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Volume 2 Issue 2 Article 3

Using Artificial Intelligence for enhancing Human Creativity

Mayssa Ahmad Ali Elfa
Sculpture, Architectural Formation and Restoration Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University

Mina Eshaq Tawfilis Dawood

Industrial Design Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University,

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Ali Elfa, Mayssa Ahmad and Dawood, Mina Eshaq Tawfilis (2023) "Using Artificial Intelligence for enhancing Human
Creativity," Journal of Art, Design and Music: Vol. 2 : Iss. 2 , Article 3.
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APPLIED ARTS - Original Article

Using Artificial Intelligence for Enhancing

Human Creativity

Mayssa A.A. Elfar a, Mina E.T. Dawoodb,*

Sculpture, Architectural Formation and Restoration Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University, Egypt
Industrial Design Department, Faculty of Applied Arts, Damietta University, Egypt


Often the motive behind the use of any new technology is to increase the quality of innovative artwork. Artificial
Intelligence (AI) is the process of creating intelligent machines that can imitate or exceed human abilities in specific
tasks. AI has become an important part of our daily lives, influencing many areas of our lives. As this technology evolves
and becomes more sophisticated, it will eventually revolutionize the way we use computers. Researchers are looking for
ways to expand the scope of artificial intelligence by providing people with more powerful tools to develop their
creativity. At the same time, they are also looking for ways to connect these new technologies to existing art tools to
create new ways of creating art and design. These tools allow artists to use AI to create new artwork and help them solve
problems in new ways that were previously impossible. AI has Blurred the Line between the Artist's work and his Tool.
In this paper, we look at how AI can expand the creative process by helping people overcome the limitations of the
human brain and inspire new designers of creativity. We also explore some of the ways that artists and designers are
using AI in their art and explore what the future holds for this exciting new technology. The main takeaways of this
paper are that AI can be used to expand the creative process by helping people overcome the limitations of the human
brain and inspire new designers of creativity. AI can be used to generate new compositions from existing images,
analyze artwork, and improve the accuracy and efficiency of the work. AI can also be used to create creative images and
innovative designs, with algorithms used to assist artists with the design process. The topic to combine AI and design is
interesting, popular, and needs discussion.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence (AI), Creativity, HCI, Innovation, Machine learning (ML), User experience

Introduction creation of art has been a human activity for

thousands of years, new technologies now
make it possible for people to create art using
A rt is a form of creative expression in
which artists use their imagination and
creativity to produce visual and audio works.
digital devices. The process of creating art
using digital technologies is called digital art or
Artists typically create their works using a wide digital painting. Digital art allows artists to
variety of materials such as paint, clay, glass, create works of art using a computer (Mondal,
wood, paper, fabric, etc. The art they create 2020). However, traditional methods are still
includes paintings, sculptures, drawings, pho- widely used for creating artworks such as
tographs, jewellery, and more. Although the paintings and sculptures. Modern artists often

Received 2 March 2023; revised 23 May 2023; accepted 26 May 2023.

Available online 4 July 2023

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.E.T. Dawood).
2785-9649/© 2023 Helwan University. This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (

use a combination of traditional and digital unique works of art by combining different el-
techniques in their artworks (Mazzone and ements such as paint strokes and textures (Bur
Elgammal, 2019). et al., 2019). In the future, artificial intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the could be used to help artists and designers to
development of computer systems capable of improve their creations by providing them with
performing tasks that usually require human feedback on their work-in-progress.
intelligence. It can consist of both hardware and Research into the use of AI in art is still in its
software and can be used for a wide range of early stages, so it is too early to say what the
applications, including cars, phones, home ap- long-term impact of these technologies will be
pliances, and intelligent robots (Zhang and Lu, on the creative arts. However, it is becoming
2021). In recent years, there have been signifi- increasingly common to see images and videos
cant advances in AI technology, leading to the created by computer algorithms that are
development of new methods for processing mistaken for works created by human artists.
large amounts of information quickly and As this technology becomes more sophisticated
making predictions based on past data. The and more powerful, it seems likely that it will
techniques used in AI include machine become widely used in the creative arts in the
learning, deep learning, natural language pro- future (Bello et al., 2015).
cessing, speech recognition, and computer
vision (Hong and Curran, 2019). These tech- The problem statement
nologies are becoming increasingly sophisti- The use of AI in art and design has become an
cated and are showing great promise for use in increasingly popular topic of research, as it has
a variety of fields, including Art and Design. the potential to revolutionize how we approach
In recent years, AI has been used for a variety creative tasks and blur the line between human
of creative tasks in several different fields, and machine artistry. However, there is also
including art and design. AI can recreate concern that this technology may eventually
existing artwork or produce completely new replace human involvement in the creative
compositions from scratch, and it can also be process altogether, leading to a loss of artistic
used to generate abstract images that are the vision and creativity. The paper discusses how
result of random algorithms instead of humans’ to integrate the capabilities of artificial intelli-
artistic vision (Mikalonyte_ and Kneer, 2021). gence to enhance human creativity by
There are two types of AI used in art and exploring several studies that evaluate the po-
other forms of creative applications: supervised tential of AI applications in art and design.
learning and unsupervised learning. In super-
vised learning, a computer is given a set of in- The research hypothesis
structions about what it is supposed to do to
perform a task. It is then trained on that data The research hypothesizes that artificial in-
until it can complete the task on its own (Kong, telligence can be used to enhance human
2020). Unsupervised learning is the opposite; a creativity in art and design by providing feed-
computer is not given any instructions about back on work-in-progress, generating unique
what it is supposed to do but learns from the works of art and assisting with the creation
data that is fed to it by the programmer. It uses process. This will ultimately lead to a shift in
the information it receives to make its own how we approach creative tasks and open up
decisions and come up with creative solutions new possibilities for aesthetic experimentation,
based on the available data. data visualization, and interactive experiences.
Several studies in recent years have attemp-
The research objective
ted to evaluate the potential of AI applications
in art and design. The results of the research The study aims to determine the potential
show that computers can be trained to create impact of integrating artificial intelligence ca-
realistic-looking paintings using simple shapes pabilities in art and design by reviewing cur-
like circles and triangles. They can also create rent research on AI-assisted creative processes.

Furthermore, the objective is to explore how AI patterns in data fed to them (known as pattern
can be used to enhance artistic creativity recognition). These early programs did not
without completely replacing the human perform any tasks by themselves and required
element of the creative process. constant human supervision. However, they laid
the foundation for the second generation of
Methods research in this field.
(b) The second generation of research began in the
AI-art and design process mid-1980s when scientists started creating pro-
grams that were able to analyze and learn from
In this study, we need to obtain a design with large amounts of information to solve more
creative details, as well as the participation complex problems. These programs were able to
between human and artificial intelligence in the learn independently and use pattern recognition
creative process to produce an innovative work to analyze large sets of data to identify the pat-
of art. The goals of the framework are as fol- terns that corresponded to a specific task or
lows: (1) Obtaining previous examples of the situation.
elements of the target artwork, (2) Finding The rising age, from the mid-1990s to the mid-
points of similarity within the details of the 21st century, with the introduction of generic
artwork, and rephrasing and arranging the artificial intelligence (AI), in which machines can
components, (3) Generating many alternatives understand the world around them and manip-
through artificial intelligence technology, and ulate it to achieve certain goals. In the late 1980s
choosing the best among them, and (4) Finish- and early 1990s, researchers introduced the
ing the artwork by selecting the best alterna- concept of ‘machine learning’, which meant that
tives within an innovative artistic framework. machines could analyze and learn from large
Further details of these objectives are provided quantities of data to improve their performance
in the following sections. in a variety of different tasks (Kaplan, 2016a,
2016b, 2016c). The term machine learning was
AI ages overview later expanded to include other concepts such as
The beginning age, from the mid-20th cen- ‘deep learning’ and ‘reinforcement learning’,
tury to the late 20th century, without introduce which allow machines to learn from extremely
self-awareness, no intelligence, and only solv- large quantities of data and adapt to changing
ing specific problem sets. In this period, com- situations. The concept of deep learning was first
puters were extremely fast in their calculations introduced by computer scientists Geoff Hinton
and were able to solve specific problems, such and Yoshua Bengio in 2006 and has since been
as calculating complex mathematical equations incorporated into many different applications
or performing astronomical calculations. At the (Kaplan, 2016a, 2016b, 2016c).
same time, they were highly expensive and The golden age, artificial intelligence in the
extremely large. The first generation of AI was new millennium from the mid-21st century to
based on binary logic, where information was the present day, during which the capabilities of
either true or false (Jean-Claude, 2022). There AI have greatly improved. The increase in pro-
was no way of telling the computer what the cessing power, coupled with the use of deep
right answer was, and the computer had to learning methods, has made it possible for ma-
calculate all possible options before it could chines to perform a wide range of complex tasks
guess the correct one. Because of this limitation, using visual, audio, and other sensory inputs. In
the first generation of AI could only perform recent years, the fields of computer vision, nat-
one task at a time and was incapable of taking ural language processing, and robotics have
more than one decision at one time (AJuhi and been especially active in the development of AI
Kumar, 2020). (Kaplan, 2016a, 2016b, 2016c). Despite these ad-
vances, the field of AI is still in its early stages.
(a) In the 1970s and 80 s, the first practical computer Many challenges remain, including developing
programs were created that could learn and a greater understanding of the nature of intel-
perform new tasks on their own by recognizing ligence and developing more sophisticated

