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Question One

Prepare a financial regulation for your institution with reference to budgeting, financial
accounting, public procurement and risk management.

1.1 Definition of Financial Regulations

Financial regulation is a form of regulation or supervision, which subjects institutions to certain
requirements, restrictions and guidelines, aiming to maintain the integrity of the financial system.
This may be handled by either a government or non-government organization. Financial
regulation has also influenced the structure of banking sectors/schools and many more, by
decreasing borrowing costs and increasing the variety of financial products available. In regard,
this study will take a financial regulation touching on the above areas with specific reference to
Lunga Lunga secondary school in Kwale County, Kenya.
1.2 Budgeting

A budget is a quantitative expression of a plan for a defined period of time. It may include
planned sales volumes and revenues, resource quantities, costs and expenses, assets, liabilities
and cash flows. It expresses strategic plans of business units, organizations, activities or events in
measurable terms. For the sake of Lungalunga Secondary the budget will be regulated/ limited to
the following categories:

 Revenue that includes all the sources of income like fees paid by parents, CDF money,
money given by the government for subsidized secondary education Programme etc.
 Expenditure that takes into account both the recurrent and capital expenditure. Recurrent
expenditure here include the day to day running expenses that include money for repairs,
subordinate and BOG teachers‟ salaries, money for water, electricity , DSTV etc. while
capital expenditure will be the money for infrastructure projects like erecting the
matron‟s house, building new classes, buying new furniture, re-carpeting the basketball
court and many more.

This will be under the committee chaired by the Principal, seconded by the BOG chairman. Also
the DEB and CEB will be having an okay of giving guidance on the figures assigned to various
activities. The parents will have their interests taken care by the PTA chairperson to avoid

1.3 Financial Accounting

Financial accounting in Lungalunga will be regulated by the simple rule that takes into
account the use of financial accounting cycle.


Closing the


Adjusting sheet

This will be regulated by the principal and the school bursar. Also external auditors from the
ministry will be welcome from time to time for guidance.

1.4 Public Procurement

Procurement is the acquisition of goods, services or works from an external source. It is

favourable that the goods, services or works are appropriate and that they are procured at the best
possible cost to meet the needs of the acquirer in terms of quality and quantity, time, and
location. Corporations and public bodies often define processes intended to promote fair and
open competition for their business while minimizing exposure to fraud and collusion.

Overall headship of the public procurement will be under the school/institution head who will
later on liaise with the relevant bodies like the PPOA, Accounting officer/MOEST,CEB
choose a committee that is called the tendering will be under the deputy principal,
selected teachers, store keeper, one PTA representative and many more. The accounting officer
is responsible in ensuring the following:

 Establishing the relevant procurement committees in accordance with the procurement
law and regulations;
 Establishing a procurement unit staffed to an appropriate level with procurement
 Ensuring that the procurement plan is prepared;
 Ensuring that all contracts are compiled and many more.
1.5 Risk Management.

Risk management is the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks (defined in ISO
31000 as the effect of uncertainty on objectives) followed by coordinated and economical
application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of
unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities. Risks can come from different
ways e.g. uncertainty in financial markets, threats from project failures (at any phase in design,
development, production, or sustainment life-cycles), legal liabilities, credit risk, accidents,
natural causes and disasters as well as deliberate attack from an adversary, or events of uncertain
or unpredictable root-cause.

The risk management team will be formed from both the teachers and the experts and the risk
management should:

 create value – resources expended to mitigate risk should be less than the consequence of
inaction, or (as in value engineering), the gain should exceed the pain
 be an integral part of organizational processes
 be part of decision making process
 explicitly address uncertainty and assumptions
 be systematic and structured process
 be based on the best available information
 be tailorable
 take human factors into account
 be transparent and inclusive
 be dynamic, iterative and responsive to change
 be capable of continual improvement and enhancement
 be continually or periodically re-assessed

For effective operation of the school just like any organisation, finances should be managed
effectively under regulated/tied incidences with well laid down rules starting from the budgets,
accountability, procurement and proper risks control or reduction. This way, success in
management will be felt.

Question Two

Prepare a business plan for a project that could benefit your institution.


Overview / Executive Summary

Lungalunga Sukumawiki solution is a project that is aimed at turning the almost 15 acres of idle
land around the school compound into a productive land. The theory behind it is very simple
whereby the untended land in the school will be cultivated, irrigated and having the
kales/Sukumawiki cultivated for a period of five years and this will save the school the trouble of
buying vegetables for the students and teachers. It is estimated that it is going to help the school
save about Ksh. 212,000 per years besides the amount of money it will get from selling the

Mission Statement

Food sustainability in our own lands.

Vision Statement

Food sustainability is a core business in development, therefore being self-sufficient in food

production is development.

