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Hello my dear readers, thank you for stopping by my story. Its my first time
writing a novel.
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I am sure this story is going to capture your hearts

Before anything else, it is solemly a work of fiction and this book is

The Moon To My Night Copyright © 2023 by inheritedvibes All rights


No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any

form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording,
scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is
illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other
means without permission, except for the use of brief quotations in a book

This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents
portrayed in it are the work of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to
actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.
It's time for the introduction

Starting with my dear main characters,


The famous billionaire and India's most eligible bachelor. He is a 28-year-

old businessman. Having their roots in Rajasthan, his father, with his
hardwork and dedication, spread the construction business across India,
whereas Rudransh after graduating from Delhi, decided to take over the
business He took the Chauhann empire to all new heights, establishing the
business across the world. He is arrogant but he is hot. He is cold hearted for
the world except for his family.


She is the epitome of beauty with a brain. The 26 yr old only daughter of
RAJVANSHs loved and graced by all. Graduated from Business school in
Delhi and pursued her higher studies from New York, USA. She handled her
brother's empire in the states and had her textile business established. She is
a pretty princess but fierce and feisty. No one keeps tabs on what belongs to
Aradhaya. Sensitive and cute for her dear ones but would spare no stone
unturned if you try to get under skin.



Aradhaya's grandfather and the head of RAJVANSH family. Owns multiple

business firms in jaipur. Loves his family the most but Aradhaya is his


The beauty of her time descending her looks on Aradhaya. Grandmother of



Elder son of Rajveer RAJVANSH and father of Aradhaya RAJVANSH.
Loves his daughter dearly. Have a weak heart so retired early from work and
primarily deals with NGO under RAJVANSH royals along with his wife.


Aradhaya's mother . Handles the education devoted business of RAJVANSH

along with different NGOs.


Younger son of Rajveer. commonly referred as Chote papa by Aradhaya and

Aridhaan. Manages the hotels under RAJVANSH Royal's.


younger twin sister of Ankita. choti Maa of Aradhaya. Manages the education
sector along with Ankita


The 30 yr old eldest of RAJVANSH grandchildren, son of Utkarsh and

ankita. One of the most eligible billionaire bachelors and CEO of
RAJVANSH Royal's mainly concerned with the construction and
RAJVANSH Royal's business abroad. Hot and sexy young man.


28 yr old Elder son of Kritika and Ranveer. CFO of RAJVANSH Royal's.

Introvert for outsiders and fun loving for his family.


28yr old younger son of kritika and ranveer. manages event management
along with hotel franchises of the RAJVANSH Royal's. Cute handsome
young man with a gentleman attribute. Twin to YUG


maternal grandfather of aradhaya. commonly referred to as nannu by the

younger clan.


maternal grandmother of aradhaya . commonly referred to as nani by younger



maternal uncle of aradhaya refereed at as mamu. Handles the Rathore

corporations with his son.


Maternal aunt of aradhaya referred as Maami. CA in Rathore corporations.


31 yr old, Son of Anirudh and meenakshi. CEO of Rathore corporation . cute

and handsome soon to be married bachelor to Ridhima Rana. best friend to



Head of the Chauhan family. Grandfather of Rudransh singh chauhan. Have a

diverse empire of builders.


Grandmother of Rudransh Singh Chauhan. retired Science lecturer.


Eldest son of Damodar, the feisty, strong and powerful businessman. Father
of Rudransh.


Mother of Rudransh. A renowned Advocate.


younger brother of Samrat. follows the footsteps of his elder brother in



Rudransh' aunt. Owns classical dance academy.


26 yr old, Younger brother of Rudransh. National basketball player, cute and



27 yr old, Son of Vineet and Vidhi. Works with Rudransh.


24 yr old, Younger sister of Rohan. pursuing law as practice.


daughter of damodar and payal Chauhan married to ajit rana and mother of
ridhima rana. bua of rudransh.


Uncle, Fufa of Rudransh. husband of Seerat and father of Ridhima.

Fashion designer by profession. fiance of Shravan. Rudransh's cousin.

OKAY I know it was a long introduction but just to be clear for ease of

Let's begin with the story from the next chapter.

Give this story a chance guys, I am sure you are gonna love it ❤❤
All the pictures used in the chapters belongs to the rightful owners taken from
Pinterest. I give all the credit of images to them ❤
Hope you all enjoy the book ❤
Please vote and comment, they are really motivating.
18.06.2023 - 18.08.2023



(Okay before you start, just a quick info - The edited version of this book is
getting uploaded on scroll stack for FREE, YES ITS COMPLETELY
FREE. But its not completed there, for instance you want to read the edited
version, you can check out scrollstack, link in my bio also same present on
Instagram as well.
The edited version has broadly same plot line just different POVs and many
more scenes.
Happy reading!.
Don't forget to vote and comment your views.
I love to know what you feel about the book)

The hustle and bustle of the Palace can beat all the chaos of the world since
the day dear is near. The whole Rajvansh mansion is decorated as a bride to
welcome the precious jewel of the Rajvansh family.

"Aridhaan, did you talk to her? "When is she boarding the jet?"

"Utkarsh, did you send the jet to her or not?"

"Ankita, when are her Maama and maami coming?"

"Kritika, did you get her chamber all neat and tidy just like her preference?"

"Devi, Have you started preparing all her favorite sweets yet?"

"Where are Yug ang Yagya? Did they manage to get her white tulip?"

"Ranveer, Can anyone update me about the preparations you all are doing? I
will not bear anything missing in her welcome!"

Among everything, the very evident orders of Rajveer Rajvansh are shooting
daggers at the whole family. Well, after all, his favorite grandchild is getting
back to India after completing her higher studies. Rajvanshs were looking
forward to this day since the day she left for New York.


PRINCESS'S WELCOME!" declared Rajveer getting to the dining table as it
was dinner time.

As breakfast, lunch, and dinner are sacred times for the family to dine
together, everyone abandons their individual tasks and gathers around the
dining table. The head chair is occupied by the grandfather, followed by his
wife, sons, and daughters-in-law. Opposite Rajveer, in pure grace and
elegance, sits Aridhaan Singh Rajvansh, the eldest of Rajvansh's
grandchildren. On the opposite side of the elder clan, there is the seating of
the younger generation, Yug and Yagya.

Aridhaan started speaking, clearing his throat, "Dadu, I have organized

everything to match your special Princess's preferences. All the invitations
have been sent out for the party. It would be wonderful if you could
remember that not only will your granddaughter be returning, but it will also
mark your 65th wedding anniversary."

"I understand his excitement, dear, even though we are all eager to see my
Aru," exclaimed Devi.

"Maa, everything is arranged and taken care of. You and Papa need to take
your time out otherwise Aru will take it out on us that we kept her dearest
busy" Ankita added.

ARADHAYA SINGH RAJVANSH, commonly referred to as Aru by her

family, is getting back to India after 7 years in the USA. As the sole daughter
in her family, Aradhaya occupies a truly exceptional place among her
relatives, as she arrived into the world following five consecutive generations
of male descendants in the esteemed Rajvansh lineage.

The palace was enlightened with the arrival of Rathores,..... The Rathores are
Aradhaya's maternal relatives. As they arrived at the living area, Sangram and
Kalyani Singh Rathore conveyed their heartfelt wishes to the elderly couple
on their anniversary. At the same time, Anirudh and Meenakshi Rathore
exchanged warm greetings with the rest of the family.

