sewing thread is indicated by a
cotton and provides more “give” without break¬ letter designation. For example, A is the fineness
ing. usually used for home sewing; D, a coarser
Bonded Multiplecord Thread. A plied or thread, for buttonhole twist. The letter designa¬
twisted thread may also be welded or bonded in tion is also used with some nylon and polyester
manufacture to produce a bonded thread that threads.
does have some twist. It does not achieve all of
the superior properties of the monocord thread.
Nymo (Belding Corticelli) is an example of this
type of thread.
Fabric Construction / 43


The term fabric, as used in this publication, Plain Weave

can be defined as a “planar structure produced The simplest of all weaves is the plain weave.
by interlaced yarns or fibers” 1 and felts made Each filling yarn passes alternately over and
by interlocking fibers. under one warp yarn. Each warp yarn passes
Basically, there are five methods by which alternately over and under each filling yarn.
fabrics are made. They are (1) weaving, (2) In making a crepe fabric, the principle of
knitting, (3) interlocking of fibers including felt¬ contraction is used. The non-lustrous crinkly
ing and fusing, (4) netting and lacemaking, and surface hides the fact that a crepe fabric is a
(5) braiding. plain weave. The filling yarns may be of high
The Mali machine introduced late in 1965 may twist and the warp yarns of low twist or vice
add a sixth method of making cloth, that of versa. Another method is to give the warp yarns
stitch-bonding. Warp yarns coming from a creel, a Z twist and the filling yarns an S twist. Still
and filling yarns laid in as a sheet, are bound another method is to vary the tension of both
together by a third system of yarns stitched in by the warp and filling yarns on the loom.
means of chainstitchers. Some examples of plain-weave fabrics are:
Fabric construction contributes to the end- crepe, taffeta, shantung, organdy, and muslin.
use of textile products through such aspects as The plain weave may also have variations which
appearance, hand, strength, dimensional stabil¬ include the following:
ity, absorbency, warmth, transparency, and suit¬
Basket Weave. In this construction, two or
ability for further decorative effects. In many
more yarns are used in both the warp and filling
fabric characteristics, weave plays a greater part
direction. These groups of yarns are woven as
than fiber or finish.
one, producing a basket effect. Examples of
basket-weave fabrics are: monk’s cloth, hopsack¬
ing, basketweave coating fabrics.
Woven fabrics are made by the interlacing
of two or more sets of yarns at right angles to Rib Weave. The filling yarns are larger in
produce a fabric. The lengthwise yarn is called diameter than are the warp yarns. A rib weave
warp (ends), the crosswise yarn, filling (picks). produces a fabric in which fewer yarns per
The common types of weaves are the -plain square inch are visible on the surface. Examples:
weave with variations to make a rib weave or a broadcloth, poplin, faille, bengaline, grosgrain,
basket weave, the twill weave, the satin weave, ottoman.
the leno weave, the Jacquard weave, the simple
Twill Weave
figured or dobby weave, the pile weave, and the
This weave is characterized by diagonal ridges
double-cloth weave. Plain, twill, and satin are
formed by yarns which are exposed on the sur¬
usually considered the basic weaves.
face. These may vary in angle from a low slope
Many interesting effects can be created by
to a very steep slope. Twill weaves are more
varying the standard weaves described in the fol¬
closely woven, heavier, and sturdier than plain
lowing sections. weaves of comparable fiber and yarn size. They
1 Standard Definitions of Terms Relating to Tex¬ can be produced in fancy designs. A common
tile Materials, D-123-68a, p. 25. variation is the herringbone.
44 / Handbook

Satin Weave In the better quality fabrics, stuffer yarns are

The satin weave is characterized by floating laid under ridges to emphasize roundness. The
yarns used to produce a high luster on one side wales usually run lengthwise except in birdseye
of a fabric. and bullseye piques. Fabrics have a definite
Warp yarns of low twist float or pass over right and wrong side and tear more easily in the
four or more filling yarns. The low twist and lengthwise direction. Examples: pique, bedford
the floating of the warp yarns, together with cord.
the fiber content, give a high degree of light
Double-Cloth Weave
reflection. High-twist yarns may be used for the
This weave uses more than one set of warp
filling. Weights of satin fabrics range from chiffon
or filling yarns. It may produce a cloth with two
satin to heavy duchesse satin.
The sateen weave is similar to a satin con¬ distinct faces or it may produce two distinct
struction except that in the sateen weave, the cloths held together by an extra yarn which may

filling yarns float and are visible on the surface of be cut if it is desired to separate the two cloths.
the fabric. Examples: cotton sateen, damask Examples: separated double cloth, some pile
(uses both satin and sateen weaves). fabrics; not separated, blanket cloth, some up¬
holstery; two distinct faces, double damask.
Leno or Gauze Weave
Pile Weave
In the leno or gauze weave, warp yarns in
pairs are crossed over each other in the form Pile weaving is the interlacing of sets of yarns
of a figure 8. Spacing between the yarns creates in such a manner that one set forms loops or cut
an open porous effect, and the crossing over ends on the surface of the cloth. The background
keeps the yarns from slipping out of place read¬ weave may be either a plain or a twill weave.
ily. The leno weave is made with a doup attach¬ Examples are velvet, velveteen, plush, corduroy,
ment on a regular loom. The term, gauze weave, terry cloth, and frieze. (There are also knitted
is sometimes applied to a plain woven low-count pile fabrics.)
weave that is not leno. Example of leno weave: To form the pile, five basic methods may be
marquisette. used to introduce the extra sets of yarn into the
fabric. These differ as follows: (1) The pile is
Figured Weaves formed by a second warp or filling yarn which is
Complex (Jacquard Weave). Elaborate de¬ suspended as a float or placed over a wrire. (2)
signs are woven by use of a special mechanism, Another process uses a double-cloth method with
known as the Jacquard head-motion, which is five sets of yarns. *(3) Still another uses the
placed above a loom. Through this mechanism slack-tension method. (4) Pile is formed by use
each warp yarn is individually controlled by rods of the tufting method. (5) Chenille yarns are
which, in turn, are controlled by a series of woven into the fabric to form the pile.
punched cards. The perforations in the cards The depth of the pile is determined by the
determine which warp yarns are raised as the length of the float, the height of the wire, the
filling yarn passes through to create the design. space between the fabrics in double-cloth weav¬
Examples: brocade, damask. ing, the amount of slack allowed or the length of
the tuft yarn.
Simple (Dobby Weaves). Small figured or
The durability of the pile depends on the way
geometric designs, repeated throughout a fabric,
in which the yarn is inserted. In the V-type
are woven by use of a dobby attachment on a
weave, the pile goes under only one warp yarn,
plain harness loom. This attachment may be
and the extra set of yarns is cut each time it
regarded as a simplified Jacquard mechanism
passes over the other yarn. In the W-type, the
that controls the heddles of a loom. Examples:
pile goes under and over two warp yarns and
madras, birdseye, huck-a-back.
the extra set of yarns is cut every other time it
Pique (Cord) Weave. Pique weave, done passes over the perpendicular yarns. The W
with a dobby attachment, produces a fabric with weave is the more durable. The pile is held in
ridges or wales held up by floats on the back. place by two crossing yarns.
Fabric Construction / 45

In some fabrics like terry cloth and frieze There are two basic types of knitting ma¬
the pile is not cut. It is also possible to have cut chines: (1) flat needle bar type that produces a
and uncut pile in the same fabric. flat fabric similar to a loom product and (2) cir¬
Slack Tension Method. This method uses two cular type that produces a circular tube of
warp beams. Yarns coming from the warp pile fabric.
beam are allowed to loosen or slacken between Knits are basically classified according to the
every third filling yarn insertion. The slackened method of knitting: weft or warp.
warp yarns create loops which may be left as
Weft Knitting
loops or sheared to produce a plush effect. Ex¬
amples: terry cloth, shagbark gingham. This is a circular or flat knitting process that
places one yarn at a time to form loops running
Tufting. A series of needles, each holding a
across the fabric. Weft knitting may be done by
yarn, is punched through from the underside of
hand or by a jersey, a purl, or a rib knit ma¬
an already woven fabric. As the needles are
chine. Weft knits can be classified according to
withdrawn, they leave looped or cut yarns on
the machine or to the stitch such as plain, jersey,
the surface of the fabric. The yarns are then
purl, and rib with interlock or Jacquard varia¬
held in place through a process that (1) untwists
tions. The process can produce either finished
the surface tuft or (2) coats the fabric with a
garments or lengths of fabric for clothing or
backing compound or (3) shrinks the ground
upholstery. Examples: jersey, hosiery, furlike
fabric. Examples: Bedspreads, carpets.
fabrics, sweaters, double-knits.

Knitting Warp Knitting

This is a flat knitting process with one or more
Knitted fabrics are made by needles that form
sets of yarns that run vertically and parallel to
a series of interlocking loops from a single yarn
each other. The warp yarns are interlocked to
or a set of yarns and connect these rows of loops
form vertical wales on the face of the fabric. The
or chains into a continuous piece of cloth. Knitted
basic types of warp knitting machines are:
fabrics, like woven fabrics, can be made from any
type of fiber or yarn and may vary in textures
Milanese. This machine produces a fabric with
and degrees of transparency or opaqueness.
two sets of yarns that are knitted opposite to
Commercial knitting started in the 16th cen¬
each other in a diagonal formation. The face
tury. Knitted fabrics are used most widely in
of the fabric has a very fine rib with a diagonal
underwear, hosiery, and sweaters and other
structure on the back. The fabric is runproof;
sportswear, where the stretch and wrinkle-
intended chiefly for gloves and lingerie.
resistance which result from the knitting process
Raschel. Multiple bars and latch needles pro¬
are highly desirable.
vide a great variety of fabrics—in plain or
The air pockets created by knitting serve as
Jacquard patterns, in lacy or dense textures, in
insulators and add to both the warmth and the
stable or elastic forms. Examples: lace, power
absorbency of knitted fabrics. The pattern of
net, men’s suiting, blankets.
stitches can be varied to produce decorative sur¬
face effects. Variety can also be achieved by Simplex. This machine has two needle and
combining, dropping, and adding stitches. guide bars and is similar to the tricot machine.
Quality and serviceability of knitted fabrics Simplex knits are double-faced fabrics, used pri¬
marily for gloves and swimwear.
will depend on the type of knitting used, the
fiber, the fineness and evenness of the yarn, close¬ Tricot. Generically “tricot” refers to all warp-
ness of the knitting, and the dimensional stability knit fabrics. Specifically it applies to fabric with
of the finished fabric, as well as dyes and special the plain jersey stitch produced on the tricot
finishes. machine. The fabric may be called jersey, tricot,
In women’s hosiery, denier indicates the fine¬ or tricot jersey and may be further distinguished
ness of the yarn used. Gauge indicates the num- as one-, two-, or three-bar tricot according to the
oer of stitches per inch-and-one-half on the kinds of guide bars that control the fabric in the
needle bar. making. The machine can be modified to create
46 / Handbook

tuck stitch, Jacquard, and other designs. Ex¬ Nonwoven fabrics can be made with a wide
amples: jersey, matte jersey. range of properties. They have two major textile
end-uses: disposable textile products, and in¬
Double Knitting
terior elements of garments or other items where
A type of knitting using two sets of needles.
they are used for padding, shaping, or reinforce¬
Fabrics have more body and durability than
ment. Specific applications include filters for air
single knits and are less likely to sag or lose
and liquids, heat and electrical insulation, pack¬
aging, bandages and other medical products,
Interlocking of Fibers backing for plastics and leathers, fillers for
quilted structures, toweling, wall covering, cur¬
These processes produce felts and nonwoven
tains and draperies, coated fabrics, book bind¬
ings, luggage, and ribbons.
Felting Nonwovens are currently made by fusing a
Felting is the oldest method of fabric construc¬ bonded web or by fusing continuous filaments
tion. It depends on the property of wool fibers as they are randomly extruded from the spin-
to coil and mat together and to so entangle them¬ nerette or by needle punching.
selves that they become permanently interlocked.
Fusing A Bonded Web. Four steps are in¬
Because of this property, the fibers can be made
volved in this process: (1) Opening and blending
to form a dense, strong material. In the manu¬
fibers, (2) forming a web, (3) applying binder,
facture of felt, fibers are compressed together by
(4) drying and curing.
the application of heat, moisture, agitation, and
Fibers in a web can be oriented or laid at
pressure. The resulting fabric is fulled to
random and bonded by one of four methods:
strengthen and shrink it to the desired thickness
(1) saturation of the complete web or mat with
and firmness. Chemical action may also be used
adhesive, (2) spraying of the carded webs or
in making felt. True felt contains all-wool or
mats with an adhesive or solvent and drying
part-wool fibers. Finishing processes may include
without pressure, (3) discontinuous bonding ap¬
dyeing and any of several special finishes to
plied in strips or printed so that most of the
make the felt mothproof, mildew-resistant, flame-
fabric is not bonded, (4) fusion and pressure.
resistant, or resistant to soil and water.
Binders may be solution binders such as starch
Both the fiber used and the construction of
and polyvinyl alcohol, polymer emulsions,
felt contribute to its excellent resilience and
thermoplastic fibers intermixed in the web, or
abrasion resistance. In industry, felt has an in¬
synthetic polymers deposited in powdered form
finite number of uses where its combination of
and heated.
resilience and hardness is important.
For consumer uses, felt serves as an insulating Fusing Continuous Filaments. By this proc¬
and sound-deadening material and is used for ess, filaments extruded from the spinnerette are
decorative purposes and in apparel. It is warm, electrostatically deposited, in random fashion,
resilient, and has the capacity to “breathe,” on a fast moving belt and then fused together
though compared to woven or knitted fabrics, its by heat and pressure. The result is a very
tensile strength is low. strong, washable fabric for clothing and carpet
Felt is non-fraying and its edges do not need
finishing. Weight, strength, color, and finishes Needle Punching. In this process a prepared
can be chosen for the end-use desired. web of fibers is passed over a board with barbed
needles which are thrust up and down through
Nonwoven Fabrics the web, causing the fibers to interlock mechan¬
Glazed wadding, the forerunner of today’s non¬ ically into a firm, compact mass. Examples:
woven fabrics, was made as early as 1860. Today patio carpeting, blankets.
millions of pounds of fiber are consumed an¬ The properties of nonwoven fabrics can be
nually by the nonwoven fabric industry. The built in to match end-use requirements. In pur¬
techniques and processes are covered by numer¬ chasing nonwoven fabrics, the consumer may
ous patents. select from fabrics varying in strength, bulk,
Fabric Construction / 47

weight, relative stiffness or softness, and flexi¬ hold the structure as a solid fabric. For this
bility. He should consider dimensional stability, process Malimor, Arachne, and Krotomatic
colorfastness, absorbency, hand, linting, and ap¬ machines are used. Production in the United
pearance where these properties are important to States is limited. In Europe, unusual drapery
the end-use. and decorative fabrics have been produced at a
very economical rate. Diapers, underwear, car¬
Netting and Lacemaking pets, and blankets are also made on these
Lacemaking became a fine art in Italy over machines.
the period of time from 1300 to 1500. The
bobbinet machine which became the basis for Bonded and Laminated Fabrics
today’s lace machines was patented in 1808. The 1968 Book of ASTM Standards, Part 24,
Lace was first made by machine in 1813. p. 612, differentiates between bonded and lami¬
Several of the most common types of machine- nated fabrics as follows:
made laces sold today are:
Bonded fabric: a layered fabric structure
Leavers method: Alengon, Chantilly, Cluny,
wherein a face or shell fabric is joined to a back¬
filet, malines, Milan, tulle, Valenciennes
ing fabric such as tricot, with an adhesive that
Bobbinet method: commercial nets, filet,
does not significantly add to the thickness of the
malines, net applique, point d’esprit, tulle
combined fabrics.
Nottingham method: filet, net, Nottingham
Schiffli method: Breton, Cluny, Point de Laminated fabric: a layered fabric structure
Venise, Richelieu wherein a face or outer fabric is joined to a con¬
Of course, there are still many types of hand¬ tinuous sheet material such as polyurethane foam
made laces. Only study and handling of laces either by the flame-bonding method or by an
will help one learn to tell them apart. adhesive, and this, in turn, is usually though not
Laces may be used either as fabrics for entire always joined with a backing fabric such as
garments or household items, or as decorative or tricot.
trimming elements. Bonded fabrics have many desirable qualities.
The use of the man-made fibers in lace has They have a built-in lining which may provide
enlarged the variety of laces available at mod¬ skin-side comfort. They have good stretch and
erate cost and has greatly simplified the prob¬ recovery and may give garments a stable struc¬
lem of caring for lace. The range of price and ture. Laminated fabrics are wrinkle-resistant,
the quality of lace vary greatly and depend have good tailoring possibilities, and provide in¬
upon such factors as the fiber used, the intri¬ sulation with low weight.
cacy of the design, whether the lace is machine- Recently a number of organizations have es¬
or handmade, domestic or imported. tablished standards to cope with such problems
as shrinking, delamination, puckering, and
Braiding blistering of bonded fabrics. But whether the
In braiding, three or more yarns are interlaced standards will eliminate or merely alleviate these
lengthwise and diagonally to form a fabric. An problems remains to be seen.
early example of braiding was the handmade
braided rug Today, complex braids are made Stretch Fabrics
for trim or for unusual garments. Stretch properties can be imparted to fabrics
by the type of fiber, yarn, or fabric construction
Stitch Bonding used. A slack mercerization finish can impart
Stitch bonding or knit-sew is a compartively stretch to an all-cotton fabric.
new method of making a fabric commercially Stretch means the property of textile fibers,
from a mat of yarns systematically arranged. A yarns, and fabrics which (1) enables them, or
threaded needle passes through the basic struc¬ materials made from them, to be extended sub¬
ture of yarns causing inter-connected loops or a stantially in either width or length or both under
chainstitch to be formed. Rows of this stitching forces customarily encountered in textile use
48 / Handbook

application and (2) causes the materials to con¬ is considered a good “working” stretch. Stretch
tract to practically their original dimensions may be applied in the filling or warp or both.
upon removal of the forces, either instantaneously Stretch cotton fabrics are being used in foun¬
or within a brief period of time. dation garments, diapers, sportswear, uniforms,
There are two kinds of stretch—power stretch gloves, slipcovers to simplify selection and care
and comfort stretch. Power stretch is important of the items or improve wearing comfort.
in garments and other items that require .holding
power and elasticity. Power stretch garments Shrinkage of Fabrics
support muscles and body organs, reduce body Shrinkage may occur in a fiber because of its
size, and firm and shape body flesh. Comfort
physical or chemical properties. When the fibers
stretch, as the name implies, provides elasticity
are made into yarns and these yarns are woven
for the comfort of the wearer. Comfort stretch
into fabrics, the factors that affect shrinkage
fabrics may not look any different from non¬
become very complicated.
stretch fabrics.
Felting Shrinkage. Felting shrinkage may oc¬
Power Stretch. The use of elastic fibers (rub¬
ber, spandex, and anidex) in a fabric can pro¬ cur in fabrics made of wool and hair fibers. These
duce power stretch properties. Rubber must be fibers have a natural tendency to felt—that is, to
covered, but anidex and spandex can be used shorten and mat together—because of their scaly
bare or as a very fine core of a spun yarn. Fabrics surface. This is called felting shrinkage. The
made of elastic fibers are excellent for swimwear tendency to mat is very pronounced in Angora
and foundation garments. and other rabbit fibers, more so than in wool or
other hair fibers. Woolen fabrics containing even
Comfort Stretch. Thermoplastic fibers can be
small-percentages of Angora tend to shrink more
twisted and heat-set to produce texturized
readily than do all-wool fabrics. Soft, loosely
stretch yarns. Fabrics woven from these yarns
woven wool fabrics, especially -those of high-
and from core-spun yarns have comfort stretch.
grade wool fibers, have a tendency to felt more
Fabrics knitted from stretch yarns can be used
than do hard-finished wool fabrics.
for very close-fitting garments such as hosiery
Felting shrinkage can result from: (1) exces¬
and leotards.
sive mechanical action during laundering or
Cotton Stretch Fabrics. Stretch properties are
drycleaning and drying, (2) high temperature
imparted to cotton yarns and fabrics by three
along with tumbling action in drying, and (3)
main methods: (1) Insertion of stretch charac¬
high relative humidity of the solvent during dry-
teristics into all-cotton yarn by means of twist¬
ing-untwisting methods similar to those used for
Mechanical action, moisture, and heat—the
the stretch yarns of man-made fibers. This re¬
very forces that are employed to produce felt—
quires a combination of (a) application of chem¬
must be applied with caution in handling fabrics
icals which facilitate the cross-linking of the
where felting is not desired. Once a fabric has
molecules in the cotton fiber to make them
become felted, it is impossible to stretch it back
resilient and (b) mechanical processes which can
to its original size.
twist, heat-set, and untwist in a single process at
Chemical finishes employing chlorine or bro¬
speeds that are economically sound.
mine gas or melamine formaldehyde resin on
(2) Fabric finishing techniques such as slack
mercerization. Fabrics given stretch by this wool fabrics are used to help control shrinkage.
method may also acquire improved hand, drape, Progressive Shrinkage. Both relaxation
and luster, and show less seam puckering. shrinkage and swelling shrinkage seldom reach
(3) Combination of fabric construction with their maximum in the first cleaning (launder¬
lively or torque yarns. In this process, the torque ing or drycleaning). These forms of shrinkage
is put into the yarn and a suitable type of fab¬ continue through successive cleanings. This is
ric production is chosen. called progressive shrinkage.
Stretch cotton fabrics may be given a 25 to Progressive shrinkage may not become notice¬
30 percent stretch, but an 8 to 15 percent stretch able until the third or fourth cleaning in an over-
Fabric Construction / 49

stretched, sized fabric. Maximum shrinkage has drapery or dress fabric may shrink more than
been reached in tests from the second to tenth its lining. The reverse might also be true. Only
cleaning. fabric combinations which do not differ in their
Relaxation Shrinkage. Most fabrics are pro¬ shrinkage characteristics should be combined in
duced under tension. These tensions leave strains garment design.

in the fabric. Unless these strains are fully

Shrinkage in Pressing, or Finishing. Some
released by the manufacturer before the fabric is
fibers and some fabric constructions—particu¬
made into a garment, relaxation shrinkage will
larly wool and thermoplastics—are softened
ultimately occur. Relaxation shrinkage is the
when steamed and pressed. As a result, they
tendency of the yarns to revert to their normal,
relax and shrink during pressing. This type of
unstretched dimensions. In many cases, sizings
shrinkage may occur in drycleaning or launder¬
or finishes help keep the fabric in its stretched
ing when items are finished on steam- and air-
finishing equipment.
If a fabric has not been fully relaxed by the
manufacturer, drycleaning or laundering will Some wool fabrics sold as piece goods are
cause the fabric to continue its relaxation and not preshrunk during textile manufacture. It
shrinkage. Usually several cleanings will be re¬ is a good practice to have these fabrics steamed
quired to relax it completely. Laundering or to relax them before they are made up into gar¬

drycleaning may partially or wholly remove any ments. Fabrics made of the heat-sensitive fibers
sizings or finishes which tend to stabilize the fab¬ should bear identifying labels as a guide to
proper handling in cleansing.
ric dimensions.

Shrinkage of Bias-Cut Garments. Bi-sym-

Swelling Shrinkage. When fibers pick up
metrical circular-cut skirts may shrink (1) in the
moisture, they swell. This can cause shrinkage in
center front and center back, or (2) at each of
rib-weave fabrics and in rib variations, such as
the side seams, depending on (a) the construc¬
some failles, gros de Londres, epingles, grosgrains,
tion of the fabric, and (b) the relative direction bengalines, ottomans, and in fabrics of other
of the warp yarns and the filling yarns to the cut constructions. Shrinkage is usually greatest in
of the garment. The majority of fabrics shrink to the rib-weave fabrics made of wool, rayon, cot¬
the greatest degree in the warp or lengthwise ton, acetate, or a combination of any of these.
direction. Therefore if a skirt is cut with the For example, a rayon or acetate yarn may. be
filling yarns of the fabric at the center front and used in the warp or lengthwise direction of a
center back, shrinkage is most likely to occur fabric that has a heavy crosswise rib of rayon or
at each side seam. If the warp yarns are parallel cotton. These rib fibers swell more than do the
to the center front and center back and side acetate warps when wet. When they swell, they
seams parallel to the filling yarns, the skirt may pull the ribs close together, and shrinkage occurs.
shrink at the center front and center back. Rayon used in the warp may shrink also.
Bias-cut garments may shrink in drycleaning, Rib-weave or other fabrics susceptible to swell¬
wetcleaning, laundering, or steam-pressing. Pre¬ ing shrinkage may be preshrunk in the finishing
shrinkage of fabrics before garment construction plant, though the relaxation of rib-weave fabrics
is therefore recommended. is more difficult than that of others. Rib-weave
Shrinkage in Fabric Combinations. In some fabrics, not known to be preshrunk, should be
cases, two different fabrics that have very dif¬ cleaned in a drycleaning solvent with low relative
ferent shrinkage characteristics may be combined humidity. Wetcleaning or laundering may cause
in a garment or household item. For example, a excessive shrinkage.
50 / Handbook


Finishes include all the processes that follow Decating or Decatizing. A finishing process
the construction of a fabric until it is ready for applied to fabrics to set the material, enhance
use. They contribute so much to the final char¬ luster, and improve the hand. The cloth is wound
acter and appearance of the fabric that it is often around a perforated drum, between layers of a
said that it is the finish that makes the fabric. blanket, and steam passed through from the
Finishes provide the added qualities desired for inside to outside layers. The action is then re¬
a particular fabric and may be used to counter¬ versed and steam removed by vacuum pump on
act an undesirable quality of a particular fiber completion of treatment. This process may help
or fabric. Many finishes give more than one overcome uneven or blotchy dyeing.
property to a fabric. Degumming. A scouring operation which re¬
Not all finishes have names used as promo¬ moves the natural gum from silk in a hot soap
tional devices. The label, however, may indicate solution. Degumming is usually performed after
which finishes have been applied to the fabric. the yarn has been woven or knitted.
Other finishes do have trademark names that Fulling. A finishing process in the woolen in¬
appear on labels or hang tags and are used in dustry which involves the application of mois¬
advertising to the consumer. Some examples of ture, heat, friction, and pressure. It results in
trademark names are included in this chapter. felting of the wool and may produce varied
In the following sections, finishes are defined effects depending upon the extent of the process.
and classified according to reasons for their use. Scouring. The removal of dirt, natural waxes,
processing oils, and sizing, which accumulated on
To Improve Appearance
yarns during weaving, by washing with soap
and Texture or synthetic detergent.
Bleaching. The whitening of textiles and re¬ Tentering. The mechanical straightening and
moval of impurities in fabrics by the use of drying of fabrics. If the fabric is not dried so
chemicals such as peroxide or chlorine bleaching that the filling yarns are exactly perpendicular
compounds. to the warp yarns, it will be off grain. After
Calendering. A finishing process of pressing resin finishes have been applied, or after thermo¬
fabric between rollers to make it smooth and plastic fibers have been heat-set, an off grain can¬
glossy. Various conditions of heat, pressure, and not be corrected.
tension will produce different effects. May be
used with chemical treatment to obtain special To Roughen and Dull
surfaces. Delustering. The natural sheen of man-made
Carbonizing. The chemical removal of vege¬ yarns and fabrics may be reduced or eliminated
table matter from wool. When wool is dry the during finishing by use of various chemicals or
carbonized matter “dusts off” in a mechanical special heat treatments. Any desired luster in
crushing operation. A process also used on fibers may be produced by inclusion of a finely
reused wool. divided pigment in the spinning solution. The
Crabbing. A wool finishing process to prevent cross-section of the spinnerette openings may
creases or other forms of uneven shrinkage in also affect the luster.
later stages of finishing. The fabric is treated Flocking. The attachment of very short fibers
with boiling water to set or fix the yarns perma¬ to the surface of a fabric by use of an adhesive.
nently. Some fabrics resemble suede or velour.
Finishes / 51

