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title auther journalTitl source locationIdeabstract language

Investigati Heslop, KaWork Basedv10 n1 p1 http://eri This researEnglish

ElementarySponaugle,ProQuest L Ed.D. Diss http://eri The problem investigated in this study was decreasing annual
Examining Lesner, TaProQuest L Ph.D. Disshttp://eri Concerns about low mathematics achievement have created a
RemediatioChristoph ProQuest L D.Ed. Diss http://eri This research explores the intricate interplay between effectiv
Leading HigChanaaz CJournal of v11 n2 p1 http://eri Student affEnglish
In Search o Green, MaInternationv33 n1 p1 http://eri In fall 201 English
Primary Te Levy, RachInstitute of Educatio http://eri This report is based on a survey of 1,653 primary teachers in s
Emerging PrFluck, An Higher Educv83 n6 p1 http://eri InternationEnglish
Online Exam Al-Jarf, R Online Sub Journal o http://eri At Saudi unEnglish
Characteri Gabriella ProQuest L Ph.D. Disshttp://eri Identification of novel fermenting yeast is beneficial to the bre
In the Phys Chapko, DBritish Jou v49 n3 p2 http://eri Background: English
Online Stu Wenjun WProQuest L D.Phil. Di http://eri In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus commanded the disciples, "go and
Engagement Cronjé, Electronic v18 n5 p4 http://eri Digitally mEnglish
ExperimentSandi-UreJournal of v97 n9 p3 http://eri Three daysEnglish
Fostering PMcGowan,Peabody Jov95 n1 p1 http://eri This articl English
Thinking i McNair, LiAdvances i v8 n2 Sumhttp://eri The Departm English
Emancipati García-Puchades,
Physical EWenceslao
v28 n1 p4 http://eri Background: English
RedesigningLove, BettJournal of v19 p91-1http://eri Aim/Purpose English
Exploring Gardner, ProQuest L Ed.D. Diss http://eri Problem-based learning (PBL) is increasingly recognized as bo
Language MMoran-LanProQuest L Ph.D. Disshttp://eri This disserEnglish
Campus AgrJoHannah ProQuest L Ph.D. Disshttp://eri Campus agricultural projects (CAPs) are a growing phenomeno
Pursuing SoKeen, JustChristian H v19 n1-2 http://eri This articl English
When CultuGlynn, Ca Language Tv24 n4 p4 http://eri Content-bas English
A Learning Melgarejo,Advances i v8 n2 Sumhttp://eri This paper English
Teaching anMuntean, Journal of v39 n1 p5 http://eri A commonEnglish pr
Educating ADymock, DAustralian v60 n3 p3 http://eri The originsEnglish
Assessing CPhillips, ProQuest L Ed.D. Diss http://eri Most grading done at high schools in the United States results
Instructor Johnson, ProQuest L Ph.D. Disshttp://eri Through this non-experimental descriptive correlational study
Research onRibickis, Education v10 Articl http://eri The increasing importance of continuingly complex Cyber-Phy
DevelopingBeck, Kris Journal of v28 n3 p5 http://eri Computation English
The COVID-Quelhas, Internationv21 n6 p1 http://eri Purpose: Co English
The Effects Miyakawa,Educationav105 n1 p http://eri This paper English
A Study on Álvarez-Garcí a, Francisco
Technology v25 n3J.p6 http://eri Despite theEnglish
Practicing Yin, Yue Journal of v29 n1 p1 http://eri Making actiEnglish
Analysis o Önel, FatInternationv12 n4 p3 http://eri This study English
Teaching U Ma, Lili Journal of v22 n3 p4 http://eri This paper English
Investigati KörhasanScience Eduv32 n3 p2 http://eri Peer instruEnglish
Teaching MFay, Bren Advances i v9 n2 Spr http://eri In product English
Bringing Li Quesada, Journal of v98 n7 p2 http://eri Although ma English
Addressing María Jiménez
Commissiohttp://eri In spite of policy impetus, research shows that teachers strugg
Quality of Molina-VÃQuality Ass v30 n4 p4 http://eri Purpose: Th English
Successful Battey, DaTeachers C v124 n11 http://eri Background: English
Building CoJung, Min Grantmakers for Educhttp://eri As schools transitioned to virtual learning during the COVID-1
Steps to S Traeger, DHarvard Education Prhttp://eri "Steps to Schoolwide Success" makes a powerful case for the
Building St FrischemeiStatistics v19 n1 p3 http://eri Since manyEnglish
New Way ofCiobanu, Journal of v33 n1 p4 http://eri Purpose: Th English
Radical Pra Edwards-SProQuest L Ph.D. Disshttp://eri Podcasts in academia have largely been employed as either a
Functional Bohlinger,Online Submission http://eri The study w English
Storied Int Spraggins,ProQuest L Ph.D. Disshttp://eri The purpose of this study was to explore the ways graduate st
Back to Sc Moniz, DavProQuest L D.M.E. Dishttp://eri The purpose of this project is to identify how elementary gene
Design2LeaFancsali, Grantee Submission http://eri Design2Learn (D2L) is a NYC-based afterschool program aimed
Interventi CalmaestraPhysical E v26 n1 p3 http://eri Background: English
An EvaluatiRisman, K Grantee Submission http://eri The purpose English
A Case Stu Williams, ProQuest L Ph.D. Disshttp://eri Alternative Spring Break (ASB) is a college-based travel progra
Selections Whalen, D.Business a v84 n2 p1 http://eri This articl English
Intercultur Roche, CaResearch-publishing. http://eri Due to the interconnectedness of our world and the ubiquitou
Choral Con Balsnes, Research S v43 n3 p3 http://eri Choral singEnglish
Climate ChaTang, Kuo Internationv24 n5 p1 http://eri Purpose: InEnglish
Linguistic Argus, ReilAILA Revie v33 n1 p8 http://eri The paper Eenglish
Using ArduiChaudry, Physics Te v58 n6 p4 http://eri Arduino mic English
Working in Bonomi, RJournal of v97 n7 p2 http://eri This work dEnglish
Preparing FEitland, ErNational Association http://eri State and local officials who shuttered school buildings to stem
Using Perf Maier, An Learning Policy Instit http://eri Performance English
Transition Outlaw, ShProQuest L Ed.D. Diss http://eri A large perEnglish
WCPSS CurrPaeplow, Wake County Public Shttp://eri In 2016, Wake County Public School System (WCPSS) senior le
Saints Act Derek S. PProQuest L Ed.D. Diss http://eri Action research (AR) is a form of systematic inquiry by which p
AssessmentKhoukhi, World Jour v11 n4 p1 http://eri The present English
ConstructioWinters, NBritish Jou v52 n3 p1 http://eri Englishlong before it had a name, was intimately tie
Voices of S Evans, DavBritish Jou v49 n3 p3 http://eri Background: English
Remote SenAdaktylou,Internatio v6 n3 p51 http://eri Satellite r English
Water and SGood, Ca Science Te v88 n2 p3 http://eri Although thEnglish
Community-Hunt, MarProQuest L Ed.D. Diss http://eri The purpose of this mixed-method case study is to determine
Enhancing Lertcharo Journal of v9 n4 p10 http://eri This classr English
Student WeAntje Dist European Commissiohttp://eri Well-being (WB) and Learning for Sustainability (LfS) are two c
The Effect HernándeJournal of v19 p131-http://eri Aim/Purpose English
UnderstandPeterson, ProQuest L Ph.D. Disshttp://eri Access and use of computer-based educational technology wi
VocabularyLogojan, MEXTESOL v45 n2 20 http://eri This articl English
Action Lea Ray, ChristInternationv21 n5 p9 http://eri Purpose: Th English
Employing Dean SchilGrantee Submission http://eri Online patient portals that facilitate communication between
El NacimienDuran, BoHealth Edu v48 n3 p2 http://eri Purpose: HiEnglish
Collaborati ZimmermaInformatio v122 n9-1http://eri Purpose: Th English
Mapping PoBrussino, OECD Publishing http://eri Across OECD English
Examining Richard A.ProQuest L Ed.D. Diss http://eri The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to whi
Graduate AThibaudeau Internatio v38 n1 p1 http://eri Purpose: InEnglish
Telling Sto Beaupoil- Research-publishing. http://eri In teacher training curricula, books are presented as an ideal m
Family Eng Morgan, AProQuest L Ph.D. Disshttp://eri An inclusive technology ecosystem includes leadership, design
Mining Art Goldberg,InternationPaper pre http://eri The context for this paper is the "Synthetic Training Environm
Teacher QuAbdulrah ProQuest L Ph.D. Disshttp://eri Teachers' questioning is a key practice that influences student
Food Aller Amber M.Journal of v47 n1 20 http://eri Purpose/Obj English
Designing Marhefka,ProQuest L Ph.D. Disshttp://eri Harmful oversights remain in elementary social studies curricu
The EuropeLuomi-MesEuropean Commissiohttp://eri This note seeks to look back at the development and impleme
Vocational Ferm, LisaInternationv8 n1 p1- http://eri Purpose: Th English
Building N Lee, HyunSmithsonian Science http://eri The Smithsonian Science Education Center in collaboration wi
The ImpactCompton, Education Endowment http://eri This study English
Changing thReyes, Ro Philadelphia Educati http://eri Beginning with the class of 2023, Pennsylvania high school stu
Issues of S Diana-CrisEuropean J v5 n2 p13 http://eri School mana English
CALL Curri Lin, GraceOnline Sub Paper pre http://eri This presentation suggests the international readers to apply
Disruption Spöttl, GEuropean J v46 n5-6 http://eri Purpose: Th English
The ExperieReiss, MicResearch i v39 n1 p9 http://eri Background: English
Incubating Spraggon,Education v63 n4 p6 http://eri Purpose: On English
Empowering Alajlan, S CommissionPaper pre http://eri Educated-neighborhood programs are lifelong-learning projec
Costs and Cost DriverUK Department for Edhttp://eri acl Consulting was commissioned in November 2018 to under
Early WordsHackett, SNational Literacy Trushttp://eri This report evaluates the impact of the National Literacy Trust
A Quantita Deckelbaum ProQuest L Ed.D. Diss http://eri Whether stu English
A Study of Yilmaz, HalEuropean J v7 n1 Arti http://eri Background: English
Edgenuity Distance LeOffice of Assessment,http://eri This reportEnglish
Going beyon Hodson, DCanadian J v20 n4 p5 http://eri The focus oEnglish
Building MoBrudney, ProQuest L Ph.D. Disshttp://eri Makerspaces are settings in which learning occurs through cre
ProfessionaEgbert, Tr ProQuest L Ed.D. Diss http://eri The operations within universities have become increasingly c
Effects of van Driel, Chemistry v21 n3 p9 http://eri Secondary English
Coming Back to ClimaAspen Institute http://eri Even in "routine" years, the principal's attention to climate ma
Math PathwJohnson, Center for Education http://eri For the past several years, attention has turned toward review
Improvemen Carlile, SuMyers Education Preshttp://eri "Improvement Science as a Tool for School Enhancement: Sol
SELFIE WBLYildirim, European Training Fohttp://eri The SELFIE WBL pilot project started in Turkey in July 2020. SE
Role AmbigRepnik, MEducation v63 n9 p1 http://eri Purpose: Th English
Self-Direct Purzer, SeJournal of v109 n4 p http://eri Background: English
Usage of DiSabirova, EContempora v12 n2 Ar http://eri Modern educ English
Communicat Abigail E. ProQuest L Ph.D. Disshttp://eri It is well documented that implementing biosecurity on an an
A National Burnett, CPhysical E v26 n2 p1 http://eri Background: English
"Historia E David L. ProQuest L Ph.D. Disshttp://eri For more than a century, the state of Florida has been home t
Towards anPaladino, Journal for v19 n2 p14http://eri The opt-outEnglish
The Effect Saka, CereInternationv14 n3 p2 http://eri The purpose English
An EvaluatiRisman, K Center for Research http://eri The purpose of Project LISTO is to support the instructional ca
Teaching wTanaka, KuITHAKA S+R http://eri Encounters with primary sources--historical or contemporary
Equity for Ford WalkProQuest L Ed.D. Diss http://eri All students attending public schools should receive the best e
Reconsider Besser, S Wisconsin Center for http://eri Lucy Calkins' curriculum "Units of Study for Writing" is a proce
Challenges Bueno, DaOnline Sub Institutio http://eri Superintend English
An Intelli Rachel DicProQuest L Ph.D. Disshttp://eri New educational technologies present an opportunity to help
RestorativeKimberle ProQuest L Ed.D. Diss http://eri Some educational systems have been making a transformatio
Investigati Dee, Fred Advances i v25 n3 p6 http://eri As medicalEnglish
Funding GuLahr, HanaCommunity College Re http://eri Two years ago, Community College Research Center (CCRC) pu
Care-Full C Nitya Pan ProQuest L Ph.D. Disshttp://eri This dissertation responds to the dearth of research in respon
Are Low-CoOng'ele, Teachers C v122 n1 2 http://eri Background/ English
GamificatioPalomaresPhysical E v25 n5 p5 http://eri Background: English
A novel pedagogical approach that is becoming i
Innovative Medvid, Na Internationv9 n7 p23 http://eri The advance English
The PercepLing, WenyProQuest L Ph.D. Disshttp://eri This disserEnglish
What Is theSwift, Kel ProQuest L Ph.D. Disshttp://eri In this three-paper dissertation project, I explore how 'English
The PerceptNicole MaProQuest L Ph.D. Disshttp://eri The present dissertation analyzed speech production and perc
Developmen El-Adawy,ProQuest L Ph.D. Disshttp://eri To broaden participation in STEM (Science, Technology, Engin
Addressing Mahajan, RInternatio v36 n4 p4 http://eri Purpose: Th English
TechnologicBilessimo Journal of v19 p167-http://eri Aim/Purpose English
Effects of Goldstein,Interdiscip v16 p43-6http://eri Aim/Purpose English
Creating a Arren DugProQuest L Ph.D. Disshttp://eri This dissertation showcases collective sensemaking in action.
Queering P Scott Mic ProQuest L Ph.D. Disshttp://eri Recently, attention surrounding LGBTQ+ people, perspectives
InternationMoussa, Qualitative v21 n4 p4 http://eri Purpose: AsEnglish
The Opt-OuLingard, BTeachers C v123 n5 2 http://eri Purpose: Ov English
A Case Stu Campas, Ke ProQuest L Ed.D. Diss http://eri Students with disabilities are entitled to an effective transition
Dying to L Baugh, TonOnline Submission http://eri The ensuing editorial is but one section of a five-chapter resea
Chicago's S Prebil, Mi New America http://eri Over two-thirds of all Illinois residents live in Chicago's metrop
Data VisualAlex J. Bo Grantee Submission http://eri Educators globally are continually encouraged to use data to i
Secondary SAlexis Or Online Sub Ph.D. Disshttp://eri Unschooling the high school students is an educational approa
Creating a Daucourt, ProQuest L Ph.D. Disshttp://eri The main goal of the present work was to introduce a new con
Informatio Celikkan, Journal of v19 p339-http://eri Aim/Purpose English
Gender, SexMegan ParProQuest L Ph.D. Disshttp://eri Statistics and data analysis have been part of the K-12 mathem
Sustaining Leah Care ProQuest L Ph.D. Disshttp://eri This three-part dissertation explores the complexity of collabo
An Examinat Ankit, Ah Journal of v13 n5 p1 http://eri Purpose: AtEnglish
Challenge- Savage, T Teaching i v28 n6 p1 http://eri The applicaEnglish
T-CHAT EduColombo, European J v47 n4 p6 http://eri Cyber-physiEnglish
Doing KnowActon, Re Higher Educv86 n1 p2 http://eri InternationEnglish
Escape fromHiatt, Lesl Journal of v98 n7 p2 http://eri A QuantitatEnglish
The Bear C Spates, St Communicav36 n2 p1 http://eri OrganizatioEnglish
The Common Wilson, LeJournal of v22 n2 p9 http://eri The Common English
Value-AddeArun Kumar Journal of v202 n4 p http://eri In outcomeEnglish
Assessing Tataw, DavInternationv17 n1 Arthttp://eri This study English
The PedagoHolger WeBritish Jou v55 n1 p2 http://eri The aim of English
Impacts of Hang Che Internatio v34 n1 p7 http://eri Maker educa English
Student Sa Martín-Antón,
Comunicar: v30 n70 p http://eri
Luis-Jorge Higher educ English
Students' Kock, ZegeInternatio v7 n2 p30 http://eri In this stu English
A Place-Ba Korson, C Journal of v47 n4 p5 http://eri Flexibility English
Designing Korang, T Geography v19 n3 p1 http://eri Though ther English
Toward SociNoordegraCritical St v62 n2 p1 http://eri The aim of English
Modern TecKutepov, Journal of v9 spec is http://eri IntellectuaEnglish
TechnologyBauters, MLecture Notes in Educhttp://eri This book pEnglish
Game Moddi Van LangeDesigns forv14 n1 p9 http://eri Design ThinEnglish
Sharing Is Andreasen, Journal of v9 n1 p88 http://eri OrganizingEnglish
The InternaBonacci, EOnline Sub Athens Jo http://eri In the years 2015-2018, the Italian Ministry of Education, Univ
Maker EducHarron, JaJournal of v30 n2 p2 http://eri Before theEnglish
Maker-Cente Jones, W. TechTrendsv67 n4 p6 http://eri The shift f English
Playce-MakKim, BeauLearning, v48 n3 p3 http://eri When we giv English
ImplementaChaurra, Journal of v98 n7 p2 http://eri Service-leaEnglish
Evaluating Nephawe,Journal of v9 n2 p15 http://eri Competence English
Tackling P McNamaraJournal of v10 n3 p1 http://eri The aim of English
ImplementaOliveras, Marí a Luisav11 Articl http://eri
Education According to previous research, we consider it necessary to ex
MultinationStawska, ZInformaticsv20 n3 p3 http://eri The develop English
Making It Gould, J. Internationv45 n11 p http://eri Making in sEnglish
Training o Buzón-Garcí
Journal of v20 n1 Ja http://eri
a, Olga The objectiEnglish
Learner-GeAmici-DargAssessmentv48 n7 p1 http://eri AssessmentEnglish
Factors Aff Tai, Kai-HsResearch i v41 n3 p1 http://eri Background: English
Attaining Gaitonde, Africa Edu v17 n1 p1 http://eri LaboratoryEnglish
Does an As Pirogova, Journal of v19 n3 Arthttp://eri There is onEnglish
Transferri Gericke, NInternatio v33 n5 p1 http://eri This case study
aimed to investigate teachers' reflections on t
The ImpactMichael R.Interdiscip v17 n1 20 http://eri The impactEnglish
"How Am I Looney, BrProQuest L Ph.D. Disshttp://eri Although there has been an abundance of empirical inquiry in
Nurturing CNinomiya-Educationaln14 p29-3http://eri The aim of English
Phenomenolo Djukri Pegem Jourv13 n3 p3 http://eri The effortsEnglish
Remote DeliVaughan, Natural Sc v50 n1 e2 http://eri The COVID-1 English
EmbeddingMeek, SteAccountingv30 n1 p6 http://eri There is in English
Environment Hiete, MicInternationv22 n7 p1 http://eri Purpose: Th English
Teachers' Nelson Sa Internationv6 n4 p70 http://eri The support of academics, professionals, and researchers from
Becoming CHagermanMiddle Sch v52 n2 p2 http://eri Drawing frEnglish
s study was decreasing annual reading proficiency among students in intermediate elementary grades (Grades 3-5). Deficiencie
tics achievement have created a push to increase national mathematics proficiency levels through research and policy. Efforts h
cate interplay between effective grading practices and the cultivation of a growth mindset within secondary education. The stu