Management Team

Young Farmers Club Members, Agriculture Teachers and the PTA chairman.


Lungalunga secondary garden.

Service Delivery

 Voluntary participation of the club members in giving their services.

 Selling of vegetables to the outsiders at will and at a cheaper value than market price.
 Informing the school management, teachers and students on the profits gained by making
use of the available resources.


Major supplier to the school will be Mr.Dauglas who will give us all the required inputs.

Selling of vegetables will not be done through a supplier since customers will be required to
come to the shamba/farm.

Contingency/ Business Goals/ Risk Management

Business goals include: producing a continuous supply of Sukumawiki to the

students/teachers/surrounding community, and to be self-sufficient all-round the year in
producing quality vegetables.

Risk Management will basically focus on minimizing the chances of the crop drying due to water
loss by continuously irrigating and minimizing theft cases by employing two watchmen one for
the day and the other for the night duty.

Marketing Plan

The major marketing strategy will be the use of informants who will spread the gospel to the
existing small scale vegetable sellers at Lungalunga market. Also announcements will be made
to the day scholars and parents during meetings besides those announcements at the churches and

Financial Information

The projects is expected to cost about Ksh.45,000 that will go to planning, cultivation and a
greater percentage will go to water harvesting hole that will be dug.

Major source of the finances therefore will be from the school‟s PTA funds.

Ksh.15, 000 will go to clearing and cultivation, Ksh.10, 000 will dig a water storage ground hole,
and Ksh.20, 000 will go to labour, fertilizers and farm inputs maintenance.

Justification of Figures

The project is worth the Ksh.45, 000 because after its inception and once it picks up, it will be
have the sales per day going up to Ksh.12, 000 and this harvesting is done per week meaning that
in one week only, there will be Ksh.12, 000 worth of sales besides the food vegetables for



• Commitment.

• Ability to visualise and assist people in seeing the possibilities of a project.

• Experience in theory and practise (assisted friends in creating gardens).

• Understanding of sustainability practices, and ability to implement these projects.

• Ability to work part-time while business is building (agricultural experience).


• Start-up project is challenging.

• Competition from non-supporters.

• Need to earn quickly to the school.

• Hard physical work involved.


• To personally move forward in my life and the school at large.

• To create food for peoples in new farm products.

• To create, advise on home-food growing gardens

• To provide ongoing, knowledgeable service to clients.

• To employ others on the project.

• To diversify into other areas (commercial etc.)


• Other landscapers/farmers.

• Downturn in the Kwale county economy

• Drought and too much rain.

• Cashflow.


The longer-term goals for the Project is to turn Lungalunga green with all the cultivated
vegetables coming from the compound besides including into the project animal and poultry

Question Three

Prepare a human resource guideline for your institution.

Human resources is the set of individuals who make up the workforce of an organization,
business sector, or economy. "Human capital" is sometimes used synonymously with human
resources, although human capital typically refers to a more narrow view (i.e., the knowledge the

individuals embody and can contribute to an organization). Likewise, other terms sometimes
used include "manpower", "talent", "labour", or simply "people".

Human resource management (HRM or simply HR) is a function in organizations designed to

maximize employee performance in service of their employer‟s strategic objectives. HR is
primarily concerned with how people are managed within organizations, focusing on policies
and systems. HR departments and units in organizations are typically responsible for a number of
activities, including employee recruitment, training and development, performance appraisal, and
rewarding (e.g., managing pay and benefit systems). HR is also concerned with industrial
relations, that is, the balancing of organizational practices with regulations arising from
collective bargaining and governmental laws.

The major structure of human resources guidelines are a bit strict and hard than those aimed at
budgeting or accounting. Structurally, the processes are divided into Mandatory processes and
processes completed ONLY when necessary.

Mandatory processes include:

Identification of staff vacancies

Management of staff appointments

Annual recording and maintenance of educator data

Management of staff salaries

Management of attendance

Management of staff leave

Management of educator qualifications and specialisations

Management of educator workload and timetabling

Management of educator performance using the Integrated Quality

Management System (IQMS)

Management of Performance using the Performance Management

Development System (PMDS)

Processes completed only when necessary include:

Management of staff relocation

Management of staff resettlement

Management of staff state guarantee for a home loan

Management of injury on duty

Management of staff housing allowance

Management of staff laptop allowance

Management of staff disciplinary procedures

Management of staff termination of service

Management of staff pensions

Management of staff Subsistence & Travel (S & T)

Management of educator training and development using the Continuous

Professional Teacher Development (CPTD) system

Management of public service training and development

Management of staff bursaries

According to studies across the worlds, each process consists of various activities and is
described in terms of the following questions:

Who is the process applicable to?

What are the referral documents?

What is the procedure?

What are the audit requirements?

Who is responsible?

What are the templates/forms?

