1st and 2nd Year Puc Notes New 1-Part - 1

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 I 01

 I 02

 । 07

 संयोजयत I 07

 कः कं प्रतत ऄवदत् आतत I 08

 I 09

 । 09

 / I 10

 / I 11

 । 12

 I 12

 I 13

 - - । 14

 - - । 14

 I 15

 Meanings of slokas ( ) 19

 - I 24
 - I 35

 I 39

 । 26)महाश्वेतायाः तपता कः ?– हंसः

1) कः भरतः आत्युच्यते ?– मनुः 27)महाश्वेता कं प्रतत स्ववृत्ताततं कथयतत? - ितरापीडं

2) भारतवषे कतत कु लपववताः सततत ?– सप्त 28)महाश्वेता स्नातुं कु त्र अगच्छतत ? - ऄच्छोदसरः

3) तवश्वस्य मातरः काः ?– नद्यः 29)महाश्वेता दकम् ऄतजघ्रत् ? - कु सुमगतधम्

4) ऄद्यातप देवाः कु त्र जतम आच्छततत ?– भारत भूतले 30)श्वेतके तोः तनयः कः ? – पुण्डरीकः

5) तवक्रमाददत्यकथां का कथयतत ?- पुत्थतलका 31)सा शातततः कु त्र कायं करोतत ? -

6) तवक्रमाददत्यः कथं देशाततरं गतः? – योतगवेषण

32)शातत्याः पत्युः नाम दकम् ? - सुतदरः
7) राजा दकमातित्य रात्रौ तस्थतः?- वृक्षमूलमातित्य
33)सुतदरः दकमथं नगरम् अगच्छतत ?- ईद्योगाथं
8) वृद्धपतक्षराजस्य नाम दकम् ?– तिरञ्जीतव
34)सुतदरस्य तपता कः ?- गोतवतदः
9) परदुःखेन के ऄत्यतत दुःतखनः भवततत? - साधवः
35)सुतदरः दकयत् पयवततं परितवान् ?- दशमकक्ष्या
10) माकततदका नाम नगरी कु त्र ऄतस्त ?- जाह्नवीतटे
36)कणवस्य गुरः कः ?- परशुरामः
11)प्रव्राजकः वतणजः गृहं दकमथवम् ऄगच्छत्?- तभक्षाथवम्
37)परशुरामः कणं दकम् ऄस्त्रम् ईपददशतत ?- भागववास्त्रम्
12)के तनर्ववमशावः ?- भीरवः
38)गरोः ईत्तमाङ्गं कणवः कु त्र तनवेशयतत ?- स्वोत्सङ्गे
13)राजपुत्रः मञ्जूषायाः ऄततः कं तनतक्षपतत ? – घोरं वानरं
39)कणवस्य रक्षाकविं दकम् ?- गुरोः ऄनुग्रह एव
14)पररव्राजकस्य ऄवस्थां दृष्ट्वा कः जहास?- जनाः
40)कः कणवस्य रक्तम् ऄतपबत् ?- वज्राख्यः कीटः
15)पौरवः कः ? - दुष्टयततः
41)के धनतमच्छततत ?- ऄधमाः
16)मूर्वतमती सतत्क्रया का ?– शकु ततला
42)कृ तं कमव कम् ऄनुगच्छततत? - कतावरम्
17)गौतमी का ?- वृद्धतापसी
ु ा का ?- तवद्या
18)शारद्वतः कः ?- कण्वतशष्टयः
44)सतस्त्रया कक रक्ष्यते ? - गृहम्
19) “तवतधना दर्वशतं प्रभुत्व ” आतत का वदतत? - शकु ततला
45)ऄथावन् कथं तिततयेत् ? - बकवत्
20)मृगपोतकस्य नाम दकम् ? – दीघावपाङ्गः
46)कृ ष्टणशातस्त्रणां माता का ? - िीमती शङ्करम्मा
21)राणाप्रतापः कतस्मन् ग्रामे ऄजायत ? – कु म्बलग्रामे
47)कृ ष्टणशातस्त्रणाम् ऄध्यापके षु एकस्य नाम तलखत ?-
22)राणाप्रतापस्य तपता कः ?– तद्वतीय ईदयससहः प्रो II तब एम् िी महोदयः
48)कृ ष्टणशातस्त्र महोदयेन अरब्धा पतत्रका का ?-
23)राणाप्रतापस्य ऄश्वस्य नाम दकम् ?- िेतकः
प्रबुद्ध कणावटक
24)राणाप्रतापस्य पूववजानाम् ऄमात्यः कः ?- भामशाहः 49)ध्वतयालोकः कन्नडभाषायां के न ऄनूददतः? -
डा II के कृ ष्टणमूर्वतमहाभागेन
25)बातलकायाः हस्ता रोरटकाम् अकृ ष्टय कः ऄधावत्?
50)के तरसतहत्य ऄकाडमी प्रशतस्तद्वारा पुरस्कृ ता कृ ततः का ?

6) ?
The demon was astonished to
 ।
find the king in a happy mood and asked him
1) ? that everyday the people who come there
As Manu protected the subjects, would die, before his arrivals. But you are
He attained the name Bharatha. As sitting with a great courageous and happy. So
Bharatha ruled over this nation, it was tell me who are you?
called Bharatha Varsha. The etymology of ಭ
the term also implies this view. ,


. ಭ ಈ
? .
ಭ .
7) ?
2) ? Finally, when the demon was
, , , , । pleased with the king’s conduct and grants him
a boon of his choice. The king requested him
3) ?
to abjure cannibalism. All living beings have
, , , , the love to protect their own lives. So he
preaches1 to protect other’s lives also.

4) ?
, , , ,
. ಅ
, , ,

5) ?
In the lesson “ ” there
was a demon who used to kill the people of .
palasha city randomly, whoever fell in his .
eyesight. One day the people went to the
demon and said oh! Demon, don’t eat 8) ?
people randomly, but instead we will send a The girl’s fate as told by monk,
person daily by turns. the deceit is found in the lesson “
“ ” ” The monk said to merchant become
. cause for ruin of her family as she has
inauspicious sign. Place her in a box. Keep
lighted lamps over it and leave in Ganga
tonight itself.
. ಈ “ ”

. 1
Preaches –

11) ज्ञा ?
. ಅ The swear taken by Ranapratapa is
mentioned in the lesson “ ”
ಟ , ಟ
Ranapratapa called for a meeting of
. ಈ ಅ
dignitaries. He swore before them that he
, would not consume food in gold and silver
utensils, not sleep on the bed and not live in
the palace until he retrieves all the lost
9) ? regions.
Monk after giving directions to , ಅ
the merchant, instructs his followers to watch
the sailing box with lighted lamps on Ganga’s
water in night and bring it for him. Further he ಅ ಊಟ
orders them not to open the box even if they
. .
hear noise from the box and to keep this
mission a secret. ಅ .
ಟ ಅ , ಈ
12) ?
, ಅ The tribal group called Billas helped
. ಅ Ranapratapa. They protected the Rajaput
women and children, by keeping them safely in
the wells, dug for the purpose of meaning. In
the battle field at Haldighat, the warriors not
only assisted, but also revealed the secrets of
.ಈ .
the enemies.
10) ?
A prince who was on the banks of
the river sees a fore with a lamp lit on it,
floating towards him. He arranges to get it ಅ .
through his servants and eagerly opens it. He
sees a ravishingly beautiful young lady in it.
He was won over by her beauty and marries ಅ .
her according to Gandharva rites later he 13) ?
replaced a dreadful monkey inside the box
Government of India has released
and left that into Ganga as it is.
a coin with Ranapratapa’s picture to remember
him. There is a statue of Ranapratapa riding
. his horse Chethak in front of Indian
ಅ ಅ

ಅ ,
( )
ಅ .

