Topic Anhne

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1-An environmental project that you know/join?

Last Sunday, I had the opportunity to participate in an environmental protection

project called "Green trees around us". The goal of the project is to plant as many
trees as possible. In addition, the project also aims to propagate and mobilize
people's awareness in environmental protection. In one morning, everyone planted
20 trees. Although tired, everyone is very happy.
Topic 2: A time when you solved a difficult problem at school
When going to college; At school, I had difficulty communicating and making new
friends. The following days; I solved the problem by participating in conversations
with my classmates more, helping people with new enthusiasm and kindness.
Then; Share your contact information with them to go to the movies together, or go
out for coffee. It's really effective.
Topic 3: Something interesting you did last week
Last Sunday I had a wonderful picnic with my family. My family went to the
suburbs not far from home for a picnic. The air there is very fresh and cool. My
family set up a camping tent at the foot of the mountain. We just ate and gathered
around the embers to talk happily. This moment makes me deeply feel the taste of
family. It was the best trip I've ever been on.
Topic 4: Someone you met while you were on holiday
This year's vacation has left me with a lot of deep memories because I met a new
friend. We met at the beach in Da Nang. At the beach, everyone participates in
volleyball, so I'm excited to join too. And so I met Lan- she is very beautiful with
fair skin and a friendly smile. We chat, get acquainted, make friends through social
networks and take pictures together. Lan is a very kind person, she bought me
water after playing volleyball and even invited my family to have dinner with her
family. After that, we made an appointment to visit and eat at the resort. Although
the holiday has ended, we are still in touch. It's great! It was a vacation I will never
Topic 5: A nice place you went on holiday this year
This year, I went to Vung Tau beach with my family. It took us about 6 hours to go
there by train. Vung Tau beach was very large and beautiful. The waves were quite
strong. In the afternoon, my family went for a walk to see the sunset. We also took
a lot of photos. After that, we went to a famous local restaurant to have dinner. The
food was very tasty but not so expensive. The next day, my family visited the
seafood market to buy some seafood. I also bought some souvenirs for my friends.
We returned home after spending 2 days in Vung Tau. Although the trip was short,
I felt very happy. Hopefully, we can go back there again in the future.
Topic 6: A nice place you are going to next holiday
My plan for the upcoming summer vacation is to travel to Da Lat with my best
friends for 2 weeks. We chose Da Lat because Da Lat is a magnificent attraction
and all of us have never gone there before. We will go to Datanla Waterfall and
take the roller coaster. The next location we will go to is Langbiang Mountain –
the highest mountain in Da Lat City. Langbiang tourist site has lots of plants and
wild animals. We also want to try sitting on a cable car in poetic Robin Hill.
Lastly, we cannot go to Da Lat without trying some specialties like “banh trang
nuong”, “can” cake, Quang noodles, … I hope we will have a fun and safe trip.
Topic 7: Life of a famous person you know
Surfing tiktok recently, surely the name Pham Quang Linh is no stranger. Just a
young man going to work abroad, but with big dreams and ambitions and a
compassionate heart full of love and compassion, he is not only loved and loved by
the people of his country, but also loved by the people of the country. The people
of Angola respect and give the nickname "African Hero". He is a shining example
for the young Vietnamese generation to follow.
Topic 8: Typical types of extreme weather in your country
Natural disasters occur all over the world, leaving serious consequences. Flood is a
popular disaster and In Vietnam it occurs mainly in the central region such as:
Quảng Bình, Hà Tĩnh, Đà Nẵng… Every year, there are about 10-15 floods
coming into Viet Nam. Floods are the phenomenon that happen in case an
unusually large amount of water accumulates in an area. Firstly, it’s impact on
humans: devastating houses, even human life…. Secondly, its impact on nature:
landslides, destruction of many forests.The government and people should
cooperate to minimize their impacts.
Topic 9: Problems caused by extreme weather in your country
Vietnam is facing climate change and will be heavily negatively affected in the
coming decades. These negative impacts greatly affect life and production. I want
to present issues such as sea level rise, saline intrusion, landslides, floods, and
First, sea level rise. It increases storms and floods. This is one of the causes leading
to saline intrusion, which reduces productivity and quality of agricultural products
and narrows agricultural land, affects the economic development of the country.
Second, the landslides. Global climate change, warming, sea level rise, ice melting
in Antarctica... contribute to the creation of many storms and landslides. It cause
serious consequences for both people and property.
Floods and droughts occur more frequently in many regions. Floods destroy crops,
seriously pollute the area's water sources, create conditions for diseases to spread
and spread, affecting human health. In contrast, drought causes shortages of
domestic and productive water, leading to reduced crop yields, habitat and
landscape degradation.
Topic 10 : A historical place you have visited
Okay so let me tell you about a place I have visited. It is Hoi An ancient town
which is an Located in Quang Nam, a central region of Vietnam. I went there last
summer alone.
