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COR 020: PE and Health 4

MODULE 1: NATURE OF RECREATIONAL ACTIVITY and they are to recreate the mind
and soul.
RECREATIONAL Provide an individual with
ACTIVITIES meaningful leisure-time activities. - There are well-established
clubs or recreation centers offer
- Help gain enough skills to find
a varied programme of
joy and enough satisfaction that
activities throughout the year.
you become recreated,
- Basketball, swimming,
refreshed, and revitalized.
volleyball, chess, table tennis,
- Recreate the body, mind, and
bowling, singing, reading,
listening to music, watching
- Bring forth renewed vigor, spirit,
movies, and more of the same.
and creative effort.
- Give you the opportunity to be OUTDOOR Provide us with the means to
creative, to express your basic SPORTS exercise and hence happen to be
needs, and to be your real self. one of the best forms of
ALL WORK AND Dull, sick, unbalanced, and
NO PLAY unhappy - Nature walks, river rafting,
cycling, camping, fishing,
CORRECTLY More productive; better physical, hiking, adventure park, surfing,
BALANCE WORK mental, social, and emotional and sports.
AND PLAY health. - Range from nature walks to
DISCIPLINED, Have better chances of being river rafting.
WELL- successful. ORGANIZED Often planned by private clubs or
ORGANIZED, RECREATIONAL government organizations.
HAVE LIFE GOALS ACTIVITIES - Sports, cultural activities, and
social gatherings are some of
PHYSICAL People exerts efforts and bodily the organized ones.
RECREATION functions in performing the action.
CLUBS AND Offer a variety of recreational
MENTAL Mind is doing the functions with RECREATION programs for people of different
RECREATION less body movement. CENTERS ages and varied interests.
SPECTATOR TYPE People spend their time watching second most popular team sport
the event and derive enjoyment after soccer.
from it. - Basketball does not build
character; it reveals it.
PARTICIPANT People who participate in an
TRADITIONAL children, usually using native
PASSIVE TYPE People have no excessive GAMES (LARO NG materials or instruments.
movement in performing the task LAHI)
or action. - In Philippines, due to limited
resources of toys for Filipino
- Reading, painting, children, they usually invent
photography, fishing, and board games without the need of
games anything but the players
ACTIVE TYPE People have to function effectively themselves. Their games’
in performing the action. complexity arises from their
- Basketball, skateboarding, flexibility to think and act.
bicycling, and patintero (laro ng - Can be played individually or by
lahi) teams.
- Very convenient to play
MODULE 2: INDOOR AND OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL because of the limited space it
ACTIVITY requires and the simplicity of its
RECREATION Activity of leisure, which is an rules.
essential element of human TRADITIONAL Symbol of our national identity and
biology and psychology. GAMES pride.
- Refers to the time spent in an
activity one loves to engage in, TUMBANG PRESO Popular Filipino street game also