14) ? by her being washed from head to feet in

The description of the onset of
youth in Mahashwetha is found in the lesson ,

“ ” adolescence2 set its foot in .

Mahashwetha just as the month of chaitra ಅ
sets in the spring season, a new sprout in the
, .
month of chitra, the blossom and
intoxication3 in the bee. ಟ

, , ,
17) ?
, , Mahashwetha was convinced of
, . Pundarika’s love for her when the newly
entered God of love caused Goosebumps in
15) ? Pundarika and the rosary in his hand quaked
Mahashwetha told chandrapeeda about as he was afraid that his vow of celibacy had
the fragrance of some flower which she had been broken.
smelt. One day next Achchoda lake, all of a ,
sudden, Mahashwetha smelt the fragrance of
some flower never felt before, carried by the
forest breeze, buzzing group of bees which ಅ .
rushed towards it in competition and
ಭ ಭ
unimaginable in the human world.

ಅ , ಅ . ಈ

ಅ ಟ ,

, ಅ ಅ .

18) ?

. Shanti came to narrator’s office to

meet him because next day there was death
. anniversary of her husband. She came there to
16) ? seek his blessings. His family was land lord
family from the same village and helped her
At the time when mahashwetha
husband to get a job. So she had to pay the
saluted the hermits, she saw attracted by
Pundarika’s handsomeness. She was staring

unwavering at his lovely form, she
experienced horripilation4 in her limbs owing ಈ
to her strong desire to embrace him. More
so, love entered into her body was followed
. ಅ ಅ
Adolescence- (16-20) .
( )
Intoxication- . ಭ
Horripilation -

ಅ In spite of all sorrows, let your name be

famous. Donate enough amount of money to
ಅ .
poor. Be a good person. Don’t lie, this is the
19) ? parashurama’s advice to karna told in this
Sundara’s father had died. He had lesson “ ”
six brothers and two sisters. They faced great ‘ ’ . ಟ
difficulties to eke5 out their living in the house
with the meagre 6income. Luckily father had ಅ .
performed his two daughter’s marriage. So his ಅ . ,
four brothers moved to city one by one. Two
brothers wished to stay back in village. He was
lost to came out from the house. , ,
ಅ ,
, , . .
22) ?
ಅ Speaking truth, kindness, donating,
protecting the poor, friendship with good
people, helping good people, these are
ಟ ಟ . characters of a good person.
, , , ,

ಟ . , ,

20) ? .
This incident has found in the lesson 23) ?
. Karna ensures that his guru People who are well spoken and do good
Parashurama has an undisturbed sleep by things, are rich and respective. They are the
hosting head on his thigh. At that very gods in the human form.
moment, vajra named a strong insect burrowed ,
through karna’s plumpy7 thigh with its
, ಅ
mandibles. It started sucking the blood and
eating the flesh. .

24) ?
ಟ A king should protect his treasure
to protect righteousness, to earn more, to
protect his servant and for emergency.
21) ? ,
Now “calm down karna, calm down”. I
, .
can’t revert back my curse. Fate is very strong.
25) ।
Eke – A R Krishnashastry started samskrutha
Meagre –
education from his father. In his childhood he
Plumpy – used to go to Pathashala along with his father,

where he learnt to recite Amarakosha, English dictionary. He was editor in chief for
Samskrutha Shloka, and Panini’s Vyakarana kannda sahitya parishat magazine. He wrote
Sutra fluently. many books in Kannada. It is proud for
kannada that his Bankimachandra book was
. awarded by Kendra Sahitya academy.
ಅ .
, ,
ಅ ಟ .
ಅ ,
ಟ .
ಟ .
26) ।
Krishna Rao, one of Krishnashastry’s
disciple explains about Shastri’s broadness that . ಅ
once one of his disciple found difficult to afford

examination fees due to financial condition.
He decided not to come to college. After four .
five days when Shastri came to know the
29) ।
matter, called him and gave a check from his
pocket. This shows Shastri’s broadness Shastry opinioned that Samskrith
language and the knowledge told in samskrith
towards his disciple. . . ಅ
is big asset given by our ancestors for us. We
– should not spoil it. Now a day we are begging
ಟ in front of western people for everything. If we
depend on western people even for samskrit
. than it is defiantly the fail of our country. If
the samskrit study is reduced then it is like
taking a child away from its mother’s breast.
ಭ . ಈ
For the students who study languages should
. study samskrit.

27) ।
Shastri would always prepare well ಅ ಈ . ಅ
for his classes. His teaching method was very
attractive. DVG used to praise the teaching
ಟ . ಅ .
method of Shastri.

. ಅ .

ಅ . ಅ ಈ ಅ

. . .

28) । .
Krishna Shastry’s contribution to kannda ಅ .
literature is matchless. He established
Karnataka sangha. He started a kannada
magazine called “Prabhudha Karnataka”. He
was also a member editorial comity of kannada

 –
30) ससहवच्च .................। पराक्रमेत्
1) ईत्तरं यत् समुरस्य .........दतक्षणं ि यत् l तहमवत् 31) नवाम्रवापी ............... न पश्येत् । नरकम्
2) आतः स्वगवश्च ........... मध्यश्चाततश्च गम्यते I मोक्षश्च 32) तवद्या ................. रक्ष्यते । योगेन
3) द्वीपेषु सवेषु ............प्रयाततत I नराः

4) ............ददातत िेत् सततततच्छे दो भतवष्टयतत I पुत्रं  संयोजयत ।

5) त्वम् अत्मनः ............कु र I समीतहतम्
1) जाह्नवी गङ्गा
6) यस्य मरणकालः समायातः तस्येततरयातण
.........प्राप्नुवततत I ग्लासन 2) पररव्राड् कामवशगः

7) ईपरर तयस्तदीपायां...........तक्षप्यतां त्वया l गङ्गायां 3) उध्ववस्थदीतपका मञ्जूषा

8) भृत्यैरानाय्य सहसा ..........ईद्घाटयत् । कौतुकात्
4) गातधववतवतधना ईपयेमे
9) तमभ्यधावत् स्वकृ तो मूर्वतमातनव ..........। दुनय
व ः
10)सुिररतनततदनः तपतस्वनः देवं ........... अगताः। 5) शाङ्गवरवः कण्वतशष्टयः

