Administrative Law Assignment

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Administrative Law Assignment

1. Justice should not only be done but manifestly and un doubly seems to be done explain
2. Basis of the application of the principle of natural justice:
3. Kinds of Bias
4. Audi alteram partem or the rule of fair hearing (hear the other side)
5. Exclusion of natural justice (exceptions to the rule of natural justice)
6. Effect of Breach of Natural Justice
7. Define and explain Administrative law
8. Historical Background of Administrative Law
9. Distinguish between Constitutional Law And Administrative Law
10. Rule of Law :-
11. Rule of law under Constitution of India
12. Dicey's concept of rule of law
13. Director of Rationing and Distribution v. The Corporation of Calcutta
14. Bishan Das v. The State of Punjab
15. Sadanandan v. State of Kerala
16. S. G. Jaisinghani v. Union of India (1967
17. United States v. Wunderlick, (1951)
18. State of Madhya Pradesh v. Thakur Bharat Singh, (1967) 2 SCR 454 : (AIR 1967 SC
19. Shrimati Indira Nehru Gandhi v. Shri Raj Narain (1975) Supp SCC 1 : (AIR 1975SC
20. What do you mean by doctrine of separation of powers
21. Fair Hearing
22. Nemo Judex in causa sua or Nemo debet esse judex in propria causa
23. Pecuniary bias
24. Personal bias
25. Bias as to subject matter.
26. Jeejeebhoy v. Asst. Collector
27. R. v. Hendon Rural District Council, Ex parte charley
28. Visakhapatnam Co-operative Motor Transport Ltd. v. G. Bangar Raju
29. A.k. kripak v. Union of India
30. Meenglass Tea Estate v. Their Workmen

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