y of 1,653 primary teachers in state schools in England. The survey was conducted by Teacher Tapp during May half-term 2020,

ng yeast is beneficial to the brewing industry to develop innovations in flavor or processes. In addition, there is a growing inter

mmanded the disciples, "go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of th

s increasingly recognized as both effective and associated with high student engagement. This study sought to explore this rela

APs) are a growing phenomenon across the U.S. with nearly 269 CAPs at institutions of higher education. In their simplest form

ools in the United States results in a single grade for a single class on a report card or transcript. A single number or letter lacks
descriptive correlational study, 31 high school classrooms were observed, and instances of non-content teacher talk were iden
ontinuingly complex Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) challenges and encourages universities worldwide to organize up-to-date CP

arch shows that teachers struggle to address the increasing diversity in classrooms, among others, due to the lack of competen

al learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, community-based organizations pivoted from providing afterschool programs to de
makes a powerful case for the implementation of a school reform that bridges academic and social-emotional learning systems

ely been employed as either a supplementary resource to lectures, as an alternative for giving student feedback, or as a specifi

o explore the ways graduate students' interpretive lenses manifested in reflective storytelling of their collaborative object-base
o identify how elementary general music curriculum can address the negative impacts of the sense of isolation felt by elementa
sed afterschool program aimed at increasing middle school students' interest, engagement, and achievement in science. Desig

s a college-based travel program in which students spend their traditional spring break vacation traveling to a new domestic or

of our world and the ubiquitous presence of technology, it is imperative that students be introduced to and be actively involve

uttered school buildings to stem the spread of COVID-19 in early 2020 are beginning to plan for the return of students and staff

chool System (WCPSS) senior leadership determined that students were not consistently engaged with content, instruction, or t
of systematic inquiry by which practitioners address their own problems of practice. Professional development (PD) is a means

hod case study is to determine the effect that a grade-wide literacy intervention program implemented through a professional

or Sustainability (LfS) are two concepts and areas of concern for further action that are receiving increasing attention from poli

sed educational technology within K-12 schools have been steadily increasing since the 1980s (Cuban, 1993; Delgado et al., 201

itate communication between patient and provider can improve patients' medication adherence and health outcomes. The eff

o determine the extent to which professional development experiences like cooperative education (co-op) may influence unde

ooks are presented as an ideal material for building and enriching young children's language. Yet, the routine of reading at hom
tem includes leadership, design, support, maintenance, and continuous improvement of technology infrastructure that suppor
e "Synthetic Training Environment Experiential Learning -- Readiness" (STEEL-R) project [1], which aims to estimate individual a
practice that influences student learning, yet not all teachers' questioning is equally effective, and fine-grained analyses uncove

lementary social studies curricula which overlook or misrepresent minoritized communities. This dissertation explores designs
the development and implementation process of the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET). It

tion Center in collaboration with Howard University received a Planning Grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF)'s In