"Shravan, what are these men carrying?" Ankita was curious as she watched
Shravan entering the palace, accompanied by two men who were carrying
large boxes filled with presents.

He respectfully touched the feet of all the elders before approaching Ankita
with an affectionate hug. With genuine warmth, he remarked, "This is all for
our beloved Aru bua, you have no idea how much the ladies here adore
shopping for her." He gestured towards his mother and grandmother as he

"This was not required, Bhabhi" Ankita objected.

"Why not? She is not only the granddaughter of Rajvanshs but also ours. But
can anyone tell us when she is coming? It's already 12?" stated Kalayani
Singh Rathore.

"I'll be picking her up from the airport in an hour, Nani," announced

Aridhaan as he joined everyone in the living room. He warmly greeted his
maternal uncle and aunt, along with his grandparents. Exchanging greetings
with his cousin, Shravan offered to join him at the airport.

"Shravan bhai no one loves us in this family everyone and everything is just
about Aru '' yug and Yagya joined everyone.

Shravan playfully tapped Yagya on the back of his head and taunted him,
saying, "You can't deny that it was you spending hours on video calls with
her, proclaiming that she's the most important person in your life, all while
neglecting your work responsibilities, can you?" Everyone laughed at their
light tactics.
'' Arey bhai of course she is, but we too deserve some attention," Yug replied
doing the expression of little with his fingers.

"Maybe you both monkeys do but my lado is everyone's favorite and no

question about that. Aridhaan and Shravan you should go now, Aru should
not be kept waiting '' Ranveer added an end to the bickering of his sons.

Both the men went to receive their little sister. Meanwhile, the elders got
busy with the welcome arrangements. Yug and Yagya, being too excited,
were moving here and there and doing all the preparations for the evening


"So bhai finally you decided to get married after all" Aridhaan elbowed
Shravan while waiting for Aradhaya at the airport.

"Can you blame me? The lady got me wrapped around her little finger, huh?"
Shravan exclaimed while keeping a hand on his chest dramatically and
Aridhaan chuckled seeing his antics.

"I must say it will be fun to see you whipped by a girl, and then I'll take my
fair share of fun." Shravan Pointing the poker-faced Aridhaan.

"Yes, we will get to me after getting done with your wedding first. Isn't it in
two weeks if I am not wrong?"

"Yes, my favorite bhai, and you all have to reach Udaipur soon."

"Of course, we will be there"

Meanwhile, a guard informed Aridhaan, " Sir, the jet landed."

As the brothers made their way towards the private terminal, there she stood
in all her glory...



Thank you for reading. This story has a slow and steady pace, you will
find numerous loving dialogues and scenes in the upcoming chapters, so
keep your patience, I am sure you are gonna like each character of the
story as you read further

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Have a good day!

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Love not only brings happiness and fulfillment, but also its constant
companion, the fear of causing pain to those we hold dear. As the only
female in the Rajvansh clan to be born after five generations of all males, I
was blessed with an overwhelming amount of love and affection. This
undoubtedly played a significant role in shaping my upbringing. I am not
only cared for by the elderly but also by all my beloved brothers, especially
my brother Aridhaan.

During my school years, I always lived in the shadows of others, making my

love life completely insignificant. However, I made a daring decision to
pursue my higher education in Delhi, away from my hometown of Rajasthan,
which therefore turned out to be a mistake. I had the opportunity to attend the
same prestigious business school where Aridhaan bhai received his master's
degree in New York. Although it was difficult to leave behind my beloved
family, somehow I made myself leave them all behind.

It's been 7 years now, and I have been managing the New York branch of
Rajvansh Royals for 2 years now. Bhai asked me to get back to India as
everyone there misses me a lot and I too miss them a lot. I couldn't bear to let
my favorite couple, my Grandparents, keep postponing their anniversary
celebration each year because of my absence, so I made it a point to return to
my homeland for their 65th anniversary. It's a momentous occasion that
simply cannot go by without a celebration.

My trail of thoughts was broken by the attendant as the jet landed inJaipurr.
There I am in India - the air hits differently here, the sun doesn't feel hot but
warm here just like a hug, stepping on my motherland I bent down to touch
the ground and lift my hand to touch my forehead - it feels home here.
My eyes trailed forward towards the exit and my favorite set of brothers
walked toward me. "Bhai" I gasped when Aridhaan bhai managed to capture
me in his arms.

In his 6 '4 body I fit as a timid fragile doll but still, I feel the safest in his
embrace after all he is my shield, my pride, my brother.

Warm tears welled up in his deep gray eyes as his hand gently grazed my
head, and he asked, "Aru, how are you? I missed you so much."

I sobbed in his arms, although he kept visiting me. The last time he visited
was a year ago, and I really missed him the most. "Come on, where's my
hug? I am also your special brother..." I heard Shravan bhai whining and
shifting to his arms he squeezed me in a warm hug, we separated as I was
sobbing uncontrollably.

Aridhaan bhai lifted his hands to wipe off the tears from my cheeks and again
engulfed me in a hug whispering sweet nothing's in my ears. I managed to get
out of his arms and stand straight to say " how are you both?"

"We are better now and let's go everyone is waiting for you keenly" Shravan
bhai pulled my hands while I managed to not skip a step rushing towards the

Entering the premises of the mansion I can see nothing noticeably changed,
it's the same place, my home. I eyed each corner of the premises as if every
corner of this mansion missed me just as much as I missed it.

With grace and chivalry, my brothers brought our car to a stop at the main
entrance. As true gentlemen, they promptly exited their seats with Shravan
bhai opening the door for me and Aridhaan bhai extending his hand to help
me out of the car.

Getting to see my family off-screen will feel so surreal. I moved following

bhai towards everyone, Maa standing there with a plate of aarti following
papa, mamu and mami on one side and chote papa, choti Maa with Yug and
Yagya on another. I looked for my elder lovies.
When I noticed everyone getting aside, nanu, nani, dadu and dadi came
forward walking as fast as they could, holding bouquets of white roses, my
favorite flowers, in their hands. Dadu engulfed me in his old wilted arms
followed by everyone in the family.

Tears streamed down my face as I laid my eyes on them again. Yug and
Yagya Bhai took my hands, knelt down and kissed my knuckles. With open
arms, they said in unison "Welcome home, Aru. This house didn't really feel
like a home without you." I couldn't hold back my emotions anymore and
broke down in tears. Their comforting words and gestures made me realize
how much I missed them, including others who also joined in to console me.

I looked at my father again, and I noticed him silently crying. Not only him
but everyone in the family had tears in their eyes. Maa did the aarti and dadi
performed her 'nazar utarna' ritual over my head. After having this emotional
episode I got inside the mansion with flowers raining over me by the maids
inside. The place was decorated so beautifully I can say Yug and Yagya Bhai
did a great job.

Following the dining hall, we had our lunch and trust me I am about to
explode. Dadi especially made all my favorite dishes and each of them
personally fed me lovingly.

Bhai cleared his throat looking toward me and gained all the attention that
was earlier fixed on me, " Aru, your chamber is all ready, you can have your
rest till the evening as the guests will start arriving not before 7 pm. I have
the designer arranged for you, she has figured out some dresses and have a
look and decide. As for everyone, my dear grandparents and everyone else
keeping your excitement saved, please retire to your respective chambers. We
have a long evening ahead." he said with a tight smile on his face.