methods for representing knowledge. Despite and it was written in 1966 by Joseph Wei-
these challenges, there is great promise for the zenbaum at MIT's Artificial Intelligence Labo-
application of AI technology in many fields, ratory. ELIZA was one of the first interactive
including medicine, science, engineering, edu- computer programs able to speak like a human
cation, and finance (Chang, 2020). being. The program was able to mimic human
The future of artificial intelligence, ‘artificial behavior by reading a set of questions and
intelligence‘ refers to a computer system that responding to them. Another pioneer in the field
can automatically learn and perform tasks in of AI is Tim Berners-Lee who invented the
ways that would be difficult for a human to World Wide Web in 1989 and is considered to be
perform unaided. It is believed that artificial the father of the Internet. He has been awarded
general intelligence will revolutionize many many honorary degrees for his work. It is
areas of science, technology, and culture in the believed by many scientists that the creation of
future (Garg, 2021). However, progress in this the Web had a major impact on the development
field has been slow so far and many believe that of AI because it opened a new avenue of
it may take decades or even centuries before knowledge acquisition for the field. In 1997 Dr.
humans can build truly intelligent machines. Gary Marcus at NYU developed another pro-
Artificial intelligence (AI) applications have gram called SHRDLU which was able to respond
the potential to transform many aspects of art to questions on its own and learn new words
creation and art appreciation. For example, AI from experience. We will have a profound effect
can be used to automatically generate new on the future of humanity (Flasinski, 2016).
works of art or to create digital artworks that The growing prevalence of artificial intelli-
can be manipulated using computer-generated gence in everyday life is posing a significant
graphics software (Chen and Chen, 2020). threat to the future of humanity (Dawood,
Similarly, AI can also be used to automatically 2021). This threat is not the result of any one
analyze a work of art and identify various fea- individual or technological advancement but
tures such as color, texture, and composition. rather the result of the convergence of several
This can help reveal new insights into the work developments in artificial intelligence in recent
of famous artists and help art historians years. Computers are already capable of car-
develop new theories about the evolution of rying out many of the tasks that humans can
artistic styles and techniques. It can also be perform and the ability of computers to learn
used to help identify previously unknown new skills quickly means that they will be able
artwork that may exist in private or private to perform many more tasks in the future. It is
collections around the world. likely that the computers and robots of the
In general, many of the most exciting in- future will have much greater intellectual ca-
novations in art and art history are likely to pabilities than human beings and will have a
come from the use of AI and other emerging real impact on the future of human civilization.
technologies (Lim, 2020). As artists and histo- Therefore, it is important to carefully consider
rians embrace these new technologies, we may the potential long-term effects of AI and ensure
begin to see new and exciting ways in which that its development is guided by ethical prin-
these technologies can be used to explore ciples. As we continue to advance in the field of
creativity and innovation in the history of art. artificial intelligence and witness its potential
However, it is difficult to predict exactly how impact on various aspects of our lives, we must
this new technology will be used by artists in remain conscious of the ethical and moral im-
the future. It is also important to remember that plications of its use, as well as the potential
while the widespread adoption of this tech- consequences for the future of humanity.
nology may have significant impacts on the
Human-AI interaction
future of art, we may also discover unintended
effects as well (Agrawal et al., 2018). Intelligent Machines have started to gain more
The first program in artificial intelligence that and more independence from the control of
could learn from experience was called ELIZA human controllers and operate autonomously

