NEW YEAR Thoughts and Ideas

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Wish you all a very Happy New Year 2024.

Every year I do some special write ups or greetings to mark the new year. This year I have been too busy reading a lot, learning a
few new topics, having too many distractions of social media and also writing a lot and hence hardly had any time to write
anything new. Glad to share the info that I have finished reading almost 150 plus books and a few thousands articles online.
Physical book reading proceeds very slow as a return to reread and savour either the language or idea or information or thought or

However, I felt I shall recycle some of the old greetings that I wrote in the past 15 years as I felt they are relevant even today
because they are generic in nature and not confined to specific year.
Most of the slides presented below are recycled from multiple replies that I wrote during the year . They are generic in nature and
about aspects of life, events around, attitudes , perspectives, progresses made, negativity , how we relate, how we evaluate, the
obsessions with political, historical and religious identities , the importance of words and language used, as they are often used
manipulatively to push hidden agendas, ideologies, untested hype about certain things, media mafia menace of all of that along
with victimhood peddling leftover Left and Wokeism wrecking gullible minds, especially, in academic institutes and destroying
happiness of youth.
There may be some repetitions, lots of punctuation omissions and some grammatical errors as most of these were written as
responses to certain happenings around in a hurry and meant to appeal verbally to youth.
I am equally busy trying to read a huge volume of literature on the WHYs, HOWs, IFs and BUTs of various aspects of life
besides trying to wade through some complex reading materials that have kept me busy from writing anything new and serious.
In the last slide I have given links to some of my very lengthy write ups for NEW YEAR in the past few years.
Evaluate the purpose of life by the amount of happiness we have given to others.
Evaluate the value of life by the extent we have been useful to others.
Evaluate the meaning of life by the love we give to others.
Evaluate the destiny of life by the amount of love we get from others.
Evaluate the quality of our life by our attitudes.
Evaluate the wisdom of our life by the experience we have gained and the lessons we have learnt and the knowledge
we have acquired from our experiments and actions.
Evaluate the worthiness of our life by the amount of or extent of realizations we have had.
Evaluate the totality of life not by owning anything or even trying to own life itself but by living life.
But the best way to evaluate life is to live it.
And we live based on what we have and who we are.
Even if we are schooled in irrelevant, inadequate, outdated, useless, erroneous trivia at least let us not base our belief
systems or thoughts on them because our thoughts and beliefs decide our life irrespective of whether we are
prosperous, peaceful, and happy or the other way.
Because they help us to make the choices and the choices that we make decide who we are.,
What we do depends on who we are. Ultimately, what we do gets us whatever we may end up having or being.
Unfortunately, we tend to think the process topsy-turvy. We want to have whatever we want and think that it will make
us and shape us.
We have this inherent unknown powerful life force so let us be on our own and not choose for others nor let others choose for us.
Let us have our own set of resolutions to make and break. The human body is an energy system involved in a process of perpetual
self –construction and self –destruction and this energy system itself is just a part of this unknown powerful life force. All are
part of this unknown powerful life force, and this unknown powerful life force is part of everything. Human being is not merely
made of the hardware of structural anatomy of flesh and bones along with the biochemical ingredients and a software called brain,
but it is also impregnated with and functions because of an unknown powerful life force called by various names. So, let us try to
[‘it’ refers to ‘the unknown powerful life force’ in the following A to Z write up]
Approach it to appreciate, to adopt and to adjust Reach out with it to remind the roots to everyone,
Befriend it being made of the same source, Savor its presence -the space between words
Care to connect and stay connected with it with conviction, and the silence between sounds,
Deal with it dearly to develop mutually, Take a trip to its source and become more resourceful,
Empathize and encourage it, Understand the ubiquitous unity of this life force,
Fulfil its needs, Value its intrinsic aspects,
Gear up to give into it and take from it, With it work for a worthy world of wisdom,
Help and highlight the need of its help, X-ray into our inner self with it to get enlightened,
Intermingle with all its manifestations to initiate intelligent Yoke the light weighted heart with its help, then
interactions, Zoom into zealous raptures with it and because of it.
Join with it jovially,
Attitudes are formed as a result of this ongoing process of
Keep up kindly to its expectations, evaluations. We all constantly evaluate everything, everyone and
Link with it loyally and lovingly and love and live aware of its link, various aspects of our environment. So, to ensure correct attitude we
Make meaningful moves to meet its needs, must analyse what are the tools with which we evaluate? The
Nullify narrow and negative notions near it, methods we adopt to evaluate? How we evaluate? All these, in turn,
Offer to cooperate with it in all good opportunities, will determine to a great extent our attitude in most of the cases. This
Participate proactively with it to promote progress and peace, will also give us an idea whether our attitude influences our
Quit all quarrels of questionable identities of isolation, behaviour, or our behaviour influences our attitude.
Learning involves:-
Assimilating to ameliorate awareness and avidness to access knowledge.
Building a bigger bank of ideas beyond blinkered biases and beliefs.
Childlike curiosity that observes without the carry bag of conditioning.
Developing diligent discretions to decipher in depth dynamics of differences.
Exploring, experimenting, expressing, and evaluating everything as it evolves.
Facing facts to follow the flow of facets of functional life further from fixations.
Grasping great ideals to grow out of ideologies of identities and grow up.
Harbouring humility and hopes in heart and head with humanitarian values.
Imbibing imitations, inspirations, imaginations-all ingredients of intelligence.
Journeying inwards and joining outward knowledge to create a judicious mix.
Keeping keenness to know the kaleidoscopic kingdom of knowledge.
Widening the wisdom to know the worth of
Living life with lateral thinking and lively engagement in listening. ‘whys’ and ‘whats’ of life.
Measuring meaningfully and mapping the world of mind and matter.
Noticing nuances and necessities of living in the now in tune with nature. X-raying in and x-axially to expand our
Operating with open mindedness to obtain optimum outcomes of opportunities. vision.
Perceiving to prioritize, to plan, and to philosophically face life’s problems.
Questioning to qualify to quantify the quests to lead a life of high quality. Yoking the yin and yang to get what we yearn
for .
Researching to revisit, to reason and to review how we relate with all.
Seeking to synergize with sense of balance scientific temper in society.
Zero in on the zeitgeist of the present times.
Thinking beyond templates to tread through trends, taboos, and traditions.
Understanding the unexplored to unravel unknown universe of things.
Valuing variety and various hues of life.
Art is its aesthetic appeal;
Belief is the relief it gives to lives’ problems;
Character is the calmness even in calamity;
Devotion is the dedication even in times of distress;
Education is its manifestation in attitudes;
Faith is its flexibility and finesse and not its fanatic fixation;
Growth is the overall happiness and harmony in life;
Honesty is the ability to declare one’s feeling at any situation;
Intelligence is its ability to influence and impact;
Joy is the ability to infect others with similar joy;
Kindness is to kindle humaneness in everyone around;
Love is leveraging reciprocal relationships;
Management is the mutual admiration and total cooperation;
Nationalism is the pride in its ancestry, promotion of its culture and heritage.
Observation is the ability to grasp the micro and macro details of the thing or person observed;
Peace is the tolerance of other faiths, and different ways of living;
Quintessence of life is to love living with total intensity and intense totality.

Religion is the emancipation of soul spiritually through multiple approaches to life including atheism;
Society is the common values its cherishes and bequeaths to the future generations;
Teaching is the creation of free thinkers; intelligent individuals with integrity who influence and improve humanity leave an imprint.
Unity is the appreciation and acceptance of variety;
Virtue is the courage of conviction and reliance on reason;
Wisdom is evaluation life through living;
Xanadu [1] is unwillingness to return home; [1] an exotic, luxurious place. This word comes from the poem "Kubla Khan" by Samuel T. Coleridge.
Youth is the attempt to perceive life with courage and passion and without any conditioning or inhibition;
A to Z of ideological idolatry work model
Arrogantly assigning labels and appropriating credits;
Believing in belittling others’ beliefs;
Carrying on character assassinations and carefully crafted cultural vilifications;
Designing discontent and dissents to divide human beings;
Extrapolating ideologies selectively in the name of equality;
Fuelling violence and fights against faiths selectively;
Grouping all disgruntled together to groom them into some
Hidden agenda of puerile and petrified
Ideological idolatry that putrefies impressionable minds;
Jumping guns against all developmental activities;
Kindling kind and calm people to agitations to
Leverage on whatever is Left to get a mileage of publicity through
Media manipulations and magnifying disparities to meticulously nurture
Narratives that create stereotyped animosities;
Opinions marketing and over projecting poverty to promote it as a business through
Prejudiced profiling;
Question everyone else except themselves and similar self-appointed narrators;
Relegating reasoning to the recesses of
Sensational but senseless pre-scripted slogans and seeking scandals;
Tolerance thrown out to toe in trade unionism type of
Uniformity ensuring vulnerability to propaganda and brain washing;
Victimhood peddling virus vacillating between inane vacuum and vacuous inanity;
Xenophobic or xenophilic reactions fabricated to
Yield to and
Zero in on to propagate particular prescribed ideological paeans.
Sign of Civilizational growth is sophistication leading to simplification.
When milk is readily available in a sachet why bother to own a cow.