3, Pennsylvania high school students will need to demonstrate career or postsecondary preparedness to meet statewide gradu

international readers to apply YouTube (Albahlal, 2019; Jackman, 2019; Maziriri, 2020) as the auxiliary material for students. In
ams are lifelong-learning projects created by the Saudi government to achieve a positive effect on the economic, social, and cul
ed in November 2018 to undertake research for the UK Department for Education (DfE) aimed at understanding costs and cost
ct of the National Literacy Trust's Early Words Together at Three programme in Leicester, which ran from September 2018 to D

ich learning occurs through creating projects of personal interest with a range of technology. Through the exploration, inquiry,
ties have become increasingly complex and challenging for various reasons. Notably, some of those challenges have been comb

ncipal's attention to climate matters for wellness, and it matters for outcomes. School climate is a critical factor supporting the
ntion has turned toward reviewing and reframing the curricular pathways in math for students, particularly at the postseconda
ol for School Enhancement: Solutions for Better Educational Outcomes" is a collection of equity-focused improvement science-i
arted in Turkey in July 2020. SELFIE WBL is a new SELFIE module for VET schools that involves in-company trainers. It provides a

ementing biosecurity on an animal farm is beneficial to the animal's health and wellness and in reducing the risk of production

ate of Florida has been home to a rich, diverse cultural tradition and history stemming from its pan-ethnic Latine population. W

to support the instructional capacity of science educators and to validate innovative practices and strategies via previously dev
es--historical or contemporary artifacts that bear direct witness to a specific period or event--are central to the pedagogy of ma
hools should receive the best educational experience no matter their academic, social/emotional and/or physical need. School
of Study for Writing" is a process approach to writing pedagogy used in thousands of elementary and middle schools in the Un

present an opportunity to help teachers monitor and support their students remotely in Science, Technology, Engineering, and
e been making a transformation in practices from punitive discipline practices to restorative justice practices. School systems h

lege Research Center (CCRC) published a guide to help college leaders understand the costs involved in implementing guided p
he dearth of research in responding practice of instructors teaching in college composition online writing classrooms, especially

project, I explore how 'English' becomes a recognizable object within the context of adult ESOL education. Building on scholars
ed speech production and perception in early heritage Spanish-English bilingual children. Specifically, I investigated how perce
M (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education and continue building research capacity, this dissertation fo

lective sensemaking in action. The study was situated in a larger North Carolina project, in which educators took a systems app
g LGBTQ+ people, perspectives, and histories in K-12 schools have been subject to renewed public debate. In 2023, state legisla

ntitled to an effective transition to post-school instruction, community commitment, employment opportunities, and living inde
e section of a five-chapter research document, and lies at an intersection of moral, political, and Africana philosophy, social eth
sidents live in Chicago's metropolitan area. The third largest city in the United States and also the third most economically prod
ally encouraged to use data to inform instructional improvement in schools, yet while there have been many recent innovations
udents is an educational approach which has been practiced since the COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines for the past years.
ork was to introduce a new conceptual framework for quantifying and classifying the environment by imposing a structure for

e been part of the K-12 mathematics curriculum for the past few decades, and in conjunction with mathematics standards docu
plores the complexity of collaboratively designing and implementing translanguaging reading pedagogies for students classified

ian Ministry of Education, University and Research and the Italian Ministry of Defense proposed the joint initiative "Space for Y

, we consider it necessary to extend the use of games, as mediating elements, in the learning of STEAM (Science, Technology, E

undance of empirical inquiry into making in recent years, interestingly, and despite growing interest in the integration of makin

essionals, and researchers from the most diverse scientific areas to STEAM education is due to the strong impact it has on prep
grades (Grades 3-5). Deficiencies in reading proficiency can negatively impact overall student achievement. The purpose of this
h research and policy. Efforts have largely focused on early mathematics interventions for students with or at risk for mathema
n secondary education. The study delves into the methodologies employed by educators in determining grades, emphasizing th

pp during May half-term 2020, just before schools started re-opening. It forms part of the ESRC-funded project "A Duty of Care

ddition, there is a growing interest in sour beers, which are traditionally produced with bacteria such as Lactobacillus and Pedio

Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am wit

udy sought to explore this relationship between PBL and student engagement. Cycle 1 participants consisted of PBL experience

ducation. In their simplest form, they are places where students learn to grow food, having the potential to engage students th

A single number or letter lacks context and cannot effectively communicate a student's proficiency in content or skills. Altering
content teacher talk were identified and correlated with female student science identity survey responses to determine the pr
wide to organize up-to-date CPS oriented educational programs. The Erasmus+ project "CybPhys" aims to support CPS oriented

s, due to the lack of competences to deal with it. The acquisition of Intercultural Competence (IC), which could be defined as "t

ing afterschool programs to dealing with all manner of crises and basic needs. Some out-of-school time (OST) providers stayed
cial-emotional learning systems in high schools. Based on a multi-year project in Broward County, Florida, the book describes ho

udent feedback, or as a specific text to be utilized for research analysis. Largely overshadowed by the prior, there are few exam

their collaborative object-based learning (OBL) experiences with Andean textiles in the John and Mary Carter Collection. This o
se of isolation felt by elementary music students because of COVID-19. When designed appropriately, components of the elem
achievement in science. Designed by ExpandED Schools, D2L centers around three core strategies: (1) collaborative teaching b

traveling to a new domestic or international city to complete a service-learning project such as community restoration in New

uced to and be actively involved in cross-cultural activities. Generation Z (Gen Z) students have been raised with computer-bas

he return of students and staff. They will need evidence-based strategies to know how best to create and maintain safe, health

d with content, instruction, or tasks that support the specific instructional shifts in the North Carolina State Standards and 4Cs (
development (PD) is a means by which teachers contribute to school improvement and student achievement. Too little resear

mented through a professional learning community (PLC)has on the motivation, literacy identity, and performance of a cohort o

g increasing attention from policy makers, scholars, educators and many others, due to their relevance in developing of societie

uban, 1993; Delgado et al., 2015; Penuel, 2006), including more school districts providing every student with a device (1:1) afte

e and health outcomes. The effectiveness of such web-based communication measures can be influenced by the health literacy

tion (co-op) may influence undergraduate students' sense of professional identity as engineers. Researchers surveyed 97 baccal

the routine of reading at home with children is hardly ever mentioned. In this chapter, the author proposes analyses of story-r
ogy infrastructure that supports the teaching, learning, and assessment of all students. The Center on Inclusive Technology in E
h aims to estimate individual and team competence using data collected from synthetic, semi-synthetic, and live scenario-base
d fine-grained analyses uncovering the details of teachers' questioning are scarce. My study investigated the types of questions

s dissertation explores designs for teacher education which address these oversights through community collaborations. This m
ucation and Training (ECVET). It takes stock of its main achievements and how they are taken forward in the 2020 Council Recom

l Science Foundation (NSF)'s Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engin

dness to meet statewide graduation requirements and receive a high school diploma. The new graduation requirements were e

xiliary material for students. In the research of this study, university students cooperate to prove this point. The methodology o
n the economic, social, and cultural factors. These programs provide various training skills that should support Saudi Vision 203
t understanding costs and cost drivers in the Further Education (FE) sector. The main aim of the research was to provide estima
ran from September 2018 to December 2019. Early Words Together at Three trains school and nursery staff to help parents of

rough the exploration, inquiry, and teamwork inherent within making, learners strengthen their skills in creativity, collaboratio
ose challenges have been combated by developing talent within the organization. Although many professional development op

a critical factor supporting the quality of student learning, particularly in times of stress. As a result, districts across the nation h
particularly at the postsecondary level. Focus has shifted not only to math preparedness, but also to redefining the curricular pa
ocused improvement science-in-action, school-based case studies led by practitioners. Chapter authors tell us how and why im
company trainers. It provides a self-reflection tool for VET schools to improve their digital capacity. Aggregate data obtained fr

reducing the risk of production losses caused by diseases. However, compliance of biosecurity protocols has been shown to be

pan-ethnic Latine population. While large metropolitan areas such as Miami and Orlando are home to sizable Latine communiti

nd strategies via previously developed interventions that address literacy-infused science and technology integration with stan
e central to the pedagogy of many disciplines, especially in the humanities and humanistic social sciences. Their use in undergra
al and/or physical need. School districts have a responsibility to deliver on the promise of an equitable and excellent education
y and middle schools in the United States and internationally (Teachers College Reading Writing Project, 2020). Process approa

, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). However, most technologies do not have the capacity to comprehensively
ce practices. School systems have been using a zero-tolerance policy, which has shown a negative effect on students with disab

lved in implementing guided pathways reforms. The guide was based on research at six community colleges, but only one of th
e writing classrooms, especially addressing both how they do it and how "care-fully." More specifically, the dissertation investig

education. Building on scholarship on named languages (Garcia, 2019; Makoni & Pennycook, 2006), the historical construction
cally, I investigated how perception and production of lexical stress develops in bilingual children. Current models of second la
ch capacity, this dissertation focuses on STEM professionals: those who take up education research later in their career and tho

h educators took a systems approach to update the state's instructional guidance infrastructure during content standards reform
ic debate. In 2023, state legislatures in the United States have passed more anti-queer laws than ever before, many of which ta

nt opportunities, and living independently. They may require assistance from educators and parents in order to make that trans
Africana philosophy, social ethics, linguistic pedagogy, and culture studies. My project endeavours to displace the concept of m
e third most economically productive, the Windy City benefits from unrivalled industry diversity. Like any other city, however, C
been many recent innovations in data visualization and data science, educators are rarely included in dashboard co-design. On
e Philippines for the past years. It is an institutional social relations that are imbued with norms of trust in both part of the scho
nt by imposing a structure for sequencing contextual influences that echoes the study of genes. According to Bronfenbrenner's

th mathematics standards documents, the Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education report clarified lear
dagogies for students classified as English learners in a second-grade English-medium classroom. With the increasing linguistic h

the joint initiative "Space for Your Future. The ISS: Innovatio, Scientia, Sapientia" in partnership with the Italian Space Agency.

STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) contents rejected by many students. For this, we have carrie

rest in the integration of making into N-12 education, little seems to be known empirically about the ways in which teachers ar

he strong impact it has on preparing citizens for a world of continuous scientific and technological development. Among its ben
hievement. The purpose of this study was to investigate intermediate elementary teachers' perceptions of their instructional st
nts with or at risk for mathematics learning difficulties implemented within multi-tiered response to intervention (RTI) framewo
rmining grades, emphasizing the use of project-based assessments and comprehensive rubrics to ensure fairness and objectivit

funded project "A Duty of Care and a Duty to Teach: educational priorities during the COVID-19 crisis", based at the Internation

uch as Lactobacillus and Pediococcus. Here, we characterize a novel yeast, lab strain 'GY7B', and its ability to produce sour bee

anded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Education (teaching) is a vital part of Jesus' Great Com

nts consisted of PBL experienced secondary school teachers and one principal. They offered insights on its high value and indica

otential to engage students through experiential and service-learning. These spaces not only have the capacity to engage stude

cy in content or skills. Altering or expanding a school's grading scheme may originate at the district or school level, but that is n
responses to determine the presence or absence of a relationship between the two constructs. A correlational research design
" aims to support CPS oriented educational programs in Belarus and Ukraine. We put forward a hypothesis that the educationa

C), which could be defined as "the ability to mobilise and deploy relevant attitudes, skills, knowledge and values in order to inte

ol time (OST) providers stayed open to provide full-day programs for the children of first responders and essential workers, wh
, Florida, the book describes how the biggest difference in academic success from school to school was not in instructional prac

by the prior, there are few examples of podcast ethnographies and even fewer examples of researchers that are experimenting

d Mary Carter Collection. This occurred in the context of visitor-centered exhibition (VCE) development. Adapted Feminist Thin
ately, components of the elementary music curriculum can help recover the sense of belonging lost during the implementation
es: (1) collaborative teaching between an in-school science teacher and two afterschool educators; (2) curricular bridging, whic

community restoration in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. As a result of participating in Alternative Spring Break, students

been raised with computer-based technology; and as a result, they are cognizant of social and global issues that transcend bord

reate and maintain safe, healthy spaces. To inform their plans, federal health officials have provided guidance on cleaning and

olina State Standards and 4Cs (communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity). After an internal review process,
achievement. Too little research has gathered the qualitative perceptions of former participants in action-oriented professiona

and performance of a cohort of sixth-grade students at a middle school in Norwalk, California. In this study, team of sixth-grad

vance in developing of societies fit for the future. In the time of writing of this ad hoc paper, two important reports have recen

student with a device (1:1) after the year 2000 (Gray & Lewis, 2021; Harper & Milman, 2016; Penuel, 2006; Zheng et al., 2016).

nfluenced by the health literacy (HL) of a patient. In the context of diabetes, low HL is associated with severe hypoglycemia and

esearchers surveyed 97 baccalaureate engineering students using a modified engineering identity survey first developed by M

or proposes analyses of story-reading activities from a usage-based and first language acquisition perspective. The goal is to ra
ter on Inclusive Technology in Education Systems (CITES) is a project led by CAST, a nonprofit education research and developm
nthetic, and live scenario-based training exercises. In STEEL-R, the "Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring" (GIFT) orch
stigated the types of questions asked by three in-service elementary school math teachers, the associated levels of cognitive d

mmunity collaborations. This multi-manuscript dissertation is an empirical-conceptual inquiry design (Cochran-Smith & Lytle, 20
ward in the 2020 Council Recommendation on vocational education and training (VET) for sustainable competitiveness, social f

presented Discoverers in Engineering and Science (INCLUDES) and Discovery Research PreK-12 (DRK-12) (Grant Award #204078

raduation requirements were enacted in 2018 by Pennsylvania's Act 158. They are intended to codify high standards for all stu

e this point. The methodology of this project is by quantitative study and narratively qualitative study. In middle part of Taiwan
hould support Saudi Vision 2030 and help adults to deal with their lives. Therefore, this study aimed to discover how much Sau
research was to provide estimates of the cost of delivering good quality FE provision. Specifically, to: (1) Provide information on
ursery staff to help parents of three-year-olds to support their child's development. This programme enables parents to unders

skills in creativity, collaboration, and perseverance. Certain groups have been marginalized and underrepresented in makerspa
y professional development opportunities abound at Arizona State University and within the ASU Foundation, the options for d

ult, districts across the nation have dedicated considerable resources to tools used to assess climate, most often surveys that a
o to redefining the curricular pathways that lead to academic and career success. In higher education, the central principle invo
authors tell us how and why improvement science principles make system-wide improvements in classroom practice, how they
ity. Aggregate data obtained from the tool can also be used to inform the Ministry of National Education's (MoNE's) digital edu

rotocols has been shown to be low, and a lack of training has been blamed. A preliminary Systems Thinking model is presented

me to sizable Latine communities, the idyllic and traditionally West-Central region of the state currently experiences a phenome

chnology integration with standards-aligned curriculum. The evaluation of LISTO involved a multisite cluster randomized trial (C
sciences. Their use in undergraduate instruction aligns with universities' commitments to experiential and inquiry-based learni
itable and excellent education for all students including for those students who require more. Systemic structures, policies and
Project, 2020). Process approaches have been highly influential on writing pedagogy for the past 30 years (Brisk, 2015; Hyland,

he capacity to comprehensively assess and report on students' critical 21st century practice competencies (such as those descri
ve effect on students with disabilities and low-income students of color (Waggoner, 2018). Even more specifically, these same s

nity colleges, but only one of these was a smaller college. Small colleges lack economies of scale that can generate revenue to s
fically, the dissertation investigates the responding thoughts and behaviors of instructors teaching writing within the paramete

06), the historical construction of languages (Bonfiglio, 2010; Irvine & Gal, 2000), and raciolinguistic ideologies (Flores & Rosa, 2
n. Current models of second language (L2) speech perception do not include heritage bilinguals or suprasegmental aspects of s
rch later in their career and those who facilitate engagement in physics learning outside the formal classroom. Using agency, id

during content standards reform. Specifically, I investigated how K-5 educators from multiple stakeholder groups--teachers, ins
n ever before, many of which target queer youth (HRC, 2023). Some of these state laws ban the teaching of and about queer pe

ents in order to make that transition as successful as possible (Povenmire-Kirk et al., 2017). In the course of recent decades, res
rs to displace the concept of moral apathy from the realm of being unquantifiable and into the measurable, providing a richer,
Like any other city, however, Chicago faces the policy challenge of supporting well-paid employment opportunities for its resid
ded in dashboard co-design. On December 5 and 6, 2019, the Education Data Analytics Collaborative Workshop was held at Tea
f trust in both part of the school teachers, and parents, their obligation or reciprocity, as a form of education and social capital
According to Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Model of Human Development (BMHD), children's developmental outcomes are

s Education report clarified learning progressions for statistical content in K-12 mathematics (Franklin et al., 2007). Yet many se
With the increasing linguistic heterogeneity in the United States, public schools have a pressing need to develop culturally and

with the Italian Space Agency. It was a competition addressed to secondary school students and aimed at developing innovativ

udents. For this, we have carried out an educational research project on games, with an ethnomathematical approach, since ga

the ways in which teachers are implementing making and creating makerspaces in their own classrooms. Very little direct atte

al development. Among its benefits, we highlight the improvement of critical, innovative, and creative thinking; the developme
eptions of their instructional strategies to improve students' reading proficiency and potentially increase Generalized Summativ
e to intervention (RTI) frameworks. Within these models, important educational decisions are based upon instructional respons
o ensure fairness and objectivity. Furthermore, the research investigates how educators assess and encourage students' growth

crisis", based at the International Literacy Centre, UCL Institute of Education and led by Professor Gemma Moss. This research i

its ability to produce sour beer during fermentation without the use of bacteria. To determine it was a novel yeast, phenotypic

a vital part of Jesus' Great Commission. The target of education is the learner who can be transformed through information ret

hts on its high value and indicated PBL is a nonnormative pedagogy that needs structural support to cast roots in a high-stakes

ve the capacity to engage students and the campus community but also the greater community. While this phenomenon is not

ict or school level, but that is not where the work is done. A student's grade is often solely constructed by the individual teache
A correlational research design was used employing both naturalistic observation and survey methods. Non-content teacher ta
hypothesis that the educational situation, training opportunities, situation of the labor market, and general economic developm

dge and values in order to interact effectively and appropriately in different intercultural situations", is a crucial need for teach

ders and essential workers, while others quickly developed and launched virtual programming. Like nonprofits everywhere, OST
ool was not in instructional practice but in the systematic attention to personal relationships between adults and students. In th

archers that are experimenting with podcasts as an alternative medium for academic publishing. However, what is largely abse

pment. Adapted Feminist Thinking Systems (Love & Villeneuve, 2017; Stephens, 2013) as an epistemological framework guided
lost during the implementation of forced remote and hybrid learning platforms. With the use of large-group surveys, this quali
rs; (2) curricular bridging, which connects students' in-school science instruction with the afterschool activities; and (3) design-

rnative Spring Break, students gain invaluable experiences and transferable skills that can be applied to their academic and car

obal issues that transcend borders and require collaborative solutions. Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) and o

ded guidance on cleaning and disinfection of facilities, appropriate chemicals to use for disinfection, and protocols for counteri

fter an internal review process, the district decided to adopt the EL Education curricula for Grades 3-8, Open Up Resources (OU
s in action-oriented professional learning programs, particularly in the realm of single-sex independent schools. This study's goa

n this study, team of sixth-grade teachers who had adopted the principles of DuFour and Fullan (2013) as well as Fullan and Qu

o important reports have recently been published: The World Happiness Report 2023 (Helliwell et al., 2023b), with its focus on

nuel, 2006; Zheng et al., 2016). Despite this steady increase in devices, information systems, and learning platforms within scho

with severe hypoglycemia and high rates of complications. Health outcomes could be improved for these patients by increasin

ty survey first developed by Meyers (2009), which was based on Arnett's (1994) Theory of Emerging Adulthood. Exploratory fac

n perspective. The goal is to raise methodological questions for the professionalization of future kindergarten teachers who en
ucation research and development organization. CITES team members are creating a framework to provide school districts with
ework for Tutoring" (GIFT) orchestrates scenario sessions and reports data as experience API (xAPI)statements. These statemen
associated levels of cognitive demand, and the relationship between these types, cognitive demand levels, and three character

sign (Cochran-Smith & Lytle, 2009), as it is not purely empirical or conceptual research. This design allows for an independent d
nable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience and pave the way for future EU initiatives. The key objective of ECVET, as i

