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ACT, 1872
Ashwini Vaidialingam*
§§65A and 65B of the Evidence Act, 1872 were introduced in 2000 with the
aim to lay down admissibility standards for electronic evidence in courts.
However, this attempt at standardization has not seen much success and
there has been significant divergence in practice in courts across India.
Recently the Supreme Court in P.V. Anvar v. P.K. Basheer attempted to ad-
dress this problem by explaining and laying down the requirements under

This paper argues that while the Supreme Court in Anvar may have been
well-intended, it has misstated the position of law. First, the provision has
been read in a manner that contravenes principles of statutory interpre-
tation. Second, the Supreme Court has improperly restricted the possible
methods of authentication to only ‘certificates’ under §65B(4). At the same
time, there are problems with how §65B, as originally drafted, attempts to
offset questions of accuracy and reliability. Accordingly, this paper, on an
examination of practices followed by other common law countries, recom-
mends the adoption of an entirely different model of authenticating elec-
tronic evidence.

It is trite knowledge that world’s transactions are increasingly
electronic in nature. One inevitable outcome of this proliferation is that courts
have been compelled to take cognizance of electronic evidence, from CCTV
footage to emails, making their contributions are crucial. However, despite
their evidentiary relevance, electronic records suffer from problems that their
physical counterparts do not. Electronic data is easy to create, copy, alter, de-
stroy, and transfer from one medium to another. In short, by their very nature,
electronic records can be easily manipulated. Consequently, their accuracy and
reliability is frequently suspect. This creates a conflict between the relevancy

5th year student, B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) National Law School of India University, Bangalore. I
would like to express my sincere gratitude to Ms. Mannat Sabhikhi, Ms. Ritika Sinha, Ms.
Deekshitha Ganesan and Mr. Abhinav Sekhri for their advice and encouragement
44 NUJS LAW REVIEW 8 NUJS L. R ev. 43 (2015)

and admissibility of electronic evidence, something that has been recognized

by jurisdictions across the world.1

In 2000, §65B was inserted into the Indian Evidence Act, 1872
(‘Evidence Act’) 2 in an attempt to modernize Indian evidentiary practices and
help our courts deal with the advances in technology. The provision deems
computer output such as printouts, CDs, data on hard disks etc. to be ‘docu-
ments’ under the Evidence Act, thus making them admissible in court.3 It si-
multaneously seeks to ensure the reliability and accuracy of such evidence by
demanding that certain conditions listed under §65B (2) be met.4

Despite the good intentions behind this amendment, the provision

has been controversial.5 This is primarily because High Courts in their treat-
ment of electronic evidence under §65B have been inconsistent and arbitrary.
Due to different courts demanding different methods for the fulfillment of the
conditions laid down in §65B(2), there has been tremendous lack of uniformity.
This variation in practice not only inconveniencies litigants, it also creates pos-
sibilities for the derailment of justice.

Recently, the Supreme Court sought to put to rest all these con-
troversies in Anvar P.V. v. P.K. Basheer (‘Anvar’).6 To create uniformity in
practice, the Court interpreted §65B as mandating one specific authentication
method: a certificate as described under §65B(4) as a necessary precondition
for admissibility of electronic evidence.7 This paper seeks to examine the posi-
tion of law on electronic evidence in light of this decision.

For example, South Africa, USA, Ireland, Singapore etc. See generally Murdoch Watney,
Admissibility of Electronic Evidence in Criminal Proceedings: An Outline of the South
African Legal Position, 1 Int’l JL & IT. (2009); J.S. Givens, The Admissibility of Electronic
Evidence at Trial: Courtroom Admissibility Standards, Cumberland Law R ev. 95 (2003-04);
Law R eform Commission, Ireland, Documentary and Electronic Evidence, LRC CP 57 –
2009, 2009; Technology Law Development Group: Singapore University of Law, Computer
Output as Evidence, September, 2003, available at
PublicationFiles/Sep_03_ComputerOutput.pdf (Last visited on February 8, 2016).
Information Technology Act, 2000, Schedule II, Entry 9.
See generally Indian Evidence Act, 1872, §65B.
See Apar Gupta, How to rely upon an email in court, December 14, 2011, available at http:// (Last visited on January 20, 2016);
Bhairav Acharya, Anvar v. Basheer and the New (Old) Law of Electronic Evidence, September
25, 2014, available at
law-of-electronic-evidence (Last visited on January 20, 2016); Aradhya Sethia, Where do
we stand on ‘secondary electronic evidence’?, October 16, 2014, available at http://spicyip.
com/2014/10/guest-post-where-do-we-stand-on-secondary-electronic-evidence.html (Last
visited on January 20, 2016).
Anvar P.V. v. P.K. Basheer, (2014) 10 SCC 473.

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Part II of this paper discusses the position of law that prevailed

prior to Anvar. This is done by first examining §65B and the way in which it
fits within the framework of the Evidence Act. I then examine the way in which
courts before Anvar understood and enforced the conditions for admissibility
under §65B. In Part III, I provide a detailed analysis to the decision in Anvar,
arguing that the approach taken by the Supreme Court is contrary to estab-
lished principles of statutory interpretation. Not only has the Court misread
many parts of the provision, but it has also willfully read in new requirements
to suit its needs. Of the many conclusions the Supreme Court arrives at through
this approach, the specific conclusion regarding the method of authenticating
the electronic evidence is the focus of Part IV. Given the language of §65B, it
is important to determine whether the approach that regards the availability of
a ‘certificate’ (or the lack thereof) in respect of a particular piece of electronic
evidence, as the necessary precondition and the sole ground for determination
of its admissibility, is correct or not. On a reading of the Evidence Act and de-
cided cases, I argue that this limitation that Anvar imposes is incorrect. Finally,
in Part V, I examine contemporary practices in other jurisdictions. Based on
their experiences, I propose the adoption of a different model for authenticating
electronic evidence.



The Information Technology Act, 2000 was enacted with a view

to regulate e-commerce transactions.8 In furtherance of this, amendments to
Chapter V of the Evidence Act dealing with documentary evidence were intro-
duced. §§ 65A and 65B were introduced as special law regulating the admis-
sibility of electronic evidence, which was rapidly making its presence felt in
Indian courts.9

The only perceivable purpose of §65A is to refer to §65B, which

then elaborately describes the method of authenticating electronic evidence.10
Thus, the crux of the debate on electronic evidence lies squarely in the domain
of §65B.11 Sub-section (1) of the provision opens with a declaration that any
This can be inferred from the Preamble to the IT Act, 2000, which reads: “An Act to provide
legal recognition for transactions carried out by means of electronic date interchange and
other means of electronic communication, commonly referred to as electronic commerce…”
The 2008 amendments to the Act, however, expanded the scope of the statute significantly.
Information Technology Act, 2000, Schedule II, Entry 9.
It is interesting to note that §65A states: “Special provisions as to evidence relating to elec-
tronic record- The contents of electronic records may be proved in accordance with the pro-
visions of § 65B.” (emphasis added). This could arguably be interpreted as permitting the
proving of the contents of electronic records in any other manner, including under §§ 61-65.
Indian Evidence Act, 1872 §65B (It states:
“65B. Admissibility of electronic records.-