Napping and Gigging. The use of fine metal and yarn ends to obtain a smooth surface.
hooks or teasels on cylinders to pull fiber ends Thermoplastic fibers melt.
to the surface and produce the nap.
To Change Weight,
To Make Smooth
Flexibility, and Hand
and Lustrous
Weighting. The addition of metallic salts or
Beetling. A process in which linen or cotton gums to add weight to silk fabrics.
cloth, wrapped on a wooden core, is pounded
Sizing. A general term for compounds which,
to give a flat effect. Instead of wood, an iron
when added to yarn or fabric, form a more or
core may be used to produce a moire effect. The
less continuous solid film around the yarn and
result is a soft, full, thready finish which gives
individual fibers. Sizing may be applied to in¬
cotton goods the appearance of linen.
crease strength, smoothness, stiffness, or weight.
Brushing. The removal of short, loose fibers
Sizing agents may be temporary (e.g., starch)
from the surface of the fabric by mechanical
or durable (e.g., thermosetting and thermoplastic
Cire Finishing. The production of a high
Parchmentizing. The production of transpar¬
polish by use of wax or a thermoplastic substance
ent, permanently stiff cotton fabrics (e.g., or¬
and a friction calendar. This type of finish gives
gandy) by treatment with sulfuric acid.
fabrics the “wet” look.
Crisp Finish. Chemical finishes applied to cot¬
Glazing. The production of a shiny, slick sur¬
ton, rayon, or nylon sheers to make them stay
face by use of a friction calender and various
crisp during wear, laundering, wetcleaning, and
chemicals. Nondurable finishes involve starch,
drycleaning. Such finishes will also help to keep
glue, etc., whereas durable finishes are resins.
corners of sheer fabrics from rolling. Fresh-Tex
Prolonged life of these finishes requires care in
(Cranston) is one such finish.
the laundering and drycleaning of the fabric.
Mercerization. Mercerization—primarily ap¬ Softening. The use of various agents to im¬
plied to cotton fabrics—is the treatment of cot¬ prove the hand and drape of a fabric. Softeners
ton with 18 to 20 percent sodium hydroxide. If seal down fiber ends and lubricate fibers and
yarns so that they move readily; softeners may
the mercerization is done while the fabric is
held under tension, the result is a stronger, increase the life of fabrics. These agents include:
oil, fat, and wax emulsions; silicone compounds;
more lustrous fabric with increased ability to
and substituted ammonium compounds.
accept dyes. If the fabric is mercerized without
tension (slack mercerization), the fibers and
yarns within the fabric swell and contract. This To Increase Serviceability
increases the amount of crimp in the yarns which, Antiseptic Finish (Anti-Bacterial or Bac¬
in turn, allows the fabric, when pulled, to stretch teriostatic). A chemical treatment designed to
more than an untreated fabric. Most of the 100 make a fabric bacteria-resistant, and to prevent
percent cotton stretch fabrics currently avail¬ decay and damage from perspiration. The treat¬
able are made by this process. The recovery from ment inhibits the growth of a broad spectrum of
stretching of slack mercerized fabrics can be im¬ bacteria, including odor-causing germs. The
proved by further treatment with a wrinkle- chemicals used include quaternary ammonium
resistant finish. compounds and metallic salts or organic com¬
Schreinering. The use of a calender contain¬ pounds. Some antiseptics are also claimed to be
ing as many as 250 lines per inch engraved on mildew-resistant. A trademark name is Sanitized
the diagonal. This finish is used frequently on (Sanitized, Inc.).
cotton fabrics for soft luster or on nylon and Anti-Static Finish. A chemical treatment ap¬
polyester tricot to flatten the yarns and give an plied to a fabric to prevent the accumulation of
opaque appearance. static electricity. Static electricity generated in a
Singeing. The burning off of projecting fibers fabric makes it cling to the wearer or to other
52 / Handbook

garments. It also has the power to attract and Flameproof 1+62-5 (Apex Chemical)
hold soil. The hydrophobic man-made fibers tend Fir estop (Ameritex)
to accumulate static electricity. Hydrophilic Pyroset (American Cyanamid)
fibers, such as cotton and rayon, usually con¬ Cav-Guard FR (Cavedon Chemical)
tain sufficient water to dissipate electrical charges Pyrovatex CP (Ciba-Geigy Corporation)
before static electricity is formed. Fire-Guard (Polymer Research)
An anti-static finish adds a water-attracting It is important that type of finish be appro¬
chemical to the fabric and thus endows the priate to fiber content, construction, and antici¬
hydrophobic fabric with the ability to attract pated end-use of the fabric. Care in use and
and retain water which will carry off the elec¬ maintenance is required for retention of the fire-
tric charges. retardant property.
There are many anti-static finishes used by Flame-retardant solutions that can be applied
textile finishing companies. They may be applied by home methods to household fabrics 1 * * * 5 are:
to loose, yarn, or piece form to prevent electro¬
static charges being built up during processing Solution A (do not use on rayon or resin-treated
or in subsequent wear. A product for home use is cotton)
Negastat (Playtime Products, Inc.) an anti¬ Borax, 7 ounces
static solution added to final rinse water. Boric acid, 3 ounces
Hot water, 2 quarts
Crush-Resistant Finish. A resin treatment ap¬
Solution B
plied to pile fabrics to enable them to recover
Borax, 6 ounces
from crushing.
Diammonium phosphate, 6 ounces
Flame-Retardant Finish. Fabrics or articles Water, 2 quarts
that usually are flammable are treated in such a Solution C (for rayon or resin-treated cotton
way as to render them incapable of supporting fabrics)
combustion when the original source of the flame Diammonium phosphate, 12 ounces
is no longer in contact with the treated material. Water, 2 quarts
However, treatment does not produce a fireproof Solution D
fabric. (See Flammable Fabrics Act, page —.) Ammonium sulfate, 13 ounces
Since the passage of the 1967 Amendments to Water, 2 quarts
the Act, many different products are required to Household ammonia, small amount
meet federal flammability standards. However,
Fume-Fading Resistant Finish. A finish used
much more remains to be done.
on acetate and Arnet (triacetate) fabrics to pre¬
Flame-retardant finishes act in different ways
vent color changes caused by oxides of nitrogen
including (1) catalyzing the dehydration reac¬
in the atmosphere. The fading is counteracted
tion during the pyrolysis of cellulose which re¬
by change in the physical surface properties of
sults in the formation of larger carbonaceous
the acetate fiber. Some of these finishes are fairly
aggregates that do not oxidize as readily as
durable; others may be removed when the gar¬
smaller volatile decomposition products and thus
ment is laundered or drycleaned.
inhibit flaming; (2) releasing substances to
hasten cellulose degradation and the release of Mildew-Resistant Finish. A chemical finish
volatile products to inhibit flaming; (3) releasing applied to a fabric to prevent growth of mildew
gases or foams that smother flame. and mold. It is used on fabrics such as rayon,
Flame-retardant finishes may be temporary or cotton, and linen, which, when untreated, are
relatively durable. The latter are complex or¬ subject to attack by mildew in moist, humid
ganic materials that contain elements such as
1 From Making Household Fabrics Flame Re¬
phosphorus, nitrogen, bromine, chlorine, or
sistant, Leaflet No. 454, U.S. Department of Agri¬
antimony. An important example of such a
culture, December 1959 (Revised 1967). For sale
finish is tetrakis hydroxymethyl phosphonium by the Superintendent of Documents, Government
chloride (THP'C). Some trademark names for Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20401. Price
flame-retardant finishes are: 5 cents.
Finishes / 53

conditions or climates. This finish may be com¬ Bancora (Joseph Bancroft) and Zeset (du Pont)
bined with other finishes, such as water-repel¬ are such products.
lents. Fresh-Tex (Cranston) includes mildew-re¬ A combination of chlorination and resin coat¬
sistance as a quality it imparts to fabrics. ing is found in the Hercosett (Hercules, Inc.)
and Superwash (Wool Bureau) processes.
Moth-Resistant Finish. A chemical treatment
of wool to make it resistant to attack by moths Mechanical Methods. In the textile mill,
and carpet beetles. Various processes differ in relaxation shrinkage is eliminated by overfeeding
their resistance to laundering and drycleaning, a fabric onto a drying frame and applying stretch
and in the length of time they are effective. in the crosswise direction of the fabric. It may
Fabrics may be treated with moth-resistant also be eliminated by applying controlled com¬
or mothproofing finishes of various kinds. pression forces parallel to the surface of the
Some trademark names are: fabric, pushing together the warp yarns, thus
Mitin (Ciba-Geigy Corporation) releasing the weaving strains. Fabrics so treated
Moth Snub (Arkansas Company) may have less than 2 percent shrinkage in the
Woolgard (Apex Chemical Company) warp and filling direction.
The trademark Sanforized (Sanforized Co.)
Perspiration-Resistant Finish. A chemical
applied to cotton or linen fabrics indicates a
finish applied to a fabric to make it resistant
mechanical shrink-resistant finish that has met
to the damage caused by body perspiration. Such
standards of less than 1 percent shrinkage when
damage may include loss of color and loss of
the fabric is air- (not tumble-) dried.
strength. This finish finds widest application in
Heat-setting is used on fabrics or articles made
fabrics used for garment linings. from thermoplastic fibers to give dimensional
Some trademark names are: stability, improve resiliency and elastic recovery,
Sanitized (Sanitized, Inc.) and produce relatively permanent design details
Unifast and Unidye (United Piece Dye (pleats, planned creases, or surface embossing).
Works) impart other properties as well as The fabric or article is held in the desired shape
perspiration resistance. and size, an amount of heat (which depends upon
Shrink-Resistant Finish. Shrinkage of fabrics the type of fiber) is applied to cause softening,
may be controlled by either chemical or me¬ and the product is allowed to cool in the desired
chanical methods. position. During maintenance of heat-set arti¬
cles, laundering, drying, and ironing tempera¬
Chemical Methods. Wrinkle-resistant treat¬
tures must be kept below the heat-setting tem¬
ments with resins very often provide shrinkage
control for fabrics made from cellulosic fibers.
Resin impregnation of fibers can result in sta¬ Slip-Resistant Finish. This finish is applied
bilizing a fabric, thus controlling shrinkage or to a fabric to keep yarns in place so that they
stretching of the fabric in laundering or dry- will not slip over one another. It also serves to
keep seams from fraying. The finish has re¬
Chemical methods are also used for controlling ceived wide application in fabrics made of the
the felting shrinkage of wool. The two types of man-made fibers.
treatment most often used for this purpose are Soil Release Finish. With the advent of dura¬
(1) controlled oxidation of the wool—often by ble press fabrics, the removal of certain types
chlorination, and (2) interfacial polymerization of soil has become a problem. Oil type stains,
which deposits a very thin resin coating over the often found on men’s shirt collars, or grease
surface of the wool fiber. A commonly used trade stains, especially on work trousers, are more
name for the first type of treatment is Dylanized difficult to remove from durable press fabrics
(Stevens Dyers, Ltd.). The second type of treat¬ than from untreated cottons. To help solve this
ment was developed at the western regional problem, a number of finishes have been de¬
laboratory of the U. S. Department of Agricul¬ veloped for use on durable press fabrics. These
ture and named Wurlan. Several commercial have been called soil release or SR finishes.
(finishes of this type have been developed, e.g., Many durable press fabrics have had this type of
54 / Handbook

finish applied, but the results to date have not ing on draperies reflects solar heat and in winter
been 100 percent effective. Better SR finishes retains heat. Some metallic finishes dryclean
will have to be developed and used satisfactorily very well; others lose part or all of the metallic
before the problem of oil type stains on durable particles in drycleaning. Performance depends
press fabrics can be considered solved. upon the base fabric, the binder used, and the
Chemicals used in soil release include hydro¬ conditions of the curing time. Milium (Deering
philic copolymers, acrylate emulsions, and fluoro¬ Milliken) is an example of a metal-insulated lin¬
carbons. They act either to form a hydrophilic ing fabric.
surface that attracts water and allows it to lift Waterproof Finish. This finish is made by
off the soil, or they coat the fibers so soil cannot applying rubber, lacquer, linseed oil compounds,
penetrate. They may also act as anti-static or a synthetic resin to the fabric. These materials
agents, prevent soil redeposition, and improve close the pores of the fabric and enable it to
fabric hand. Some trademark names are: shed water under all pressures. These fabrics
Cirrasol-PT (ICI America, Inc.) do not breathe. Some of these materials stiffen in
Dual-action Scotchgard (Minnesota Mining drycleaning. Fabrics so treated should be wet-
and Manufacturing Co.) cleaned.
Fantessa (J. P. Stevens & Co.) Microporous finishes or coating for apparel
Multi-action Zepel (du Pont) fabrics are said to waterproof the fabric for all
Visa (Deering Milliken, Inc.) weather conditions while still allowing it to
Zelcon (du Pont) “breathe.” To make microporous material, a
Stain- and Spot-Resistant Finish. These fin¬ resin or synthetic rubber compound is mixed with
ishes help to protect fabrics from spills. Some a pore-forming material and applied to the fab¬
are water repellents which resist waterborne ric. During a subsequent heating process, the
stains only. Others resist both oil- and waterborne inserted material swells, producing a cell struc¬
stains. Many of these are durable to washing and ture of interconnected, microscopically small
drycleaning. However, thorough rinsing after particles. In a special bath, the material is then
cleaning is essential since any detergent which leached out of the fabric, leaving the microscopic
remains on the fabric will mask the finish and pores. Reevair (Reeves Brothers) is one trade¬
interfere with stain resistance. Laundering and mark name for microporous coated fabrics.
abrasion during wear tend to reduce the stain Water-Repellent Finish. This finish makes a
resistance, especially the resistance to oil-borne fabric resistant to wetting but not waterproof.
stains of the water- and' oil-repellent finishes. A water-repellent finish permits a fabric to
Pressing after laundering helps to restore stain breathe, allowing passage of air, water vapor,
resistance. Laundering may not always remove and perspiration. Water-repellent fabrics are
oil-borne stains from some stain-resistant fabrics, more comfortable to wear than are waterproofed
and it may be necessary to spot clean them with fabrics. Some finishes are called “durable”;
solvent. others are “non-durable” to drycleaning. These
Zepel (du Pont) and Scotchgard (Minnesota latter may be labeled “renewable,” meaning that
Mining and Manufacturing) are trade names for they can be renewed by the drycleaner. Some
two durable fluorochemical finishes which resist trademark names are:
water- and oil-borne stains. Hydro-Pruf (Arkan¬
Cravenette (Cravenette Company)
sas) and Syl-Mer (Dow Chemical) are trade Zelan (duPont)
names for two durable silicone finishes which re¬
Wool Presensitizing. This process (WB-5,
sist waterborne stains.
developed by the Wool Bureau) presensitizes all-
Thermal-Insulative Finish. An applied coat¬ wool fabrics for permanent pleating and creasing.
ing which can increase warmth or coolness, de¬ Dyed wool fabrics are presensitized at the mill
pending upon the situation. Aluminum coatings with a special, non-resinous, wool-setting chemi¬
are used for drapery and garment linings. For cal (monoethanolamine sulfite), which, once ap¬
the latter, however, such coatings have proved to plied, remains in the wool fabric until it is acti¬
be ineffective. In hot weather the metallic coat¬ vated with water and steam. When so activated,
Finishes / 55

it sets the formed pleats or creases permanently. baking or pressing with high temperatures and
Fabrics so treated will still be subject to the pressures. This is known as the postcure process.
normal felting shrinkage when agitated in water A possible limitation to this type of finish is
and detergent; therefore, the permanently the difficulty in altering durably-pressed gar¬
pleated or creased garments should be drycleaned ments. In addition, the harsh curing conditions
rather than laundered.
currently used cause excessive damage to the
abrasion resistance of the cellulosic components.
Wrinkle-Resistant Finishes (Wash-and- Consequently, many durably-pressed garments
Wear Finish; Durable or Permanent are produced from fabrics containing a sub¬
Press). Because the cellulosic fibers have very stantial amount (25 to 65 percent) of nylon or
poor elastic recovery and resilience, they wrinkle polyester fiber blended with the cotton.
easily and fail to recover fully from wrinkling
Additional advantages that may be gained
after a stress is removed. For this reason the
from the use of wrinkle-resistant finishes are:
wrinkle-resistant finishes have been developed for
(1) durable crispness and body so that no starch¬
application on cotton, linen, and rayon fabrics
ing is needed; (2) control of relaxation shrink¬
as well as fabrics made from blends or combi¬
age; and (3) the production of durable surface
nations of these fibers with others such as nylon,
effects by combining resin treatment and cal¬
acrylic, polyester, or triacetate. These finishes
endering of the fabric.
improve both the shape retention and the
Problems that have been encountered with the
wrinkle recovery of the treated fabric. According
finishes are: (1) chlorine retention by the nitro¬
to the most accepted theory, the finishes cross¬
gen-containing resins (but not by the other two
link the cellulose molecules and in that way im¬
types of finish); (2) off-grain finish that could
prove the elastic properties.
not be straightened; (3) reduced strength, tear
Several types of finishes which will improve
strength, and abrasion resistance of the fabric;
resilience have been developed. These include
and (4) greater retention of oil-borne stains. Be¬
both nitrogen-containing cross-linking agents
cause of the latter problem, these fabrics are
(the most-used type) and non-nitrogenous cross-
sometimes given a soil release finish. Users should
linking agents. Proper selection from among these
read labels on any wrinkle-resistant garment to
finishes or combinations of these plus proper selec¬
see whether or not a chlorine-containing bleach
tion of the finishing conditions can produce
may be used. Hydrogen peroxide and other
fabrics having a wide variety of properties such
peroxygen type bleaches may be used on fabrics
as: (1) high dry-wrinkle resistance and muss
containing these finishes, providing any dyes
resistance; high wrinkle recovery in the dry state
present are stable to the bleaches.
plus good wrinkle recovery when wet; (2) ex¬
The wash-and-wear finish or process itself
cellent wrinkle recovery when wet plus moderate
may have a trademark name such as Sanforized-
wrinkle resistance and recovery when dry; (3)
Plus (Sanforized Company) or may be indicated
excellent wrinkle recovery and wrinkle resistance
by a fabric name such as:
in both the wet and dry states combined with the
Belfast (non-resin type) (Deering Milliken)
possibility of durable creases, pleats, and seams
Everglaze, BanCare, Minicare (Joseph Ban¬
in finished garments.
The precure process involves applying the
Super-Kwik-Kare (Reeves Brothers)
chemicals to the fabric and curing with heat to
Perma-Pressed (Avondale Mills)
effect cross-linking and resin formation. The
Tebilized (T. B. Lee). Wrinkle-resistance for
fabric is then shipped to the garment manufac¬
linens, cottons, spun rayon.
turer. In the postcure process the fabric fin¬
Wrinkl-Shed (Dan River Mills). Permanent
ish is applied at the mill and dried (or, perhaps,
wrinkle-resistant finish for cotton fabrics.
partially cured) before the fabric goes to the
garment manufacturer. After the garment has Some durable press trademark names are:
been cut, sewn, and pressed, final curing of the Koratron (Koret)
fabric finish is obtained by means of either oven Coneprest (Cone Mills)
56 / Handbook


Type of Finish T rademark Manufacturer

Flame retardant Pyroset American Cyanamid Co.

Flame retardant Firestop Ameritex Div. of United
Merchants and Manu¬
facturers, Inc.
Flame retardant Pyrovatex Cp Ciba-Geigy Corp.
Flame retardant THPC Hooker Chemical Co.
Flame retardant Fire-Guard Polymer Research Corp.
of America
Flame retardant Saniflamed Sanitized Inc.

Shrinkage control Sanforized The Sanforized Co., Div. of

Cluett, Peabody & Co.
Shrinkage control Sanfor-Knit The Sanforized Co.
(cotton knits)
Shrinkage control plus Sanforized-Plus The Sanforized Co.
crease recovery
Shrinkage control on Sanforized-Plus-2 The Sanforized Co.
durable press
Shrinkage control Shrink-No-Mor The Sanforized Co.
(cotton knits)

Wash-and-wear Everglaze Joseph Bancroft & Sons

Wash-and-wear Minicare Joseph Bancroft & Sons
Wash-and-wear Bates Disciplined Bates Fabrics, Inc.
Wash-and-wear Coneset Cone Mills, Inc.
Wash-and-wear Wrinki-Shed Dan River Mills
Wash-and-wear Belfast Deering Milliken, Inc.

Durable press ALMI-Set, Ameritex Div. of United

(home sewn Lifetime-Pressed Merchants and Manu¬
garments) facturers, Inc.
Durable press Coneprest Cone Mills
Durable press Dan-Press Dan River Mills
Durable press Koratron Koratron Co.
Durable press Pak-Nit RX Pak-Nit Compax Corp.
(cotton knits)
Durable press Penn Prest J. C. Penney Co.
Finishes / 57


Type of Finish Trademark Manufacturer

Soil release Visa Deering Milliken, Inc.

Soil release Zelcon TGF E.I.'du Pont de Nemours
& Co.
Soil release Dual Action Scotchgard Chemical Div. of Minn.
Mining and Manu¬
facturing Co.
Soil release Rhoplex SR-488 Rohm and Haas Co.

Oil and water Zepel E.l. du Pont de Nemours

repellent & Co.
Oil and water Scotchgard Chemical Div. of Minn.
repellent Minirlg and Manu¬
facturing Co.

Dan-Press (Dan River) In the evaluation of a special finish, the fol¬

Penn Prest (J. C. Penney Co.) lowing questions might be considered: (1) Will
Perma-Prest (Sears, Roebuck and Co.) the finish provide the required property? For
Plastic coatings (acrylic resins) on draperies example, will a spot- and stain-resistant finish
not only help to prevent temperature change but resist both waterborne and oily-type stains?
also cut down on the amount of soil that can (2) Will the finish require special care in
penetrate the draperies and help to protect them laundering, wetcleaning, or dry cleaning? For ex¬
from deterioration caused by sunlight. ample, will the resin finish discolor if the fabric is
bleached with a chlorine-type bleach? Or is it a
resin finish that can be chlorine-bleached?
(3) Is the finish permanent or temporary?
Importance for the Consumer Finishes are classified as permanent when they
Special finishes are directly related to the end- will successfully withstand normal wear and care
use requirements of the particular textile item. for the expected life of the product.
Their purpose is to enable the fabric to perform (4) Is the finish water-soluble or solvent-
a certain function more effectively. They add to soluble ? ’ A finish may be water-soluble, and, if
the aesthetic, comfort, ease-of-care, or even so, is not durable in normal laundering proce¬
economic attributes of textiles. The consumer dures. If the finish is solvent-soluble, it will not
who clearly visualizes the end-use requirements withstand drycleaning procedures.
for a fabric and is familiar with the special fin¬ Some permanent finishes are water-soluble, but
ishes available will be in a good position to not solvent-soluble. Conversely, they may be
match end-use and finish. For example, the con¬ solvent-soluble but not water-soluble. Most tem¬
sumer who is purchasing a wool blanket that will porary finishes are both.
be stored for several months of the year should (5) Is the finish guaranteed to be durable to
consider a moth-resistant finish; the homemaker laundering, wetcleaning, or drycleaning? Or, is
selecting towels for a warm, humid climate may it semi-durable, requiring the fabric to be re¬
consider a mildew-resistant finish. treated after garment is cleaned?
58 / Handbook

Dyes and

Dye Classification
Dyes are soluble colored compounds which pro¬ and related compounds are formed at slightly
duce relatively durable permanent colors. In a higher temperatures. “Heavy oils” containing
dye bath, water penetrates the fiber surface par¬ naphthalene and creosote oils are collected at
ticularly in the amorphous (disordered) areas temperatures of 210°-270°C. The last distillate
of the fiber. This causes swelling of hydrophilic from the coal tar is the thick, paste-like “anthra¬
fibers and formation of pores within the fiber. cene oil.” Benzene, toluol, xylene, phenol, naph¬
Initially the dye molecule or ion is adsorbed on thalene, and anthracene are the compounds of
the surface of the fiber and then moves through widest use in the preparation of synthetic dyes.
the pores toward the center of the fiber. Dye In recent years the petroleum industry has be¬
molecules may be anchored to the fiber by elec- come a major source of most of these important
trovalent (ionic), covalent, or hydrogen bonds or compounds.
other forces of a physical nature. When classified Dyes may also be classified by the nature of
as to origin, the dyestuffs or materials that pro¬ the way in -which they are applied and the
duce the color are either natural or synthetic. nature of the reaction necessary for color to be
Prior to 1856, only natural dyestuffs were produced on the fabric—that is, whether the dyes
known. For centuries, insects, plant life, shellfish, will color fibers directly; whether an intermedi¬
and minerals were the sources of the colors that ary substance such as a mordant is required;
were so necessary to the peoples of the Old whether the solution must be acidic or basic; and
World. Insects such as kermes and lac were even whether the coloring substance can be ap¬
important sources of red dyes. Indigo, madder, plied as a solution or whether it is insoluble and
saffron, weld, and logwood provided the most must be bonded to the fiber.
important dyestuffs from plant life. A shellfish The nature of the fiber to be dyed greatly
from the Mediterranean Sea supplied the purple influences the choice of dye.
color that became the symbol of royalty. This Dyestuffs fall into the following classes accord¬
valuable dyestuff was named Tyrian purple for ing to their characteristics and their application
the city in Phoenicia credited with its discovery. to textiles:
Minerals were used both as sources of dyestuffs
Cationic or Basic Dyes
and also as a means of intensifying the dyet
These dyes are colored salts of organic bases.
obtained from other sources.
The colored part of the dye molecule (the cation)
Since the accidental discovery of mauve ii
is positively charged and forms electrovalent
1856, most of the dyes used for coloring fabrics
(ionic) bonds with acidic radicals of fibers such as
are synthetic dyestuffs from coal tar products.
protein, acrylic, modified nylon, and modified
Coal tar is formed during the distillation of coal,
polyester fibers. While cationic dyes have very
as in the manufacture of coke for use in the pro¬
good colorfastness on acrylic and other modified
duction of steel. Complex organic compounds are
synthetic fibers, colorfastness on protein fibers is
obtained in which the carbon is combined with
relatively poor. Cationic dyes are noted for their
hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur.
brilliance of color.
The hydrocarbons are formed by the distilla¬
tion of coal tar. At low temperatures, “light oils” Acid or Anionic Dyes
which yield benzene, toluol, and xylene are These dyes are colored salts of organic acids.
formed. The “middle oils” containing phenol The colored portion of the dye molecule (the
Dyes and Dyeing / 59

anion) is negatively charged and forms electro- forces. Individual dyes in the group vary con¬
valent (ionic) bonds with the nitrogenous basic siderably in fastness to light and washing so it
radicals of protein and nylon Abets. “Acid dye” is important that end-use be kept in mind when
refers to the fact that often these dyes are ap¬ the dye is selected. Fastness of some dyes in this
plied from an acid dyebath (pH 2-6). Individ¬ group may be improved by after-treatment with
ual dyes vary in their colorfastness to light, salts of copper, nickel, cobalt, or chromium, with
laundering, dry cleaning, and perspiration so that resins, with formaldehyde, or cationic fixing
they should be selected according to the end-use agents.
of the fabric and the expected method of main¬
Developed Direct Dyes. These dyes are simi¬
lar to the direct dyes, but they must be
Mordant Dyes
“developed” or formed on the fiber. In the appli¬
This group of dyes includes several of the
cation, however, they are rendered insoluble by
natural dyes and many of the synthetic dyes
diazotizing the dye on the fiber and then coupling
which do not have a direct affinity for the fibers
with various amines and phenols. This treatment
but can be made to combine with metallic salts.
increases the washfastness, but it may decrease
Mordant dyes may be applied by four different
the lightfastness.
methods: (1) treating the fiber with a suitable
metallic salt and then applying the dye from Azoic Dyes
solution; (2) by dyeing the fiber and after-treat¬ These dyes are developed on the fiber. First a
ing with a soluble metallic salt to form an in¬ colorless coupling component (e.g., a basic naph-
soluble lake; (3) by simultaneous application of thol) solution, which is attracted to cellulose
dye and mordant so that controlled color forma¬ probably through hydrogen bonding, is used to
tion occurs within the fiber; and (4) by using impregnate cellulosic fibers. Then a solution of a
premetallized dyes, in which dye and mordant- colorless diazotized amine is added which reacts
are reacted together before being applied to the with the coupling component to form an insolu¬
fiber. ble colored precipitate directly within the fibers.
One of the better known mordants is chrome. These dyes produce a degree of fastness that is
Other metals include cobalt, aluminum, and surpassed only by the vat dyes. Azoic dyes are
nickel. Primarily such dyestuff-metal combina¬ fast to washing, acids, alkalies, chlorine, and
tions are used on protein and nylon fibers, where cross-dyeing. Being developed on the surface,
they give excellent fastness to wet processing they have a tendency to crock. In addition,
and to light. Copper mordants are sometimes pastel shades often have poor light-fastness.
used in the dyeing of acrylic fibers.
Vat Dyes
It is thought that both electrovalent and co¬
ordinate covalent bonding are involved in link¬ Consumers often demand vat-dyed fabrics be¬
cause the colorfastness of vat dyes ranges from
ing the dyestuff, metal, and fiber.
good to excellent. Vat dyes may be divided into
Reactive Dyes
two chemical groups—(1) anthraquinone dyes
Reactive dyes differ from other types because and (2) indigoid dyes—but the groups are alike
they form a covalent bond with the fiber. They in that the dyes are insoluble in water and go
rival vat dyes in their colorfastness to laundry into solution only when they are reduced to their
and are much easier to apply. Most reactive leuco compounds which are soluble in caustic
dyes have been developed for use on cellulosic alkalies. They are then reoxidized by air or by
fibers, but some are available for use on protein an oxidizing agent. It has been suggested that
and nylon fibers. substantivity to fibers depends upon the planar¬
Direct Dyes ity of the leuco form of the dye molecule which
These are anionic dyes applied from an allows it to approach within the range of action
aqueous dyebath containing an electrolyte to of hydrogen bonding and/or van der Waals
cellulosic fibers and occasionally to protein and forces. Vat dyes are used primarily on cellulosic
nylon fibers. Probably direct dyes are held to fibers, particularly cotton. Some may be used
cellulose by hydrogen bonds and van der Waals for synthetic fibers. However, the high alkalinity
60 / Handbook

necessary to dissolve them restricts their use on which are known to be resistant and, frequently,
protein fibers. The continuous Pad-steam proc¬ to the finish treatments that will guarantee satis¬
ess is faster than other processes so that fibers factory fastness.
are less likely to be harmed by alkali, and better Pigments
distribution of dye may occur. Fabric is treated This group of coloring agents differs from dyes,
with a fine suspension of the insoluble form, since pigments are not soluble in the media used
dried, padded with alkali and a reducing agent, in their application and usually have little affin¬
steamed to reduce and fix the dye, and finally ity for fibers. The finely ground particles must
finished off in a soaping and rinsing range. be bonded to the fibers by means of synthetic
Sulfur Dyes resins or other film-forming materials.
These dyes contain sulfur linkages within Pigments are used primarily for dyeing and
their molecules. Sulfur dyes resemble vat dyes printing cotton and rayon but are also used on
in that they are insoluble in water and are ap¬ glass and some thermoplastic fibers. Satisfactory
plied in an alkaline solution which dissolves the performance depends upon the property of the
reduced form. Subsequently, they are oxidized pigment and the method of binding the color to
on exposure to air or oxidizing agents to the in¬ the fabric. Some pigments have excellent wash-
soluble colored form in the fiber. In some sulfur fastness, others can be drycleaned only. They are
dyes, the sulfur is slowly oxidized to sulfuric acid usually fast to light, acids, and alkalis. Since they
on storage and thus some dyed fabrics may be are applied to the surface, crocking and lack of
harmed. These dyes are used primarily on resistance to rubbing are often encountered.
cellulosic fibers and produce a wide range of Other Dyes
rather dull colors and include a fewT blues, With the advent of the various man-made
browns, blacks, greens, maroons, oranges, and fibers, there has arisen a need for dyestuffs which
yellows. They are quite fast to washing and are can be applied to these new fibers. Many of these
used for fabrics that require frequent and hard dyes are modifications of the existing types. All
washing. They have no fastness to chlorine
of these dyes are usually developed so they will
and vary to fastness to perspiration, acids, al¬
attach chemically to specific fibers. They offer
kalies, and light.
comparatively good colorfastness.
Disperse Dyes
The poor affinity of acetate for most dyes used
Dyeing Processes
for cottons and rayons was a great problem to Solution Dye
the dye industry. A similar difficulty was en¬ Some man-made fibers may be dyed by the
countered later with nylon, polyester, and acrylic addition of the coloring matter to the solution
fibers. It was found that certain insoluble azo before the filament is formed. This process re¬
and anthraquinone dyes can be kept in colloidal sults in excellent colorfastness, but it does not
suspension by sulfonated oils or soaps. During leave the manufacturer the same flexibility for
dyeing, a dispersed dye is adsorbed by the fiber final design that he has if the final choice of color
and then diffuses into the fiber, forming a solid or design is made later in the manufacturing.
solution. The thermosol process involves pad¬
Fiber Dye (or Stock Dye)
ding a disperse dye suspension into the fabric
The fibers are dyed before the yarns are spun
and passing the fabric into a heat zone where the
and woven into a fabric. In felts, the fibers are
dye is fixed in the fibers in seconds.
dyed before they are felted.
It is now possible to dye acetates, nylons, and
polyesters in a range of colors with good fastness Yarn Dye
to light, washing, and perspiration. There is The yarns are dyed before they are woven into
not, however, the wide range of colors with su¬ checks, plaids, stripes, or herringbone designs.
perior fastness that is found in the vat dyes. The use of one colored yarn in the warp or
The susceptibility of acetates to fume-fading is lengthwise direction of a fabric and other colored
still a problem that requires considerable atten¬ yarn in the crosswise direction produces a
tion to the selection and application of the dyes changeable or iridescent effect.
Dyes and Dyeing / 61

Piece Dye These are known as auxochromes and are repre¬

In piece dye, cloth is dyed after fabrication. sented by groups such as the amine group (NH2),
This method is the easiest and cheapest but does sulfonic acid (HS03), and the hydroxyl group
not always provide thorough penetration of the (OH). These groups also give water solubility
dyestuff. to the dye and affect the intensity or brilliance
of the color.
Cross Dye. Fabric of two or more fibers is
(3) Other chemical substances are also fre¬
placed in a dye bath containing two or more dif¬
quently added to the bath to color fabrics suc¬
ferent dyes. Each fiber will be dyed by the dye
cessfully. Exhausting agents slow the dyeing
for which it has an affinity.
process or decrease the amount of exhaustion
Solid Dye. Fabric from one fiber is dyed one producing a more level or uniform dyeing. Oxi¬
color. dizing and reducing agents regulate the amount
of oxygen needed to produce the colors.
Union Dye. This technique mixes dyes for
(4) Various methods of applying dyes require
fabrics made from two or more fibers so that the
extra processes to fix the colors permanently.
fibers will dye the same color.
Mordanting, diazotizing and developing, and
after-treating with metal salts, resins, or for¬
Factors That Relate to maldehyde are some of the processes used.
There are many factors that influence the fast¬
Colorfastness Properties
ness of the dyestuffs used today. Consumer
demands for fabrics with excellent fastness prop¬ Dyes are generally considered fast when they
erties are of great concern to the fabric manu¬ resist the deteriorating influences to which they
facturer and to the dye industry. Perhaps the will be subjected in the use for which the fabric
factor of greatest importance is the interest of is intended. Through numerous technical com¬
the manufacturer in the selection of dyestuffs mittees the American Association of Textile
and the research in methods of application that Chemists and Colorists has developed labora¬
will assure excellent performance in use. Many tory test procedures which indicate the fastness
factors that must be considered by the manu¬ of the colors and predict their performance in
facturer and finisher are of little concern to the use.
consumer. However, an acquaintance with the Fastness to light is a quality of importance to
following factors contributes to an understanding practically all fabrics and is of particular im¬
of the problems involved in obtaining colorfast¬ portance to those which are to be used for cur¬
ness: (1) The chemical structure of the fiber to tains, draperies, and other home furnishings.
be dyed dictates the types of dyes used. Protein Fastness to light is often influenced by the tem¬
fibers may be dyed readily with either acid or perature and humidity prevailing at the time of
basic dyes. Cellulose fibers are much more satis¬ exposure. The Fade-Ometer is a standardized
factorily dyed with direct cotton dyes, azoic dyes, testing device which measures the fastness to
and vat and sulfur dyes. Thermoplastic fibers light and shows anticipated changes.
which do not absorb moisture require dyestuffs Since almost all fabrics must withstand
that either dissolve in the fibers or unite chemi¬ cleansing, colorfastness to washing and to dry-
cally with them. cleaning are important. Dyes must be chosen
(2) The chemical structure of the organic both for the fiber on which they are to be used
compounds must have a molecular arrangement and for the expected cleansing to be given the
that will enable them to absorb portions of the fabric. Mild laundering tests are used for color-
visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. fastness on delicate fabrics while more rigorous
The substrate fabric reflects the rays that are washing tests are used to determine the color¬
not absorbed. Some colored materials may fastness on cotton and linen fabrics. Even more
be converted into dyes by the introduction of severe tests are established for those fabrics
salt-forming or other chemically reactive groups. which must be laundered commercially.
62 / Handbook