I observed his features and how he got accustomed to all the responsibilities
after our father got diagnosed with heart problems.

Everyone retired to their chambers, entering into my room tears sting my

eyes as I inhale the nostalgia sitting on the edge of the bed. I twisted my head
wiping my cheeks, hearing a knock on the door. I noticed Aridhaan bhai
standing on the door with a small box in his hand.
With a gentle stroke on my head, he whispered, "Aru, let's head to our most
beloved place." and led me inside. With a nod, we proceeded towards the
garden section located in my wing.

We seated ourselves on the swing reminiscing the old days. He wrapped me

in his arms and said, "it's been so long Aru, we all missed you."

A lone tear escaped my left eye and I whispered ,'' Are you still upset with
me? "

"Aru, I can never be mad at you, but it truly saddens me that our princess left
us so unexpectedly, without realizing the significance of coming back.What
was stopping you? Didn't you miss us?" he asked softly.

" I did, every day every time of the day I missed you all and especially you as
there was no one to take care of me as you do. In that big penthouse, I felt
very lonely, and I was being selfish and making you visit me "I answered

"Shh don't ever say that again if not for this empire, I would have moved to
New York with you. I still don't know the reason for your sudden decision. I
know I only wanted you to accept the admission letter, but I didn't want you
to have this long stay. I have always been there to support you, and I will
continue to stand by you in the future. Please let me know who or what
caused my sister to leave home and abandon her loved ones." He reassured
me, and soon after, I found myself in his arms, quietly shedding tears.

"Enough of these tears I can't bear my little princess's cheeks strained with
tears only bright smiles suits them." he wiped my tears and tickled me.

I giggled in his arms and said, "I wouldn't hesitate to shed tears if you
promise to wipe them away every time they fall from my eyes." With a
confident nod, he conveyed his assurance.

" okay well... take this" bhai opened the velvet box in his hand it had a
diamond petal designed hair pin in it.

" wow this looks so pretty, I love you so much" I exclaimed with excitement.
He chuckled at my words saying,'' wear it today it will match the dress I
chose specially for you. But yes, only if you like that there are other options

I hugged his biceps saying, " no I am going to wear the dress you chose for

We spent some time on the swing revisiting our childhood when bhai asked
me to take some rest since it's been a long flight after all.

Sleep engulfed me as soon as I hit the bed and I opened my eyes only hearing
the knocks on the door. Maa entered along with Choti Maa. They stood near
the bed caressing my hairs, " Aru beta it's already 6, I know you are tired, but
you will get late this way" Maa said, sitting on the side of my bed.

I shifted my head to Maa's lap and hugged my mother sheepishly, "just 5

minutes let me stay in my comfort place."

They both sighed audibly but managed to get me out of the bed to get ready
for the party. I'll also be meeting Shravan Bhai's fiancé today.


So how was it? This brother-sister duo is very special and there are many of
these lovely moments in the upcoming chapters. I know Aardhaya is a cry
baby, but she is way too sensitive after all this pampering and love.

Check out the instagram if not done yet!

Vote and comment!



It was seven in the evening when the whole Rathore and Rajvansh family got
busy in attending the guests in the backyard which was decorated for the
occasion of the old couple's anniversary.

Aridhaan was busy looking over the arrangements along with Yug and
Yagya, when he inquired about Aradhaya from his mother. Everyone in the
family was dressed in black following the colour theme of the party.

Aridhaan looked more dashing than ever in a dark tuxedo. Aradhaya walked
down the stairs with an enchanting air, drawing the attention of her family.

Devi folded her knuckles to keep the evil eye away and placed a spot of black
kohl from her eyes behind Aradhaya's ears.
Aridhaan extended his hand for Aradhaya to hold, he smiled hugging her, "
you are looking really pretty thank you for wearing the dress I chose for you.
You gave this clip its charm." he huffed
Aradhaya's look
Aridhaan's gift to her

Smiling cheekily, she said, "thank you bhai and thank you for choosing this
beautiful dress and you too are looking quite handsome."

Aradhaya moved forward to greet all her family and everyone moved towards
the party. The celebration was filled with joy and laughter.

Shravan came forward with a lady dressed in a cream anarkali looking as a

praise filled goddess.
Stopping near the family, the lady bent forward to touch the feet of Rathores
and Rajvanshs. Meenakshi kept a hand on the girl's back introduced her to
Aradhaya," Aru meet Ridhima, your to be bhabhi."

Aradhaya stepped forward to wrap her arms around the girl who was smiled
receiving the warm welcome from her. "I've been looking forward to meeting
you for so long, I'm sorry to miss your and Shravan bhai's engagement."

she expressed and looking towards Shravan she said," your choice is really
gorgeous Bhai how come bhabhi settled on you." she said chuckling towards
shravan to which everyone laughed and shravan smirked.

" It's good to meet you too Aradhaya. I have heard alot about you from
Shravan and don't be sorry I hope you are going to rock in the wedding"
Ridhima expressed to which Aradhaya nodded smilingly.

Ridhima's parents Seerat and Ajit Rana came to greet the family and deliver
their wishes to the old couple. Aradhaya joined her hands in greetings and
smiled politely at them. Seerat held her chin expressing ," you are really very
beautiful beta, may god bless you. It's so good to meet you." Aradhaya smiled
in gratitude.

Everyone's attention was grabbed by Aridhaan with a mic on the stage , "
Good evening ladies and gentleman, boys and girls. Thank you so much for
joining us today at this auspicious occasion of the 65th anniversary of ever so
young couple our dear dadu and dadi. We are so blessed to have them in our
life. The celebration is doubled as our dear Aradhaya is here with us." he

Yug went up the stage and whispered something in Aridhaan's ear he nodded
in response and bringing back the mic announced, " Dadu Dadi please come
over to the stage it's the time for the cake cutting ceremony . I would also
request the family members to follow."

Everyone went up the stage, the couple cut the cake feeding each other then
Aradhaya followed by the whole family.

Yagya came forward taking the charge of the stage and announced the
couple's dance.

Both their grandparents put on a cute show dancing romantically on old hindi
songs. The stage was then occupied by the other couples followed by
shravan and Ridhima while Aridhaan asked for Aradhaya's hand for dance
which she accepted happily. Aradhaya danced with her brothers, passing
from one to another with a smile never leaving her face.

In the crowd Seerat tugged Ridhima when she came to fetch some water,
"Ridhi, is Aradhaya single?"

Wide eyed Ridhima answered her mother, gulping the water down her throat
," I don't know maa Shravan, don't talk about his sister's love life with me."
"Arey, I am thinking if she is single and Rajvanshs are looking for a suitable
groom then why not our Rudra, both of them will look very cute together. I
really like her even after being born and brought up in so much love and
pampering. She is so sweet and humble." Seerat expressed.

"Maa I don't know about Aradhaya but I can say Rudra bhai will not agree.
He had rejected every proposal and I don't want that the same happens with
her too. She is very sensitive and Shravan with everyone in the family are
very peculiar about her. Don't you see, Aridhaan bhai don't even leave her out
of his sight as if she is a glass doll and will break even at the slightest
contact." Ridhima suggested.

" I will talk to maa about it and let's see if in your wedding she meets Rudra
and maybe they get to like each other. Our Rudransh is responsible and very
considerate, he will surely keep the girl happy.'' Ridhima hummed to her
mother's response.