Taking a case study in developing guidelines for employment for example at Lungalunga
secondary, the questions could be partly answered as follows:

Human Resources Management (Staffing your school)

What the law says:

A charter school must employ or contract with necessary teachers/subordinate staff, as defined
by section 122A.15, subdivision 1, who hold valid qualification to perform the particular service
for which they are employed in the school. A person, holding a valid administrator‟s
qualification, may perform administrative, supervisory, or instructional leadership duties.
Human Resources management is a critical element to starting and operating successful rules of
employment in a school. A charter/employment rules for school needs a strong director. It also
needs talented, dedicated teachers, and a competent business staff. Human resources
management is the process through which you attract, train, motivate, evaluate, compensate and
retain these important people. Obviously, it is important for you to build and judiciously
maintain a human resource management system that meets the requirements of the law. At the
same time, your HR practices, at their heart, must be based on a commitment to fair and just
treatment of staff. Good HR practices should help you create a work environment that supports
your mission and encourages employees to develop and thrive.

Board Responsibilities

The Board is responsible for setting policy in areas related to human resources management,
including policies governing salaries and salary schedules, terms and conditions of employment,
fringe benefits, leave, and in-service training. In most schools, the Board hires the Director and
delegates to that person the tasks of recruiting, hiring, evaluating, promoting, and disciplining
staff (in accordance with established board policy) but for Lungalunga this can be done by the
principal or the recruitment board.

Position Descriptions

Accurate position descriptions are the backbone of a good HR system. A well-written position
description clarifies the responsibilities of a job, and the necessary skills, knowledge, and
experience for successful job performance. This information should be the basis for all
recruitment, hiring, training, performance appraisal, and disciplinary decisions. Good human
resource management decisions are “job related.”

To develop an effective position description, start by thinking about the critical responsibilities
of the job. What does this person need to do? How often does he/she need to do these things
(daily, weekly, monthly, as necessary)? Do the tasks involve working with students, other staff,
parents, or community members? How will you know that the job is being done well?

Next, think about the education, skills, and experiences necessary for successful performance of
these critical responsibilities. This may, for example, include a relevant bachelor‟s degree,
subject area licensure, knowledge of the UFARS accounting system, or fluency in a foreign

Finally, think about the education, skills, and experiences that would be helpful but are not
necessary critical to successful job performance. This might include additional years of teaching
experience, a master‟s degree, or experience working in a charter school.

Other information that you may want to include on the position description includes:

 A brief description/history of the organization

 Percentage and length of appointment – for example, “This is a full-time, 12-month
position.” Supervision (Who supervises this position?)

There are a number of different formats that can be used to organize and present this
information. Examples of several position descriptions can be found in the appendix. Important
things to remember about position descriptions:

Position descriptions should be viewed as “living documents.” In other words, to be effective,

they need to be continually updated. At a minimum, review and revision should be done
annually, as a standard part of the employee evaluation process. In this way, all position
descriptions remain current, and employees are reminded that their job responsibilities can be

Individual position descriptions within an organization should fit together like a mosaic, creating
a complete picture of staffing needs. Every critical task associated with operating your school
should appear on at least one person‟s position description.

Recruitment and Hiring

Hiring decisions are perhaps the most important decisions made by a school. Personnel costs are
likely to claim the largest share or your budget. Accomplishing your mission is dependent on
having the right staff. For these reasons, it is essential to include someone that has experience in
making personnel decisions in the hiring process. You will most likely want to have a hiring
committee of three or more people, to insure input from multiple stakeholders. Your committee
might include, for example, the Director/principal, teacher(s), parent(s), and student(s).

Timing is important. If at all possible, the hiring process should be designed to ensure that staff
is identified no later than June. Earlier is preferable. Where budgets allow, new schools should
consider hiring staff several weeks before the school actually opens, allowing them adequate
time to prepare. To accomplish this, the hiring process should begin in January.

The basic steps involved in an effective recruitment and hiring process are:

1. Develop the position description

2. Post and/or advertise the position

3. Receive and screen applications

4. Interview applicants

5. Check references

6. Make a hiring decision

7. Establish an employment contract

Develop a position description

An accurate, well-written job description forms the basis for the subsequent steps in the process.
The position description helps you clarify the job skills, knowledge and experience that you hope
to find in a new employee.

Post and/or advertise the position

Once you have an accurate position description, the actual search begins. This stage begs for
creativity. Think about where and how you might find applicants with the desired skills,
knowledge and experience. Also, think about how many applications you hope to receive. If you
believe that the number of available candidates is low and/or you would like to receive a large
number of applications, you may want to use several posting and advertising venues. Some
possibilities are:

The most obvious and overused is the major, posters in the Lungalunga market, other areas like
the DEOs office, churches and many more channels like use of parents.