6) गतधवहः वायुः
11) सववः सगतधेषु ................. । तवश्वतसतत
7) प्रजापततः ब्रह्मा
12) तिरस्य वाच्यं न गतः ................। प्रजापततः
13) ऄङ्गुलीयकशूतया मे ...............। ऄङ्गुतलः 8) पौरवः दुष्टयततः
14) राणाप्रतापः.......सभाम् अकाररतवान् l गण्यानां
9) जावतताबाइ प्रतापस्य माता
15) वैररणां .............. समुरोपमम् असीत् । सैतयं
10) तबबलाः योद्धारः
16) करिणहृदयस्य राणाप्रतापस्य...........ऄरवत् । मनः
17) कष्टपरम्परायाः ऄतप कािन ............. भवेत् । सीमा 11) ऄकबर् बादशह ददबलीशरः
18) तयोः ऄहमीदृशी ................ समुत्पन्ना । अत्मजा
12) तससीददया राणाहमीरः
19) ..................... गतधम् ऄभ्यतजघ्रम् । कु सुम
13) ऄलङ्कारतमव ब्रह्मियवस्य
20) भगवतः ऄशेषतत्रभुवनसुतदरं ...............असीत् । रूपम्
21) ऄनया ऄनायवया तनवायवतां ...............। हृदयम् 14) हंसः गौरी

22) संक्षेपतश्चेत् स्मतवव्या ................। सवाववयवसुतदरी

15) तवलासतमव सरस्वत्याः
23)...............नवनवीनं पररधानतवशेषं धारयतत। प्रततददनं
16) पुण्डरीकः ऊतषकु मारकः
24) ऄहमतस्म ..................सुतदरस्य पत्नी । शातततः
25) मे हृदयात् दकतबबषमेकं ............... । तनमूतव लतवती 17)पुत्थतलका वस्त्रापणम्

26) भवादृशा गुरवः ऄतीव ...................। तवरलाः 18)ललाटे कु ङ्कु मम्

27) वत्स................... ईतमीबयाद्य पश्य । िक्षुषी
19)दकतबबषम् पापम्
28) ममापराधः ................ क्षततव्यः। कृ पया
20)गोतवतदः बह्वपत्यः
29) ................ मम दृतष्टपथात् । ऄपेतह

21) पुतष्टपतः वृक्षः 12)मम हस्ते प्रभूतं धनं तवद्यते ।

“महाराणा प्रतापः” भामाशाहः राणाप्रतापं प्रतत
22) िृत्वा ज्ञानमवाप्नोतत
ऄवदत् ।
23) तवषयः प्रेरयतीततरयम् 13)नैतद्धनं स्वीकतृवम् ऄहम् आच्छातम ।
“महाराणा प्रतापः” राणाप्रतापः ऄमात्यं प्रतत
20) तवद्या गुप्तधनम् ऄवदत् ।
कः कं प्रतत ऄवदत् इतत 14)कु त्रातप गत्वा धनं संग्रतहष्टयातम ।
“महाराणा प्रतापः” राणाप्रतापः ऄमात्यम् ऄवदत्

1)यो दुःखी सः सुहृदद दुःखं तनवेद्य सुखी भवतत ।
15)मम जीवनं साथवकं भवेत् ।
“परे षामतप रक्ष जीतवतम्” तिरञ्जीतव पतक्षणम्
“महाराणा प्रतापः” भामाशाहः राणाप्रतापं प्रतत
प्रतत ऄवदत्।
ऄवदत् ।
2)यं कमेवं मा भक्षय ।
16)तथातप यदद कु तूहलम्, तत् कथयातम ।
“परे षामतप रक्ष जीतवतम्” जनाः राक्षसम् ऄवदन्
“ऄनुरागोदयः” महाश्वेता ितरापीडं प्रतत ऄवदत् ।
3)मया पराथवमेतत् शरीरं दीयते स्वेच्छया ।
17)“भगवन् ! दकमतभधानः” ?
“परे षामतप रक्ष जीतवतम्” राजा राक्षसम् ऄवदत्
“ऄनुरागोदयः” महाश्वेता मुतनबालकम् ऄवदत् ।
4)त्वं तवश्वस्य अर्तत पररहरतस ।
“परे षामतप रक्ष जीतवतम्” राक्षसः राजानम् प्रतत 18)’पुण्डरीक आतत नाम िक्रे ।
ऄवदत् । “ऄनुरागोदयः” मुतनबालकः महाश्वेताम् ऄवदत् ।
5)ऄद्यप्रभृतत मनुष्टयभक्षणं पररत्यज ।
19)दकम् ऄनेन प्रश्नायासेन ?
“परे षामतप रक्ष जीतवतम्” राजा राक्षसम् ऄवदत्
6)भवतु, ऄतनववणन
व ीयं परकलत्रम् । “ऄनुरागोदयः” मुतनबालकः महाश्वेताम् ऄवदत् ।
“शूतया मेsङ्गुतलः” राजा प्रततहाररणम् ऄवदत् ।
20)धैयवधना तह साधवः ।
7)सुखातन ते भतृवकुलदेवताः तवतरततु ।
“ऄनुरागोदयः” कतपञ्जलः पुण्डरीकम् ऄवदत् ।
“शूतया मेsङ्गुतलः” गौतमी शकु ततलाम् ऄवदत् ।

21)कक माम् ऄतयथा सम्भावयतस ?

8)ऄथ लोकानुग्रहाय कु शली काश्यपः ।

“शूतया मेsङ्गुतलः” राजा ऊषीन् प्रतत ऄवदत् “ऄनुरागोदयः” पुण्डरीकः कतपञ्जलम् ऄवदत् ।

9)ऄनायव, अत्मनो हृदयानुमानेन पश्यतस । 22)दृढीदक्रयतां िेतः ।

“शूतया मेsङ्गुतलः” शकु ततला राजानम् ऄवदत् ।

“तवतधतवलतसतम्” गुरः कणवम् ऄवदत् ।

10)ऄज्ञातहृदयेष्टवेवं वैरीभवतत सौहृदम् ।

23) भवदनुग्रह एव रक्षाकविम् ।
“शूतया मेsङ्गुतलः” शाङ्गवरवः शकु ततलां प्रतत
ऄवदत् । “तवतधतवलतसतम्” कणवः गुरम् ऄवदत् ।
11)ईपपन्ना तह दारे षु प्रभुता सववतोमुखी ।
24) ऄहो ! गुरकु लवैभवम् ।
“शूतया मेsङ्गुतलः” शारद्वतः राजानम् ऄवदत् ।
“तवतधतवलतसतम्” कणवः गुरम् ऄवदत् ।

