Report 2

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Subject: Career Orientation
TOPIC: Cultural Intelligence in International Business.
Supervisor: Ms. Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh
Presented by Group 2



Topic: Cultural Intelligence in International Business.

Scale of Marks
Criteria Criteria Description
Mark/10 Remark

All the questions are resolved. /1.0

The presentation content uses

terminology related to the field of IB.
1.Content Overview, current situations and
developing trends of the field in which /1.5
the topic is presenting.

Job opportunity. /3.0

Confident, flexible, dynamic, has team

2.Presentation spirit and strives to attract listeners.
Logical, concise and scientific. /0.5

3.Slides Standards and layout. /0,5

format Images, clips, graphs. /0.5

Answer all the critical questions from

other groups thoroughly, the answers
should be related to the subject’s /1.0
4.Rebuttal diversity.
/Qs & As

Give feedbacks and critical questions to

the other groups.



Full name Student ID Position

1 Bùi Nguyễn Cathy 723K0114 Member

2 Ngô Thị Ngọc Hiền 723K0065 Member

3 Lê Trần Thuận 723K0111 Member

4 Trương Bá Thuận 723K0112 Member

5 Nguyễn Hồ Khánh Ly 723K0079 Leader

6 Lê Anh Thư 723K0109 Sub Leader


Full Name Assign tasks Level of Sign


 Find :
-Challenges and Pitfalls
Bùi Nguyễn -Benefits and Business Outcomes
1 100%
Cathy -Developing Cultural Intelligence in the
 Do the report
 Write an introduction and
 Find:
Ngô Thị Ngọc -The Role of Effective Communication
2 -Mastering International Business 100%
-Building Strong Cross-Cultural
3 Lê Trần Thuận  Do powerpoint 100%

Trương Bá  Support doing powerpoint

4 100%
Thuận  Presentation
 Find:
Nguyễn Hồ -Why Cultural Intelligence Matters
5 100%
Khánh Ly -Understanding Cultural Intelligence
 Check reports and slides
 Presentation support
 Do the report
 Find:
6 Lê Anh Thư -CQ Drive 100%
-CQ Knowledge
-CQ Strategy


Time 08:00-12:00, 15th November 2023

Location Phúc Long coffee Nguyễn Hữu Thọ Street

II. Members

Mentor Nguyễn Hồ Khánh Ly

Secretary Lê Anh Thư

Full Name Absence Late Apprearance

Bùi Nguyễn 723K0114

1 x

Ngô Thị Ngọc 723K0065

2 x
3 Lê Trần Thuận 723K0111 x

Trương Bá 723K0112
4 x

Nguyễn Hồ 723K0079
5 x
Khánh Ly

6 Lê Anh Thư 723K0109 x

III. Content

Targets 1. Get acquainted with the group

2. Analyze the selected topic
3.Assign work to each member
4.Give a deadline

5. Edit slides according to the marking criteria
6. Find images and videoclip related to the topic
7.Arrange the next meeting to review all the contents we have made

1. Ask about their name, their strengths, their weaknesses

2. Focus on working, arrive at the meeting point on time, submit
deadline on time
3. Divide the topic into each content that needs to be resolved
4. Assign appropriate parts to each member
5. Schedule a reasonable submission time for each section
6 .Each member absorbs, edits and learns from experience for the
next presentation.
4.Find source photos and clips on Pinterest and Youtube.
5.Arrange suitable time for everyone.

IV. Ask&Answer

1. Trương Bá Thuận

 Ask: What are the marking criteria ?

 Answer: Meet the requirements given by Ms Victoria on elearning.
2. Lê Trần Thuận
 Ask: Can I get informations from chat GPT?
 Answer: Yes, we can get information from chat GPT but we should only refer
and not take 100% of the information. Expand the problem within your


First and foremost we would like to express our sincere gratitude to our teacher.
This presentation would not be possible without the support and guidance from Ms.
Victoria, who helped evaluate and redirect our analysis process. We are grateful for
our teacher for providing such valuable insights and support which helped us gain a
better understanding of the topic of Cultural Intelligence.