Receive and screen applications

It makes good business sense to acknowledge receipt of applications, either in a brief email or
letter to each candidate. This practice communicates a level of professionalism that can help
build a reputation for the school that may be helpful in attracting quality applicants in the future.

Your hiring committee should design a screening tool to be used to decide which candidates will
be invited for an interview. At a minimum, the screening criteria should include the essential
knowledge, skills and experience listed on the job description. Desired knowledge, skills and
experience may also be used. Criteria can be prioritized and weighted. A sample-screening tool
is included in the appendix.


Once you have selected applicants to interview, prepare a list of interview qu estions that will
help you get the information you need from candidates. The most effective questions are open-

ended and related to past job performance. Open-ended questions encourage applicants to talk,
providing you with more information about their knowledge, skills, attitude toward learning, and
other important qualifications. Listening to the candidates, you should be able to get an idea
about their potential fit with the school culture. Will they work hard? Will they support your
pedagogical strategies? Are they team players? Questions about past job performance are
important because the best indicator of how an applicant will perform at your school is how they
have actually performed in other settings. For example, you might ask – “Please describe for us
the most successful things you have done with students and why you think they were

Federal, state and local civil rights laws in USA for example prohibit questions related to
protected classes. The following are protected classes:

Race/color/nationality/ethnicity, Gender, Religion, Age, Disability, Marital status, Political

affiliation and Sexual orientation.

You may want to do two interviews, an initial screening interview and a later, more in-depth
interview. You might decide, for example, to use a committee for initial interviews and have the
director or a lead teacher do a second interview with finalists. Use the same general questions
with all applicants. This doesn‟t mean that questions need to be asked verbatim, or that adlib
follow-up questions are necessarily improper. Effective interviews need to be somewhat flexible

If at all possible, you will want to see a teacher candidate in action before making a final hiring
decision. If an applicant is currently teaching in another school or student teaching, find out if
someone from your committee can visit his/her classroom and observe. If your school is already
open, you may want to invite the most promising candidates to guest-teach for a small portion of
the day.

Check references and credentials

Always check references. Reference checking can be done at any stage in the hiring process.
You might, for example, want to check references before actually interviewing a candidate. This
can be particularly wise if the candidate is from another state. You may want to check references

between first and second interviews, or before inviting a candidate to guest-teach. Get
permission from applicants to check references.

Reference questions should be job related and consistently applied. As with interview questions,
the best reference questions are open-ended and related to actual job performance. For example,
you might ask:” Can you give me an example of something particularly creative that Mary has
done with her class?” Obviously, you will want to talk with references that have actual first-hand
knowledge of the applicant‟s job performance.

Always verify necessary professional licensure before making an offer. Criminal background
checks must also be completed before actual hiring. Applicants should be told that their
employment is contingent upon the outcome of background checks and must sign a consent
form. Background checks are done through the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension.

The hiring decision

The entire hiring committee or a single person, most likely the Director/principal, must take
responsibility for the hiring decision, choosing the candidate who most closely meets the
requirements of the job. If it is a committee decision, you may want to have committee members
make written recommendations.

What records do you need to keep?

Applications, interview notes, postings and advertisements and other supporting documentation
should be retained for one year after the hiring decision is made.

The employment contract

When you are ready to make a job offer, you will need to have a contract ready for signature. A
contract does not need to take any special form in order to be binding. Often, it is designed as an
“offer letter” that includes the position title, salary, days of work, benefits, leave policy, and
other pertinent employment information. Most government schools are “at-will” employers. This
means that employment is based on mutual consent between the school and the employee. Either
party has the right to terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without cause or
advance notice. An employee can walk away from a contract any time, for any reason. The

school can do the same. This can be important in cases where a school does not meet enrollment
projections and must make the painful decision to cut staff positions. Also, it provides flexibility
to remove a problem employee.

A prospective employee may be concerned about signing a contract that would allow their
employer to terminate them for “any reason.” You should be open to discussing these concerns.
Often, it is helpful to talk about your commitment to open communication. Employees should be
assured that there would never be “surprises.” Budget and performance concerns would be
discussed with they as they occur, and that there would always be opportunity for feedback.

Orientation and Induction

Every new employee should be given a copy of their position description and a staff handbook
that contains board policies related to their employment. Employees should sign a form
indicating that they have received and read the policies. A sample form is included in the
appendix. You will also need to have new employees complete forms necessary for payroll (W-
4), Employment Eligibility Verification (Form I-9), retirement benefits (PERA and TRA), and
other employee benefits specific to your school. All Kenyan employers are required to complete
and retain a Form I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification) for each employee. This includes
citizens and non-citizens. On the form, the employer must verify employment eligibility and the
identity documents presented by the employee.

Question Four

Prepare a funding proposal for a project that could benefit your school.

