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Name: ____________________________

Causes and Consequences of Urbanisation

Respond to the following questions with the aid of the Slide Show.
Slide 2: What is the difference between urbah growth and urbanisation?

Slide 2: List 3 positive and 3 negative consequences of urbanisation.

Slide 4: Describe the expected change in global urbanisation by 2050?

Slide 4: Outline some of the challenges ahead for the urbanisation process.

Slide 5: Refer to figure 1. In what year did more people begin living in urban areas compared to
rural areas?

Slide 6: Is Merimbula considered to be an urban place? Why?

Slide 6: What would have to happen to reverse the urbanisation trend according to the factors
that have contributed to urbanisation?
Slide 7: Explain push and pull factors.

Slide 8: Where is the fastest urbanisation occurring?

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