Furthermore, we would like to acknowledge and thank each individual of our group
who have contributed their fair share of finding and research to help shape the
content of this presentation. Without their invaluable team working skill and
information finding, this project would have been an impossible task to handle.

Last but certainly not least, we would also like to thank the audience, for your
patience and attention to our presentation, and for those who provided valuable
feedback and input throughout our project. Your suggestions and feedback have
helped complete and improve our report and presentation.

Ho Chi Minh City, / /2023


I. MARKING ASSESSMENT GRID:.............................................................................1
II.MEMBERS LIST.........................................................................................................2
III. ASSESSMENT TABLE OF MEMBERS’ CONTRIBUTION:................................3
GROUP MEETING MINUTE.........................................................................................4
V. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:.........................................................................................6
VI. SUPERVISOR’S COMMENTS:...............................................................................7
VIII. PREFACE:..............................................................................................................9
IX. CONTENT: CULTURAL INTELLIGENCE:.........................................................10
 Why is it call CQ not CI?.....................................................................................10
 What is CQ?.........................................................................................................10
 Why is it important?.............................................................................................10
2. UNDERSTANDING:................................................................................................11
3.1 Cultural Intelligence Equals Political Correctness.............................................12
3.2 Moralise...............................................................................................................12
3.3 Disregarding context............................................................................................12
3.4 Fear of being embarrassed..................................................................................12
6.RELATIONSHIP – BUILDING:............................................................................16
7.JOB OPPORTUNITIES:.........................................................................................17
X. CONCLUSION:........................................................................................................18
XI. REFERENCES:.......................................................................................................19


Cultural intelligence, or CQ, is one of the key factors in building, growing and
sustaining a business. Especially in an era in which going global is sought after by
many modern businesses to either expand their branch, create subsidiaries or to simply
improve the company’s reputation. To understand why CQ plays such an important
role in international business and why it is the focal point of every business discussion
when it comes to improving relationship building, we as a team have collectively
decided to choose this topic to further research, analyse and most importantly
recognize the influence it has on the working environment.

The ability to effectively accept and adapt to the other individual’s differences in
culture is the definition of Cultural Intelligence. It goes without saying that culture
often has an impact on negotiation, as do the vitality of mastering CQ in our
increasingly globalised world where cross-cultural understanding is essential for
success. The question of how to have the most effective negotiation and leave the best
impression is always a headache for many business people as well as companies and
organisations. That is why we wrote this report to explain and give you a general
overview of how culture affects negotiations


 Why is it call CQ not CI?
Because it envelop more than just knowledge or understanding of different cultures.
CQ includes the ability to recognize and adapt to cultural differences, as well as the
motivation and emotional intelligence needed to work effectively in culturally diverse

 What is CQ?
Cultural intelligence (CQ) refers to the ability to relate and work effectively in
culturally diverse situations.

 Why is it important?
It ‘s the global nature of modern business:
Modern business is growing more globally as communication, transportation, and
technology advance.
1. Global supply chains: To cut costs and obtain specialized knowledge, companies
now hires and purchase parts and materials from different nations. This calls for cross-
border coordination and cooperation.
 Cultural diversity in the workplace:
Refers to the presence of employees from a variety of cultural backgrounds
Enhanced creativity and innovation: Cultural diversity promotes a more inclusive and
creative work environment. By embracing different ideas and perspectives, teams can
explore a wider range of possibilities.
 The impact of cultural on business success:
With 4,000 languages available to users, Google brings a real-world solution to a
global audience. This has been the driving force behind the company’s success.Our
motto is inspiring, “never judge a search engine by its interface".