Proposal for Funding


Lungalunga Secondary School


Lungalunga Secondary School: Request for Funding


LLSS – Lungalunga Secondary School

AIM - African Inland Mission

AIC - African Inland Church

KCSE - Kenya Certifi cate of Secondary Education

BOG - Board of Governors

PTA - Parents Teachers‟ Association

NEMA - National Environmental Management Authority

LLS School is a girl boarding secondary school, and boy‟s day school in Lungalunga
constituency in Kwale county of Kenya. The school is DEB-sponsored though other sponsors
like the Muslim community, the African Inland Church mission in Kenya and the Catholic
Church have had some effects previously. In the past years, the school has experienced
tremendous growth in terms of enrolment. This has majorly been due to improved academic
performance that peaked in 2013 with the KCSE grade of A- minus being achieved. In the results
of 2014 it produced over 10 students who qualified for entry in universities for various degree

Being the only girls‟ boarding school and boys‟ day school in the region, this growth has become
a challenge due to increased need and desire for more secondary school spaces in the
Lungalunga region. This pressure has led to over enrolment leading to congestion. The school
management has, therefore, decided to fundraise to construct an additional dormitory, which will
decongest the existing ones, and create space for more girls to be enrolled. LLSS has potential to
increase its enrolment from the current 320 to 720. With the help of donors, a new dormitory can
be constructed. Please join us for the sake of the girl child to make this dream a reality. The
existing dormitories are too small to accommodate more students. An additional dormitory is


1.1 History of LLSS

The history of LLSS dates back to the late 19 th Century when the first African Inland Mission
missionary team landed in Mombasa. The team led by Peter Cameron Scott, were motivated to
spread the gospel in Kenya. The missionary team in later years, established a mission station in
Rabai, which comprised of a hospital, theological college and several schools. LLSS is a DEB
funded schools are run at the liberal values of all the religions .These includes love, respect, self-
control and fear of God. LLSS is a public school that offers the secondary school cycle of the 8-
4-4 system of education. Located in coast Province, it was started in 1987.The school lies on
over fifty acres of land, part of which is a forest inhabited by friendly baboons/monkeys that
interact well with the school community. It is also surrounded by a very supportive Christian and
Muslim community of the Kijabe Mission. Part of the school is a forest that has friendly
baboons/monkeys that interact well with the school community.

The school serves 380 students from all the Districts of Kwale County. Most of these students
come from humble backgrounds. LLSS is the only district girls‟ boarding school and boys‟ day
school in Lungalunga Constituency and District which was part of the larger Msambweni

LLSS is in the forefront of ensuring that girls enroll and stay in school and thus helps girls gain
access to or create new educational, financial, and social resources in their communities. The
school‟s inspiration is to help girls improve their own lives, the lives of their families and the
conditions in their communities when they become women. The most important dream for
parents – and especially mothers - is ensuring their daughters have access to basic education, are
able to make informed decisions about their futures, and are able to protect themselves from
trafficking, sexual exploitation, HIV and AIDS, among other problems.

By improving access to educational opportunities, LLSS helps girls develop skills that allow
them to make decisions and influence community change in key areas. This has had positive
impact by reducing HIV and AIDS among girls, enhancing peace and security, and has helped

reduce the gap between the rich and the poor in Kenya. Education also helps men and women
claim their rights and realize their potential in the economic, political and social arenas. It is also
the single most powerful way to lift people out of poverty. Education plays a particularly
important role as a foundation for girls‟ development towards adult life. It should be an intrinsic
part of any development to address the gender-based discrimination against the girl child that
remains prevalent in many societies.

Though the Government of Kenya has made significant steps to reduce gender parity in
education, gender inequality in education is still rampant particularly in the rural and
marginalized areas. Studies indicate that girls are less likely to access school, remain in school or
to achieve high standards of performance in examinations than boys due to sociocultural barriers.
LLSS endeavors to bridge these gaps by empowering the girl child who for a long time was not
given priority in the family for educational support.

1.2 School Mission

The school doesn‟t have a developed mission statement so far put in place.

1.3 School Aim

The school aims at producing fully-fledged individuals who are productive in the society.

1.5 School Motto

Elimu Ni Ufunguo wa Maisha.

1.5 Key Achievements of the School

1.5.1 Academic Achievements

LLSS has performed relatively well in national examinations in the past years, with over 20
students going to university over the past 6 years. Despite the challenges experienced, the school
has strived to offer holistic education, for spiritual, social, physical and intellectual growth of the
girls, and this is indicated by the results the school has been posting over the years, as seen in
Table 1 below.