DRK-12) (Grant Award #2040784) for the project titled, Building Networks and Enhancing Diversity in the K-12 STEM Teaching W

odify high standards for all students and improve student achievement across Pennsylvania, while also taking into account stud

tudy. In middle part of Taiwan, interactively narrative interviews were conducted by face-to-face mode, in four classes, during
med to discover how much Saudi women were empowered through the vocational skills being taught at educated-neighborhoo
, to: (1) Provide information on the average full economic cost to providers of an FE qualification at each of levels 1 to 3; (2) If p
mme enables parents to understand the value of the home learning environment, and equips them with evidence-based strate

underrepresented in makerspaces, including students with disabilities. Because of this underrepresentation, these individuals m
U Foundation, the options for developing competencies such as collaboration and resilience were lacking. Thus, the purpose of

mate, most often surveys that ask how students, parents, or staff are experiencing the school. Climate data has untapped poten
ation, the central principle involves redefining and reorganizing coursework around defined pathways, based on academic and
n classroom practice, how they learned from the problems encountered and, further, how they were then able to make change
ducation's (MoNE's) digital education policy. The pilot study, which was completed in November 2020, drew on the involvemen

ms Thinking model is presented to demonstrate how complex factors, including biosecurity, are intertwined with disease respon

rrently experiences a phenomenon known as the creation of the "Nuevo" South, as indicated by a rapid and ongoing increase o

tisite cluster randomized trial (CRT) designed to meet the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Tier 2 standards for "moderate" ev
ential and inquiry-based learning and library initiatives focused on media and information literacy. Reflecting the importance o
ystemic structures, policies and implementation support are required to ensure all students receive what they need to access le
30 years (Brisk, 2015; Hyland, 2003) and continue to be popular in the United States today, particularly in the context of cultu

petencies (such as those described in the Next Generation Science Standards including Using Mathematics). The science inquiry
more specifically, these same students have been suspended or expelled more than twice as often as their non-disabled, midd

that can generate revenue to support investments in technology, staff training, and release time for staff to participate in refor
ng writing within the parameters of an asynchronous online format. Furthermore, the dissertation regards the instructors as ca

stic ideologies (Flores & Rosa, 2015; Rosa & Flores, 2017), I analyze how language, both as an abstract concept and as a collectio
or suprasegmental aspects of speech, like word stress. There is nothing inherent about these models that limits their prediction
mal classroom. Using agency, identity and motivation frameworks combined with qualitative research methodologies, we repor

keholder groups--teachers, instructional coaches, district leaders, and higher-education faculty members--worked together col
eaching of and about queer people in elementary schools, while at the same time, research proposes that the inclusion of LGB

e course of recent decades, research on transition practices has demonstrated that post school results of students with disabiliti
measurable, providing a richer, more specific theoretical and practicable framework for what moral apathy is and how it is exud
ment opportunities for its residents. In spite of its economic dynamism, and although its population has grown slowly over the
tive Workshop was held at Teachers College, Columbia University in New York City with approximately 80 participants. This wo
of education and social capital. In this kind of situation, both the teachers and parents invest their time, attention and resource
developmental outcomes are the result of an interplay of biological propensities that contribute to children's individual charac

nklin et al., 2007). Yet many secondary mathematics teachers struggle with teaching statistics because of its dependence on co
need to develop culturally and linguistically relevant reading pedagogies. Thus, this means that teachers and researchers canno

aimed at developing innovative experiments to be conducted on the International Space Station, whose acronym (ISS) is the sa

athematical approach, since games are an important cultural sign with mathematical and scientific potentialities. We have prep

assrooms. Very little direct attention has been paid to 'pioneer' N-12 teachers who are engaging students in making. This gap in

eative thinking; the development of problem-solving, collaborative, cooperative, and communication skills; the gain of self-con
ncrease Generalized Summative Assessment scores. The conceptual framework was Vygotsky's zone of proximal development
sed upon instructional response, making meaningful categorization of student responsiveness to intervention paramount. Acro
nd encourage students' growth mindsets, emphasizing the tracking of progress over time, the provision of diverse challenges, a

r Gemma Moss. This research is exploring how primary teachers in England have prioritised their responsibilities towards famil

t was a novel yeast, phenotypic traits, and amplification of specific regions were carried out. We also used classical fermentativ

ormed through information retained in the mind/brain (Malik, 2000). To aid in information retention, a brain-based teaching an

rt to cast roots in a high-stakes testing environment. Action steps were designed, implemented, and evaluated in Cycle 2 to stre

While this phenomenon is not novel, the documentation of its contributions is. In response to this dearth of knowledge, this di

ructed by the individual teacher for the individual class. As such, any change to an assessment system must start with teachers
ethods. Non-content teacher talk data were collected via teacher voice recordings during class sessions and science identity dat
nd general economic development are related to each other and can vary depending on the region. In order to validate our hy

ons", is a crucial need for teachers to deal with diversity and to be successful in their teaching. In this context, in 2019 the JRC la

ike nonprofits everywhere, OST providers faced the need to lay off staff and support those who remained through burnout and
ween adults and students. In the higher performing schools, educators made deliberate efforts to engage with students; establ

However, what is largely absent from the literature is research examining how podcasts have the potential to be utilized as a p

stemological framework guided the development and implementation of this research project. The methodology of narrative in
large-group surveys, this qualitative research study investigates the sense of isolation felt by elementary general music studen
chool activities; and (3) design-based learning, which emphasizes hands-on projects and inquiry-based instruction. To support t

plied to their academic and career goals. In this dissertation, the specific transferable skill explored is emotional intelligence. Th

national Learning (COIL) and other virtual exchange programs provide students with the opportunity to engage in real conversa

tion, and protocols for countering ongoing virus threats. To help schools clean and disinfect and to assist in counseling and dista

s 3-8, Open Up Resources (OUR) for Grades 6-8, and the Mathematics Vision Project (MVP) for Math 1, 2, and 3. This report de
ndent schools. This study's goal, therefore, was to gain insight into how teachers recall experiencing action research as profess

2013) as well as Fullan and Quinn (2015) sought to create a PLC that could lead to positive change in school culture and literacy

et al., 2023b), with its focus on the state of people's happiness and well-being around the globe, and the IPCC's Synthesis Repor

learning platforms within schools, growth of information technology (IT) staff positions has not grown proportionally with tech

for these patients by increasing quantity and quality of health-related communications. However, current measurement tools f

ging Adulthood. Exploratory factor analysis responses generated two factors of identity development explaining 43.8% of the va

kindergarten teachers who engage in L2 teaching with children aged three to six. This paper questions the links between the h
to provide school districts with evidence-based practices to establish and sustain inclusive technology systems. Outcomes from
API)statements. These statements are translated into assertions about individual and team competencies by the "Competency a
and levels, and three characteristics of the teachers known to influence questioning practices: mathematical knowledge for tea

gn allows for an independent discussion of each study, while interpreting phenomena across the three chapters. Acknowledgin
The key objective of ECVET, as intended in the 2009 ECVET Recommendation, was to facilitate the transfer, recognition and acc

ty in the K-12 STEM Teaching Workforce. In this planning grant, the Smithsonian Science Education Center and Howard Univers

ile also taking into account student strengths, interests, and career goals. As profiled in PERC's recent related brief, Act 158 out

e mode, in four classes, during 2015-2016 and in one in 2021. Its procedures were recorded by camera in the classrooms set up
ught at educated-neighborhood programs during the time of COVID-19. The research also determined if there was a statistical
n at each of levels 1 to 3; (2) If practicable, disaggregate findings into a range of cost components (e.g. teaching costs, support c
em with evidence-based strategies and activities they can do at home with their child. It is an adaptation of our original program

resentation, these individuals may be intimidated or discouraged from entering makerspaces. Despite this disparity, little resea
e lacking. Thus, the purpose of this action research project was to develop several specific competencies for my team to be succ

mate data has untapped potential as a tool not only to describe perceptions, but also to energize improved experiences. This to
ways, based on academic and career interests of students. For K-12 institutions, the math pathways reforms have less clear im
were then able to make changes within a school or district. A core principle of improvement science is variability in context (wh
2020, drew on the involvement of 23 schools and 28 companies involving 7 301 students, 1 089 teachers, 170 school leaders a

ntertwined with disease response such as Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI). Additionally, to increase the appeal of biose

a rapid and ongoing increase of its Latine student population within its high schools. Nevertheless, research continues to demo

2 standards for "moderate" evidence, as well as the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) standards "with reservations." The stu
cy. Reflecting the importance of the topic within higher education, "Supporting Teaching with Primary Sources" attracted the la
ive what they need to access learning in the least restrictive educational setting. Research indicates that use of a Multi-Tiered S
ticularly in the context of culturally sustaining pedagogy (Alim & Paris, 2017). However, as with all movements in education, we

athematics). The science inquiry dashboard, Inq-Blotter, has recently been extended to provide alerts to teachers on high schoo
en as their non-disabled, middle to upper income, white peers (U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, 2014).The

for staff to participate in reforms. And implementing guided pathways at small colleges means that many faculty and staff nee
on regards the instructors as carers and the students as cared-fors, exploring how teachers' responses to students (carer and ca

stract concept and as a collection of linguistic features, is treated within adult ESOL, looking at specific contemporary classroom
dels that limits their predictions to late L2 learners and segmental aspects of speech, they just have not traditionally been exte
earch methodologies, we report on three projects that investigate how scientists integrate new research areas in their careers

members--worked together collaboratively to create an enhanced version of a statewide pacing guide, renamed an instructiona
poses that the inclusion of LGBTQ+ perspectives positively impact the health, safety, and achievement of queer youth (Snapp e

esults of students with disabilities greatly improve when families, educators, students, and individuals from the community and
ral apathy is and how it is exuded, describing the particularization of its exhibition as often systemic and thus destructive to the
tion has grown slowly over the past decade, roughly half of Chicago's neighborhoods have youth unemployment rates of 20 pe
mately 80 participants. This workshop was part of the final phase of the collaborative National Science Foundation funded resea
eir time, attention and resources in their children with the expectation of a return- their children's better performance in schoo
e to children's individual characteristics and the many layers of environments in which children exist and interact with people a

ecause of its dependence on context and its use of variability (Cobb & Moore, 1997). Because of this struggle, secondary mathe
teachers and researchers cannot study and pedagogically engage multilinguals' reading processes without recognizing social as

n, whose acronym (ISS) is the same of the Latin words "Innovatio, Scientia, Sapientia". Regardless of the odds of winning, "Space

fic potentialities. We have prepared an anthropological study and an analytical one, generating a catalogue of games from diffe

students in making. This gap in the research obscures our understanding of how teachers think about making, how they practic

ation skills; the gain of self-confidence, self-motivation, empathy, and resilience. However, the pace of implementation is not th
zone of proximal development theory. The key research questions were about elementary reading teachers' perceptions of eff
o intervention paramount. Across research and practice, intervention outcomes are typically thought of as a binary, with studen
rovision of diverse challenges, and the utilization of alternative assignments. The pivotal role of feedback in fostering a growth

r responsibilities towards families and children under the unusual circumstances that COVID-19 has created for schools. This re

also used classical fermentative experiments to determine GY7B's fermentative capabilities. Through lactic acid production, it

tion, a brain-based teaching and learning technique, mind mapping (MM), was adopted in an online adult education program t

and evaluated in Cycle 2 to strengthen support for PBL. Leaders took part in a PBL Innovation group project to help design a PB

his dearth of knowledge, this dissertation aimed to understand what CAPs do and whom they serve, as well as the significance o

ystem must start with teachers. This action research project was designed to involve teachers in an innovation investigating the
essions and science identity data were collected via a student science identity survey. Descriptive analyses were used to illumin
ion. In order to validate our hypothesis and to provide input to curricula modernizations, an in-depth study in the form of surve

this context, in 2019 the JRC launched the INNO4DIV project with the aim to support polices in the field of IC of teachers, thro

remained through burnout and fatigue, while moving much of their work online and meeting new daily crises. In the philanthro
o engage with students; established organizational structures to support students; and encouraged a language and culture of p

e potential to be utilized as a pedagogical tool inextricable from offering rich opportunities as qualitative arts-inquiry research.