25) ऄहो ! भ प्रततज्ञोsतस्म । 20) ।

“तवतधतवलतसतम्” गुरः कणवम् ऄवदत् । 21)
26)परीक्षाथवम् आतोsतप समयावकाशः तवद्यते ।

“कृ ष्टणशास्त्रीमहोदयः” कृ ष्टणशास्त्रीमहोदयः तशष्टयम्
ऄवदत् । 22) ।
27) सः यत्रकु त्रातप भवतु कालेज् अनेतव्य एव ।
“कृ ष्टणशास्त्रीमहोदयः” कृ ष्टणशास्त्रीमहोदयः
कृ ष्टणराव् महोदयम् ऄवदत्

1) ।
। ।
1) । 2) ।
2) s । ।
3) । 3) ।
4) । ।
5) । 4) ।
6) । ।
5) ।
7) । ।
8) । 6) ।
9) । ।
10) । 7) ।
11) । ।
12) “ ” । 8) ।

13) । 9) ।
14) । ।
10) ।
15) । ।
16) । 11) ।
17) । ।
18) । 12) ।
19) । ।

 / 15. --- +

1. ----- + . + =

+ = 16. ---- +

2. ------ + + =

ज्ञे + = 17. --- +

3. --- + + =

+ = 18. – +

4. ---- + + = s

+ = 19. --- +

5. ---- + + =

+ = s 20. --- +

6. ----- + + =

+ = 21. --- +

7. --- + + =

+ = 22. s --- +

8. --- + + =

+ = 23. --- +

9. --- + + = s

+ = 24. – +

10. --- + + =

+ = s 25. --- +

11. --- + + =

+ = 26. --- +

12. -- + + =

+ = 27. ---- +

13. – + + =

+ = s 28. --- +

14. s --- + + =

+ = 29. ---- +
+ =

30. --- +
+ =

 / 16) =

1) = 17) =
= =
2) = 18) =
= =
3) = 19) =
= =
4) = 20) =
= =
5) = 21) =
= =
6) = 22) =
= =
7) = 23) =
= =
8) = ज्ञः 24) =
= =
9) = 25) =
= =
10) = 26) =
= =
11) = 27) =
= =
12) = 28) =
= =
13) = 29) ज्ञा = ज्ञा
= =
14) =

15) =


 I
8) ।
1. = 16. =

2. = 17. =
9) ।
3. = 18. =

4. = 19. =
10) ।
5. = 20. =

6. = 21. =
11) । --- ।
7. = 22. =
12) । --- ।
8. = 23. =
13) ।
9. = 24. =

10. = 25. =
14) ।
11. = 26. =

12. ज्ञा = 27. =
15) ।
13. = 28. =

14. = 29. =
16) । ---- ।
15. = 30. =
17) । ----
 ।

1) । ---- । 18) । ---- ।

2) । ---- 19) । ----

3) । ---- 20) । ---

। ।

4) । ----

5) । ----

6) ।

7) ।


 ----

“ ” ४ I

१ ज्ञ I – I

– ५ ज्ञा I

२ । – I

– I ६ I

३ I – I

– I

४ I

– I
५ I

– I

 --- -
“ ”
१ I

– I
२ I

– I

- “ ”

१ I

– I

– ।

३ ।


 - - ।  ।
१ - , , १ - , ,

२ - , , २ - , ,

३ - , , ३ - , ,

४ – , , ४ - , ,

५ - , , ५ - , ,

६ - , , ६ - , ,

७ - , , ७ - , ,

८ - , , ८ - , ,

९ - , , ९ - , ,

१० - , , १० - , ,

११ - , , ११ - , ,

१२ - , , १२ - , ,

१३ - , , १३ - , ,

१४ - , , १४ - , ,

१५ - , , १५ - , ,

१६ - , , १६ - , ,

१७ - , , १७ - , ,

१८ - , , १८ - , ,

१९ - , , १९ - , ,

२० - , , २० - , ,

२१ - , , २१ - , ,

२२ - , , २२ - , ,

२३ - , , २३ - , ,

 .

। ( , , ) ( )

1) । “ ” Hay Narada, this India

॥ is the place where it gives fruit far all works

here people do three kinds of works
“ ” ಈ (Prarabhdha, Agami, Sanchitha) (kaya vacha
. ಅ ಟ manasa )
5) ।
. /

“ ” In this country of
bharatha there are nine divisions. Since they “ ”
are separated by the ocean, they are not .ಅ
connected to each other.
2) ।
“ ” When monk

entered a certain merchant‘s house to beg, he
“ ” saw a beautiful maiden coming out with alms
ಅ . in her hand.
6) ।

( ಟ ) .
“ ” ಅ
“ ” This is the ninth one . ಭ ?
which we are living. This island is surrounded
by the ocean. From north to south this island
measures 1000 yojanas. (12500km ) ./

3) । “ ” So, when I saw

her, I was pained for you are my devotee,
s ॥ therefore I broke my silence and said.
“ ” 7) s ।

“ ”

./ ಭ ಅ

“ ” These hundreds and

thousands of rivers are the mothers of this . .
universe, they are greatly useful rivers and
“ ” The merchant
many of them are self illuminatory.
being scared with monk’s words, did
4) ।
everything what he told at the same night.
॥ The timid do not ponder.
“ ” , ಈ 8) ।


“ ” midst of ascetics, like a tender sprout in the

midst of seared leaves?
. ಅ
12) ।

“ s ” ಈ
“ ” They agreed and

moved towards river Ganga. Before they
reach a prince entered into the river Ganga. ?

9) । ./

॥ “ s ” How can there be an

“ ” ಅ obstacle to the religious observances of the
good when you are the protector? When the

sun is shining how can darkness make itself
ಅ ಟ manifest?

ಟ . / “ ” 13) ।

Kept the lamp as it is and kept a terrible ॥

monkey inside the box, closed the box and “ s ”
left it in the river ganga.
10) ।

/ “ s ”
“ ”
Therefore one should form a friendship, and
particularly that in private, after a careful
examination. Friendship turns into enmity in
those whose hearts are unknown as in the
. / “ ”
present instance.
In the next morning all the people 14) ।
laughed after knowing all that incident. The

merchant felt very happy and his daughter
also happy for getting an ideal husband. “ s ”

11) । ಅ
॥ ಅ
“ s ” ಅ ಅ

ಅ ? /“ s ”
. When there is a doubt as to whether I may
have been infatuated, or this lady may be
“ s ” Who could she be,
uttering a falsehood, shall I forsake my own
with veil, and with the charm of her person wife, or be polluted by the touch of another
not very clearly revealed, standing in the man’s wife?

15) ।

॥ ಅ .

“ s ” “ ” While hurling the

weapons if you feel like low cast person then
all your weapons become useless
19) ।
/ “ s ”

True that I do not remember the “ ” .
daughter of the sage, repudiated, as having
ಟ .
been married by me. But my heart, beating
agitated, makes me believe as it were. ./“ ” By
16) । hearing the scriptures recited, one learns the
secrets of the religion. By listening to the talk
of a scholar, on evil person gets rid of evil
॥ “ ” thoughts. And the advice of spiritual guru
opens the door of heaven and way to Nirvana
or liberation beyond.
20) ।
ಭ .