2010 3.75

2011 4.1

2012 3.8

2013 3.7

Table 1: KCSE mean score of LLSS from 2010-2013

1.5.2 Extra-Curricular Activities

Extra-curricular activities also form part of the school‟s programmes. These include activities
such as music, soccer, volley ball, science congress, among others. LLSS has received several
awards in regional and national competitions. These programmes provide a balance to the intense
academic life of the school. Girls and boys learn the importance of physical fitness through
games such as school-wide cross-country runs, as well as the value of teamwork and good
sportsmanship in both individual and team sports. LLSS competes against other schools in all
these sports. The girls and boys are organized into several clubs like the Wildlife Club, which
ensures that the baboons from the neighbouring forest are not interfered with or harassed. There
are clubs like the Debating Society, Subject-Based Clubs, Drama and Peer Counselors clubs. The
Girl Guides Movement, the St. John‟s Ambulance and the Young Farmers‟ Club also have
memberships from the girls‟ fraternity. The school encourages every students to participate in at
least two extra-curricular activities with the guidance of the teachers.


2.1 The Board of Governors (BOG)

The BOG is the overall management organ of the school. The BOG consists of a Chairman,
Secretary and members. The Principal is the Chief Executive Officer of the school, and the
Secretary to the Board. It should be noted that all the transactions by either the executive
committee or the Secretary are endorsed by the full Board of Governors. LLSS has had a
committed Board that has played its role very well. Its core functions include:

• Planning and development of physical facilities for the purpose of learning and teaching in the

• Sourcing and management of school finances which includes receiving all fees, grants from
public funds, donations and any other income to the school. The Board is required to prepare,
approve and implement both the recurrent and development budgets of the school.

• Organize, direct, supervise and monitor approved projects and programmes in the school, with
the help of professional and relevant stakeholders.

• Recruit, appoint and discipline the non-teaching staff in the school.

• The Teachers Service Commission seconds the teaching staff to the Board for service in the

• Ensure the discipline of teachers and students under the general guidance of the TSC and the
Ministry of Education respectively.

• Regulate the admission of girls subject to the general direction of the Director of Education.

The LLSS Board of Governors is guided by;

• (The education Act chapter 211 of the Laws of Kenya (Revised 1980).

• The Teachers Service Commission Act Chapter 212 (1967) of the laws of Kenya.

• The Teachers Service Commission code of regulations for Teachers (Revised 1986)

• The code of management for secondary schools and teachers training college approved by the
Minister for Education, (Order of 1969).

• The Kenya National Examination Council Act Chapter 225A (Revised). Another body that also
manages the affairs of the school is the Parents and Teachers Association (PTA). PTA is a body
that brings together the teaching staff and the parents of the school. This body has office bearers
that include the Chairman, Secretary, who is the Principal of the school and class representatives.
This body generally provides the funds approved by the BOG for the development of the school.

Both BOG and PTA through their office bearers and membership have steered the school
academic standards to a level that is admirable and this is seen through the consistent good
performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education Examinations.

2.2 Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff

The school has a highly motivated and committed teaching staff of twenty teachers spearheaded
by the school principal. All the teachers possess great qualifications and experience in teaching
the girls. There is also a non-teaching staff of 10 members. This group plays a major role in
ensuring the smooth day to day running of the school. The teaching and non-teaching staff has
contributed tremendously to the growth and success of the school.

2.3 Curriculum

Students are admitted into Form One having successfully completed their Primary School
Education and they leave after four years in Form Four. During this time, they undergo a
complete metamorphosis in the cognitive attitude and psychomotor domains. LLSS provides the
8-4-4 syllabus under the aegis of the Kenya National Curriculum. The examinable subjects
offered are: English, Kiswahili, Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, History, Geography,
Christian Religious Education, Home Science, Computer Studies, French, Agriculture and
Business Studies. Physical Education is a non-examinable subject offered in all classes. Students
in Forms One and Two do a total of eleven subjects.

At the end of Form Two, the students make subject selection adhering to the guidelines given by
the careers department.


The school‟s bid to fulfill the Ministerial directive to expand its facilities from a two-streamed to
a three-streamed school in 2006 due to the increased demand in the locality has brought serious
infrastructural needs. Despite LLSS‟s rapid increase in enrolment over the years, no dormitory
has been constructed, and the school class was converted into a dormitory in 2013 to
accommodate the increasing number of girls. In fact the girls now use triple-decker beds due to
the limited space available. Currently, the girls are forced to live in highly unsuitable cramped
and ill-equipped conditions. An additional modern dormitory is, therefore, required to de-congest

the existing facilities and accommodate new girls. The girls, majority of whom were born after
1995, need new and modern facilities to provide an environment conducive for learning so as to
exploit their untapped great potentials.

Triple decker beds are now used due to limited space in the dormitories. To ensure proper
learning and ability to compete favourably in national examinations and other competitions, an
additional dormitory accommodating at least 230 girls has been planned and funds are being
mobilized for the project. The parents‟ contributions are inadequate for putting up a new
dormitory. Each parent contributes Ksh. 2000 towards school development, and this has been
used to procure facilities and pay for school maintenance.