without explicit programming. They can achieve a certain task or goal. Computer appli-
interact, interoperate with their environment, cations that help with solving problems are
learn and evolve and adapt autonomously to known as problem-solving applications.
meet the changing needs of their creators and - Finding information/Finding answers: Finding
others with whom they interact. We are wit- an answering machine helps the user find in-
formation by providing him with relevant in-
nessing a gradual transition from the traditional
formation or by searching a database for the
‘machine-driven’ computing paradigm to a information that he is looking for.
‘human-driven‘ computing paradigm where - Using machine tools: Using a machine tool ma-
machine intelligence acquires more autonomy chine assists the user in the use of some physical
and its interactions with the human user device or device for performing a task. Machine
become more natural and intuitive (Amabile, tools are used by machinists to shape metal into
2020). Consequently, humans have become useful objects by processing the metal using
increasingly dependent on the capabilities of cutting tools controlled by computers.
intelligent machines to perform complex and - Making documents: Making a document ma-
sophisticated tasks that were previously per- chine creates text or other data entries for in-
formed by humans only (Taesu Kim, 2022). clusion in a document or other uses. Computer
applications that create documents are referred
‘The ultimate vindication of AI-creativity would be a to as word-processing applications.
program that generated novel ideas which initially - Creating a design: Creating a design machine is
perplexed or even repelled us, but which was able to one that allows the user to create digital designs
persuade us that they were indeed valuable. We are a or sketches that can be later used as models for
very long way from that.’ d Margaret A. Boden manufacturing or design work. These types of
Human interaction can be in many ways but machines are typically used by architects and
designers to create schematic drawings of
mainly for human interaction we define it as ‘a
buildings and other structures.
technology that allows the communication be-
tween people using different means‘. Humans As a result, there are many ways to interact with
interact with machines in various ways. machines (Amer and Dawood, 2020), but when AI
rises and integrates with machines, everything
- Talking man/talking machine: Talking machine
will become interconnected through the internet,
speaks the human language and provides the
user with spoken feedback based on the com-
and we will be able to interact with them more
mands entered by the user. A good example of a efficiently and faster than ever before. As we
talking machine is a computer that responds to progress into the future, we will have more types
voice commands. The voice command software of machines and different types of applications
in a computer is an implementation of a talking for using them that are going to make life a lot
machine. easier for all of us. There will provide easier so-
- Sending messages/typing machine: Sending lutions on how our daily activities will get done
message machine sends messages to other users faster without having to do manually hard and
or groups. This category of the machine includes time-consuming tasks (Marr, 2020). This will
computer applications that allow users to send make our lives more convenient and less
email messages, instant messages, text messages exhausting but will require us to adapt to new
etc. Typing machines are computer applications
ways of doing almost everything.
that allow users to type text and transmit it to
other users or an online database or storage
Applications are software that provides a so-
system. lution to a common problem. They allow a user
- Giving instructions/programming a machine: to perform a particular task in a shorter amount
Giving instruction machine uses instructions of time than it would take to do it manually. It
and code to tell the machine what to do and how will work for expanding an individual's capa-
to do it. Computer applications that allow a user bilities, which will make his life more conve-
to write programs are known as programming nient and less tiring. Human creativity will in
languages. turn become more powerful and more valued
- Getting help/learning from the machine: Getting with the help of automation. All of this will lead
help machine assists the user in his quest to to higher standards of living for people all over