Colorfastness tests closely related to the wash Fastness to fumes is of particular importance
tests are those which show the resistance to when related to the fastness of acetates. Al¬
bleeding, and those indicating the fastness to though cases of fumes affecting other fibers have
ironing and to dry- and wet-pressing. Fastness been known, acetates have been most affected by
to acids and alkalies is also important for those the oxides of nitrogen in the atmosphere, pro¬
fabrics that must be cleansed in commercial duced by the combustion of coal gas, oil burners,
laundries and drycleaning establishments. arc lamps, or by air passing over hot surfaces.
Fastness to perspiration is another factor of Not all acetate dyes are affected by fumes. Those
importance in wearing apparel. For greatest dyes that are diazotized and developed are most
satisfaction, there should be no change in the resistant while the amino anthraquinones are
color itself nor should there be any staining of most sensitive. The increasing pollution of our
suit linings or undergarments. atmosphere has caused failures in other kinds of
Fastness to crocking or rubbing is important dyes. Considerable research to overcome these
in both apparel fabrics and those used for up¬ failures is under way at the present time.
holstery. Poor fastness to crocking is likely to be Fastness to sea water is important for some
found with chrome dyes, basic dyes, heavy vat, textile products, such as bathing suits, uniforms,
and azoic dyes. Tests made with the Crockmeter flags, and sporting goods. Treatment with fairly
aid in picking out those dyes which are likely to strong solutions of salt water forms the basis of
rub off onto white or lightly colored materials. tests used for this characteristic.
Fabric Design / 63


The two broad areas of fabric design are filling direction. This arrangement of yarns pro¬
structural design and applied decoration. duces sheer stripes in the fabric.
Structural designs are achieved in the con¬
Yarns with Special Properties. Puckered
struction of the fabric by (1) combining yarns
stripes in seersucker are made by alternating
to make a particular design; (2) introducing
groups of warp yarns with loose and tight ten¬
novelty-type yarns; (3) combining colored yarns
sions, thus giving lengthwise pucker stripes in
to create a particular effect; (4) using yarns
the areas of loose tension. A method that closely
with special properties; (5) making woven de¬
resembles plisse or seersucker uses yarns with
signs through the use of special looms such as
greater shrinkage potential alternated with regu¬
the dobby and Jacquard; (6) introducing extra
lar yarns. The shrinkage produced in a heat¬
yarn or yarns to form a design on the background
setting process causes the high shrinkage yarns
weave; and (7) varying knitting designs.
to shorten and thus also causes the alternate
Applied decorative designs are those that are
yarns to pucker. This method could be used in
applied to the surface of the fabric by (1) print¬
either the lengthwise or crosswise direction.
ing, (2) embossing, (3) adding a design in relief,
or (4) using chemical reactions. Novelty Yarns. Novelty yarns (such as slub,
boucle, or other core-and-effect yarns) and tex¬
tured yarns may be woven or knitted into the
Structural Design
fabric to create a structural design that serves a
Most of the true structural designs are perma¬ useful as well as aesthetic purpose. For exam¬
nent. A damask tablecloth, for example, will ple, nylon and rayon yarns coated with tiny
never lose its design, though of course its beauty, glass beads may be woven into a fabric. Under
luster, and colorfastness will depend on the qual¬ ordinary light, the yarns are unchanged. Seen
ity of fabric construction, yarn, and dye. A in a strong light, they glow. Such yarns have
woven iridescent fabric will keep its changeable important safety uses.
effect as long as the fabric lasts if the dyes are
colorfast. Various methods of achieving struc¬ Colored Yarns. Variation in the arrangement
tural design are briefly described here. For more of colored yarns may be used to create design.
detailed information see sections on yarns and Alternated groups of colored yarn are used to
fabric construction. form stripes, checks, and plaids. Warp and fill¬
ing yarns in contrasting colors are used to achieve
Yarn Type and Arrangement iridescent fabrics, such as changeable taffeta.
Combining Yarns. The combination of different
Weaves and Variations
types of yarns in a specified arrangement may be
Use of Special Looms. Small, fancy, and geo¬
used to create designs. For example, bengaline
metrical designs are woven on the dobby loom;
is a firmly woven, ribbed-weave fabric made of
more elaborate designs are woven on the Jac¬
single yarns in the warp and of heavy ply yarns
quard loom. Examples of Jacquard-woven fab¬
in the filling. A basket weave fabric is made by
rics are brocade and damask.
weaving two or more yarns together in both
warp and filling. Knits with Extra Yarns. (1) Lappet designs
Spacing Yarns. Design effects may be ob¬ resemble embroidery but are formed by needles
tained by skipping spaces in either the warp or which carry extra warp yarns from side to side
64 / Handbook

of the design where they are bound by filling color and design may be printed in the same
yarns. Long floats between designs are cut away, operation. Each color requires a separate roller.
thus leaving the cut ends on the same side of the This process is also known as cylinder, calender,
fabric as the design. Looms equipped for lappet or roller printing.
weaving are not now in general use. (2) Swivel
Discharge (or Extract) Printing. The fabric
designs are woven with extra filling yarns, each
is piece-dyed; then the dye is removed in se¬
carried by a special swivel shuttle around several
lected areas by printing chemicals that reduce or
warp yarns. The cut ends of the yarns in the
remove the dye as the design is printed. The
pattern appear on the wrong side of the fabric.
result may be a white design on a colored fabric
True swivel figures are usually securely anchored
or a colored design imprinted at the same time
to the ground, but clipped spot designs may be
the selected areas of color are removed to form
easily pulled out. These designs are made by
the design.
weaving extra filling yarns in spots across the
Duplex Printing. Designs are printed on the
fabric and cutting the loose floats at the ends of
face and back of the fabric in two distinct opera¬
each figure.
tions on both sides of the fabric. The designs
and colors may be identical or different. Iden¬
Knits and Variations
tical designs may give the effect of a woven
Attractive structural designs can also be
formed by use of different knitting techniques
and patterns. Variations of the basic stitches Lacquer Printing. Insoluble pigments are
and the use of different knitting machines make mixed with a lacquer carrier to form a printing
it possible to create fabrics with a wide variety paste and are then applied by rollers to an
of structural designs. already finished piece of goods, for example, a
taffeta or a faille. The design does not stand out
Applied Decoration in relief on the surface of the fabric. This type
of print is difficult to distinguish from a pigment-
resin print.
Colors or chemicals are applied in patterns to
Lacquer Stencil Printing. In lacquer stencil
the surface of the fabric to achieve decorative
printing, insoluble, finely ground pigments are
designs. This is called printing. Examples of
mixed with a binder and a thickener to form a
various processes are:
printing paste. This is then applied to the fabric
Blotch Printing. The ground or base area
in a variety of designs. The design stands in
around the design is covered with color; the
relief to the -background fabric and looks like
detail colors of the design are applied by dif¬ paint designs.
ferent rolls or screens. This is a method of direct
printing; however, the appearance is similar to Overprinting. Technically, overprinting is di¬
a discharge print fabric. rect or application printing. The design is
printed over other colors already on the fabric.
Burnt-out Printing. A fabric composed of
Overprinting can tone down certain vivid colors
yarns of at least two fibers is printed with a
or alter shades of colors.
solvent or an agent capable of destroying one of
the fibers. As one of the fibers is removed (burnt Photographic Printing. Photoengraved roll¬
out) in the area where the solvent or agent was ers transfer the design (a photographic image)
printed, a lacy or sheer-and-heavy design is to the fabric.
created. This method may also be used to make Pigment-Resin Printing. An insoluble pig¬
eyelet designs.
ment is mixed with a resin binder and thickener
Direct (or Application) Printing. A process to form a printing paste. The paste is then ap¬
in which colors for the design are applied directly plied to the fabric from engraved rollers. The
to the fabric as the fabric passes between a large printed fabric is treated at a high temperature to
cylinder and engraved rollers. The rollers trans¬ cure the resin binder. The design does not stand
fer color directly to fabric. Both background in relief on the surface of the fabric.
Fabric Design / 65

Plisse Printing. A process used to create a both dyed and printed fabrics and on various
crinkled or puckered surface. A cotton fabric is types of fabric constructions. Examples are:
passed between rollers that permit a caustic solu¬
tion to come in contact with certain areas of the Embossed Designs. The fabric is pressed be¬
fabric. The solution shrinks those areas, and the tween engraved rollers to produce a design on
unprinted portions pucker. A variation of this the surface of the fabric. (Embossed designs may
method uses a resisting solution to protect parts be found on cotton or silk and on rayon, acetate,
of the fabric, and a caustic bath then shrinks the and other man-made fiber fabrics of many dif¬
unprotected areas. Fabrics of other fibers may ferent constructions.) There are two methods
also be given a plisse effect by use of selected for embossing designs on fabrics: (1) By the
chemicals. mechanical method, the design is pressed into a
Resist Printing. In one method a chemical or fabric under conditions of heat, moisture, and
substance is printed in a design on a white or steam. (2) By the chemical method, the design
light-colored fabric. When the fabric is then is pressed into a fabric that has been pretreated
piece-dyed and washed, the resisted patterns stay with a resin. Embossed designs are durable
uncolored against a colored background. The when they are properly executed on fabrics of
fabric may then be direct-printed to color the thermoplastic fibers or those pretreated with a
blank areas. Or the fabric may be printed with heat-setting resin.
a dye paste that resists another dye when over¬ Embroidered Designs. Fabric is embroidered
printed. by hand or machine in a repeated design.
Roller Printing. See Direct Printing.
Flocked Designs. A fabric is first printed with
Screen Printing. The background of the de¬ an adhesive, then dusted with flocks (short
sign is blocked out with various materials on a fibers, short hairs, or metallic particles) which
screen of silk or nylon. The untreated areas of adhere to the adhesive, forming a design that
the screen allow the dye to pass through onto stands in relief to the surface of the fabric. Some
the fabric. A separate screen is used for each flocked designs are made by use of an electro¬
color of the pattern. static charge that pulls the flock upright through
Stencil Printing. This is a type of resist print¬ the fabric so that flock stands perpendicular
ing in which the part of the design to resist the to the surface.
dye is covered with paper or metal; open areas Glued Designs. Various types of materials
of the stencil allow the dye to be applied to the may be glued to the fabric to form a design in
fabric. relief to the surface. For example, felt cutout de¬
Vigoureux (or Melange) Printing. This signs may be glued to a felt skirt. Chenille or
method is used mainly on wool for creating greys sequin dots may be glued to a fabric surface. In
and salt-and-pepper effects in men’s suiting. A some instances, the adhesive used is solvent-
dye is printed in crosswise stripes on slivers. soluble, and the design comes off in drycleaning.
When the sliver is processed into yarn, the
Hand-Painted Designs. The design may be
colors appear as small spots and produce a
painted on a section of a garment before the
tweedy effect or blend to give a grey tone, de¬
garment is made or may be applied to a finished
pending upon amount of processing.
item. For example: hand-painted designs on
Warp Printing. The warp yarns are printed blouses; painted designs on ties. Some painted
with the design after they have been set up on designs dryclean satisfactorily; others do not.
the warp beam of the loom. The printed warp Moire. A watered or wavered effect on fabrics,
yarns are woven with a plain-colored filling yarn. produced by passing the fabric between engraved
A shadowy or muted design is achieved. rollers. The crushed and uncrushed parts of the
Surface Designs Other Than Printing design reflect light differently. Moire designs
Fabric decoration may also be created by sur¬ may be found on cotton, silk, and man-made fiber
face-applied design other than printing. These fabrics, such as rayon and acetate, of many dif¬
methods of design application may be used on ferent constructions. If the finish is to be dura-
66 / Handbook

ble, the fabric must contain thermoplastic fibers Permanence of the design and the effect that
or resins. Bar moire is the process used for its application may have had or will have on
almost all moires now on the market. It is a the base fabric need to be considered. For ex¬
mechanical method that uses moisture, heat, and ample, certain dyes may, through photosynthesis
pressure. Design forms in wavy bars. due to exposure to sunlight, develop chemicals
that can damage the fabric. Novelty or textured
yarns may be more easily snagged and thus
damage the appearance or durability of the
Importance for the Consumer fabric. From experience and care in buying, the
The importance of design to the consumer is consumer can judge the permanence of some
primarily aesthetic. Design may make a fabric designs; for most decisions, however, he will need
more pleasing in appearance and more becoming to rely on the manufacturer’s label or informa¬
to the wearer since the fabric is more decorative tion from the retailer. With new finishing tech¬
than it would be without the design. Design is niques and products, it is possible to produce
also an important style consideration. very permanent surface-design effects.
Fabric Definitions / 67


The definitions given here include a description made fibers such as rayon. Used for dresses,
of the distinctive characteristics of the fabric as blouses, handkerchiefs, and infants’ wear.
well as other information which will help to Batiste is the finest and softest of the related
identify it. Some of the ways the various fabrics group of plain-weave cloths such as lawn. Corset
are commonly used are included; however, the batiste is quite different, is generally very firm
examples are not intended to be all-inclusive. and heavy, and may have an overall Jacquard or
As new fibers, yarns, and blends are developed, dobby pattern.
they extend or alter the ways the fabrics are used
and sometimes the character of the traditional Bedford Cord. A firm warp wise ribbed fabric.
fabric. There are an increasing number of fab¬ Stuffing yarns are introduced to make a raised
rics known to the consumer by the trade or cord. Used for coats, suits, slacks, uniforms.
brand name rather than by the traditional fab¬ Heavier qualities of this fabric are used in
ric name; therefore, some brand names have draperies and slipcovers.
also been included. Bengaline. Firmly woven ribbed-weave fabric
Alpaca. A fabric made from a wool-like fiber made of single yarns in the warp and heavy ply
derived from domesticated llama. Alpaca is yarns in the filling. Warp yarns may be of man¬
usually available in a plain-weave fabric which made fibers or silk and the filling yarns of cotton,
is fine, soft, and luxurious. Like mohair, the fiber wool, or man-made fibers alone, or in combina¬
is stiff, and though the fabric is soft, it has a tions. Ribs are slightly heavier and rounder than
crisp hand. Fabrics with the characteristic crisp, in poplin; more distinct than in faille. Fabric is
wiry hand of alpaca, currently made of blends of usually stiffer than poplin or faille. Used in
rayon and other man-made fibers, are sometimes dresses, coatings, ribbons.
called alpaca.
Bird’s-eye. A figure-weave fabric. The figure
Awning Cloth. Durable canvas or duck, made forms a diamond with a dot in the center. Used
with a plain weave. This fabric is used in solid in dresses, diapers, and household items.
colors or in woven or painted stripes for awnings,
Blends. The combination of two or more types
beach and lawn umbrellas, outdoor furniture
of fibers in one yarn used in various fabric con¬
covers, and luggage.
Balbriggan. A lightweight circular knit fabric
Bolivia. Fabric with a silky, thick, long pile
made with plain stitch. Used for underwear,
which is woven and then cut to give a pebbled,
sweaters, gloves.
cord, or ridge effect. In some fabrics the ridges
Barathea. A fabric with a characteristic granu¬ go up and down; in other fabrics the ridges may
lar textured effect because of the short broken go diagonally across the fabric. Usually made
ribs in the filling direction. It is a rich, soft, of wool; may contain alpaca or mohair.
fine fabric which may be made of silk, rayon, or
Boucle'. Term applied to a variety of knitted
acetate warp with a worsted filling. Used in
and woven fabric constructions, from lightweight
neckties and dress goods.
dress fabrics to heavy coating fabrics made of
Batiste. General term for soft, lightweight, thin boucle yarn. Regardless of weight or construc¬
fabric made in plain weave of cotton, or man¬ tion, fabrics are distinguished by small spaced
68 / Handbook

loops on their surfaces. May be made from either low-count, open, plain-weave fabric, the other
natural or man-made fibers or mixtures of both. a much finer plain-weave fabric.
A single strong linen fabric is stiffened
Broadcloth. Term used to describe several dis¬
with flour, paste, China clay, and glue.
similar fabrics made with different fibers, weaves,
and finishes. They may be defined as follows: A cotton scrim is given a stiff finish with
a nondurable size. Used for interlinings, book¬
Broadcloth made from wool or wool bindings, millinery.
mixed with man-made fibers. Fine, open
twill-weave fabrics that are “fulled,” napped, Bunting. Loosely woven plain-weave fabric
sheared, and dampened. The nap is then made of cotton, wool, or man-made fibers. Used
permanently laid down in one direction. The for flags and banners.
weave cannot be seen on the right side of the Burlap. Very coarse, heavy, plain-weave fabric
fabric. This gives the fabric its characteristic made of cotton, jute, or hemp. Used chiefly for
smooth, lustrous, fine velvet-like texture. Chiffon backs of floor coverings or furniture covering and
broadcloth is a lightweight dress fabric with a
bagging, but may also be used natural, dyed,
high luster. Coating and suiting broadcloths are or printed for clothing, draperies, and wall
Broadcloth made from spun man-made
Butcher Rayon. A coarse, crash-like rayon fab¬
fiber yarns. To form the rib in this fabric, a
ric made to resemble the original butcher linen.
number of filling yarns may be woven as one
A Federal Trade Commission ruling prohibits
yarn, or a heavier filling yarn may be used. This
the use of the word “linen” on this type of
type of broadcloth has the finest rib of all
ribbed-weave fabrics.
Calico. Originally lightweight plain-weave cot¬
Broadcloth made from silk or filament-
ton cloth, made in Calcutta, India. The name
type synthetic yarns. Fabrics are woven in a
today refers more to a type of design in the
plain weave with a fine crosswise rib obtained by
print rather than to a given fabric construction.
using a heavier filling than warp yarn.
Print cloths may be called calico when printed
Broadcloth made from cotton and spun with a small overall floral design in dark or bright
man-made fiber yarns. Fine fabrics with a colors.
slight rib in the filling direction.
Camel’s Hair. Fabrics made from wool-like hair
Brocade. A rich-appearing fabric woven on a obtained from the camel. Genuine fabrics are
Jacquard loom. Has a prominent and raised very expensive, and not too common. They are
design; face of fabric may be distinguished from soft, silky, and luxurious. Some fabrics combine
the back. May be made of the natural or man¬ camel hair with wool.
made fibers. In some fabrics, a gold or silver
Canvas. Heavy, closely woven, plain-weave
yarn may be introduced to form the design.
fabric that is rather stiff. Made of cotton or
Brocatelle. Tightly woven and stiff, elaborate linen or man-made fibers in many weights. Uses
fabric made with a Jacquard figure weave. of canvas range from sails and awnings to slip¬
Originally made to look like tooled leather. cover and lining fabrics.
The design, formed by the warp yarns, stands
Casement Cloth. Term applied to a class of
in high relief from the ground. The area that is
lightweight, sheer openwork, or opaque fabrics
not raised is backed by extra yarns. Used chiefly
used for curtains.
for slipcovers, upholstery, and wall coverings.

Buckram. Term used to describe three types of Cashmere. Wool-like hair fiber from the cash-
fabrics. mere goat. Fabrics using this fiber alone, or in
combination with wool, are often called cashmere.
A heavily sized and stiffened fabric Typical are the cashmere shawls from northern
is made by gluing two fabrics together. One is a India.
Fabric Definitions / 69

Cassimere. Closely woven 2x2 twill fabric China Silk. Lightweight, soft, plain-weave silk
made of wool. It is fulled and sheared to make fabric used for lingerie and linings of dresses and
a smooth, somewhat lustrous surface texture. soft suits.
Chief use is for men’s suits and trousers.
Chinchilla. Term used to describe a variety of
Cavalry Twill. Very firmly woven, hard-sur¬ wool and cotton fabrics made of twill double
faced fabric, recognizable by its pronounced cloth or knitted constructions. Fabrics are char¬
double twill. Spaced diagonal lines go from left acterized by a thick, full, soft, dull, irregular sur¬
to right and can be seen on the back of the face texture resulting from curled nubs. Long,
fabric. Used for riding habits, sportswear, uni¬ floating yarns are teaseled by a chinchilla ma¬
forms. chine to raise a long nap to the surface of the
fabric. The nap is then rubbed into small
Challis. Extremely soft, lightweight, plain- or
rounded, curled tufts or nubs. The fabric is used
twill-weave fabric made of wool, cotton, or man¬
chiefly for coats. The term “chinchilla” also
made fibers. Usually printed with a small floral
refers to fur of a rodent.
pattern. Used for dresses, blouses, negligees,
men’s ties and shirts, draperies, linings. Chintz. Term applied to a large group of gaily
printed or solid colored, highly glazed cotton
Chambray. Plain-weave fabric distinguished by
fabrics. High-quality fabrics are made of a hard
i white frosted appearance achieved by use of
twisted warp yarn and a coarser, slackly twisted
a white yarn in the filling, a colored yarn in the
filling yarn and are firmly woven. Some of the
warp. Used for linings, women’s blouses and
fabrics are fully glazed; some are semi-glazed.
dresses, and men’s shirts.
The two methods of producing a glazed finish on
Cheesecloth. A very loosely woven, plain- this group of fabrics are: (1) nondurable, a fab¬
weave cotton fabric. It may be used for curtains, ric that has been given a wax or starch finish and
costumes, cleaning cloths. then pressed between hot rollers to produce a
high luster; and (2) durable, a fabric that has
Chenille. Term applied to a type of yarn and
been treated with a resin under patented meth¬
to a fabric woven with a chenille yarn. The yarn ods that produce a high luster.
is covered with short cut fibers or pile. Chenille
yarns are used in both knitted and woven fabrics. Coated Fabrics
The fabric is used chiefly in making lounging gar¬
Simulated leather. Term used to describe a
ments, bedspreads, rugs.
thermosetting-resin-coated fabric that has the
Cheviot. Originally a fabric made of the coarse look, feel, and pliability of leather. Base fabric
wool of sheep raised in the Cheviot Hills of may be knitted or woven of a variety of fabric
North England. Today it is a term used to de¬ constructions.
scribe medium- to heavyweight fabrics made of
Reflective linings. Conventional suit and
wool, wool and cotton, spun man-made yarns, or
coat lining fabrics such as satin, taffeta, and
entirely of cotton. Weave may be plain, or twill.
twill- and plain-weave lining fabrics and con¬
The fabric is “fulled” for compactness, then
ventional cotton drapery linings such as sateen,
napped to produce a rough, shaggy surface tex¬
brocades, print cloth (a plain-weave fabric of
ture which is its distinguishing characteristic.
cotton or blends) are coated on one side with
Chiffon. Term used to describe many sheer, aluminum flakes in a resin binder. Both types
plain-weave fabrics made of fine, highly twisted, may be sold under various trademark names.
strong yarn. May be made of silk, wool, or a
Opaque linings. Conventional drapery fab¬
man-made fiber. The term is used before names
rics such as sateen or print cloth are coated on
of fabrics to indicate a lightness of weight, as
one side with a vinyl resin material to make
chiffon taffeta, chiffon satin, chiffon velvet. Some
the fabric opaque.
chiffon constructions made of fibers other than
silk are sized with a water-soluble size to give Coated outerwear fabrics. Medium-weight
them the hand and feel of silk. fabrics, usually cotton, are coated on the back of
70 / Handbook

Coated Fabrics (Continued) fied as follows: (1) Warp crepes have high-twist
yarns in warp direction only. Bemberg sheers and
the fabric with a rubberized coating or a vinyl
some wool crepes are of this type. (2) Filling
coating to make the fabric weather-resistant.
crepes have high-twist yarns in the filling direc¬
Coated rainwear fabrics. Lightweight fab¬ tion only. The use of many more warp than fill¬
rics of cotton, silk, rayon, nylon, or polyester are ing yarns gives these fabrics a characteristic
thinly coated on the back of the fabric to im¬ crosswise rib. French, flat, bark crepes, and crepe
part water-resistance to the fabric. de Chine are examples of filling crepes. (3) Bal¬
anced crepes have high-twist yarns in both warp
Flocked fabrics. A flocked fabric is made by
and filling directions. Examples of balanced
binding small particles of fibers (called flock) to
crepes include chiffon, georgette, triple sheer,
the entire surface of a woven fabric.
and semi-sheer.
Flocked velvet. A flocked velvet is made by Different effects also may be achieved by the
binding small particles of fibers (called flock) to way the yarns are twisted. Crepes made with a
the entire surface of a taffeta fabric. The finished satin, twill, or Jacquard weave usually have an¬
fabric looks very much like a woven velveteen other name.
or velvet. Crepe fabrics range from the very fine, almost
smooth surfaces to very pronounced definite
Metallic-plated fabrics. Nylon or acetate heavy crepe textured surfaces. Crepe fabrics
tricot knit fabrics are coated on one side with include:
silver or gold particles in a resin binder.
Canton crepe. Originally made in China,
Corduroy. A cut filling-pile fabric with length¬
from which it has derived its name. Soft, lus¬
wise ridges or wales that may vary from fine
trous, similar to crepe de Chine but heavier and
(pinwale) to wide wales. Extra filling yarns float
more textured. A predominant, heavy creped fill¬
over a number of warp yarns that form either a
ing yarn forms a crosswise rib. This is achieved
plain- or twill-weave ground. After the fabric is
by the alternate use of six or more filling yarns
woven the floating yarns are cut, the pile brushed
with an S twist and six or more filling yarns
and singed to produce a clear cord effect. The
with the Z twist.
back of corduroy is slightly napped. Originally a
cotton fabric, but today may be made of man¬ Chiffon crepe. See Chiffon.
made fibers such as rayon, polyester, or acrylic.
Crepe-back satin. See Satin.
Covert. A medium- to heavyweight twill-weave
fabric. Distinguishing characteristic is mottled Crepe de Chine. A soft, thin but opaque
or flecked appearance achieved by use of a solid lightweight fabric with a crepe surface. Silk
colored filling yarn and a two-ply warp yarn of crepe de Chine is woven with the natural gum.
white and colored single yarns. Usually made of The crepe effect is achieved during the degum-
wool or cotton but may be made of man-made ming process.
fibers. Used for coats, sportswear, suits.
Crepon. Originally a wool fabric, but today
Crash. A rather loosely woven fabric of irregu¬ may be made of silk or rayon. A heavy crepe
lar yarns of cotton, linen, rayon, or jute. Made in fabric with a wavy lengthwise rib formed by a
various weights. May be dyed or printed. Used thicker, alternately twisted crepe warp yarn.
for upholstery, draperies, slipcovers. Lightweight
Flat crepe. Smooth, soft fabric that has a
crash may be used for dresses for casual wear.
less crinkled surface than most crepes.
Crepe. Term used to describe a large class of
Marocain crepe. Heavy crepe fabric with a
fabrics made of a plain weave or modification
slightly wavy and rather heavy filling rib.
which is distinguished by a grainy or crinkled
surface. Highly twisted yarns are used in either Plisse or crinkle crepes. Many crepes fall
the warp or filling directions or both. According in this class. They may be produced by chemical
to their construction, crepe fabrics may be classi¬ treatment in the fabric.
Fabric Definitions / 71

Crinoline. Originally a linen and horsehair Drill. A heavy, firm cotton twill-weave that is
fabric used for linings and interlining.s. The sized and pressed to make a compact fabric.
horsehair provided required stiffness. Today Khaki cloth is a drill in khaki color. Middy twill
crinoline describes a dull, low-count, coarse, or jeans are drill. Drill is also used in sportswear,
medium-weight fabric that Ls sized to give it stiff¬ curtains, slipcovers.
ness. The size may be of two types: (1) non¬
Duck. Very durable, closely-woven fabric,
durable which is a starch finish applied to a cot¬
usually made of cotton. (See Awning Cloth
ton fabric; and (2) durable which is a resin
and Canvas.;
finish that gives the fabric stiffness.
Duvetyn. Name comes from the French duvet
Damask. A firm, lustrous, reversible fabric
meaning “down.” A soft, silky, velvet-like fabric.
woven on the Jacquard loom. May be made of
May be made of wool, silk, cotton, or man-made
cotton, linen, silk, wool, or man-made fiber yarn.
fibers or a mixture of two. Fibers are raised to
The design is flat, thus differing from a brocade.
the surface of the fabric by emery rollers, then
Three types of damask fabrics are: (1) the light¬
sheared, singed, and brushed for a smooth, lus¬
weight type used for table lineas, (2) the medium
trous surface.
weight type used for wearing apparel, and (3)
the heavyweight type used for drapery and up¬ End-and-End Cloth. Closely woven plain-
holstery fabrics. weave fabric, usually cotton, with a fine colored
stripe or pin check made by alternating a white
Deep-Pile Fabrics. Deep-pile fabrics are made
and colored yarn in the warp or in both the warp
with either a knit or woven back and with a pile
and filling. Used for men’s shirts.
of varying density and depth. Some are treated
or printed to resemble fur and are referred to as Eponge. A loosely woven plain-weave fabric
fake fur or imitation fur fabrics. The back may made with a boucle yam. Name is derived from
be of cotton or man-made fiber and the pile of a French word meaning “sponge.” Used in
man-made fiber. dresses, suits, draperies.

Denim. A twill-weave fabric made of coarse, Faille. Soft, yet firm ribbed-weave fabric made
hard-twisted yams, usually cotton. The warp of cotton, silk, or man-made fibers alone or in
yam may be colored, and the filling yam white; combination. Compared to grosgrain, faille is
however, the fabric may also be piece'-dyed. It softer and has larger, flattened, almost incon¬
is calendered to give it a smooth surface. spicuous ribs. Used for coats, dresses, handbags.
Scrubbed denim is slightly napped and has a
Felt. A heavy compact material made from
worn appearance. Used for slipcovers, draperies,
wool, hair, fur, or certain synthetic fibers.
sportswear, children’s clothing.
Unwoven or pressed felt is made by a suitable
Dimity. Sheer, crisp plain-weave fabric with combination of pressure, heat, moisture, and
corded stripe or check effect. Mercerized to give chemical action that interlocks the unspun fibers.
smoothness and luster. Used for dresses, blouses, Woven felt uses spun fibers, is first woven, and
curtains, bedspread-:. then subjected to a felting operation that gives
the fabric the characteristic matted felt nap.
Doeskin. Very fine wool fabric, napped and fin¬
Grades and weights of felt range from very light
ished to give it high luster. Looks like soft-
to very heavy. Net-based felt is a lightweight
finished leather. Used for suits, sportswear, coats.
felt with a nylon net base running through the
Dotted Swiss. Open-weave, sheer, crisp, plain- center of the cloth and wool and rayon fibers
weave fabric with woven or flocked dots. Used felted to both sides of the netting.
for dresses, blouses, curtains. Flannel. A large group of napped plain- or
Double-cloth. Two separate fabrics, woven at twill-weave fabrics made of cotton, wool, or
the same time, are joined in weaving through the man-made fibers. Fabrics vary' in closeness or
use of binding threads. Different colors and pat¬ firmness of weave, and degree of napping. For
terns on each side make fabric reversible. example, a French flannel is a very fine twill-
72 / Handbook

weave fabric, slightly napped on the right side Fake furs also include woven fabrics such as
only, whereas a suede flannel is napped on both the following:
sides, sheared, and the fibers pressed into the
Cotton velour. A cut pile cotton fabric simi¬
fabric, giving the appearance of a close-felted
lar to cotton velvet, but with a heavier, denser
fabric. Viyella flannel (Wm. Hollins & Company,
pile. It may be printed to resemble zebra,
Inc.) is slightly napped twill-weave flannel made
leopard, tiger, or python.
of part lamb’s wool and part cotton. It is treated
so that it is guaranteed not to shrink. Imitation caracul. Characterized by lofty
loops or curls of a thick lustrous yarn on the
Flannelette. Soft, plain- or twill-weave cotton
surface of the fabric. Loops may be of mohair,
fabric lightly napped on one side. May be dyed lustrous wool, or worsted; background may be
solid colors or printed. Used for lounging and
of wool or cotton.
sleeping garments and shirts.
Imitation Persian paw. Cotton back, wool
Foulard. Lightweight silk, rayon, cotton, or
pile. The pile is thick, deep, lustrous, and curled
wool fabric characterized by its twill weave and
and pressed into a design that resembles genuine
its soft finish and feel. It has a high luster on
paw fur.
the right side; dull on the under or reverse side.
Fabric patterns range from simple polka dots to Imitation broadtail. Usually cotton back,
elaborate designs and are usually printed. Also wool or man-made fiber pile. The pile is short,
made in plain or solid colors. Suitable for dresses, sleek, and flat. The fabric is given a mechanical
robes, scarves. finish which simulates genuine broadtail.