Most creative arts, scientific inventions, social ideologies have their seeds embedded inside several fruits unnoticed.
It requires a specific soul to observe, to notice and to realise their importance and utility.
Then those seeds get sown to grow and to manifest into glowing trees’ branching out and offering more fruits and seeds.

There are periods in human history when certain activities get prioritized and become prominent against all odds. It is at these junctures one must grasp the importance
of those activities to life as a whole and grab the opportunity because chronological time keeps moving fast while various aspects or factors of evolutionary trends keep
popping up. It would be better to remember the words of Michael Altshuler, “The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.”

Thus, at times whole of human race has a collective obsession with certain specific activities to the exclusion of the rest. It started from creating more and more efficient
tools for hunting, to weapons to wage wars, to methods to enhance trading in commodities, to politically dominate and so on to the present age of highly sophisticated
technology driven solutions to various aspects of life. This collective obsession is part of the evolutionary trend and that it may keep changing, wherein, certain things
held as the most important may end up becoming irrelevant or not so important, as Lolly Daskal says, “Everything from your past does not belong in your present”.

In all these there is one common feature, if we observe, i.e. enhanced sophistication leading to simplification of some process or work, no wonder Leonardo da Vinci
observed that “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”

Sometimes, when the collective psychology goes into a lull it becomes imperative for someone to set right the environment to generate an overall ecosystem that is
conducive to creativity, free thinking and invention. Robertson Hunter Stewart , "When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the
These trends of collective obsession may be good or may be destructive. Therefore, sometimes, in the interest of humane and social harmony based orientation of living
one may have to rewind certain life aspects to create a sense of balance as was very well said by Harold Bloom, “I’m not interested in a Freudian reading of
Shakespeare but a Shakespearean reading of Freud”.

It is this process which has led to the highly progressive state at which we are now. The overall number of hours worked has declined in tandem with increasing
Why many of us are often in a DILEMMA? Because we are too Why many of us are often in a DILEMMA? Because we
Ambivalent to clearly choose between the practical and idealistic are too
that they cannot object either approach. Narcissistic that they cannot accuse others of selfishness.
Bickering for petty benefits that they cannot afford to object to Overbearing that they cannot accuse others' bossy
beneficiaries of certain entitlements. Passionate about certain things to the exclusion of other
Caring about being cocooned in their personal comforts that they things that they cannot object to others' strong
cannot advice others to come out of their comfort zones. Quixotic in disposition that they cannot question others’
Discursive in debates that they cannot find fault with others diverting choices and decisions.
from context. Radical to object to any others' opinions.
Easy going to object to expediency or opportunism that others seek. Sensitive to object to others taking offence at certain
Fond of dabbling in too many things with a cursory interest without Thick skinned to get offended by any comments and
hence cannot accuse others' indifference.
serious focused persistent pursuit of anything that they cannot Unforgiving that they cannot question others' intolerance.
find fault with superficiality of others or get intimidated by
the specialist. Vainglorious that they cannot accuse others of vanity.
Greedy that they cannot deny others' aggression to acquire more.
Xenophobic to object to ethnocentric protectionism in
Hypocritical that they cannot criticise double standards of others. others.
Yearning for everything that they cannot object to
Immune to insults and insinuations they cannot object to others’ unrealistic desires of others.
compromises. Zigzag in life's path that they cannot suggest any path to
Judge​mental that they cannot avoid being evaluated. others.
Wobbly is the whole life with all actions, emotions,
recreations, thoughts, ideas, reasoning, rewards
Kinky that they cannot find fault with aberrations of any sort in rich experiences and all winding paths which
others. makes it clear that
Laid back in their attitude that they cannot accuse others of not taking w isdom is always a work in progress' and
hence, we need to accept others for what they
things seriously. are worth without trying to act wise or
Manipulative that they cannot accuse others of misusing them. attempting to give advice.
Conditioning and limiting beliefs
“Everything changes as you move through three stages of awareness: first, that beliefs are the result of conditions; second, that beliefs are the cause of conditions;and third, that beliefs are
themselves conditions.”― Eric Micha'el Leventhal
“All of us have our own inner fears, beliefs, opinions. These inner assumptions rule and govern our lives. A suggestion has no power in and of itself. Its power arises from the fact that you accept
it mentally.”
― Joseph Murphy, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind.We must realize that the subconscious mind is the law of action and always expresses what the conscious mind has impressed on it.
What we regularly entertain in our mind creates a conception of self. What we conceive ourselves to be, we become.” Grace Speare.
In some persons will power wrestles while Narcissist, but to
Age avoids, Operate with open-mindedness to
Body betrays, Part with
Candidness confesses in corners of consciousness the Quietly,
Delusions of deep-rooted Rationally
Enlarged egos, and exposes the Spaces that
Frailties forcing one to Took your
Gracefully Useful,
Handover Valuable,
Inevitably, as one must, the important Wise
Jobs to X number of
Kith and kin and other kind souls around and Years of work and inputs with
Lead a life of leisure and lap up the legacy. Zeal and zest.
Maturity is not micromanaging like a
Everyone and everything is part of evolution. However, conscious life growth happens through reciprocations operating with a sense of balance
and responsibility. The dynamics of international geo-economic politics undergoes constant churn in the cauldron of space time and that the
outcomes are unpredictable, irrespective of what kirn- staff or churn- staff is used to churn.

However, as on today international politics is dominated by ‘economic growth and social welfare – the main components of human progress’
[rightly so]’ with all its concomitant activities like availability and access to resources, technologies, health care, education and so on. We have a
situation of a ‘Conditional optimism’ as Paul Romer explains.

Jean Paul Sartre’s often repeated quote, “Man is responsible for what he is”, but there is an extension there by the same author, “everything comes
to us from others…to be is to belong to someone”. [“L’homme est responsible de ce qu’il est”. “Tout nous vient des autres …..Être, c’est
appartenir à quelqu’un”]. Peter Lipton says, “We cannot infer something simply because it is a possible explanation. It must somehow be the best
of competing explanations”, I would like to add, better still, offers a complimenting solutions and avoids conflicts. These two quotes imply that
responsibility, is imperative for individuals, nations, international and intra-national institutions because we are all independent individually but
collectively interconnected, interdependent and interrelated.

Certain fundamental principles of life [ life of an individual, of a nation, of international institutions], shine with their simplicity to mere
observations but we make a clew of knotted messy lumps of multi-coloured threads soaked in thick mud of politicization- a sort of kerfuffle of
opinions, ideologies, concepts clumsily and inextricably interwoven and messily struck together, where some of the things are not even distinctly
visible threads for us to decipher the knotty spots, rather it has no slubs. Then, we throw these lumps into the whirlpool of complex theoretical
ideas, contrived ideological extrapolations or interpretations.

Afterwards, we presume we have the privileges and techniques to extricate from that whirlpool those aspects of life through hyped diplomacy
whose deceptions are conspicuous through stereotyped brainwashing -propaganda instilled narrow alleys of many branded and brandied about
systems with fixed, limited and limiting ideological bandwidth operating with hidden agenda with ulterior motives, divide and dominate doctrines,
surreptitious undercurrents, political overtones, simmering discontent and lurking suspicions about the vested interest domineering beneficiaries.
These three stories may be representing some parts of international diplomatic politics.
1. Mullah Nasruddin would load bags of flour on a donkey and take it for sale to the neighbouring kingdom’s border. The customs
officials would check the bags and then let him in. He would sell the flour in the neighbouring kingdom and with the proceeds buy same
flour from them and carry them back they would check the bags. This went on for several months. He became very rich, built mosques,
sponsored games, and had palatial bungalows everywhere. Years later, when the first customs official retired, he met Nasruddin, greeted
him pleasantly, and then asked him the question that had bothered him for years: what was the secret enterprise that made him so
wealthy? Then Mullah Nasruddin replied “Oh, they were the good old days. I made good money smuggling donkeys across the border
every day!”

2. Once Mullah Nasruddin’s neighbour whom he hated most

wanted to borrow his donkey but Nasruddin diplomatically replied
‘I would love to give it to you but unfortunately only yesterday my
brother took it away”. The neighbour believed and was about to
move away when the donkey brayed from the backyard. Then the
neighbour asked ‘I suppose you said you had given the donkey
to your brother’ to which Nasruddin replied ‘My friend, who are
you going to believe? Me, who says the donkey is not here, or the
donkey, which is pretending it is here?’