the world. The applications of artificial intelli- automatically detect design mistakes. All of these
gence will be a major game changer in the field are examples of the increasing use of AI to
of technology, changing the way we live our improve the quality and efficiency of the work
lives. It has the potential of reducing human that is done in this field.
errors and human biases that may be present The use of AI to create creative images and
when using technology daily (Mosen, 2022). innovative designs is becoming increasingly
However, it also has the potential to increase the common these days as computer algorithms are
rate at which humans can create new things that used to assist artists with the design process. As
can further enhance the quality of their lives as depicted in Fig. 1 below. With machine learning
well as the lives of those around them. It could algorithms can be used to automatically
also make it easier for people to communicate generate new compositions from existing im-
since a lot of data could be analyzed and pro- ages by selecting certain parts of the image and
cessed quickly with the help of AI. incorporating them into a new image. Artists
Advantages of using AI in product design: AI can also use these programs to help them
can gather data and identify trends that analyze their work and improve it based on the
humans are unable to detect. It can analyze resulting data.
large amounts of data to find patterns or There are many different scenarios to use AI
generate new ideas that a traditional designer in art or design. It can be used to automatically
may not have thought of. AI can also be effec- create images that are like the images that the
tive in saving time and improving the accuracy artist is trying to create but with different ele-
of new designs based on existing products. ments added to give them more character. It
Although it is still in its early stage, the ap- can also be used to create new images based on
plications of artificial intelligence can already be the artist's instructions but with different ob-
seen today in numerous aspects of our daily jects that the designer has in mind. However,
lives. Many tasks that were previously done this introduces the possibility of creating works
manually are now being done by computers of art that have a copyright issue, which means
using AI, which is becoming more efficient and that the artist might be sued if they created
accurate over time. Soon it will become a part of these artworks without the consent of the
everything we do and will take our jobs as well. designer (Mello, 2020). This will put more
People will have to learn new occupations and pressure on designers to come up with original
find new jobs to keep up with the advancing content instead of copying the work of other
technology of AI (Gobet and Sala, 2019). As artists which might lead to legal issues in the
great as it sounds, not everyone will be prepared future.
to deal with the changes brought on by this Scenario 1: Artists can create collages using a
technology. Not everyone will be able to adapt variety of elements and put them together to
to the new world that will come about because form unique pieces of art.
of this. It is important to recognize the potential Scenario 2: Designers can create new char-
impact of AI on society and take steps to ensure acters/objects for the different games and add
that people are prepared for these changes. them to their designs.
Overall, the rise of artificial intelligence has Scenario 3: A painter can paint using an AI
tremendous potential to improve our lives and program that will choose the colors for different
increase productivity in multiple fields. parts of the painting.
Scenario 4: An interior designer is using AI to
AI scenarios in art and design create a three-dimensional image of the interior
The many applications of artificial intelligence of the house he is designing.
in the art and design world include the auto- Scenario 5: An illustrator can create paintings
mated creation of 3D objects (Nada and Dawood, based on his imagination by combining
2022), automatic image editing, modeling of bone different elements from different sources to
structure and the use of machine learning to create something new and unique.

Fig. 1. Shows the three stages through which AI can train to process images and graphics and extract data from them to overlay many subsequent

Scenario 6: Photographers are using AI pro- fields of art and use them to generate new ideas
grams to create cool pictures that help them and improve existing ones. This will help de-
stand out from the competition. signers come up with new design ideas and
Scenario 7: The marketing team for a clothing promote their work to the next level. This
brand is using the AI program to create a photo method contains five steps: collecting exam-
grid of their latest outfits that they can post on ples, finding similarities, generating new ideas,
social media to attract new customers to their rating ideas, and implementing the best ideas
stores. to improve them.
Scenario 8: The marketing team for a tech-
nology company is using the AI program to a. Collecting Examples: The first step is to collect
create a montage of their most successful examples of different ideas related to the subject
being studied. This could be done either through
products so that they can promote them on
existing information on the Internet or through
social media and attract new customers.
previous projects done by the designer or artist.
Scenario 9: The marketing team for a food Examples of old ideas include past projects,
company is using AI to create a collage of competitions, magazine articles, and other
different foods that attract customers to buy works of art. new ideas could be generated by AI
their products. or by the designer.
Scenario 10: An advertising agency is using b. Finding Similarities: Once the examples have
AI to create a video of the company's new been collected, the next step is to find similar-
advertising campaign for their new product so ities between the examples through an algo-
they can attract more customers to visit their rithm that compares the details of the examples
website and buy their product. such as color, shape, form, texture, etc. Once
Scenario 11: Musicians are using AI to similar examples are found, the algorithm ranks
them according to how close they are to each
compose music based on what they hear in
other. This step helps the designer narrow down
their daily lives and combine it to create a
their options and find the best ideas for the
unique sound. design/art project that they are working on.
There are infinite scenarios in which AI can c. Generating New ones: Ideas Based on Similar-
be used. In this paper, I will outline a new ities Once similar examples have been found,
method called Crowded-Ideas which helps the next step is to generate new ideas based on
designers and artists create new ideas and the similarity of these examples by using the
improve existing ideas. The method relies on AI same algorithm to compare the details again and
to identify patterns between similar ideas and find new combinations of the details from the
suggest new ones which have never been seen examples. These combinations are the new ideas
before. It can also analyze trends in different that can be used in the design/art project being