Frieze. Heavy, coarse, napped twill-weave Simulated Persian lamb. This fabric may
fabric. Nap is rough textured, producing a hard be made in either of the following ways: (1)
feel. Used for coats, sport jackets. Also refers to The center or core of the curl is made of a two-
a woven pile fabric sometimes called frise, with ply cotton yarn. These yarns are twisted to hold
a surface of uncut loops or cut and uncut loops acetate fibers that are curled very tightly around
forming a pattern. Used for upholstery. the center. These curls are held to a plain-weave
cotton fabric with adhesive.
Fur-imitation Fabrics (Fake Furs).1 These
(2) The curled yarns are made as described
are pile fabrics made to look like fur. Different
above, but they are stitched to the plain-weave
types of knit fabrics fall within this classification.
background fabric by means of a Schiffli em¬
Among these are the following:
broidery machine.
Knit imitation krimmer. Cotton knit
Gabardine. A hard-finished, clear-surfaced
back. Loops on surface may be of wool, wool
twill-weave fabric made of either natural or man¬
and rayon, wool and acetate.
made fibers. Diagonal lines are fine, close, and
steep from left to right. They are more pro¬
Knit fur prints. Brushed rayon knit that is
nounced than in serge. The lines cannot be seen
printed to simulate the markings on genuine fur,
on the wrong side of the fabric. Widely used
such as leopard, zebra, etc.
in men’s and women’s outer apparel.
Knit pony and mock mole. Made of a
Gauze. A plain-weave fabric with widely spaced
brushed knit with a long nap. The fabric is given
yarns. Used for bandages, etc. Some weights
mechanical treatment which results in markings
may be stiffened for use as curtains or for other
that are characteristic of natural pony or mole
decorative or apparel purposes.
Georgette. A thin, transparent or semi-trans¬
1 Certain animal names that are used in the de¬ parent, loosely woven fabric. Silk georgette has a
scription cannot be used on labels or in advertising fine crepe surface. Compared to crepe de Chine,
of these products. See Textile Fiber Products georgette has a harder finish, is less lustrous, and
Identification Act, page 95. is more crepey. Traditionally made of silk,
Fabric Definitions / 73

georgette may also be made of man-made fibers shaped pattern made by floating warp and filling
or wool. Popularly used for blouses worn with yarns that form ridges along the lines of the
soft, feminine-type suits. floats. Used in dresses, bedspreads.

Gingham. A light- to medium-weight closely Hopsacking. Open basket-weave fabric made

woven plain-weave fabric made of cotton or of coarse woolen or cotton yarns. Used for sports¬
blends of cotton and man-made fibers. Usually wear, draperies.
yarn-dyed and woven to create stripes, checks, or
plaids. It is sized and calendered to a firm and Huck or Huckaback. Linen or cotton fabric
lustrous finish. Used for dresses, shirts, robes, with small figure weave. The warp yarn floats on
curtains, draperies, bedspreads. the surface, the filling yarn on the back. The
fabric makes very absorbent and durable towels.
Gros de Londres. Closely woven, yet light¬
weight ribbed-weave fabric of silk or the man¬ Interfacings. Woven or nonwoven fabrics used
made fibers. Distinguished by its alternate to provide firmness and shape retention in gar¬
heavy and fine rib. A heavy flat rib may be ments.
followed by one or more fine ribs and then an¬
other heavy rib. It has a stiffness comparable to Jaspe. Plain-weave fabric made from different-
taffeta. colored warp yarns and a single-color filling yarn
creating faint, blended, multicolored stripes. May
Grosgrain. Hard-finished, closely woven, uni¬
be made of hard-twisted cotton or rayon yarns,
formly ribbed-weave fabric made of cotton, silk,
producing a firm fabric. Used for draperies and
or man-made fibers, or combinations of fibers.
The crosswise ribs are heavier than in poplin
and more rounded than in faille. Jean. A cotton twill or chevron twill fabric
similar to denim with a firm, clear-surfaced tex¬
Hair Canvas. Interfacing materials made in
ture. Sometimes jean is called “middy twill.”
various weights. Hair may be goat hair com¬
Used for slipcovers, workclothes, children’s
bined with other fibers such as wool, cotton,
rayon, or polyester.

Hair-Fiber Fabrics. Specialty hair-fiber fabrics Knit Fabrics. To produce a variety of knitted
include a large class of dress, suit, and coating fabrics, manufacturers may vary the type of
fabrics. Fibers are from fur-bearing animals, knitting stitch, change the fiber content of the
such as rabbit, beaver, mink, and Angora; and yarns, use novelty-type yarns, or knit an extra
hair fibers such as guanaco, vicuna, alpaca, cash- yarn into the background fabric. Finishing tech¬
mere, camel’s hair, and mohair. Hair fibers may niques and printing may also be used to create
be used alone, but more often are blended with certain effects and change the appearance so that
wool or other fibers. a knitted fabric may look like a conventional,
woven fabric. Types of knit fabrics are:
Herringbone. Term applied to a type of twill-
weave and to the fabric. The distinguishing Brushed knits. Knit fabrics can be given a
characteristic of the fabric is the broken twill- finishing treatment that raises the fibers to the
weave that gives a balanced zigzag effect which surface of the fabric. In brushed knits, the back¬
resembles the backbone of the herring. Used for ground loops cannot be seen on the face of the
sportswear, suits, coats. fabric.

Homespun. Coarse, plain-weave fabric, loosely Jersey knit. A plain stitch knitted fabric
woven with irregular, tightly twisted, unevenly which may be made circular, flat, or warp
spun yarns. Has a handwoven appearance. Used knitted. Made from cotton, wool, and man-made
for coats, suits, sportswear, draperies, slipcovers. fibers. Used in underwear, dresses, sportswear.

Honeycomb or Waffle Cloth. The fabrics are Milanese. A type of warp knitted fabric with
rough-textured with a raised square or diamond¬ several sets of yarns forming a pronounced twill
74 / Handbook

Knit Fabrics (Continued) Lawn. A fine, lightweight fabric, usually cotton,

rib running diagonally on the fabric. A sheer, linen, or blends of cotton and man-made fibers.
May be given a soft or crisp finish. It is sized
fine fabric knitted on a Milanese machine. Used
and calendered to give it a soft, lustrous appear¬
in blouses, evening-wear fabrics.
ance. Used for dresses, blouses, curtains, bed¬
Ribbon knit. Narrow silk or man-made fiber
ribbon is used instead of yarn in making the fab¬
Leno. Name of a weave and a lightweight, firm,
ric, either by hand or machine. In machine rib¬
open-weave fabric, made of cotton, wool, silk, or
bon knits, the background yarn may be cotton
man-made fibers. Used for dresses, blouses, cur¬
and the surface of the knit ribbon.
tains, draperies.
Suede-type knits. Knit fabrics are given a
Linen. Term refers to the yarn and fabric
mechanical finishing treatment that raises short
formed from the fibers of the flax plant. Fabrics
fibers to the surface of the fabric. Fibers are
are available in different weights and varieties.
sheared and pressed into the fabric to give the
Types of linen fabric include art linen, linen
appearance of suede leather. Loops of the back¬
damask, handkerchief linen, Irish linen. Used for
ground knit cannot be seen on the surface of the
wearing apparel, household articles, fancy work.
fabric. Suede-type knits may be made of wool,
The use depends on the fineness and type of
cotton, and man-made fibers.
linen fabric.
Tricot. A run-resistant warp knit made with
either single or double sets of yarns. Has fine, Mackinaw Cloth. Thick, heavy, felted, and
lengthwise wales on the face and crosswise ribs napped wool fabric made with either a twill-
on the back. Tissue tricot is a nylon tricot made weave or double-cloth construction. It is recog¬
of fine yarn and given a special heat-finishing nized by its bold plaid designs. May have cotton
process which flattens the yarns and produces and rayon warp in lower-priced fabrics. Used for
greater opacity. jackets, blankets, shirts.

Lace. There are many different kinds of ma¬ Madras. A fine fabric that is one of the oldest
chine-made laces used for all-over garment de¬ staples of the cotton trade. There are twro types.
signs, insertions, flouncing, and headings. Their
Shirting madras. A finely woven, soft, plain-
distinctive feature is their bobbin construction of
or Jacquard-weave fabric. A stripe runs in the
knotted, twisted, or looped yarns, varying from
lengthwise direction and Jacquard or dobby pat¬
very simple and fine constructions to very coarse
terns are woven in the background. Some madras
and complicated constructions. Terms used for
is made with woven checks and cords. Used for
parts of lace are:
blouses, dresses, shirts.
A jour. The open-work design that forms
Authentic India madras is handwoven from
the pattern.
cotton yarns dyed with native vegetable color¬
Cordonnet. The heavy thread or yarn that
ings and resembles gingham. Designs are usually
outlines the design.
rather large bold plaids that soften in color as
Ground. The inside part of the design.
the dyes fade and bleed.
Mesh. The net part made by a needle or
bobbin. Marocain. See Crepe, Marocain.
Picot. The little loops on the surface of the Marquisette. Sheer but relatively strong leno-
design or along the edge of the lace. weave fabric of cotton or man-made fibers. Fin¬
Reseau. The background as distinguished ish may be soft or crisp. Weight is determined by
from the prominent design. the yarn construction, whether it is made with
Lame. A fabric with metallic threads. Used one, two, or three ply. May be recognized by
for blouses, evening wear, and for decorative its figure eight interlacing of warp and filling
purposes. yarns.

Laminated Fabric. Any fabric bonded to a Matelasse. The woven pattern stands out and
lightweight foam backing, or two different fab¬ gives a quilted, puckered, or blistered effect. A
rics bonded together. true matelasse is an adaptation of a double-cloth
'Fabric Definitions / 75

construction, made of either natural or man¬ open. The meshes may be square, hexagonal,
made yarns. It may be described as two distinct octagonal, or diamond shape. May be made on
fabrics woven together to produce the surface bobbinet lace machine and on knitting machine.
quilted effect when the total fabric is relaxed Nets may be made from cotton, silk, or man¬
after the weaving. Fabrics that are sometimes made fibers. Some well-known types of net are:
called matelasse may be made by (1) interlacing
Bobbinet. Depending on the size of yarn,
crepe yarns with a straight yarn in both the warp
bobbinet may be very thin and transparent, or
and filling directions or in some cases in only the
heavier and transparent like cotton bobbinet.
filling direction, (2) weaving with small dobby
These are made primarily in England and
patterns on a box loom, (3) embossing to make
the fabric look like a true matelasse.
Fish net. A coarse open-mesh fabric made by
Melton. A thick, heavily felted or fulled wool
knotting meshes similar to a fisherman’s knot.
fabric (twill- or satin-weave) with a smooth,
dull, napped surface. In the less expensive fab¬ Malines. A very, very fine open-diamond¬
rics, the warp or lengthwise yarn may be cotton shaped mesh net.
instead of wool. Used for overcoats, uniforms,
Tulle. A fine, small hexagonal mesh net fab¬
and also for riding habits.
ric lighter in weight than bobbinet.
Milanese. See Knit fabrics.
Ninon. A very thin, smooth, crisp plain-weave
Mohair. A hair fiber derived from the Angora fabric made of silk or man-made fibers. Used for
goat. Mohair is often used in two entirely differ¬ evening wear, lingerie.
ent types of fabric constructions:
Nonwoven Fabrics. See Fabric Construction,
(1) Mohair may be blended with wool and
page 36.
man-made fibers in a pile fabric construction for
coating, drapery, and upholstery fabrics. It may Nun’s Veiling. Very sheer, thin, soft, plain-
be knitted with wool for sweaters. weave wool fabric made with finely twisted yarns
(2) Mohair may be used with cotton, wool, or which give it a firm feel. Used for dresses,
rayon and wroven into shiny, stiff, wiry dress and nuns’ veiling.
suiting fabrics.
Organdy. A term used to describe a crisp,
Monk’s Cloth. Heavy, loosely woven basket-
sheer, transparent, lightweight cotton fabric,
weave cotton fabric. May be plain-colored or
woven with tightly twisted, fine yarns. Dura¬
have woven-in stripes or plaids. Used for dra¬
bility of the crispness depends upon the type of
peries, slipcovers, hangings. finish. Organdy that is starched and calendered
Mousseline de Soie. French term for silk has a nondurable crispness. For durable crisp¬
muslin. A plain-weave, crisp, sheer fabric, more ness, fabric may be given a chemical finish by
closely woven and stiffer than chiffon. Not so application of thermosetting resins that change
soft as voile. Yarns are highly twisted and sized the fiber itself and thereby produce a trans¬
before weaving. parency and a silkiness as well as the longer-
lasting crispness. Heberlein finish—an original
Muslin. Term for a large group of plain-weave
Swiss process for producing permanent finish
fabrics ranging from light to heavy weight.
organdy—is considered to be extremely durable
Usually made of cotton or blends of cotton and
and satisfactory. See also Silk Organdy.
man-made fibers. Sizing may range from light to
heavy. Fabrics 'may be bleached, unbleached, Organza. Similar to organdy, but more wiry
half bleached, solid colored, or printed. Used for and transparent. Made of silk or man-made fiber
dresses, household purposes. Wide muslin, used yarns. The yarns are highly twisted, ranging
for sheets, is known as sheeting. from 10 to 20 turns per inch.

Net. Fabric made of thread knotted to form a Osnaburg. A rough, strong, plain-weave cotton
mesh which may be fine and sheer or coarse and fabric resembling crash. The yarns are uneven,
76 / Handbook

producing a rough texture. Weight may vary Pongee. A thin, plain-weave silk fabric woven

from light to heavy. Used for sportswear, cur¬ with irregular tussah or wild silk yarns in both
tains, slipcovers, draperies. warp and filling. The uneven yarns give it a
broken crossbar effect. Characteristic color is
Ottoman. Heaviest of the ribbed-weave fabrics.
ecru. Today pongee is simulated in man-made
It has a large, heavy, rounded and pronounced
fibers. Used for blouses, dresses, shirts, curtains.
cross-rib because of the three- to six-ply filling
yarn of cotton, wool or cotton, wool, and man¬ Poplin. Fine, closely woven fabric with slight
made fibers. The single-ply yarn may be of silk horizontal ribs. It has heavier ribs, heavier
or man-made fibers. Used for coats, dresses. yarns, and slightly lower thread count than
broadcloth. Used for shirts, dresses, uniforms.
Oxford Cloth. A plain-weave or 2x2 basket-
Heavier weights may also be given a water-
weave fabric made of cotton or man-made fiber
repellent finish for use as rainwear.
yarns. Fabric may range from light to heavy
weight ; it is soft and has a silk-like luster. Used Ratine. Loose, plain-weave fabric with nubby
for shirting, sportswear, dresses. surface. Ratine yarn gives the fabric a char¬

Peau de Soie. Originally a silk fabric with an

acteristic rough, spongy surface. May also be
eight-shaft satin weave. Peau de soie is made in used in knitted constructions. A fabric for

either single or double face construction; has a dresses, coats, suits.

very smooth, silky, semi-dull appearance; and is
Rep or Repp. Firmly woven, ribbed-weave
much heavier than most satin constructions.
fabric with a prominent rounded rib. May be of
Today, this fabric may be made of silk or of cotton, silk, or man-made fibers. The rib may
silk and man-made fiber yarns. Frequently used
run either in the warp or filling direction of the
for bridal gowns.
Percale. Firm, smooth, plain-weave fabric that
Sailcloth. A very heavy, strong, plain-weave
is starched and calendered and has little luster.
canvas fabric made of cotton, linen, jute, poly¬
Made of cotton or cotton and polyester blends.
ester, or nylon. There are many qualities and
Used for curtains, bedspreads, dresses, shirts.
weights. Used for sails; also sportswear, slip¬
Percale sheets are fine, smooth, and lustrous and
have a high thread count.
Sateen. Sateen is a cotton fabric of either a
Pique. Term used to describe a class of ribbed-
warp or filling satin weave. In the filling sateen,
weave fabrics, medium to heavy weight, with
a filling yarn passes under one warp yarn and
varied surface textures formed by a raised rib or
then floats over a number of warp yarns to again
wale in the lengthwise direction of the fabric.
weave under one warp yarn, etc. The sheen is
These wales may vary in width and thickness.
crosswise of the fabric. In a warp sateen, the
Pique may be made by embossing a fabric to
warp passes under one filling yarn and then over
make it appear like a woven pique fabric. These
a number of filling yarns, and again under one
are some of the fabrics in this group.
filling. A warp sateen is sometimes called satine.
Bird’s-eye pique. The fabric may be woven Some of these fabrics are mercerized and cal¬
or embossed with a characteristic small diamond¬ endered to produce a high luster. Used for sports¬
shaped design that has a dot in the center of wear, dresses, draperies, comforter covers, bed¬
each diamond shape. spreads, slipcovers, linings.

Pinwale pique. Very fine cords running the Satin. Name of a weave, as well as of the fab¬
lengthwise direction of the fabric. ric woven in this weave. Fabrics may be made
of any fiber or combination of fibers and in
Waffle pique. This fabric is woven with a
different weights and qualities. Yarns are floated
raised cord to resemble a honeycomb or a waffle.
to the surface, in the satin weave, to give a
Polished Cotton. Plain-weave cotton fabrics lustrous face; thus, if the warp yarns are
characterized by a luster imparted by a finish. visible on the surface, the fabric is a warp-faced
Fabric Definitions / 77

satin. There are many types of satins, and weights of serge fabrics. For example, a “storm
manufacturers use different trademark names serge” is a coarse, wiry fabric, whereas a “French
to describe their particular satin fabric. Listed serge” is made of a very fine, soft yarn producing
below are some of the most common types of a fine twill. Silk serge is another name for surah.
satin fabrics: (See Surah, page 69.)

Antique satin. A heavy fabric made to re¬ Shantung. Originally, shantung was a name for
semble silk satin of an earlier century. Used for a hand-loomed, plain-weave fabric made in
home furnishing fabrics today. China. The fabric, made of wild silk, had an ir¬
regular surface. Today, shantung is a term that
Baronet satin. Very lustrous satin. Has a
may be applied to a plain-weave fabric with
rayon face, cotton back. Usually dyed in bril¬
heavier, irregular filling yarns. The fabric may
liant shades.
be made of cotton, silk, or man-made fibers.
Charmeuse. Medium-weight satin fabric There are certain terms used to describe various
with a high luster on the surface and a very types of shantung.
dull back. Has a soft draping, clinging quality.
Changeable shantungs. Sometimes called
Cire satin. Has a finish of wax applied under “antique shantung.” The warp yarns are dyed
heat and pressure to give a very high luster one color, the filling yarns another. Sometimes
and a degree of stiffness to the fabric. the slub filling yarn is dyed several colors. This
creates a changeable color on the surface of the
Crepe-back satin. A soft, lustrous fabric
fabric due to light reflection.
that drapes well. Also called satin-backed crepe
since it is reversible with the satin weave visible Douppioni shantung. The heaviest in weight
on one side and the crepe-twist filling yarns visi¬ of the shantung fabrics and the most expensive.
ble on the other side. Used for dresses, blouses, The silk yarn used in douppioni shantung is made
linings. Garments made of this fabric often use from cocoons that have nested in pairs; yarn is
the contrasting side for trimming. uneven and irregular.

Panne satin. A highly lustrous satin with a Spun-silk shantung. Made of short lengths
stiff finish. Used for evening wear. of silk fibers twisted together to form irregular
slubs. Less expensive than douppioni shantung.
Slipper satin. Strong, heavy satin that is
used chiefly for evening dress, wedding gowns, Sharkskin. There are two distinct types of
and other formal wear. sharkskin.

Scrim. A durable, open, plain-weave cotton or Sharkskin made of natural or man-made

linen fabric. Made of coarse ply-yarns; may be fibers. These may be described as sleek, hard-
mercerized. Used for curtains. finished, crisp, yet pebbly-surfaced fabrics with
a chalky luster. Filament yarns are twisted and
Seersucker. A true seersucker is a plain-weave
woven tightly in either a plain- or basket-weave
fabric with permanent, woven-in, crinkled stripes
construction, depending upon the effect desired.
running lengthwise in the fabric. Crinkled stripes
are produced by slack warp tension in alternate Wool sharkskin. This fabric is character¬
groups of warp yarns. This distinguishes it from ized by its twill weave. The yarns in both the
a plisse crepe produced by plisse printing. Fab¬ warp and filling are alternated, white with a
ric is made of cotton or man-made fibers. Used color, such as black, brown, or blue. The diag¬
for sportswear, dresses, housecoats, bedspreads, onal lines of the twill weave run from left to
curtains. right; the colored yarns from right to left.

Serge. A twill-weave fabric with a pronounced Silk Organdy. Lightweight silk fabric given a
right angle rib on both the right and wrong side. crisp finish either by natural gums or applied
The lines run from lower left to upper right on resin finishes. When this fabric is printed, it
the face of the fabric. There are many different resembles mousseline de soie.
78 / Handbook

Straw Fabrics. Straw fabrics and designs are Paper taffeta. Taffeta fabric given a lacquer
made from raffia and other plant fibers. Imita¬ finish for a high degree of stiffness and rustle.
tion-straw fabrics may be made from materials
Tapestry. A Jacquard-weave fabric woven with
made to look like straw.
multicolored yarns. Made with two warp yarns
Monofilament rayon. Thick, flat, monofila¬ and two or more filling yarns. Has a rough tex¬
ment rayon fibers are twisted together to look ture. Characterized by its distinctive tapestry
like straw. pattern, large and pictorial. Used for draperies,

Cellophane. Cellophane strips are folded and

wall hangings, upholstery.
twisted to look like straw. Tarlatan. A lightweight, open, plain-weave
Paper. High-strength paper is treated and fabric of cotton. It is transparent, stiffened, and
cut into narrow strips and twisted to resemble sometimes glazed. Used for costumes, curtains,
straw. linings, stiffenings.

Suede Cloth. Woven or knitted fabric of wool, Tarnish-resistant Cloth. Soft, napped fabric
rayon, or cotton finished to resemble suede treated with substances that protect silverware
leather. Generally heavier than duvetyn. from tarnish.

Surah. A semi-dull, soft, lightweight, twill- Terry Cloth. Uncut pile-weave fabric of cot¬
weave fabric which may be made of silk or man¬ ton, man-made fibers, or blends. Loops may be
made fibers. Has very definite diagonal lines on one or both sides of the fabric. Designs may
(half right angle) and may be yarn-dyed to be woven in by the dobby- or Jacquard-weave
create plaids and checks or solid colors. May method. Used for toweling, slipcovers, and wear¬
also be printed. The fabric is loom-finished. ing apparel such as bath or beach robes.
Sometimes called silk serge.
Ticking. This term covers a large group of
Taffeta. A fine, plain-weave fabric which has
cotton and linen fabrics made of a twill, herring¬
a heavier filling yarn than warp yarn, giving a
bone twill, satin, or Jacquard weave. May be
fine-ribbed appearance. Actually, taffeta has
used as upholstery, and mattress and pillow
approximately the same number of yarns in each
direction, forming a firm, close weave with a
characteristic dull luster and a stiffness that Tricot. See Knit Fabrics.
produces the rustle when the wearer of a taffeta
garment moves. Tropical Worsted or Summer Suiting.
Lightweight suiting widely used for men’s sum¬
Loom-finished taffetas. Most taffeta fabrics
mer business suits and women’s suits. Plain
are loom-finished. The warp yarns are sized to weave with hard-twisted yarns is used to give
give them the strength necessary to withstand a clear finish. Made of all one fiber or blends of
the strains of weaving. Sizings are also used to fibers.
impart the hand and rustle desired in the finished
fabric. Sizings may be of two types: Non¬ Tweed. Name is derived from the River Tweed
durable, which may include the gelatins and in Scotland where these fabrics were first woven.
gums that are water-soluble and may be affected Today the name refers to a wide range of light-
by perspiration and moisture in wear and in to heavyweight, rough-textured, sturdy fabrics
cleaning; Durable, a class of sizings made up of which are characterized by their mixed-color
different resin finishes that are not removed by effect. May be made of plain, twill, or herring¬
drycleaning solvents. bone weave of practically any fiber or mixture of
fibers. May be monocolored (different shades of
Piece-dyed taffetas. Some taffetas are piece-
the same color), checked, plaid, striped, pat¬
dyed. They are soft rather than stiff as the
terned. Certain names are famous among tweeds.
loom-finished taffetas are because the sizing used
in the weaving of the fabric is removed in a sub¬ Harris tweed. Trademark name for a fab¬
sequent finishing operation. ric made by hand in the Outer Hebrides off the
Fabric Definitions / 79

Tweed (Continued) may have a cotton or silk back with a silk or

man-made fiber pile.
coast of Scotland. The dye in the yarns is cooked
over peat, the smell of which often remains in Silk velvet. Silk background weave; silk
the fabric and may become noticeable when pile.
the fabric becomes damp.
Transparent velvet. A very lightweight, soft
Donegal tweed. This is a thick fabric made velvet that can be seen through when held to the
of colorful slubs like the original homespun light.
tweeds. They are handwoven in Donegal County,
Ireland. Velvet fabrics may be treated to give them an
appearance different from the regular-type
Velcro® brand hook and loop fasteners. velvets. These specially treated fabrics may be
Trademark name (American Velcro, Inc.) for a described as follows:
fastener consisting of two woven nylon strips
Crushed velvet. Fabric is placed between
which, when pressed together, adhere to each
rollers, and heat, moisture, and pressure are
other. One strip looks and feels like velvet; the
other is covered with tiny nylon hooks that mesh applied. The pile is not pressed in one direction,
like that of panne velvet; hence, there is a varia¬
with the velvet side to form a fastening which
tion of reflection of the pile, creating a mixed
can be opened by pulling either strip back. Typi¬
effect, dull with bright.
cal uses are in wearing apparel, slipcovers.

Velour (also Velours). The terms velour and Embossed velvet. May also be called
plush are used interchangeably for pile velour “sculptured velvet.” In making this fabric, the
construction. Velour also includes a variety of design is engraved on a metal roll. The velvet
woolen fabrics characterized by a short, soft, fabric, under conditions of steam, heat, and
thick pile, with either a twill or satin back¬ pressure, is passed under the roll. The raised
ground and a velour finish. Velour fabrics may areas on the roll flatten the background areas and

be made of cotton, wool, silk, mohair, or man¬ produce a shiny background surface that con¬
made fibers. These fabrics may be distinguished trasts with the design.

from duvetyn because they have a thicker and Faconne velvet. This is sometimes called
longer nap, and the base weave is not concealed brocaded velvet. The fabric is woven like other
as in duvetyn fabrics. velvets, then chemicals are applied in the de¬
Velvet. The many different types of velvet are sired pattern to the back of the fabric. This
all made of a pile construction. The pile may be treatment carbonizes the pile when it is heated
cut, uncut, or cut and uncut. Velvets may be and leaves the untreated pile to form the pattern.
made of silk, wool, mohair, or man-made fibers. The background weave that is unaffected by the
Background may be a plain, twill, or satin weave. chemical treatment is readily visible on the right
Velvet and pile constructions are classed as V- side of the fabric.
type or W-type. In the V-type, the pile goes Moireed velvet. Fabric is passed through
under only one warp yarn; in the W-type, the rollers engraved with a design. In the presence
pile goes under and over two warp yarns. Cer¬ of heat, pressure, and moisture, the design is
tain terms used to describe certain definite types transferred to the fabric. Some of these fabrics
of velvet are: are given a water-repellent finish.
Chiffon velvet. A lightweight, soft velvet
Panne velvet. Has a rich-looking, satiny
with a short, thick pile. This type of velvet may
appearance because the pile is pressed down in
be made from.silk or the man-made fibers.
one direction as the fabric passes over rollers in
Cotton-backed velvet. Cotton background the presence of steam and pressure.
weave; silk or man-made fibers used in the pile.
Velvet with metallic yarns. Metallic yarns
Lyons velvet. A heavy, crisp, closely woven, are woven into the velvet construction to create
stiff fabric with an erect, short, thick pile. It beautiful and unusual designs.
80 / Handbook

Velveteen. Classed as a filling pile construction Waffle Cloth. See Honeycomb.

because two sets of filling yarns are used to one
Whipcord. Twill-weave fabric made of wool,
warp yarn. One filling yarn is woven with the
cotton, or man-made fibers, or blends of a man¬
warp yarn to form the ground weave (plain or
made fiber with a natural fiber. The diagonal
twill). The other filling yarn is woven into the
lines of the weave are very steep and usually run
warp at intervals and then floats over a number
from left to right. In some fabrics, the back or
of warp yarns. When fabric is woven, the float¬
underside of the fabric is napped slightly. The
ing filling yarns are cut and brushed to form the
fabric may be in a solid color, or colored fibers
short, closely set pile. The pile is not as erect as
may be mixed with white fibers resulting in a
that of velvet. It slopes slightly, thus making the
salt-and-pepper effect. Used for dresses, suits,
fabric surface lustrous.
topcoats, many types of uniforms.

