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Asamonye et al www.iaajournals.

IAA Journal of Applied Sciences 5(1):41-52, 2019. ISSN: 2636-7246
School Records in Basic Schools

Asamonye Catherine Chinyere, Ogbonnaya C.N. and Osuagwu Love

Department of Educational Fondations/Administration Alvan Ikoku Federal College of

Education, Owerri Nigeria.

School records are basic and essential accounts of day to day running of schools which are
preserved and retrieved for administrative proposes. School records tend to increase and
improve with innovation and reforms in education system. The Federal government assigns
State Ministries of Education and Local Education Authorities in collaboration with Federal
inspectorate to use supervision and inspection as tools to ensure quality assurance in
education. However inspection and supervision can only run smoothly with the
cooperation of school heads/ principals, teachers, students and others who are custodians
of school records. The concept of school records was well explained. Statutory and non
statutory records with their custodians were well indicated with illustrations. The
importance of school records, management, improvement, criteria for quality and misuse
of school records were highlighted.
Keywords: School, records, basic, inspection and education

The headmaster/principal of basic school as knowledge and technology increased.
is the chief executive, supervisor, For instance, it is a known fact that the
coordinator and education appraiser. It first primary school in Nigeria started in
becomes appropriate that the works for 1842 [3]. However, it was only in 1974
the welfare of staff and students are that the former East central State of
preserved using adequate records for Nigeria Public Education Edict listed some
evaluation [1]. More so, [2] opined that vital school records to be kept [4]. School
school records are essential for Records has increased in recent times.
evaluation, order lines, planning, Head teachers /principals and teachers
administrative convenience, discipline, can enhance discipline and students
grouping, continuity, revision, legal achievement in schools through proper
defense, guidance and counseling. It record keeping, classroom management
becomes expedient that basic school and enhanced teaching and learning
manger‟s and administrators implement methodologies.
the use and preservation of school The school is virtually the most
records in schools. Educational recognized formal social institution
management and leadership are clear dual where children and adolescence spend
functions in that the school managers most of their time learning to improve
work with only organized structures with their psychological, physical, moral,
definite roles and get things done through intellectual and emotional development.
staff and students as prescribed by the Though the primary aim of establishing
organization and not according to his schools is for academic development, yet
whims and caprices. it is social in nature because of the
School records are innovations in predominant peer-group activities and
educational management because of their other inter-personal relationships. The
importance. Innovation is introduction of academic and social structure of the
new ideas, devises, methods and reforms school could be maintained, preserved
in education to bring about change and and improved only through keeping of
solutions to inadequacies in education school records.
system. However, additional records were
prescribed for proper school maintenance