developed. The ideas that are generated are ways in which machines can be used to help
ranked according to the similarity of the ideas to streamline the design process by gathering and
the original examples and the highest-ranked analyzing data to inform the development of
ideas are suggested to the user. These sugges- creative ideas and produce quality products at a
tions are then used to create new designs and faster rate than human designers can accom-
improve the existing ones.
plish on their own. Some of these methods
d. Rating Ideas: Once the generated ideas have
been presented, the user needs to evaluate each
include the use of machine learning, advanced
idea and rate it based on how well it fits the imaging technologies, and robotic systems to
project requirements and how feasible it is to facilitate the development of ideas and final
implement the idea in a real-life scenario. The products. Artificial intelligence can be used to
user should also indicate which of the ideas they create better designs by providing designers
find the most interesting and which ideas they and their clients with access to various data
think are the best. Based on the ratings received about current market trends and consumer
from the user, the algorithm chooses the best behaviors to help them make informed de-
idea for implementation in the design/art project. cisions about product design and the overall
e. Finalizing Design: After choosing the best idea customer experience. The development of these
for implementation in the project, the design can products and processes is currently in its early
be finalized by using that idea to create the final
stages, but it has the potential to revolutionize
image/design for the design/art project. The
project can then be submitted to the client for
the way companies operate and provide new
review or further modifications before the final products and services to their customers.
product is created.
The applied potential of artificial intelligence
For this process to take place effectively, the in enhancing human creativity
users must provide as much relevant informa-
tion as possible about the design/art project to Artificial intelligence technology has the po-
the robot so that it can collect appropriate ex- tential to significantly enhance human crea-
amples of designs for the project and generate tivity in various fields, including design and art
innovative ideas that are a good fit for the creation. By providing designers and artists
design/art project. This will help ensure that with powerful computational and memory ca-
the generated ideas provide the most value to pabilities, AI technology can assist in the crea-
the project and that the completed design is tion of high-quality designs and artworks in a
useful to the client and meets their needs. much shorter amount of time than traditional
Based on these steps, designers can work methods. Moreover, AI technology can also
closely with the robots to develop creative de- offer valuable insight and inspiration to human
signs and produce high-quality work in less designers by analyzing vast amounts of data
time than traditional manual processes. This and identifying patterns that may not have
will provide the client with a product that is been apparent before. This can lead to the
functional, aesthetically pleasing, and meets discovery of new design ideas and perspectives
their needs and expectations, thus improving that may have been overlooked. Overall, the
their experience with the company and integration of artificial intelligence in design
increasing their overall satisfaction with the and art creation has immense potential to
products or services that they receive. Fig. 2 revolutionize these industries by combining the
shows a diagram of the creative art creation strengths of human creativity with the compu-
process in collaboration with AI technology. tational power of AI.
Demonstrating the role of the artist using By following a collaborative approach be-
generative art of artificial intelligence in mak- tween machines and humans, designers and
ing artworks. artists can embrace the benefits of AI technol-
Finally, it is important to note that this is not ogy while also maintaining their unique crea-
the only process that can be implemented to tive vision. While some have raised concerns
automate the design process. There are many about the potential negative impact of AI on

Fig. 2. A block diagram of a creative Art-generator process. Showing the artist's role using AI generative Art in making artworks.