Voile. Sheer, transparent, soft, lightweight, Zibeline. Made of wool, cotton, camel’s hair,
plain-weave fabric made of highly twisted, mohair, or man-made fibers. Fabric has a basic
combed yarns. May be made of wool, cotton, satin weave hidden by a characteristic long, sleek
silk, or a man-made fiber. Used for blouses, nap that has been brushed, steamed, and pressed
dresses, curtains, bedspreads. in one direction.
Maintenance of Fabrics / 81

of Fabrics

The method of cleaning a fabric may be de¬ all equally washable. Occasionally there is a
termined by the kind of soil or the fabric itself. fabric that cannot be drycleaned or laundered
However, the fundamental cleaning process for so that the end product is acceptable.
all textiles involves the immersion and agitation Care instructions must be attached to essen¬
of each item in a solvent. tially all apparel sold, whether imported or
Soiling and staining of fabrics are caused by domestic. Care labeling laws also include fabrics
waterborne or oil-borne substances; or dry sub¬ sold by the yard. (See page 97.)
stances which are rubbed into a fabric or which
settle from the air. Greasy or oil-borne sub¬ Professional Cleaning
stances are removed by dissolving in drycleaning
When garments or household items are re¬
organic solvents or by emulsifying them in a
ceived for professional cleaning, they are marked
detergent and water solution. Waterborne sub¬
for identification and inspected. Rips, tears, or
stances are removed by water. Dry substances
unusual stains are noted, as well as fabrics or
are removed by shaking or brushing; or during
garment constructions that require special han¬
laundering or drycleaning, by lubrication or the
dling. Breakable articles such as buckles, but¬
removal of oil which binds the soil to the fabric.
tons, and ornaments are removed and sent to the
Textile items may be classified by the type
sewing department for replacement later on the
of cleansing to which they can be subjected.
cleaned and finished garment.
For example, in a standard of the American Na¬
The garments are then sorted according to
tional Standards Institute, L22, each of the items
types and classified. Pockets, cuffs, and seams
in the standard is classified in one of four
are brushed to remove loose soil and lint. This
cleansing categories:
reduces the risk of transfer of lint to other gar¬
Washable at 160°F, with bleach ments. Pockets are searched for such items as
Washable at 160°F, no bleach ball-point pens, lipsticks, and knives, which are
Washable at 120°F, no bleach great hazards to other garments during cleaning.
Drycleanable only Any heavy soil, spots, or stains that have water
Many fabrics may be both drycleaned and as an integral part must be removed by either
laundered without any injurious effect. Certain a prespotting or prebrushing treatment, or spot¬
fabrics, because of finish or fabric construction, ting after cleaning. Light watersoluble soil is
may not be washed without undesirable altera¬ removed by the controlled relative humidity of
tion of the fabric. Ordinarily these fabrics can the cleaning solvent. Some stains such as grass
be drycleaned successfully. A few other fabrics stains, gutter-splash, and paint stains, are set
which contain a component such as a bonding more tenaciously if they are not removed before
agent or a plasticizer that is adversely affected cleaning. Methods of professional cleaning in¬
or is soluble in drycleaning solvent, cannot be clude the following:
drycleaned satisfactorily. Usually items made of
these fabrics can be washed. Some fabrics can¬ Drycleaning

not be drycleaned without fading because there The drycleaning of modern-day fabrics and
are a few dyes that are soluble in drycleaning intricate garment design has become quite com¬
solvents. Fabrics that can be washed are not plicated. However, the fundamental process for
82 / Handbook

all items involves the immersion and agitation of Finishing. When garments are cleaned and pos¬
the garment in solvent. sible spots removed, they are sent to the proper
finishing department. The term “finishing” is
Solvents, Soaps, and Detergents. There are
used rather than “pressing,” because often no
two general classifications of drycleaning solvent:
mechanical pressure is used. Only steam and
Petroleum and Synthetic (perchlorethylene, tri- air are applied. Pressure is not applied in the
chlorotrifluoroethane). Most drycleaning in this same manner as in home pressing. Presses have
country is done in perchlorethylene.
been built to accommodate most fabrics, and
The commercial soaps and detergents are dif¬
equipment designed for various sizes and shapes
ferent from those used at home, but they per¬
of garments. Some garments lend themselves
form the same function when used with dry-
readily to steam-air finishing so that an entire
cleaning solvents in helping to carry loose soil,
garment may be finished on a garment form that
used with drycleaning solvents, that is, they help
is inflated with air.
carry loose soil.
Fabrics containing natural fibers are softened
Drycleaning solvents are purified by two basic
by steam. Thermoplastic fabrics are softened by
means: (1) Continuous filtration removes solids
heat transfer. Steam is the source of heat. After
such as dust and lint by rapid flow of solvent
the fabric is softened, the garment is cooled
from the washer through a filter medium. Vari¬
to its original shape. A portion of the garment
ous filter aids such as diatomaceous earth, acti¬
such as the lining may be touched up by hand
vated carbon, and absorbent powders are used to
pressing. Some cleaners now use conditioning
keep the solvent in good condition.
cabinets to remove wrinkles from certain gar¬
(2) Distillation removes soluble soil such as
ment types and then finish the pressing with
body oils, makeup, and food from the solvent.
hand touch-up.
Distillation is also used to provide a continuous
supply of fresh, clean solvent. A puff iron is used to finish intricate folds
or frills. Puff irons consist of perforated metal
Specialized Equipment. The washing cylinder forms, padded and covered, and made into vari¬
of a drycleaning machine is built to supply the ous sizes and shapes. A press with a smooth
mechanical action necessary to remove soil from polished head surface is used for finishing such
the fabrics. Ribs may be built inside the cylinder smooth lustrous fabrics as satins and taffetas;
to aid in picking the garments up and then drop¬ whereas a press with a perforated head surface is
ping them, and the cylinder is perforated to allow used for such dull finished fabrics as crepes. De¬
the solvent to flow through. pending on the garment, a conventional hand and
steam iron may also be used in finishing.
Spotting and Deodorizing. After cleaning and
After the garment is finished, buttons, orna¬
rinsing of items, solvent is removed from the
ments, and trimming that were removed prior to
garments by extraction—the removal of solvent
drycleaning are replaced. Minor rips, tears, and
from the garments by centrifugal force—and in
broken seams and hem lines are repaired, and
a tumbler or cabinet in which a current of warm,
the garment is given a final inspection.
fresh air is circulated through the garments.
If a garment is not a specialty item, it goes
through these processes with a number of other Wetcleaning
garments. In the following processes, it is When garments are so badly soiled that dry-
handled individually, going next to the spotting cleaning does not remove all the soil, they must
department for inspection and removal of any be further cleaned by a process known as wet¬
spots and stains. The spotter is required to have cleaning. Garments that may need bleaching, or
a knowledge of textile fibers, fabric construction, garments that are so stained that they require
dyestuffs, and chemicals, as well as special skills the digestive action of enzymes, can be cleaned
and techniques. by wet processing.
The main problem in spot and stain removal Wetcleaning is not washing. However, it is
is to remove stains safely. However, all stains removal of soil with water. Wetcleaning differs
cannot be removed safely. A competent dry- from washing in that (1) garments are dry-
cleaner can detect the margin of safety and will cleaned first to remove solvent-soluble soil; (2)
not risk injury to the fabric. garments are measured and, when necessary, re-
Maintenance of Fabrics / 83

stored to original size after wetcleaning; (3) separated into groups such as white, light color,
dyes are tested to determine proper treatment; dark color, white shirts, wool, man-made, and
(4) garments are given the least possible me¬ heavily soiled white. Up to 12 classifications may
chanical action whether hand-brushed or be used depending on such things as color, fiber
machine-processed (mechanical action may or content, and degree of soil.
may not be required depending upon type of soil After identification and classification, the fab¬
to be removed); (5) garments are treated ac¬ rics are washed. The method used to wash a
cording to fabric construction in extracting, dry¬ particular article is determined by its classifica¬
ing, sizing, and other handling processes. tion. Laundries differ in their procedures but
Quick drying is essential in wetcleaning. To the washing formula in the accompanying table
accomplish this, a wind-whip and drying cabinet is an example of those used in commercial
is used. The unit is heated to hasten drying and laundries.
thus helps to eliminate possibility of bleeding and Only soft waters are used since hard water
streaking of the dye. wastes supplies and forms deposits on washers
and in water lines. In most cases, a laundryman
Coin-Operated Drycleaning
will use soap rather than a detergent because he
Since the innovation of the coin-operated dry-
generally has a water softener.
cleaning machine, “do-it-yourself” drycleaning
Periodically, samples of water from each op¬
has become popular.
eration are taken to determine whether the con¬
The coin-operated drycleaning machine re¬
centrations of alkali, soap, bleach, and sour are
sembles a combination washer-dryer in appear¬
within prescribed limits.
ance and in the way it tumbles items in a
If white clothes are being washed at the usual
cylinder. A special safe nonflammable solvent
140° to 160°F, a high-tit re soap will be used
(perchlorethylene or fluorocarbon) is used. For
because it gives the best suds and cleansing
best results the machines should not be over¬
loaded, and some sorting is advisable to separate action at these temperatures. For washing wools
dark from light and bulky from sheer items. The at 90 °F, a low-tit re soap is used because this
customer needs to take the same preparatory gives the best suds and cleansing action at low
steps that the drycleaner does—remove trimming temperature.
that will not dryclean, turn pockets inside out Laundry Procedures and Equipment. For
and brush them, close zippers, turn down cuffs, wool articles a special machine is used. It gently
brush spots caused by food or sugary substances, rolls the articles through heavy suds at a very
place items that may snag in nylon net or mesh low rate of speed. A neutral soap or detergent
bags. is used. No alkali is added to this formula to
The machine goes through a set pattern of prevent a deteriorating effect upon the wool.
cycles, usually requiring a time cycle of 45 to 60 Three to five rinses are generally used in order
minutes for cleaning and drying. When the ma¬ to remove all of the soap. If this is not done, an
chine stops the clothes should be removed and off-color discoloration in the fabric may result.
put on hangers immediately. The souring operation that follows acts as a final
Coin-operated drycleaning appeals to cus¬ rinse. On wool, the souring operation may act as
tomers because it is economical and convenient. a mothproofing treatment if sufficient amounts
Although professional spot cleaning and pressing of sour are used.
may be needed for some items, coin-operated
Because silk is chemically similar to wool, it is
drycleaning is particularly popular for items that
washed in the same manner. A neutral soap or
do not require much finishing or for items, such
detergent is used. Chlorine-type bleaches are
as blankets, that might not be sent to a profes¬
never used because they would yellow and dam¬
sional cleaner. age the silk. Also, highly alkaline material would
Commercial Laundering damage the silk. Soiled curtains and draperies
The first steps in handling items to be are washed gently like wools, because they may
laundered commercially are identifying and clas¬ have been weakened by light.
sifying. During classification, the fabrics are Light-colored fabrics of all fibers are washed
84 / Handbook


Operation Supplies Temperature Time

Suds Soap or detergent and alkali 125°F 5-10 min.

Suds Soap or detergent and alkali 145°F 5-10 min.
Suds Soap or detergent and alkali 160°F 5-10 min.
Bleach1 2 quarts 1 percent bleach per 100 pounds 160°F 5 min.
dry clothes put in washer
Rinse Nothing added 160°F 3-5 min.
Rinse Nothing added 140°F 3-5 min.
Rinse Nothing added 120°F 3-5 min.
Rinse Nothing added 100°F 3-5 min.
Sour2 Sour to pH of approximately 5 100°F 5 min.
Bluing Bluing material Cold 5 min.

A number of types of bleaches are used. Sodium hypochlorite is commonly used. It will have a
concentration no greater than 1 percent available chlorine when it is added to the wash wheel. This 1
percent available chlorine is between one-fifth and one-sixth the amount of available chlorine in most
home laundry bleaches. Some calcium hypochlorite dry bleaches are also used. The calcium hypo¬
chlorite is combined with phosphates to prevent the calcium from precipitating soap. In other cases,
organic-type chlorine bleaches are used.
■“The souring operation is similar to adding vinegar or lemon juice to the rinse water when sham¬
pooing the hair. It neutralizes the alkalinity in the water. It also helps to remove iron stains and helps
to kill bacteria.

at temperatures between 100° to 120°F. Be¬ and pillowcases) pressed and the rest of the
cause dark colors have a greater tendency to bundle tumble-dried, or everything pressed, in
bleed than have light colors, the dark colors are which case, all wearing apparel would be finished
washed at lower temperatures, 90° to 100°F. and returned to the customer ready to wTear or
In commercial laundering only white articles use.
are bleached. If stain removal is necessary on Flat pieces are finished or pressed on what is
colored items, they receive a special treatment. called a flatwork ironer. Fabrics pass between a
After articles are washed, they are taken out smooth, heated metal surface and large cloth-
of the washers and placed in extractors which covered rolls. This dries the fabric, removes
spin the clothes to remove excess water. Over- wrinkles, and applies a sheen to the surface.
extraction is avoided, especially for articles con¬ One question often posed about laundries is:
taining man-made fibers in order to avoid setting How do they get everything to feel starched?
permanent wrinkles in the fabrics. Many laun¬ This so-called starch is merely a temporary stiff¬
dries used washer-extractor combinations so that ness which leaves as soon as the fabric flexes.
apparel and household linens can be washed and It is the result of the pressing operation on the
extracted without transfer to another unit. flatwork ironer. In home ironing, rubbing the
After extraction, the articles are sorted and iron back and forth across the fabric flexes the
sent to different areas of the laundry for proper fibers enough so that they become soft immedi¬
finishing or drying. Generally, customers may ately. Since the laundry-pressed garment is not
choose among a variety of finishes offered by the flexed, it feels starched until it is used. Most
laundry. They may have everything tumble- laundries follow the customer’s wishes about
dried, only the flat pieces (sheets, tablecloths, putting starch in garments.
Maintenance of Fabrics / 85

Heated puff irons, small presses, handkerchief treated with concentrated detergent, test this
presses, sock forms, large flat presses for curtains, too on a seam or other hidden part.
special curtain stretchers, and blanket carders Because each make of washer has its own
and shapers are all used to finish various types unique washing system and because some models
of articles. Special equipment has been designed of washers provide more choices of cycles than
to press a shirt in a minute. others, it is best to follow the washer manu¬
After the finishing process, the articles are facturer’s directions for care of each type of
brought to one location for packaging. clothes load. The regular cycle is designed for
bed, bath, and table linens and sturdily con¬
structed garments. Delicate cycles provide
Home Laundering reduced washing time and/or slower washing
Washing Procedures and Home-Use action to protect more fragile items. Durable-
Products press or wash-and-wear cycles provide special
cooling rinses and slow spin speed to minimize
Modern washers are nearly capable of per¬ wrinkling.
forming laundering miracles, but for best results All types of garments can be handled in
clothes should be prepared for the washer, and wringer washers too, but more attention and
suitable laundry products and methods should effort are required. A few general rules for
be used. wringer washers are:
These are good rules to follow before washing • Allow 10 to 15 minutes for regular family
is started: loads.
• Mend garments with rips, tears, or holes; • Reduce wash time to four to six minutes
close snaps and zippers; and empty pockets. for delicate things.
• Sort clothes into washer loads, putting to¬ • To minimize wrinkling, wash durable-press
gether those that require the same water tem¬ garments in warm water unless they are heavily
perature, length of washing time, and type of soiled and require hot water for maximum clean¬
washing products. ing. Use cold water for rinsing. Do not wring
• If the washer features multiple speeds, con¬ garments when they are warm. After cold rinses
sider also the proper speed for the various items some items may be suitable to put through the
when separating garments. wringer with light pressure setting.
• In general, separate white clothes into one
Water Conditioners. Soft water produces the
group, colored ones into another group; also
best results in laundering. Hard water contains
separate heavily soiled garments from delicate
hardness minerals, primarily calcium and mag¬
fabrics. Frail or delicate items may be placed in
nesium. In theory, soft water does not. But
a mesh bag or pillowcase.
water is rarely totally soft because seldom can
• Check garments for stains. Some stains
all of the hardness minerals be removed, pre¬
should be treated separately before garments are
cipitated, or locked up.
washed. A detergent presoak is effective on many
For practical purposes, water hardness is gen¬
stains and soils, particularly if the detergent is
erally measured in terms of grains per gallon
an enzyme product. Use warm rather than hot
(gpg). The local water authority can usually
water for presoaking. Hot water may set some
provide specific water hardness information. The
following chart classifies the degree of hardness.
• If a presoak is not used, pretreat heavily
soiled areas by applying soap or detergent di¬ Medium Very
rectly to the wet garment and by rubbing or Soft Hard Hard Hard
brushing the product into the soiled places.
• Test new colored items for colorfastness on Up to 4 to 9 10 to 15 Over 15
a concealed part of the garment in a solution of 3 grains grains grains grains
detergent and/or other laundry products with per gallon per gallon per gallon per gallon
the water at the temperature likely to be used for
general laundering. If a garment is to be pre¬ To soften water is to remove, precipitate, or
86 / Handbook

sequester (lock up) the hardness minerals. There lated detergents are available. Cold water can
are two ways of softening water. One is to be used for all rinsing and may be particularly
install a water-softening appliance. By a process helpful in minimizing wrinkling of man-made
of ion exchange, all water flowing through this fiber fabrics and blends.
appliance is softened before it flows from the
faucet. The other means of softening water is Detergents and Soaps. The term detergent is

through the use of packaged softeners. These defined by the Association of Home Appliance
products are added to the water in sink or Manufacturers as “a laundry product designed
washer. to remove, emulsify, dissolve, and suspend soil
Packaged water softeners may be classified as in a washing solution. Home laundry usage cur¬
either precipitating type or non-precipitating rently limits meaning to synthetic, non-soap
type (water conditioners). compounds which are distinguished from soap
When a precipitating softener is added to principally by not forming lime soap in hard
water, it combines with the hardness mineral ions water. Synthetic detergent and detergent are
and forms a precipitate (a visble insoluble solid). used interchangeably. Technically, soaps are
This precipitate makes the water appear cloudy detergents, but in current popular usage are not
and can attach itself to fabrics in the wash. referred to as such.” 1
The non-precipitating water conditioner Soaps and detergents may be classified accord¬
softens by “sequestering” the hardness minerals. ing to use. Mild soaps and detergents are gen¬
The conditioner surrounds and locks up the hard¬ erally used for fine fabrics and for dishwashing.
ness minerals in water and soil, but without form¬ All-purpose (heavy-duty or laundry) soaps and
ing visible solid particles or precipitates. The detergents can be used for washing heavily soiled
water does not cloud. garments as well as fine fabrics. These products
When a soap product is used in hard water, a are commonly used in washing machines.
water softening product should be added to both Today all-purpose (heavy-duty or laundry)
the wash and rinse water. With a detergent, soaps are available only in limited markets. No
however, there is no need to use a water softener single brand is sold nationally. Family laundry
unless the water is very hard. If the water is is done almost exclusively with all-purpose de¬
very hard or if there is iron present in the water, tergents.
a non-precipitating type of water conditioner The laundry detergents can be further classi¬
will be helpful. fied by sudsing characteristics; high (normal)
The following are some of the water softening sudsers, intermediate sudsers, and low sudsers.
compounds and water conditioners available. The high and intermediate sudsers can be used
Italics indicate brand names with manufacturers in all top-loading washers, whether the machine
in parentheses. (See Appendix for full names and is of the automatic or wringer variety. The low
addresses of manufacturers.) sudsers can be used in all washers, but offer a
special advantage in front loading, tumbler-type
Precipitating. Climalene (Climalene Com¬
automatic washers where an excessive amount of
pany) ; Mel-0 (Boyle-Midway); Oakite (Oak-
suds can interfere with the washing action. Since
ite Products); Perfex (Tidy House); sal soda
detergent products may vary in density, it is
and washing soda (generic names).
important to follow package directions for the
Non-precipitating. Calgon (Calgon Corpo¬ amount to be used. All package recommendations
ration) ; Spring Rain (Tidy House). for machine use are based on moderate soil in an
average amount of water (about 16 gallons in
Water Temperature. Hot water (at least a top-loading washer; 8 gallons in a front loader)
140°F) has been found to be the most efficient in of average hardness (i.e., 5 to 7 grains per
soil removal. However, there are times when
warm water (about 100°F) is needed to pre¬
1 Home Laundering Terms, American Home
serve color or finish, reduce shrinkage, or mini¬
Laundry Manufacturers’ Association (now the As¬
mize wrinkling of easy care fabrics. For cold- sociation of Home Appliance Manufacturers),
water washing, a number of especially formu¬ Chicago, Illinois, revised 1965.
Maintenance of Fabrics / 87

Home Laundering (Continued) effective under conditions of high temperature or

gallon). Large loads of clothes, very dirty clothes, prolonged soaking.
or hard water will require more product. Borax imparts sweetness and freshness to
While each detergent product has its own clothes and aids in removal of some soils.
unique formula, there are certain basic types of Bacteriostats inhibit the growth of some bac¬
ingredients common to all these products. These teria on washed fabrics.
ingredients are: Bluings leave a slight blue tint on fabrics and
Surface active agents (surfactants) improve thus tend to counteract yellowing.
the wetting ability of water and loosen, make Colorants (other than bluing) impart indi¬
soluble, and/or suspend soil. The surfactants viduality to a product or dramatize special addi¬
used in all laundry products are biodegradable. tives that contribute to product performance.
Builders (primarily complex phosphates) se¬ Enzymes reduce complex soils, especially pro¬
quester hardness minerals, disperse and suspend teins, to simpler forms that can be more easily
dirt, maintain desirable alkalinity, and aid sur¬ removed by the other detergent ingredients and
factant efficiency. In some parts of the country, the washing action. Enzymes are particularly
phosphate-built detergents are banned to reduce effective on blood stains, grass stains, body soil,
eutrophication of surface water in lakes and slow egg, milk, gravy, and other protein-food stains.
streams. Detergents and other builders (mainly However, severe stains may call for more than
carbonates) have been substituted. These prod¬ the usual soak or washing time; hence the use
ucts, however, clean less efficiently than do of enzyme action in pre-soak products and the
phosphate-built detergents. Carbonates, further¬ increased emphasis on soaking as an accepted
more, unless used in soft water, may stiffen practice in home laundering. The enzymes in
fabrics or cause problems such as skin rashes or both types of products will not affect fibers,
washer troubles while improvement in the qual¬ fabric finishes, or dyestuffs adversely.
ity of surface water remains only a hope. The use of enzymes in laundry products is a
relatively recent development made possible by
Suds control agents establish and control de¬
the discovery of enzymes that will remain active
sired sudsing characteristics.
in the ranges of alkilinity and temperatures
Silicates impart crispness to free flowing gran¬
encountered in home laundering.
ules and provide a reserve of alkalinity that helps
Bleaches. Bleaching is a long standing and
protect metal washer parts.
respected custom which has a rightful place in
Soil redeposition inhibitors (usually car- the laundry of today. Bleach very ably comple¬
boxymethyl cellulose) aid in keeping soil, once it ments detergent performance by helping to re¬
has been removed, from redepositing on fabrics move certain types of soil. In addition, bleach
during the balance of the washing process. whitens fabrics, removes many stains, and disin¬
Fluorescent whitening agents (essentially fects and deodorizes.
colorless fluorescent dyes) attach to the fabric There are three types of bleach readily avail¬
and convert invisible ultraviolet energy and re¬ able to the homemaker.
radiate it in the form of visible light which re¬ Liquid chlorine-type bleaches. These are
sults in a whiter, brighter-appearing fabric. the most widely used, most effective, and least
Perfume provides a pleasant product impres¬ expensive of the bleaching products. Most of the
sion, helps cover odor from soiled clothes during liquid bleach produced for household use con¬
washing, and leaves a clean fragrance on the tains, as its active ingredient, sodium hypochlo¬
clothes after washing. rite. These bleaches may be used on white and
colorfast cottons and linens and on all man-made
In addition to the ingredients common to all
fiber fabrics except some spandex fibers. Most of
detergents, one or more of the following optional
the finishes used on durable-press or wash-and-
ingredients may be incorporated into a laundry
wear fabrics are also bleachable. A few fabric
finishes may be chlorine retentive. Chlorine-type
Oxygen bleach (usually sodium perborate) aids bleaching should not be used on such fabrics.
in removal of some soils and stains. This is most Hang tags may carry the necessary precautions.
88 / Handbook

The liquid chlorine bleaches must be diluted from any bleach, it is essential to read and follow
before they are allowed to come in contact with package label directions carefully.
the clothes. A bleach dispenser on an automatic When there is doubt about whether or not to
washer will do this automatically, and many use bleach on a garment or other item, this
dispensers will delay the addition of the bleach bleach test is generally a safe precaution:
to the wash water. Delaying the addition of the Snip a small sample of fabric from a seam
bleach for four to six minutes is ideal because allowance, facing, or hem. Soak about five min¬
chlorine bleach will reduce the effectiveness of utes in the same strength solution to be used
the fluorescent fabric whiteners in the detergent in bleaching.
product unless the whiteners have had a chance If colors are not colorfast but some fading or
to become affixed to the fabrics; also, chlorine color change can be tolerated, the item may be
bleach will inactivate the enzymes in detergents laundered separately in cool water with bleach.
which contain them. The few minutes of delay To keep colors uniform, bleach entire item. Do
will permit the fabric whiteners, enzymes, and not spot bleach.
bleach all to do their work effectively. If the Following are some bleaches for home laun¬
addition of bleach is delayed manually by the dry use. Italics indicate brand names with the
user, the recommended amount of bleach should manufacturer in parentheses. (See Appendix for
be diluted with at least a quart of water before it full names and addresses.)
is added to the wash load.
(1) Chlorine, liquid. Clorox (Clorox);
Caution: Always follow package directions for
Fleecy White (Purex); Linco (Linco); Pur ex
use. Do not use liquid chlorine-type bleaches on
Super Bleach (Purex); Roman (Roman Cleanser
silks, woolens, or blends containing these fibers.
Dry chlorine bleaches. These are heavy- (2) Chlorine, dry (also referred to as
duty dry bleaches (mostly chlorinated triazine- powdered or granular). Action (Colgate-Palm¬
triones). Once these bleaches are dissolved in
olive); Hilex (Hilex); Linco (Linco).
water, they act in somewhat the same manner as
liquid chlorine-type bleaches. Like the liquids, (3) Peroxygen, liquid. Hydrogen peroxide
dry chlorine bleaches are safe for white and (generic name).
colorfast cottons, linens, rayons, and other man¬
(4) Peroxygen, dry. All-Fabric Beads-O’-
made fibers except spandex. Care should be
Bleach (Purex); Daybrite (Boyle-Midway);
taken not to pour dry chlorine bleach directly
Dexol (Tidy House); Lestare (Standard House¬
onto colored clothes.
hold Products); Miracle White (Beatrice
Caution: Follow package directions for use. Foods); Snowy (Gold Seal); Vano (Chemicals,
Do not use on silks, woolens, or blends contain¬ Inc.; see Babbitt).
ing these fibers or on chlorine retentive resin
finished fabrics. Disinfectants. Disinfectants used in the laundry
must kill bacteria without leaving any residue
Dry oxygen bleaches. These are “light which might be harmful to the skin, and without
duty” bleaches, rather mild in action. In this changing the color or other properties of the
category are sodium perborate and other peroxy fabric. They are not major washday ingredients,
compounds, including potassium monopersulfate. since it is generally agreed that under normal
They work best on fresh stains and lightly soiled conditions, laundering with hot water and soap
fabrics. They can be used safely on all fibers— or detergent followed by dryer-drying or air¬
natural and man-made. Oxygen bleaches are safe drying in sunshine out-of-doors produces a sani¬
for most colors. Since a few colors may be sensi¬ tary wash. However, if there is illness in the
tive to these bleaches, these products should not family, research indicates that the use of a
be poured directly onto colored clothes. Bleach disinfectant during laundering can help prevent
should be in solution before colored clothes are possible spread of disease-causing bacteria
added. especially when items are laundered in communal
As has been indicated, to get the best results washing facilities.
Maintenance of Fabrics / 89

Home Laundering (Continued) automatically injects fabric softener at the right

time in the rinse cycle.
Among the most effective disinfectants are
Because some fabric softeners are more con¬
liquid chlorine bleach and pine oil products—
centrated than others, it is especially important
available in most groceries—and quaternary
to follow the directions for recommended
compounds and phenolic compounds usually
amounts. Too little is ineffective and too much
available in drug or household supply stores. To
can reduce moisture absorption and thereby
be effective they must all be used according to
make some fabrics almost waterproof. Towels,
directions. These, too, must be kept out of the
for example, can lose some of their drying ability.
hands of children.
Since the effects of softeners are cumulative, it
Here are some examples of disinfectants
is suggested that after every few washes, their
(other than chlorine bleaches). Italics indicate
use be skipped for a wash. Similarly, if a
brand names with manufacturers in parentheses.
build-up should occur from over-use, fabric
(See Appendix for full names and addresses of
softener should be omitted for a wash or two
until the excess is washed out.
Quaternary. Co-Op Sanitizer (Greenbelt Following are some fabric softeners and anti¬
Consumer Services); Roccal (Sterwin Chemi¬ static agents. Italics indicate brand name with
cals) manufacturer in parentheses. (See Appendix for
full names and addresses.)
Phenolic. Pine-Sol (American Cyanamid)
Downy (Procter & Gamble); Final Touch
Pine Oil. Fyne-Pyne (H. A. Cole); King (Lever Brothers); King Flufj (Mangels,
Pine (Johnson Chemical Co.) Herold); Nu-Soft (Best Foods); Right (du
Pont); Sta-Puf (A. E. Staley).
Fabric Softeners. Fabric softeners are among
the most popular laundry ingredients though Starches. In the United States, vegetable
they have only been available since the mid¬ starches used for laundry applications are de¬
fifties. Often referred to as fabric conditioners, rived largely from corn. Starching of fabrics is
they lubricate the individual fibers with an oil- done for several reasons: (1) to replace the fin¬
like film, doing much more than just softening. ish which may have been lost through repeated
Not only do they make diapers, terrys, cordu¬ washings; (2) to impart body and crispness to
roys, sweaters, and other high-napped fabrics the fabric; (3) to obtain a stiff, neat appearance;
feel softer and fluffier, they also reduce wrinkling, (4) to help keep a garment clean for a longer
prevent clinging due to static electricity—espe¬ time by holding down tiny surface fibers which
cially in nylon and other synthetic fibers—and catch dust; and .(5) to facilitate soil removal
make ironing easier, sometimes unnecessary. since soil attaches to the starch rather than to
When fabric softener is used, many wash-and- the fabric and is removed with starch during
wear garments which ordinarily would require washing.
some touch-up ironing become truly wash-and- The major emphasis in the starching of today’s
wear with no ironing needed. Softener also im¬ modern fabrics must be placed on aerosol
proves the appearance and hand or feel of dura¬ starches and fabric finishes. They provide a
ble press. neat but softer finish. In addition to the tradi¬
Today’s fabric softeners may or may not con¬ tional reasons for using starches; aerosols offer
tain bluing, brighteners, and bacteriostats to convenience, simplicity of operation, cleanliness,
counteract yellowing and to help sanitize. Avail¬ a consistent dispersion, and are free from con¬
able in both liquid and powdered form, some are tamination and deterioration. These attributes
even packaged in individual pre-measured explain the rising popularity of aerosols over
packets. older methods of applying starch which required
All fabric softeners must be added in the preparation before the starch could be used and
final rinse because, in general, they are not com¬ therefore took more time and effort.
patible with soaps, detergents, and other laun¬ Recent additions to aerosol sizings are the
dry aids. Some washers have a dispenser that fabric finishes. Aerosol fabric finishes generally
90 / Handbook

provide less stiffness and impart a more flexible immediately after removal from the dryer, col¬
finish to fabrics. They are especially suited to the lars, pockets, and trim can be straightened.
multitude of synthetic fabrics and fiber blends Many homemakers still prefer to air-dry gar¬
currently in use. ments when possible. In some cases, drip-drying
Liquid and dry starches continue to find use can minimize or eliminate ironing. Drip-drying
in larger scale dipping and washer sizing appli¬ means that a garment is removed from the rinse
cations. Liquid starches are precooked, easy to water before the final spin cycle of the washer
dilute, and ready to use. Dry starches are the and hung to dry without being spun, wrung,
most economical, but must be cooked or mixed twisted, or squeezed in any way. The lack of
with hot water prior to use. In a separate dry a convenient place to drip-dry limits the use of
starch category are cold water soluble starches, this method.
which may simply be mixed with cool water
Hand Laundering
before use.
Many types of items once laundered by hand
Following is a partial list of the laundry
may now be laundered in an automatic washer.
starches and fabric finishes available on the
Very delicate fabrics, loosely woven wools,
market today. Italics indicate brand names with
some knitted fabrics, and some fiber glass may
manufacturer in parentheses. (See Appendix for
need to be hand washed. Fabrics labeled as
complete names and addresses).
machine-washable may be laundered according to
Spray starches. Easy-On (Boyle-Midway, the manufacturer’s directions.
Inc.); Faultless (Faultless Starch Co.); Niagara Garments that are not colorfast or have fragile
(Best Foods Division, CPC International); ornamentation or seams that may pull apart in
Pruj (Colgate-Palmolive); Sta-Flo (A. E. laundering require special handling. Hang tags
Staley). or labels often give recommendations for
Spray fabric finishes (or sizings). Babo
For hand washing, the water temperature
4-in-l (B. T. Babbitt, Inc.); Faultless (Fault¬
should be comfortable to the hands. The soap
less Starch Co.); Magic Finish (Armour-Dial);
or detergent should be dissolved completely be¬
Niagara (Best Foods Division, CPC Interna¬
fore garments are put into the water. Suds
tional); Sta-Flo (A. E. Staley).
should be squeezed carefully through the fabric.
Liquid starches. Linit (Best Foods Division, Rinsing should be done in two or more waters.
CPC International); Sta-Flo (A. E. Staley). Water may be squeezed out, and additional water
can be pressed out by rolling the items in a bath
Dry starches. Argo Gloss (Best Foods Di¬
towel and patting.
vision, CPC International); Faultless (Faultless
If colors have a tendency to run, items should
Starch Co.); Linit (Best Foods Division, CPC
be rolled in a terry towel to absorb excess mois¬
International); Niagara Instant (Best Foods
ture, then hung in front of a fan or in a breeze to
Division, CPC International).
speed drying and prevent dye transfer.
Drying Fabrics which are to be drip-dried should be
Drying is an important part of the laundry hung without squeezing or wringing. They will
process. If loads are dried properly in a dryer be less wrinkled and retain their original shape
according to the manufacturer’s directions, many better if they are handled or hung so that
articles will be quite wrinkle-free. When it is wrinkles are not formed.
especially desirable to minimize wrinkling, arti¬ No one method is right for every washable
cles should be removed immediately after the garment. No overall statement can be made on
dryer stops regardless of the fiber content of the types of garments which can be washed, or
fabrics. Any residual moisture in warm items which must be washed by hand. All textile items
piled together will help press in wrinkles. Even which require any type of special handling should
the cooling period which is provided in a wash- carry adequate instructions on labels or hang
and-wear cycle does not completely eliminate the tags. These should be saved and manufacturer’s
problem. If garments are placed on hangers recommendations followed.
Maintenance of Fabrics / 91