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Concept of School Records Transfer Certificate Booklet (government
Records are information or permanent Form Ed (EC)29), A transfer Certificate
account of events or facts especially file, Copy of the teacher service manual, A
through writing and electronic devices. [5] staff attendance register, Minute Book
opined that school records are books, consisting of: Staff meeting, Board of
files containing information on what goes Governors meetings, Food committee
on in the school, persons in the school meetings; etc
and types of properties owned by the Furthermore [8] listed some statutory and
school. These are preserved and retrieved non-statutory records. Statutory records
when needed. Summarily, school records include, admission/withdrawal register,
are therefore, data/information collected attendance register, syllabus, scheme of
on regular basis about pupils, teachers, work, time-table, log book, visitors book,
administrative, non-administrative and time/movement books, school diary,
non-tutorial staff, facilities, funds, school lesson plan/note for teachers, progress
events, visitors; written or electronically register etc. The records are called
preserved and could be retrieved as need statutory because they are mandatory to
arises to attain educational objectives [6]. be kept in schools and have legal backing
All school legitimate records should be or implication. Moreover Government
accurate, original, truthful, established efficient inspectorate and
comprehensive, and clearly stated, supervision services at federal, state and
written or preserved electronically in a local government levels for monitoring
durable form. These school records and maintaining standards at basic
should be accessible for educational schools which use these statutory records
planning and administrative purposes. as their tool (FRN, 2004).
School records are important and of great Non-statutory records include: records of
value to school heads, teachers, students, seminar and workshops, school calendar,
parents, government, Ministry of achievement badge, exit card, school
Education, philanthropists, industries, suggestion box, lesson attendance by
non-governmental agencies and in fact all teacher, school magazine,
stake-holders of education. Such records inspection/supervision report file,
determine whether a school is effectively confidential report forms and requisition
run or not. book. These records are essential but not
[7] listed some vital/statutory school mandatory.
records required by law. They stated School Records and Their Custodians
that Sections 27 and 29 of the former East In as much as head teachers/principals
Central State Nigeria Public Education keep some important school records,
edict 1974, to be kept in every school. school records are mostly teacher-based
Which include Register of Admission, and student-based records [9]. [10] [11]
Progress and withdrawal (referred to [12] [13] [14] helped to sort out statutory
simply as Admission Register, Attendance and non-statutory records because
Register, Diaries of works, Syllabuses and government inspectors and supervisors
schemes of work, Log-book, Time-table, demand for them during their visits for
Cash-book, Visitors book, Progress comprehensive evaluation of schools
register and Corporal punishment book. performance.
Other records, which a school could keep Below are statutory and non-statutory
are: Duplicate copies of student reports, records illustrated for easy identification.

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Statutory school records and their custodians at a glance

Records kept by Head-teacher/principal

i. Admission register (and transfers)

ii. Syllabus
iii. Log book
iv. Visitors book
v. Corporal punishment book
vi. Inventory book
vii. Inspectors supervision files
viii Academic certificates of pupils
ix Staff data
x. Staff movement book
xi. Staff attendance register
xii. National Policy on education / Education Law
xiii. School Records in software such as in

Records kept by teachers Records kept by bursar

i. Attendance register
i. Cash book,
ii. Dairies with scheme of work and ii School fees receipts
Record of work iii. Vouchers
ii. Lesson note/plan vi. ledgers and other
iii. School time table financial records
iv. Dossiers
v Progress register
vi. Report cards
vii. Minutes book eg PTA, board of
directors, food committee etc.


Head –teacher/ Principal Records kept by teachers Records kept by

i. School Calendar i. Lesson attendance

ii. Records of i. Class duty roaster by teacher
Seminars and ii. Exit card
workshops iii. Class suggestion box ii. List of noise makers
iii. School suggestion or minor deviants
box iv. Achievement /
vi Confidential identification badge
reports of students
v. Requisition book