3. Once Mullah Nasruddin picked up the best quality mutton and

on way met a friend who gave him an excellent recipe so with
great delight he came running shouting to his wife about all that he
was bringing for the day. Suddenly a crow swooped down and
picked up the meat and his wife admonished him for being so
careless but then Nasruddin said ‘the crow cannot do anything as
the recipe is still with me’
Judiciary is not merely a major pillar of the democracy but invested with the faith to act as a
referee for all other pillars. So, it has greater responsibility. Its role is becoming more vital today
with mushrooming of paid ideology and victimhood peddling mainstream media and social media
conducting more trials than the courts every minute. In a nutshell JUSTICE
Judiciary, as referee pillar is not mere verbally nuanced interpretations of laws.
Use facts rationally with domain specific contextual relevance.
Synergize legality with socio-cultural sensitivities and humanitarianism.
Turn away temptations of media pleasing ideological interpretations .
Institutional ethics must prevail over individual egos and excellence.
Character of the court is judged by its objectivity, not the calibre of any.
Equal rights become rightfully one in courts not in the political arena.
Justifiable utilisation with sense of balance to impart confidence in every citizen in the laws of
the land.
Enough of this December disease. On 26th December 2019 same author wrote a similar A to Z stuff I
wrote the following comment in A to Z but was removed after a day or two.
All Al Capone’s in media mafia perversion abandoned in TRP hara-kiri. Nation in nicely nestled in BHARATHIYA culture not nudged through dotted
Balkanizing mentality belittling and berating anything bharathiya. names.
Calibrated capsules of careless reports by calibre less culprits passing off as
columnists. OMni-present sound cannot be over- powered by the opulence of opportunistic
Daily descent of MSM through indecent taunts of Deep State sponsored fake
Prosperity prevails in present truth. Poverty lingered in past lies. Wish MSM
news .
posts truth.
Excreting verbal diarrhoea to enfeeble economic progress and empowerment Questionable quietness of MSM queuing up to queen’s payments for uniform
of the masses. reporting .
Fondness for a few families flying MSM unworthies along, throwing food Rave parties, rampant corruption repeated relaunches of dynastic dilettante
crumbs. politician.
Selective amnesia, secret sucking to paymasters is suicidal for media credibility.
Governance indifference; gang taping FM’s phones; gala trips for gutter
interviews. Twisting facts to toe paymasters takes away the taste of true journalistic ethics.

Hypocritical hidden agenda hopping between minority appeasement and Underestimating public’s understanding and trying to usurp power is
MSM sponsoring. unworkable.

Insipid innuendoes by immature dynasts repeatedly injected with importance Various means to instal vacillating vagabond to vital position is vilification of
by MSM. democracy.

Juveniles jumping around or on joy jaunts to taunt jumping around like Wisdom lies in working for the welfare of all not lying to work for a single
monkeys. person.
X -axial credibility of nation may exacerbate ex-power brokers and expired
Kakistocracy’s crazy cabal of kleptomaniacs emptying government kitty. parties.
Lok shakthi leading the nation’s growth than bootlickers loyal to some family. Y-axis growth satisfies the yearning of youth than yoking to elect a 50-year-
Minority majority mumbo jumbo trapezium; seeing bribe money in every old youth.
major project. Zeitgeist of gen Z is governance and economic development not a zoo of dynasts.
NEW NARRATIVES that BJP has established are taking
Nation towards next level of
Economic and social
Welfare with contextual priorities and cultural sensitivities.

Nice new neatly delivered

Actual activities on ground augmenting
Revenues and resources
Required with rationality and relevance for
All round achievements with
Technological adaptations
In tune with emerging trends to offer inclusive
Vital opportunities that empower growth with
Environment friendly economic development and
Sustainable, scientific and social welfare-oriented services for the nation and humanity.
Please note :- Governance and growth are not scripted through narratives [though MSM and anarchic
rioters may misuse them].
Seven paragraphs bring out seven points the same Leftover VIBGYOR Prisms of projection and prisons of perception
1.People have firm relationship not honeymoon. Why always refer Modi 'honeymoon'. It is
a firm long lasting relationship based on 'governance, economic development, social
welfare and harmony' not mere 'empty promises corruption all covered up by paid media
propaganda to promote dynasties'.

2. People like nice services not narratives. Neat delivery of developmental activities do not
need narratives are the result of bustarella ( bribe) a mokita (in Kirinina language of New
Guinea - truth everyone knows but no one speaks openly) of MEDIA -Mask as master of
Everything; Desultory deception of Involvement to inform All about everything.

3. People use proper frames of references for evaluation not biased versions.
Administrative lapses, price rise, unemployment must be viewed from the impact inflicted
on humanity by an unprecedented pandemic must be viewed from a macro view of how it
was handled globally rather than petty politicized versions of ideologically biased and paid

4. People have emotional connect which does not require adjectives of rational or irrational
because it is not quid pro quo passing infatuation. True cults will emerge to address the
human, humane, social and economic aspects of life which the religion of single dynasty
failed to address, which is ironically venerated by some MSMs.

5. People are not swayed anymore by some MSMs' oneirataxia that desperately wants to
secrete some Schlimmbesserung

6. People may want to see more than dynast netas stepping aside first MSMs stopping
ideologically biased negative narratives and victimhood peddling columnists.

7. People want governance from government where power and positions are not seen as
relay batons of privilege but yardsticks of responsibility delivering benefits through
What are The GWOAT-1?
Words words and words –all of them carry immense stories of all lives and history of times passed and that way they enable us to
discover and uncover lot of things of the past, explain the present trends and the ever-evolving new realms of life’s progress and to
express ourselves in the present but we would be failing miserably if we do not protect certain ‘words which we feel is necessary
to create the future that is desirable’.

These words must not have even an iota of political undercurrents or ideological, cultural, religious and regional biases or
contribute to controversies or carry the burden of utopian idealism or words which carried an aura around them originally but then
abused Right, Left and Centre like ‘unity, peace, liberal, equality, intellectual, tolerance, secularism and so on or those few words
which can be asserted with axiomatic certitude because of the element of subjectivity.

So, let us see at the end what are those words ‘may be’ and see if they ‘may manifest the rational’ of their choice.

Lexicography is imbued with life with all its sweet memories, vicissitudes of living and potential evolutionary growth.
Every dictionary must be a family album of nostalgic moments narrating stories, histories, narrations and all these nurturing the
pride of ancestry and heralding a hope for future through the nice anecdotal references.
When lexicology and literature come together and deliver a baby of words and expressions with inherited beauty of etymology and
They watch the baby grow into a child acquiring connotations as it experiences its life through various contexts.
Then the metamorphosis of child into a marvellous adult happens as it captures the raptures of evolutionary imperatives in
linguistics. Online dictionaries can be spiced up with audio-visual presentations, appropriate anecdotes, captive dialogues and
relevant quotations that would enable us to remember the word/phrase/expression because of the impact of the quotations,
probably with hints to usage in different contexts.
What are The GWOAT-2?
Life of words and their survival with chaste dignity of denotation and decorations or decayed connotations is an interesting study
by itself with multiple controversies, claims, clear cut etymological evidences etc.
They are packed with interesting stories and histories of their own evolutionary growth as well as strains which also throw light
on many aspects of evolution of life on the whole.
For example some decades ago the words like ‘cyber’ ‘social media’ never existed [though many media articles are more unsocial
Word acceptance, usage and popularity have their own dynamics/metamorphosis which is sometimes etymologically obvious and
interesting but at times mysteriously mutilated for various reasons justifiable or otherwise.
Words may emerge without any frills and with clarity to enhance our understanding.
Words may be encircled with protective cover holding its multiple dimensions ensuring that they do not get out and change their
Words may still get corroded and eroded in due course and look changed from their original meaning.
Words may have their own inner dynamics with many blocks of connotations
Words may let newer meanings and connotations outside all the walls of protections and out of all its blocks.
A word
Sometimes carries within it some affinity to its etymological root;
Sometimes it gets exalted due to the deft handling of it by great writers, philosophers, linguists and others;
Sometimes it gets struck up in a vital context;
Sometimes it also acts as the very fulcrum of certain contexts;
What are The GWOAT-3?
A word
Sometimes it unfolds hitherto unraveled dimensions of its original meaning;

Sometimes it exquisitely spreads its wings to fly and catch the subtle nuances which bring out the various facets of its overall

Sometimes it embellishes and establishes through experiences newer meanings;

Sometimes a newer connotation gets added to the word in its journey through how it is perceived by socio- cultural acceptance and

Sometimes it establishes its life because of its relationship to some other words or as a part of a popular idiom or phrase;
Sometimes it keeps modifying itself aesthetically to survive or supplement some specific situation;

Sometimes it unshackles its fetters and acquires several new meanings totally disconnected from its original DNA to sustain the
life of something else.
Sometimes , in this process, it not only blurs its own identity as well as that of what it wanted to sustain beyond recognition
but also gets totally delinked from its very root [ as in the case of the word ‘religion’];

Sometimes its plasticity is optimally used to refer to a multitude of emotions, feelings, situations, thoughts and ideas some of
which could be totally contradictory;
Sometimes words’ elastically expands to give space in its womb to give birth to new jargon or new idioms or phrases;
Sometimes it gets married to some other words and in its proliferation of love, lives to copulate and cohabit with a stranger, quiet
oblivious of its own identity in that Romantic Movement;
What are The GWOAT-4?

Sometimes the metamorphosis of terminology is the manifestation of socio-religio- culturally inherited hypocrisies which very
conveniently and fluently coin euphemistic expressions to mask reality or add connotations to existing terms which totally hide the
original denotation of the word;

Sometimes words used in a particular region, at a particular time, carry with them a whole lot of socio-cultural psychological
attitudes, attributes, perceptional biases/inadequacies and ideological conditioning etc.
sometimes words because of her innocent, pleasant and hospitable nature she is abused and raped by sloganeering ideologists [who
seek to establish some ‘ism’ misusing her], publicity peddlers, propaganda pushers, religious zealots, mass opinion molders,
brainwashing brigands, scandal mongering media mafia, political manipulators etc.