he methodology of narrative inquiry (Clandinin, 2016; Clandinin and Connelly, 2000) recognized the complexity of student exp
mentary general music students after remote school attendance, hybrid school attendance, and non-attendance. These perspe
based instruction. To support the implementation of D2L, ExpandED Schools and its partner, the New York Hall of Science (NYS

ed is emotional intelligence. The purpose of this dissertation is to illuminate the lived experiences of Black women who have p

unity to engage in real conversations and problem solving with students from other countries. Students connect asynchronousl

to assist in counseling and distance learning and associated costs, Congress appropriated $100 million in the Coronavirus Aid, R

Math 1, 2, and 3. This report describes the implementation and goal outcomes of these curricula based on teacher and student
cing action research as professional development. Two evaluation questions guided the study: (1) To what degree does the Sai

ge in school culture and literacy rates across the curriculum. The study was guided by the following questions: What does a grad

and the IPCC's Synthesis Report for the Sixth Assessment Report on Climate Change (IPCC, 2023), underlining the urgency for so

grown proportionally with technology and has resulted in a staff capacity issue for district technology departments (CoSN, 2021

r, current measurement tools for HL are time-consuming and require in-person administration. Similarly, not much is known ab

ment explaining 43.8% of the variance among respondents. The first factor (tasks) is composed of tasks students perceive they

estions the links between the home and school environments in a context of L2 learning with beginners. The link between L1 an
ology systems. Outcomes from this study inform family engagement practices within the CITES framework. This study used a m
etencies by the "Competency and Skills System" (CaSS). Mathematical models use these assertions to estimate the competenc
athematical knowledge for teaching (MKT), years of experience, and mathematical beliefs. The data was drawn from a major tw

e three chapters. Acknowledging my positionality as a white female, in a predominantly white, female profession, I look to Indig
e transfer, recognition and accumulation of assessed learning outcomes of individuals who are aiming to achieve a qualification

on Center and Howard University had three tasks with the goal of promoting the K-12 STEM teaching workforce diversity: (1) W

ecent related brief, Act 158 outlines five pathways to demonstrating career or postsecondary preparedness, two of which--the

amera in the classrooms set up by the schools. In two university of middle west Taiwan, a technology school and a formal scho
mined if there was a statistically significant difference, by marital status and the number of courses, for the Saudi women's res
(e.g. teaching costs, support costs, and equipment and premises costs); (3) Test how findings vary by course and provider char
aptation of our original programme, Early Words Together, and is designed for nursery practitioners working directly with famil

espite this disparity, little research has probed students with disabilities directly to obtain their perspective about navigating m
etencies for my team to be successful in their current roles and to develop skills affording success in future roles. The setting fo

e improved experiences. This toolkit is for principals, rooted in the experiences of fellow school leaders who are taking concret
ways reforms have less clear implications. One key organization working in this area--both nationally and in Maine--is the Dana C
nce is variability in context (what works for whom and under what conditions)--a critical concept for improvement in each of th
teachers, 170 school leaders and 87 in-company trainers. The quantitative results revealed that users (i.e. school leaders, in-co

to increase the appeal of biosecurity education and better understand teaching methods specific to biosecurity, three research

ss, research continues to demonstrate that standardized Florida curricula, benchmarks, and learning materials fail to portray a

ds "with reservations." The study estimated program impacts on both student and teacher outcomes and documented the fide
mary Sources" attracted the largest cohort of any Ithaka S+R program to date. Research teams at 26 academic libraries in the U
tes that use of a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) framework can foster academic growth for students with diverse lear
ll movements in education, we need to step back and critically examine the role of process approaches in promoting equity in

lerts to teachers on high school students' performance on practices involving mathematical competencies as students complet
ffice for Civil Rights, 2014).The purpose of this causal comparative study was to examine the relationship between the use of re

that many faculty and staff need to take on new roles to plan and manage the process. This report describes how small colleges
onses to students (carer and cared-for) are marked by elements of care-fullness. These elements include engrossment (empath

ecific contemporary classrooms, as well as historical texts. This work culminated in the three studies I present here -- focused,
ave not traditionally been extended to them. By analyzing the development of suprasegmental speech perception and producti
research areas in their careers and engage with the public in order to gain a deeper understanding of their professional develop

guide, renamed an instructional framework that was designed to support the implementation of new state mathematics stand
ment of queer youth (Snapp et al., 2015). This project seeks to illustrate how elementary teachers might include queer perspe

iduals from the community and associations cooperate to execute a wide point of view of transition planning, all the more prop
mic and thus destructive to the social advancement of marginalized individuals in civil society. To do this, I perform a data-drive
unemployment rates of 20 percent or higher. Since the Great Recession, Chicago's city government and Illinois's state governm
ience Foundation funded research project (#1560720) "Building Community and Capacity for Data-Intensive Evidence-Based D
's better performance in school. Using this homeschooling education framework is today the instructional strategy that all scho
xist and interact with people and things. I proposed a framework for identifying and measuring context systematically based on

this struggle, secondary mathematics teachers who teach statistics may rely heavily on textbooks and pre-packaged curricula to
s without recognizing social aspects such as the inequitable schooling conditions they often experience, the cultural backgroun

s of the odds of winning, "Space for Your Future" became a successful STEM educational project implemented in numerous sch

catalogue of games from different cultures. Thus, we have verified that, starting with culture, we can get to the game, but we

about making, how they practice as teachers and makers, and how their school context might influence their teaching and mak

ace of implementation is not the same in all world regions. Developing and less developed countries have limitations of assorte
ng teachers' perceptions of effective instructional practices used to increase students' reading proficiency and elementary read
ught of as a binary, with students considered either responsive or non-responsive to intervention. However, defining and categ
eedback in fostering a growth mindset is highlighted, with specific attention to timely and constructive feedback that supports

has created for schools. This report is designed to contribute to public debate on what should happen next in education. The su

ough lactic acid production, it can acidify beer to pH 3.5 in as little as five days. These fermentation properties describe the app

nline adult education program to support students' learning. The purpose of this study was to explore whether MM, when utiliz

oup project to help design a PBL hub over three sessions. The goals were to raise knowledge, improve positive perceptions, and

rve, as well as the significance of CAPs in the lives of students who participate in intensive internships, through three studies. Th

an innovation investigating the utility and efficacy of using a competency-based assessment system to assess the school's core
e analyses were used to illuminate the character of non-content teacher talk and female science identity when compared to var
epth study in the form of surveys was conducted in the years 2019-2020. The results of the study showed that the differences

the field of IC of teachers, through the analysis of literature and innovative good practices which have successfully addressed th

w daily crises. In the philanthropic sector, the onset of the pandemic prompted immediate conversations about redirecting or a
ged a language and culture of personalization. Working with the National Center on Scaling Up Effective Schools, a research-pra

ualitative arts-inquiry research. This dissertation explores these possibilities for education research in the form of Critical Podca

the complexity of student experiential stories as expressions of their unique voices. Five graduate students reflectively narrate
non-attendance. These perspectives did not exist until recently, as the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are still being discove
New York Hall of Science (NYSCI), provided educators with intensive professional development, including week-long summer i

es of Black women who have participated in a college-based travel program and how their participation fosters the developme

udents connect asynchronously and/or synchronously to discuss, analyze, and solve problems together. Simplified short-term p

million in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act to Project SERV (School Emergency Response to Violence), a pro

based on teacher and student survey data, as well as interviews with program staff across all grade levels. Generally speaking,
1) To what degree does the Saints Action Research Program reflect an effective model of professional development as evidence

ng questions: What does a grade-wide literacy focused PLC intervention to support sixth-grade students' literacy look like at th

, underlining the urgency for societal transformations in order to achieve the Paris agreement and limit global warming to a ma

ology departments (CoSN, 2021; Gao & Murphy, 2016; Kentucky Department of Education, 2017). This issue was exacerbated b