It was midnight and everyone was busy bidding goodbye to the guests.
Aradhaya brought a plate of food for her busy brothers and made them eat.
Everyone retired to the living room and Kritika told everyone, " I had a talk
with the priest this evening. He will be here by 7 in the morning for the
pooja. Aru, Aridhaan , Yug and Yagya you four are also sitting in the puja
with your dadu dadi. So get ready by that time."

"Choti maa what am I supposed to wear tomorrow... anything traditional?"

Aradhya enquired.

"Yes, beta I have had your dress arranged. It is in your closet." Ankita told

" Didi, we will also be leaving early after the puja and won't be able to
accompany you to the temple. You know there is so much left to do and the
wedding is just in two weeks." Meenakshi told her sisters in law.

"We will be there maami to help you out but you have to stop for lunch at
least." Aradhaya convinced them.

"It's late in the night I guess let's retire to our rooms we have to get up early
in the morning" Aridhaan made it clear.

Everyone went to their rooms and had a good night's sleep to get up early in
the morning for the puja.

Next day, everyone offered their prayers in the puja held at Rajvansh
mansion. After the puja, they visited the temple to do various charities for the
needy. The puja was for the good will of the family.

Rathores bid their goodbyes to leave as the wedding was taking place in
Udaipur in one of the hotels of Rajvansh's. Aridhaan suggested for their
mothers to reach there early in order to help in wedding preparations.


I hope you liked this sweet chapter, next chapter is Rudransh's Pov a
glimpse into the workaholic life of our hunk.
Show your support and love
Have a great day!!


"I don't know Rishi but last time I talked to Shravan he said his cousin is
interested in this project so I am thinking of getting the contract signed and
arranging a meeting at the construction site itself." I replied to my best
friend's question about my new thought project.

"You will be getting busy with Ridhima's wedding next week, so I feel if you
send Rohan with the contract papers and get them signed, so I can ask the
lawyer to frame the final clause. Moreover, when are you leaving for her
wedding functions and when am I expected to accompany you?" Rishi asked
from the other end of the phone.

Moving out of my room, " The family is leaving for Udaipur tomorrow
morning as Shravan's family will be there a day after that. The functions are
organized in his cousin's hotel.... I forgot to take the address though, and you
will be accompanying me the day after tomorrow since we have to get done
with Saxena's tomorrow."

As I descended the stairs towards the dining hall, I responded by saying that
I would handle booking the tickets. However, he advised me that the jet
would already be occupied by other members, and that he would ask his
secretary to handle it. I hummed in response and hung up the call.

Getting to the dining table I wished everyone good morning and occupied my
seat facing my grandfather. I had my breakfast while other family members
discussed their plans. I was getting up from the table when dadi inquired,
"Rudra, when will you be joining us beta?"

"Not sure about the day dadi, but definitely before the functions begin. You
all take the jet... I'll manage with Rishi." I answered her politely.
Everyone got busy with the preparations and I headed towards my office. I
asked my secretary to get me a detailed copy of the contract Shravan
forwarded. Shravan is a nice man, my cousin chose for herself, he has his
business in Jaipur along with many parts of Rajasthan. When I met him, he
offered a great business partnership with his cousin. Rohan possesses
information about the proposed collaboration, which involves setting up a
captivating textile and footwear showroom in Jaipur that would house all of
their designer outlets in a single location, while also incorporating local
artisans to enhance the experience.

Wrapping up the office work for the day, I grabbed my phone to get back
home. Driving back, I passed the keys to the valet and marched inside.
Entering the living area handling my bag, my presence was requested in the
garden area by Bua. I spotted Bua talking to Dadi

"Maa, she was very polite and pretty. I am sure she is best for our
Rudransh..." I heard her filling new ideas of potential brides in Dadi's mind.

I huffed and made my presence known to them, Dadi looked at me with hope
in her eyes, "Rudra your Bua have brought a new proposal for your

"Dadi , Bua please let's focus on Ridhima's marriage for now and I have
made myself well clear. I have no vision of getting married anytime soon." I
sounded a bit harsh, but this has to be said because I don't plan to get married
at all.

"But beta you have to get settled eventually so why not give it a try?" I can
see Dadi trying again to change my mind.

"That time is not anywhere close and you should not bother about petty
things like these '' I answered her politely.

"Just because your parents are so satisfied with your view of not getting a
spouse, it doesn't mean that we will give up on the idea of getting you
married," Dadu declared adamantly as he strode into the garden with his
secretary in tow.
What can I say ... This man still holds power in his words and actions but
bad for him. I am his grandson and I carry 10 times more of this feisty

"Dadu, Mom and Dad have not abandoned anything. They just have made
peace with my choices and I respect that. It will be better if you all should
also drop the plan. I love you all by heart but my priorities are different at this
time and I certainly did not want to indulge myself in anything like
marriage." I excused myself safely while turning around, his words rang in
my ears.

"Do you have someone in your life?"

He kept me frozen in place, "Because if you do then let us know! we will be

more than happy to accept your valid choices not these absurd ones."

"There is no one in my life." With this I barged outside and went to my room.
As I quickly scanned my closet, my gaze came to rest on the drawer. Acting
on reflex, I reached out and picked up her earring without a second thought.

It's been 7 years and her memories have found a permanent residence in my
mind. How can I get married to someone else when those lustrous gray eyes
have my heart captured? It's hard for me to feel affection for anyone other
than her, even looking at others feels impossible.

It's been long Dhaya and every fiber of my being yearns for your presence.
Why did you leave me? Why did you never come back to me? Oh god, I have
so many questions in my mind.... So much anger but more than anything else,
My longing for her doesn't let me sleep at nights... Her dreams keep me
occupied all the time.

I slipped her earring back and called my secretary to arrange everything for
the meetings with Saxena's tomorrow as I have to wrap everything up before
leaving for Udaipur. I have a flight for tomorrow night, Delhi to Udaipur....
Going to be a long time ahead. Hanging up the call I witnessed Rohan
standing on my door.

"Bhai, These are the contract papers of the deal with the Mr. Aridhaan. I have
checked it once. If you want you can cross-check it again." He said entering

"It's alright that you already went through it. Tomorrow morning, all the
members of the family will be leaving so you can discuss it once with
Shravan and his cousin."I told him, and he nodded in response.

It's already another day, all of my family members went ahead with their plan
and left early in the morning. Shravan's family is supposed to get there by the
evening and hard luck with me as Rishi and I got stuck with one more
meeting, so we are not leaving anytime soon. It's going to take me 2 more
days here, Bua was seething with anger, but Dad miraculously managed to
persuade her by assuring that I would be present before the commencement
of the ritual.

I don't find peace anywhere else than work, and it keeps me occupied enough
to not think about her or our time together. I don't remember the last time I
had a peaceful sleep.


Ohkayy so our Rudransh is already in love with dhaya...

keep reading to know how the story moves further in Shravan's wedding.


It's already june 9th, and Shravan and Ridhima's wedding is scheduled for
june 15th. After completing the Puja at their house, all the women in the
Rajvansh household have been busy preparing for Shravan's wedding. Since
Ankita and Kritika are sisters married to Rajvansh brothers, it is a time for a
double celebration for both 'buas.' Aradhaya has been accompanying them,
sometimes to buy jewelry, finalize outfits, or select gifts. Both Rajvansh
ladies went to their maternal house two days after the Puja, and their
husbands accompanied them.

