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Marketing Management

Answer 1:
The process through which a company encourages the purchase or sale of a product or
service is known as marketing. Advertising, selling, and delivering products to consumers or
other businesses are all parts of marketing. Marketing is defined as the process by which
businesses engage customers, build strong customer relationships, and create customer value
in order to extract revenue from them.

Concept and Application:

Marketing Process:

Construct Engage
Understan an customer Capture
Design a
d the integrated build value from
marketpla marketing profitable customers
ce and program relationshi to create
customer that ps and profits and
need and delivers create customer
wants superior customer equity
value delight

The marketing process is broken down into five steps for generating and retaining customer
satisfaction as per the above figure.
 First step: To develop want-satisfying market solutions and construct value-laden
customer relationships, it's critical to first understand customer needs, wants, and
demands. This boosts the company's long-term customer value. Needs are thoughts of
shortage. Wants - Culture and individual personality influence the forms of human
needs. Human desires backed by purchasing power are known as demands.
 Second step: Designing a marketing plan should focus on the following areas:
 Choosing customers to serve – establishing a target market.
 Choosing a value proposition - deciding how to effectively serve customers.

Marketing Management

 Third step: The marketing plan of the organization describes which customers it will
service and how it will add value. The marketer then creates integrated marketing
programs to deliver the desired value to target customers. It is made up of the company's
marketing mix (4Ps). All of these marketing tools must be combined into a full,
integrated marketing program that communicates and provides the promised value to
 Fourth step: The creation of outstanding customer value and satisfaction is the key to
establishing long-term relationships. Companies today strive to develop profitable
partnerships and build relationships that will enhance their share of the customer
portion of the product categories in which they sell.
 Fifth step: The ultimate goal of customer relationship management is to increase
customer equity, which is the entire combined lifetime worth of all present and potential
customers. Customer equity, rather than market share or current sales, maybe a stronger
predictor of success.
Promotion Mix: The promotion mix refers to the mixture of all marketing activities used by a
firm to promote its products on a large scale. It is a collection of methods and techniques aimed
at increasing product sales through advertising and reaching out to the target market.
Elements of Promotion Mix:

 Advertising: Any non-personal presentation and marketing of views, goods, or

services by an identified sponsor for payment.
 Sales Promotion: Short-term incentives to attract people to buy or sell a product or
 Personal Selling: Customers are involved, items are sold, and customer relationships
are built through personal appearances by the company's sales team.
 Public Relation: Obtaining goodwill, creating a positive brand image, and handling or
avoiding unnecessary rumors, news, and incidents with the company's various media
and public

Marketing Management

 Direct and Digital Marketing: Directly engaging with properly selected individual
consumers and customer groups to achieve an immediate response and establish long-
term customer relationships.
Digital Marketing: Any sort of marketing that takes place online via a mobile phone, laptop,
or the internet is known as digital marketing.
Types of Digital Marketing:
 Search Engine Optimization (SEO): When internet users conduct a search on a
search engine like Google relating to your business, SEO involves carefully
organizing and enhancing your website's pages to reach the best possible position on
search engine result pages (SERPs).
 Paid Social and Paid Search Advertising: Paid social advertisements appear on
social media, while paid search ads display on SERPs when you type a search query.
Marketers create these paid advertisements and compete with each other for
placement on their chosen social media network or on the search engine's first page
of results.
 Email Marketing: Email marketing refers to any type of marketing done by email,
not just newsletters and coupons.
 Content Marketing: Content marketing refers to any attempt to advertise using
online content. The following content types are categorized as part of the content
marketing category: Blog posts, Infographics, Videos, and eBooks.

 Creating Action Plan:

Action Goal Accountable Responsible
Market research It will help to know Marketing Head of Marketing
will be performed that which meals are
to determine more needed and
demand. according to it can
be made
Use the survey Use the approaches Manager Management
method to figure that are most highly
out what the satisfying.
consumer is
Choose the best Customers must be Marketing Marketing Head
strategy for satisfied to make a
business. profit.

Marketing Management

The action plan comprises business strategy shifts, after which it describes how the job will be
done to know about people’s opinions. This method can be used for both cloud kitchen and for
opening restaurant. As a result, we can learn which method will be most useful to us and how
we may implement it within the business.
 Creating Communication Plan: The communication plan will determine the purpose
of the conversation, define the target audience, plan and create the message, and assess
available resources. With the use of an action plan, Mr. Sharma will be able to plan for
boundaries and emergencies, as well as strategize how he will connect with the media
and others who can help him spread the word.
 Creating Consumer Outreach Plan: Mr. Sharma will outline the company's wants
and objectives, choose the target customers, produce, package, and deliver the message
to create a consumer outreach plan. Mr. Sharma could have created and evaluated an
outreach plan this way.