with an intent to feel refreshed. known as Presohan.
- It is a break from monotony and - Requires 3 or more players.
a diversion from the daily - Each player is provided with a
routine. large throw-away object (could
be slippers or a shoe) called
RECREATIONAL Often done for enjoyment, PAMATO.
ACTIVITIES amusement, pleasure, or health - There will be four rounds.
benefits and are considered to be
fun. SEMI-FLATTENED Placed in upright position 6 or 8
EMPTY TIN OR meters from the throwing line.
INDOOR Undertaken on the comfort one’s CONTAINER (8 OR
ACTIVITIES home or more specifically indoor 12 OZ. TINS)
COR 020: PE and Health 4
PRISONER Will guard the empty tin or game.
container. - There will be three rounds.
- Can also tag the players while SIPA Object being used to play the
recovering their pamato outside game.
the throwing line.
- Made of a washer with colorful
PLAYERS Stand at the throwing line. threads, usually plastic straw,
- They take turns throwing their attached to it.
pamato at the empty tin, trying MODULE 6&7: CHESS
to knock it down.
- After each throw, a player must HISTORY 1. Originated in India before the
recover his pamato. Should 6th century AD.
he/she be tagged by the 2. Spread to Persia
prisoner before he/she reaches 3. Taken by Muslim when Arab
the throwing line, he/she conquered Persia.
becomes the prisoner in the 4. Spread to Southern Europe.
next game. 15TH CENTURY Chess evolved roughly in its
CAN IS KNOCKED The prisoner must put back the tin current form.
DOWN in upright position as soon as ROMANTIC ERA Predominant chess playing style
he/she can before he can tag any OF CHESS down to the 1880s.
of the players attempting to
- Characterized by
recover their pamato.
PAMATO The prisoner can step on both with
SECOND HALF OF Modern chess tournament began.
BECOMES TOO one foot. The owner of the pamato
CLOSE TO THE TIN becomes the new prisoner.
20TH CENTURY Establishment of the world chess
PATINTERO Most widely known and played
1886 World chess championship was
- Equipment needed is chalk or
paint, a scoreboard, whistle, 21ST CENTURY Include use of computer for
stop watch, and powder. analysis which originated in 1970s
- Try to cross my line without with the first programmed games
letting me touch or catch you. on the market.
- The objective of a team is to MID-1990S Online gaming appeared.
accumulate as many points by
passing the lines without being CHESS Two-player game, where one
tagged. Even only one member player is assigned white pieces
of a group is tagged, the whole and the other black.
group will be over. - There will be three rounds.
- A team is composed of 5 EACH PLAYER  1 king
players and a coach. HAS 16 PIECES TO  1 queen
- There will be four rounds. START THE GAME  2 rooks
OFFICIAL OF THE  Scorer  2 bishops
GAME  Timekeeper  2 knights
 5 linesmen  8 pawns
LINE GUARD Defensive team OBJECT OF THE Capture the other player’s king.
PASSER Offensive team GAME
CHECKMATE Once a king is under attack and
unable to avoid capture, the game
is over.
CHESS BOARD 64 squares in an 8x8 grid