“ ” This place is filled
“ ” , , ಭ,
with the presence of Veda Saraswathi. This
place is decorated with innocence. There is , ,ಅ
no unhappiness or impurity. It is full of ,ಅ , ಅ
students who are humble and who have no
evil and whose virtues delight the entire ಅ ,
world. /
17) ।
“ ” A student should
॥ completely avoid the following eight things-
“ ” his lust, anger, anger, greed, desire for sweet,
sense of decorating the body, excessive
ಈ ಅ . curiosity, excessive sleep, and excessive
endeavour for bodily maintenance.

./ 21) ।

“ ” It is fortunate that I
got this opportunity before going out. I don’t “ ”
have any other work except serving the .

18) ।
./ “ ” What you have

thought of in your mind should not come on
“ ” ಅ
your tongue. Contemplate and rethink over

it, keeping it guarded. Put the idea or plan 23) ।

into action without voicing it. Your action
should reveal everything. ॥

22) । “ ”

॥ .

“ ” .

ಅ . ಟ ಅ

,ಅ ./

./“ ” A “ ” The mind through sound,

moneyless man is not poor if he has got the beauty, liquid, smell, and touch, like matters
riches of learning. A man who has no learning stimulates. Hence mind should be tameds
is the poorest, even if he has money. and one who conquers that is called self

 ( Meanings of slokas )
1. । ॥

. .
That country which is to the north of the ocean and to the south of the Himalaya is
named Bharatha (India) and the people who live here are Bharathi (Indian)
2. । ॥
ಈ ಅ ಭ .
ಭ ಈ . ಅ
As manu protected this country he was known as bharatha, as bharatha ruled over
this country. It was called Bharathavarsha. The Etymology of the term also implies
this view.

3. । ॥
ಈ , , .
ಟ ಭ .
From here one can attain various lokas like Swarga, Madhya, Naraka and also
Solvation. in no other country is karma theory taught to people
4. । ॥
These rivers are auspices they are as pure as Ganga and Saraswathi they all flow
towards the Ocean. They are the mother of this universe, they are ward off the sins
of people
5. । ॥

ಅ ಭ ಭ ಅ ಭ .
People reap the fruit whether good or bad of their deeds on this land of Bharatha
which is prosperous.
6. । ॥
,ಭ ಭ
ಅ ಭ ,ಈ .
People reap the fruit till it diminishes, even to this day gods also prefer to be born on
this land of Bharatha
7. । ॥
, ,ಈ ಭ
, .
Oh! King, people obtain their longevity in all Islands as per my desire. Having
accomplished good deeds on this land of Bharatha human being may go to other
Islands also.

1. । ॥
.ಅ .
On the bank of the river Ganga there is a city named Makandika. In that city there
was a certain monk who observed a vow of silence.
2. । ॥
ಅ ಅ , “ಅ ! ”

The monk, seeing that she was wounderfully beautiful, he was smitten with lust, and
said – oh! “Very difficult” loudly so that the merchant could hear it.
3. । ॥
.“ ಅ

ಟ ?” ಅ .
The merchant asked to the monk in astonishment, “Why did you suddenly break your
vow of silence” then he replied thus to the merchant.
4. । ॥
ಟ . ಅ

The monk said- your daughter has inauspicious attribute. If she gets married, you
will definitely destroy with your family.
5. । ॥
ಈ ಅ ಅ

ಟ .
Therefore place your daughter in a bax, on the top of the box, there must be a lamp
and set it afloat on the Ganga to night.
6. । ॥

7. । ॥
ಅ .ಅ

, ಅ . ಅ

. .
The monk said his disciples “go to Ganga when you see a box floating along with a
lamp on top of it. Bring it here secretly”. But you must not open it if you hear the
noice inside.

8. । ॥
ಅ , ಅ

ಅ .
The prince sees that box which the merchant had thown along with the lamp, he
bring that box by his servants and immediately opened it out of curiosity.
9. । ॥
ಅ ಅ ಟ , ಅ . ಅ

In the box he saw a distractingly girl and immediately he married her in a Gandhrva
style. (Love marriage)
10. । ॥

ಅ .
The Prince took beautiful girl and went. Then the disciples of the monk came there
and searched the box.
11. । ॥
ಅ .ಅ .ಅ

ಅ .
The disciples saw the box and took out and carried it to the hermit. The monk was
very happy and addressed to his disciples.
12. । ॥
ಈ .ಈ

I will take this upstairs and perform incantation with it tonight. So you must sleep
downstairs silently.
13. । ॥

ಅ .
Having said this, the monk (who wants to enjoy the merchant’s daughter) took the
box to top of the attic of mutt and opened it.
14. । ॥
ಭ ಅ ಅ .
Then the fearfull monkey came out of the box as the embodiment of evil chased upon
the monk.

15. । ॥
ಅ ,

Immediately the monkey angered like executioner and cut his nose by teeth and ears
by nails.

1. । ॥
ಭ ಅ ,

Even by one good tree that has flowlered and has a nice fragrance, the whole forest in
made fragrant, just as a whole family is benifitted by one good son.
2. । ॥
ಅ . .

. .
Low level people like money. The middle class people like money and self respect.
The higer level people like only self respect because self respect is the biggest wealth.
3. । ॥
, , ಭ, , ,ಅ ,ಅ ,

ಅ , .
A student should completely renounce the following eight things – lust, anger, greed,
desire for sweets, sense of decorating the body, excessive curiosity, over sleep, and
over endeavour for bodily maintenance.
4. । ॥
.ಅ .
What you have thought of in your mind should not come on your tongue.
Contemplate and rethink over it, keeping it grarded. Put the idea or plan into action
without voiving it, your action should reveal everything.
5. । ॥
. .

ಅ .
Knowledge is like the holy kamadhenu cow. It bears fruit in all seasons. In foreign
lands it it is like a mother. Therefore it is considered an inbuilt secret treasure.

6. । ॥
, ಅ , ,ಅ

A moneyless man is not poor, if he has got the riches of learning. A man who
has no knowledge is the poorest, even if he has money.
7. । ॥

ಟ , ಅ .
The mind through sound, beauty, liquid, smell, and touch, like matters stimulates. Hence mind
should be tameds and one who conquers that is called self controlled.

8. । ॥
, ಅ , , , ,

, .
Good and truthfull words, mercy, charity, kindness towards other people,
always friendship with good hearted persons, thinking about welfair of paious men,
The good people follow these as vow.
9. । ॥
ಅ .

A rich (king) should protect his treasure for the sake of auspicious job, to accumulate
money, to take care of his servants and to survive from the difficult situations.
10. । ॥
ಅ , , , , ,( ) ,

ಅ .
Pipal tree, neem tree, banian tree, ten tamarind trees, goose berry, kapitta
bilva and ten mango Those, who grow these will never see the hell.