Aradhya and Aridhaan were supposed to leave tonight. Aridhaan was busy
with arrangements as it was for his cousin's wedding, so a lot had to be done.
The reception is to be held here in Jaipur on June 17th, as all their business
associates and family friends will be attending that.
Shravan called him regularly, wondering about his whereabouts, and when
they would be leaving for Udaipur, as the wedding is in a week.

After finishing his office work, he asked one of the helpers to inform
Aradhya that her presence was requested. When she reached his brother's
study, she knocked on the door and saw that he was engrossed in his work.

"Come inside Aru. Have you finished packing yet? We plan to leave in the
evening," Aridhaan said in a friendly tone, as he organized papers on his

Aradhaya replied cheerfully, "Yes, bhai, I'm all packed up and even took care
of your attire. You just need to gather your essentials and we're good to go!"

Aridhaan expressed his gratitude and explained, "I know it's the wedding and
things will be busy, but I was hoping you could help me with this proposal
from Ridhima bhabhi's cousin. They are well-known builders in Delhi and
I've heard great things about them. Since I'm swamped with preparations,
would you be willing to lend a hand? I suggest you take the position of the
project head."

"We are planning to establish a multi-firm footwear and textile showroom

here in Jaipur itself. It is a very nice opportunity as the textile will be easy
with you. It's a win-win for us."

Listening keenly Aradhaya replied, "The idea seems interesting Bhai, I'll sign
the papers, please you get through them once . I was actually thinking of
getting some projects filtered so if it is there in the home what's better?" She

"Rohan sent me these papers. You can sign these... I went through them
thoroughly. I find the clauses good. You can get to work after the wedding."
Aridhaan passed the documents to Aradhaya, and she signed it happily. "So,
I'll sign the contract reaching Udaipur and will send you a virtual copy."

"Yes it will be fine, now, get up, let's go, we are already late... Sharvan bhai
will surely grow a big fuss." Aradhaya dragged Aridhaan out of his study.

As the sun began to set, the siblings made their way to the porch. Aridhaan's
Land Rover Defender was already there, its trunk loaded with their luggage
safely stored. Both decided to go via car.

"Dadi and Dadu have reached there, I got a call from Yagya bhai. While
mom was eyeing me on the Call as maami was getting furious. We should
hurry up." Aradhaya hurried to the passenger seat.

It took more than 7 hours for both of them to reach Udaipur, it was beyond
midnight. Upon arrival, Shravan guided them to their designated rooms.

"Thank you both for blessing me with the presence of my lovely cousins this
early in my wedding functions. I thought you both would come at the time of
vidai", Shravan taunted his cousins for coming late.

"Arey bhai we are here and didn't miss any of the functions. Please, don't
taunt us like this." Aradhaya sheepishly pulled his brother from his bicep.
" Shravan, stop being so dramatic. Believe me, I wouldn't miss my foolish
cousin's wedding for anything in the world," smirked Aridhaan, as Aradhaya
let out a giggle.

"Chalo, both of you get some rest. Tomorrow is the Tilak ceremony. Make
sure to be punctual tomorrow, as my in-laws have already arrived. I'll
forward the itinerary of functions to you both.'' Afterward, they all proceeded
to their respective rooms and retired for the night..

Their baggage had already been taken to their assigned rooms. Changing into
shorts and loose tees, Aradhaya slides into a deep slumber.

Aradhaya's look
Both the families and their close relatives were present in the buffet hall
having breakfast. Everyone from the Chauhan and Rana family is present
there along with the Rajvanshs when, "Shravan haven't they both reached
yet?" Kritika inquired from Shravan.

"They arrived late at night, Bua. I think they will be missing breakfast. I'll let
the room service take their food to their rooms after a while."

"Bua, this is Rudransh Singh Chauhan, he missed our engagement party."

Shravan introduced Rudransh when he got into the hall. Rudra touched
everyone's feet and everyone continued their chatter again.

It was 11 in the morning that Aradhaya slipped out of her room, in the same
comfortable night attire and moved to the breakfast buffet. Meanwhile,
everyone got themselves engaged in the Tilak ceremony preparations.
Moving aimlessly in the buffet hall, she bumped into a hard surface.

"Oh wow, young lady I guess you are sleepwalking..." the young man said,
turning back to face her.

While massaging her temple, she lifted her eyes and observed an outstanding
similarity between the person in front of her and the person she had
previously met.

Once again, the young man spoke to Aradhaya, gesturing energetically in

front of her face, "Hello... are you really sleepwalking beautiful lady."

Getting out of her trance Aradhaya managed to speak, "NO! I mean I am not
sleepwalking. I was just looking for something to eat but was not able to
decide. I am sorry for bumping into you."

"It's fine. Encountering a lovely young woman such as yourself in the

morning is a delightful occurrence. You just made my morning a good
morning. If you are confused then try some sandwiches and the veg cutlets
there. They are really tasty." the young man replied, having a polite smile on
his face.

"Seems like you met my younger cousin already." Another voice from the
corner of the hall came and Ridhima came into focus.

"Good morning sweetheart, I was just going to wake you up but here you
are." she said, hugging Aradhya.

"Good morning bhabhi, we arrived late last night. So sorry that I was not
able to wake up at the time, I guess I missed the family breakfast." Aradhaya
turned her attention to Ridhima.

Patting her cheeks, Ridhima said, "It's alright Shravan told me already. By
the way, meet my younger cousin, Abhir, who is also a National basketball
player," pointing towards the young man who was noticing the ladies in front
of him.

Abhir was a handsome man with a witty smile on his face. As Aradhaya
offered her hand for a handshake, Abhir gallantly took her hand and placed a
gentle kiss on her knuckles. Aradhaya giggled and said, " Nice to meet you

"Pleasant meeting you, sleepyhead" he said, leaving her hand smiling


They were disturbed by a throat clearance, typically Aridhaan making his

presence known with Shravan. "Young man, my sister is off limits so keep
your distance," Shravan said, patting Abhir's back.

"Of course Jiju, I wasn't trying anything. Just a friendly compliment." Abhir
replied, chuckling along with Shravan but Aridhaan kept his stern expression

Abhir exchanged his greetings with a firm handshake with Aridhaan which
he returned with a polite smile. "Aru, get ready bache, otherwise Maa will be
furious. We don't want to be late for the function." Aridhaan said, looking at
his younger sister.

Aradhaya nodded and said, "I'll take your leave. Will see you at the function."


Hope you all liked the chapter. Do give a vote and follow on instagram.
He is going to see her in the coming chapter!! Keep reading to know


Today is the Tilak ceremony and since Ridhima doesn't have any other
sibling being the eldest of the cousins, I'll be performing the ritual. Dressing
in a cream-colored kurta I wore my watch, taking my phone with me, I
stepped out of my room.

While in Udaipur, I had the chance to cross paths with Aridhaan, who is
Shravan's cousin, and I must say, I was quite impressed. His efficiency is
impressive, as he swiftly secured the contract signing. I am eagerly
anticipating the opportunity to collaborate with him. Shravan notified me that
Aridhaan's sister would oversee the project, yet due to the wedding, no
additional details were disclosed, thus putting work on hold.