Sometimes words are the tools for parochial, prejudiced and puerile definitions and are used to putrefy the cultural fabric of the
society to destroy unity by creating divisions among people and society.

Sometimes master manipulators resort to constant propaganda by abusing and misusing words through sloganeering and blind
labelling to petrify human thinking and thereby suppress humanity’s mental development.
Sometimes all perpetrators and promoters of homogenization and mass mania
promoters, authoritarian control freaks have used very effectively these ploys of words to mesmerize and manipulate to
institutionalize and to promote most religious belief systems, divisive political ‘ isms’, propagate certain economic
systems, perpetuate certain traditions etc.
Sometimes human beings have been heartless to many words.
Why correct words are important ?
All hyperboles of fanatic proportion like excessive hype, exaggeration and claiming any single tech, medicine, herb, food, product,
service, treatment, ideology etc and catch hold of some fancy terminologies that have an aura around them to convey them as if
they are panacea for all human problems is the malady of modern times, a manipulative telesis of terminology.

Humanity is still groping around to learn what is ' intelligence' as it has been conflated and confused to mean too many things
starting from language proficiency to communication skills to street smartness to ability to use technology to invent new devices to
improve on fundamental sciences to the ability to predict outcomes to 'the worst of all academic success' etc.

That's why real social psychologists and philosophers, in their wisdom, have decided to divide intelligence into multiple blocks to
affect a better understanding like emotional intelligence, verbal intelligence, numerical intelligence, logical thinking abilities and
so on.
Therefore, anointing in their enthusiasm, to claim worldly greatness the term ' artificial intelligence' instead of ' new multitask
technology' or ' Sigma seven internet capabilities ' etc.

This is what happens when either a group of academics or politicians decide ( rather than actual innovators to do it) to
hurriedly name a baby that is expected to be delivered.
This is precisely what politicians and unconnected academics did to hijack and divert the health and medical implications of
Covid-19 by coining a term ' Social distancing' ( -which is already an existing disease afflicting present day life-) instead of '
physical distancing.
Writing any good story is a religious activity, even those that are anti-religious.
The differences between good stories and great stories as well as good writings and great writings are many, again that is religious.
The greatness of Mahabharata and Ramayana are religious not because of the main characters.
The meaning of the word religion in the above three sentences is all about links, connections, and relationships.
For example, of you take Ramayana , there will be some link or links, even remotely, of every character, action, event, happening
to the whole story in some way.
Etymologically the word Religion is derived from the two latin words “re” and “ligare” which means “to reconnect” 'Ligare'
incidentally is the root for words like link, liaison etc.
Religion is meant to connect the individual soul with the universal soul, individual life as part of the complete life of cosmos.
But then, how is it possible when the idea or seed of a story emanates out of some strong emotion, imagination, impact , creative
idea and is pursued with passion. Are these paradoxes or different facets of life.
Passion and emotion are two aspects of feelings that gush forth in massive flow imbued with intensity, impulse, imagination,
creative and romantic instincts and therefore there are bound to be aggressions, roughness, turbulences.
So, how can one ensure to polish rough edges?
How can one chisel and carve logical links as it can be done in something that is solid but not something that is fluid and flowing?
Or do the links emerge automatically through some inherent attributes creating patterns leading to synergetic wholeness?
There could be multiple factors in display as life is inherently a dynamic multi-faceted splendour with various dimensions and
every dimension proliferating through its interactions with other dimensions dynamically and all of these happening in the churn
that happens in the cauldron of environment.
However, this whole display of ‘drama of life’ unfolds in specific context of time and space-the two predominant factors through
which human perception operates.
When this drama of life is absorbed with total intensity and intense totality, then a story is created with a philosophical frame
of mind with openness to seek and to search for meaning and purpose then the links do emerge revealing the reasons starting
from simple cause and effect to multitude of other reasons.

Whereas , if the story is manufactured to push an ideology or doctrine or agenda then one must come up with contrived
justifications to pull towards the ideology in the place naturally evolving rational links.
Now herein comes the necessity to know the difference between philosophy and ideology.
Once , these factors are understood with clarity, then next important step comes into play the deft handling of the tools of the
medium paying all possible attention to subtle nuances effectively to create aesthetic appeal and impact.
If it is writing, then the appropriate use of words and handling the language.
If film, the use of visual impacts.
If music, then the structure of sounds etc.
So, a comprehensive command and control over the medium is equally important.
Overall, the tone and tenor must be around a philosophical outlook-based perception or reaction with contextual relevance,
historical and cultural perspective with authenticity in all aspects if it is a serious novel or non- fiction or even a semi-fiction.
If it is fiction, then one is at liberty to throw all caution to the winds and freely narrate the story for example a modern-day
Seetha’s Swayamvaram will be choosing a person based on his salary, wealth, position, grooming etc in tune with the trend.
Writer is also one humble, curious and unbiased observer of synergy and synthesis, either occurring as an aspect of evolution or consciously
effected through a culture of compassion, that enable to understand better the inter connectivity, interrelatedness and interdependence of living as a
whole . A writer has to read and learn constantly. How they do these two impact enormously their writing.

Ultimate reality or truth is as Eric Micha’el Leventhal says, “You Stories -the design and development
are here on earth to unearth who on earth you are.” and as
Danielle Orner says, “Writing is a dangerous profession. There is Every story can be defined narrowly through 10 Ps
no telling what hole you may rip in society’s carefully woven
master narrative.” The ten Ps are:-
Story writing has these hidden elements 1. Plot,
2. Personalities [characters],
One can weave or build short or long stories on any subject
3. Place [context, situation, settings etc.],
or topic.
4. Philosophy [the main theme or idea or concept that story tries to relate to /reveal
to us],
Just follow five elements principle.
5. Phrases [the words, expressions and language used to communicate these],
Grasp just some part of the subject solidly like - EARTH 6. Pertinent theme/topic [projection of ideas/thoughts etc. through a theme],
Let one’s thoughts and expressions to flow like fluid - 7. Projection of symbol [symbolically project something to ensure that the very
WATER symbol rings a bell in the mind about everything discussed above – for example
Krishna on Chariot],
When one want one’s version to glow and put down others'
versions let that be aggressive and vocal - FIRE 8. Predominant genre [classification according to domain of activity either based
on human feelings/emotions or social/environmental/religious/ cultural concerns
When one want everyone’s curiosity and expectations traditionally sometimes classified as comedy, romance, fiction, science, motivational
floating inject gas - AIR
Hook others minds and fill them with interest in what one 9. Providing imagination [ blank reality or blunt facts are boring after sometime so
spice it up with imagination which manifests either artistically or as master pieces of
intends to convey and thus occupy - SPACE confirmation bias or tools to perpetuate certain prejudices],
Then one can take one’s own TIME as well by making one 10. Positioning of power as perceived [as victor/winner/achiever etc. in terms of
to read through and weave more patterns made of various personality or victory of a way of life/philosophy/idea etc.
perspectives and interpretations .
The three Ps that influence or impact or by which everything is influenced or impacted are:-
Projection of pertinent Data
Perception Proper evaluation
Projection of pertinent Data- its analysis, usage and
Our perception by itself is feeble because Milton Friedman said, “One of the great mistakes is to judge interpretation
of certain inherent but inevitable aspects of policies and programs by their [ presumed-italics mine] intentions
our mental abilities and approaches. “It is rather than their results”. In social/political and economic
Data in various forms and formats though is available aplenty
we can spoil it through how we interpret it or selectively twist
not often our perception but the scale of
development oriented activities Jane Davidson explains, “how and apply it out of context.
observation and frames of reference which
important it is to combine a mix of qualitative and quantitative data Data is a very vital and extremely useful tool for many
create the phenomenon. The scale of purposes; I repeat many purposes because it gets its strength
observation depends on man; it is he who with "relevant values" (such as needs) to draw explicitly evaluative from its contributory utility. These trends of worshiping data
creates it. In nature, different scales of conclusions” in his book ‘Evaluation Methodology Basics: The Nuts are all the result of conclusions arrived at due to the ecstasy
of revelations of research into reverse engineering.
observation do not exist. There is only one and Bolts of Sound Evaluation’. That’s why even great research
immense, harmonious phenomenon on a works on evaluation like the bulky ‘Evaluation: A Systematic Tweaking anything and everything to create something new
or come out with some modified version of some existing
scale which, in general, escapes man. The Approach‘ by Peter H. Rossi, Mark W. Lipsey, and Howard E. thing is both interesting and easiest way to unleash the human
structure of man's brain necessitates Freeman first published get such reviews like ‘There is never any creative instinct and also draw certain conclusions, but all
dividing into arbitrary compartments and these have a saturation point. Even in natural evolution
clear instruction about how one should begin an evaluation or how certain designs are adopted others discarded based on the
cutting up into isolated pieces. With the aid adaptive utility of a particular organ at a particular place and
of several instruments science creates more one should proceed’. The most comprehensive book on evaluations ‘ period.
phantasmagoria: "on our scale of human Making Evaluation Matter-a practical guide for evaluators’ by Cecile
While a large volume of data can throw up lot of ideas it
observation, as pointed out before, the edge Kusters with Simone van Vugt, Seerp Wigboldus, Bob Williams and cannot interpret or suggest proper utilization of those ideas,
of a razor-blade is a continuous line. On the Jim Woodhill also emphasizes certain factors repeatedly and it cannot do the thinking beyond a certain extent and besides
a specified path of predefined command, it cannot initiate or
microscopic scale, it is a broken but solid predominantly they are context/situation, situational responsiveness, ensure to either enhance understanding or can even restrict
line. On the chemic scale we have atoms of stake holders, inherent qualities of the project /program/person being frames of reference for understanding and it cannot provide
the wisdom to choose, which comes with the churning that
iron and carbon. On the sub-atomic scale evaluated ,multiple roles, consequence awareness etc. Messick, S. life undergoes chronologically in the form of experience.
we have electrons in perpetual motion
(1994). Writes in The Interplay of Evidence and Consequences in the While judging and exploring the facts we must desist getting
which travel at the rate of several thousand
Validation of Performance Assessments. Educational Researcher, distracted from the following major traps:-
miles per second. All these phenomena are 1] Mutilating the facts, 2] Analysing them with preconceived
in reality the manifestations of the same 23(2), 13–23, “Validity, reliability, comparability, and fairness are not notions or prejudices, 3] Generalizing the particular and
just measurement issues, but social values that have meaning and particularizing the general, 4] Approaching facts with
basic phenomenon, the motions of the unloving criticism or uncritical love, 5] Evaluating facts with
electrons. The only difference which exists force outside of measurement wherever evaluative judgments and our pet isms or philosophies, 6] Resorting to statistical
between them is the scale of observation" justifications, 7] Unleashing unworkable utopia, 8] Mask
decisions are made”. them with logical fallacies, 9] Bury them in pleasant jargons,
[Human Destiny, Lecomte du Nuoy. and 10] Give historical justifications.
Why writers repeat their ideas and refer to their own works