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(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, any information contained in an elec-
tronic record which is printed on a paper, stored, recorded or copied in optical or magnetic
media produced by a computer (hereinafter referred to as the computer output) shall be
deemed to be also a document, if the conditions mentioned in this section are satisfied in
relation to the information and computer in question and shall be admissible in any pro-
ceedings, without further proof or production of the original, as evidence of any contents
of the original or of any fact stated therein of which direct evidence would be admissible.
(2) The conditions referred to in sub-section (1) in respect of a computer output shall be the
following, namely:—
(a) the computer output containing the information was produced by the computer during
the period over which the computer was used regularly to store or process information
for the purposes of any activities regularly carried on over that period by the person
having lawful control over the use of the computer;
(b) during the said period, information of the kind contained in the electronic record or
of the kind from which the information so contained is derived was regularly fed into
the computer in the ordinary course of the said activities;
(c) throughout the material part of the said period, the computer was operating properly
or, if not, then in respect of any period in which it was not operating properly or was
out of operation during that part of the period, was not such as to affect the electronic
record or the accuracy of its contents; and
(d) the information contained in the electronic record reproduces or is derived from such
information fed into the computer in the ordinary course of the said activities.
(3) Where over any period, the function of storing or processing information for the purposes
of any activities regularly carried on over that period as mentioned in clause (a) of sub-
section (2) was regularly performed by computers, whether—
(a) by a combination of computers operating over that period; or
(b) by different computers operating in succession over that period; or
(c) by different combinations of computers operating in succession over that period; or
(d) in any other manner involving the successive operation over that period, in whatever
order, of one or more computers and one or more combinations of computers, all the
computers used for that purpose during that period shall be treated for the purposes
of this section as constituting a single computer; and references in this section to a
computer shall be construed accordingly.
(4) In any proceedings where it is desired to give a statement in evidence by virtue of this
section, a certificate doing any of the following things, that is to say,—
(a) identifying the electronic record containing the statement and describing the manner
in which it was produced;
(b) giving such particulars of any device involved in the production of that electronic
record as may be appropriate for the purpose of showing that the electronic record was
produced by a computer;
(c) dealing with any of the matters to which the conditions mentioned in sub-section
(2) relate, and purporting to be signed by a person occupying a responsible official
position in relation to the operation of the relevant device or the management of the
relevant activities (whichever is appropriate) shall be evidence of any matter stated in
the certificate; and for the purposes of this sub-section it shall be sufficient for a mat-
ter to be stated to the best of the knowledge and belief of the person stating it.
(5) For the purposes of this section,—
(a) information shall be taken to be supplied to a computer if it is supplied thereto in any
appropriate form and whether it is so supplied directly or (with or without human
intervention) by means of any appropriate equipment;
(b) whether in the course of activities carried on by any official information is supplied
with a view to its being stored or processed for the purposes of those activities by a
computer operated otherwise than in the course of those activities, that information,
if duly supplied to that computer, shall be taken to be supplied to it in the course of
those activities;

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information contained in electronic records that is transferred on to any media

such as a CD or a USB device (referred to as ‘computer output’) will be admis-
sible in court as evidence of the electronic record.12 That is, parties are not
obligated to produce the original record, which may be present on a desktop
computer or a remote server, and which is difficult (if not impossible) to bring
to court.13 This enabling provision creates an exception to the common law evi-
dentiary principle that where an original document is available, no secondary
document may be produced.14

This leeway that §65B(1) grants is subject to one caveat of cer-

tain conditions listed in §65B(2)15 relating to the information and computer in
question being satisfied. These conditions seek to ensure that output was gener-
ated and the computer was used lawfully in the ordinary course of business.
Specifically, they require the following: first, the computer must have produced
the output in a period when it was regularly used to store/process informa-
tion for activities regularly carried out by a person in lawful control over it.16
Second, during that period of time, said information must have been regularly
fed into the system in the ordinary course of said activities.17 Third, the com-
puter should have been operating properly, if it was not working, then it must
have been such as to not affect the electronic record or the accuracy of the
information contained in it.18 Finally, the information in the electronic record
must be a copy of, or derived from, the information that was fed into the com-
puter in the ordinary course of the activities.19

These four conditions are accompanied by the use of ‘and’ as a

conjunction, indicating that all the conditions must necessarily be complied
with. These conditions are crucial to §65B, introduced to counter the problems
of accuracy and reliability that beleaguer electronic evidence.20

(c) a computer output shall be taken to have been produced by a computer whether it was
produced by it directly or (with or without human intervention) by means of any ap-
propriate equipment.
Explanation.—For the purposes of this section any reference to information being derived
from other information shall be a reference to its being derived therefrom by calculation,
comparison or any other process.”).
Indian Evidence Act, 1872, §65B(1).
This can be compared to §65(d), Indian Evidence Act, 1872, which allows secondary evidence
where “the original is of such a nature as not to be easily movable”.
This is also known as the ‘best evidence’ rule. See H alsbury’s Laws of England, Vol. 17, ¶138
(4th ed., 1973); R atanlal and Dhirajlal, Law of Evidence (23rd ed., 2014); Bank of India v.
Alibhoy Mohammed, 2008 SCC OnLine Bom 91 : AIR 2008 Bom 81; Bimla Rohal v. Usha,
(2002) 2 Shim LC 341 (In our Evidence Act, this principle is codified in §64 and §65 for physi-
cal documents).
Indian Evidence Act, 1872, §65B(2).
Id., §65B(2)(a).
Id., §65B(2)(b).
Id., §65B(2)(c).
Id., §65B(2)(d).
See infra Part IV (A) for more discussion on the nature of §65B(2).

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48 NUJS LAW REVIEW 8 NUJS L. R ev. 43 (2015)

The other key sub-section is §65B(4),21 which speaks of a ‘cer-

tificate’ in relation to the electronic record. The provision makes a certificate
containing information under clauses (a), (b), or (c) of sub-section (4), evidence
of the matter that it states. For example, if a certificate for a CD is issued under
clause (a), it will identify the CD as containing the statement sought to be in-
troduced in court and describe the manner in which it was produced (whether
through a computer or a laptop, what was the software used etc.). This identi-
fication and description need not be corroborated by further proof, if a person
“occupying a responsible official position in relation to the operation of the
relevant device or the management of the relevant activities”22 signs the certifi-
cate, the details are assumed to be true. This is equally applicable to clauses (b)
and (c) of sub-section (4). The question whether this ‘certificate’ is mandatory
or not and whether it is the only way one may satisfy the conditions under §65B
(2) has long been the bone of contention.23 This is addressed in greater detail in
Parts III and IV of this paper.

The remaining sub-sections of §65B (3) and (5) are largely techni-
cal in nature, relating to the nature of the computer and methods of supplying
and producing information.24 They have, thus far, remained controversy-free.

When one breaks §§ 65A and 65B down in this manner, it be-
comes apparent that the two provisions mirror §§ 61-65 of the Evidence Act.
The language in §65A echoes that of §61. The electronic record in its original
form (on the computer/remote server) is equivalent to primary evidence, as
defined by §62. If this original record and not the computer output is produced,
it is possible to circumvent the conditions stipulated in §65B(2). This is simi-
lar to §64 which declares the “existence, condition, or contents”25 of physical
documents proved, when they are produced in its original form. Finally, the
computer output referred to in §65B(1) can be compared to secondary evidence
under §63(2) or (3),26 depending on the process by which it was created. Just
as §65B(2) conditions need to be satisfied for computer output, secondary evi-
dence is permissible only if it falls under §65.27

The fact that such extensive comparison to the original provisions

in Chapter V of the Evidence Act is possible raises two questions. First, whether
there is a requirement of §§ 65A and 65B. Second, whether the purview of §§ 61
to 65 is broad enough and equally capable of dealing with electronic evidence.

Indian Evidence Act, 1872, §65B(4).
Id., §65B(4). See Part IV (B) for more discussion on who this person “occupying a responsible
official position…” can be.
See infra Part II (B), III & IV.
Indian Evidence Act, 1872 §§65B(3) & (5).
Id., §65.
Id., §63.
Id., §65.