Rudransh's look
I met Abhir in the lobby, who sprung on me to capture me in a hug. "Rudra
Bhai, I missed you so much! Where were you? Why didn't you meet me

Showering all those questions on me, he faced me with his ever-staying

witty smile. "I was in the room working, and it's good to see you. When is
your next match?" I asked him.

"I don't know, I mean I am off for 3 months for getting my ankle twisted..."
Abhir answered.

"Have you considered joining the family business during this three-month
period?" I inquired.

"Oh please no! I am not a workaholic jerk like you and not at any cost I am
wasting my break in the office. Please make Dad understand the same too... I
don't know why the same ideas keep popping into your both's brain."

"Because they both are each other's carbon copies." Mom entered the

"Rudra, thank god you are ready, your dadu was getting agitated... I too
thought that you might be working again." She said looking amusingly
towards me

"And abhir I told you to call your brother, here you are standing in the
hallway Chit chatting," she further added.

"I was just meeting my brother Mumma. This grumpy businessman doesn't
even call me anymore." Abhir said, making a fake sad face.

"I guess we should keep moving, this melodrama of you both doesn't have an
end." I ended their useless chatter.

As I walked from the hallway to the ceremony hall, my mother continued to

instruct me on the proper way to perform the ritual. So it turns out that I just
have to offer some gifts after putting tilak on Shravan's forehead. Following
the ceremony, it's the palla dastoor ritual which is to be done by the groom's
family offering gifts to our Ridhima.

Reaching the hall, I exchanged my greetings with everyone. I heard Ankita

Auntie asking Aridhaan, "Where is Aru, Aridhaan? The ritual will begin in
half an hour. Your Mamu is asking about her."

"She will be here shortly Maa, she was having some trouble with her dress. I
sent the designer to her to help her out." Aridhaan assured his mother.

I am curious about the level of luxury this girl experiences in her life. It's
surprising that she couldn't even get her dress right, and I wonder why she
waited until the last moment to do so. It seems like I'm being too critical. But
why should I even bother? She can do whatever she wants. It's not like I have
to do anything about it.

Getting out of my thoughts by Ruhi's gabble, "Bhai, when is the function

going to begin?"

"It will be starting shortly," I answered her and got to my phone checking
some mail and reports.

"Thank god Aru!" Shravan caught my attention, saying: "I thought it would
take you a lifetime."

"Yes, bhai I just got into a wardrobe fiasco..." I heard her.

Her voice gets louder as she is coming toward everyone. Oh my god, I heard
HER... SHE... BUT HOW? Hundreds of questions running in my brain, but
it's getting foggy. The urge to see her compelled me forward; as I
approached, my breath caught in my throat... I am experiencing constriction
in my lungs, which is causing a heavy sensation on my chest. She is here. She
is here, standing like a goddess as she owns this fucking world. Her sweet
voice pierced my heart as I was dying to hear that melodious tune for god
knows how long. I felt as if my feet were stuck to the ground, my legs failed
to respond, and my mind struggled to process everything going on around
me, and My eyes were fixed, on her, on my girl, on my Dhaya.

All the memories clouded my vision, the first time I saw her and how
effortlessly she made me fall for her. She is looking as beautiful as ever. Her
raven black hair cascades down her back, with wispy strands framing the
sides of her face. She looked like a divine being in the way the dress
gracefully embraced her curves.

She was moving freely unaware of the hurricane of emotions her one look
caused inside me. I wonder how I am handling the desire to embrace her
tightly and express my longing for her presence.

I saw her smiling brightly with Shravan and Aridhaan standing out from the
crowd. She had everyone's attention on her while she was busy getting her
hair set by her mother. She is just like a flawless princess, she was once like.

Aru happens to be Aridhaan's sister and is assigned to manage the Jaipur

project. It seems that she is unaware of my presence here. My main intention
is to apologize to her and seek her forgiveness for my behavior that day.
However, I am also feeling disheartened as I have many unanswered
questions to ask her.

I saw her as one of her cousins if I remember the name right, Yug maybe
came near her and handled her phone. As she answered the call, she politely
excused herself and moved away to a quiet corner to avoid disruptions. I
couldn't help but be transfixed by her, completely oblivious to everything else
around me.

As she finished her call, she turned around to get back to her family, and our
eyes met. My heart skipped a beat.


Okayyyy... so he saw her finally!

But I wonder how Aradhaya is going to react seeing him here.

keep reading!


Thanks to my clumsiness, I arrived late for the tilak ceremony because

unfortunately my dress got torn by an open nail in the door. Aridhaan bhai, as
usual, came to my rescue and sent the designer to my room. She got my dress

Aradhaya's look
As I walked into the hall, I anticipated my mother's disappointment for my
tardiness. My prediction was confirmed.
After Shravan Bhai's cribbing, Maa got to me setting my hairs right, maybe I
missed a pin or two. "Aru, when will you grow up bache? See your hair is not
well..." My mother's trail of words was broken by Yug bhai as he passed me
my phone.

"Aru, you forgot your phone, Aahana is on the line."

Getting myself away from people I answered my best friend's call, "Did your
flight land?" I questioned her. "Yes, I'll be reaching the hotel soon. Don't
worry," she assured me.

"Okay, call me whenever you reach here. I will come to get you to the porch.
I need to go now Tilak is going to begin." I hung up her call.

When I turned around to move forward, my eyes met with a pair of

passionate onyx black eyes. They were deep enough to drown me in them. As
I caught sight of the eyes staring directly at me, I couldn't help but notice a
glimmer in their gaze. Forcing myself I grazed my vision on the owner of
those eyes. They belonged to him. Standing in pure glamour his vision fixed
on me as if he forgot how to blink, and I felt the turmoil of emotions building
inside me. My legs lost their balance and I lost my steps. My foot struck the
table near me and I lost my balance. Managing not to fall, I happen to drop
gifts lying on the table. The commotion gathered everyone's attention and my
brothers along with Shravan bhai who was sitting for the ritual came running
towards me.

"Dhaya!" I heard him, advancing towards me and I lifted my palm to stop


"Aradhaya, what happened? Did you get hurt? Are you feeling dizzy"? I was
brought out of my trance by the anxious concerns of my family.

"Yes bhai, I am fine. The table collided with my foot, causing me to lose my
balance. I am sorry. You all need not worry about it."

As I was trying to reassure them, Yagya bhai brought a chair for me to sit on,
and Aridhaan bhai helped me in getting settled on it. Shravan bhai offered me
a refreshing bottle of water. Bhai knelt before me keeping my foot on his
thigh, and he removed my sandals. Caressing my foot a bit, he again asked
me, "Aru, do you feel any kind of pain?"

"Bhai, here take this ointment. Apply it on the affected area of her foot." I
saw Yug bhai huffing as he ran a marathon.

"I just got myself tripped, nothing serious. I know you all are concerned for
me and care a lot about me but stop making a fuss over it. I am completely
fine. Let's get started with the function." I tried to sound as assertive as

"What can we say beta, you got your brothers scared..." Papa said, keeping a
hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know how you were able to survive on your own for so many years
in the US." Aridhaan bhai added.

"I survived very well. Cut this out, let's get the ceremony started." I brought
an end to their words.

I can't let them know about him, no matter how much my inside is boiling
seeing him looking at me as if his eyes were thirsty all these years and my
sight quenched his thirst, such a bloody liar. What is he doing here and why?
I was brought out of my thoughts by a familiar sound.