DURATION OF THE Three innings and each inning are

GAME divided into halves.
SIPA (GAME OF The player must not allow the sipa
KICK) to touch the ground by hitting it
several times with his/her foot,
and sometimes the part just above
the knee. The one with the
greatest number of kicks wins the
COR 020: PE and Health 4
WHITE PLAYER Moves first were soon superseded by two
connected analog clocks.
MOVE Placing one piece on a different
square, following the rules of - One player’s clock starts as
movement for that piece. soon as the other player has
made a move and punched the
- A player can take an
opponent’s piece by moving
one of his or her own pieces to SCORE SHEETS For recording the moves of a
the square that contains an game are another necessity for
opponent’s piece. The tournament play.
opponent’s piece is removed - Usually issued at the start of
from the board and is out of each round in a tournament,
play for the rest of the game. but many players prefer to
CHECK King is threatened with capture, record their games in
but has a mean to escape. scorebooks.
- A king cannot move into check
(that is considered an illegal
move), and if a king is put in HOW THE CHESS PIECES MOVE
check, it must get out of check.
KING Moves one square in any
THREE WAYS TO 1. Capture the checking piece. direction.
GET OUT OF 2. Block the line of attack by
CHECK placing one of your own pieces
between the checking piece The king is the most important
and the king. (Knight cannot be chess piece. Remember, the goal
blocked) of a game of chess is to
3. Move the king away from checkmate the king! When a
check. game starts, each side has one
king. White's king is located on e1,
The game is DRAWN when the player to move has no while Black's king starts on e8.
legal move and his king is not in check.
The game is said to end in STALEMATE. This The king is not a very powerful
immediately ends the game. piece, as it can only move (or
KING AND ROOK  The king that makes the capture) one square in any
CAN MOVE castling move has not yet direction. Please note that the king
SIMULTANEOUSLY moved in the game. cannot be captured! When a king
IN A CASTLING  The rook that makes the is attacked, it is called "check."
MOVE castling move has not yet QUEEN Moves any number of squares
moved in the game. diagonally, horizontally, or
 The king is not in check. vertically.
 The king does not move over a
square that could be attacked
by an enemy piece. The queen is the most powerful
 All squares between the rook chess piece! When a game
and king before the castling begins, each side starts with one
move must be empty. queen. The white queen is located
on d1, while the black queen is
ON REACHING A pawn must immediately be located on d8.
THE LAST RANK exchanged, as part of the same
move, for [either] a queen, a rook,
a bishop, or a knight, of the same The queen is considered a major
color as the pawn, at the player’s piece (like a rook) and is worth
choice and without taking into nine points. It can move as many
account the other pieces still squares as it likes left or right
remaining on the chessboard. horizontally, or as many squares
as it likes up or down vertically
- The effect of the promoted
(like a rook). The queen can also
piece is immediate and
move as many squares as it likes
diagonally (like a bishop). An easy
EQUIPMENT way to remember how a queen
CHESS PIECES The most familiar and popular can move is that it moves like a
pieces follow the STAUNTON rook and a bishop combined!
PATTERN, first registered in 1849 ROOK Moves any number of squares
by Nathaniel Cook. horizontally or vertically.
- Staunton pieces are required
for most tournaments. Each side starts with two rooks,
- Normally made from wood or one on the queenside and one on
plastic, although other materials the kingside. All four rooks are
can be used. located in the corners of the
CHESS CLOCKS The first clocks, used in the 19th board. White's rooks start the
century, were SANDGLASSES, game on a1 and h1, while Black's
which kept track of each player’s rooks are located on a8 and h8.
time on a different device. There
COR 020: PE and Health 4
The rook is considered a major The pawn is the least powerful
piece (like the queen) and is worth piece and is worth one point. If it is
five points. It can move as many a pawn's first move, it can move
squares as it likes left or right forward one or two squares. If a
horizontally, or as many squares pawn has already moved, then it
as it likes up or down vertically (as can move forward just one square
long as it isn't blocked by other at a time. It attacks (or captures)
pieces). An easy way to each square diagonally to the left
remember how a rook can move is or right. In the following diagram,
that it moves like a "+" sign. the pawn has just moved from the
e2-square to the e4-square and
BISHOP Moves any number of squares
attacks the squares d5 and f5.

Each side starts with two bishops,

one on a light square and one on
a dark square. When a game
begins, White's bishops are
located on c1 and f1, while Black's
bishops are located on c8 and f8.

The bishop is considered a minor

piece (like a knight) and is worth
three points. A bishop can move
diagonally as many squares as it
likes, as long as it is not blocked
by its own pieces or an occupied
square. An easy way to remember
how a bishop can move is that it
moves like an "X" shape. It can
capture an enemy piece by
moving to the occupied square
where the piece is located.
KNIGHT Moves in an ‘L-shape,’ two
squares in a straight direction, and
then one square perpendicular to

Each side starts with two knights

—a king's knight and a queen's
knight. When a game starts,
White's knights are located on b1
and g1, while Black's knights are
located on b8 and g8.

The knight is considered a minor

piece (like a bishop) and is worth
three points. The knight is the only
piece in chess that can jump over
another piece! It moves one
square left or right horizontally and
then two squares up or down
vertically, OR it moves two
squares left or right horizontally
and then one square up or down
vertically—in other words, the
knight moves in an "L-shape." The
knight can capture only what it
lands on, not what it jumps over!
PAWN Moves one square forward, but on
its first move, it can move two
squares forward. It captures
diagonally one square forward.

When a game begins, each side

starts with eight pawns. White's
pawns are located on the second
rank, while Black's pawns are
located on the seventh rank.

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