Similarly, not much is known about the readability of physicians' secure messages (SMs). Natural language processing (NLP) too

f tasks students perceive they need to complete in order to become an engineer, while the second reflects behaviors that proje

ginners. The link between L1 and L2 acquisition is pertinent, as parents' practices and language use when interacting with childr
ramework. This study used a mixed-methods explanatory sequential design to elicit input from family members of K-12 public
ons to estimate the competency states of trainees. This information is displayed in a dashboard that enables users to explore pr
data was drawn from a major two-year project on teacher professional development that aimed to improve in-service teachers

emale profession, I look to Indigenous and Black scholars, both locally and broadly, to inform my perspective and project design
iming to achieve a qualification. ECVET could therefore: -- help transfer and recognise learning that has taken place during a sta

ching workforce diversity: (1) We conducted a survey to better understand what roles Institutions of Higher Education (specifica

eparedness, two of which--the Keystone pathways-- require demonstrating proficiency on Pennsylvania's end-of-course subject

ology school and a formal school, college students as well as the students were taught to speak in English, using the author's as
ses, for the Saudi women's responses about their empowerment through vocational skills at the educated-neighborhood progr
ary by course and provider characteristics; and (4) Develop a conceptual framework for costings for the sector. After an introdu
ners working directly with families of three-year-olds. The programme ran in 15 primary school nurseries in Leicester and was fu

perspective about navigating makerspaces. This study investigated the accessibility of college makerspaces for students with dis
s in future roles. The setting for this study was Arizona State University, a four-year, public institution. The specific unit under e

eaders who are taking concrete, accessible action with climate data. The Aspen Education & Society Program convened princip
ally and in Maine--is the Dana Center at the University of Texas at Austin. The Dana Center has been partnering with the Maine
t for improvement in each of the case studies. Each team analyzed their problem of practice from the perspective of the unique
users (i.e. school leaders, in-company trainers, teachers and students) had a high level of satisfaction with SELFIE WBL. In Turke

fic to biosecurity, three research projects were completed. First, biosecurity workshops were developed and delivered to youth

ning materials fail to portray any significant presence or appreciation for Latines in U.S. history. Additionally, influential instituti

omes and documented the fidelity of implementation and educators' perceptions of program quality. LISTO (Valid 45), and the
t 26 academic libraries in the United States and United Kingdom joined the program. ProQuest, which sponsored the project, c
h for students with diverse learning needs (S.R. Jimerson et al., 2016). The MTSS framework identifies Student Support Models
oaches in promoting equity in the present context. Do this approach and curriculum still meet the needs of today's learners, in

petencies as students complete investigations in the Inquiry Intelligent Tutoring System, Inq-ITS. Inquiry competencies are scor
tionship between the use of restorative justice practices in a medium sized district in southeast Texas and the number of stude

rt describes how small colleges can fund and sustain guided pathways reforms. It is based on activities at three small Ohio com
include engrossment (empathy [thinking + feeling] + receptive attention), motivational displacement (the impulse to focus on

udies I present here -- focused, in turn, on classroom discourse and pedagogical practices, curriculum, and language scholarship
peech perception and production in heritage bilingual children, we can expand the scope of current models of speech percepti
ng of their professional development needs. First, through a multiple case study analysis of three participants in a professional

new state mathematics standards. Similar to most pacing guides, the instructional framework included suggested sequencing
ers might include queer perspectives in their teaching to create safer and more inclusive schools. Utilizing a constant comparati

tion planning, all the more properly alluded to as transition centered education (Flowers et al., 2018; Haber et al., 2016; Kohler
o do this, I perform a data-driven analysis of the local school district from my native Portsmouth, Virginia, explicating moral apa
ment and Illinois's state government have experimented with dozens of different strategies to support employment. Not all have
ta-Intensive Evidence-Based Decision Making in Schools and Districts", a research practice partnership (RPP) on data use and e
tructional strategy that all schools observed because of the COVID-19 crisis. To implement this academic framework, the Depar
context systematically based on the resources that provide the raw materials for proximal processes, the main drivers of develo

s and pre-packaged curricula to drive their instruction. However, as I will demonstrate in the first paper of this dissertation, com
erience, the cultural backgrounds they share with their peers and families, and/or their multilingual practices inside and outside

implemented in numerous schools. We illustrate how that Astronomy contest fostered a valid constructivist learning, a fruitful

e can get to the game, but we posed the query as to whether, starting from certain games, we could achieve enculturation, by

fluence their teaching and making practices. This multiple-case study asked: In what ways do three K-8 teachers appear to be co

tries have limitations of assorted nature in almost all areas of scientific-technological knowledge. With a consensus on the impa
roficiency and elementary reading teachers' perceptions about teachers' instructional strengths and challenges associated with
n. However, defining and categorizing responsiveness in more complex ways may reveal important differences between subgro
ructive feedback that supports students' reflection and self-improvement. The research also illuminates strategies for identifyin

ppen next in education. The survey asked teachers to reflect back on their priorities during the period of lockdown from mid-M

tion properties describe the application of GY7B in the production of sour beer. Using the platform of isolating yeast, we develo

plore whether MM, when utilized in online higher education, could increase student information retention. The research questi

prove positive perceptions, and exchange design ideas for a website meant to signal support and celebrate PBL work. Evaluation

ships, through three studies. The first study qualitatively analyzed web-based mission statements of CAPs to understand their c

em to assess the school's core skills of collaborating, communicating, observing, questioning, speculating and hypothesizing, ev
identity when compared to various factors such as teacher demographics, class setting and learning environment. The dominan
y showed that the differences between the perceptions of stakeholders in different regions of one country were more significa

have successfully addressed the existing barriers for teacher´s IC development. Within this context, the main purpose of this

ersations about redirecting or augmenting grantmaking toward emergency relief. Many funders quickly eliminated project-base
ffective Schools, a research-practice partnership that included Vanderbilt University, Florida State University, and the University

ch in the form of Critical Podcasting Methodology (CPM). Drawing on critical arts-inquiry research, this dissertation introduces

te students reflectively narrated their OBL and VCE experiences at Florida State University during a global pandemic. Student in
pandemic are still being discovered and experienced by public school students nationwide. This study also examines the pre-pa
including week-long summer institutes, Saturday workshops, strategic planning sessions, and on-site coaching. In 2016, the U.S

ipation fosters the development of emotional intelligence. This study focuses on Black women because there is minimal resear

ogether. Simplified short-term projects also have relevance as they provide the opportunity for communication leading to empa

cy Response to Violence), a program administered by the U.S. Department of Education. These funds are authorized for dissem

ade levels. Generally speaking, teachers considered the new curricula to be of high quality, albeit many had concerns about the
ional development as evidenced by each of the five levels of Guskey's model for evaluating professional development? (2) Wh

tudents' literacy look like at the systemic level? What is the impact of a literacy-focused PLC project on grade-wide reading com

nd limit global warming to a maximum temperature rise of 1.5°C. Both reports indirectly imply the importance of looking at in

). This issue was exacerbated by the emergency switch to distance learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which relied

language processing (NLP) tools have been previously used to measure medical text readability, but not to examine physician-

nd reflects behaviors that project confidence in being an engineer (confidence). The task factor showed weak predictive utility

se when interacting with children who do not master their mother tongue might inform the design of training programs for kin
amily members of K-12 public school students with an IEP or 504 plan in the United States about practices employed by educa
hat enables users to explore progression over time and informs decisions concerning advancement to the next training phase a
to improve in-service teachers' knowledge and pedagogical skills in mathematics. Using a mixed-methods approach, I analyzed

perspective and project design. Using a phenomenological lens and ethnographic approaches, I conducted two empirical studi
hat has taken place during a stay abroad (geographical mobility); and -- support lifelong learning, by allowing people to transfe

s of Higher Education (specifically Minority Serving Institutions and Historically Black Colleges and Universities) may play in org

ylvania's end-of-course subject exams for Literature, Algebra, and Biology. The remaining three pathways to graduation--the al

n English, using the author's as well as their teacher's YouTube channels containing teaching and learning materials. In college E
educated-neighborhood programs during the time of COVID-19. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics;
for the sector. After an introduction, this report is divided into seven sections providing: (1) A review of the ways in which gene
urseries in Leicester and was funded by Leicester's maintained primary schools through the "Closing the Gap" initiative. An eva

kerspaces for students with disabilities through semi-structured, firsthand interviews. Ten current university students with disa
ution. The specific unit under examination was the Arizona State University Foundation, the unit dedicated to raising resources

iety Program convened principals, districts, and research partners to identify opportunities to enhance that action. The initial s
een partnering with the Maine Community College System (MCCS) for several years now, and has supported their progress tow
m the perspective of the unique conditions in their context, considering what might work, and what might not work, and when
ction with SELFIE WBL. In Turkey, in-company trainers and school leaders were found to have a higher level of satisfaction with

eloped and delivered to youth in Minnesota to encourage positive changes and long-term outcomes for healthier animals. Nin

Additionally, influential institutions such as College Board and college admission concepts such as core GPA negate the value or

ality. LISTO (Valid 45), and the corresponding VPD, VMC, and curricula resources did not lead to improved student achievemen
which sponsored the project, conducted interviews with instructors at an additional 16 universities. Together, the 27 research
tifies Student Support Models as a structure necessary to identify students that need additional support. Full implementation o
he needs of today's learners, in particular multilingual learners? Most importantly, do they promote and maintain equitable lea

. Inquiry competencies are scored at a fine-grained, sub-component level by Inq-ITS' underlying algorithms. The logging infrastr
Texas and the number of student suspensions over a three-year period. In addition to looking at the overall trends in suspensio

tivities at three small Ohio community colleges that have made large-scale changes in practice based on the guided pathways m
ment (the impulse to focus on and contribute to the resolution of students' challenges), and reciprocity (the desire for dialogic

ulum, and language scholarship -- as something of a "self portrait" of English (del Valle, Lauria, Orono, & Rojas, 2021). I start wit
rent models of speech perception. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first study to examine how perception and producti
e participants in a professional development program, we use Bandura's theoretical framework on agency to investigate how p

ncluded suggested sequencing and duration of mathematics standards. However, in contrast to most pacing guides, the instruc
Utilizing a constant comparative approach as method (Constas, 1992; Lincoln & Guba, 1985) and queer theory as theoretical fr

018; Haber et al., 2016; Kohler et al., 2016; Plotner et al., 2017; Plotner et al., 2020; Taylor et al). Henninger and Taylor (2014) s
Virginia, explicating moral apathy as phenomenal and noumenal of an aspectual continuity of culture. The moral apathy of Por
pport employment. Not all have had the desired impact. A 2015 analysis by the Illinois Economic Policy Institute (ILEPI) found th
ership (RPP) on data use and evidence-based improvement cycles in collaboration with Nassau County Long Island BOCES (Boa
cademic framework, the Department of Education (DepEd) issued the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BL-ICP), in resp
sses, the main drivers of development. Specifically, three resource categories were introduced: physical, social and symbolic, an

t paper of this dissertation, commercially published secondary statistics curricula in the United States often project a narrowed
ual practices inside and outside of school. To this end, teachers must provide generative literacy learning opportunities that ho

onstructivist learning, a fruitful participatory science, and vast scientific research. We discuss, in particular, the activities of two

ould achieve enculturation, by activating mathematical and scientific content in the players. To answer this query, we have cre

ee K-8 teachers appear to be conceptualizing and implementing making with students? In sum, the three teachers in this study

