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The International Space Station!

American and Russian interests rarely align in the grand geopolitical chess
game. After decades of Cold War angst, we often find ourselves on the
opposite ends of the table in global politics. However, space exploration is one
of the great cultural ties that binds Russia and the United States together.

American astronauts study Russian so that they can work together in space.
Every year, Russian scientists and engineers travel to the United States to work
with NASA. Even in times of intense political crisis, American and Russian
scientists continue to work together ensuring that our astronauts and
cosmonauts stay safe up there.

We need each other. We may not always like our Russian counterparts, but we
still rely upon them to come through.

A cultural tie brings together different peoples in pursuit of shared interests.

President Moon Jae-in (second from right) on June 4, 2018, shakes hands with
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte in their summit in Seoul. Both leaders
agreed to designate 2019 as the "Year of Mutual Exchanges between Korea and
the Philippines."
Developing cultural ties between the U.S. and Turkmenistan through the Circus

May 30-June 5, 2017 three American circus experts conducted a productive

week-long workshop session for the students of the only school of circus arts
in Turkmenistan – the Turkmen State Institute of Culture. This collaboration
extended to the professional circus artists at the Turkmen State Circus which
has concluded with the first joint circus performance by American and
Turkmen circus artists in the history of the bilateral cultural relations between
the U.S. and Turkmenistan. The program has proven to be a great success and
the U.S. Embassy will continue to cooperate closely with the State Circus of
Turkmenistan and the Turkmen State Institute of Culture in future.

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