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The answer to the former appears to be in the affirmative. With

respect to the second question, while it is true that §§ 61 to 65 of the Evidence
Act are broad enough to cover electronic evidence themselves, such an ap-
proach would have led to electronic evidence being treated the same way as
physical evidence. This would not have taken into account their particular un-
reliability. Not only does electronic evidence carry with it the usual problems
of deliberate or accidental human error that traditional evidence does, it poses
additional problems such as hardware failure, software glitches, and the com-
parative ease of tampering and manipulation.28 These problems are beyond the
comprehension of traditional evidence law. It is in recognition of this that sev-
eral countries have introduced special laws to deal with electronic evidence.29
In the words of one preamble, the purpose of these special laws is to “facilitat[e]
and regulat[e]…electronic communications and transactions” while simultane-
ously “prevent[ing] abuse of information systems”.30

In India, the introduction of §§ 65A and 65B, with their elaborate

conditions and safeguards was the corresponding attempt to solve these unique
problems. The provisions were meant to provide guidance and lay down stand-
ardized procedure for trial courts to follow, so that they could deal with the new
challenges thrown up by technological advances. However, as the next section
demonstrates, the divergent attitudes taken by trial courts towards electronic
evidence, has frustrated both these aspirations.


The test for admissibility under § 65B was considered for the
first time in 2003 in State v. Mohd. Afzal (‘Mohd. Afzal’),31 also known as the
Parliament Attack case. The Division Bench of the Delhi High Court was called
upon to determine whether the call records in evidence had been admitted in
accordance with §65B. The appellant-accused contended that certain call re-
cords were inadmissible as the prosecution had not submitted the §65B(4) cer-
tificate, which they argued was the only permissible way of satisfying §65B.32
The prosecution rebutted this on the grounds that the conditions under §65B(2)
had been met through the testimony of the relevant prosecution witnesses. This
argument of the prosecution found favour with the Delhi High Court. On an
examination of the provisions under § 65B, the Court noted that, “compliance
with Sub-sections (1) and (2) of § 65B is enough to make admissible and prove
electronic records”.33 They agreed with the prosecution that the certificate

Supra note 1; J. Hofman, Electronic Evidence in Criminal Cases, 19(3) SACJ 257, 258 (2006).
See infra Part V.
South Africa Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, 2002, Preamble.
State v. Mohd. Afzal, (2003) 107 DLT 385.
Id., ¶266.
Id., ¶276.

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under §65B(4) was merely an “alternative mode of proof”.34 Comparing com-

puter output under §65B to secondary evidence under §65(d), the court held
that the oral evidence was equally sufficient; the lack of certificate was not an
automatic bar.35

Two years later, this decision was affirmed in appeal by the

Supreme Court in State (NCT of Delhi) v. Navjot Sandhu (‘Afsan Guru’).36 The
Court examined and accepted as sufficient the oral testimony provided by the
prosecution witnesses.37 It unequivocally held that even if the requirements un-
der §65B(4) were not satisfied, evidence could be produced under §§ 63 and 65
of the Evidence Act.38 In the words of P. Venkatrama Reddi, J:

“Irrespective of the compliance with the requirements of §

65-B, which is a provision dealing with admissibility of elec-
tronic records, there is no bar to adducing secondary evidence
under the other provisions of the Evidence Act, namely, §§ 63
and 65. It may be that the certificate containing the details
in sub-section (4) of § 65-B is not filed in the instant case,
but that does not mean that secondary evidence cannot be
given even if the law permits such evidence to be given in the
circumstances mentioned in the relevant provisions, namely,
§§63 and 65.”39

This decision led to a general relaxation of standards for elec-

tronic evidence. High Courts around the country approved other authentication
methods as replacements for certificates, most notably, oral evidence. This has
been done through the testimony of persons who created the computer output,40
Id. That the §65B(4) certificate was an ‘alternative method’ was approved by the Delhi High
Court in Rakesh Kumar v. State, (2009) 163 DLT 658. This in turn has been used as authority
to waive certification. See Vijay v. State (Govt. of NCT of Delhi), 2014 SCC OnLine Del 4585
: (2014) 4 JCC 2494; Om Prakash v. State, (2014) 143 DRJ 349; Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries
Ltd. v. Mukesh Kumar P., 2013 SCC OnLine Del 2713.
Id. (The Court states:
“The normal rule of leading documentary evidence is the production and proof of the
original document itself. Secondary evidence of the contents of a document can also be led
under § 65 of the Evidence Act. Under sub-clause (d) of § 65, secondary evidence of the con-
tents of a document can be led when the original is of such a nature as not to be easily movable.
Computerised operating systems and support systems in industry cannot be moved to the
court. The information is stored in these computers on magnetic tapes (hard disc). Electronic
record produced there from has to be taken in the form of a print out.”)
State (NCT of Delhi) v. Navjot Sandhu, (2005) 11 SCC 600.
Id., ¶150.
A.M. Perumal v. Star Tours and Travels (India) Ltd., 2010 Cri LJ 3732; Devender Kumar
Yadav v. State (NCT of Delhi), 2012 SCC OnLine Del 3771; Vijay v. State (Govt. of NCT of
Delhi), 2014 SCC OnLine Del 4585 : (2014) 4 JCC 2494; Om Prakash v. State, (2014) 143 DRJ
349; Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd. v. Mukesh Kumar P., 2013 SCC OnLine Del 2713;
Achchey Lal Yadav v. State, 2014 SCC OnLine Del 4539; Gajraj v. State, ILR (2009) Supp

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persons qualified to testify as to the signature of the certifying officer, or the

particularly low threshold of persons capable of “speak[ing] of the facts based
on [their] personal knowledge.”41

At the same time, many courts have also ignored both Mohd.
Afzal and Afsan Guru, instead choosing to continue to demand a certificate
for authentication.42 In other cases, where neither certificates nor oral evidence
were deemed adequate authenticators for uniquely complex technology, courts
have called for technical data such as ‘bit image copy’ and hash codes.43 In one
exceptional case, the court simply did away with the authentication require-
ment on the basis that the other party had consented to placing certain com-
puter files on record.44

On an overall analysis of the cases dealing with § 65B, it is clear

that admission of evidence depends entirely on judicial discretion. Courts
choose to follow whatever local requirements they believe is most appropriate
for a case. An opportunity was presented to the Supreme Court nine years after
Afsan Guru, in Anvar, to revisit the test for admissibility under § 65B, and
conclusively lay down a standard, solving this uniformity problem.


The question of law under §65B in Anvar arose in connection
with an election petition under §100(1)(b) of the Representation of People’s Act,
1951. P.V. Basheer, the respondent, had been elected to the Kerala Legislative
Assembly in 2011. The petitioner, P.K. Anvar, challenged the election on the
grounds that the election propaganda used in the form of songs, speeches, and
announcements had been defamatory. He argued that this amounted to a ‘cor-
rupt practice’, and prayed for the setting aside of the election. In response, the
Respondent challenged the admissibility of CDs containing said propaganda on
the grounds that the requirements under §65B were not satisfied.45 Specifically,
the certificate discussed by §65B(4) was missing. The Kerala High Court, con-
curring with the Respondent that the requirements under §65B had not been

(2) Del 477; Babu Ram Aggarwal v. Krishan Kumar Bhatnagar, 2013 SCC OnLine Del 324 :
(2013) 2 AD Del 441; Brij Kishore v. State, 2010 SCC OnLine Del 1892 : ILR (2010) Supp (1)
Del 279; Mohd. Wasim v. State, 2012 SCC OnLine Del 5378 : (2012) 7 AD Del 599; Parminder
Kaur v. State, 2014 SCC OnLine Del 3918; Shubha v. State of Karnataka, Criminal Appeals
Nos. 722, 757 and 856 of 2010 (Kar) (Unreported); Devesh Kumar v. State, ILR (2010) 2 Del
Societe Des Products Nestle SA v. Essar Industries, (2006) 33 PTC 469 (Del).
Pradeep Kumar v. State of Bihar, 2014 SCC OnLine Pat 483; Aniruddha Bahal v. CBI, (2014)
210 DLT 292.
Chetan Gupta v. CIT, ITA Nos. 1891, 1892 & 1893/Del/2012 (Del) (Unreported).
Mohd. Tahir Mohmed Arif Bakaswala v. State of Gujarat, 2010 SCC Online Guj 4829.
Anvar P.V. v. P.K. Basheer, (2014) 10 SCC 473.