Hence, These marketing strategies assist in determining which action will be carried out in
which country and how that movement plan will be carried out, which is why people consult
with professionals to solve challenges they are encountering in the workplace. A discussion
plan is created for speaking with customers, and an outreach plan is also created for reaching
out to customers to deliver that message. All of these plans also show how certain methods will
aid in the smooth operation of the business.

Marketing Management

Answer 2:
The marketing mix is a collection of marketing tools and activities used to advertise and
sell a product or service. It all comes down to deciding to sell a product at the appropriate
location, at the appropriate price, and at the appropriate time. The product will then be made
available in accordance with the marketing and promotional strategy. Product, Price, Place,
and Promotion are the four Ps that make up the marketing mix. In the business world, marketing
managers design a marketing strategy that incorporates all four Ps. Marketers that understand
the marketing mix can better emphasize their product's qualities and figure out how to promote
it. Understanding the marketing mix can also help stakeholders make better decisions about
how to price and position their product or service in the market.
The Four Ps of the Marketing Mix is as follows:

Product Price

4Ps of
Marketing Mix

Place Promotion

 Product: The company’s offering (product or service). To be worth buying, this

product must suit the needs of the customers in a unique way.
 Price: This is the price at which a product or service is sold. When pricing a product or
service, marketers must evaluate the product's worth as well as the overall market
 Place: Where will this product be sold to reach its target customer?
 Promotion: What methods will marketers use to spread the word about their product
or service? Which marketing channels are they going to employ?

Marketing Management

Concept and Application:

The first step is to plan out a marketing campaign. In addition to optimizing the impact
of football material, I'll start by laying out football advertising targets, important participants
who would be implicated, noteworthy statements, and the viewing public in India, and how to
maximize the impact of football content as part of an efficient content marketing campaign. I
would use strategic sports marketing, which is an approach to sports marketing, and engage
with other organizations in rigorous planning before implementing marketing activities aimed
at achieving football goals in India by attracting more followers and support. All monetization
tactics can be targeted at where they are now, where they want to go, and how long it will take
to get there. I'll be using Word Press, professional websites, team websites with fully-featured
solutions, and a daily email to promote Indian football teams and persuade the general public
to support them. Because the number of individuals using social media is growing, using social
media platforms to advertise or promote the business is a fantastic idea. As a result, you can
expect me to be active on social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Dailymotion,
and Twitter. I will also promote Indian football clubs and encourage the general public to
support them.
Demographic segmentation: With a life expectancy of 24.8 years, India is one of the world's
greatest countries. This, together with rising income levels among Indian children, would result
in India becoming a booming sports activities business in the next years.
Geographic segmentation: Initially, there are some leagues or soccer events that are held in
various cities like Mumbai, Kerala, West Bengal, and Goa, which are already known for their
soccer passion and we can plan to launch their marketing strategies. As a substantial source of
cash for Indian viewers, international tourists are also present.
Social Factors: Football watching in pubs and large groups allows for social networking. The
development of fantasy football leagues encourages the formation of community groups.
Franchisees will build long-term loyalty to local clubs as a result of their relationships.
Factors of individual behavior: Die-hard supporters believe that being a fan is a crucial part of
their identity, thus they stick it out even when their team fails. Fan identification with a team
has a significant impact on effect and enjoyment, which in turn leads to satisfaction.
SWOT Analysis:
The following is the SWOT Analysis of the X-league football tournament:
 Strengths: In its behavior and operations, the X-league will be professional. It will run
tournaments using the most up-to-date scientific and administrative methods. For the
first time, an Indian audience will be able to watch world-class football being broadcast
live on television. This will result in a cyclic increase in interest and viewership.
 Weaknesses: The X-league will have to construct its own infrastructure, including
stadiums and other athletic and training facilities. In terms of football, India is still a
developing market. Football has a poor penetration rate in rural India.
 Opportunities: As the popularity of football and the X-league rises, the market for
items such as team shirts and scarves is expected to follow likewise.