Writers feel the love of thoughts and ideas and manifest their romance through the way they use the language or weave a story or a narrative.

It is inevitable that their love pops out often.

Only those who review or evaluate or criticize or analyse any writing mention as author reusing his/ her own aphorisms or repeating himself/
herself and so on.

It is not confined to a few authors. I have noticed this aphorisms in many authors because they ( aphorisms) convey authors' passion filled renewed
romance with certain thoughts, opinions , ideas, reasons, emotions, reactions etc. ( in some cases strong prejudices) which are internalized not as
vague pr​em​ ise or hypothesis but as some well grasped, deeply felt, clearly understood, conviction filled, fully crystalized concepts, ideologies,

These are then ensconced in the safe soft corners of sub consciousness and may have some consistency.

They pop up often, even in pure fictions. Incidentally, very often a writer prefers to refer to his/her own previous works or may automatically use
similar or same expressions to convey specific ideas that will be made to be communicated through specific characters or topics.

Ideas, stories, the way language is used, the way a reader understands them are all interrelated and interconnected like the various parts of a fruit
like kernel, nut, pulp and skin.

Which enhances the ‘what​s​' and the ‘how​s​' are subjective and this is the case even in epics and historical narratives.
Which one compliments what and who knows it? Is it the story of Mahabharata or the 700 verses of Bhagawad Geetha?

Stories are required for impact and thoughts and ideas for internalizing as reference manual.

Every product needs a good packing and every container becomes relevant and gets its value only based on its content.
For a thinker and thinking writer there is an inherent need to listen to, to read, to learn, to follow ideas, to generate ideas, to internalize the wisdom that one learns from
others and also to write one’s own reactions or perceptions.

"Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self"- Cyril Connolly
The following quotes flashed across my mind and I replied to him in a jiffy, of course some of the quotes are obsessively struck in my bone marrow like the last seven quotes.
Starting with a very haughty quote of Tom Stoppard, “My whole life is waiting for the questions to which I have prepared answers” , and meandering through the
1. There was a time when I had all the answers. My real growth began when I discovered that the questions to which I had the answers were not the important questions.-Reinhold
2. “Nothing that is worth doing can be achieved in our lifetime; therefore we must be saved by hope.
Nothing which is true or beautiful or good makes complete sense in any immediate context of history; therefore we must be saved by faith.
Nothing we do, however virtuous, can be accomplished alone; therefore we must be saved by love.
No virtuous act is quite as virtuous from the standpoint of our friend or foe as it is from our standpoint. Therefore we must be saved by the final form of love which is forgiveness.”
― Reinhold Niebuhr, The Irony of American History
3. Write close to the bone, write until you’re not thinking in words anymore -Bonnie Friedman
4. Find the key emotion; this may be all you need know to find your short story. F. Scott Fitzgerald
5. You should know more than what you put on the page. The reader can sense that. SUSAN ORLEAN
6. You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them. ― Maya Angelou
7. There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept.~Ansel Adams
8. “Open your mind to new experiences, particularly to the study of other ¬people. Nothing that happens to a writer–however happy, however tragic–is ever wasted.” -P.D. James
9. Just trust your own voice. And keep exploring the things that are interesting to you. Nikki GIOVANNI
10. The act of writing puts you in confrontation with yourself, which is why I think writers assiduously avoid writing. FRAN LEBOWITZ
11. If you really want this writing life, don't ever give up Bill Bibo, Jr
Writing is the only way I have to explain my own life to myself. CONROY
12. You are your own stories, free to imagine and experience what it means to be human without fear-T. Morrison
13. I was made for another planet altogether. I mistook the way. ~Simone de Beauvoir
14. You never know what you will learn ’til you start writing. Then you discover truths you never knew existed. ANITA BROOKNER
15. Before you can write anything, you have to notice something. JOHN IRVING
16. A writer fails, not when a reader is not moved; but when, as a reader, the writer is not moved. Gerard de Marigny
17. Poetry can break open locked chambers of possibility, restore numbed zones to feeling, recharge desire-A. Rich
18. "The spirit of Advaita is not to keep away from anything, but to keep in tune with everything." - Swami Chinmayananda
19. “In the end nothing less than the whole of everything can be the truth of anything at all”- William James
20. “We live in a changing universe, and few things are changing faster than our conception of it”-Timothy Ferris
21. “There is no tomorrow. There is only a planet turning on its axis, and a creature given to optimistic fancies”-Robert Brault
22. “Evolution itself is an open ended and indeterminate process”… “Given the remarkable progress in our understanding of biochemistry, molecular biology, and evolution as a
whole … we have failed to develop concepts, ideas, even a language that could capture the dance of this life” - Guy Murchie
23. “Humans have a need for a stable frame of reference. Religion apparently fills this need. In effect, humans crave answers to questions that no other source of knowledge has an
answer to, which only religion may seem to answer. However, a sense of free will must be given in order for religion to appear healthy. An authoritarian notion of religion appears
detrimental.”- Erich Fromm,
24. विद्या ददावि विनयं विनयाद्यावि पात्रिाम् । पात्रत्वाद्धनमाप्नोवि धनाद्धमं ििः सुखम् ॥ ५ ॥ vidyA dadAti vinayaM, vinayAdyAti pAtratAM |
pAtratvAddhanamApnoti, dhanAddharmaMtataH sukhaM || 5 || (true/complete) knowledge gives discipline[humility], from discipline [humility] comes
worthiness, from worthiness one gets wealth, from wealth (one does) good deeds, from that (comes) joy. This particular quote is an outer shell of the egg
which contains these:-
"All intelligent thoughts have already been thought; what is necessary is only to try to think them again." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Evolution of civilization as well as sophistication of civilized evolution both depend on adaptation, adjustments, accommodation and
assimilation of multiple ways of life and valuing the variety and virtue of variety passed onto us down the ages through various mediums, the
first most effective and, perhaps the chief among them being books which recorded the sounds, spoken words, thoughts, ideas and events. Both our
individual self and social self are to a large extent shaped by how we relate with others, things and our overall circumstances and how our contexts
relate with us.
Life is after all not mere chronology of existence but a meaningful topology of relationships.
Life is not confined to and carried on within the matrix of mind and matter but it creatively works through communicating the connectivity
between these two and how these two relate with everyone and everything.
Actually more number of people read more topics on various platforms starting from print media like newspapers, pamphlets, text books,
books of various genres to heavy reading through electronic media in the form of mails, social media messages, E-books etc. But then, what has to
be known really is What they read? Why they read? How they read? How they use or benefit from what they read? How much they read?

The answer to the above questions will provide information that may enable us to know about the interests and intentions;
to understand the influence and impact; to grasp the intrinsic importance; to interpret the importance of intrinsic values;
to entertain with imaginations; to indoctrinate through injecting sensational ideas and sensitive and biased judgmental opinions ; gradually to
educate everyone to evaluate [with contextual relevance] the utility or futility of all that is being read; to discern
to observe intelligently; to achieve academic excellence ; to learn and to internalize great ideas and instructions; to expand the spectrum of
our conscious awareness wider to perceive with philosophical perspective; to peruse everything with proper measurements and finally to
enlighten us to engage in creating in a scholarly, scientific and sane way with a sense of responsibility and sense of balance the sources of
synergy through creative and effective communication.