 - ।
1) ?
The geographical descriptions of India can be seen in the poem the land
which is in north of the sea and south of the Himalaya is called Bharatha, and the people who
recidence of this land are called Indians. According to , there are nine divisions in

. Among those. , , , , , , and

are eight. Out of these, there is a ninth Island, which is surrounded by the sea. This Island
extends thousand yojanas8 from north to south. There are seven major mountains mentioned
in . , , , , , and these seven Mountains are

considered as . Ancient India has many holy rivers. Among them few are ,

, , , , , , and . These are mothers of universe.

There are many famous pilgrimage9 places have been mentioned in purana. They are
, , , , , and . There are many

tribes10 like , , , , , , and have been mantined in

purana. So thus the ancient India has been described in various Purana.
ಭ .

ಭ .ಈ ಭ ಭ .

, , , , , , ,

. ,

ಅ . ಈ ಭ

.ಅ , , , , , . , , ,

, , , , . ,

. , , , , ,

. ಈ ಭ . , ,

Yojanas – 1 Yojana = 12.5 km


Pilgrimage – ( )

Tribes –

, , , , ಅ ಈ ಭ

2) ?
This incident is explained in the lesson Vikrama the
valiant king was always a benefactor11 of the needy. He always helped those were in distress.
When he heard the people of the Palasha city are suffering from the treble of demon
immediately he rushed to the place where the demon used to come and kill the people. he sat
over the sacrificial boulder awaiting the arrival of the demon with a great courage. The demon
was astonished to find the king in a happy mood and asks that every day the people who come
there would die, before his arrivals. But the king is sitting happily. So he was very curious to
know who is he. The king responds that he is not feeling sorry because he is offering himself,
on his own accord. The demon was pleased with the king’s conducts and realized that one
should not be tribalism for anyone, when the demon grants him a boon of his choice. The king
requests him to abjure cannibalism. All living beings have the love to protect other’s lives also.
Thus the demon changed his acts by king Vikrama’s advice.
“ ” .

, . ಅ

, .

ಅ ಅ , .

, ಅ

– ಭ .

ಅ . ? .

. .

ಭ . ಈ

. ಅ .

ಭ . .

ಅ . .

3) ?
“ ” is a story from of Somadeva Army commander
Rumanvanta narrates this to chief minister Yougandharayana in order to make him cautious12

Benefactor –
Cautious –

while implementing13 plans let us observe how far the title suits. The people who have
deceitful nature, think strategies to cheat innocents. Monk is the major character, who had
practiced the austerity14 of silence. Once he approached a merchant’s house for alms. He saw
bewitching15 beautiful girl, giving alms for him. Lust arose in him. He was captivated by her
beauty and plan to get her. Soon he thought of a strategy. Generally the people who are afraid
won’t think properly. So the monk pronounced very loudly Oh! Very sad monk word hits the
mind of merchant. When the monk broke his silence, the merchant asked him curiously the
reason for broking his silence. Then the monk makes merchant’s mind weak monk thought to
take the advantage of the situation and to have monk said “your daughter has inauspicious sign.
If you give her away in marriage to anybody, your entire family will perish. 16 So keep her in a
box with a lamp lit on its top and set it afloat in the night the Ganga. Merchant loses his
thinking power and becomes a pray for the monk. People generally believe monk’s words and
follow them. Here the merchant got afraid hearing the monk’s words fear made him loose
thinking ability. He never thought the facts in monk’s word. So simply he did as the monk
instructed. Finally he puts his daughter in to a risk by throwing her in to Ganga. Thus the title
suites very much to the story.
ಈ .

ಈ . ಈ .

ಟ . ಈ ಟ

. ಅ

. ಅ ಟ .

, ಅ .


. .

. . ಈ

ಭ .

ಟ .

. ಈ ಈ .

ಈ .

4) ।
is well told in “ ” The finger ring will
take a major role in the entire drama. It becomes a course setter for this story. Earlier in

Implementing –

Austerity -
Bewitching –
Perish -

kanvashrama, Dushyanta had fallen in love with Shakuntala and got married her in Gandharva
style. After some days, when Dushyanta had to leave for Hastinapura, he gave her a finger ring
(Anguliyaka) which had the royal seal for his memory. Shakuntala passed her days by seeing
the finger ring. One day in memories of Dushyanta, Shakuntala forgot to welcome the sage
Durvasa. Durvasa cursed Shakuntala, due to the curse, Dushyanta forgot everything about
Shakuntala. But alternatively when Shakuntala shows the ring to the king, the curse would
break and he could recollect his memories. Thus the ring took a major role in the story. After
some days of waiting, when Dushyanta did not come back, Shakuntla was bought to
Dushyanta’s court. There Shakuntala desires to prove the consummation17 of their marriage by
showing him the ring, a token of recognition. At the time when she trying to show the finger
ring as a proof, she comes to know while she was offering the prayer. By this she became a
matter of ridicule18 for the king. Shakuntala felt sad and left the palace. One day at the king’s
palace, a fisherman brought him a ring. He told the king that he had found the ring in the
stomach of a fish that he had brought it strait to him. As soon as the king saw the ring, the curse
was broken. Recognizing the royal seal memories. Thus the finger ring has taken major role in
the play.
“ ” “ s ”ಈ ಟ .

“ ” ಟ ಅ ಈ .

, ಟ

ಈ . .

ಈ ಅ

, ಅ .

ಅ . ಅ

. ಅ

. ಅ ಅ .

. ಅ

ಅ ಭ . ಅ . ಈ ಅ

ಅ .


The Deerghapanga prasanga is explained in the lesson s Dheerghapanga was

Consummation -
( )
Redicule –

the name of Shakuntala’s pet fawn. In kalidasa’s “ ” 5th act, Shakuntala

brought to Dushyanta’s court as Dushyanta had married her in the king’s palace nobody was
aware of Durvasa’s curse. So Dushyanta refused sage kanva’s massage. At the time when
Dushyanta refused Shakuntala. She was advised by sharadvatha that she could convey
Dushyanta by convincing reply. Then started to tell the Deerghapanga incident to Dushyanta.
Long back in Kanvashrama, Dushyanta and Shakuntala were sitting in a bower19 of jasmine.
Dushyanta had a cup with water in his hand which was made of lotus leaves. That moment a
fawn named Deerghapanga, which was adopted as child by Shakuntala came there. Dushyanta
tried to feed the deer with water. But the deer did not drink the water as he was a stranger.
But the deer drank the same water, when it was given by Shakuntala. Dushyanta laughed at
Shakuntala and said that everybody will be faithful with their own people. Here both
Shakuntala and the deer were belongs to forest this is the Deerghapanga prasanga.
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6) -
We can see the conversation between Sharngarava and Dushyanta in the lesson
“ s ” Dushyanta the king of Hastinapura had married Shakuntala in secret. Who was
the adopted daughter of Sage Kanva. But due to the curse of sage Durvasa, king forgot about
Shakuntala and engaged himself in the affairs of the state. After waiting for some days the sage
Kanva sent Shakutala to Dushyanta’s court along with his two disciple. Shargarava was one of
them. After entering Dushyanta’s court the conversation between Shargarava and Dushyanta
starts Sharngarava- victory O king. Dushyanta – I salute you all. indeed my royal title is no empty
one is holy Kanva in health? Sharngarava- O king those who have religious power can command
health. He asks after your welfare and sends this message. Dushyanta – what are his commands.
Sharngarava – he says since you have met my daughter and have married her, I gave you my glad
consent she is pregnant now. Take her and live with her virtue. Dushyanta - what is this
insinuation?20 Shargarava – what is your question? Surely you know the world’s ways well
enough. Because the world suspects21 a wife who doesn’t share her husband lot. Dushyanta –