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Schools are also encouraged to keep these records.
The Statutory Records are: three terms school fees. Teachers should
1. Admission Register mark it at the beginning of each
The admission register is kept under the day/session and close it thirty minutes
custody of the school head/principal. after the beginning of second session. No
Incoming pre-primary and primary pupils deletion or erasure should be made in the
are formerly registered in the admission register, rather the errors could be
register to become bonafide members of encircled with red ink and correct entry
the school. The registration is usually be made alongside. Vertical lines are used
orderly and contains the names of pupils to indicate holiday/days drawn with red
of particular academic year e.g. primary pen and reason for the holiday/days
one or primary two. Pupils on transfer are indicated in the log book.
also recorded in this book. According to Importance of Attendance Register
[15] “there is need to enter in-coming Essence of attendance register include:
student transfer certificate numbers a. It gives a compressed data of each
accepted on transfer likewise the out- pupil and parents/guardians and
going ones”. It helps to indicate the gives historical document of each
population of a school at a glance. The pupil.
admission register contains detailed b. It gives the accurate number of
information about the child such as his boys/girls in each class daily.
name, information about parents, c. Where there is no free education, it
address, religion, sex, date of birth and so helps to show the students who
on. have paid their fees, or those
Importance of Admission Register indebted to the school.
Importance of admission register include: d. It indicates names of pupils who
a. It ensures the formal registration of a are in regular attendance to the
pupil, indicating the parents and school, those who partially attend
background. and names of absentees if properly
b. Makes a pupil a bonafide member of kept.
the school, the Alma Mater. e. It helps to identify truants and sick
c. Helps for accountability and planning students.
in education system since it shows f. Holiday(s) records of the school
available number of students. could be lifted from the
d. Shows a stream enrolment of a class attendance register.
e.g. the whole of primary one. g. Facilities and grants could be given
e. It is an important data for legal issues to a school depending on the
concerning welfare services of children number of students that attends
and for research purposes in case of school regularly.
much withdrawal from a school. h. It enables teachers to observe the
2. Attendance Register behavioural traits of the pupils e.g
This document is kept by the classroom punctuality, lateness,
teacher and it is used to record in detailed absence/truancy.
form when a child is present or absent i. Data needed by researchers,
from school. The record indicates total education planners and officials of
times a child is present or absent from the ministry of education could be
school in weekly and term basis. The obtained from the register and it
attendance register consists of personal serves as a valid evidence to save
data of pupils such as admission number, the school from a lot of
name of pupils, date of birth, name of embarrassment in case of legal
parents, residential/official address of issue.
parents/guardian and religion of 3. Syllabus
parents/guardian. Others include: The external examination bodies such as
class/form, year, sex, and column for the West African Examination Council (WAEC)

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and National Examination Council (NECO) syllabus and every teacher adheres
provides the school syllabus to the head to the curriculum for each stream
teachers/principals. The syllabuses is of student for uniform assessment.
drawn from the curriculum and it covers e. Supervisors/inspectors see it as
the curriculum and extra-curriculum access document to know the
activities of yearly programme for each performance of individual
stream/class. Without the syllabuses, it teachers.
will be hard to identify the subjects done f. Diary helps for weekly and term
in schools and subjects/activities for a assessment of pupils through the
particular class. lesson taught by the teacher.
4. Dairies 5. Schemes of Work
The diaries are functional documents for The scheme of work is drawn from the
curriculum implementation because the syllabus and the subjects in it are broken
teachers record all the subjects that will into weekly lessons for a term or session
be taught to the pupils in it e.g. English to enable the teacher write the lesson
language, Mathematics, Social Studies, plan/notes and have attainable
Religion and Agriculture. The contents of instructional objectives. Scheme of work
these subjects are divided into term and helps teacher to match the subjects and
weekly schedules. The diaries do not only instructional materials for effective
serve as a guide to the teachers‟ work, but teaching and learning. It is contained in
motivates them to be active to cover the the diary.
work schedule both for assignments and 6. Lesson Note/Plan
terminal results. Towards the back of the Teacher‟s lesson note/plan is the most
diary, entries of work done by the vital instrument for effective and efficient
teachers weekly are entered there, and if teaching and learning. This is because it
there were no work done, the space for contains the arrangement of ideas,
the subject is left vacant. knowledge, skills, methods and types of
Moreover, if a teacher dies, goes on instructional materials used by the
transfer, is sick, absent from work or teacher to transmit information to
leaves the service voluntarily or retired, students in a given period of lesson.
the incoming teacher continues from Usually, the scheme is broken into weeks,
where the former stopped without hitch. units/topics in various subjects. A teacher
The head teachers or head of departments has to read the recommended
mark the diaries and textbooks/workbooks for each topic
supervisor/inspectors from the ministry before teaching a lesson, so as to be well
of education usually request for it to equipped for effective teaching and
know whether the school is effectively learning, and be ready to answer
run. students‟ questions.
Importance of Diary [7] opined that the lesson plan specifies
The dairy is kept by the classroom the subject to be taught, the
teacher and serves the following needs: content/topic, duration, class, average
a. It is an academic record that shows age of students, date, time and specific
the works claimed to have been objectives. The specific objectives are
done with regards to teaching and broken down into cognitive, effective and
learning in schools. psychomotor domains to enable the
b. Subjects taught in every school are students to participate actively. Lesson
shown in the diary. note/ plan defines teachers and students
c. Diary motivates teachers to cover activities within the lesson, evaluation of
their work schedule because work, summary/closure. Lesson note/plan
lessons are broken down into should be used at all levels of education;
weeks and periods. pre-primary, primary, secondary and
d. It does not encourage monopoly of tertiary for effective teaching and
academic work by teachers. The learning. A teacher without lesson note is
lessons are broken down from the like a farmer without implements.