human creativity, the reality is that this tech- include artworks from a variety of styles, gen-
nology can augment and enhance human res, and periods. By analyzing a large sample of
creativity rather than replace it. In the previous existing art pieces from different periods and
section, we discussed how AI can be used to styles, the AI can identify patterns and com-
create better designs and products by providing monalities that may have been overlooked by
data-driven insights. In addition to this, AI can human artists. This will allow artists to gain
also assist in the ideation phase of any creative new inspiration and ideas that they may not
process by generating a large number of po- have considered otherwise. As depicted in
tential ideas that human designers or artists can Fig. 3 below, the AI can analyze these pieces
then refine and develop further. In this section, and identify key features such as color palettes,
we will apply this methodology to the field of brushstrokes, composition, and other stylistic
art to demonstrate how AI can enhance human elements.
creativity by facilitating the generation of new
and innovative art forms and styles. Step 2: finding similarities
The suggested method has the potential to After collecting a diverse range of examples,
transform the art world by enabling artists to the AI can then identify similarities and pat-
explore new creative directions and push terns that may not be immediately apparent to
boundaries that were previously unattainable. the human eye. These similarities could be
That contains five steps: collecting examples, related to color schemes, composition, subject
finding similarities, generating new ideas, rating matter or other aspects of the artwork. By
ideas, and implementing the best ideas to identifying these patterns, the AI can suggest
improve them. We will explore the benefits of potential directions for new artwork that draw
each step in more detail and demonstrate how AI from multiple influences and styles. Fig. 4
technology can assist at every stage of this pro- shows an example of how the AI can identify
cess. Through this collaborative approach, artists similarities between different art pieces and
can leverage the power of AI to create entirely create a new image that incorporates elements
new and innovative art forms that could poten- from each piece.
tially change the course of artistic expression.
Step 3: generating new ideas
Step 1: collecting examples
Once the AI has identified patterns and sim-
The first step in the suggested method is to ilarities between artworks, it can then generate
collect examples of existing art. This could new ideas for potential art pieces. These ideas

Fig. 3. Shows an example of how AI can analyze an existing artwork to identify key features such as color palettes and brushstrokes.

can vary widely in style and subject matter, but improvement. In this step, the artist can use
they will be based on the collective patterns their expertise and intuition to select the most
identified by the AI. This step provides artists promising ideas, finding artwork characteris-
with a wealth of new ideas that can be used to tics, such as balance, contrast, and harmony is
create unique and innovative art pieces. Also, an essential part of the process. Rating them as
artists can generate an infinite number of new art or not art. Defining style classification and
ideas. As shown in Fig. 5 below, the AI can categorization is also important to help deter-
generate new art pieces based on the identified mine the value of the new ideas and their po-
patterns and similarities, providing artists with tential impact on the art world.
a starting point for their creative process.
Step 5: finalizing design
Step 4: rating ideas
Once the most promising ideas have been
After generating new ideas, the next step is selected and rated, the artist can then begin to
for artists to rate them based on various criteria finalize the design of their new artwork. During
such as originality, quality, and aesthetic value. this step, the artist will use their artistic skills to
This step requires human input and creativity, refine and adjust the idea generated by AI
as only humans can truly determine the final based on their creativity. This means that while
value of an artwork. However, AI can assist AI can assist in generating new ideas and
artists in this process by providing data-driven providing data-driven insights, the ultimate
insights and identifying potential areas for creative decision-making process still rests with

Fig. 4. An illustration of how AI might help artists uncover connections between diverse works of art and generate fresh, original ideas for their

the artist. The final stage of the process is creative decision-making of the artist. Through
crucial to creating unique and impactful this process, AI can help artists push the
artwork that resonates with audiences. This boundaries of their creativity and expand their
step contains the final touches and adjustments artistic capabilities, while also creating truly
to the artwork, such as color or composition unique and impactful pieces that resonate with
changes, to give the piece a finished look. After audiences.
all the feedback from the artist, the AI can learn In summary, AI's role in the creative process
and improve its algorithms based on what has can enhance human creativity and facilitate
been selected or discarded. innovation by providing data-driven insights,
The process of AI-assisted art creation in- generating new ideas, and assisting with the
volves multiple steps, from generating new finalizing of designs. However, the ultimate
ideas to finalizing the design. It is a collabora- decision-making and creative vision still lie
tive effort between AI and the artist, which al- with the artist. It is a collaborative effort be-
lows for the incorporation of data-driven tween AI and the artist, where technology
insights into the creative process. Ultimately, serves as a tool for creativity rather than a
the final product still rests on the expertise and replacement for human ingenuity. Moreover,

Fig. 5. An example of how AI might develop fresh ideas for prospective art pieces based on patterns and similarities discovered through research.

