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AftobBohumukhi Forms Limited
lslom Chomber (13th lloor) 125/A, Motijheet C/A, Dhoko-1000
POLICY NO : ABFL/HR 12013- 02
EFFECTIVE FROM : Jonuory 01 , 2014


PURPOSE : To prescribe the bosic guidelines for odherence to office discipline

All employees ore to report of their designoted workploces of the specific times
prescribed on oll working doys. The working hours ore os given:

. Heod Office: From9.30 om to 5.30 pm with o lunch ond proyer breok from
l.15pm Io 2.15 pm.

. All Feed Mills: From\.)1am to 5.00 pm with a lunch and proyer break from t.O0
pm to 2.00 pm with the exception of Fridoy lunch ond proyer breok, which is
from 12.30 pm to 2.30 pm.

. Form Office: From9.00 om to 5.30 pm with o lunch and proyer breok from t.0O
pm to 2.00 pm except with fhe excepfion of Fridoy lunch ond proyer breok,
which is from 12.30 pm to 2.30 pm.

All employees ore required to punch their doily ottendonce in the ottendonce
mochine ond ottendonce register. This is mondotory before they procee.d to their
respective workploces.

{ There will be 'o "Red Mork" ofter l0 munities of the respective office time ond the
Attendonce regisier will be shifted to the respective Admin Deportment.

The following rules ore opplicoble lo lole:

SI Porticulors Groce Time Treotment Remorks

0t Lote Upto l0m nutes Considered

02 Lote Up to 30 minuies Considered for
politicol unrest
O3 3 doys Lote in o month After l0 minuies Deduct 1 doy
Annuol Leove

#< /*r\J
04 5 doys lote in o month After l0 minutes Deduct 2 doys
Annuol Leove
Above 5 doys.lote in o '10
05 After minutes Explonotion letter
/ 06 Reporting for duty Afier I I minutes to 4 Holf doy leove Approvol
hours of HOD
07 Reporting for duty More thon 4 hours 1 doy leove Approvol
of HOD

All employees leoving ihe workploce before the scheduled closing hours for officiol
work will submit o movement form ofter opprovol from deportmentol heod. This hos
to be submitted to the HR deportment on the some doy before leoving office.

It is the sole responsibility of the employee to check on his doily oitendonce /lote
comings /opprovols etc. ln obsence of o written opprovol, the HR deportment will
treot ihe employee cs "Absent" ond offect necessory deductions.

No employee should tomper with the ottendonce register by moking self-entries.

Tompering with the Attendonce Register will be treoted os gross misconduct ond the
concerned employee will be subject to disciplinory octions.

HR deportment will not condone for lote coming learly going without o prior written
opprovol from the cqncerned deportmentol heod on the some doy.

Md. ShohinShorif ShohiduzZomon Md. T

Monoger (HR) Operotive Direclor Director (Admin)
(Strotegy & Brond Morketing)


Abu Lutfe Fozle Rohim Khon

Monoging Direclor

Page2 of2


Ref. : ABFL/ H R/OFF.OR/ 201 6 I 22 Date: Septemb er 26, 2OLG


This is for the informoiion of oll employees of the compony thot the
Monogemeni hos observed the ottendonce record of every unit of lslom Group
l__ Agro Business Division ond found thot some of our colleogues ore noi owore of
using their office time. The Monogement hos olso found thot some of our
I colleogues come in lote ond they frequently did this type of octivities. After thot
they hove used movement slip bui this is their regulor proctice. For this reoson,
the Monogement hos decided thot if ony employee from Asst. Officer io Above
I (Grode 17 lo Above) position comes in lote for 3 doys in o month, 1-doy bosic
solory of the respective employee will be deducted, ond if ony employee from
lB to 22 Grqde comes in lote for 3 doys in o month, 1-doy Annuol Leove of the
ra respeciive employee will be deducted with etfecl from October 01, 2016. More
thon 3 doys' lote coming in o month will be deolt os per compony policy
(Attendonce Rules, ABFL/HR/20 I 3-02).
I I hope ihot every officiol ond their supervisor will be very much coutious in this

I regord.

For Aftob Bqhumu Forms Limited


il Md. Mohbubur Rohmon

Executive Director
il Copy to: - All concerned



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