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Educational institutions should provide disruptive behaviors of pupils. Time-table
teachers with notes every session/term to helps the teacher and pupils to know the
write lesson notes as evidence of work period of each lesson, break-time, and
done in the class and as documents for time for other extra-curricular activities.
internal and external Without time table the teacher will loose
supervision/inspection. control of the class and the school will be
Importance of Lesson Note/Plan in chaos. It helps the teacher and pupils
The lesson note/plan kept by the teacher to be on-task, places lessons
serves the following needs to the teacher: meaningfully, e.g. after a Mathematic
a. It is the official handbook of a lesson, a subject like Arts that requires
teacher. manipulative skills could be taught.
b. It is the first official document a Allocation of time takes charge of
supervisor/inspector or school attention span of pupils concerned. The
head demands of a teacher time-table is prepared for weekly and
especially inside the classroom to daily activities by the dean or heads of
ascertain the progress and departments. The time is kept in
procedures of lesson being taught conspicuous places such as the
and the extent of work done by a classroom, head teacher‟s office and staff
teacher at a glance. room. It controls the planned programme
c. Teacher uses lesson note/plan to of the school.
prepare a topic of a subject at a Importance of School Time-Table
given period emphasizing on the The importance of school time-table
knowledge and skill to impart on include:
students. a. It enables the student to have
d. It helps teacher to achieve specific variety of lessons daily.
objectives/goals of a particular b. It helps to solve the problem of
lesson. clash of interest by allowing a
e. It makes a teacher to be abreast teacher enter the class only when
with information about his work he/she is supposed to.
by reading current c. It helps to give conducive
textbooks/workbooks to prepare atmosphere in the class and school
his lessons. environment.
f. It makes lesson interesting d. Attention span of students is well
because of free flow of managed in the school time-table
information, adequate introduction considering the allocation with
of instructional materials etc. good subject combinations.
g. Teaching without lesson note/plan e. It takes care of extra-curricular
creates room for „beating about the activities of the school.
bush‟, laissez-affaire attitude, f. Time-table enables the teacher to
amounting to cheating of students. prepare the lesson plan/note for
h. The lesson summary helps the each day and makes him to be
students to understand their focused in the instructional
private studies while the objectives of each lesson.
evaluation is essential for g. It helps the students and
continuous assessment. supervisors to know the subject to
7. School Time-Table be taught at a particular time.
Time-table is used to direct and energize 8. Dossier (Pupils Cumulative
the classroom management skills of Record)
teachers. It shows when lessons starts The dossier is kept by classroom teacher.
and ends for example 8am to 2pm. It contains the continuous assessment of
Moreover, when school opens and closes each student to determine objectively
on daily and term basis. Through what he gained from learning activities in
classroom management teachers ensure terms of knowledge, reasoning and
that lessons run smoothly despite character development from the time he