Marketing Management

 Threats: The revenue model may not be able to realize the predicted return if the idea
does not appeal to the market segment. Any economic downturn could have a negative
impact on people's entertainment consumption.
Four Ps:
1. Product: The soccer ball and the alternate balls offered in the game are the game's
2. Price: Because it allows for price shopping, the pricing strategy focuses on a moderate
and low-price approach.
3. Place: Its position is distant from all the other games, and customers enjoy this game,
so it should be positioned by them.
4. Promotion: For the promotion of its specific medium through which people take an
interest in the football game and its merchandise through advertisements and other

Hence, the marketing plan for the sports activities industry's customers is an important
component because its unique aspects aid in the industry's growth. I've included all of the
objectives, as well as the methods for implementing plans within the company and tactics for
increasing income. I've also specified how it will be promoted on social media platforms such
as Instagram, Facebook, and others

Marketing Management

Answer 3a:
Market segmentation is a marketing phrase that refers to grouping potential consumers
into groups or segments that have similar demands and respond to advertising strategies in a
similar way. Market segmentation allows businesses to target different types of customers who
value products and services separately. Market segmentation helps companies reduce risk by
assessing which products are most likely to gain a share of a target market, as well as the most
effective marketing strategies and delivery methods for those products. Market segmentation
is used to not only identify the most profitable categories but also to create profiles of key
segments in order to better understand their needs and reasons for purchasing. The results of
segmentation analysis are subsequently used to assist in the development and implementation
of marketing strategies.
Demographic segmentation: The collection and analysis of broad characteristics of groups
of people and populations is known as demographic segmentation. Demographics are used to
see if a company's products and services are being focused at its most powerful consumers.
Geographic segmentation: Geographic segmentation is the process of dividing your
audience into groups based on where they live or work. This can be done in a variety of ways,
including grouping clients by the nation of residence, or smaller geographical divisions, such
as region, city, and postal code. In direct marketing initiatives, geographic segmentation is
commonly used to find locations that are good candidates for direct selling, message
distribution, or mailings.

Concept and Application:

 Target Groups: When considering the target group of relatives, participants and
teens are the two key demographic components of Falls River. The Falls River
Theater is dedicated to serving as many parents as possible as a community-focused
organization. Due to the presence of a small firm in the city, there may be a large
student market with consumers who have fewer travel options.
 Demographics: Group such as family - This business group caters to individuals
and parents with small children who no longer want the latest releases and instead
choose a low-cost, high-quality, family-oriented viewing experience. Teenagers -
This age group is made up of people who are between the ages of 16 and 24. This
demographic is looking for comedy and dramas that aren't aimed at kids.
 Geographics: Because of their high admiration for the artists, cultural audiences
are deeply invested in theatre. Professionals attend the theatre less frequently than
cultural fans while being aware of the products. They enjoy going to parties, eating
out frequently, looking at things, and spending quiet afternoons at home.
Customers are split into certain segmentation fundamentals and then targeted in
this method.

Conclusion: Hence, this helps the research to include all the important components of the
market segmentation. It helps researchers to conduct studies that are more thorough and
precise, while also ensuring that the research's most important elements are safeguarded.

Marketing Management

Answer 3b:
Only certain research questions lend themselves to a questionnaire survey. Its
applicability is determined by the types of data required to answer a research topic and the
people from whom the researcher want to obtain data. A survey introduction is a summary of
the survey that includes important information. It's the main element of the survey that
interested responders see, and it helps them decide whether or not to fill out your form. A
survey questionnaire contains all of the questions that the research content and would be
collected through the source of statistics, as well as different components and parts of the
survey questionnaire, such as well-known questions, common questions, and personal
information, as well as the main body of the questionnaire and this survey, allows acquiring
data from humans through online or given surveys.

Concept and Application:

The questions of the survey questionnaire are as follows:
1. How often do you go to the movies in a month?
2. What days do you prefer to go cinema?
3. Who do you take to the movies?
4. What type of movies do you usually go see?
5. When you go to the movies, what kind of refreshments/snacks do you usually
6. When you go to the movies, how much do you like it?
7. What has changed since the last time you saw a movie at the theatre?
8. Was the theatre to your satisfaction in terms of comfort?
9. What factors most affect your decision to go to the movies?
10. If a new Super Max Theatre cinema opened, how interested would you be in
visiting it?
All of these questions are meant to generate customer feedback on what they think about
theatres in general, as well as whether they still like them or not. We discover different points
of view on the only questions by asking these types of questionnaires of people. To get the best
answers from clients, you must first get them to understand the survey's needs so that the
responses are excellent. It also gives the character the feeling of being free to answer the survey
questions in the best way possible.

Because the leading research relies on it, the survey questionnaire plays an important role
in the study. The purpose of the survey questionnaire is to gather important information from
individuals by asking them about their preferences and allowing them to mark the answers to
the questions according to their preferences. It also allows the person collecting the
questionnaire to understand what individuals believe about various points of view, and so, their
ideas may desire to be found out in this manner.

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