 CQ Drive:
 To boost resilience toward different culture
 To overcome bias
 To improve relations
 CQ knowledge:
 Understand others better
 To enhance problem - solving and decision making
 To improve relaions
 CQ Strategy:
 To build trust and rapport ( in sync )
 Increase innovation
 To improve task performance
 To support self - directed learning
 CQ Action
 To improve communication
 To create a favourable impression
 To maintain emotional composure

3.1 Cultural Intelligence Equals Political Correctness
The real benefit from diversity comes from the different mindsets and ways of
thinking that allows for creativity and innovation. Without CQ, you might have
employees that look different to each other, but all conform to the same way of
thinking because the organisational culture isn’t welcoming.
3.2 Moralise
One of the biggest organizational mistakes regarding CQ, is using moralising language
to discuss the topic. Diversity policies must be researched and implemented with care
so that everyone in the workplace can feel valued and supported. Using moralising
language may lead to your employees feeling threatened and disengaged.
3.3 Disregarding context
Communication styles differ greatly across cultures. The amount of eye contact,
directness, tone of voice and use of silences are dependent on cultural norms and
values. The distinction between high context and low context cultures explains that in
low context cultures, team members may reveal strong emotions and feel comfortable
with eye contact. In high context cultures, however, staff might be more passive, mask
emotions, use monotone speech and avoid eye contact.
High context culture: Vietnam, Japan, France,…
Low context culture: USA, Germany, Canada,…
3.4 Fear of being embarrassed
When communicating with strangers, both at home and abroad, most of us worry about
many things, such as:
• Making a fool of ourselves;
• Being ridiculed;
• Embarrassing someone else;
• Offending someone or being offended.

Examples of failed cross-cultural interactions

Fast Food in China: How McDonald’s Lost to KFC

Today, McDonald’s has half the presence that KFC does when it comes to total stores,
while losing out to KFC in revenue per store and margin. There are a number of
reasons for KFC’s success, such as being first to the market, building a strong supply
chain, and deploying a more strategic expansion plan. However, a big reason for
KFC’s success is that it adapted to the local culture while McDonald’s initially refused
to cater to the tastes of Chinese customers.

McDonald’s had great success with its line of American-style burgers when expanded
to Japan and other Asian countries. They stubbornly decided to roll out the same line of
product that worked in nearby countries. The difference between those countries and
China is that the latter had no frame of reference for burgers. The country was closed
of for so long that burgers seemed too strange and fore. KFC, meanwhile, had the
advantage of offering fried chicken, which is a familiar food for people in China. They
also took active steps to localize their menus for the Chinese market, and their wildly
successful breakfast menu featuring staples like congee is a testament to their
localization efforts.

McDonald’s has since learned from its mistakes and and enjoys a strong position in
China’s fast food market. But due to their botched rollout, they’re still a lagging
competitor to KFC’s market position. A little localization goes a long way, especially
when it’s done correctly from the start. In summary, the failure of McDonald's in its
competition with KFC in China underscores the importance of cultural sensitivity,
adaptability, and a thorough understanding of local markets in cross-cultural business
interactions. Companies seeking success in foreign markets must be willing to learn
from local cultures, adapt their strategies, and build strong relationships to thrive in
diverse business environments.


● The importance of language and non-verbal communication

- Language plays a critical role in business, from communication with prospective

clients, work colleagues and, most importantly, in branding. The improvement of
language training and communication practice in professional settings can result in:

+ Increase the communication efficiency of a business.

+ Fewer misunderstandings will occur and

+ A major improvement in the efficiency of the meetings, negotiations,

presentations and problem-solving.

- Non-verbal communication can either affirm or fail to justify the words which are
being spoken. When verbal and non - verbal information is communicated more
efficiently, the listeners can understand you better.

● Tips for successful cross-cultural communication

1. Maintaining etiquette

2. Actively listen

3. Keep it simple & speak slowly

4. Note things down

5. Taking turns to talk

6. Be careful of humour


● The role of cultural differences in negotiations

- In cross-cultural negotiations with international business negotiation, you need to

understand how culture consists of socially transmitted behavior patterns, attitudes,
norms, and values of a given community, whether a nation, an ethnic group, or even an

- Understanding a foreign counterpart’s culture during the conversation will not only
leave an impression and sympathy but will gain the other person's trust and satisfaction
in not only this cooperation but also in the future.