The school is therefore seeking other fundraising means such as grants, loans and donations to fi
nance the building of the dormitory. A quotation of the proposed dormitory block has been
procured from the Ministry of Roads and Public Works. Funds are also being sought to build
additional classrooms, laboratory, a school boardroom and a spacious staff room, a well-
equipped library, staff houses, water harvesting system, sewage system, cooking stoves,
constructing a secure gate and sinking a borehole. In addition, donors are being sought to assist
in providing capital for starting income generating projects such as dairy farming, crop farming,
school bakery, poultry farming and bee keeping. All these items need at least Ksh. 100 million.
The school community is taking a step at a time, with urgent items being dealt with first when
funds are available.

3.1 The Request

LLSS is seeking funding of Ksh. 38,808,080.00 to fund the construction of a two-storied

dormitory, which will house 480 girls. The dormitory will accommodate 240 double-decker
beds, and space for reading and losets. This will enable the school to ease congestion and admit
more girls, as has been suggested by the Ministry of Education.

There are many girls in LLSS who come from very humble homes. Most of these girls are very
keen to learn and are very bright. However, due to the need to have their school fees paid, their
learning is interrupted from time to time when they have to be sent home to get their parents to
meet the school administration to discuss the issue of unpaid fees.

Request for Funding The PTA and the BOG have a bursary fund that has assisted some alleviate
the problem of fees payment. The government, through the Constituency bursary fund, has also
been assisting. Despite all these sources the problem of fees payment still remains a great
challenge. It is on this background that LLSS is making a special appeal to well wishers to
contribute monetary emoluments and otherwise to enable the school improve on its existing
facilities so as to sustain the high academic standards which have been its underlying signature.

Benefits of the New Dormitory

This project is intended to benefit the girls directly and indirectly. Given our location and status
as a District School in Kwale, it will also benefit quite a number of other schools which have
always looked up to us. Any developments we have made have been an inspiration to them, and
our model of success .The old dormitories are congested and lacking basic structural and
architectural facilities like toilets and bathrooms, meaning the girls have to leave their
dormitories even at night, despite the usually extreme weather conditions, so as to access the pit
latrines and bathrooms constructed away from the dormitories. This prevents the girls from being
productive as a lot of time is wasted. The new dormitory will address these problems.

The new dormitory will be large enough to accommodate reading space for every girl thus
enabling them private time for own study and meditation. Along with improvements in academic
performance that are expected due to the psychological relief given to the girls in getting a new
dormitory, the girls‟ discipline is also expected to improve tremendously, as congestion
encourages bullying and other bad social habits. The school also expects a decrease in girls‟
illness. The current congestion in the dormitories is likely to cause epidemics. With adequate
housing, proper sanitization of the dormitory will be observed and this will lead to the prevention
of outbreaks of infectious diseases. Construction of a new dormitory will also provide job
opportunities to the neighbouring community, which is very supportive and relates well with us.

3.3 Project Management

The project will be managed by the School‟s Board of Governors. The school‟s tendering
committee, which has been constituted in line with the latest government policy of managing
public funds, will be charged with the responsibility of coordinating the purchases of all

requirements and hiring of any technical assistance. This will ensure that the school benefits
from the advantages of open bidding.

3.4 How a Donation May Be Recognized

A range of opportunities for recognition are available, depending on the level of donation made,
and will be negotiated on an individual, tailormade basis with the donor. This may include:

I. The opportunity to have a dormitory to be named after the donor and feature on a specially
prepared honours board at LLSS. A group name will be entered where donors have joined
together to build the dormitory.

II. The opportunity of knowing the name and details of whichever girl is benefiting from the
constructed dormitory at any time. If desired, the donor may meet or correspond with the
benefiting girls and asses the impacts of the build dormitory from time to time.

III. The school will organize a special reception to thank the donors. Where donors have joined
together to build the dormitory, one representative may be nominated as the correspondent.

IV. A framed „Thank You‟ certificate. These certificates may be signed and presented by the
B.O.G Chairman, LLSS, Endowment committee or an invited distinguished guest.


4.1 Project Planning

A feasibility study of the new dormitory will initially address a range of issues. An examination
of site considerations is followed by the development of an overall master plan. In refining this,
the principal consultant (usually an architect acting on behalf of the school) will develop a more
detailed schematic and design. At each of these planning stages, the school and its consultant
will liaise with the Ministry of Public Works to evaluate the design solution under consideration.

The BOG will supervise the construction contract on behalf of the school‟s donors, including all
documentation, progress payments, contract variations and reporting. Any input by a donor on
the monitoring and management of this project is also welcome.

4.2 Construction Plan

4.2.1 Architectural plan

The architectural plan has been attached as Appendix.