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started a period of study to the end [7]. can make remarks about the academic
The information covers the cognitive, and behavioural concerns of the pupils.
affective and psychomotor domains of Uses of Report Card
educational objectives used for guidance These include:
of the child for quality performances in a. It helps parents to ascertain the
the school and thereafter. achievement of their wards in school.
Personal data of each pupil is contained b. Report cards help to achieve quality
in the booklet including occupation of the assurance in educational objectives in
parents, immunization and health status. schools by indicating areas for
The Federal Republic of Nigeria in its improvement.
National Policy on Education added that 10. Progress Register
one of the educational goals is that The progress register consists of names
educational assessment and evaluation of pupils, tests and examination scores,
shall be liberalized by their being based cumulative average, position and remarks
on whole or in part on continuous per term for each pupil as recorded by the
assessment of the progress of the teacher. Continuous assessment are
individuals (FRN ,2004:9). This planned or unplanned tests taken
information among others will help in periodically to check the attentiveness of
academic, moral assessment of the pupils in teaching and learning. The
individual and career placement. scores allocated to continuous
Importance of Dossier assessment is usually 40% per term while
These include: examination is scored 60%. According to
a. It traces the admission or withdrawal of [2] “The quality of education is elevated
individual in a school. through examinations which indicate the
b. Gives detailed information about the status and grade of the school and the
student and the parent, payment of fees state”. Examination is necessary in school
and so on. system because through the performance
c. It provides information by the teacher or results of students the head
which is relevant for guidance and teachers/principal will know the quality
counseling and for career placement of of teaching and learning and note areas
pupil for social adjustment. for improvement to attain quality
d. It helps the teacher to understand the assurance in education.
child and know his needs in terms of 11. Log-Book
cognitive, affective, psychomotor The log book is filled by important
domains, which could be used for visitors to the school. It is kept by the
researcher purposes. school head/principal because it contains
e. It serves as reference material for history of the school community
conference with parents. development. The concept of log-book
9. Report Cards was originally meant for recording from
The report card is prepared and kept by the log and is used to determine the
the classroom teacher for onward distance a ship travelled within a certain
distribution to students at the end of the period of time. The term log book was
term. It indicates progressive students spread to a wide variety of other endeavor
assessment recorded termly in a sheet of and log books are widely used for
paper with school letter-head for parent‟s complex machines like nuclear plants and
consumption. The test and examination computer based electronic logbook.
scores of each subject, average and In the school system, the log book is used
position of student are among the to record events/actions, taking into
information contained in the report card. consideration the date, time and venue of
Information about payment of fees, the event. Archeological record or body of
opening and closure of each session are archeological evidence could be recorded
also contained in it. Persons such as the in the log book. For instance, incidence of
class teacher, principal and counsellor inter-house sports and inter-school
trophies has to be recorded in the log

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book. Others are: natural resources, date records are important for providing
of vacation and resumption of school, school facilities, making necessary
changes of staff, examination dates, payments and checking embezzlement of
seminars attended by teachers and so on. funds. Funds from donor agencies like
12. Visitors Book international organizations are also
This is kept in the office of the school received by schools e.g. UNICEF is
head/principal. concerned in assisting women and
Sometimes important visitors come to children in schools [5]. Both cash and
school either on invitation or personal material donations from alumni
interest. When they come they are given association, PTA, Community/Town Union
visitors book to sign. Such people include etc are to be well recorded for school use.
philanthropists, Governor, Other financial records include the school
Commissioners, inspectors/supervisors fees, funds from skill exhibitions etc.
from the Ministry of Education and non- 15 . National Policy on Education
governmental agencies. The date, time The National Policy on Education is
and reason for such visits are recorded provided by the Federal Republic of
for reference purposes. Nigeria. This document is kept by the
13. Corporal Punishment Book school head or principal and it is obtained
Disciplinary measures are taken on pupils from the Ministry of Education indicating
for misbehavior in schools, such as objectives and policies of school system.
fighting, disobedience to teacher, noise It indicates the subjects taught at various
making and examination malpractice, etc. levels of the basic schools, the
Accurate record of date, time, venue, expectations of the students, teachers,
gravity of offence is recorded in the parents and other stake-holders of
corporal book. They could be retrieved education towards improvement of
for disciplinary measures. education system in Nigeria.
Corporal punishment should be given in 16. Education Law
schools to check students‟ excesses such Education laws are derived from the
as bulling, lateness to school, loitering constitutional laws, judicial precedents,
and so on. Both the class teacher and the administrative laws, school rules and
school head administer corporal regulations. Law is important for school
punishment depending on gravity of the discipline. In the same view [4] explained
offence. For instance, a class teacher can that the executive branch of government,
kneel a student down for making noise in through its agencies, the minister or
the class while a school head can suspend commissioner for education, school
a student or tell him to cut grass for management boards school
stealing school fees belonging to another administrations and teachers, have
student. Forms of corporal punishment delegated powers to enforce rules,
include: flogging, kneeling, writing or regulations and laws that are
rendering apology, suspension and so on. constitutional and are capable of
14. Cash Book and Other Financial enhancing the education of children and
Records promotion of their welfare. Failure to
These records are kept by school bursar. abide by the provisions of the law attracts
Cash simply means money in coins or punishment in the same way as if one has
notes. Cashbook is therefore used in broken a common law.
schools to record incoming cash to the 17. Staff Attendance Register
school. The ledger helps one to know the This is kept by the heads of departments.
financial status of a school for The arrival and departure of each teacher
accountability while the vouchers state are indicated in this book. It helps to
the salary of teachers. Schools also issue know the numbers of teachers posted to a
cheque, receipts and teller for income or school, those who are present or absent
expenditures. They also have bank from school each day. School
accounts for preservation or reception of heads/principals, inspectors and
cash. The cash books and financial