Home Laundering (Continued) with each individual item to be ironed is neces¬

sary to determine whether moisture is needed
and if so, the amount needed Until recent years,
Not all fabrics need to be ironed. Terry cloth,
cotton, linen, rayon, and other absorbent fibers
plisse crepe, and many fabrics of the man-made
were dampened with little question. Today,
fibers can be finger pressed or smoothed by hand
wrinkle-resistant-finished fabrics frequently re¬
if they have been properly laundered. New
quire only steam ironing. Tablecloths, sheets,
finishes for cotton are also eliminating or re¬
and other items which ordinarily do not have a
ducing the need for ironing.
finish still need thorough dampening. Many man¬
Proper temperature is the most important
made fiber fabrics are satisfactorily ironed with a
consideration in hand ironing of fabrics. This is
steam iron.
particularly true with man-made thermoplastic
Natural fibers should be ironed until com¬
fibers which can be damaged or melted and
pletely dry. Man-made fabrics should be slightly
destroyed at temperatures far below those that
damp. Seams and double thicknesses should be
are safe for cotton or linen. Resin and other
thoroughly dry to prevent puckering. (This dis¬
finishes for both man-made and natural fibers
cussion does not apply to wool because it is
have influenced the temperatures at which fab¬
pressed, not ironed.) Ironing on the wrong
rics may be ironed.
side under seams prevents seam edges from
In order to guide the consumer in using an
showing on the right side.
appropriate temperature in ironing or pressing
Fabrics should not be ironed on the right side
fabrics, manufacturers may provide some ironing
if ironing produces a shine. These fabrics, as
instructions on the labels of textile articles. The
well as dark cottons, linens, silks, and rayons, are
manufacturers of household ironing equipment
usually ironed on the wrong side. The right side
have installed thermostats on their equipment
of the garment can be touched up where needed
and adjust these to provide controlled tempera¬
(as on pockets or collars) with iron and a press
tures suitable for the various fibers. At present,
cloth. If a surface has a raised effect, it should
there is no standard terminology for thermostat
be ironed on a pad from the wrong side.
settings, and the temperature range for the vari¬
For ironing garments with curved surfaces, a
ous fabric settings may vary somewhat.
press mitt is helpful, especially in the shoulder
If the consumer has any doubt about the tem¬ area. The pad should be fluffed periodically to
perature at which an item can be ironed safely, insure smooth ironing. The cover should be
she should begin at a low temperature and washed and kept free of scorch marks. Sleeves
gradually increase it if necessary. When ironing may be pressed without a crease on a sleeve
fabrics made of blends of several fibers, she board or roll. The elasticized portions of gar¬
should use the setting for the most sensitive fiber. ments or fabrics which are waterproofed with
If the garment has been dampened, a slightly waxes, rubber, or other coatings that may melt
higher temperature may be used. easily should not be ironed.
Garments may be ironed dry, dampened be¬ Organization of equipment and procedure will
fore ironing, or dampened during ironing with speed ironing. Recommended ironing techniques
moisture supplied by a steam or spray iron. give best results and increase speed, particularly
Dampening before ironing may be done by hand, when an automatic ironer is used.
or automatically in a dryer.
Light but even dampening will speed ironing.
Warm water penetrates more quickly than cold,
Spot and Stain Removal
so that ironing can be done an hour after General Instructions
dampening. Storing damp items in a plastic bag • Treat the stain promptly—before it dries, if
encourages even dampening and keeps clothes possible. Fresh stains react better than old
damp for several days. The bag should be stored ones.
in a cold place to avoid mildew. • Before using any stain remover on colored
A few generalizations can be made about the clothes, first experiment with a sample from
need for dampening or steam, but experience the seam or some other inconspicuous section.
92 / Handbook

• If a garment is in need of overall cleaning, do cream, milk); dye stains (berry stains, leather
not try to treat isolated stains. The result will dyes, Mercurochrome®, Merthiolate®, wet writ¬
be a clean area unsightly by contrast. ing inks); reducing sugars (fruit juices, liquor,
• If in doubt about what caused the stain, try soft drinks, and drink mixes); tannin (beer, cof¬
only cool water and cleaning fluid or powder. fee, grass, tannic acid, tea, tobacco, walnut
Sponge with the cool water first and then let stains)
fabric dry before applying the cleaning fluid.
Methods of Stain Removal
• Always work from the under side of the stain
Solvent action occurs when one substance is
to avoid driving the stain through the fabric.
dissolved in another. For example: Sugar dis¬
Stain Identification solves in water. The mechanical action of stirring
Of first importance in spot and stain removal hastens the solvent action on the sugar. Sugar is
is stain identification. Stains may be identified not soluble in drycleaning solvents, and no
by observing: amount of stirring will dissolve the sugar.
Thus in stain removal a suitable solvent must
Appearance. The color of a stain helps to
be selected for each type of soluble substance
identify it (red coloring of a lipstick stain, brown
that is in the stain. If the wrong solvent is used,
coloring of iodine stain). So does the form of a
no amount of mechanical action will remove the
stain on a fabric surface (ink penetrates surface,
paint builds up on a surface). Shape should also
be observed. For example, oil stains follow the Lubrication is a very important method of
yarns with the least degree of twist. If yarns are stain and soil removal, particularly in removing
of equal twist in both warp and filling, a perfect insoluble and chemically inactive substances. An
cross will appear. illustration of the physical action of lubrication
is typified by the washing of mud from fabric in
Odor. Odor is frequently a tell-tale sign that
water. The soil is not dissolved but dislodged by
may identify perfume, cold-wave solution (faint
odor of bromine), or medicinal stains.
Chemical Action. There are some stains which
Location may indicate the type of stain (per¬ must be removed by chemical action. However,
spiration in the underarm areas of a suit or
these stains are in the minority. In such in¬
blouse, food stains on ties or dress and suit
stances, a chemical spot-remover reacts with the
stain, or substance in such a manner as to pro¬
Feel. The texture of a stain helps to identify it. duce a new compound. The compound does not
Egg, a type of albuminous stain, may be recog¬ have any characteristics of either the original
nized by its stiffness; glue and adhesives are stain or spotting reagent, and may be rendered
sticky; paint may be rough or smooth; fingernail invisible or soluble and easily flushed from the
polish may feel built up on fabric surface. fabric. For example: An iodine stain treated
with ammonia will result in the formation of
Stain Classification ammonium iodide, which is a colorless water-
After a stain is identified, it should be classified soluble substance that can be rinsed from the
as to whether it is removable with a dry solvent fabric.
or with a water solution. The following list
illustrates classification of stains and type of Digestion. Many stains require digestion for
removal agent. removal. There are now enzyme presoaking
products and enzyme detergents available for
Stains removed with dry solvents: Carbon home use which will handle these types of stains.
black (complete removal difficult), dry inks Enzymes have also long been used by commercial
(ballpoint and marking inks), gum, nail polish, dry cleaners.
oils, paints, plastic base adhesives
Precautions in Stain Removal
Stains removed with water solutions: Albu¬ Several precautions should be kept in mind in
min (animal glues, blood, cream, egg, gelatin, ice approaching any stain removal problem:
Maintenance of Fabrics / 93

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94 Handbook

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Maintenance of Fabrics / 95

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96 / Handbook

Precautions in Stain Removal (Continued) wool, or fabrics with chlorine-retentive finishes),

chlorine bleaches, sodium perborate, or hydrogen
Stains on washable fabrics are removed at home
peroxide may be used. Sodium perborate,
more easily than are stains on drycleanable
sodium monopersulfate, and hydrogen peroxide
fabrics. When there is a question about one’s
can generally be used interchangeably, but so¬
ability to cope with a stain, a drycleaner
dium perborate has the advantage of greater
should be consulted.
stability in storage and, when feasible the action
Effects of water on drycleaning fluid should be
of the bleach can be speeded up by use of the
tested on a sample of fabric before attempt is
bleach with very hot water. Chlorine bleaches
made to remove a spot or stain from a
will sometimes remove stains not removed by the
peroxygen bleaches.
Chlorine bleach, hydrogen peroxide, or any other
A patented preparation containing rust-remov¬
bleach should not be used on colored fabrics
ing chemicals may be bought at a drugstore for
except when the colors are known to be truly
treatment of ink and rust stains.
fast to such treatment. Chlorine bleach should
White vinegar is an inexpensive source of
not be used on silk or wool fabrics, or on some
acetic acid, which is often required either to
resin-treated fabrics. White acetate may be
neutralize alkaline conditions or cause a neces¬
bleached if bleach is diluted according to man¬
sary reaction with the stain. White vinegar will
ufacturer’s directions.
not harm any fabric that can withstand water.
Stained fabrics should not be pressed. The heat
Carbon tetrachloride is not recommended as a
of pressing causes many stains to become per¬
cleaning fluid for home use because of the danger
manently set.
in working with it. Solvents such as trichlorethy-
A built-up stain should be removed as much as
lene and perchlorethylene are less toxic solvents
possible by scraping before spotting fluid is
that may be used for spot removal.
applied. Care should be taken not to injure
Following is a partial list of stain removal
the fabric.
compounds and the types of stains for which they
Old remedies, such as applying milk to ink stains,
are intended. Italics indicate brand names with
are unreliable. Milk can be more difficult to
manufacturer in parentheses. (See Appendix for
remove than ink.
complete names and addresses.)
A clean soft cloth such as cheesecloth should be
used to apply the spotting fluid. White blot¬ For general stains: Energine (d-Con Co.);
ting paper or terry cloth toweling should be Renuzit (Renuzit); laundry bleaches; 3-percent,
used under the area to be spotted to absorb 10-volume hydrogen peroxide
the spotting fluid and staining substance as it
For grease and oil: Carbona (Carbona)
is flushed from the fabric.
If fabric has a tendency to ring, the best pro¬ For light greasy stains: Perchlorethylene;
cedure is to brush lightly and rapidly from the trichlorethylene
center of the wet area to the outer edge and
For ink, soft drinks, alcoholic beverages:
one or two inches beyond and continue until
the ring disappears.
Cleaning products should be used and stored For nail polish:Acetone (Do not use on acetate
carefully according to directions and precau¬ fabrics)
tions given by the manufacturer.
Stain Removal Procedures
Stain Removal Compounds There are many procedures used in removing
The types of household detergents best suited stains. Not all are applicable to all fibers. The
to stain removal work are liquids such as Wisk, accompanying chart suggests methods of dealing
All, or liquid dishwashing detergents. However, with the more common types of stains. If there
a solution of any laundry detergent can be is any doubt about possible success, however,
used satisfactorily. a professionally trained person should be con¬
When it is necessary to use an oxidizing bleach sulted even for washable fabrics. This may save
on white or colorfast fabrics (except for silk, and protect the value of the entire garment.
Textile Labeling / 97


There are three basic reasons for labeling tex¬ has been approved or guaranteed by a particu¬
tile merchandise: (1) to identify the product; lar laboratory or agency.
(2) to aid the businessman in selling his product; An article manufactured according to recog¬
(3) to aid the consumer in making an intelligent nized standards, such as those of the American
selection. National Standards Institute, may also bear a
Textiles in the forms in which they reach the label indicating that it meets these standards.
retailer and consumer may be labeled in various This, too, would be a certification label, since
ways, such as (1) printed identification on the in the process of setting up the standards, it was
bolt or roller, spool, or wrapper; (2) identifica¬ determined that all articles manufactured or
tion woven into or printed on the selvage; (3) processed in accordance with the standards
printed label pasted onto the item; (4) hang tag would have certain characteristics.
attached to the item; (5) woven or printed label
permanently attached.
Garments are usually labeled by one or both In general, informative labels should state fiber
of the following: (1) a cardboard hang tag at¬ content, fabric structure, special finishes that
tached to the garment. This type of label can affect serviceability, directions and precautions
carry factual and promotional information. It on proper use and care, and, in addition, size of
is easily removed. the item and the manufacturer’s name and
(2) A ribbon or cloth label machine-stitched address.
in a seam or on a facing of the garment. Much of this type of labeling is required by
Other permanent labeling may be accom¬ law, either through an Act such as the Textile
plished by stamping information on the garment, Fiber Products Identification Act and subsequent
as sizes on men’s shirts and brand and size on Amendment or a Trade Regulation Rule similar
to the one on permanent care labeling. (See
fabric gloves.
chapter on Textile Legislation and Trade
Rules and Regulations, pages 101 to 105.)
Types of Labels
The information provided on either a printed
or woven label may fall under any of the fol¬
Control of Labeling
lowing three classifications: Both consumer and producer benefit from vari¬
ous types of legal protection in the area of label¬
ing. Brand names and trademark names are pro¬
This type of label is a distinctive mark, design,
tected by law, and only the person or firm that
symbol, word, or combination of these, used to
has properly registered the trademark or trade¬
identify the goods of a particular seller, a single
mark name is entitled to its use. Trademarks are
design or “line” of a manufacturer. Trademark
registered with the U. S. Patent Office.
names fall in this type of labeling.
Legislation specifying that certain information
Certification about textile products must be provided to the
Such labels indicate that an item has been consumer—and in some instances to purchasers
tested by a laboratory, usually one independent and users at various stages of the manufacturing
of the manufacturer of the product. Each labora¬ process—not only protects the consumer but
tory may establish its own fixed standard of assures him of having part of the information he
quality. Such labels are often referred to as needs for a wise decision. By requiring accurate
“seals of approval” labels. Usually no informa¬ labeling, the legislation also protects the ethical
tion is given on the label except that the article businessman from unfair competition.
98 / Handbook


Textile standards provide a blueprint for the American National Standards

manufacture of products that will give a guar¬
An American national standard is a voluntary
anteed and predictable performance or make it
national standard approved by the American Na¬
possible to duplicate a certain product exactly.
tional Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI). The
Standards also provide a common performance-
Institute is a nonprofit federation of trade, tech¬
language and a common yardstick, so to speak,
nical, labor, and consumer organizations, com¬
by which similar products can be measured. Per¬
panies, and government agencies. Its purpose is
formance standards are based on standard test
to provide systematic means by which organiza¬
methods and on evaluation of results that indi¬
tions concerned with standardization work may
cate a quality acceptable for the product.
cooperate in establishing American national
Standards in the textile field are of interest to
standards to avoid duplication of work and the
many groups in the manufacturing and distribu¬
promulgation of conflicting standards. Before
tion of textiles, to government purchasing agen¬
the Institute approves a proposed standard, its
cies, to technical and professional societies, and
provisions must be acceptable to the national
to the ultimate consumer of the textile products.
groups affected.
Many of these groups have established certain
The standards set forth certain minimum re¬
standards for their own use.
quirements that do not regiment or place limita¬
Some large department stores, mail-order
tions on aesthetic elements but establish a qual¬
houses, chain stores, and buying groups, have
ity base below which the listed textile products
standards that aid the retailer in providing mer¬
should not fall.
chandise acceptable to his customers and help
Two major textile standards, established by
him avoid complaints and expensive returns of
ANSI, are L22-1968 on performance require-
unsatisfactory products. A manufacturer may
ments for textile fabrics, first sponsored by the
set up a standards program to help him develop
National Retail Merchants Association, and L24-
quality products; he can also refer to these
1963 on minimum performance requirements for
standards in selling his product. (Such a stand¬
institutional textiles, sponsored by the American
ards program was established by the American
Hotel and Motel Association.
Viscose Company; it later formed the basis for
In 1973, the L22 committee voted to dissolve
part of the rayon and acetate standards which
its affiliation with ANSI and to affiliate instead
evolved into L22 standards established in 1952
with the American Society for Testing and Ma¬
by the American Standards Association, now the
terials (ASTM).
American National Standards Institute.)
For more detailed information on American
In contrast to mandatory labeling of fiber
national standards for textiles, write to the
content of fabrics as required by law, standards
American National Standards Institute, Inc ,
are often optional or voluntary. Exceptions are
1430 Broadway, New York, New York, 10018.
the mandatory flammability standards for speci¬
fied fabrics and consumer items. (See Flam¬
mable Fabrics Act, p. 103.)
Federal Government
In general, the manufacturer is free to produce Product Standards (National Bureau of
textile items that do or do not meet standards, Standards of the U. S. Department of
but once he indicates that his products are meet¬ Commerce)
ing certain standards, the products must, in fact, The Office of Engineering Standards Services
meet these standards. If not, he is guilty of false of the National Bureau of Standards assists in¬
advertising. dustry—manufacturers, distributors, and users—
Textile Standards / 99

in the development of product standards for a their own use, but may also be used by other
wide variety of products, many of them in the agencies. Copies of these standards and specifi¬
textile field. Product standards are concerned cations may be obtained from the respective
primarily with quality criteria for materials, agencies.
dimensions, tolerances, grading, marking, and Copies of military and federal specifications
labeling. They may also establish standard test and standards, qualified products lists, military
methods, common stock items, and standard sizes handbooks, etc., listed in the Department of De¬
for a variety of purposes. These standards are fense Index of Specifications and Standards
voluntary, but because they are generally re¬ (DODISS) can be obtained from Commanding
quested by an industry, they soon become estab¬ Officer, Naval Publications and Forms Center,
lished trade practice. 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Although the request for a standard and its 19120.
initial development may be sponsored by a group
representing a single segment of an industry, American Home Economics
final development and any revisions are the re¬
sponsibility of a committee representing all seg¬
ments of an industry. The procedure for the The American Home Economics Association’s
approval of a standard is based on the consensus interest in textile standards is expressed through
principle. Before a new standard is approved, it its representation on the L12, L14, L22, L23, and
must be accepted by a significant portion of the L24 committees of the American National Stand¬
industry concerned, including producers, dis¬ ards Institute, Inc., and on the Institute’s Tex¬
tributors, users, and consumers, as well as state tile Standards Board as well as through its co¬
and federal agencies. operation in publicizing and promoting American
Product standards were formerly known as national standards.
commercial standards which were developed The Association also cooperates with various
under the same general procedures. As any other technical and research organizations in an
existing commercial standards are revised, they effort to recommend and establish minimum
will be identified as product standards. For ad¬ standards for clothing and textiles, and has given
ditional textile standards information from the continuous support to programs for consumer
Department of Commerce write to National protection in the Federal Trade Commission and
Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 20234, other government agencies.
or Office of Textiles, BDSA, U. S. Department of
Commerce, Washington, D.C. 20230. International Organization for
Federal Specifications and Standards
The International Organization for Standardi¬
Federal specifications and standards are pro¬
zation (sometimes designated as ISO) deals with
mulgated by the Standardization Division, Federal
industrial and engineering standards other than
Supply Service, General Services Administration.
electrical. Members of ISO are national stand¬
These documents indicate physical and chemical
ards organizations of countries desiring to par¬
requirements and applicable test methods for
ticipate. The United States is represented by the
controlling the quality of textile and apparel
American National Standards Institute.
items used by two or more federal agencies. This
does not include, however, items considered to be As a nongovernmental organization, ISO has
strictly military or special service items. These been accorded consultative status by the Eco¬
documents are mandatory for use by all federal nomic and Social Council of the United Nations.
agencies and are available to the public. The administrative work is handled by the Cen¬
tral Secretariat, located in Geneva, Switzerland.
Departmental Specifications and Standards Proposed standards are developed and agreed
Departmental specifications and standards for upon by an ISO technical committee, a draft is
textile and apparel items are developed and is¬ circulated to member bodies, and when approved
sued by individual federal agencies primarily for by 60 percent of the members voting, it becomes
100 / Handbook

an official ISO recommendation. The ISO recom¬ chemical testing and sponsors workshops, sym¬
mendations, like the American national stand¬ posiums, and seminars on test i lethods.
ards, are voluntary. The proceedings of AATCC are published in
ISO recommendations in the fields of color- its own journal, Textile Chemist and Colorist.
fastness, dimensional stability, and other per¬ The Association’s test methods and other tech¬
formance characteristics of fabrics, yarn testing, nical information are published in the annual
and fiber testing are under development with the Technical Manual. Most AATCC test methods
active participation of the United States. About have been approved as American national stand¬
15 ISO textiles recommendations have been ards in the L14 (textile test method) series.
American Society for Testing and Materials
Test Method Standards The purpose of this society is to “promote
knowledge of the materials of engineering, and
Test methods, which leading technical societies
the standardization of specifications and the
have developed, provide nationally recognized
methods of testing.” 2 The Society’s Book of
and reproducible methods that are widely used
ASTM Standards, issued annually, contains all of
in textile research and testing and are the basis
its current standard tests for textiles as well as a
for establishing textile performance require¬
section entitled, Standard Definitions of Terms
ments. Two such recognized organizations 1 are
Relating to Textile Materials. This information,
mentioned here:
formerly contained in Parts 24 and 25, will now
American Association of Textile Chemists be found in Parts 32 and 33 of the 1974 edition.
and Colorists The ASTM is usually looked to for physical
The AATCC is a national technical and scien¬ tests and for tests dealing with fabric construc¬
tific body whose members are active in the textile tion which form the basis for the specifications
wet-processing industry. The Association’s object appearing in American national standard L24.
is to promote increase of knowledge of the appli¬ Many ASTM standards in the D (textiles) cate¬
cation of dyes and chemicals in the textile in¬ gory have been approved as American national
dustry, to encourage research work on chemical standards in the L14 (textile test method) series.
processes and materials of importance to the in¬
dustry, and to promote exchange of professional
knowledge among its members. This Association 1 See Appendix for addresses.
develops many tests, particularly in the area of 2 From ASTM Charter, March 21, 1902.
Textile Legislation and Trade Rules and Regulations / 101

Textile Legislation
and Trade Rules
and Regulations

Since 1939, Congress has enacted four textile accompany woolen products from their raw-fiber
and fur laws and a product safety act designed stage through the various processes of manu¬
for consumer protection. These are: facture and distribution until the end product
The Wool Products Labeling Act of 1939 as reaches the consumer.
amended to 1965 The Federal Trade Commission has issued 36
The Fur Products Labeling Act of 1951 as rules and regulations for industry guidance under
amended to 1969 the Act.
The Textile Fiber Products Identification Act
of 1958 as amended to 1969 Definitions. The following definitions are in¬
The Flammable Fabrics Act as amended to cluded in the Wool Products Labeling Act:
Wool means the fiber from the fleece of the
The Consumer Product Safety Act of 1972
sheep or lamb or hair of the Angora or Cash-
The wool, fur, and textile fiber products acts mere goat (and may include the so-called spe¬
are designed to protect consumers and producers cialty fibers from the hair of the camel, alpaca,
alike against misbranding and false advertising llama, and vicuna) which has never been re¬
of textiles and furs and are administered by the claimed from any woven or felted wool product.
Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Textiles
Reprocessed wool means the resulting fiber
and Furs. The Flammable Fabrics Act prohibits
when wool has been woven, or felted into a
the introduction or movement in interstate com¬
wool product which, without ever having been
merce of wearing apparel, interior furnishings,
utilized in any way by the ultimate consumer,
and related products that are so flammable as
subsequently has been made into a fibrous state.
to present “unreasonable” risk or hazard to the
consumer. The provisions of this act have been Reused woob means the resulting fiber when
subsumed by the Consumer Product Safety Act wool or reprocessed wool has been spun, woven,
of 1972 which is administered by the Consumer knitted, or felted into a wool product which, after
Product Safety Commission, independent of having been used in any way by the ultimate
other agency. consumer, subsequently has been made into a
fibrous state.

Legislation Wool product means any product, or any por¬

Wool Products Labeling Act of 1939 (ap¬ tion of a product, which contains, purports to
proved October 14, 1940, Public Law No. contain, or in any way is represented as contain¬
850, 76th Congress, 3rd Session; 15 U.S.C. ing wool, reprocessed wool, or reused wool.
§ 68, 54 Stat. 1128) as amended to 1965 The law does not require that specialty fibers
This Act provides for mandatory fiber content (angora, cashmere, camel, etc.) be indicated by
labeling by percentages of all fibers present in all name on labels, since they may be labeled as
products containing wool, reprocessed wool, or wool but where they are named, the percentage
reused wool fibers in any amount. It also gen¬ must be given. If the specialty fibers have been
erally prohibits false or deceptive labels on reprocessed or reused, this information must be
woolen products. Fiber content labels must stated on the label.
102 / Handbook

Effectiveness. According to the Federal Trade articles as the Commission shall exempt by
Commission, required fiber content disclosure, by reason of the relatively small quantity or value of
percentages, has practically eliminated the use of the fur or used fur contained therein.
such general terms as “woolen” and “part-wool” Waste fur means the ears, throats, or scrap
in describing products which contain little or pieces which have been severed from the ani¬
no wool at all. mal pelt, and shall include mats and plates made
The practice of using reused wool without dis¬ therefrom.
closing its presence in fabrics has greatly dimin¬
Effectiveness. According to the Federal Trade
ished since the passage of the Act. The incentive
Commission, requiring accurate information
to use substitute fibers in lieu of more costly wool
about furs on labels, invoices, etc., has helped
fibers has also lessened in view of the affirmative
to eliminate deceptive practices in the fur trade.
labeling requirements. Also, a once common
practice of passing off inferior quality fibers has Textile Fiber Products Identification Act
been curbed as a result of the legislation. (approved September 2, 1958, 85th Con¬
Carpets, rugs, mats and upholsteries are ex¬ gress, 2nd Session; 15 U.S.C. § 70, 72 Stat.
empted from the provisions of the Act. 1717) as amended to 1969
This Act requires mandatory fiber content
Fur Products Labeling Act (approved Au¬
labeling by percentages of all textile fiber prod¬
gust 8, 1951, Public Law 110, 82nd Con¬
ucts and covers textiles used for wearing apparel,
gress, 1st Session; 15 U.S.C.A. § 69; 65 Stat.
costumes, and accessories, as well, as draperies,
179) as amended to 1969
floor coverings, furnishings, bedding, and other
The Fur Products Labeling Act requires that
textile goods of a type customarily used in a
purchasers be informed on labels, invoices, and in
household regardless of the place where used.
advertising of the true English name of the ani¬
mal from which the fur came, its country of Definitions. The following textile definitions are
origin, and whether the fur product is composed included in the Textile Products Identification
of used, damaged, or scrap fur, or fur that has Act:
been dyed or bleached. The Act further requires
Fiber or textile fiber means a unit of matter
that the terminology in the Fur Products Name
which is capable of being spun into a yarn or
Guide, amended in 1967 and issued by the Fed¬
made into a fabric by bonding or by interlacing
eral Trade Commission, be used in setting forth
in a variety of methods including weaving, knit¬
the animal name. A 1969 amendment to the
ting, braiding, felting, twisting, or webbing, and
Act added further provisions in the regulation of
which is the basic structural element of textile
furs that are pointed, dyed, bleached, or other¬
wise artificially colored. The FTC rules pro¬
Natural fiber means any fiber that exists as
hibit the use of fictitious prices in labeling and
such in the natural state.
Manufactured fiber means any fiber derived
Definitions. The following definitions are in¬ by a process of manufacture from any substance
cluded in the Fur Products Labeling Act: which, at any point in the manufacturing process,
Fur means any animal skin or part thereof is not a fiber.
with hair, fleece, or fur fibers attached thereto, Fabric means any material woven, knitted,
either in its raw or processed state, but shall not felted, or otherwise produced from, or in com¬
include such skins as are to be converted into bination with, any natural or manufactured fiber,
leather or which in processing shall have the yarn, or substitute therefor.
hair, fleece, or fur fiber completely removed. Yarn means a strand of textile fiber in a form
Used fur means fur in any form which has suitable for weaving, knitting, braiding, felting,
been worn or used by an ultimate consumer. webbing, or otherwise fabricating into a fabric.
Fur product means any article of wearing ap¬ Textile fiber product means: (1) any fiber,
parel made in whole or in part of fur or used fur; whether in the finished or unfinished state, used
except that such term shall not include such or intended for use in household textile articles;
Textile Legislation and Trade Rules and Regulations / 103

Textile Fiber Products Identification Act— The Federal Trade Commission has established
Definitions (Continued) the following 19 generic names for classes of man¬
(2) any yarn or fabric, whether in the finished made fibers:
or unfinished state, used or intended for use in acetate glass nytril saran
household textile articles; and (3) any household acrylic metallic olefin spandex
textile article made in whole or in part of yarn anidex modacrylic polyester vinal
or fabric; except that such term does not in¬ aramid novoloid rayon vinyon
clude a product required to be labeled under the azlon nylon rubber
Wool Products Labeling Act of 1939.
The Act provides that a stamp, tag, label, or The FTC definitions for these classes appear
other means of identification giving the following in the section entitled Textile Fibers.
information must be affixed to textile fiber prod¬ Definitions were drafted on the basis of the
ucts subject to the Act: broad chemical composition of each class of
(1) The constituent fiber or combination of fi¬ fibers as they are currently manufactured.
bers in the textile fiber product, designating Each generic name covers a class of fibers
with equal prominence each natural or man¬ which may differ more or less widely in proper¬
ufactured fiber by its generic name in the ties, just as the names “wool” and “cotton” cover
order of predominance by weight if the fibers that differ widely in value, properties, and
weight is five percent or more of the total serviceability. Any difference in the character¬
fiber weight. istics and their effect on the suitability of a fiber
(2) The percentage of each fiber present, by for any particular end-use is a matter for the
weight, in the total fiber content. Individual manufacturer or seller to explain in informational
fibers in amounts less than five percent by materials and in advertising. The object of the

weight may not be designated by fiber generic name and definition is to identify the
names, but must be shown as “other fibers.” fiber-forming substance in the particular class
of fiber, rather than on the basis of quality.
Exception: Where a textile fiber is present
These generic names must also be used in label¬
in a textile fiber product in an amount less
ing products subject to the Wool Products Label¬
than five percent and it is clearly established
ing Act.
that such fiber has a definite functional sig¬
nificance, the fiber may be identified by its The Federal Trade Commission urges con¬
generic name provided the functional signifi¬ sumers to become familiar with the generic names
cance is also stated on the label. Ornamenta¬ of manufactured fibers and to learn the ad¬
tion not exceeding five percent of the total vantages and disadvantages of each in the inter¬
fiber weight need not be disclosed, provided est of wise consumer buying.
that the phrase “exclusive of ornamentation”
Flammable Fabrics Act (approved June 30,
accompanies the designation.
1953, Public Law 88, 83rd Congress, 1st
(3) If an upholstered product, mattress, or Session; 15 U.S.C.A. § 1191; 67 Stat. Ill)
cushion contains stuffing which previously as amended to 1967
has been used as stuffing in any other up¬
The original Act of 1953 as amended in 1954
holstered product, mattress or cushion, there
specified that the standards to be used for deter¬
must be a statement to this effect.
mining dangerously flammable materials for ap¬
(4) The name or other identification of the man¬ parel should be those presented in “the Com¬
ufacturer of the product or one or more per¬ mercial Standard promulgated by the Secretary
sons subject to the Act. of Commerce effective January 30, 1953 . . .”
(5) For imported textile fiber products, the All wearing apparel, regardless of material, fiber
name of the country where the product was content, or construction, fell within the provi¬
processed or manufactured must be dis¬ sions of the Act. Also included were fabrics and
closed along with the required content and films sold and intended for use in apparel. The
identification disclosures. legislation prohibited importation or marketing
104 / Handbook

in interstate commerce of fabrics or wearing eral hundreds of deaths annually. The 1967
apparel that failed to meet the prescribed stand¬ Amendments increased the protection of the
ards. public against potentially unsafe fabrics in the
The 1967 Amendments in effect continued specific end-use items of carpets and rugs, chil¬
these standards and regulations unless revised by dren’s sleepwear (0-6X), and mattresses.
the Secretary of Commerce or superseded by Consumer Product Safety Act (approved
later standards and regulations. The legislation October 27, 1972, Public Law 92-573, 92nd
also authorized research on flammability; de¬ Congress, 2nd Session)
velopment of test methods and devices; the
The purposes of this Act are: (1) to protect
training of personnel; and continuing investiga¬
the public against unreasonable risks of injury
tion of deaths, injuries, and economic losses that
associated with consumer products; (2) to assist
resulted from accidental burning of fabrics, re¬
consumers in evaluating the comparative safety
lated materials, or products.
of consumer products; (3) to develop uniform
Under the 1967 Amendments, the Secretary
safety standards for consumer products and to
of Commerce promulgated four flammability
minimize conflicting state and local regulations;
standards as follows:
and (4) to promote research and investigation
(1) DOC FF 1-70, Standard for Carpets and into the causes and prevention of product-related
Rugs, which was issued April 1970 and be¬ deaths, illnesses, and injuries. The Act requires
came effective April, 1971. the formation of a five-member commission to
(2) DOC FF 2-70, Standard for Small Carpets supervise and implement the provisions of the
and Rugs, which was issued December 1970 Act which include administration of the Flam¬
and became effective December 1971. mable Fabrics Act as amended to 1967.
(3) DOC FF 3-71, Standard for Children’s In this connection, the Act transfers certain
Sleepwear, Sizes 0-6X, which was issued responsibilities of other agencies to the Consumer
July, 1971. It became effective in two steps Product Safety Commission. These are: the
with the first step occurring in July 1972 functions of the Secretary of Health, Education,
and the second in July 1973. and Welfare in gathering data on deaths, in¬
(4) DOC FF 4-72, Standard for Mattresses,
juries, and economic losses caused by flammable
which was issued in June 1972 and became
fabrics; those of the Secretary of Commerce in
effective June 1973. However, amendments
developing and promulgating needed flammabil¬
allowed a delay in full compliance until
ity standards; plus the functions of the Federal
December 1973.
Trade Commission in enforcing federal flamma¬
In addition, the Commerce Department pub¬ bility standards. Thus, investigation to deter¬
lished findings that standards might be needed mine need for new fabric flammability standards,
for blankets, upholstered furniture, and chil¬ development of standards, and their enforcement
dren’s sleepwear (sizes 7-14). Proposed stand¬ are now concentrated in one agency instead of
ards are being or have been developed for these being distributed among three agencies. Hope¬
uses but have not been promulgated to date. fully, this will increase the' effectiveness of the
Three agencies—the Department of Health, Flammable Fabrics Act.
Education, and Welfare, the Commerce Depart¬ The Commission members were appointed
ment, and the Federal Trade Commission—for¬ during 1973. They are currently working to¬
merly administered certain provisions of the Act. ward new standards for children’s sleepwear
Responsibility has since been transferred. (See (sizes 7-14) and for upholstered furniture.
Consumer Product Safety Act.)