4.2.2 Environmental and Legal requirements

The school will seek mandate for the building of the new dormitory from the National
Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) which will asses the impact of the new building
on the environment.

4.3 Transition Plan

The Principal with the help of the School‟s boarding master and other teachers will ensure that
there is a smooth transition of the girls from the old dilapidated dormitories to the new and
modern one.

4.3 Maintenance Plan

The Board of Governors and the Parents and Teachers Association will ensure that the new
dormitory is well maintained by setting aside funds from the school fees dedicated towards
maintaining the dormitory through the Repairs and Maintenances Vote.

4.4 Security Plan

LLSS has reliable security personnel who will limit the access to the new dormitory authorized
persons only. The school will fit the building with necessary equipments like fi re extinguishers
and train girls on what to do incase of an emergency. The school will also take an insurance
cover for the building.

4.5 Proposed Work Schedule

1. Date
2. Activity Rationale Person
1.January 2015 to February 2016

2.Fundraising (Donors & Sponsors)

To raise Ksh. 39,808,080.00

3.BOG and PTA

1.March 2015 to June 2015

2. Project Planning To meet the legal and procurement requirements.

3.Donors, Sponsors, BOG and PTA

1.July 2015 to April 2016

2.Construction Actual building of dormitory

3.Contractor, Donors, Sponsors, PTA, BOG

1. May 2016
2. Handing over Thanks giving & appreciation to donors & sponsors

June 2016 Transition Girls start using the new dormitory.


LLSS: Request for Funding Item Name Material (

Ksh.) Labor (
Ksh.) Equipment (
Ksh.) Total (

Excavation -
900,000.00 120,000.00 1,020,000.00
Piers, Flatwork 2,200,000.00 850,000.00 220,000.00 3,270,000.00
Rough Hardware 250,000.00 95,000.00 80,000.00 425,000.00
Masonry Frame 2,500,240.00 2,500,000.00 210,000.00 5,210,240.00
Insulation 2,000,000.00 206,000.00 -- 2,206,000.00
Exterior Finish 2,500,000.00 900,000.00 250,000.00 3,650,000.00
Exterior Trim 150,000.00 250,000.00 50,000.00 450,000.00
Doors 250,000.00 150,000.00 -
Windows 381,600.00 172,160.00 -
Finish Hardware 36,880.00 20,560.00 -
Flashing, Fascia 1,013,760.00 564,400.00 -
Finish Carpentry 106,240.00 355,040.00 -
Interior Wall
Finish 509,760.00 522,480.00 -
Painting 304,560.00 472,000.00 -
Wiring 309,280.00 387,520.00 -

Kijabe Girls’ High School: Request for Funding
Lighting Fixtures 231,840.00 48,400.00 -
Flooring 879,000.00 271,760.00 -
Bath Accessories 112,320.00 45,920.00 -
Shower &
Enclosure 271,680.00 39,920.00 -
Countertops 516,800.00 120,560.00 -
Cabinets 912,720.00 148,720.00 -
Built In
Appliances 346,800.00 32,160.00 -
Rough-in and
Connection 412,240.00 664,560.00 62,000.00 1,138,800.00
Fixtures 1,237,520.00 176,080.00 -
Heating and
Cooling Systems 1,989,680.00 2,984,560.00 -
Fireplace and

Chimney 174,720.00 262,080.00 -
Subtotal Direct
Job Costs 19,597,640.00 13,139,880.00 992,000.00 33,729,520.00
Breakdown of Dormitory Construction Costs CONTINUED

LLSS: Request for Funding

Final Cleanup -
119,120.00 -
Insurance 834,000.00 -
Permits &
Utilities 506,320.00 -
Plans &
Specs 119,120.00 -
Indirect Job
Costs 1,459,440.00 119,120.00 -
costs 350,000.00 150,000.00 500,000.00
Markup -
4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00
Total Cost 19,295,520.00 11,881,040.00 689,200.00 39,808,080.00

Request for Funding
Lungalunga Secondary
P.O Box 09, LUNGALUNGA, Kenya.



Investment Opportunities in Kwale County. Webpage:

Visited 9th February,2015.

Education Population Reference Bureau (EPRB). Website: Visited 12 January,


Sang J. and Wambui C.(2010).Horticultural harvesting project among the Digo community in
Msambweni, Msambweni district in Kenya, UNEP and RELMA-in-ICRAF.

Sustainable Global Gardens. Webpage: . Visited 12 January, 2015.

UNICEF. (2014). Evaluation of the Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting Project, Water, Environment
and Sanitation Section, UNICEF, New Delhi, India.

Vankoppen, B. (2013). Water and Education reform in Sub-Saharan Africa: what is the
difference? Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, vol. 28, issue 20-27, pp. 1047-1053


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