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Environmentot Engineering wow p ~ Raw water Eng. p “Waste water Engi p~ Bir & Noise Pollution Source (Surface, Sub-Surface _ wed ewe ew Source Community A q dams, reservoirs, precipitation) Pipe WWE f ) Ys Water demand : Piped. D+ Sources of water d** Quality of water y** Treatment of water » * Service Reservoir * Pipes req. to carry water | meee * Distribution System. Distribution System Water treatment Plant. | eve Service Reservoir Woker Dernand , Pry Sample of woker which {S been utilized From the natural Source & is pot being subjected to artificial treatment is - i termed as raw water. + Before designing tne raw water Scheme, Following quantities are beirg computed - i) Total amount oF water Freq in the community in 1 year (Note-Anmuat draft) li) Total amount of water req. in the community in 1 dary i Canuck average daily draft) iii) Total amount oF water req. in tre community in tday by ach individual (Annuat average fer capita daily draft) PF The total demand of the water consist OF the Following - : b sDomestic Water demand + Tt is the amount of . water req. ‘to Satisfy the domestic needs by like drinking Cooking .washing , bathing etc. 7 For a city having Ful Flushing system -it is in the range of 135-225 Wikicid .Norrrally taken to be 200 Lit /e/d Thdustrial water demand :- It is the amount of water req. to Satisfy the industrial needs. Depertling upon the extent of industrialisation ,it 1s io the range, DF So: 48 Lik cld iyTretitubional water demand ++ Tt 1S the amount of water req. to satisfy the meals OF diff institutes in the community Vike - Schools hospitals, railway Station, airport etc. TA is in the range of 20-So Lit Icid. 1) Walter fr Public use += Tt is the amount Of water. req...for...public Utility purposes like washing of roads, gardening etc, TA is taken to be 5-6 of total demand of water. (10-20 kitic/d) J) Fire derand:- “Lt is the amount of water req. in Case Fire breaks ouk. Tt istaken to be 1 kiticid & Con aléo be found empirically. GS Follows- Fo=t00fP(Ke) of FO 463716 (1-0-0818) Wmin) : } sen a Marni national boord of Fire under writers method > Population Cin thousand ) Tt is the amount of water whichis being i) Logses & thef wasted ow dur to leakages & theft in raw water scheme. Tt may, €xterd upto 10-15% of total derrarcl of water. Uniess given Fluctuation in the demand of ter are takenas Follows - ) Max. daily demand = Lx Annual avg: daity demand SSSOCOSOCESHOHSCC SES HSOSSOHOSHOGHSOSCEBOSO et con oe ee eee ed (2) “s(Sk Avg. hourly demand of max, clay. Of max day ) oe weap Geveel 3 24 daily , pT AB a 48 Arnual avg huey dear 24 : Max-Mourly demand . } eee = 24x Annual avg. hourly demand “t \eisz) | Note ‘ ratio of Max dermand to the avg. demand for any duration can be computed using “geddrich eq “ais “Fallows - p. Max. dermanc _ Avg. demand t= time (clays) : ez Ldoy : Demand - Fluctuation i : Hourly ~ 2-F : Daily - LS : weekly 1-48 d monthly ~ 1-28 ' Yeorty- Fluctuation in hourly demand is observed to be tax. & it tapers off From hourly to yearly demand due to increase in sample size Fluctuation in hourly demand is termed As peak Factor which alto depercis upon the population as follows ‘ Yoputation Peak factor <50000 3 50000 - 200000 25 2 ? 2eaceo Coincident demand. Tt is defined as the aggre gote of max Jaiky, demand & fire derard * Qua Quint Qen SW = Onut Qo Quo+@ro* = Oro tae 7 in raw water ~design life & design discharge oF different Component ,Scheme are as Follows - — " Bo 3 2 *S, =6.075 MLH or 145-8 MLD Fire demand Q,,- 465716 (i- 0-01 fF) = 4681 Tio (10-01 SiGe ) > 53865-22 Lmin = 53€65.28 x10 Sx60x24 = 37-56 MLD 3 9 e @ 6 Cd eo e _@ oeeeeccecooceoeaooe oe ooeoooe

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