Some people may think I was so lonely but actually, I really had a lot of fun on
the trip all by myself. When I was there, Every house in Hoi An left me with some
memories about the past and also reminded everyone how prosperous the town
Besides, I had a chance to taste the local food, which is quite good. It was
really a great trip because I could see so many nice natural scenes. The weather
was also a factor which made me love this place much. I really enjoyed my time in
Hoi An ancient town. It was a one-of-a-kind experience, and if I have enough
money, I will gladly have another trip back to this town.
Topic 11: A presentation that you are impressed
I had a class a few weeks ago, during which some groups in my class had to give
presentations. including a presentation that made a deep impression on me, it was
about environmental pollution. They have given very complete and clear
arguments and evidence about the current pollution situation such as pollution of
water, soil, and air. They have pointed out the causes leading to those situations,
the consequences of environmental pollution and given specific solutions. I almost
fell into their presentation because it was so good. I hope to hear more lectures like
this in the future.
Topic 12: Your favorite museum in your town/city
Hanoi Museum is one of the most famous museums in the capital, established in
1982 at Ham Long Street, with a huge number of artifacts and antiques. Notable is
the collection of stone, bronze, and ceramics from the Ly, Tran, Le, Nguyen,
Chinese, and Japanese dynasties, along with thousands of documents introducing
the history of the formation and development of Thang Long - Ha Interior.
Topic 13: Your favorite place in the city/town.
My favorite place in the city is the Provincial Library. To get there, I need to
drive a motorbike for about 10 minutes. When I go to the library, I will look for the
materials I need for the next class or sometimes I also look for some novels or
manga. Most of the time I go to the library to borrow books or to do research. The
library is very quiet so I can study more efficiently at home. I go to the library in
my free time after school or on weekends. I feel great studying at the library!!
Topic 14: A message you write if you get lost at sea.
If I get lost at sea I will write a message and put it in a bottle and release it into the
sea. I will write with content: “ If you can read this paper please help me. I am lost
at sea. Help me call the rescue team. I don’t know where I’m lost and I’m short of
One message I would write if I got lost at sea is that tomorrow's hope is for us to
forget the pain of today. Surely when you get lost at sea you will be very scared
and sometimes desperate. So now we need hope, it will give people great spiritual
strength. It brings excitement, motivation, and confidence to children to overcome
all difficulties and challenges and look toward the future.
Topic 15: A popular game in your country.
I would say the most popular game is Plants Vs. Zombies. When it comes to the
reason of popularity, I would like to summarize the following two points: firstly,
this game is easy to learn; secondly, through conquering the zombies in the game,
people can obtain a sense of satisfaction, which is urgently needed to push people
Topic 16: A website that you often visit
A website I often visit is Facebook. Well, most people know this website because
it is one of the most visited websites in the world. I visit it everyday and I can
spend hours on it. I use FB mainly for study and entertainment. First of all about
studying, FB is an excellent tool for education, we can find a lot of lectures on it
with many types such as video, website, image… One thing I really like is that on
FB, there is a lot of entertainment content such as watching video, chatting with
friends, playing game…Besides, I also noticed that FB has a bad point. FB has too
many advertising. Many people use FB day and night without thinking how much
time they have wasted on it. To sum up FB is a useful and helpful websites but it
become harmful if you used improperly.
Topic 17: Ways to have less stuff in life
We live in the world where there is always a need for more and never enough.
That’s why we have too much stuff in life. Having too much stuff makes your
home overcrowded. What should we do to have less stuff in life? Firstly, get rid of
stuff that you don't use anymore, stuff that is still good but you don’t use them
anymore can be sold. Buying things is about buying quality, not quantity. The next
tip is to think before you buy, you should only buy necessary and useful stuff,
avoid buying them and not use them. What about the problem with having lots of
stuff in our head? We can put them aside and relax by listening to music, watching
a movie, playing a game or shopping…
Topic 18. How to spend less time online
Nowadays, many people are spending a lot of time online. To reduce time online
we need to reduce time using social networks. First, we uninstall social networking
applications or lock accounts. Second, stay away from computers, phones and care
about those around you. Thirdly, we should find positive jobs for ourselves such
as: Helping with housework, jogging, cooking, studying, … And above all, we
should set up a schedule for using the internet.
Topic 19: The habit you used to have
The habit that I used to have was to wake up late. This happening regularly has
caused me a lot of harm to my health. Like sleeping late, it makes us easily tired
and not focused on studying, in addition, it is not good for the skin. Since I've seen
the harm myself, I've changed my habit of going to bed early and getting up early
so I can help myself feel healthier.
Topic 20: A famous product that is no longer used/ produced
TV is still a very familiar and famous technology product for every Vietnamese
family. I still remember in the 2000s my family had the first Samsung TV and now
it is no longer used. It is very heavy, thick, and has a convex screen. Back then, I
used to watch a good night show every night before going to bed. It has stuck with
me since childhood with many unforgettable memories.