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Insinuation -
Suspect –

you cannot mean that this young woman is my wife. Sharngarava – have you nothing to say o
king? Dushyanta – hermit, I have taken thought. I cannot believe that this woman is my wife.
She is plainly with child. How can I take her? Sharngarava – Not so, you can scorn the sage who
rendered his grief, who freely gave you, stole and added honour to a thief.
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7) ।
Difficulties faced by Ranapratap is mentioned in the lesson “ ” at the time when
Ranapratapa was crowned22 as king, he had to face many problems, British and moghal kings
used to attack his country. Especially chithoud and mewad, two major regions were captured
by moghal. So he pondered over retrieving the lost regions. To region all lost places, he
sworethat he wouldn’t consume food in gold and silver utensils, not sleep on the bed and not
live the palace. So he went to forest along with his associates. Ranapratapa and his associates
faced a lot of difficulties in forest. He was bothered by the attack of the enemies lack23 of food
on other hand. At that time a several battle took place against enemies at Haldighat. The army
of enemies was as vast as an ocean. So he wasn’t victorious. He started to build his army by
staying in caves in the forest, to realize his firm determination. One day his wife prepared rotis,
made up of the powder of seeds of the hay (dry grass) of the forest and served small pieces of
rotis to the family members. She instructed her daughter to consume only a small piece of roti
and to keep the other half for the next day, because she doubted the availability of food on the
next day for her beloved daughter. Such a pathetic life used to lead Ranapratapa and his family

Crowned -
Lack -

in the forest.
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Rotika prasanga is told in the lesson “ ” Ranapratapa and his associates faced a
lot of difficulties in forest. His wife and children faced difficulties due to lack of food. One day
his wife prepare rotis, made up of the powder of seeds of the hay(dry grass) of the forest and
served small pieces of rotis to family members. She instructed her daughter to consume only a
small piece of roti and to keep the other half for the next day, because she doubted the
availability of food on the next day for her beloved daughter. Such a pathetic life used to lead
Ranapratapa and his family in the forest. Then the wild cat snatched the roti from her hand and
ran away. This merciful scene melted the mind of stone hearted Ranapratapa.
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9) ?
The description of the son of sage can be seen in the lesson “ ”
Mahashwetha describes the young sage before Chandrapeeda. Once mahashwetha went to

Acchoda Lake for bath with her mother. There she smelt the fragrance of a flower and was
attracted by the smell. She moved a little for in searching of the flower. At one place she saw a
handsome young sage, who had worn a bunch of flowers on his ear as an ornament. The young
sage was exceedingly handsome. He was looking like very spring itself performing penance,24
due to the grief of the death of Kamadeva, being burnt by the fire of the third eye of shiva. He
was like the moon, which practices penance on lord shiva’s head to win the whole world. He
was like Kamadeva himself penancing to attract lord shiva. He was adorned with the sacred
thread which looked like a fiber of lotus plant, grown in the lake of penance. In one hand he
had a water pot (kamandha) which was Bakula fruit shaped. In another hand he had
Akshamala, the crystals of which looked like the tears of Rathi, who was crying on account of
Manmatha’s demise25. He was an ornament for celibacy.26 He was like, youth incarnation of
Dharam. He was bestowed with the grace of goddess Saraswathi. He was like the meeting
place of all Vedas. Like the month of Chitra, his face was charmingly marked by the beauty of
Thilaka, holy ashes and flowers. He was also accompanied by another young ascetic, who
resembled him, who was of his same age. Thus Mahashwetha describes the sage’s son.

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10) ?
After seeing the hermit, Mahashwetha thought as follows- Oh! Lord Brahma has no dearth
of material to create a man with extraordinary handsomeness. Even after creating Madana,
who is flower weaponed, God of love, whose preface loveliness causes all the three worlds to
winder, Brahma has created this when brahma created the moon, which causes happiness to

Penance -
Dimise –death
( )
Celibacy –

the whole world, the lotuses which are homes for goddess Lakshmi, he must have been
practicing to create this face. (Of the sage) otherwise what could be the reason of his creating
similar things.
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11) ?
The birth story of Pundarika is told in the lesson “ ” This story is told by
Kapinjala to Mahashwetha, in Mahashwetha Vruttanta of Bana’s Kadambari. Mahashwetha was
so curious about Pundarika, as she was fallen in his love. Knowing her curiosity Kapinjala, who
was the companion of Pundarika told this story to Mahashwetha. There was a sage named
Shwethakethu, who resides in the heavenly regions. His handsomeness was praised by all the
three worlds. Once he descended to the holy lake Mandakini to pluck lotuses for worship.
Goddess Lakshmi saw him. She was attracted by his handsomeness. By just gazing27 at lotus.
She put the child on her lap and said – “Oh! Honourable one, kindly take your child saying so,
she handed over the baby to shwethaketu. The child was named Pundarika as he born on the
white lotus.
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Gazing –

12) ।
“ ” in this lesson It became the young man’s daily routine to reach his office through the
route via the garment shop. He would be dejected if he did not get at least a glimpse of her. On
days when be could not get to see her, he felt the whole day was a waste. Even when he was in
office working, his mind would be engrossed in her. When he had some respite, she would
appear in the dancing hall of his mind and would be dancing. Now and then his stream of
thoughts would flow out – Who is this beautiful young lady? Is she married or not? Does she
have children? Who could her lucky husband be? Even if answres were available, it would not
have made any difference to his feeling
Everyday her sight would fill his mind with romantic satisfaction which kept him happy till
the next morning. One day he saw her conversing with a young man. He was filled with anger.
He could he be her husband or her brother? The young man was handsome and well built. He
looked at the man with jealousy without batting an eyelid. Never in the past had he behaved
like this.