Certain terms have been underlined and rendered in bold letters [almost as a wordle] because they are in fact the preferred and prioritized
outcomes of most readings and book centric learning.
We all must humbly accept that we learnt some or all of the above underlined aspects; or still in the process of learning or perfecting or enhancing
the quality and quantity of what we have already learnt.
It was mostly through our reading them in books or listening to and learning from those who have read and passed them on.

Learning is a lifelong process.

So, as Dani Johnson says, “Never stop being teachable. If you think you know everything, you will never learn anything.”

Inquisitiveness and inquiry are the eternal springs of human psyche and it is through this stream that flows from the springs that traces of
ignorance are washed away one by one, as Phenella writes in “The Unwritten Comedy”.

“To be ignorant of many things is expected

To know you are ignorant of many things is the beginning of wisdom.
To know a category of things of which you are ignorant is the beginning of learning.
To know the details of that category of things of which you are ignorant is to no longer be ignorant.”

Can anyone ever claim comprehensive comprehension with clarity on any issue considering that there are multiple possible factors to be
considered with many frames of references, all of which in turn get churned up in the cauldrons of concomitant contextual relevance and the
interactions of inherent attributes of the issues, events or things and evaluated along with the kirn-staff or churning stick of individual's
interpretation based on his or her attitude and perspective.

I sometimes wonder on what basis mortal human beings use such terms like always ( probably a convenient synonym for in 'most circumstances
presumably'); how come a temporary life span and limitations of knowledge talk of ' absolute' ( probably indicating most likely according to the
narrator); everything ( probably the range of things one construes to be complete) and so on.

Human intellect can churn, scrutinize, evaluate, criticize and keep on drilling deeper or mentally go on scratching like it does to an itching
sensation physically. But then ultimately humility must accept that whatever the individual human mind or the collection of ideas are all capable
of deciphering, discerning and articulating is merely a particular facet or some facets of the sparkling splendour called life.
Ultimately humility must accept that whatever the individual human mind or the collection of ideas are all capable of deciphering, discerning and
articulating is merely a particular facet or some facets of the sparkling splendour called life. Slowly and surely emerging inevitable trends and
terms of life may have to necessarily become comprehensive and more inclusive. Besides, certain aspects of all the following domains economics,
religions, castes, races, and politics may be required to either totally shed or reduce the degree of intensity with which those aspects are insisted
upon or enforced. This is required as an inevitable process of sophistication or progressive civilization enabling happy and peaceful cohabitation of
human beings and other species. While the emphasis is on reading, we must factor in the fact that the maximum reading is done for academic
purposes or in the form of reports through newspapers, magazines and many other social networks. However, besides and beyond these, the
charming serious book reading is a very limited percentage. So, it is imperative on the narrators who script the narratives in media to desist from
the following:-

Myth making; hero-worship; citing exceptions as examples and make sweeping statements based on that; over generalizing the particular;
particularizing the general; over simplifying the complex; complicating the simple; resorting to unloving criticism and uncritical love; projecting
poverty and suffering as the important requirements to get god’s grace; evaluating anything or anyone with irrelevant aspects; quoting and
questioning things without contextual relevance; proceeding with justifications to bolster up or brush aside facts; paralyzing simple events with
unwarranted and perverted analysis; forging for facts to fit into preconceptions; showing intolerance towards dissent; invent intentions when
results are good and useful; pandering to populism and political correctness over providing long term prosperity; making desperate attempts to
degrade some and deify others; opposing for the sake of opposing; rejecting reasoning; operating with selective amnesia and collective
indifference; trying to mask present short comings by raking up past glories and gloat with ethnocentric pride; sit on judgment over everything
and everyone without trying to know in detail what we are judging ; generously throwing opinions around even without doing some homework on
any issue, diverting attention from intrinsically important issues by projecting emotionally appealing allegations, twisting facts, total indifference
to facts and so on have all become such a huge carapace covering the present generation that no one can know what is the real character of this
generation of media narrators.
However, these media worthies dominate the discourse with their self-appropriated label of liberal, intellectual and so on to spread viruses that
affect the socio- psychological perceptions. The prime reason for most of these ugly trends are because people are overwhelmingly negatively
influenced by media houses both in the print and audio visual which churns out heroes out of zeroes and in some cases the glamorous reel industry
dominates over and sometimes replaces the reality.
These worthies in the media are mostly guided by some petrified ideological fixations which they extrapolate on almost every
aspect of life –which are constantly changing and moving as opposed to those petrified ideologies.

These petrified ideologies are bolstered by some putrefied slogans and outdated statistics coupled with puerile predicaments and
sustained by pelf that pours into their purses, propelled by pseudo intellectualism and all of these masquerading as meaningful
concern for the public. These media worthy pawns are moved around to manipulate, mislead and micro manage remotely all
domains by multiple forces.

Most unfortunate impact of the manifestation of these attitudes is that many gullible youths apply most of these indiscriminately
across the whole spectrum of human activities like in political domain, religious activities, social issues, cultural institutions,
sports arena, economic development projects, commercial sector etc. Outside the narrow whirlpools of mass media that
unfortunately, form major part of the reading population, there is a vast store house of literary works covering a wide range of

There are literary works that prompt our philosophical inquiry; some that appeal to our emotions; some that soak us in sentimental
stuff; some that hold us with suspense; some that unfold wisdom; some that trigger our adrenal; some that make us to contemplate;
some provide certain templates to certain issues; some just take us into an island of imagination; some that sink us into the world
of intense thinking; some that appeal to our aesthetic senses and cultural sensitivities and so on.
But there are certain books that somehow provide combination of all these because such works contain both a semi biographical
narration and the biographer’s personal reactions, observations and an unquenchable thirst to find reasons and an urge to find
logical meaning for all that happens in life and not an outpouring of hysterical frustrations or decadent desperation especially from
someone who cannot afford to perch on the ivory tower of dispassionate indifference and engage in emotion-free debates.
Why we need to continue to read because we, as well as our rational and scientific intellectual perceptions, are still in the process of evolution
and therefore we do not know yet either the total scope of their capacity or the extent of their shortcomings to deal with many issues of life in
general. This is the very beauty or element of the mystery or part of the unknown, not unknowable, aspects of life that sustain our everlasting
processes of search, interest and scientific and philosophical inquiry and expand our understanding of many aspects of life and enhance the
evolutionary emancipation of mental faculties.

The beauty of life consists in the unknowns and the unending searches and researches –the unending process of evolutionary trends in

Growing up and growing out of certain things are natural process of evolutionary metamorphosis both biologically and psychologically.

Life is functionally a dynamic energy; visually a multi -faceted splendour; in reality a marvellous mystery which unfolds itself through each
and every one of us at every moment and so on. Therefore life cannot be either generalized in any manner or simplified into any predefined

Life continues to evolve in its dynamic energy every moment and constantly throws up challenges of varying degrees and intensities, in
different dimensions and at unexpected intervals.

So, constant reading of content with good substance to learn about new horizons is imperative and interesting.
Whereas, merely reading through what is dished out by media houses may not enlighten us.
MEDIA as an acronym now may be defined nowadays as:-
Mask as master of
Everything; Marya Mannea has prescribed to media a great message long back, “It is not enough to show people how to live better;
Desultory deception of there is a mandate for any group with enormous powers of communication to show people how to be better ".
Involvement to inform
All about everything. Of course, even this can be done only where the people want to become and be better.
Stories convey a lot
One among my thousands of interests is to collect or write very short stories, great speeches which convey a powerful and useful
message very subtly either with seriousness and/ or humour like stories of Mulla Naseeruddin, Tenali Raman, Akbar Birbal etc .
Nothing gets an idea across seeing better than real action or reading a good story.