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supervisors use it to access ineffective or It is kept by the school principals. Also
effective teachers. with modern technology head teacher/
18. Staff Movement Book principals save school records in
This book is kept by the head computer and other software‟s for easy
teachers/principals or heads of access and safety.
department. It is important to control 24 Academic Certificates of Pupils
truancy on the part of teachers or check These certificates are obtained by
movement of teachers. The head-teacher students from external examinations
who keeps custody of the book could give taken by the school. They include First
permission to teachers to leave the school School Leaving Certificates, West African
for urgent reasons such as going to Examination School Certificates and
hospital, market, and bank. The book also National Examination Council. Pupils also
exonerates permitted teachers from get certificates from academic
punishment of supervisors or inspectors. competitions including inter-school
19. Inventory Book competition. These certificates are kept
This record is kept by the school head or under the custody of the head
principal. It is used to take stock of teacher/principal.
school document, properties and Importance of Keeping School records
facilities. It helps the incoming head in Education System
teacher to know all the materials and fund i. Proper placement of pupils and
that belong to the school. On going out of teachers: The School as an
the school either by retirement or organization needs records such as
transfer, the head teacher uses it to hand admission register, teachers‟
over the school documents, properties recruitment records and lesson plans
and facilities to the new head teacher. for proper placement of pupils and
20. Staff Data teachers, for class work and allocation
This is kept by the school head or of facilities.
principal. It consists of the number of ii. To avoid embezzlement of school
staff employed for the School by the funds and stealing of school
Ministry of Education, their qualification, properties: This can be controlled if
rank, sex, marital status, local the school cash and inventory books
government area, address, promotion and are well recorded and properly kept.
other details about the staff. The The school security has to do their
information in it is used by the Ministry duties as well to avoid loss of school
of Education and other inspectors or property.
supervisors to rate teacher‟s performance, iii. Preservation and retrieval of
retirement or dismissal from service. information: School records such as
21. Minutes of Staff Meeting the register and the log book should
This book is kept by the staff secretary be well preserved because they help to
and contains the officials meetings held get information about the students
by the teachers with principals or school and to form the history of a school.
heads. Any retrieval should be with the
22. Minutes of Parents Teachers permission of the head teacher.
Association (PTA) iv. Enforcement of discipline in
The minute‟s book is kept by the PTA schools: School records including
Secretary. Schools exist in communities corporal punishment book and
and therefore need their co-operation and movement book are guides for
support. Minutes of PTA usually stresses teachers and pupils behavior. Without
on ways to move the school forward by the time-table for instance, the school
way of improving facilities, ensuring that will be in disarray.
teachers teach effectively, maintain v. Educational Research:
healthy relationship and good Documents/Data from exams and
environment. continuous assessment for instance
23 School Records in Soft Wares can give a researcher work to

