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AceAlbaz Abstract

Video Games have been to this day the ongoing debate on how it affects a person’s

mind and body. There have been a number of incidents involving video games as well as some

encourage or promote physical violence and negative characterizations of male and female, when

a person plays “Grand Theft Auto” or “RapeLay” and negative stereotypes when he or she plays

“Punch Out,” where they fight various opponents from each race and country. However there

have been a number of video games that have a positive effect on others especially children. For

example one plays “Brain Age” they are learning basic math and reading as they play, survival

skills when he or she plays “Call of Duty,” and the increase mental focus as they will continue to

play using what they learned along the way. This paper will explain those positives and benefits

a video game has on a person’s mind, and how it contributes to the society in the sense of

teaching them.

Keywords: video games, memory improvement, quick thinking

One of the many positive effects Video Games have is the increase of a person’s problem

solving skill and use of logic. For instance when a person plays a game that stimulates thinking

like “Angry Birds” or “Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008,” their mind is being trained to
come up with creative ways to solve puzzles and overcome obstacles in a limited amount of time

effectively. Another example in the increase of a person’s problem solving skill is when a person

plays “Brain Age” (a game originally designed for middle-aged people and older), their memory

of basic math and reading skill is being revisited in various problems and exercises. This effect

also relates to memory improvement as playing “Call of Duty” and “Battlefield” allows the

player to effectively determine what information should be saved, and what can be discarded

depending on the situation, in order to complete the task at hand. Video games in this case, have

increased a person’s mental capability

Another positive effect video games have is that it helps with hand-eye

coordination and motor skills involving the brain and muscle. For example when a person plays a

shooting game, they are learning to be aware of their surroundings in order to shoot effectively,

as well as interpret their brain’s movement and reaction through their hands and fingertips. This

relates to how a person plays sports as he or she receives the appropriate responses from their

brain, in order to react correctly. Another example of hand-eye coordination through video

games is that when a person plays “Kung Fu Panda,” they’re learning how to respond with their

hands and feet through their fingertips on the controller accordingly. This positive effect supports

how video games simulate real world situations, and how a person must act at their best of their

abilities. Overall video games in this case have helped a person improve their physical skills so

they can be more active in the real world.

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