Effectiveness. The original Act effectively Rules and Regulations

barred from the marketplace wearing apparel To carry out certain provisions of the textile
fabrics of extremely hazardous flammability. and fur laws, the Federal Trade Commission was
However, the burning of common wearing ap¬ empowered to promulgate rules and regulations
parel and interior furnishing not covered by the necessary and proper for enforcement of these
Act and Amendments continued to cause sev¬ statutes.
Textile Legislation and Trade Rules and Regulations / 105

Rules having the force and effect of law are The Commission adopts a rule or order only
authorized under Section 6 of the Wool Products after consideration of all relevant facts, law,
Labeling Act of 1939, Section 8 of the Fur Prod¬ policy, and discretion, including matters pre¬
ucts Labeling Act, and Section 7 of the Textile sented by interested persons. When adopted, the
Fiber Products Identification Act. rule is published in the Federal Register to be¬
The Commission also issues trade regulation come effective 30 days later.
rules applicable to unlawful trade practices when
in the experience and judgment of the Commis¬ Industry Guides
sion such rules are necessary to fulfill the sub¬ The FTC issues administrative interpretations
stantive requirements of the statutes. of the textile and fur laws for the guidance of
In December, 1971, the Federal Trade Com¬ industry in conducting its affairs in conformity
mission issued a Trade Regulation Rule requir¬ with legal requirements. These industry guides
ing that wearing apparel (with some exceptions) provide the basis for voluntary and simultaneous
carry a permanently affixed care label and that abandonment of unlawful practices by industry.
a care label be given to buyers of piece goods The industry guides may be promulgated by
intended for conversion into wearing apparel. the Commission either on its own initiative or by
In essence, the rule requires that care labels: any interested person or group, when the in¬
(1) give full, clear information on the regular dustry guide would be in the public interest and
care and maintenance of the article would serve to bring about more widespread
(2) warn the purchaser about any regular care and equitable observance of laws administered
and maintenance procedures that might by the Commission.
normally be expected to apply to such an As with the trade regulation rules, the Com¬
article but which, if used, would substan¬ mission may conduct investigations, make
tially decrease its ordinary use and the studies, and hold conferences or hearings.
wearer’s enjoyment of the article
Condemnation Proceedings
(3) be easy to locate and remain legible for the
useful life of the article In cases arising under the wool and fur acts
(4) omit symbols unless accompanied by word when it appears that the public interest so re¬
descriptions. quires, the Commission has authority to apply to
This Trade Rule Regulation became effective the courts for condemnation of the products
July 3, 1972. under question.
Proceedings for the issuance of rules or regula¬ Injunction Proceedings
tions, including proceedings for exemption of In cases arising under the wool, fur, and textile
products or classes of products from statutory acts, the Cotnmission may apply to the courts for
requirements, may be commenced by the Com¬ injunctive relief against unlawful sale of products
mission or by any interested person or group when the Commission deems it to be in the pub¬
filing a petition with the Commission Secretary. lic interest to do so.
In connection with rule-making proceedings
For More Information
the Commission may conduct investigations,
make studies, and hold conferences. U.S. Code, Volume 3, 1964 and subsequent
General notice of any proposed rule-making is supplements provide complete texts of legisla¬
published in the Federal Register. Interested tion. Available from U.S. Government Printing
persons or groups may express their views or Office, Washington, D.C.
suggest amendments, revisions, and additions at Rules and regulations issued under the textile
an oral hearing, if held, or through written state¬ acts are available from the Federal Trade Com¬
ments. mission, Washington, D.C.
106 / Handbook


Apart from the actual manufacture of textiles Joseph Bancroft & Sons Company, Rockford
and textile products, textile-related activities Road, Wilmington, Delaware 19899
range from the test-tube to the printed word. Bates Fabrics, Inc., 1431 Broadway, New York,
The addresses listed in this Appendix suggest the New York 10018
variety of organizations concerned with textiles
Beatrice Foods, 120 South LaSalle Street, Chi¬
in the United States.
cago, Illinois 60603
Beaunit Fibers Division of Beaunit Corporation,
Manufacturers or Sources 261 Madison Avenue, New York, New York
The manufacturers or sources of fibers, fabrics, 10016
finishes, and products mentioned in the Textile Belding Corticelli, 1430 Broadway, New York,
Handbook are listed below. The reader is re¬ New York 10018
minded that this is a list of sources of products
Bendix Corporation, 20650 Civic Center Drive,
and not necessarily of educational materials.
Southfield, Michigan 48075
Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, North Chi¬ Berlou Manufacturing Company, 421 Leader,
cago, Illinois 60064 Marion, Ohio 43302
Allied Chemical Corporation, Park Avenue and Best Foods Division, CPC International, Inter¬
Columbia Road, Morristown, New Jersey national Plaza, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
07960 07632
Alrac Corporation, 649 Hope Street, Stamford, Blackwelder Textile Company, Inc., 314 South
Connecticut 06907 Pink Street, Cherryville, North Carolina
American Cyanamid Company, Fibers Division, 28021
Wayne, New Jersey 07470 Boyle-Midway, 685 Third Avenue, New York,
American Enka Corporation, Enka, North Car¬ New York 10017
olina 28728 Bradford Dyeing Association, Inc., Main Street,
American Thread Company, High Ridge Park, Westerly, Rhode Island 02891
Stamford, Connecticut 06905 Burlington Industries, Inc., 3330 West Friendly
American Velcro, Inc., 406 Brown Avenue, Man¬ Avenue, Greensboro, North Carolina 27410
chester, New Hampshire 03103 Calgon Corporation, Calgon Center, Pittsburgh,
Apex Chemical Company, Inc., 200 South First Pennsylvania 15230
Street, Elizabethport, New Jersey 07206 Carbona Products Company, 30-50 Greenpoint
Arkansas Company, Inc., P.O. Box 210, New¬ Avenue, Long Island City, New York 11101
ark, New Jersey 07101 Carborundum Company, Carborundum Center,
Armo Company, Division of Crown Textile Niagara Falls, New York 14302
Manufacturing Corporation, 206 West 40th Carr-Fulflex, Inc., 92 Franklin, Bristol, Rhode
Street, New York, New York 10018 Island 02809
Armour-Dial, Inc., Ill West Clarendon Ave¬ Celanese Corporation, Celanese Fibers Market¬
nue, Phoenix, Arizona 85077 ing Company, 1211 Avenue of the Americas,
Avondale Mills, Avondale Avenue, Sylacauga, New York 10036
Alabama 35150 Chemicals, Inc., Haverhill, Massachusetts 01830
B.T.B. Corporation, 230 Park Avenue, New Chicopee Mills, Inc., 1450 Broadway, New York,
York, New York 10017 New York 10018
Appendix / 107

Manufacturers or Sources (Continued) Faultless Starch Company, 1025 West 8th Street,
CIBA Chemical & Dye Company, Fair Lawn, Kansas City, Missouri 64101
New Jersey 07410
Ferro Corporation, One Erieview Plaza, Cleve¬
Climalene Company, The, 1022 9th Street SW, land, Ohio 44114
Canton, Ohio 44707
Fiber Industries, Inc., Highway 70, West Salis¬
Clorox Company, The, 7901 Oakport Street, bury, North Carolina 28144
Oakland, California 94623
Firestone Synthetic Fibers Company, Box 450,
H. A. Cole Products Company, P. O. Box 9937, Hopewell, Virginia 23860
Jackson, Mississippi 39206
Fumol Corporation, 49-65 Van Dam Street,
Colgate-Palmolive Company, 300 Park Avenue, Long Island City, New York 11101
New York, New York 10022
General Foods Corporation, 250 North Street,
Compax Corporation, 33-35 54th, Woodside,
White Plains, New York 10602
New York 10077
Globe Manufacturing Company, 456 Bedford
Cone Mills Corporation, 1201 Maple Street,
Street, Fall River, Massachusetts 02722
Greensboro, North Carolina 27405
Gold Seal Company, 210 Fourth Street, Bis¬
Courtaulds North America, Inc., Highway 43,
marck, North Dakota 58501
Mobile, Alabama 36601
CPC International, International Plaza, Engle¬ Greenbelt Consumer Services, 8547 Piney
wood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632 Branch Road, Silver Spring, Maryland 20901

Cranston Print Works Company, Worcester Heberlein Patent Corporation, 350 Fifth Avenue,
Road, Webster, Massachusetts 01570 New York, New York 10001

Cravanette Company, U.S.A., 12 Dudley Street, Herbert Manufacturing Company, Inc., Textile
Providence, Rhode Island 02901 Finishing Department, 505 Eighth Avenue,
Dan River, Inc., McAlister Plaza, Greenville, New York, New York 10018
South Carolina 29606 Hercules Incorporated, 9th and Market Streets,
Dawbarn Division, W. R. Grace & Company, Wilmington, Delaware 19899
P. O. Box 460, Waynesboro, Virginia 22980
Hilex Company, 319 East Kellogg Boulevard,
d-Con Company, Inc., The, Subsidiary of Ster¬ St. Paul, Minnesota 55101
ling Drug Co., Inc., 90 Park Avenue, New
William Hollins & Company, Inc., 666 Fifth
York, New York 10016
Avenue, New York, New York 10036
Deering Milliken, Inc., 1045 Avenue of the
Hooker Chemical Corporation, 1515 Summer
Americas, New York, New York 10018
Street, Stamford, Connecticut 06905
Dow Badische Company, Williamsburg, Virginia
23185 Hynson, Westcott & Dunning, Incorporated,
Dow Chemical Company, The, Dow Center, Charles and Chase, Baltimore, Maryland
Midland, Michigan 48640 21201

Dow Corning Corporation, South Saginaw Road, IRC Fibers Division, Midland-Ross Corporation,
Midland, Michigan 48641 P. O. Box 580, Painesville, Ohio 44077
E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Inc., 1007 Johnson Chemical Company, Inc., 231 Johnson
Market Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19898 Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11206
Eastman Chemical Products, Inc., 200 South
Johnson & Johnson, 501 George, New Bruns¬
Wilcox Drive, Kingsport, Tennessee 37662
wick, New Jersey 08903
Enjay Fibers and Laminates Company, Division
of Enjay Chemical Company, Odenton, Mary¬ Jones Chemicals, Inc., 4151 Sunny Sol Boule¬
land 21113 vard, Caledonia, New York 14423

FMC Corporation, 111 East Wacker Drive, Koratron Company, Inc., 617 Mission Street,
Chicago, Illinois 60601 San Francisco, California 94105
108 / Handbook

Manufacturers or Sources (Continued) Reeves Brothers, Inc., 1271 Avenue of the Ameri¬
Koret of California, Inc., 617 Mission Street, cas, New York, New York 10020
San Francisco, California 94105 Renuzit Home Products Company, 3018 Market
T. B. Lee Company, Inc., 90 Park Avenue, New Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104
York, New York 10018 Rohm and Haas Company, Independence Mall
Leesona Corporation, 333 Strawberry Field West, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19105
Road, Warwick, Rhode Island 02886 Roman Cleanser Company, 2700 East McNichols
Lever Brothers Company, 390 Park Avenue, Road, Detroit, Michigan 48212
New York, New York 10022 Sage Laboratories, Inc., 3 Huron Drive, Natick,
Eli Lilly and Company, 307 East McCarty St., Massachusetts 01760
Indianapolis, Indiana 46206 Sanforized Company, Division of Cluett, Pea¬
Linco Distributing Corporation, 3631 South body & Co., Inc., 510 Fifth Avenue, New
Ashland Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60609 York, New York 10036
M. Lowenstein & Sons, Inc., 1430 Broadway, Sanitized Sales Company of America, Inc., 200
New York, New York 10018 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016
Mangels, Herold Company, Inc., Key Highway Scott Paper Company, Scott Plaza, Philadelphia,
and Boyle, Baltimore, Maryland 21230 Pennsylvania 19113
Clarence L. Meyers and Company, Inc., 230 Sears, Roebuck and Company, 925 South Homan
Fairhill Street, Willow Grove, Pennsylvania Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60607
19090 Shell Chemical Company, One Shell Plaza,
Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co., 3M Houston, Texas 77001
Center, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Southern Lus-Trus Corporation, P. O. Box 9244,
Monsanto Company, Textiles Division, 800 N. Jacksonville, Florida 32208
Lindbergh Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri Spunize Company of America, Inc., 45 South
63166 Main Street, Unionville, Connecticut 06085
Oakite Products, Inc., 50 Valley Road, Berkeley Stacy Fabrics Corporation, 469 Seventh Ave¬
Heights, New Jersey 07922 nue, New York, New York 10018
Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corporation, Fiberglas A. E. Staley Manufacturing Company, 2200 East
Tower, Toledo, Ohio 43601 Eldorado Street, Decatur, Illinois 62521
J. C. Penney, 1301 Avenue of the Americas, New Standard Household Products Corporation, 51
York, New York 10019 Garfield, Holyoke, Massachusetts 01040
Pepperell Manufacturing Company, corner Sterwin Chemicals, Inc., 90 Park Avenue, New
Fourth Avenue and Tenth Street, Westpoint, York, New York 10016
Georgia 31833 J. P. Stevens & Co., Inc., 1185 Avenue of the
Phillips Fibers Corporation, Subsidiary of Americas, New York, New York 10036
Phillips Petroleum Company, P. O. Box 66, Stevens Dyers, Ltd. (U.S.A.), 1006 Charles
Greenville, South Carolina 29602 Street, North Providence, Rhode Island 02908
Playtime Products, Inc., 442 North Detroit Sunlight Chemical Corp., 55 Pawtucket Avenue,
Street, Warsaw, Indiana 46580 Rumford, Rhode Island 02916
PPG Industries, Inc., Fiber Glass Division, One 3M Company, 3M Center, St. Paul, Minnesota
Gateway Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 55101
Tidy House Products Company, 750 Omaha
Procter & Gamble Company, 301 East Sixth National Bank Building, Omaha, Nebraska
Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45201 68001
Purex Corporation, Ltd., 5101 Clark Avenue, UniRoyal, Inc., 1230 Avenue of the Americas,
Lakewood, California 90712 New York, New York 10021
Appendix / 109

Manufacturers or Sources (Continued) Canvas Products Association International, 600

Union Carbide Corporation, Fibers and Fabrics Endicott Building, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101
Division, 270 Park Avenue, New York, New Carpet and Rug Institute, P. O. Box 2048, Dal¬
York 10017 ton, Georgia 30720
United Piece Dye Works, Lake Drive, Twin Chemical Fabrics and Film Association, 60 East
Rivers, Hightstown, New Jersey 08520 42nd Street, New York, New York 10017
White-King, Inc., Terminal Annex, P.O. Box Color Association of the United States, Inc., 200
2198, Los Angeles, California 90051 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016
Corduroy Council of America, 527 Madison
Avenue, New York, New York 10022
Trade Associations Cotton, Inc., 1370 Avenue of the Americas, New
Members of trade associations are firms or York, New York 10019
individuals, usually representing a specific busi¬ Denim Council, 1457 Broadway, Suite 510, New
ness field. The associations conduct activities York, New York 10017
to assist their members, to improve the particu¬ Durene Association of America, 350 Fifth Ave¬
lar area they represent, and to assist the public. nue, New York, New York 10001
Many of them publish educational materials re¬
Fabric Laminators Association, 110 West 40th
lated to their field of interest and may furnish
Street, New York, New York 10018
them to educators upon request. Some trade
International Fabricare Institute (headquar¬
associations in the textiles and related fields in¬
ters), Doris and Chicago Avenues, Joliet,
clude the following:
Illinois 60431
American Apparel Manufacturers Association, International Fabricare Institute, 8021 Georgia
1611 North Kent Street, Arlington, Virginia Avenue, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910
22209 International Silk Association (U.S.A.), Inc., 299
American Carpet Institute (now Carpet and Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10017
Rug Institute; see below) Knitted Fabrics Institute, Inc., 1450 Broadway,
American Institute of Laundering (now Inter¬ New York, New York 10018
national Fabricare Institute; see below) Knitted Outerwear Manufacturers Association,
American Institute of Men’s and Boys’ Wear 350 Fifth Avenue, Room 4920, New York,
(now Men’s Fashion Association of America; New York 10001
see below) Lace & Embroidery Association of America,
American Knit Glove Association, Inc. (now Inc. (now Lace Importers Association; see
National Association of Glove Manufacturers; below)
see below) Lace Importers Association, 420 Lexington Ave¬
American Silk Council, Inc., 299 Madison Ave¬ nue, New York, New York 10017
nue, New York, New York 10017 Leavers Lace Manufacturers of America, 1112
American Textile Manufacturers’ Institute, Inc., Union Trust Building, Providence, Rhode
1501 Johnston Building, Charlotte, North Island 02903

Carolina 28202 Man-Made Fiber Producers Association, 1150

Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers, 17th Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20036
20 North Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois Men’s Fashion Association of America, 1290
60606 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New
Association of Knitted Fabrics Manufacturers, York 10019
1450 Broadway, New York, New York 10018 Narrow Fabrics Institute, Inc., Room 618, 271
Belgian Linen Association, 280 Madison Avenue, North Avenue, New Rochelle, New York
New York, New York 10016 10801
110 / Handbook

National Association of Glove Manufacturers, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington,

52 South Main Street, Gloversville, New York D.C.20250
12078 Regional Offices:
National Association of Hosiery Manufacturers, 1. Southern Utilization Research & Develop¬
516 Charlottetown Mall, Charlotte, North ment Division, Agricultural Research Serv¬
Carolina 28204 ice, U.S.D.A., P.O. Box 53326, New Orleans,
National Association of Manufacturers, 277 Park Louisiana 70153 (Conducts extensive research
Avenue, New York, New York 10017 on cotton textiles)
National Cotton Council of America, 1918 North 2. Western Utilization Research & Development
Parkway, Memphis, Tennessee 38112 Division, Agricultural Research Service,
National Institute of Drycleaning (now Inter¬ U.S.D.A., 2850 Telegraph Avenue, Berkeley,
national Fabricare Institute; see above) California 94705 (Conducts extensive re¬
National Knitwear Manufacturers Association, search on wool textiles)
350 Fifth Avenue, Room 4920, Newr York, U. S. Department of Commerce, Washington,
New York 10001 D.C.20230
National Retail Merchants Association, 100 W. U. S. Department of Defense, Washington, D.C.
31st Street, New York, New York 10001 20301
Silk & Rayon Manufacturers Association, 608 U. S. Naval Supply Depot, Philadelphia, Penn¬
Fabian Building, Paterson, New Jersey 07505 sylvania 19120

Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc., The, 250 U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D.C. 20231
Park Avenue, New York, New York 10017
Supima Association of America, 603 First Na¬ Professional and Scientific
tional Building, El Paso, Texas 79901 Organizations
TIPS (Textile Industry Product Safety), 1750 Professional and scientific organizations con¬
Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. duct programs to advance their areas of interest
20006 and serve as clearing houses for new information.
Underwear Institute (now National Knitwear Many publish periodicals and technical mate¬
Manufacturers Association; see above) rials, some of which may be found in local
Vinyl Fabric Institute (now Chemical Fabrics libraries. Among these professional and scien¬
and Film Association; see above) tific organizations are the following:

Wool Bureau, 360 Lexington Avenue, New York, American Association of Textile Chemists and
New York 10017 Colorists, P.O. Box 12215, Research Triangle,
Durham, North Carolina 27709
Government Agencies American Association for Textile Technology,
Several divisions or bureaus within a single 295 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10016
government agency may deal with textiles. In¬ American Home Economics Association, 2010
formation offices of the various agencies and the Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, D.C.
Government Printing Office supply lists of avail¬ 20036
able publications.
American National Standards Institute, Inc.,
Agricultural Experiment Stations. Located at 1430 Broadway, New York, New York 10018
state land-grant colleges and universities. American Society for Testing and Materials,
Federal Trade Commission, Washington, D.C. 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
20580 19103
General Services Administration, Washington, Institute of Textile Technology, Charlottesville,
D.C.20405 Virginia 22902
Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Textile Research Institute, P.O. Box 625, Prince¬
20401 ton, New Jersey 08540
Bibliography / Til


This section contains titles of books and pe¬ Cook, J. G., Handbook of Polyolefin Fibres.
riodicals used as references for this fifth edition Watford, England: Merrow Publishing Com¬
of the Textile Handbook. With perhaps a few pany, 1967.
exceptions, the books given here are still avail¬ Cook, J. G., Handbook of Textile Fibres, 2 Vols.,
able according to Bowker’s Books In Print, 1978. 4th ed. Watford, England: Merrow Pub¬
In addition to these resources, the committee lishing Company, 1968.
for the revision drew information from com¬
Cotton from Field to Fabric, 5th ed. Memphis,
munications with companies, trade associations,
Tennessee: National Cotton Council, 1951.
and other sources concerned with textiles or the
textile industry. Although many of the resources Cowan, M. L., and M. E. Jungerman, Intro¬
listed in earlier editions may have furnished duction to Textiles, 2nd ed. New York: Ap-
unchanging basic material, space does not per¬ pleton-Century-Crofts, 1969.
mit a larger listing to include books no longer Dembeck, A. A., Guidebook to Man-Made Tex¬
in print. tile Fibers & Textured Yarns of the World,
American Fabrics Encyclopedia of Textiles, 2nd 3rd ed. New York: United Piece Dye Works,
ed. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice- 1969.
Hall, 1972. Denny, G. G., Fabrics, 8th ed. Philadelphia:
J. B. Lippincott Company, 1962.
ASTM Standards, Part 24, Textile Materials.
Philadelphia: American Society for Testing Garner, W., Textile Laboratory Manual, 6 Vols.,
and Materials (published annually). 3rd ed. London: National Trade Press, 1967.

ASTM Standards, Part 25, Textile Materials. Grover, E. B., and D. S. Hamby, Handbook of
Philadelphia: American Society for Testing Textile Testing and Quality Control. Plain-
and Materials (published annually). field, New Jersey: Textile Book Service, 1960.

Backer, S., Thesaurus of Textile Terms Cover¬ Haefele, C. L., R. C. Davis, F. Fortess, R. T.
ing Fibrous Materials and Processes, 2nd ed. Hunter, and W. A. St. John, The Tech¬
Cambridge, Massachusetts: M.I.T. Press, 1969. nology of Home Laundering. Monograph No.
108. New York: American Association for
Birrell, V. L., The Textile Arts: A Handbook
of Fabric Structure & Design Processes. New Textile Technology, Inc., 1973.

York: Harper & Row, 1959. Hall, A. J., Textile Finishing, 3rd ed. New
Carter, M. E., Essential Fiber Chemistry. New York: American Elsevier, 1966.
York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1971. Hamby, D. S. (ed.). American Cotton Hand¬
Clarke, W., Introduction to Textile Printing, book, 2 Vols., 3rd ed. New York: John Wiley
3rd ed. Plainfield, New Jersey: Textile Book & Sons, Inc., 1965.
Service, 1971. Hathorne, B. L., Woven Stretch and Textured
Cockett, S. R., and K. A. Hilton, Dyeing of Fabrics. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
Cellulosic Fibres and Related Processes. New 1964.
York: Academic Press, Inc., 1961. Hearle, J. W., Structural Mechanics of Fibers,
Collier, A. M., A Handbook of Textiles. Elms- Yarns, & Fabrics, Vol. 1. Plainfield, New
ford, New York: Pergamon Press, Inc., 1971. Jersey: Textile Book Service, 1969.
112 / Handbook

Hollen, N., andJ. Saddler, Textiles, 4th ed. Mark, H. F., et al. (eds.), Encyclopedia of
New York: The Macmillan Company, 1973. Polymer Science and Technology, 15 Yols.
New York: Wiley-Interscience, 1964-1971.
Joseph, M. L., and A. Gieseking, Illustrated
Guide to Textiles, 2nd ed. Fullerton, Cali¬ Mark, H. F., S. M. Atlas, and E. Cernia, Man-
fornia: Plycon Press, 1972. Made Fibers, 3 Vols. Plainfield, New Jersey:
Textile Book Service, 1968.
Joseph, M. L., Introductory Textile Science,
2nd ed. New York: Holt, Rhinehart & Win¬ Marsh, J. T., Introduction to Textile Finishing,
ston, Inc., 1972. 2nd ed. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1966.

Kaswell, E. R., Handbook of Industrial Tex¬ Moncrieff, R. W., Man-Made Fibers, 5th ed.
tile (Edited by Wellington Sears). Plainfield, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1963.
New Jersey: Textile Book Service, 1963. Morton, W. E., and J. W. S. Hearle, Physical
Klapper, M., Fabric Almanac, 2nd ed. New Properties of Textile Fibers. London: Butter-
York: Fairchild Publications, Inc., 1971. worth & Co., 1962.

Klapper, M., Textile Glossary. New York: Peters, R. H., Textile Chemistry, Vol. I. Plain-
Fairchild Publications, Inc., 1973. field, New Jersey: Textile Book Service, 1963.

Korner, R., Technical Dictionary of Textile Peters, R. H., Textile Chemistry, Vol. II. Plain-
Finishing. Elmsford, New York: Pergamon field, New Jersey: Textile Book Service, 1967.
Press, Inc., 1967. (English, French, German, Pizzuto, J. J., One Hundred-One Weaves in
Russian.) One Hundred-One Fabrics. Plainfield, New
Kornreich, E., Introduction to Fibres and Jersey: Textile Book Service, 1961.
Fabrics, 2nd ed. New York: American Else¬ Potter, M. D., and B. P. Corbman, Textiles:
vier Publishing Company, Inc., 1966. Fiber to Fabric, 4th ed. New York: McGraw-
Lancashire, J. B., Jacquard Design and Knit¬ Hill Book Company, 1967.
ting. Plainfield, New Jersey: Textile Book Reichman, C., Knitting Dictionary. Plainfield,
Service, 1969. New Jersey: Textile Book Service, 1966.
Linton, G. E., Applied Basic Textiles. Plain- Reichman, C., (ed. in chief), Knitting Ency¬
field, New Jersey: Textile Book Service, 1973. clopedia. Plainfield, New Jersey: Textile Book
Linton, G. E., Modern Textile & Apparel Dic¬ Service, 1972.
tionary. Plainfield, New Jersey: Textile Book Reichman, C., Knitted Stretch Technology.
Service, 1973. Plainfield, New Jersey: Textile Book Service,
Linton, G. E., Natural and Manmade Textile 1965.
Fibers. Plainfield, New Jersey: Textile Book Reichman, C., et al., Knitted Fabric Primer.
Service, 1966. Plainfield, New Jersey: Textile Book Service,
Linton, G. E., and H. Cohen, Chemistry and 1967.
Textiles for the Laundry Industry. Plainfield, Reisfeld, A., Warp Knit Engineering. Plain-
New Jersey: Textile Book Service, 1961. field, New Jersey: Textile Book Service, 1966.
Lynn, J. E., and J. J. Press, Advances in Tex¬ Skinkle, J. H., Textile Testing: Physical,
tile Processing. Huntington, New York: R. E. Chemical & Microscopical, 2nd ed. Plainfield,
Krieger Publishing Company, 1961. New Jersey: Textile Book Service, 1949.
Lyons, J. W., Chemistry and Uses of Fire Re¬ Stout, E. E., Introduction to Textiles, 3rd ed.
tardants. New York: Wiley-Interscience, 1970. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1970.
McDonald, M., Nonwoven Fabric Technology. Textile Fibers and Their Properties. Greens¬
Park Ridge, New Jersey: Noyes Data Corp., boro, North Carolina: Burlington Industries,
1971. 1970.
Man-Made Fiber Fact Book. Washington, D.C.: Textile Finishing Glossary, 4th ed. Greensboro,
Man-Made Fiber Producers Association, Inc., North Carolina: Cone Mills Corporation,
1972. 1967.
Bibliography / 113

Von Bergen, W., Wool Handbook, Vol. I, 3rd Home Furnishings Daily, Fairchild Publications,
ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1970. Inc., 7 East 12th Street, New York, New York
Von Bergen, W., Wool Handbook, Vol. II, Part 10003
2, 3rd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons,
Journal of the Textile Institute, Textile Insti¬
Inc., 1970.
tute, 10 Blackfriars Street, Manchester 3,
Whittaker, C. M., and C. C. Wilcock, Dyeing England
with Coal-Tar Dyestuffs, 5th ed. London:
Modern Knitting Management, Rayon Publish¬
Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, 1964.
ing Corp., 303 Fifth Avenue, New York, New
Ward, D. T., Tufting: An Introduction. Lon¬ York 10016
don: Textile Business Press, 1969.
Modern Textiles Magazine, Rayon Publishing
Weaver, J. W. (ed.), Analytical Methods for a
Corp., 303 Fifth Avenue, New York, New
Textile Laboratory. Research Triangle Park,
York 10016
North Carolina: American Association of Tex¬
tile Chemists and Colorists, 1968. Textile Bulletin, Clark Publishing Co., 302 W.