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52 NUJS LAW REVIEW 8 NUJS L. R ev. 43 (2015)

met, dismissed the election petition.46 In appeal against this decision, the peti-
tioner approached the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court commenced its analysis by taking note of

§59,47 which prohibits the use of oral evidence to prove the contents of docu-
ments, and §65A, which states that the only way to adduce evidence of elec-
tronic records is through §65B.48 On this basis, it excludes the applicability of
all provisions of the Evidence Act, except §65B.49

This pure statutory interpretation is followed by an examination

of its own previous decision in Afsan Guru.50 The Supreme Court disagrees
with Afsan Guru’s dictum that §§ 61-65 of the Evidence Act can be applied
where the conditions stipulated in §65B were not satisfied. It holds that while §§
61-65 deal with general documentary evidence, §65B only refers to one special
subset – electronic records. Therefore, applying the principle of generalia spe-
cialibus non derogant,51 the Supreme Court holds that electronic evidence can
be adduced solely under §65B. This conclusion is buttressed by the observation
that §65B begins with a non-obstante clause.52 The Supreme Court’s interpreta-
tion of §65B consequently becomes critical.

In its analysis of the provision, the Supreme Court’s focus is al-

most exclusively on sub-sections (2) and (4) of §65. It comes to three significant
conclusions: first, all the conditions under sub-section (2) are mandatory. This
understanding appears to be in consonance with the language used in sub-sec-
tions (1) and (2) of §65B, as noted earlier in this paper.53

The second conclusion of the Supreme Court relates to its inter-

pretation of §65B(4). In addition to the four conditions under §65B(2), the Court
paraphrases §65B(4) to arrive at five conditions that it states must be satisfied

Indian Evidence Act, 1872, §59 (It must be noted that this is an inaccurate reference to §59.
§59 is inapplicable in light of §22A of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, which is a special provi-
sion introduced at the same time as §65B. Applying the principle of generalia specialibus non
derogant, §22A prevails. However, it must be noted that the effect is largely the same: §22A
also bars the use of oral evidence. This is subject to the crucial exception of ‘genuineness of
the electronic record’ however. See infra Part IV(A) for greater discussion on the use of oral
Anvar P.V. v. P.K. Basheer, (2014) 10 SCC 473, ¶13.
Id. (The Supreme Court holds: “Any documentary evidence by way of an electronic record
under the Evidence Act, in view of §§ 59 and 65A, can be proved only in accordance with the
procedure prescribed under §65B.” (emphasis added)).
Id., ¶22.
See Blacks’ Law Dictionary (9th ed., 2009) (This latin maxim translates literally as general
things do not detract from specific things. It enshrines the principle that a special law, or a law
enacted to cover specific situations, will always prevail over a more generally applicable law).
Anvar P.V. v. P.K. Basheer, (2014) 10 SCC 473, ¶13. This has been noted once prior to Anvar.
See Abdul Rahaman Kunji v. State of W.B., 2014 SCC OnLine Cal 18816.
See supra Part II (A).

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before a statement under §65B can be made.54 The first of these relates to the
method of authentication. The court states that under §65B(4), a certificate
‘must’ be produced.55 The obvious corollary is that in the absence of a cer-
tificate, the electronic record will be inadmissible under §65B. This particular
reading of the Evidence Act and the consequences flowing from it are analysed
in greater detail in Part IV of this paper.

The remaining four conditions laid down by the court concern

the contents of the certificate.56 While these appear to be derived from the lan-
guage of §65B(4), the interpretation adopted by the court is very curious. First,
the Supreme Court ignores words that introduce elements of voluntariness and
alternativeness in the provision.57 For instance, §65B(4) states that a certificate
must do “any of the following things,” before listing out its clauses (a), (b), and
(c).58 This indicates that even if one of the three clauses are satisfied by the cer-
tificate, it would pass muster. The Supreme Court, in interpreting this, under-
stands clauses (a), (b), and (c) §65B(4) as being individual compulsory aspects
of the certificate.59 Similarly, §65B(4)(c) permits the certificate to deal with any
of the matters to which the conditions mentioned in sub-section (2) relate”.60
The Supreme Court reads it to mean that all of the conditions mentioned in sub-
section (2) must be specified in the certificate.61 The replacement of ‘any’ with
‘all’ is not explained in any manner.

Secondly, the Supreme Court reads in words where none exist.

For example, the Court states that all the ‘applicable’ conditions of §65B(2)
must be specified in the certificate.62 No such language of ‘applicability’ exists
in the section. Alarmingly, the addition of such a word creates a dichotomy
between sub-section (2) and sub-section (4). Sub-section (2) makes ‘all’ the
conditions mandatory, without regard to their “applicability.” Given this, it is

Anvar P.V. v. P.K. Basheer, (2014) 10 SCC 473, ¶14 (The Supreme Court states:
“Under § 65B(4) of the Evidence Act, if it is desired to give a statement in any proceed-
ings pertaining to an electronic record, it is permissible provided the following condi-
tions are satisfied:
(a) There must be a certificate which identifies the electronic record containing the statement;
(b) The certificate must describe the manner in which the electronic record was produced;
(c) The certificate must furnish the particulars of the device involved in the production of
that record;
(d) The certificate must deal with the applicable conditions mentioned under § 65B(2) of the
Evidence Act; and
(e) The certificate must be signed by a person occupying a responsible official position in
relation to the operation of the relevant device.”).
Id., ¶14(a).
Id., ¶14(b)-(e).
Id., ¶14.
Indian Evidence Act, 1872, §65B (4).
Anvar P.V. v. P.K. Basheer, (2014) 10 SCC 473, ¶14 (a)-(c).
Indian Evidence Act, 1872, §65B (4)(c).
Anvar P.V. v. P.K. Basheer, (2014) 10 SCC 473, ¶14(d).
Id., ¶14(d).

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54 NUJS LAW REVIEW 8 NUJS L. R ev. 43 (2015)

unclear how an element of “applicability” can be introduced into sub-section

(4) by judicial interpretation.

Finally, the Supreme Court engages in selective paraphrasing, ig-

noring many parts of the sub-section. For instance, clause (b) of §65B(4) not
only requires the certificate to give details of the particulars of a device in-
volved in the production of the electronic record, it also requires these details
to show that the electronic record was produced by a computer.63 The Supreme
Court overlooks this aspect. Similarly, the person required to sign the certifi-
cate must be in an official position either in relation to the ‘operation’ or in the
‘management’ of the device, as is appropriate. However, the Supreme Court
refers merely to ‘operation’.64 While the nature of the consequences that will
flow from this are uncertain, this indicates a substantial degree of negligence
on the part of the Supreme Court.

Therefore, it is clear that that the interpretation of § 65B(4) in

Anvar does not conform to the language of the provision, which both unam-
biguously and repeatedly adopts a policy of flexibility. Such an approach is in
complete contravention of the literal rule of statutory interpretation.65 What is
truly unfortunate is that no part of the Supreme Court’s decision acknowledges
or attempts to explain the deviations made.66

The third conclusion the Supreme Court arrives at, in its interpre-
tation of §65B, is that there is a requirement of contemporaneity in the produc-
tion of the certificate. It is worth extracting the same here: “Thus, in the case of
CD, VCD, chip, etc., the same shall be accompanied by the certificate in terms
of § 65B obtained at the time of taking the document” (emphasis added)67

This dicta is to be read alongside a reference made to Afsan Guru.