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investigate why a school performs students academic performances,
well or poorly academically. provides data for counseling and
vi. Perpetuation/Continuity of School: facilitates financial administration of
The school is an organization that school. For instance, data from
needs records to forge ahead, make enrolment of pupils helps to
amendments and improve to have determine the resources needed by
lasting existence. Therefore, records the school and helps for placement of
like progress register, syllabus, Board, students in various classes.
PTA and Staff meetings including Management of School Records
other school records need to be kept The Management of school records is
for reference purposes. solely the responsibility of the head
vii. To attract fund or aid: Records from teacher unless he/she delegates some
school such as students‟ results, staff to keep some aspects of the records.
commendations from visitors, etc. can [15] maintained that the head teacher is
help to attract foreign aids or financial the custodian of all the school property
support from the community and and records. He is in charge of
philanthropists. disciplinary matters affecting pupils and
viii. Counseling services: The corporal teachers and should make sure that
punishment book has records for educational objectives are met. For
deviant pupils likewise the attendance effective management of school records
register. The counselor could help the head teachers/principals should
students through such records. The employ the aid of the heads of
parents could be notified by departments, deans, and bursars, who in
counselors of their wards behavior for turn assemble the records to her office at
proper check at home. the end of each term/session for adequate
ix. For reference purposes: This is the evaluation and quality assurance in
main essence of school records. education system. Some school records
Teachers, head teachers, pupils, such as results could be stored in the
government officials, Ministry of computer for easy access by students and
Education can refer to the records as others in need of them.
the need arises. For instance, the [9] suggested that records and data
Ministry of Education would always generated in the course of legitimate
demand for school time table, lesson function of school should be properly
notes, diaries, registers etc. as soon as managed through head teachers though
they come for inspection/supervision. some of them differ in their management
Pupils could only be given transfer of school records in terms of gender,
certificate with reference to such experience and school location. Head
records. Researchers need school teachers/principals should organize
records for developments/corrections workshops, seminars, conferences for
in education system. adequate training of their teachers in
x. Promotion or demotion of school keeping and retrieving school records.
staff: Records available in the school Supervision of teaching and learning is
can help in the promotion of head also very important to enhance adequate
teacher, teachers or non-tutorial staff. school records.
Bad records can deny any of these Improvement of School Records
their promotions. For example a ii. Leaking of confidential records
teacher who has no lesson notes and and abusing individuals
that does not teach his/her lessons concerned.
regularly can be demoted or even be iii. Careless records of events or
expelled from service. scores.
In support of the above view, [11] v. Not returning records at their
opined that, school records serve as appropriate places after use in
bank for retrieving information, for their safe environment.
planning process, historical records,

Asamonye et al www.iaajournals.org
School records are official documents or the schools. Stake-holders of education,
information bank of a school stored including students, parents and guardians
through written form or electronic are entitled to have access to such
devices and retrieved for administrative information as cogent need arises. They
purposes. The information ought to be are important for educational planning
clear, truthful, precise, signed and wisely and research.
preserved, for progress and continuity of
Owing to the importance of school iv. Inspection and supervision of
records, the following recommendations school records by school heads
are made: and officials from Ministry of
i. Government should provide Education should be encouraged.
statutory school records for basic v. Head-teachers/ principals,
schools. teachers and students should
ii. Government should provide know the legal implication of
shelves and safe environment for maintenance and misuse of school
school records records.
iii. Management of basic schools vi. Preservation of school records in
should ensured that school I.C.T components should be
records are properly kept by the encouraged.
correct designated officials.
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