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13) ।
This incident has found in the lesson “ ” Karna approaches
Parashurama for learning the usage of weapons and missiles. Parashurama was satisfied with
Karna’s devotion towards the preceptor28 and teaches all that he knew about weapons and
missiles. After initiating him in to various austerities. Parashurama teaches Bhargavastra.
Finally Karna takes the blessing from his Guru and decided to preceptor. Karna a longing looks
at his preceptor, who was sleeping. He rushes to him lifts his head and by name Vajra drills his
thigh and blood oozes out, by the dampness of the blood, parashurama is waken up and asks
angrily – why did you return to Ashrama? How did my head rest on your lap? What is the cause
for this blood stream? Who are you that can bear this pain? Tell me the truth. Then Karna

Preceptor -

informed his preceptor about the insect named Vajra which pierced29 his thigh for the desire of
his flesh, and his tolerance30 of the pain fearing the disturbance of his teacher’s sleep.
Parashurama was astonished at the level of tolerance, which was uncommon for a good
behaved person. Moreover Parashurama repented for having given away his knowledge to an
unworthy man. He forced Karna to reveal the truth. Karna assured his master that he had not
trodden31 the wrong path. But Parashurama did not trust his words. Infuriated32 by the
knowledge that he is a son of charioteer. Parashurama curses him thus (

। ) the moment you think of your birth as the son

of charioteer. May all your knowledge of weapons be useless, which he had committed.

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14) ।
A R Krishnashastri had lot of affection on his students. Dr. K M Krishna Rao
remembers one of such incidents thus – once a Krishna Shastri’s student was in financial
trouble during his college days. He was not able to pay the exam fees and decided not to come
to college. When shastry came to know about this, he called him to college and asked the
reason for the absence. Realizing his situation, Shastry gave money from his pocket and
encouraged him to study. Kuvempu was one of shastry’s desciples. Whenever shastry visits

Pierced –
Tolerance –

Trodden -

Infuriated – ( )

Mysore, he would meet kuvempu without fail. Suppose he could not than used to feel sad. Once
shastry had planned to translate Dwanyaloka of Anandavardhana but he came to know that one
of his students Dr. K Krishnamurthy was doing that work. Than shastry happily encouraged
him. All such incidents show Shastry’s affection towards his student.
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Above (8) answers of these questions are available from the page no 179
onwards in your Sanskrit text book { -२}

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1) ।

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In Kerala, a couple named Shivaguru and Aryamba begot a child. Since he was born by the
blessings of lord Shiva, they named him Shankara. Even as a child, he completed his study of Vedas and
became a Sanyasi. As per his mother’s permission he went to the banks of river Narmada and studied
the sastras under his Guru. Then he established mutts in four parts of India and increased the prestige
of Hindu dharma. He is SHANKARA BHAGAVATPADA.
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2) , , , ।
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Indian culture is the oldest culture in the world. According to many, it is the most superior
culture and praiseworthy. When people around the world were living an uncivilised and uncultured
life, Indian culture was at its peak. Freedom of thought, religiousness, tolerance of difficulties of life,
important to knowledge and the concept of universal brotherhood are some of the special features of
Indian culture. Therefore Indian culture is appreciated around the world.

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3) । । । । ।
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Sports are a very important aspect of life. Sports boost our physical strength. We get motivated.
Health improves. The mind is refreshed. They create zeal in life. They develop in us the spirit of
oneness. They develop a sense of friendliness. Therefore elders recommend that we should engage in
some sport with like minded and people of the same age group.
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4) । ।
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। ।
Books are tools of communication. To collect and provide information on different subjects,
books are the best medium. It is possible to have permanent exchange of thoughts through books one
who reads a lot will acquire more and more knowledge. In ancient times people used to write a palm
leaves. After the invention of the printing machine, books became more popular.

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Who does not know the name of the second Prime Minister of our country Sri Lal Bahadur Shastri ?
This great man was born at Mughal Sarai near Varanasi on 2nd of October 1904. He did his education
at Harishchandra Vidyalaya and Kashi Vidyapeetha at Varanasi. He obtained the title “Shastri” at Kashi
Vidyapeetha. Hence he came to be known by that name.
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6) । ।

Deepavali festival celebrated for three days. Here it indicates that fourteen negative energy
destroyed. Lakshmi pooja celebrated on the amavasya day (moonless day). On the pratipadi day (first
day) worshiping to Bali who blessed by the Vishnu the form of Vamana. In this time let the darkness of

everybody’s life be destroyed and let everyone’s life shine. Therefore the lights of the lamps are
decorated everywhere.
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7) । , , , s ,

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Mordern man is wishing to know what is going on in the world. The media is helpful in knowing
what is going on in the villages, in the towns in the country and even in foreign countries. People in
the media work day and night. Radio television, documentaries, books, newspapers, telephone and
computers are the different media. Media safeguards the unity and integrity of a country.
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8) ।

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Experiments are going on to determine the language most suitable to programme computers. All
languages of the world are considered for the experiment. Sanskrit is the most scientific language
among all. Thus it is proved that Sanskrit is the most suitable language for computers.

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9) । ।
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The night is over. The dawn brings to us pleasing sceneries. The stars that shine at night grow dimmer
and disappear when the sun rises. Darkness will disappear and there will be light everywhere. The
melodious songs of the birds will be heard everywhere. Fresh air blows early in the morning.
Everyone’s enthusiasm is aroused.

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1) Gopala Krishna Gokhale was a great patriot. He lead the freedom movement prominently. He was
a very good orator too. The people joined the freedom movement, having listened to his inspiring
patriotic speech. His simple and self less life is a role model to all.
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2) Once the sages went to the king janaka and asked him, Oh! King, how can you perform both
protection of the subject and accomplishing yoga simultaneously? the king replied- Oh great sages, I think
, you are questioning me, though you yourselves know it. Every thing happens in this world by the grace
of Almighty. I discharge my duties with the feeling that nothing is mine. So this is possible.
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3) Kartikeya, the destroyer of demon Taraka, is the younger son of lord shiva. Ganesha, the remover
of obstacles is his elder son. Kubere, the lord of wealth is his friend. Parvathi the mother of universe is
his wife. Parvataraja, the king of mountains is his father –in-law. Nandi is his Vehicle Virabhadra is his
chief of army. In spite of this entire lord shiva begs. What a destiny!

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4) Once the sage Vishwamitra came to the court of the king Dasharatha. He requested to send the
boys Rama and Lakshmana to protect his sacrifice. Dasharatah felt sad due to affection towards his
children. Vasishtha, the preceptor of the family, advised Dasharatha to fulfil Vishwamitra’s request.
Dasharatha sent Rama and Lakshmana for the welfare of the world.

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5) Banares is on the banks of the river Ganga. It is famous for its temple. Silk and ghats. It is one of
the most ancient cities. It is a famous pilgrim centre in India. People from all parts of the Country visit
the place. They take bath in the river Ganga, having visited the Viswanatha temple. They feel that their
life is fulfilled.
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The mind of a child is like a wet clay mound. The potter gives clay mound a correct shape by his
skill. In the same way a teacher constructs the future of a student. And fills his mind with the feeling that
– I am great. At times necessary I will collect and utilise all my energy for the nation.

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6) Self confidence is the success behind all the works. It shows the aim and paves the way to attain it.
It makes a stream of energy to flow within us which makes possible even the difficult mission. Which
seems impossible. It is the best friend of each and every human being. This is the real wealth to be
acquired. It is the duty of all us to increase this day by day.
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