"Oh my god, sleepyhead, you are looking gorgeous." It was Abhir. I nodded

Seerat aunty came towards me and I greeted her. "Aradhaya, come let me
introduce you to my family and Ridhima's cousins." She took me towards the
group of people standing near her.

She introduced me to her maternal side of the family. Apparently Ridhima

bhabhi has two uncles, and both of them are really sweet. Their wives were
also very welcoming. I met Rohan and Ruhi and both of them are very cute.

"Meet my nephew, Ridhima's cousin Rudransh Singh Chauhan. He is a well-

renowned businessman and builder from Delhi." Of course how can I forget
his name.

"Hello Mr. Chauhan. Nice to meet you." I extended my hand, and he played
along, shaking his hand with mine.

His hand lingered longer than required on my skin and the warm essence of
his touch was stirring the long-forgotten broth of emotions. I grabbed my
hand back and avoided looking into his eyes, but I can constantly feel his
eyes on me. "Good to meet you too, Miss AraDHAYA Rajvansh."

Putting extra pressure on pronouncing my name, his voice sent shivers down
my spine. Bhai saved me from the torture of his gaze, as he asked him to start
the Tilak ceremony. Finally, I released the breath that I had been holding for
a long time.

He passed his signature smirk and started applying tilak on Shravan bhai's
forehead and then offered gifts with shagun to him.

The other family members went ahead with the same while his gaze
shamelessly got fixed on me, standing in the near corner to me. I just hope
none of my brothers see him looking at me like, It's going to cause a useless

The tilak ceremony was followed by the palla dastoor ritual in which the
groom's family is supposed to give gifts to the bride. As soon as Ridhima
Bhabhi arrived, we escorted her to the stage where she took her seat. Maami,
Maa and Choti Maa performed the ritual followed by Dadi and Nani.

Everyone moved to the buffet area to have lunch. I decided to ignore him
throughout the wedding since he is a part of Bhabhi's family, much to my
distress. I can not create any ruckus. Just 4 days more and then I don't have to
ever see him again. I pray he keeps his distance from me because I just
cannot tolerate him at all.

It's almost as if the universe conspired against me today. Right when I was
heading towards lunch, my mom asked me to go grab her clutch that she had
left behind in the ceremony hall. As I was reaching for the clutch, my wrist
got entangled, yanking me and forcing me to collide with the wall.


Why is Aradhaya so furious with Rudransh?

And he has a nickname for her!

How do they even know each other?

Answers to all the questions just in the following chapters.

Keep reading! Vote if you like my work! Follow on Instagram. I'll be really
happy for your support and love.


"How are you Dhaya?"

Oh god, this dense husky voice of his, made me slightly open my eyes
meeting him, and I took my time to observe his chiseled face as handsome as
ever. His dark black wavy hair goes perfectly with his look. I did manage to
check him out in the cream kurta he was wearing with a half jacket over it.

The kurta fitted him too well, detailing his bicep muscles and the open upper
two buttons giving a brief view of his chest muscles. Seems like this man
spent a good amount of time in the gym for the past seven years since I saw
him. Though he made regular appearances in business magazines, the
pictures posted there didn't do justice with his looks.

I should not be focusing on how he looks for now, but our proximity is
making me go crazy. I have to maintain my distance. It's important to always
remember how he shattered my heart into fragments, driving me to escape to
another country on my own, leaving behind my loved ones.

I tried to get my wrist out of his grip, but he was not ready to loosen it.
"Leave me, Mr. Chauhan. What are you doing?" I gathered all the words I
could to voice out loud and firm.

"Answer my question Dhaya... how are you?" Again with his deep voice, he
uttered while our breaths mixed with each other, he was too close to me.

"This doesn't concern you, and please do not cross the line. Don't you dare
come close to me." I said while making a hard push on his chest.

He took a few steps back only to tower me with his tall figure over me while
my back again hit the wall and started speaking with a clenched jaw.
"It does concern me. I have been meaning to meet you, to talk to you, to tell
you that I didn't mean anything ..."

I cut his useless explanations with my firm reply," It doesn't matter, and I
certainly don't care. I have nothing to do with you. So please leave my sight
right now." I said, making myself clear.

"At Least give me a chance to explain myself." He retorted again.

"I don't want to hear anything. LET ME GO RIGHT NOW." with my words
he got aside, and I quickly gathered myself to rush out of the hall.

My breathing got uneven with our little interaction. Why is he here? After all
these years, after all that... why? Tears brimming my eyes, I held my mother's
clutch against my chest and tried to breathe deeply.

"Aru, what took you so long?" I heard Yagya bhai coming towards me.

I quickly wiped the lone tear that escaped my eye and walked towards him.
"Nothing Bhai, I was just looking for Maa's clutch," I told him.

"Why do your eyes look red? Are you crying?" he asked softly. "No, why
would I cry? Just something went inside my eyes."

I went to have lunch, although I didn't feel like having anything but Papa
forced me to have a full-fledged meal. I got inside my room and changed into
casual attire to rest a bit. I have decided to avoid him throughout the wedding
and not to think about him at all. My phone rang and checking the name I
rushed out of the room taking my key card with me. Reaching the porch, I
looked here and there to find her coming from the main gate with the helping
staff carrying her luggage.

"Oh Girl, I missed you so much!" I was grabbed into a bear hug by Aahana.
"We were together a week ago," I said, getting out of her hug.
"Still, am I not allowed to miss my best friend?" She said amusingly.

"Yes, yes of course," I answered her back.

"Aru why are you looking upset to me?" Aahana questioned me.

This girl has been my best friend since the time we were in diapers. Our
parents' strong friendship led to us inheriting a wonderful legacy. We were
together till school, but she went to New York after passing high school
while I had plans to do graduation in business from here. I accompanied her
after an year as my plan didn't go well. She is a well-known fashion designer
and have a team of her own in India itself. She was supposed to come with
me, but some work trapped her back so madam graced me with her presence
a week later till then all the outfits were managed by her team here.

"No, I am not upset and let's get you to your room. I have to tell you about
someone." I answered her.

"About whom?" I heard Aridhaan bhai coming towards us, greeting Aahana
with a warm side hug, "How were you Aahana and how was the flight? I
hope you found the hotel easily." he said to Aahana.

"I am fine Aridhaan bhaiya and so was the flight. Bhai won't be able to attend
the wedding, so he asked me to apologise for his absence," she replied

"What can we say, your dear brother needs a lesson from his best friend."
Bhai said, smirking.

Aahana's brother and Aridhaan are the same age and are best friends despite
the distance caused by Aahana's brother going to the US to manage his
father's business along with Aahana. Although Abhimanyu is like a brother to
me, being responsible for the Rajvansh royal's in the US led me to share most
of my business experiences with him. Thanks to his guidance, my business
has flourished. We all basically grew up together- Yug, Yagya, Shravan,
Aridhaan, and Abhimanyu bhai are a big team both in business and in
"Aru, here take her Key card and her room is next to yours." Bhai handed me
the key card.

We both headed to her room and got her settled in the room. I landed on the
bed with my face hitting the pillow and I groaned, "He is here!"

"Who?" Aahana asked, lifting her eyebrow while sitting near me, legs folded
on the bed. "Rudransh" I answered.