The Supreme Court in Anvar specifically notes that in Afsan Guru, a ‘respon-
sible officer’ had certified the electronic records in question “at the time of

Id., ¶14 (c).
Id., ¶14 (e).
G.P. Singh, Principles Of Statutory Interpretation (2004); P. St. J. Langan, M axwell On
The Interpretation Of Statutes (12th ed., 1969).
Given the nature of §65B and the specific reasons for its introduction, legislative intent could
very likely have been to make the certificate and all of the details mentioned in the provision
mandatory. Poor drafting, which affects all provisions introduced through the Information
Technology Act, 2000, is more likely to be the culprit. On this basis, it may have been possible
to make an appeal to either the Golden Rule or the Mischief Rule in statutory interpretation to
justify a deviation from the literal rule. In all fairness, the lack of extrinsic sources (statement
of objects and reasons, standing committee reports etc.) on §65B means that the Supreme
Court did not have any guidance on the matter. This argument merely goes to the glibness
with which the Supreme Court deviates from the literal interpretation, without even making
an attempt at an explanation.
Anvar P.V. v. P.K. Basheer, (2014) 10 SCC 473, ¶22.

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production itself”.68 That contemporaneous authentication is met with implicit

approval in Anvar.

This contemporaneity requirement is one of the reasons the elec-

tronic evidence in Anvar was finally held to be inadmissible. The Supreme
Court held that since a certificate was not produced at the same time the com-
puter output was generated, it could not be admitted at all.69 What this means
is that if a party omits to get a certificate at the time of, say, generating CD or
printout, the evidence becomes inadmissible. This requirement imposes excep-
tional burdens on parties who may not always be in a position to obtain such
a certificate at the time of generating the evidence, such as whistleblowers.70
Further, the conclusion that the Supreme Court has arrived at on this point
exaggerates the usefulness of the certificate. Unlike safeguards employed in
the case of physical evidence, which prevent tampering or ensure an unbroken
chain of custody, it is merely a certification that the evidence was generated in
a particular manner. Therefore, the level of authenticity it is bestowing on the
evidence is in any case minimal.

Finally, it must be noted that the contemporaneity requirement

is unquestionably extra-statutory. §65B makes no mention of any time period
within which the certificate must be produced, let alone that the certificate must
be taken at the same time as the document. The effects of this holding are
already being felt. The Delhi High Court in Ankur Chawla v. CBI71 recently
applied the contemporaneity requirement to declare evidence inadmissible,
stating that since time had elapsed, there was “no point in now permitting the
prosecution to place the…certificate on record.”72




One of the conclusions in Anvar, noted in the previous section,

was that the court’s reading of §65B had created a limitation on the methods
of authentication, namely, that only a certificate under §65B(4) can be used to
Id., ¶21.
Id., ¶23.
See infra Part IV (B).
Ankur Chawla v. CBI, 2014 SCC OnLine Del 6461.
Id. But see Paras Jain v. State of Rajasthan, 2015 SCC OnLine Raj 8331 (The Rajasthan HC
had the opportunity to consider a situation where the prosecution had not produced the certifi-
cate at the time of filing the charge-sheet; they had produced it during the course of the trial.
The court dismissed a challenge against this delayed filing by the accused on the grounds
that in Anvar “the question of stage at which such electronic record is to be produced was not
before the Hon’ble Court”. Such creative reading of Anvar enabled the prosecution to bring on
record crucial electronic evidence).

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56 NUJS LAW REVIEW 8 NUJS L. R ev. 43 (2015)

satisfy the conditions under §65B(2). Therefore, if a litigant wishes to use any
alternative method to satisfy the conditions under §65B(2), it is now no longer
possible. This rule has already seen application: the Delhi High Court in the
recent decision of Jagdeo Singh v. State73 held that oral evidence regarding
electronic evidence was insufficient.74 In the absence of a certificate satisfying
the Anvar conditions, the evidence was held to be inadmissible.75

This is not a conclusion supported by the language of the pro-

vision. On the contrary, on a plain and literal reading, §65B(4) merely states
that a duly signed certificate containing some matter compliant with (a), (b), or
(c), ‘shall be evidence’ of that matter. Nowhere does the provision state that a
certificate ‘shall be submitted’ if electronic evidence is to be admitted, or that
‘all’ other authentication methods are barred. In the absence of any such bar,
the conclusion drawn by the Supreme Court is incorrect. This is supported by
§§65B(1) and (2), which deem computer output of electronic records as docu-
ments subject to the fulfillment of certain conditions. The mode of fulfilling the
conditions is not specified.

Given that §65B does not mandate the submission of a certificate,

one question logically follows: what other authentication methods for electronic
records are legally permissible under the Evidence Act?

The answer to this question lies in the kind of evidence that is

permitted under the Evidence Act. As per §3, broadly two kinds of evidence
are permitted, documentary evidence and oral evidence.76 Either of these two
kinds of evidence may, theoretically, be sources of information regarding the
accuracy and reliability of an electronic record.

The former - documentary evidence - would relate to certificates,

affidavits, reports, official documents, and the like. I have previously estab-
lished that §65B(4) does not make a certificate either mandatory or an exclusive
method of authentication.77 In the absence of such language, the logical con-
clusion would be that there is no express bar on other kinds of documentary
evidence. Therefore, it should be possible to use other documentary evidence,
other than a certificate under §65B(4), to admit electronic records.

Jagdeo Singh v. State, 2015 SCC OnLine Del 7229, ¶¶68-79 (Interestingly, the Delhi HC held:
“Since PW-17 can speak only about the computer which he was using and what he was listen-
ing to on it are copies made of the originals, no part of § 65-B EA can be said to have been
complied with, much less substantially complied with” (emphasis added). Applying Anvar,
the oral evidence as a method of authentication ought to have been ab initio insufficient, re-
gardless of whether the conditions of §65B(2) were satisfied or not. That is, the discussion of
substantial compliance is unnecessary in the absence of a certificate).
Indian Evidence Act, 1872, §3.
See supra Part III.

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The question of whether oral evidence can be used to satisfy

§65B(2) conditions is trickier since §22A of the Evidence Act expressly bars
the use of oral evidence.78 However, it makes a crucial distinction. While oral
evidence cannot be adduced to prove the contents of the document, it can be
adduced if it goes towards the ‘genuineness’ of the record.79 Therefore, when it
is suspected that a document is manufactured, or is not what it claims to be, oral
evidence can be adduced to determine whether the record is genuine.

This ‘genuineness’ is precisely what the four conditions under

§65B(2), as discussed above, seek to ensure. To illustrate, as per §65B(2)(c), a
person seeking to introduce as evidence computer output generated at a particu-
lar time, must ensure “that throughout the material part of the said period, the
computer was operating properly”.80 If the computer alleged to have produced
the record was not operating properly at the relevant time,81 it is highly probable
that the document was not generated accurately. Similarly, if the information
contained in the computer output was not of the kind “regularly fed into the
computer in the ordinary course of the said activities”,82 it would obviously
raise red flags. Such information will have to be scrutinized to see if it was
manufactured specifically for the purpose of the trial or not. Thus, genuineness
is clearly a concern that §65B(2) addresses. Consequently, there is no reason
why the four conditions it stipulates cannot be met through oral evidence as per
§22A of the Evidence Act.

Anvar considers and rejects this line of argument, stating that

“only if the electronic record is duly produced in terms of § 65B of the Evidence
Act, the question would arise as to the genuineness thereof…”83

It is clear from the above statement that the Supreme Court be-
lieves that the question of genuineness can never be answered at the stage of
admissibility. On the contrary, the Supreme Court indicates that this is always
a post-admission question. Such an understanding of evidence law is incorrect
for two reasons.

First, this argument is inconsonant with the language of §65B, as

noted above. It is also inconsistent with the policy behind it. As the Supreme
Court itself acknowledges, the purpose behind §65B, which specifically re-
lates to admissibility, is to guarantee ‘source and authenticity’ of documents.84
This is unquestionably a question relating to the genuineness of the document.

Indian Evidence Act, 1872, §22.
Id., §65B(2)(c).
Id., §65B(2)(b).
Anvar P.V. v. P.K. Basheer, (2014) 10 SCC 473, ¶16.
Id., ¶15.

