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A. Spent 1. They … …….

The first winner in the speech

competition last year.

B. Dreamed 2. We … … a lot of money for something we

don’t need yesterday.

C. Gave 3. I … … the bag in the mall for my sister two

days ago.

D. Went 4. Sophia … … last night, so she can’t answer

all the questions in the test.

E. Got
5. My brother and I ….. …. fly kites when we
were children.
F. Grabbed
6. We …. …. to Santolo Beach last week.

G. Was 7. My mom … … me a nice hat yesterday.

8. We …. …. very happy when we got the

H. Were present.

9. Doni and Dona … … this morning because

I. Had they blamed each other

10. My family …. … in the center of the city

J. Brought
before we moved here.

K. Lived 11. We …. … of being a president last night

12 She… … very beautiful when she was

L. didn’t study teenager

13 a long time ago, my family … … an

M. Study expensive car but it was broken last year.

14. What did he … … for a test last night

N. used to
15. We … … a special present from my parents
O. fought in my last birthday party.

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