"Oh my god! Tell me you are joking but why would you joke about that...
What is he doing here anyway? Wasn't he supposed to be in Delhi?" She
squealed, making me almost deaf.

"Mahadev has some serious issues with me. He happened to be Ridhima

Bhabhi's cousin. Arghhh why out of millions of people in this country? It has
to be him." I answered her, turning my face towards her.

"Seems like destiny. Did he talk to you?" Aahana made the absurd comment.

"Yes he tried to, but I don't want to hear a word from him." I said sitting
straight on the bed.

"Okay. Aru if he is family then he will be around throughout the wedding.

How are you going to manage around him? Are you feeling alright?" She
asked with eyes filled with concern.

"I don't know Aahana, but I am planning to ignore him throughout. I can't let
anyone know that we have a history. Just this wedding, and I am not seeing
his face ever again." I made her known.

"Yeah except virtual stalking on the social media and through the
magazines." She added having a share of fun in my situation.

"Will you please be quiet?"


We ended up gossiping and filling ourselves with the week's happenings. I

don't know when I fell asleep until the loud ringtone of Aahana's phone woke
me up.


Okayyyy... so Aradhaya is really upset with our hot hunk.

Thank you all! Give it a vote and a follow on Instagram for regular

Keep reading!


It's amazing how someone can bind us so strongly with an invisible thread
that can withstand the test of time. The memory of the first time I laid eyes on
her is forever etched in my mind - she danced with such grace and poise,
donning a stunning white dress that left the crowd spellbound. Her each step
was flaunting with the beat of classical music. During the final year of my
MBA at IIM Delhi, I saw her in an inter-college classical dance competition.
She was a freshman back then in an integrated course.

It's been seven years now, and I never felt the same sparks ever again seeing
anyone else. Although I had already dated quite a bit before I met her, the
moment she captured my heart, I became totally enamored with her.

I yearn to express the depth of my longing for her and my fervent hope that
this miracle would come to fruition. So that one day, she may grace my
presence and I may seize the opportunity to elucidate myself and earnestly
request her forgiveness.

Seeing her today, I can't thank god enough for giving me this chance and I
can't let it go to waste. I have to get her back. I have to make her mine no
matter what it takes.

"RUDRA!" I heard Rishi as he shook my shoulder.

"Where are you lost?" He asked.

"Dhaya is here. She is Shravan's cousin." I told him the shock was very well
visible on his face.

"Are you serious Aradhaya is here? Then why didn't you talk to her?" he
added further.
"I tried, but apparently she doesn't want to hear anything from me." I said
playing with my spoon as I did not feel like eating anything.

"Yeah! Fair enough. After things went south between you two, her being hurt
and not wanting to even see your face is normal." he said feasting on his

"Thank you for reminding me how big of a jerk I was to her." I answered

"No one needs to know here. Her brothers are way too protective over her
and I don't want her to be more upset than she already is." I told him.

"Are you scared? If everyone comes to know that you broke their dear Aru's
heart, Aridhaan is surely gonna break your jaw." Rishi chuckled, as he said.

" I am not scared of anyone, Don't forget I am Rudransh Singh Chauhan. I

just don't want to spoil things for Ridhima. As a big brother, I have

"Yes sure you do." he laughed off my concern.

"I don't want to lose my chance now, Rishi. I want her forgiveness. I want
her." I said sincerely.

"I know Rudra and I am with you in this. I am sure you are going to earn her
forgiveness, just don't mess it up this time." He assured me.

I saw abhir walking away towards the entrance and turning i saw her coming
inside with looks like her friend.


After bhai called us to inform us that dinner is going to be served soon, and
we need to get down as soon as possible. I and Aahana both rushed to get
refreshed and get to the dining hall.

Abhir welcomed me, "Good evening sleepyhead." I nodded, registering his

uncanny similarity with Rudra.
"Good evening Abhir. She is my best friend Aahana Khurana, a brilliant
fashion designer, and Aahana, this is Abhir Singh Chauhan, Ridhima
Bhabhi's younger cousin." I introduced both of them.

Abhir shifted his gaze towards Aahana. "Is he Rudransh's brother?" Aahana
whispered in my ear.

"He is also a national basketball player." I said to cover up the little stunt she
pulled before Abhir.

Abhir smirked at Aahana and said, "There's no need to whisper compliments

to each other, feel free to praise me openly." It seems that both brothers are
quite confident in themselves.

"Does this cockiness runs in your blood? I have better things to talk about
than some self-absorbed man." Aahana replied.

"Woah, you have a hot head lady. I was just joking around." Abhir said back,
shock visible on his face.

"You better should." Aahana was firm this time.

"Guys, let's go have some dinner. I am famished." I said putting an end to

their argument.

Getting inside I saw him sitting with Rishi who stood up to see him. I gave
him a polite nod, and he extended his hand for a handshake, "Hii, Aradhaya
it's so good to see you again."

I politely reciprocated the action.

"You both know each other." Abhir inquired.

"Yes, they were in the same college in Delhi." Mr. Cocky Chauhan answered.

"Oh Aradhaya, you did your college in Delhi? Bhai was also there. Were you
all friends?" Abhir again pried.

"No, we were not." I retorted back before Rudransh could say anything.
"We should go now. Maa must be looking for us." I said dragging Aahana
with me.

"Aru, this Rudransh has grown so damn hot, Why did he get this breakup
glow up when technically you should be having one. Since he broke your
heart." Aahana said, dreaming.

"Why are you even my friend anyway? He is the same jerk he was back then.
No need to exaggerate much, and I am happy the way I am, I didn't need any
glow up." I said sulking.

"Aru, have dinner bacha. Tomorrow there is a puja at the kuldevi temple, so
all the elders will be leaving for that, then your younger clan can take care of
your sangeet practice." Maa said, seeing us approaching.

"Okay Maa." I said picking a plate for myself.

"Our Aru don't need to practice bua. She is a trained classical dancer."
Shravan bhai approached me, slinging his arm around my shoulder.

"Yea only I need to practice Bhaiya. I skipped way too many dance classes."
Aahana said, frowning.

"Aahana beta, you will be fine. Just you two ladies get ready on time. The
choreographer will be here tomorrow morning sharp at 11 am." Maa told us.

"We will be there, Maa." I assured her.

We got done with the dinner. Once we got into our nightwear, Aahana and I
agreed to stroll around the establishment. We made our way to the poolside,
settling down right by the water's edge, dipping our feet into the coolness of
the pool. Being in an open space allowed me to admire the sky full of stars.

"Do you still like him?" Aahana asked me out of nowhere.

"I don't know why you are asking such absurd questions," I said, keeping my
gaze fixed on the sky.

"I saw the way he looks at you Aru, and it looks like.."
"Like he is planning to hurt me again." I cut her assumption by completing
the sentence.

"You know that's not what I was going to say. I am not going to force you,
but I really want you to be happy." She added further.

"And I am happy. I do not want to talk about random people Aahana. We

have this beautiful night to acknowledge. Let's not waste it."

"Okay! Fine. His brother seems cute, but he is annoying as hell." She looked
at me to validate her choice.

"I knew you would like him. He is totally your type. Though i didn't have a
proper chat with him, but he looks pretty decent.'' I said, smiling at her.

We retired to our rooms prior to midnight. I haven't yet chosen the perfect
song for my sangeet dance performance. I need to do a lot in the morning.
Thank you so much for reading!

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