AI can contribute to the evolution of the art the use of AI in art creation offers a range of
world by promoting reform in art creation benefits that can improve the creative process
systems and communication methods. Overall, and help artists take their work to new heights.

Results Discussion and future work

It is known that artificial intelligence can Creative Methods for Developing New De-
enhance human creativity as a result of its signs by Using Artificial Intelligence in Design
application. As a result, artificial intelligence Process. Computer software is often used to aid
(AI) has already assisted artists in creating new designers in developing new concepts and
works of art, and this trend will only grow as creating visual designs for new projects. Here
artificial intelligence advances. Aside from the are some of the methods that software uses to
fact that artificial intelligence can help humans help designers create new products:
develop new artistic techniques that they would Software that generates new ideas based on
never have thought of in the first place, it is also existing designs or data. This software can draw
improving human creativity in three different connections between products or concepts that
ways. Here are three ways in which AI is may not have seemed obvious to the designer.
improving human creativity. Automatic design generation tools use various
types of artificial intelligence algorithms to
1. Creating new works of art with artificial intelli- produce new design ideas based on the user's
gence is one way in which artificial intelligence input. The software analyzes the user's prefer-
can enhance human creativity. AI programs use
ences and patterns and produces new designs
algorithms to analyze existing works of art and
imitate their styles to create new works of art.
that best meet their needs. However, the soft-
Then, using these algorithms, new art pieces are ware cannot generate truly innovative designs
created that are very different from the originals, on its own; it cannot generate ideas that are
which are then used as the basis for the new outside the known boundaries of current
works of art. design trends or traditional norms. To create
2. Artificial Intelligence Can Help Artists Develop truly innovative ideas, users must be willing to
New Artistic Techniques It is also possible for AI experiment with new ideas and push the design
to help artists to create new artistic techniques tool to its limits to generate unconventional
that will help them to create their works of art designs. The process of developing new ideas
better. In the future, as artificial intelligence and producing high-quality designs that meet
technology develops, it will become easier and client expectations requires a significant
easier to analyze an artist's work and create a
amount of time and effort on the part of de-
program that mimics the techniques that the
signers. By automating some of the design
artist used.
3. Artificial Intelligence Can Help Researchers processes, computer software allows designers
Uncover New Theories about Art and Creativity to focus more on creating unique, high-quality
AI can also help researchers to study how designs without worrying about all the repeti-
human beings react to art and creativity. So as a tive and time-consuming tasks that must be
result, scientists can come up with better the- completed during the process.
ories about how art is created and why people Over the past few years, the emergence of big
respond to certain types of artworks in a data has made the design process significantly
particular way. more efficient and productive by allowing de-
signers to use data from past projects to inform
To achieve our desired level of artistic
their decisions as they develop new products.
expression, we must harness the power of
Software programs can collect large amounts of
artificial intelligence to broaden the scope of
product and customer data from past projects
human creativity to achieve our desired level of
and translate this information into actionable
artistic expression as well as find new ways of
design insights that can be used to improve
expressing our artistic abilities utilizing the
future product designs. For example, a designer
power of artificial intelligence. Because artificial
could use data about user interactions with
intelligence is constantly evolving and growing,
previous products to develop a list of features
it is highly likely that in the future we will be
that should be included in a new design to
able to witness even more impressive works of
maximize its appeal. Although this type of data
art created.

analysis is automated, designers still need to should be thoroughly investigated so that

analyze and interpret the data to identify the readers can get a full understanding of the
trends and patterns that will influence the technology as well as the advantages and lim-
design of new products. itations of using the technologies in design
What next?
Conflicts of interest
The appraisal of new ideas is one of the major
barriers to AI innovation. After exploring and
None declared.
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