Heart Rate22222222222222222

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Name: Amber Sumalpong Section: Lewis

Date: 9/20/2023 Subject: Science

Activity #1


 Measure and describe your pulse (heart rate) after several different activities
 Explain how to use different time intervals to measure your heart rate



Data logbook

Resting pulse: After pulse:

60s = 74 60s = 140

(30s)36 ×2=72 (30s)30 ×2=80

(15s)27 × 4=108 (15s)27 × 4=108

(10s)18 ×6=108 (10s)27 × 6=162

Guide Questions and Answers:

1. What was your calculate resting pulse? 74, 72, 108 and 108.
2. 2What was your pulse after exercising? 140, 80, 108 and 162
3. How would you differentiate your heart rates before and after exercising? By calculating to see which is which.
4. What is the advantage of timing for a full minute to find your pulse? When resting, timing for a full minute can
be an advantage because your pulse rate is slow, when you count for a full minute.
5. What is the advantage of timing over a short period of time, especially when you have just finished exercising?
After exercise, the heart increases and eventually returns to resting pulse. Therefore,
shorter interval is needed to take the heart rate just after the activity before it changes
once again.
6. According to statistics, the maximum heart rate should be 220minus a person’s age. How would you interpret your
highest in relation to that given number? By subtracting my highest heart minus my age.


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