● Strategies for successful cross-cultural negotiations

1. Cope with culture clashes

2. Reduce the possibility of cultural misunderstanding

3. Research your counterpart’s background and

4. Pay close attention to unfolding negotiation dynamics

5. Choose your translator wisely

6. Know that there’s strength in numbers

7. Creating Win-Win Scenarios

8. Follow up After Negotiation


 On June 21/2021, Vietnam and Singapore agreed to set up a joint technical

working group on Digital Partnership, examining the potential for developing a
bilateral digital economy agreement.
 WTO: Failure in global trade negotiations: At WTO, growing disregard for
trade rules shows the world is fragmenting.


● The significance of relationship-building in international business

Having strong relationships is crucial for any business. Furthermore, having good
relationships in international expansion becomes even more critical, as it requires faith
in the expertise and competence of your network from afar. Many benefits come from
establishing strong business relationships:

+ Attracting new customers and increasing customer retention.

+ Favourable rates and terms.

+ Attracting investment.

● Techniques for establishing trust and rapport

1. Make a good introduction 5. Find commonalities

2. Actively listen 6. Create Shared Experiences

3. Ask engaging questions 7. Lead with empathy and respect

4. Be aware of your body language

● Success stories of relationship-building across cultures

- Vietnam - Japan relations: Strategic partnership for peace and prosperity in

Asia:Diplomatic relations between the two countries were established in 1973, and the
friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Japan has been continuously nurtured
by generations of leaders and peoples, becoming a common treasure of both
countries. In 2014, Vietnam and Japan set up a strategic partnership for peace and
prosperity in Asia, marking a significant milestone in the bilateral relations.

- Strengthening traditional relations between Vietnam and Mongolia: The countries

signed a Friendship and Cooperation Treaty in 1961, renewed it in 1979, and signed a
new one in 1995. On January 13 2003, the countries signed an 8-point cooperative
document committing to cooperation between the two governments and their
legislative bodies, replacing an earlier document signed in 1998.

Intelligence Analyst
Some key skills and qualifications for an Intelligence Analyst include:

 Strong analytical skills

 Critical thinking skills
 Knowledge of geopolitical events
 Ability to handle sensitive information
 Collaboration skills
 Strong written and verbal communication skills

Influencer marketing specialist

Influencer Marketing Specialists must have strong analytical and critical thinking
skills, as well as knowledge and understanding of different cultures and regions. They
are also required to have a degree in marketing, communications, or a similar field, and
be multilingual
Project manager
The key skills and qualifications for a project manager include:

 Strong analytical and critical thinking skills

 Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
 Ability to coordinate and manage multiple tasks
 Experience in project management
 Bachelor's or master's degree in a related field
 Project Management Professional (PMP) certification is a plus


In the era of globalization, most countries are following the trend of integration, and
multinational companies are increasingly appearing. That requires our younger
generation students to be even more self-aware in proactively learning, integrating, and
always being ready to improve their cultural intelligence. The more we understand
about other countries' cultures, the more foundations we have to develop ourselves and
expand relationships around us. Understanding the culture of partner businesses or
competitors will directly affect the success of a transaction or negotiation - which is the
first step in determining whether a business or sales contract is obtained. established or
not. Thanks to CQ, we can narrow the cultural gap in the work organization, connect
well with domestic and foreign colleagues, limit cultural shocks in the communication
process, have high creative potential, and help promote innovation in business and
especially creating trust with customers or foreign partners.
To have cultural intelligence, one needs to be equipped with knowledge about cultures
and an open mind. This cultural knowledge can come from selectively reading sources
about cultures around the world. Watch movies, travel or study in a multicultural
environment. An open mind is to remember that culture is the way of life of a group of
people, there is no way of life that is perfect, right or wrong, but each of us should
respect the differences between cultures of our partners’ country.

1. Merie Pelsser. March 26th, 2018. Cultural Intelligence: Avoid the Top 5
Workplace Mistakes
2. Jelena Fisic. September 18th, 2023. Cultural intelligence: Working confidently
in cross-cultural environments
3. Van Dyne, L., Ang, S., Ng, K. Y., Rockstuhl, T., Tan, M. L., & Koh, C. (2012).
Sub-dimensions of the four factor model of cultural intelligence: Expanding the
conceptualization and measurement of cultural intelligence. Social and
personality psychology compass


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