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58 NUJS LAW REVIEW 8 NUJS L. R ev. 43 (2015)

Therefore, there is clear contradiction in the court’s reasoning behind dismiss-

ing oral evidence.

Second, the declaration by the Supreme Court that reliability or

genuineness “go to the weight of evidence and not to admissibility” is not ac-
curate.85 If one examines the Evidence Act, it is clear that it does not split the
process of adducing evidence into the stages of relevance, admissibility and
weight. In fact, it is completely silent on how evidence is to be weighed. The
only reference to the stages of relevance and admissibility is under §136, which
states that if the judge thinks a fact is relevant, he ‘shall’ admit it.86 Therefore,
far from recognizing them as different evidentiary stages, the Evidence Act
conflates relevancy with admissibility.

However, despite this lack of statutory support, there is significant

Supreme Court jurisprudence that has explained what is to be considered at the
stage of admissibility.87 Starting with R.M. Malkani v. State of Maharashtra,88 a
line of Supreme Court cases concerning the evidentiary value of tape-recorded
conversations, have held that reliability of the evidence must be established
before it is admitted.89 That is, even if the information is relevant, it will not
be admitted if it is not reliable. The reason for this has consistently been that
new technology, like tape-records, can easily be tampered with or manipulated.
Given these identical concerns, there is no reason why this ratio cannot be ex-
tended to electronic evidence as well; in fact, the same logic applies seamless-
ly.90 Ironically, the Supreme Court in Anvar itself emphasized the importance
of authenticity of electronic evidence for these very reasons.91

Therefore, contrary to the reasoning provided by the Supreme

Court, genuineness is indeed a concern under §65B, and is a crucial part of the
evidentiary stage of admissibility. Consequently, it should permissible under
the Evidence Act for a party to adduce oral evidence to satisfy the conditions of
See id., ¶18 (The Supreme Court does not cite authority for this proposition of law. Instead, it
points vaguely to the American Federal Rules of Evidence to support its point that reliability
is considered only at the stage of weight).
Indian Evidence Act, 1872, §136.
See Ram Bihari Yadav v. State of Bihar, (1998) 4 SCC 517 : 1998 Cri LJ 2515, 2517; Sarkar’s
Law of Evidence 86, 88 (S. Sarkar and V. Manohar, 15th ed., 1999) (It is interesting to note that
this jurisprudence had been brought to the notice of the court of first instance i.e. the Kerala
High Court. It is however unclear what the argument advanced by counsel was. Anvar P.V. v.
P.K. Basheer, (2012) 247 KLR 933, ¶¶68-69).
R.M. Malkani v. State of Maharashtra, (1973) 1 SCC 471, ¶23.
See Yusufalli Esmail Nagree v. State of Maharashtra, AIR 1968 SC 147, ¶6; Ziyauddin
Burhanuddin Bukhari v. Brijmohan Ramdass Mehra, (1976) 2 SCC 17, ¶¶18-22 : AIR 1975 SC
1788; Tukaram S. Dighole v. Manikrao Shivaji Kokate, (2010) 4 SCC 329, ¶¶23-27.
R. v. Maqsud Ali, (1966) 1 QB 688 : (1965) 3 WLR 229 : (1965) 2 All ER 464 (CCA); But
see S. Pratap Singh v. State of Punjab, AIR 1964 SC 72 : (1964) 4 SCR 733, ¶16.
But see Law Commission of India, Review of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, Report No. 185,
Part II, 19, 2003.
Anvar P.V. v. P.K. Basheer, (2014) 10 SCC 473, ¶15.

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§65B(2) and the certificate should not the only possible authentication method


Post-Anvar, the above discussion on whether the Evidence Act

makes other methods of authentication possible or not, is irrelevant. The law
as it stands today admits electronic records into evidence only if a certificate is
produced.92 This leads to curious difficulties in the application of the law.

First, Indian courts are frequently faced with situations where

evidence has been improperly or illegally obtained especially by whistleblow-
ers, investigative agencies conducting surreptitious/unapproved searches, ap-
provers seeking favour with authorities etc. Such evidence is allowed because
Indian evidence law famously does not follow the ‘fruit of the poisoned tree’
doctrine; instead we have adopted the position that the method by which the
evidence is obtained is irrelevant.93 The problem that is likely to arise in such
cases is that certification by a “person occupying a responsible official posi-
tion in relation to the operation of the relevant device or the management of
the relevant activities”94 will be practically impossible. For example, data that
is stolen is unlikely to get certification. An owner of a computer (the person in
the ‘responsible official position’ over the computer) is hardly likely to aid a
thief by signing a certificate authenticating the information contained therein.
Therefore, the reading of § 65B in Anvar will lead to a dichotomous situation:
while illegally obtained evidence will be admissible in the case of non-elec-
tronic evidence (where no such certification by the owner is required), it may
be inadmissible in the case of electronic evidence.

Second, certificate-based authentication method is also particu-

larly susceptible to fraud/manipulation. It is not based on objective, ascertain-
able facts as metadata is. It also does not have the three-fold safeguards of oath,
cross-examination and observation of demeanour that is guaranteed in the case
of oral evidence. On the contrary, the certificate is a mere statement on the
record that is submitted by the same party desirous of getting the evidence ad-
mitted. Consequently, apart from the fear of falling afoul of the law of perjury,
there is nothing preventing parties from submitting fraudulent/manufactured
certificates.95 Therefore, Anvar fails in its attempt at setting a higher threshold
of authenticity/genuineness of electronic records.

The Supreme Court’s order in Anvar has binding force of law. See Article 142, Constitution of
India, 1950.
See Law Commission of India, Evidence obtained illegally or improperly: Proposed Section
166A, Indian Evidence Act, 1872, Report No. 94, 1983; Yusufalli Esmail Nagree v. State of
Maharashtra, AIR 1968 SC 147; R.M. Malkani v. State of Maharashtra, (1973) 1 SCC 471.
Indian Evidence Act, 1872, §65B(2)(a).
See Indian Penal Code, 1860, §§191-200.

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Apart from potential misconduct by parties, the reliability of the

certificate is also undercut by the fact that it does not verify against tampering
or other improper procedures affecting its accuracy. If the conditions under
§65B(2) are examined, it is clear that it is limited to determining who has con-
trol over the computer in question and the regularity with which the informa-
tion has been fed into the computer.96 It does not guard against tampering/
alteration of the information. Therefore, even if the lawful owner of a computer,
in the regular course of business, deliberately alters evidence, the conditions of
§65B would be satisfied.

This cumulatively results in a very low reliability threshold for

the certificate. Anvar’s insistence on this authentication method is very likely
to cause an increase in the amount of false and/or frivolous evidence that par-
ties introduce into the record. This will not only prolong the trial, increasing
systemic delays, it will also undercut the truth-seeking process.

The following section of the paper, looking at the experiences of

other common law jurisdictions, proposes a new authentication model for elec-
tronic evidence. It advances solutions to these two specific problems.


There are two primary ways in which common law jurisdictions
differ in their approach to the admissibility of electronic evidence. First, they
either make a special law for electronic evidence, or they treat electronic evi-
dence on par with traditional kinds of evidence. For instance, Canada97 and
South Africa98 have both enacted special statutes to deal with electronic evi-
dence. On the other hand, the US99 and the UK100 both address it under their
main evidence statutes.

The second way in which countries differ relates to the way they
deal with methods of authentication – whether they prescribe specific methods,
or they leave the question of method open, vesting in courts the discretion to
determine reliability. The former practice can be seen in Canada101 and the
Australian federal unit of South Australia102; the US103 and South Africa are

See Indian Evidence Act, 1872, §65B(2).
See generally Uniform Electronic Evidence Act, 1998 (Canada).
See generally South Africa Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, 2002 (South
See generally Federal Rules of Evidence, 2015 (U.S.).
See generally Civil Evidence Act, 1995 (U.K.); Criminal Justice Act, 1988 (U.K.).
Uniform Electronic Evidence Act, 1998, §§3-7 (Canada).
South Australian Evidence Act, 1929, §59B (South Australia).
Federal Rules of Evidence, 2015, §§901, 902 (U.S.).