Great stories including epics convey not only many vital and useful tips for life and living, portray contextually the predominant
culture, trends, collective social obsessions, attitudes, perspectives, values of the times in which they took place etc.
One writer points out in the West on the topic of fidelity and marriage- transition from polygamy to monogamy, " you can glimpse
this transition in the difference between the Iliad- full of fighting between polygamist men- and Odyssey- which features the story of
a virtuous Penelope waiting for her ( mostly) faithful Odysseus".
I wanted to portray the issues between the times of Ramayana and Mahabharata but I shelved it fearing the bombardment from the
clerisy pseudos.
They must also help readers in addition to learn some new aspect or element of language. I tried a few.
Mere factual , philosophical , analytical and scientific discourses may be of interest to some like me but for many it would be better
that the same is spiced with a lot of fiction, anecdotes and all sorts of imaginary stuff.
Few autobiographical works are made of such stuff.
I find of late many writers of science and economics have more literary flavour and write excellent romantic prose whereas,
unfortunately, literary scholars are focusing more on conveying their point of view that they slack a bit in the literary flavour except
a few. ( A phenomenon on which I can give many examples and also the reasons they are so).
Contexts create words, then words decide the concepts gradually they can trigger a whole lot of things like culture, history,
tradition, values etc. As debates veered towards more nuanced and slightly receptive tenor from the other side if I could spice up
the unending debates on how certain words carry a huge culture, history, values and how concepts make their way so on.
All of these are exciting poetry of human evolution that we take for granted in our busy lives [ this taking for granted anything
is a gross indifference to life-whereby we may be unaware of our own hidden potential talents] without relishing their nicety or
nasty influence and impact overall. Unless one is sure about what the connotation of the word to the majority, even if it were far
removed from the actual denotation of the word [ in fact if we dive into etymology, often they are too far removed from the
denotation as the carapace of connotations make it even unrecognizable] and then it migrated towards language and language
learning etc. I was asked by my friend to share a few things on peculiarities of language, language learning which I had long back
shared with him and a few on how to influence the thoughts etc.
How concepts get to make their way
Here are a few from the selection that may be interesting.
get going
Why we need to peep beyond and behind words and go beyond religious references?
Can we avoid using mental phoropter to get a clearer view?
The speech that you have referred seems to be great from how you have portrayed.
When broaching on certain subjects it is preferable to start with the conclusion.
For example, the words love, belief, faith, hope, grace, happiness and so on mean various things depending on how an individual
feels and relates with those terms.
The uniqueness of these words is that they break all barriers of literal, figurative meanings, connotation, denotation etc and are not
amenable to any categorization.
The best part is these terms cannot be generalized either.
But the beauty is these words refer to a reality that exists awaiting to be grasped and adopted.
When it comes to certain words it is not so much about the mere articulation of ideas that they refer to normally but the necessity
to imbibe and impregnate our life with what they really mean.
The reason being some words are immensely impregnated with heartfelt meaning and a personally related realization which may
manifest in multiple ways and therefore the manifestations may differ drastically too.

I have found out when someone utters these Sanskrit words 'Dharma' or ' Karma' immediately people start looking for mental
phoropter to get a clearer view by trying multiple filters, lenses, adjustments like some of the following:-it must be something
tough for me to understand, it refers probably to some very abstract concept or too complicated a philosophy, or it pertains perhaps
to something regarding Hindu religion and so on.
While outrage is an inevitable epidemic of the present times, it is more so in the realm of religious matters than even on
socio-political issues, why?
It is so, because at least in many aspects, politicians feel the inevitability of changes and realize that politics as a tool of social
engineering and delivery of economic benefits is a work in progress. Whereas, religions, mostly refuse to adopt to the changes.
However reality is that shifting priorities, drifting value systems, jilting relationships, wilting spirits seek only befitting systems
and swift solutions and not suffocating taboos and traditions, rituals devoid of rational, sermons of socio-morals of ancient times
which may enthuse automatic cognitive operations through appealing nicely worded socially applauded hyper philosophizing
thoughts and opinions[passing of as collective wisdom] but will get exposed at the altar of existential anxieties which may expose
how far removed they are from any contextual relevance.
Evolution, metamorphosis, change are the three important and inevitable dimensions of time.
Love and religion are all about relating, reconnecting and reuniting with real involvement 'how we relate' with others and by
extension with higher spirits. Religion is derived from the two Latin words “re” and “ligare” which means “to reconnect”. We try
to reconnect our feelings, emotions, expectations in joy with someone else known to us [which is called love] or some other
unknown source [which is called religion]. Love etymologically refers to the manifestations like the Germanic word leubh- "to
care, desire, and love" (cf. Latin lubet, later libet "pleases; “Sanskrit lubhyati "desires." So, the reality of religion and love is unity
of human spirits, senses and sanity. Love and Religion are positive manifestations integrating human reasons, responses,
reactions, reciprocations and reuniting and creating synergy synthesis and synderesis ultimately. Scriptures, scientific discoveries
and inventions, philosophical explanations, great thoughts, ideas, actions, events, works of art, culture, and traditions are all some
of the revelations popping out of as parts of the evolutionary process of human understanding of life. But we must be aware that
they are neither the whole of life nor can anyone well versed in any of these aspects claim to be possessing the keys to understand
the whole of life nor are they even answers to all aspects of life that we know of. Life is lived from moment to moment.
Religion is understood better by synthesis than by analysis. Religions grow better by syncretism than by antagonism.
The beauty of life consists in the unknowns and the unending searches and researches –the unending process of evolutionary
trends in everything.

Growing up and growing out of certain things are natural process of evolutionary metamorphosis both biologically and

Life is functionally a dynamic energy; visually a multi-faceted splendour; in reality a marvellous mystery which unfolds itself
through each and every one of us at every moment. Therefore, life cannot be either generalized in any manner or simplified into
any predefined categories. Life continues to evolve in its dynamic energy every moment and constantly throws up challenges in
varying degrees and intensities, in different dimensions and at unexpected intervals. Wisdom is to live in the present context and to
practice certain time-tested values which have relevance in present context but with global perspective to bequeath a liveable
planet, a lovable society with lovely infrastructures and improved living conditions. Scott Atran, a respected Anthropologist called
Religion as “belief in hope beyond reason”.
In evolutionary biology we find that all creations have shed the unnecessary parts or shrunk them for better survival; in
evolutionary sociology too human race has shed too many models of social groups and narrowed down on a few that would be
easier for global interaction; in languages too, from a few thousands languages that existed humanity has reduced the number to
just a few hundred languages for easy communication leading to at least better verbal understanding.

Life is never fulfilled with unfulfilled relationships within the family, with others in the society, with the environment, with the
many sciences, subjects, systems that we come across which are useful to us, used by us or we are used by them and so on. So, the
quality of life is the manifestation of the quality of the inter play of these various relationships.
But if we try a word cloud on Religion rendered in English would it would include at least some of the following and one may evaluate how many
of them are necessary for different states of living.

Religion word cloud :- God or Gods or Goddesses; Divinity; Worship; Devotion; Prayers; Religious Scriptures; Sacredness; Sacrifices; Rituals;
Traditions; Heaven; Hell; Symbols; Idols; Statues; Reward and Punishment; Virtue and Vice; Sin and Punya [opposite of sin]; Supernatural
elements; Social Customs; Cultural activities like Music; Dance; Preaching etc.; Great art and architecture; Innumerable literary works; Reverence
for Nature and natural elements; Meaning of Life; Origin of Life; Universe; Origin of Universe; Creator; Angels, demons, spirits, wizards and
witches; Morality as defined by certain socio religious mores; Superstitions, Beliefs, Faith, Ferventness, Fanaticism etc.; Socially sanctioned and
approved norms; Sacred places or specifically assigned places of worship; Debates about Origin of life and species; Methods of proper living;
Mythologies; Miracles; Mysteries; Magic; Epics; Philosophical concepts; Benevolence; Blessing; Grace; Scholarly discussions; Soul; Spirit;
Spirituality; Psychological security; Self –Realization; Social cohesion; Reality; Ultimate Truth; Authority; Sanctity; Priests; Saints; Sages;
Holiness; Omni present; Omni potent; Scholarly literature; Occult science; Wise men, Popular stars endorsing religious affiliation; Preaching
and Propaganda; Doctrines; Ideologies; Charity; Love; Fear; Humility; Forgiveness; Non-violence; Service to humanity; Care and Compassion;
Mortality; Immortality; Many more things all ensuring Obsessive Emotional bonding; A Binding Identity so strongly glued that it assigns the very
meaning to existence of the individual in a particular society; Sanctifying sex; celebrating Births and Deaths; Justifying Wars and Destruction
and Ruins in the name of Religion; Conversions; Rationality; Scrutiny; Science; archaeology; ethnography; history; evolutionary psychology;
cognitive science; Consciousness; Conscious Awareness; Inner-self; Group Identity; Social bonds; Harmony ; Unknown. The above list is common
factor for almost all religions. This list is neither exhaustive nor exclusive to any particular religion.

Four interesting and relevant quotations that convey most of what has been written above.
“In the end nothing less than the whole of everything can be the truth of anything at all”- William James and
"The spirit of Advaita is not to keep away from anything, but to keep in tune with everything." - Swami Chinmayananda.