Wingate, I. (ed.), Fairchild’s Dictionary of Tex¬ Morehead Street, Charlotte, North Carolina
tiles. New York: Fairchild Publications, Inc.,
1967. Textile Chemist and Colorist, AATCC, P.O. Box
Wingate, I., Textile Fabrics <fc Their Selection, 12215, Research Triangle Park, Durham,
6th ed. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Pren¬ North Carolina 27709
tice-Hall, Inc., 1970. Textile Industries, W. R. C. Smith Publishing
Co., 1760 Peachtree Rd., N.W., Atlanta,
Periodicals Georgia 30309

American Dyestuff Reporter, SAF International Textile Month, Textile Business Press, 300 East
Inc., 44 East 23rd Street, New York, New 42nd Street, New York, New York 10017
York 10010
Textile Organon, Textile Economics Bureau, Inc.,
American Fabrics, Doric Publishing Co., Inc., 10 East 40th Street, New York, New York
24 East 38th Street, New York, New York 10016
Textile Research Journal, Textile Research In¬
America’s Textile Reporter, Bennett Enterprises,
stitute, Box 625, Princeton, New Jersey 08540
Inc., Daniel Bldg., Greenville, South Carolina
29602 Textile World, McGraw-Hill Book Company,

CIBA Review, CIBA, Ltd., Klybeckstr, 141, 330 West 42nd Street, New York, New York

4000 Basel, Switzerland 10036

Daily News Record, Fairchild Publications, Inc., Women’s Wear Daily, Fairchild Publications,
7 East 12th Street, New York, New York Inc., 7 East 12th Street, New York, New York
10003 10003

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Index / 115

Abrasion resistance, 3 Aramid, 15, 103 Brushed knits, 73
Acala cotton, 7 Argo Gloss, 90 Brushing, 51
Acele, 14 Amel triacetate, 52 Buckram, 67
Acetate, 12, 13, 14, 103 chemical and physical proper¬ Bulk yams, 39
chemical and physical proper¬ ties, 4 Bunting, 68
ties, 4 identification, 14 Burlap, 68
generic definition, 12 Association of Home Appliance Burnt-out printing, 64
identification, 29 Manufacturers, 86 Butcher rayon, 68
trademark names, 14 Avlin, 5
Acetone, 96 Avisco acetate, 14 Cadon, 18, 38
Acid dyes, 58 Avisco Vinyon HH, 23 Calendar printing, 64
Acrilan acrylic, 14 Avril rayon fiber, 5, 21 Calendering, 50
chemical and physical proper¬ Avron rayon fiber, 21 Calgon, 86
ties, 4 Awning cloth, 67 Calico, 68
Acrylic fiber, i4, 15, 103 Azlon fiber, 16,103 Camel Family, 11
chemical and physical proper¬ Azoic dyes, 59 Camel’s hair, 11, 68
ties, 4 Canton crepe, 70
generic definition, 14 Babo 4-in-l, 90 Cantrece, 18, 39
identification, 25 Bacteriostatic finish, 51 Canvas, 68
trademark names, 14 Bacteriostats, 87 Caprolan nylon fiber, 18
Action, 88 Balanced crepes, 70 Caracul, imitation, 72
Agilon textured yarn, 38 Balbriggan, 67 Carbon tetrachloride, 96
Agriculture, U.S. Department, 53 BanCare, 55 Carbona, 96
A jour, of lace, 74 Bancora, 53 Carbonizing, 50
Albumin stains, 92 Barathea, 67 Carded cotton yarns, 35
Alengon lace, 47 Bar moire, 66 Carding, 35
All, 82 Baronet satin, 77 Casement cloth, 68
All-Fabric Beads-O’Bleach, 88 Basic dyes (cationic), 58 Cashmere, 12, 68
All-purpose soaps, 86 Basket weave, 43 Cashmere goat, 11
Almi-Set, 56 Bates disciplined, 56 Cassimere, 69
Alpaca, 11, 67 Batiste, 67 Cationic dyes, 58
American Association of Textile Bedford cord, 67 Cavalry twill, 69
Chemists and Colorists, 100 Beetling, 51 Cav-Guard, 52
American cotton, 7 Belfast, 55, 56 Celanese acetate, 14
American Home Economics As¬ Bemberg rayon, 21, 27 Celanese nylon, 18
sociation, 99 Bengaline, 43, 67 Celaperm, 14
American Home Laundry Manu¬ Beta glass fiber, 16 Cellophane, 78
facturers’ Association, 86 Biconstituent fiber, 6 Cellulose, regenerated, 20
American Hotel and Motel Asso¬ Binder yarn, 36 Cellulose acetate, 13
ciation, 98 Bird’s-eye, 67 Cellulose triacetate, 13
American National Standards In¬ pique, 76 Cellulosic fibers, 7-9
stitute, Inc., 98 Bleaches, bleaching, 50, 87, 88 cotton, 7
American Society for Testing and Blended fibers and fabrics, 40 flax, 8
Materials, 100 Blends, 40, 67 hemp, 8
American Viscose Company, 98 Blotch printing, 64 jute, 9
Amine dyes, 61 Bobbinet laces, 43, 47, 75 ramie, 9
Anaver, 5 Bolivia, 67 Certification, 97
Angora goat, 11 Bonded fabrics, 47 Challis, 69
Anidex, 4, 15, 28, 103 Bonded multiplecord thread, 42 Chambray, 69
Anim/8, 4, 15 Bonding, 47 Chantilly lace, 47
Anionic dyes, 58 Borax, 87 Charmeuse, 77
Anso-X, 18 Boucle, 37, 63, 67 Charts
Anthraquinone dyes, 59 Braiding, 47 Chemical and physical proper¬
Anti-bacterial finish, 51 Brand of labels, 97 ties of some textile fibers, 4-6
Antique satin, 77 Breaking strength, 2 Examples of textured yarns, 38
Antiseptic finish, 51 Breton lace, 47 Finishes used on cotton, 56-57
Anti-static agents, 89 Broadcloth, 43, 68 Identification characteristics of
Anti-static finish, 51 Broadcloth, slub, 37 fibers, 24-28
Antron, 18 Broadtail, imitation, 72 Some acetate fibers and yarns,
Application printing, 64 Brocade,67 14
Applied decoration on fabrics, 64 Brocaded velvet, 79 Some nylon fibers and yarns, 18
Aralac azlon fiber, 16 Brocatelle, 67 Some rayon fibers and yarns, 21
116 / Handbook

Stain and spot removal, 93-95 stretch fabrics, 48 Disinfectants for laundry use, 88
Textile Fibers, 29-32 stretch properties, 48 Disperse dyes, 60
Washing formula for bleach- varieties, 7 DLP olefin fiber, 19
able white articles, 84 velour, 72 Dobby weave, 44, 63
Cheesecloth, 69 velvet, 79 Doeskin, 71
Chemical methods of finishing, 53 wash-and-wear finish, 55 Donegal tweed, 79
Chemical properties of fibers, 4-6 yarns, 35 Dotted swiss, 71
Chemstrand (type 66), 18 Cotton system of spinning, 34 Double-cloth, 71
Chenille, 69 Cotton-backed velvet, 79 Double-cloth weave, 44
Cheviot, 69 Covert, 70 Double knitting, 46
Chiffon, 69 Crabbing, 50 Douppioni silk, 9
broadcloth, 68 Crash, 70 Downy, 89
velvet, 79 Cravenette, 54 Drafting, 35
China grass, 9 Crease-resistant finish, 55 Drill, 71
China silk, 69 Crepe, 70 Drycleaning, 81
Chinchilla, 69 Crepe de Chine, 70 coin-operated, 83
Chintz, 69 Crepe-back satin, 77 solvents, 82
Chlorine bleaches, 88 Crepeset, 18 Drying (laundry process), 90
Chromspun, 14 Crepon, 70 Duck, 71
Cire finishing, 51 Creslan acrylic fiber, 14 Duplex printing, 64
Cire satin, 77 chemical and physical proper¬ Durable press, 55
Cirrosol-PT, 54 ties, 4 Durel olefin fiber, 19
Climalene, 86 Cretonne, 35 Duvetyn, 71
Clorox, 88 Crinkle crepe, 70 Dyeing, 1, 58-62
Cluny lace, 47 Crinoline, 71 processes, 60
Coal tar dyes, 58 Crisp finish, 51 Dyes, 58
Coated fabrics, 69 Crocking. 58-62 classification, 58
Coated rainwear, 70 Crockmeter, 62 colorfastness, 61
Coating, microporous, 54 Cross dye, 61 stains, 92
Coin-operated drycleaning, 83 Cross-section fibers, 13 Dylanized, 53
Coker cotton, 7 Crush-resistant finish, 52 Dynel modacrylic fiber, 17
Colorants, 87 Crushed velvet, 79 chemical and physical proper¬
Coloray, 21 Cumuloft yarns, 38 ties, 4
Colored yarns, 63 Cupioni rayon fibers, 21
Colorfastness, 61 Cuprammonium rayon, 21 Easy-On starch, 90
Color-sealed acetate, 14 Curl yarns, 37 Egyptian cotton, 7
Combed cotton yarns, 35 Cylinder printing, 64 Elastic thread, 41
Combination yarns and fabrics. Elasticity, 3
40 Dacron polyester fiber, 5, 20 Elastomers, 22
Combing, 35 Damask, 71, 74 Embossed designs, 65
Combining yarns, 40, 63 Dan-Press, 56, 57 Embossed velvet, 79
Comfort stretch, 48 Darvan nytril fiber, 19 Embossing. 63
Commerce, Department of, 98 Daybrite, 88 Embroidered designs, 65
Commercial laundering, 83 Decating, 50 Encron, 5, 38
washing formula, 84 Decatizing, 50 End-and-end cloth, 71
Commercial Standards, 99 Decorative designs, 1 Ends, 43
Complex weave, 44 Deep-pile fabrics, 71 Energine, 96
Condemnation proceedings, 105 Definitions, fabrics, 67-80 Enka nylon (type 6), 18
Coneprest, 55, 56 Degumming, 50 Enka rayon, 21
Coneset, 56 Deltapine cotton, 7 Enkalure, 18
Consumer Product Safety Act. Delustering. 50 Enzymes, 87
101, 104 Denier, 37, 45 Epingles, 49
Control of labeling, 97 Denim, 71 Eponge, 71
Co-op Sanitizer, 89 Deodorizing, in drycleaning, 82 Estron acetate, 14
Copper mordants, 59 Departmental specifications, 99 Everglaze, 55, 56
Cord weave, 44 Design, fabric, 63 Exhausting agents, 61
Cordonnet of lace, 74 applied decoration, 64 Extensibility, 3
Corduroy,70 printing, 64
Extract printing, 64
Core-spun thread, 40 structural, 63
Extraction, 84
Corkscrew yarns, 37 Detergents, 86
Cotton, 7, 8 basic ingredients, 87
for drycleaning, 82 Fabric construction, 1, 41-49
carded, 35 braiding, 47
chemical and physical proper¬ Dexol, 88
felting, 46
ties, 4 Developed direct dyes, 59
fusing, 46
combed, 35 Dimity, 71
interlocking of fibers, 46
dyeing, 58-62 Direct dyes, 59
knitting, 45
fiber lengths, 7 Direct printing, 64 lacemaking, 47
finishes, 50-57 Direct spinning, 36 netting, 47
identification of, 24 Discharge printing, 64 weaving, 43
Index / 117

Fabric definitions, 67-80 Fulflex spandex fiber, 23 Heberlein finish, 75

Fabric design, 63-66 Fulling, 50 Helanca yarn, 38
Fabric softeners, 89 Fume-fading-resistant finish, 52 Hemp, 8
Fabrics, maintenance of, 81-96 Fur-bearing animals, 11 Hercosett, 53
Fagonne velvet, 79 Fur-imitation fabrics, 72 Herculon olefin fiber, 19
Fade-Ometer, 61 Fur Products Labeling Act, 101, Herringbone, 73
Faille, 43, 71 102 High-tenacity fibers, 2
Fake furs, 72 Fusing, 46 High wet modulus rayon, 20
Fantessa, 54 Fyne-Pyne, 89 Hilex, 88
Faultless starch, 90 Home Laundering, 85-91
Federal Register, 105 Gabardine, 72 Homespun, 73
Federal specifications, 99 Garments Honeycomb, 73
Federal standards, 99 construction, 1 Hopsacking, 73
Federal Trade Commission, 7, 12 finishes, 54 Huckaback, 73
101-105 labeling, 97 Hydrogen peroxide, 55, 92
Felt, 71 maintenance, 81-100 Hydrophilic fibers, 52
Felting, 46 Gauge, knitting, 45 Hydrophobic fibers, 52
shrinkage, 48 Gauze, 47, 72 Hydro-Pruf, 54
Fiber content, 1, 97 Gauze weave, 44 Hydroxyl dyes, 61
Fiber dye, 60 General Services Administration, Hygroscopicity, 2
Fiberfrax Ceramic Fiber, 16 99
Fiberglas, 16 Generic names, 12 Ice colors, 59
Fibers, 7, 28 definitions, man-made fibers Identification of fibers, 33
high tenacity, 2 acetate, 12 Imitation broadtail, 72
hydrophilic, 52 acrylic, 14 Imitation caracul, 72
hydrophobic, 52 anidex, 15 Imitation Persian paw, 72
identification of, 33 aramid, 15 India madras, 74
man-made, 12 azlon, 16 Indigoid dyes, 59
natural, 7, 9 glass, 16 Industry guides, 105
Fibro rayon fiber, 21 metallic, 16 Informative labeling, 97
Fibrolane azlon fiber, 16 modacrylic, 17 Injunction of proceedings, 105
Figured weaves, 44 nylon, 17 Interfacings, 73
Filament fibers, 7, 36 nytril, 19 Interlocking of fibers, 46
Filament yams, 36 olefin, 19 International Organization for
Filet, 47 polyester, 19 Standardization (ISO), 99
Filling crepes, 70 rayon, 20 Ironing, 91
Filling yam, 43 rubber, 22 Irons, 82, 85, 91
Final Touch, 89 saran, 22
Finishes, 1, 50-57 spandex, 23 Jaquard weave,44, 63
Finishing in drycleaning, 82 vinal, 23 Jaspe cloth, 73
in laundering, 85 vinyon,23 Jean, jeans, 73
Fire Guard, 52, 56 Georgette, 72 Jersey knit, 46, 73
Firestone nylon (type 6), 18 Gigging, 51 Jetspun rayon fiber, 21, 27
Firestop, 52, 56 Gingham, 73 Jute, 9
Fish net, 75 Glass fiber, 16, 103
Flameproof 462-5, 52 chemical and physical proper¬ Kashmir goat, 11
Flame-resistant finish, 52 ties, 4 Kevlar, 15
Flame-retardant solutions, 52 generic definition, 16 Khaki cloth, 71
Flammable Fabrics Act, 101, 103, identification, 29 King Fluff, 89
104 trademark names, 16 King Pine, 89
Flannel, 71 Glazed finish, 47, 51 Knitting, 45, 46
Flannelette, 72 Glazed wadding, 46 double, 46
Flat crepe, 70 Glospan spandex fiber, 6, 23 Milanese, 45
Flax, 8 Glued designs, 65 raschel, 45
Fleecy White, 88 Glycerine, 96 simplex, 45
Flocked designs, 65 Goat family, 11 tricot, 45, 46
Flocked fabrics, 70 Government agencies, 110 warp, 45
Flocked velvet, 70 Gros de Londres, 73 weft, 45
Flocking, 50 Grosgrain, 43, 73 Knit fabrics, 73
Fluflon yarn, 38 Ground, of lace, 74 Knit fur prints, 72
Fluorescent dyes, 87 Guanaco, 11 Knit imitation krimmer, 72
Fluorocarbon, 6 Knit paper fabrics, 33
Fortisan rayon fiber, 27 Hackling, 8 Knit pony and mock mole, 72
Fortrel polyester fiber, 5, 20 Hair canvas, 73 Knits, structural designs, 64
Foulard, 72 Hair-fiber fabrics, 73 Knop yam, 37
French serge, 77 Hand laundering, 90 Knot yam, 37
Fresh-Tex, 51 Hand-painted designs, 65 Kodel, 5, 20
Frieze, 72 Hard water, 85 chemical and physical proper¬
Frise, 72 Harris tweed, 78 ties, 4-6
118 / Handbook

Koratron, 55, 56 chemical and physical proper¬ Numbering systems

Krimmer, knit imitation, 72 ties, 28 thread, 42
Kynol, 4, 17 generic definition, 16 yam, 36
Metallic-plated fabrics, 70 Nun’s veiling, 75
Metallic yarns, 40 Nupron rayon fiber, 5, 21
Labeling of textiles, 97 Microporous finish, 54 Nu-Soft, 89
Lace, 74 Middy twill, 71 Nylon fibers, 17-19, 103
Lacemaking, 47 Milan lace, 47 abrasion resistance, 3
Lacquer printing, 64 Milanese fabric, 73 chemical and physical proper¬
Lacquer stencil printing, 64 Milanese knitting, 45 ties, 4
Lactron, 22 Mildew-resistant finish, 52 generic definition, 17
Lame, 74 Military specifications, 99 trademark names, 18
Laminated fabrics, 47, 74 Military standards, 99 Nylon 6, 4, 18, 26
Lappet designs, 63 Milium, 54 Nylon 66, 5, 17, 26
Lastex rubber fiber, 22 Minicare, 55, 56 Nylon 420, 18
Lastrile, 22 Miracle White, 88 Nymo thread, 42
Laton, 22 Mitin, 49 Nytril fiber, 19, 103
Laundering, 55, 83-96 Modacrylic fibers, 17, 103
commercial, 83 chemical and physical proper¬ Oakite, 86
hand, 90 ties, 4 Olefin fiber, 19. 103
home, 85 generic definition, 17 chemical and physical proper¬
Laundry procedures and equip¬ identification of, 25, 26 ties, 5
ment, 83 Mohair, 11, 75 generic definition, 19
Lawn, 74 Moire, 65 identification of, 26
Leather, simulated, 69 Moireed velvet, 79 trademark names, 19
Leavers method, 47 Moisture regain, 3 Opaque linings, 69
Legislation, textile, 101-104 Monk’s cloth, 75 Organdy, 75
Leno, fabric, 74 Monocord thread, 41 Organza, 75
weave,44 Monofilament rayon, 78 Orion acrylic fiber, 14
Lestare, 88 Monofilament yarns, 36 bicomponent fiber, 14
Linco, 88 Monvelle, 38 chemical and physical proper¬
Line, 8 Mordant dyes, 59, 61 ties, 4
Linen, 74 Moth-resistant finish, 53 trademark names, 14
chemical and physical proper¬ Moth Snub, 53 Osnaburg, 75
ties, 4 Mousseline de sole, 75 Ottoman, 43, 76
Linings, 69 Multifilament yarns, 36 Overprinting, 64
Linit, 90 Multiplecord thread, 41 Oxford cloth, 76
Lirelle rayon fiber, 21 Musk Ox, 12 Oxidizing agents, 61
Llama, 11 Muslin, 75 Oxygen bleaches, 87, 88
Loom-finished taffetas, 78 Mylar metallic fiber, 17
Loop yarns, 37 Pak-Nit RX, 56
Lurex metallic fiber, 17 Napping, 51 Painted designs, 65
Lustrus, 27 Napthol dyes, 59 Panne satin, 77
Lycra spandex fiber, 6, 27 National Bureau of Standards, 98 Panne velvet, 79
Lyons velvet, 79 National Retail Merchants Asso¬ Paper fabrics, 33, 78
ciation, 98 Paper taffeta, 78
Natural fibers (cellulosic), 7 Papertex, 33
Mackinaw cloth, 74 Natural fibers (protein), 9 Parchmentizing, 51
Madras, 74 Natural fibers, identification of. Peau de soie, 76
Magic Finish, 92 28 Penn Prest, 56, 57
Maintenance of fabrics, 81-100 Needle-punching, 46 Percale, 76
Mali machine, 43 Negastat, 52 Perchlorethylene, 82, 96
Malines, 75 Net, nets, 75 Perfex, 86
Man-made fibers, 7, 12-28, 47 Net-based felt, 71 Perma-Prest, 55, 57
generic names, 12 Netting, 47 Permanent press, 55
identification of, 25 Niagara starch, 90 Peroxide, 88
Manufacturers, 106 Ninon, 75 Persian lamb, simulated, 72
Marocain crepe, 70 Noil, silk, 9 Persian paw, imitation, 72
Marquisette, 74 Nomex nylon fiber, 5, 15 Perspiration-resistant finish, 53
Marvess olefin fiber, 19 Non-precipitating water soften¬ Petroleum drycleaning solvent,
Matelasse, 74 ers, 76 82
Mechanical methods, 53 Non woven fabrics, 46 Phenolic disinfectants, 89
Melange printing, 65 Nonwoven paper products, 33 Photographic printing, 64
Mel-O, 86 Nottingham laces, 47 Physical properties of fibers, 4-6
Melton, 75 Novelty yarns, 63 Picks (yarns), 43
Mercerization, 51 Novoloid, 17, 28, 103 Picot, 74
Merinova azlon fiber, 16 Nub yarns, 37 Piece dye, 61
Mesh, 74 Nub-lite rayon fiber, 21 Piece-dyed taffetas, 78
Metallic fibers, 16, 17,103 Numa spandex fiber, 6, 23 Pigment-resin printing, 64
Index / 119

Pigments, 60 viscose, 20 chemical and physical proper¬

Pile weave, 44 chemical and physical prop¬ ties, 4
Pima cotton, 7 erties, 27 commercial laundering of, 83
Pine oil disinfectants, 89 Reactive dyes, 59 degumming, 50
Pine-Sol, 89 Reducing agents, 61 douppioni, 9
Pin wale pique, 76 Reevair, 54 georgette, 72
Pique, 76 Reflective linings, 69 identification of, 24
Pique weave, 44 Regenerated cellulose, 20 noil, 9
Plain weave, 43 Reindeer, 12 organdy, 77
Plisse, 70 Relaxation shrinkage, 49 serge, 77
Plisse printing, 65 Relief design, 63 shantung, 77
Ply yarns, 36 Renuzit, 96 tussah, 10
Point d’esprit, 47 Rep (repp), 76 velvet, 79
Point de Venise, 47 Reprocessed wool, 101 waste, 9
Polished cotton, 76 Reseau of lace, 74 weighted, 10
Polyester fiber, 19 Resist printing, 65 wild, 10
chemical and physical proper¬ Reused wool, 101 yams, 36, 68
ties, 5 Rhoplex SR-488, 57 Silkworm, 9
generic definition, 19 Rib weave, 43, 49 Simple weave, 44
identification of, 26 Ribbon knit, 74 Simplex Knitting, 45
Polyester film, 16 Richelieu lace, 47 Simulated leather, 69
Polyethylene, 5, 26 Right, 89 Simulated Persian lamb, 72
Polynosic, 21 Roccal, 89 Singeing, 51
Polypropylene-isotactic, 5, 26 Roller printing, 64, 65 Single-bar tricot, 45
Pongee, 76 Roman bleach, 88 Single yarns, 36
Pony, knit, 72 Roving, 35 Size of yarns, 36
Poplin, 43, 76 Rubber fiber, 22, 103 Sizing, 51
Power stretch, 48 generic definition, 22 Slack tension method weave, 45
PPG glass fiber, 16 trademark names, 22 Slip-resistant finish, 53
Precipitating water softeners, 86 Slipper satin, 77
Presensitizing of wool, 54 Saaba yarn, 38 Sliver, 35
Printing on fabrics, 1 Sailcloth, 76 Slub broadcloth, 37
types, 64-66 Sal soda, 86 Slub yarns, 37
Product standards, 98, 99 Sanforized, 53, 55, 56 Snarl yarns, 37
Professional and Scientific Orga¬ Saniflamed, 56 Snowy bleach, 88
nizations, 110 Sanitized, 51, 53 Soaps, 86
Professional cleaning, 81 Saran fiber, 23, 103 for drycleaning, 82
Progressive shrinkage, 48 chemical and physical proper¬ Soft water, 85
Properties, chemical and physical ties, 6, 27 Softeners
of fibers, 2-6 generic definition, 22 fabric, 89
Protein fibers, 9 trademark names, 23 water, 86
Pruf starch, 90 Sateen, 76 Softening, 51
Puff iron, 82, 85 weave, 44 Soil release finish, 53
Purex Super Bleach, 88 Satin, 76 Solid dye, 61
Pyroset, 52, 56 weave, 44 Solution dye, 60
Pyrovatex CP, 52, 56 Satin-backed crepe, 77 Solvents, soaps, and detergents,
Satine, 76 82
Schiffli laces, 47 Source—Biconstituent fiber, 6
Qiana, 5, 18 Schreinering, 51 Souring, 83
Qiriut, 12 Scientific and Professional Orga¬ Spandex fiber, 23, 48, 103
Quaternary disinfectants, 89 nizations. 110 chemical and physical proper¬
Quintess polyester fiber, 5 Screen printing, 65 ties, 6, 28
Scrim, 68, 77 generic definition, 23
Scotchgard, 54, 57 trademark names, 23
Rainwear fabrics, coated, 70 Scouring, 50 Specialized equipment, 82
Ramie, 9 Sculptured velvet, 79 Specialty hair fibers, 11
Raschel knitting, 45 Seals of approval, 97 Specific gravity, 2, 28
Seed yarns, 37 Spectran, 5
Ratine, 37, 76
Seersucker, 77 Spinning, direct, 36
Rayflex rayon fiber, 21 Spinning systems, 35
SEF modacrylic fiber, 4
Rayon fiber, 20, 103 Spiral yarns, 37
Serge, 77
Bemberg, 21 Shantungs, 77 Spot and stain removal, 91-96
chemical and physical proper¬ Spot-resistant finish, 54
Sharkskin, 77
ties, 5 Shirting madras, 74 Spot yam, 37
cuprammonium, 21, 22 Shrink-No-Mor, 56 Spotting and deodorizing, 82
chemical and physical prop¬ Spring Rain, 86
Shrinkage, 48, 49
erties, 5 Spun yarns, 36
Shrink-resistant finishes, 53
identification of, 27
Silicone finishes, 54 Spun-silk shantung, 77
generic definition, 20
high wet modulus, 20, 21 Silk, 9, 10 Sta-Flo, 90
120 / Handbook

Stain and spot removal, 91-96 Textured yams, 37-39 Vinal, 23, 28, 103
Stain identification, 92 trade names, 38 generic definition, 23
classification, 92 Thermal-insulative finish, 54 Vinyon fiber, 23, 103
removal compounds, 96 Thermoplastic, 12, 14, 39 chemical and physical proper¬
removal methods, 92 Thermosetting, 69 ties, 28
removal precautions, 92 THPC, 52, 56 generic definition, 23
removal procedures, 96 Thread, 41 trademark names, 23
Stain-resistant finish, 54 Thread Numbering Systems, 42 Visa, 54, 57
Standards for textiles, 98 Ticking, 78 Viscose rayon, 20
Sta-Puf, 89 Tissue tricot, 74 Viyella, 71
Staple fibers and yarns, 7, 34 Tool lace, 47 Voile, 80
Starches, starching, 89, 90 Torque, 39 Vycron polyester fiber, 5, 20
Static electricity, 51 Tow Vyrene spandex fiber, 23
Stencil printing, 65 flax, 8
Stitch bonding, 47 yarns made from tow, 36 Waffle cloth, 73
Stock dye, 60 Trade associations, 109 Waffle pique, 76
Stoneville cotton, 7 Trademarks, registered, 97 Warp crepes, 70
Storm serge, 77 Trade rules and regulations, 101- Warp knitting, 45
Straw fabrics, 78 105 Warp printing, 65
Strawn rayon fiber, 21 Transparent velvet, 79 Warp yarn, 43
Strength, 2 Trevira poljmster fiber, 5, 20 Wash-and-wear, 55
Stretch fabrics, 47 Triacetate, 13, 27 Washing formula, 84
comfort, 48 Trichlorethylene, 96 Washing procedures (home laun¬
cotton fabrics, 48 Trichlorotrifluoroethane, 82 dering), 85
mercerization, 51 Tricot, 74 Washing soda, 86
power, 48 tissue, 74 Water conditioners, 85
spandex fibers, 23, 48 three-bar, 45 Water, laundering, 86
thermoplastic filament yarns, two-bar, 45 Water-repellent finish, 54
39 single-bar, 45 Water softeners, 86
Stretch yarns, 39 Tropical worsted, 78 Water temperature, 86
Structural design, 63 Tuftingweave, 45 Waterproof finish, 54
Suede cloth, 78 Tulle, 47, 75 WB-5, 54
Suede-type knits, 74 Tussah silk, 10 Weaves, weaving, 43, 63
Sugar stains, 92 Tweeds, 78, 79 basket, 43
Sulfur dyes, 60 Twill weave, 43 complex, 44
Super-Kwik-Kare, 55 herringbone, 43 cord, 44
Superloft yarns, 38 Twist, 34, 43 dobby,44
Superwash, 53 Two-bar tricot, 45 double-cloth, 44
Surah, 78 figured, 44
Surface designs, 65 Unel spandex fiber. 6, 23 gauze, 44
Swelling shrinkage, 49 Unidye, 53 jacquard, 44
Swivel design. 64 Unifab, 16 leno, 44
Syl-Mer, 54 Unifast, 53 pile, 44
Synthetic drycleaning solvent, 82 Uniformat glass fiber, 16 pique, 40, 44
Union dye, 61 plain, 43
Taffetas, 78 Unirove glass fiber, 16 rib, 43
Tajmir (nylon 4), 18 Upland cotton, 7 satin, 44
Tannin stains, 92 U.S. Code, 105 simple, 44
Tapestry, 78 U.S. Department of Agriculture, slack tension method, 45
Tarlatan, 78 53 structural design, 63
Tarnish-resistant cloth, 78 U.S. Department of Commerce, tufting, 45
Taslan yarns, 38 98 twill, 43
Tebilized, 55 U.S. Patent Office, 97 variations, 63
Teflon, 6 Weft knitting, 45
Tenacity, 2 Valenciennes lace, 47 Weighted silk, 10
Tensile strength, 2 Vano, 88 Weighting, 51
Tentering, 50 Vat dyes, 59 Wet strength, 2
Terry cloth, 78 Vectra olefin fiber, 19 Wetcleaning, 82
Test method standards, 100 Velcro, 79 Whipcord, 80
Tetrakis hydroxymethyl phospho- Velour, 79
Wild silk, 10
nium chloride (THPC), 52, 56 cotton, 72
Wool, 10, 11
Textile Fiber Products Identifica¬ Velvets, 79
chemical and physical proper¬
tion Act, 7, 12, 40, 102, 103 Velveteen, 80
ties, 4
Textile fibers, 7, 28 Verel modacrylic fiber, 17 commercial laundering of, 83
Textile labeling, 97 chemical and physical proper¬ extensibility, 3
Textile legislation, 101-105 ties, 4 identification of, 24
Textile standards, 98-100 Vicara azlon fiber, 16 legislation, 101
Textile trade rules and regula¬ Vicuna, 11 presensitizing, 54
tions, 101-105 Vigoureux printing, 65 pulled, 10
Index / 121

reprocessed, 101 core spun, 40 spinning operations, 37

reused, 101 corkscrew, 37 spinning systems, 35, 36
yams, 10, 34 cotton system of spinning, 34, spiral, 37
Wool Bureau, 54 35 stretch, 39
Wool presensitizing, 54 curl, 37 structural design, 63
Wool Products Labeling Act, 101 denier, 37, 45 textured, 39
Woolen system of spinning, 35 direct spinning, 36 trade names, 38
Woolgard, 53 dye, 60 thermoplastic filament, 39
Worsted system of spinning, 35 elastic, 40 torque, 39
Worsted yams, 10, 35 elastomer fiber, 40 twist, 34, 43
Wrinkl-Shed, 55, 56 fiber content, 39 type and arrangement, 63
Wrinkle recovery, 55 from filament, 36 wool, 10, 34
Wrinkle-resistant finish, 55, 57, 91 from staple fibers, 34 woolen system, 35
Wurlan, 53 from tow, 36 worsted, 35
loop, 37 worsted system, 35
Xena rayon fiber, 5, 21 metallic, 40
monofilament, 36 Zantrel rayon fiber, 5, 21
Yarn construction, 1 multifilament, 36 Zefkrome acrylic fiber, 14
Yarn dye, 60 novelty, 36, 63 chemical and physical proper¬
Yarn spinning systems, 35 nub,37 ties, 4
Yarns, 34-42 plastic, 40 Zefran acrylic fiber, 14
blends, 40 ply , 36 chemical and physical proper¬
boucle, 37 ratine, 37 ties, 4
bulk, 39 seed, 37 Zefstat metallic fiber, 17
carded cotton, 35 simple, 36 Zelan, 54
classifications, 34 single, 36 Zelcon, 54
colored, 63 size, 36 Zelcon TGF, 57
combed cotton, 35 slub, 37 Zepel, 54, 57
combining, 63 snarl, 37 Zeset, 53
cord, 36 spacing, 63 Zibeline, 80
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