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examples of the latter.104 A third approach is also possible - authenticity is only

considered at the stage of weighing evidence. This approach is most clearly
articulated by the UK.105

India, by enacting the Information Technology Act, 2000 and in-

troducing §§ 65A and 65B into the Evidence Act, clearly opted for the special
law approach. The second diverging practice i.e. the issue of method of authen-
tication is the more contentious issue in India.

Post-Anvar, as the law stands, India falls within the first of the
three categories by prescribing a specific, limited, authentication method. As
demonstrated, this is a highly flawed approach. However, what must be noted
that is that these flaws are ones relating exclusively to the approach the Supreme
Court has taken to interpretation; the outcome of this judicial rewriting of §65B
must be judged separately.

If Anvar is viewed from this outcome-based or end-based per-

spective, it is apparent that there are two immediate benefits of making a cer-
tificate mandatory under §65B. One, a bare-minimum guarantee of reliability,
and two, uniformity in practice across the country. Whereas the first takes one
(small) step towards preventing the repetition of Afsan Guru-esque tragedies,106
the second guards against poor exercise of discretion by judges, which needless
to say is endemic in India. These benefits of a specific authentication method,
limiting the scope of judicial discretion, cannot be understated, particularly in
light of the discussion in Part II (B) of this paper. At the same time, this has
to be counterbalanced by the problem of the certificate only creating a low
reliability threshold that were identified in Part IV (B) of this paper, namely,
the problem of illegally obtained evidence, the certificate’s poor guarantee of
authenticity, and the lack of guarantee against tampering/alteration.

It is proposed that this balance be achieved through a hybrid au-

thentication model, inspired by the erstwhile-UK,107 South Australian,108 and

South Africa Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, 2002, §15 (South Africa).
See generally Civil Evidence Act, 1995 (U.K.); Criminal Justice Act, 1988 (U.K.); See UK
Law Commission, The Hearsay Rule in Civil Proceedings, Report No. 216, 1993; UK Law
Commission, Evidence in Criminal Proceedings: Hearsay and Related Topics, Report No
245, 1997; Law R eform Commission, Ireland, supra note 1, ¶¶5.74–5.86; Technology Law
Development Group, Singapore, supra note 1, ¶¶2.25-2.43.
See Acharya, supra note 5.
Civil Evidence Act, 1968, §5 (U.K.).
South Australian Evidence Act, 1929, §59B (It states:
(2) The court must be satisfied—
(a) that the computer is correctly programmed and regularly used to produce output of the
same kind as that tendered in evidence pursuant to this section; and
(b) that the data from which the output is produced by the computer is systematically
prepared upon the basis of information that would normally be acceptable in a court

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American109 models. Before elaborating on the nature of the changes that can
be introduced, the three specified models can be broadly outlined as follows.

The first of these is the UK model under §5 of the Civil Evidence

Act, 1968.110 This provision is identical to §65B, both in language and in struc-
ture.111 It declares, for instance, that a certificate fulfilling four specified con-
ditions, and signed by a person ‘occupying a responsible position’ may be
evidence of the matters stated therein. These four conditions, laid down in
§5(2), are identical to those specified in §65B(2).

The second, the South Australian model, can be called an ex-

panded or improved version of the 1968 UK model. §59B stipulates three con-
ditions in addition to the four standards mentioned in §5(2). One, the computer
should not have been altered such that it affected the accuracy of the output.112

of law as evidence of the statements or representations contained in or constituted by

the output; and
(c) that, in the case of the output tendered in evidence, there is, upon the evidence before
the court, no reasonable cause to suspect any departure from the system, or any error
in the preparation of the data; and
(d) that the computer has not, during a period extending from the time of the introduction
of the data to that of the production of the output, been subject to a malfunction that
might reasonably be expected to affect the accuracy of the output; and
(e) that during that period there have been no alterations to the mechanism or processes
of the computer that might reasonably be expected adversely to affect the accuracy of
the output; and
(f) that records have been kept by a responsible person in charge of the computer of al-
terations to the mechanism and processes of the computer during that period; and
(g) that there is no reasonable cause to believe that the accuracy or validity of the output
has been adversely affected by the use of any improper process or procedure or by
inadequate safeguards in the use of the computer.
(3) …
(4) A certificate under the hand of a person having prescribed qualifications in computer
system analysis and operation or a person responsible for the management or operation
of the computer system as to all or any of the matters referred to in subsection (2) or (3)
of this section shall, subject to subsection (6) of this section, be accepted in any legal
proceedings, in the absence of contrary evidence, as proof of the matters certified.
(5) An apparently genuine document purporting to be a record kept in accordance with sub-
section (2) of this section, or purporting to be a certificate under subsection (4) of this
section shall, in any legal proceedings, be accepted as such in the absence of contrary
(6) The court may, if it thinks fit, require that oral evidence be given of any matters com-
prised in a certificate under this section, or that a person by whom such a certificate has
been given attend for examination or cross-examination upon any of the matters com-
prised in the certificate).
Federal Rules of Evidence, 2015; Lorraine v. Markel American Insurance Co., 241 FRD 534,
§§901, 902.
Civil Evidence Act, 1968, §5 (U.K.).
§65B appears to have been copied almost to the word from §5 of the Civil Evidence Act, 1968.
It is interesting (and appalling) to note that this happened in 2000, about 5 years after the UK
repealed the 1968 Act and replaced it with the UK Civil Evidence Act, 1995.
South Australian Evidence Act, 1929, §59B(2)(e).

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Two, records of all alterations should have been kept by a responsible person,113
and three, that there be no reasonable cause to believe that the accuracy of the
information was affected by improper use or inadequate safeguards.114 These
three conditions cumulatively guard against tampering/alteration of the elec-
tronic record, which §5 of the UK Civil Evidence Act, 1968 does not. §59B
also departs in other important ways. For instance, it permits the leading of
oral evidence, if the court thinks it necessary.115 It also allows the certificate
to be challenged by other records that may have been maintained in relation to
the computer in question, as long as these other documents themselves comply
with the conditions contained in the provision.116

The American federal law on electronic evidence is the third and

final model. §§ 901 and 902 of the Federal Rules of Evidence, 2015 lay down
out a non-exhaustive list of accepted authentication methods.117 These range
from oral evidence to expert testimony to proof by public reports. In 2007,
in Lorraine v. Markel American Insurance Co.,118 the Chief Magistrate Judge
of the District of Maryland extended the applicability of these provisions to
electronic evidence. This landmark decision is widely regarded as an essential
primer on, and as explaining the position of law in the US on, the admissibil-
ity of electronic evidence.119 This has led to the creation of a flexible, inclusive
framework whereby electronic evidence can be made admissible by way of
multiple means; parties and courts are not constrained by any one method of
authentication. This ensures that “room for growth and development in this
area”120 is guaranteed. A combination of the best of these three models can help
us resolve the problems identified with § 65B.

To begin with, I propose that the certificate based authentication

system be maintained, as in the erstwhile-UK model, and as it continues to be
in South Australia. However, this must be significantly modified. First, addi-
tional conditions must be added to §65B(2), which take into account tampering

Id., §59B(2)(f).
Id., §59B(2)(g).
Id., §59B(6).
Id., §59B (5).
Federal Rules of Evidence, 2015, §§901, 902.
Lorraine v. Markel American Insurance Co., 241 FRD 534.
J.D. Frieden and L.M. Murray, The Admissibility of Electronic Evidence under the Federal
Rules of Evidence, XVII (2) R ich. J.L. & Tech. 5 (2011); M. Gifford, Admitting Electronic
Evidence in Federal Court: I’ve Got All This Electronic Data – Now What Do I Do With It?,
2 ABA J. 8 (2008); Rashbaum et al, Admissibility of Non-US Electronic Evidence, XVIII
(3) R ich. J.L. & Tech. 9 (2012); Lexis Nexis, Lorraine v. Markel: Electronic Evidence 101,
2007, available at
ADI_WP_LorrainevMarkel.pdf (Last visited on January 30, 2016).
Federal Rules of Evidence, 2015, Advisory Committee’s note to Rule 901(b).