Topic 21: A product you often buy
I like shopping. There are many necessary products to buy in life, but a product I
often buy is a pen. I just bought a pen yesterday. That pen was a pencil, it was
blue. I often buy a variety of pens such as pencils, ballpoint pens, and drawing
pens. I often buy pens at stores, bookstores or online. Because I like to draw, I
often draw everything with a pencil, sometimes I also use a pen to write notes. So
the pen is very important to me.
Topic 22: The most expensive/ cheapest thing you have ever bought.
today I would like to introduce the most expensive item I have ever bought: my
laptop. My computer belongs to ASUS. I bought it for 12 million dongs in my
12th-grade year. So far it's the most expensive item I've ever purchased. I'm
currently a 2nd-year student, I've been using it for 3 years now but it's still perfect
and shows no signs of aging. It has helped me a lot in my studies and work. I will
keep it carefully.
Topic 23: A memorable holiday/ trip you have ever gone to.
Hi, today I will introduce you to my most memorable holiday. It was last summer,
and I and my family had the opportunity to travel together to Hanoi. My family trip
lasted 3 days and 2 nights. We went to historical sites and the most famous
amusement parks in Hanoi such as Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, and Hoa Lo Prison...
During this trip, I accidentally met a human friend. My China. Before that, we
knew each other online, because we often video call each other, so when we met,
we both recognized each other by looking at each other. This makes me feel that
this trip is meaningful.
Topic 24: A tourist attraction you know well
One of the most interesting places I have ever come to was Hoi An ancient town.
Located in Quang Nam, a central region of Vietnam. This place attracts hordes of
tourists every year to come and enjoy the wonderful time in Hoi An. I visited Hoi
An ancient town because I was craving for sampling the local food in here. The
cuisine of the central region was so different from other regions. Although I and
my buddies had initially planned on which places to visit, I always ended up going
off the beaten track because there were too many interesting places to explore. The
weather was also a factor that made me love this place. I believed the cool weather
of Hoi An would dispel the heat of summer in the southern area. I really enjoyed
my time in Hoi An ancient town. It was a one-of-a-kind experience, and if I have
enough money, I will gladly have another trip back to this town.
Topic 25: Your dream holiday
I look forward to having a vacation in Phu Quoc island with my family. We will
have new experiences together in Phu Quoc island for five days. The first day we
will go to the beach, enjoy famous seafood dishes. The second day we will visit the
bays, North Island of Phu Quoc - where there are natural gardens. On the third day
we will go to the beautiful and poetic streams of Da Ban, Tranh and Da Ngon
streams. The next day we visited the old fishing villages, the historical sites. On the
last day we will take photos, memorable moments to keep as memories. I hope that
day will not be far away in the near future.
Topic 26: A problem you had when going on holiday
Summer vacation in middle school, my family organized a trip, the trip will be
very fun until my family has a little problem with the hotel. The hotel where my
family stayed at that time service attitude was not good when my family had a little
problem with the toilet, but did not receive a reasonable response. So the next
morning my family moved to a new hotel.
Topic 27: A common problem you had in your hometown/city
What is a common problem you face in your hometown? As for me, the common
problem that I often encounter in my hometown is the problem of traffic safety. In
my hometown, people don't practice traffic safety very well. Especially minors,
they ride so recklessly that I feel scared. Even when I was driving on the road, I
had to stop because it was too dangerous. There are a lot of traffic accidents of
minors nowadays, so I hope they can obey the traffic rules more. That's the
problem I often face in my hometown.
Topic 28: Problems you often have with technology
hello, today i will talk about the problems i often face with technology. That's
when I do computer homework, I always have problems with excel and
powerpoint. Next is to register for study credits, because the network is not stable,
the website often crashes, making it difficult for me to register for a suitable class
schedule. Next is the household appliances in the house, because they are so
modern, sometimes I can't use all of their uses. Those are the problems I've had
with technology.
Topic 29: Types of accommodation you stayed in when you were on holiday
What kind of accommodation did you stay in while on vacation? As for me, the
types of accommodation I have stayed in while on vacation are hotel and
homestay. Of these two forms, I prefer homestay because it makes me feel
comfortable. In fact, a homestay is also a kind of independent but personal motel.
Renting a homestay is no different from renting a hotel room, but with a larger
space with more equipment. In return, the cost of renting a luxury homestay is also
more expensive and you will have to serve your own needs while staying here
without any support staff. This is what makes me feel at home.
Topic 30: Things you often bring when you go camping
Camping is one of the fun activities for you to relax and explore interesting
destinations that hotels or resorts never have. How you prepare the necessary
supplies will greatly affect your experience. So what do we need to prepare before
going camping? First, the indispensable thing when camping is a tent. On the
camping list to bring, the next thing is a picnic mat. Certainly not every camping
site is fully equipped with electric lights, so when you prepare for camping, bring a
flashlight. In addition to preparing picnic mats, you can also bring folding tables
and chairs if you want to and your members can sit together to drink water or eat.
We should prioritize picnic foods that are easy to make and can be preserved
during the day. For example, sausages, eggs, milk...

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