“I have approximate answers and possible beliefs in different degrees of certainty about different things, but I’m not absolutely
sure of anything"- Richard Feynman.
“Sound Philosophy sets out from analysis and terminates in synthesis”- D.J.Mercier, the Archbishop of Malines .
Art of Biography writing 15 ‘D’s of Biography.
Biography writing has its own uniquely inherent features other than recording of mere date of birth, place of birth, important events in the person’s life, what he/she is
predominantly known for etc.
There are certain elements, important in- built structures and patterns to biography. Primarily they involve, if we can simplify them as the Fifteen [15] ‘D’s of biographical
1. Dissecting and analyzing of a person’s attitudes, reactions, choices and decisions in specific contexts which could act as reference manuals for posterity;
2. Doing dissertation of a person’s abilities and attributes which enabled him/her to perform certain extraordinary things or certain things in extraordinary ways which one
can look upon as worthy examples;
3. Deep reverse engineering of a person’s psychological perceptions which enabled him/her to stand out as unique;
4. Discerning the interesting interplay of self initiated internal will power and willingness to do some things and external forces which either helped or prevented such an
activity, enterprise etc.;
5. Dealing with context– by context is meant various aspects like the time when the person lived, did something, the place, the individual’s age, circumstances of life etc.-
in which a particular person’s life has excelled;
6. Detailing the projections of performances and specific contributions made by a person with reference to certain areas of human activity especially in specific
7. Developing interpretations to do justice to the essence of subject or contribution or area of operation or activity or specific quality physical, psychological, spiritual etc.
for which the biography of the individual is written.
8. Describing the distortions of life’s journey through frames of reference of the biographer. This is bound to happen obviously when the previous aspect, namely
interpretations, of biography writing takes place.
9. Delving deep into to discern the deeper links and significance of the activity for which a person is specially known for and also find out the unique approaches and
uniqueness of that person.
10. Doing away with exaggerated extolling, emotional exchange etc which of course become inevitable when the biographer is attached to either the cause or the person in
some way and finds it difficult to avoid when writing biographies of some very great souls.
11. Delineating the design of deeper intentions, the deeper significances, declared or undeclared visions, definite missions, development of the individual as well as his/her
uniqueness of unique contribution for which the person’s biography is written about, the depth of hidden motives, the deceptions of ulterior motives, dispelling the doubts
of lurking suspicions etc all must form part of the interpretations of a biographer, but strictly with relevant tools of evaluation and contextual relevance.
12. Decorating with life’s definite anecdotes, delightful moments, defining moments etc and garnishing with gossips- if necessary.
13. Defining in diplomatic terms any delicate aspect/situation/issue of the person’s personal life.
14. Demonstrating clearly all that needs to be derived from the person’s life, both the positives and negatives and also decoding all possible the impacts and influences of
the individual on society.
15. Deepening scrutiny or perusal of pertinent points and perceptions without any preconditioned delimitations or prefixed labels. Like everything else, biographies also
become more interesting and important not only because of the person about whom it is written but also because of the biographer’s ability to grasp the essence or core of
the activity or intrinsic significance of the person about whom the biography is written and the interpretations on lines mentioned above. Even some of the lesser known
or less popular authors like John William Navin Sullivan has written because of his understanding an excellent biography of ‘Beethovan’. While a Google search on list of
biographies normally throw a lot of biographies, mostly from the West or from the occidental world or what is available in English language translations [while this is
understandable], it unfortunately excludes some books like Saint Genet by Jean Paul Sartre; Eric Fromm gives a far better biographical sketch, more based of psychology
than any other author about Hitler in his book The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness ; biography of Swami Vivekananda by Romain Rolland etc.
One salient feature of these biographies is that they grasp the intrinsic value or worthy traits or contributions that carve out a great or unique personality out of a person
and therefore, warrants documentation for posterity to imitate or emulate. Any or all mundane details or normal aspects of those extraordinary lives at best require a
passing reference whereas detailed analytical, contextually relevant and intrinsically important aspects of their lives require careful evaluation and explanation.
To make a long story short about sustainable lifestyle, we need to acknowledge certain facts/attitudes that are all around us, well
entrenched in individual, social and national psyche.

In certain individuals, in present day life, gratitude and relationships are short lived but short temper lives long. Short cut
methods are used to achieve anything.

In certain societies collective memory is short, collective view is short-sighted, short comings are selectively cut short for short
term gains and all leading to a shortfall in social and humane values. These shortfalls are the shortest means for leaving a long-
lasting damage to the very fabric of life in general and environment overall.

In certain nations engaging in short listing of locations of availability of resources, skill sets and technological tools and using all
short cut methods to solely acquire them and to play with short supplies and shortages to short circuit new and emerging
powers is a long-term plan.

Of course, making short work of these long-standing problems, we require serious long-term commitment with total intensity and
intense totality by all and with all with rational perspective, attitude of balanced synergetic approach involving adjustments and
compassion with understanding contextual priorities and relevance at all levels along with contingency plans.
These can create an eco-system for long lasting peace and harmony.
Every Age acquires its unique advantage;
Every Belief becomes in a unique way deaf;
Every Creation carries a unique distinction;
Every Duty develops a unique beauty;
Every Evolution executes a unique function;
Every Faith fosters a unique growth;
Every Generation generates a unique civilization;
Every human being has a unique way of living;
Every Intelligent adaptability injects a unique civilization;
Every judgement joins a unique development;
Every Kind soul kindles to play a unique role;
Every Life longs to liberate from its unique strife;
Every Mind marches on to make a unique find;
Every Nation nurtures its unique contribution;
Every Occupation offers a unique contribution;
Every Performance presents a unique importance;
Every Quest quenches a unique zest;
Every Reason reveals a unique connection;
Every Sentiment serves a unique commitment;
Every Thought takes off from a unique root;
Every Urge unfolds a unique usage;
Every Virtue vibrates with a unique hue;
Every Wisdom wakes you up to a unique freedom;
Every X-axial approach x-rays into possibilities and offers a unique reach;
Every Year yearns in a unique way to make life dear;
Every Zeal zooms towards a unique goal;
Adjusting and admiring with amity; Nourishing and neutralizing with nicety;
Benefiting and bearing beauty; Obeying and obliging with opportunity;
Perusing and pinning together plurality;
Caring and confiding with cordiality; Quaffing and questioning quiddity;
Desiring and dealing with dexterity; Reasoning and reciprocating in reality;
Encouraging and effecting equanimity; Sharing and supporting security;
Feeling and functioning with flexibility; Trusting and trenching on in totality;
Understanding and unleashing utility;
Generating and greeting with gentility; Vamping up and vitalizing virtuosity;
Having and honouring honesty; Waxing and working for wisdom and sanity;
Interacting even when imbued in inebriety; X-raying into the inner self and
Joining and jubilations jovially; understanding capacity;
Yoking and yeoman servicing mentality;
Kowtowing to kindness that is knotty; Zealous zenithal compatibility
Liking and longing for longevity;
Mingling and managing with magnanimity;
Medium -Grammar of any medium. Any medium must preferably be
A very aesthetic and appealing Nudging nuances
Balanced and beautiful Of
Communication tool Perceptions.
Delightfully Questioning and
Entertaining, enlightening and Revealing all
Freeing one of all inhibitions. Sorts of
Giving out Thoughts leading to
Heaps of Unbiased understanding and unravelling
Ideas and imaginations. Vicissitudes, vital values and
Judicially Wisdom.
Kindling X-axially
Lot of meanings and Yearning to
Meaning of life and living by Zoom human emancipation.
Moaningly, not what they liked most,
PARTICIPATION Nor nullified their vying spirit like a nihilist;
Achievements are not only for the ablest; Our life's opportunities let us not omit;
Participate and perform what our destiny wants to
Believe in yourself you can produce the best; permit;
Competitions and contests are not only for Quests and contests are not meant to be quit;
the cleverest; Rejuvenate, be rationale and a revolutionist, don’t
Deeds are deemed divine or devilish in the way rest;
dealt; Satisfied on past laurels, source of
success is sweat,
Endeavour, not merely emulate to exult; Trying travails, sweet may be the results,
Fail not to prove that you are the fittest and finest; sore is the test,
Greet and treat confidence as your guest; Undaunted you must approach whether fit
Have for her a permanent abode in your heart; or unfit;
Impossibility is an inebriated insect; Vindicating by victory, you vest
Worthiness will power, my word you can wrest
Jumping about and jaunting until you jilt; X-number of awards, for , we cannot be (e)xact;
Kudos only to those who managed and kept, You can score over others even if you are
Let down not, the expectations, left the youngest;
Zoom therefore with zeal and zest.
Allow all to live and do not attempt to annihilate;
Believe in benevolence and do not bounce back with battle and hate;
Care for civilization and do not co-opt for criminalisation;
Dedicate yourself to development and do not delve into destruction;
Endeavour to endear everyone and do not let enmities to extinguish earthly Elysium;
Fuse fraternity with any or all faith and do not fire and finish with fanaticism;
Great are the gifts of growth and do not gyve them to ground;
Hold holy scriptures to harness harmony and do not harp on them to heap hatred;
Inform the importance of interdependence and do not intimidate with intra-national interests;
Join in with jubilation to do what is jake and do not jeopardize the joy of life into jests;
Kindle the kaleidoscopic kingdom of kindness and do not keelhaul and kill the kids;
Love all is the loftiest score of life's game and do not Laden it with lamentable lids;
Make mankind out of man's kindness and do not mar it with martial madness;
Nurture natural niceties and do not nullify nice virtues or nations;
Operate with open-mindedness and do not overpower with oof and onslaughts;
Prefer and prepare for peace always and do not plunder with pernicious plots;
Quest for quietude and a life of quality and do not quell the quiet;
Reach out with reason and reverence and do not reciprocate or react in rumpus;
Safeguard soberly and sanely the society and do not sabotage social safety out of sadism;
Tolerate humanity in its totality and do not take up to terrorism;
Unite to be useful for universal understanding and do not unleash uncivilized usurpations;
Value the vision of the vitality of traditional virtues and do not vouch by virulent Vindications;
Work with worthy wisdom and do not wreck with war mania;
Xchange x-axially and do not exterminate out of xenophobia;
Yoke yourselves with yearning and do not yap away your youthful observations;
Zoom with zest and zeal and do not zero in with zany behaviour.
2013 New Year with a New Realization of Reality? !!! ,
Funny punctuation mark in title with a reason. Very long write up with lot of links

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