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64 NUJS LAW REVIEW 8 NUJS L. R ev. 43 (2015)

or deliberate alteration of electronic evidence. This will make the certificate

more comprehensive in its coverage.121

Second, a specific exception needs to be carved out for illegally

obtained evidence, exempting such evidence from a certificate requirement.
This will help resolve the previously noted dichotomy between traditional and
electronic evidence.122

Third, and most importantly, the language should be altered to

make the certificate mandatory, and not optional, as it is in its current form.
There are several reasons for this. First, the § 65B(4) certificate (modified
as above) presents to the court the minimum necessary information regard-
ing electronic records. Technical questions such as how the computer output
was generated, the regularity with which information was fed into the sys-
tem, whether the computer had ever had technical failures etc. are difficult
for the court to comprehend without assistance. The certificate will act as a
starting point for any inquiry into the authenticity/genuineness of the evidence.
Second, it guarantees a certain degree of uniformity in practice across the
country. It will also help courts ask the right questions regarding the nature of
the electronic record, which they otherwise might not. Third, in the absence of
a mandatory certificate, one might be faced with situations where courts accept
electronic evidence without any authentication method whatsoever i.e. without
any guarantee of authenticity/genuineness. If the certificate is made mandatory,
an aggrieved party will be in a better position to challenge admission of the
electronic record.

Yet, while the certificate creates a minimum information and

authenticity threshold, it will obviously not be sufficient in all situations. As
observed previously, the certificate is a neither foolproof nor a very strong
guarantor of authenticity/genuineness. Therefore, in addition, § 65B should be
amended to specifically empower courts to demand, and parties to submit if
they so choose, additional authentication. Admittedly, with such a grant of judi-
cial discretion comes the fear of judicial overreach. However, this can be easily
curbed: additional authentication can be demanded only where there is reason
to believe or reasonable grounds for suspicion that the any of the conditions/
requirements of § 65B are not satisfied.

Such a model, mirroring the non-exhaustive, broad set of authenti-

cation methods prescribed by Rules 901 and 902 of the American Federal Rules
of Evidence, 2015123 would allow for authentication methods such as metadata,

See South Australian Evidence Act, 1929, §59B(2)(g) (This emulates the South Australian pro-
vision, strengthening the safeguards provided for in §65B(2) by protecting against improper
processes or procedures in the production of the output).
See supra Part IV (B).
Federal Rules of Evidence, 2015, Rules 901, 902.

January - June, 2015


authentication through public records, oral testimony, specimen comparison

etc. There are several benefits to increasing the number of authentication meth-
ods for electronic evidence in this manner. First, and most importantly, they
will help corroborate the evidence, and may often reveal important information
that certificates do not.124 Second, advances in technology are bound to lead to
better authentication methods in the near future. In those circumstances, re-
stricting authentication to a primitive certification method such as the §65B(4)
certificate will be both regressive and counterproductive. It will prevent the
necessary growth and development of Indian evidence law. Finally, by allow-
ing multiple methods of authentication that corroborate the §65B certificate,
the electronic evidence sought to be admitted will be forced to meet a higher
reliability threshold. This will go a long way in improving the truth-seeking
function of courts.

At the moment, if Anvar is followed, none of these benefits will

accrue. Admittedly, these other authentication methods are not barred by §65B
in its current form. However, these methods will necessarily have to be in ad-
dition to the §65B(4) certificate. Litigants will only view this as an additional
unnecessary burden and are unlikely to take it upon themselves. Therefore,
these additional authentication methods will in practical terms be redundant.
Further, in any event, if the position of law laid down in Anvar is allowed to
stand, these additional methods will not prevent the admission of the evidence;
they will only go towards weight.125 Consequently, even if a court today doubts
the reliability of a piece of evidence, as long as the certificate is produced, it
will be forced to place it on record.

The proposed model resolves these problems by empowering

courts to demand additional authentication. By doing so, it will help courts
exclude prima facie unreliable evidence from the record. This empowering of
courts is particularly important in the case of improperly or illegally obtained
evidence, for which this proposed model carves out an exception. Given the
particular unreliability of such kind of evidence, it will be helpful to have a
combination of reliable authentication methods, such as, oral evidence in com-
bination with metadata.

The Supreme Court’s decision in Anvar evokes mixed feelings.
On the one hand, it blatantly disregards principles of statutory interpretation,
ignoring and wilfully reading in statutory requirements as it sees fit. From a
practical viewpoint, by laying down mandatory form and content requirements,
See M. Gifford, supra note 119; J. Isaza, Metadata in Court: What RIM, Legal and IT Need to
Know, 2010, available at
(Last visited on February 8, 2016).
Anvar P.V. v. P.K. Basheer, (2014) 10 SCC 473, ¶16-17.

January - June, 2015

66 NUJS LAW REVIEW 8 NUJS L. R ev. 43 (2015)

it creates unnecessary rigidity in §65B. Yet, when viewed from a policy per-
spective, it has yielded benefits. It has granted the dual advantages of uniform-
ity and certainty in evidentiary practices. This can be seen in the way lower
court around the country have dealt with electronic evidence since September
2014,126 with the singular exception of Tomaso Bruno v. State of U.P.127 in
January 2015.

However, accepting Anvar with both its flaws and its advantages
is less than ideal. If we are to truly embrace the modernization of evidence law,
we cannot accept the low reliability threshold that Anvar sets, nor can we re-
strain our future selves from capitalizing on inevitable technological advances.
Therefore, it is essential that the methods of authenticating electronic evidence
should not be restricted in the way Anvar desires. The model that this paper
proposes, which necessitates certificates (subject to the exception of illegally
obtained evidence) but permits additional authentication methods, is one defi-
nite way out of the difficulties Anvar will eventually lead us into.

Manoj Kumar S. v. State of Karnataka, Criminal Appeal No. 1419 of 2012, decided on 30-6-
2015 (Kar) (Unreported); Ankur Chawla v. CBI, 2014 SCC OnLine Del 6461; S.K. Saini v.
CBI, 2015 SCC OnLine Del 11472; Balasaheb Gurling Todkari v. State of Maharashtra, (2015)
3 Bom CR (Cri) 51; Harish v. State of Delhi, 2015 SCC OnLine Del 10552; Indian Micro
Electronics (P) Ltd. v. Chandra Industries, 2015 SCC OnLine Del 10076 : (2015) 6 AD Del 52;
Bonanzo Portfolio Ltd. v. State of Assam, (2015) 1 GLT 339; S.M. Katwal v. Virbhadra Singh,
2015 SCC OnLine HP 1155; Hosamanera Prakash v. State of Karnataka, (2015) 2 AIR Kant R
710; Naveen v. State, (2015) 5 Kant LJ 574 (DB); Vikas Verma v. State of Rajasthan, (2015) 2
WLN 494 (Raj).
Tomaso Bruno v. State of U.P., (2015) 7 SCC 178 (4 months after Anvar, the Supreme Court
held that in cases involving electronic evidence, secondary evidence may be adduced under
§65. Astonishingly, Kurien, J. was also a part of the bench deciding this case, although he did
not deliver the opinion of the Supreme Court. P. Banumathi, J. in ¶25 held:
“…Sub-section (1) of § 65B makes admissible as a document, paper printout of electronic
records stored in optical or magnetic media produced by a computer, subject to the fulfilment
of the conditions specified in sub-section (2) of § 65B. Secondary evidence of contents of
document can also be led under § 65 of the Evidence Act” (emphasis added).

January - June, 2015

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