. With a consensus on the impact of STEAM Education on the progress of any society, its implementation in developing countri
and challenges associated with student reading proficiency. A basic qualitative design was used, using semistructured interview
ant differences between subgroups of students who exhibit distinct patterns of responsiveness over time. The present study ex
minates strategies for identifying fixed and growth mindsets, underscoring the importance of pairing students with differing mi

period of lockdown from mid-March to late-May. During that time, primary schools were only open to children in key worker fa

m of isolating yeast, we developed a Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (C.U.R.E.) course, Yeast Hunters, that in

n retention. The research question was: Does mind mapping increase student information retention when used with online high

celebrate PBL work. Evaluation of Cycle 2 activities included comparison of pre-survey and post-surveys to measure changes in

s of CAPs to understand their contributions to institutions of higher education and their communities. Drawing on content ana

eculating and hypothesizing, evaluating, and applying knowledge. The complimentary study associated with the research questi
ning environment. The dominant categories of non-content teacher talk were correlated with student science identity frequenc
ne country were more significant than the deviations between the global evaluation marks obtained from Belarusian and Ukrai

ntext, the main purpose of this deliverable is to provide an updated list of key enabling components (KECs) for the developmen

quickly eliminated project-based grant restrictions and paid out future grants immediately to enable organizations to respond q
e University, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, educators in Broward County identified five core practices and

h, this dissertation introduces CPM as the use of podcasting as both a research method and pedagogical tool so as to facilitate

g a global pandemic. Student interpretive lenses during OBL activities showed the ways differences in their backgrounds and ex
tudy also examines the pre-pandemic elementary general music curriculum to determine how the existing curriculum could be
n-site coaching. In 2016, the U.S. Department of Education Investing in Innovation (i3) program awarded ExpandED Schools a gr

ecause there is minimal research available to support this particular student population with intentional strategies regarding th

ommunication leading to empathy and awareness of social and economic injustices around the world. While study abroad is co

unds are authorized for dissemination through September 30, 2021. Districts and schools will want to prepare their facilities to

t many had concerns about their appropriateness for some students (e.g., struggling students, English Learners, etc.). Teachers
essional development? (2) What are the perceptions of program alumni and the instructional leadership team regarding the ad

ject on grade-wide reading comprehension, students' literacy practices, and students' confidence as readers? How does this PL

the importance of looking at interlinkages and synergies between well-being and LfS in maintaining Planet Earth as a liveable p

VID-19 pandemic, which relied on devices and online systems for learning to continue and further strained the technology depa

but not to examine physician-patient communications. The ECLIPPSE project sought to develop and validate automated patien

showed weak predictive utility in differentiating fifth-year and first-year students and was found to be negatively correlated wit

gn of training programs for kindergarten teachers who teach a foreign language to pupils from three to six. The chapter is orga
t practices employed by education leaders and K-12 classroom educators for equitably engaging families in technology selectio
ent to the next training phase and which skills to address. To test, tune, and demo STEEL-R, more data was needed than was av
-methods approach, I analyzed four videorecorded lessons, an audiorecorded semi-structured interview and four post-teaching

conducted two empirical studies within two different community-based field experiences through an elementary social studies
, by allowing people to transfer and accumulate learning outcomes achieved in different contexts within their country to build

d Universities) may play in organizational change management and strategic planning to diversify the K-12 STEM teaching work

pathways to graduation--the alternative pathways--require that a student (1) either earn a "Proficient" Keystone exam score or

d learning materials. In college English courses at two schools (N=51+49+89=189, 2015-2016 & N=98 2020-2021 in two school, i
ed using descriptive statistics; a self-developed questionnaire was utilized to collect data. The study's sample was female, adult
view of the ways in which general further education colleges (GFECs), sixth form colleges (SFCs) and independent learning prov
sing the Gap" initiative. An evaluation of the programme was undertaken by Chiara Cappellini, Evaluation Manager, Kirsty Cunn

nt university students with disabilities outlined the factors surrounding their challenges and successes in accessing makerspace
dedicated to raising resources for the university through philanthropy. The intervention consisted of four professional develop

nhance that action. The initial series of school visits and interviews ran into the COVID-19 detour, but continued virtual collabor
as supported their progress toward implementing math pathways reforms. For this project, Maine Education Policy Research In
hat might not work, and when the changes could be expanded for implementation school- or district-wide. Early chapters desc
higher level of satisfaction with SELFIE WBL than other user groups. In addition, the results showed that users of SELFIE WBL we

mes for healthier animals. Nine animal species were the focus of programs where learning gains increased by 38% (p[less than

s core GPA negate the value or need for subjects such as Latin American history in grade schools. This curricular ethnic nullifica

improved student achievement in science or reading for students consented to participate in the study. There was a negative im
ties. Together, the 27 research teams interviewed 335 instructors, asking detailed questions about how instructors design cours
support. Full implementation of such structures can be complicated due to the challenges of institutional change. Scott (1994)
ote and maintain equitable learning outcomes for all students? This paper examines how Calkins' curriculum conceptualizes the

algorithms. The logging infrastructure in both the teacher dashboard and student platform allows for investigating how these to
the overall trends in suspension rates over the three-year period, the study broke down the data further for the African Ameri

ased on the guided pathways model over the past several years. These colleges--North Central State College, Washington State
procity (the desire for dialogic exchange between carer and cared-for). There has been ample research establishing the increas

rono, & Rojas, 2021). I start with "'The good English': The ideological construction of the target language in adult ESOL", a study
e how perception and production of phonology develop in this population of speakers. The project attempts to answer the follo
on agency to investigate how program activities affect emerging STEM education researchers' agency. Our analysis illustrates a

most pacing guides, the instructional framework also included (a) clusters of standards to emphasize mathematical connections
d queer theory as theoretical framework (Butler, 1990; de Lauretis, 1991; Sedgwick, 1990; Warner, 1990), I explore how six ele

. Henninger and Taylor (2014) surveyed parents of children with an intellectual disability (ID) to discover what they considered
ulture. The moral apathy of Portsmouth City Public Schools and its complicit local government, examined herein across a longit
Policy Institute (ILEPI) found that only four out of 24 different policy strategies studied directly supported employment: increas
County Long Island BOCES (Board of Cooperative Education Services) and their 56 school districts in Nassau County Long Island,
Continuity Plan (BL-ICP), in response to the challenges posed by COVID-19 in the field of education. This BE-ICP, covers the esse
physical, social and symbolic, and they were defined and described within the context of the developmental outcome of readin

tates often project a narrowed view of the world with respect to the types of contexts they use to develop statistical understan
learning opportunities that honor students' diverse sensemaking processes (Aukerman, 2013; Garcia & Kleifgen, 2020; Street,

particular, the activities of two teams of pupils from the Scientific High School "Giovanni Battista Grassi" in Latina (seat of the P

answer this query, we have created a curricular design called "playful microproject" with three traditional games from different

he three teachers in this study encountered numerous tensions while navigating the contexts of their school, N-12 education, a

entation in developing countries becomes fundamental and urgent. The study described here focuses on Cape Verdean teache
using semistructured interviews to acquire data from 10 participants. Data analysis from the interviews consisted of "a priori,"
ver time. The present study explored patterns of response to an early mathematics intervention using data from the ROOTS Effi
ring students with differing mindsets and creating an environment that values effort and challenges. Effective communication w

en to children in key worker families or vulnerable children, providing a limited amount of face-to-face contact time for many s

.) course, Yeast Hunters, that increased student perceived learning and skill and critical thinking skill compared to students in a

tion when used with online higher education course modules? An experimental research project was conducted among a group

-surveys to measure changes in leader knowledge and perceptions. Focus groups of students, teachers and one leader then rev

nities. Drawing on content analysis, I revealed that CAPs aim to develop students, engage the campus and wider community, an

ciated with the research questions analyzed faculty attitudes, self-efficacy, and collaboration during the innovation. Quantitativ
udent science identity frequencies and were found to be statistically significant; findings were limited based on lack of significan
ned from Belarusian and Ukrainian respondents. In order to increase the synergy of the CybPhys partners, the transdisciplinary

nts (KECs) for the development of teachers' intercultural and democratic competence and the barriers that hinder such develo

able organizations to respond quickly and flexibly to changing needs. At Grantmakers for Education (EdFunders), the Out-of-Sc
entified five core practices and specific implementation strategies to improve student academic, social-emotional, and behavio

agogical tool so as to facilitate potential learning spaces of critical and reflexive dialogue, meaningful community relationship b

es in their backgrounds and experiences contributed to their stories on the Andean textiles. The imaginative storytelling proce
he existing curriculum could be utilized or modified to address the isolation felt by these students based on the results of the su
warded ExpandED Schools a grant to support the design and evaluation of D2L, with the Research Alliance for NYC Schools serv

entional strategies regarding their academic and social integration. Interviews with Black women enrolled at Howard Universit

world. While study abroad is considered a traditional method of introducing students to other cultures, most students do not h

ant to prepare their facilities to be safe, healthy places to which students can return. State officials can support districts as they

nglish Learners, etc.). Teachers consistently agreed that the new curricula gave all students ample opportunities to develop the
adership team regarding the advantages and limitations of participating in the Saints Action Research Program? To answer both

e as readers? How does this PLC effort change the school system and its leaders' and students' buy-in? The researcher analyzed

ing Planet Earth as a liveable planet for human and non-human species. First, human well-being depends on the vitality of the

er strained the technology departments (CoSN, 2022a, 2022b; Rauf, 2020; White, 2020). Since computers were introduced to th

and validate automated patient literacy profiles (LPs) and physician language complexity profiles (CPs) by assessing the linguisti

to be negatively correlated with the number of academic semesters and co-op experiences completed. The confidence factor d

hree to six. The chapter is organized as follows. First, the author presents a review of Shared Book Reading (SBR) activities and
families in technology selection, implementation, and use. After pilot testing, 326 family members responded to a study-specifi
e data was needed than was available from real-world training exercises. Since the raw data used to estimate competencies are
terview and four post-teaching coaching interviews, as well as data from a mathematical beliefs survey for each teacher. 16 sp

gh an elementary social studies methods course. Sociocultural considerations of space, socioecological considerations of place,
s within their country to build up recognised qualifications, update or upgrade them. ECVET was designed as a European credit

y the K-12 STEM teaching workforce; (2) We hosted a 2-day virtual STEM Education Summit Alumni Workshop that included pa

cient" Keystone exam score or acceptable course grades in each Keystone subject area; and (2) demonstrate college or career

=98 2020-2021 in two school, in four classes using more than two years) in Yunlin and Changhwa, of Taiwan, and one sophomo
udy's sample was female, adult, Saudi learners who were enrolled in Makkah. Saudi Arabia's educated-neighborhood programs
and independent learning providers (ILPs) design, implement and subsequently monitor their revenue income and expenditure
valuation Manager, Kirsty Cunnington, Early Years Programme Manager, and Rachel Duncan, Early Years Project Manager, at th

cesses in accessing makerspaces. Makers defined their connectedness and belonging to their makerspace community and outli
ed of four professional development workshops including the topics of collaboration, resilience, leadership, and a concluding w

but continued virtual collaboration has strengthened the belief that climate data is useful for building transparency and insigh
e Education Policy Research Institute (MEPRI) researchers in the Center for Education Policy, Applied Research, and Evaluation
strict-wide. Early chapters describe the actions of school personnel to embed social and emotional learning as well as how to se
ed that users of SELFIE WBL were quite likely to recommend its use to others. School leaders were found to be more likely to re

increased by 38% (p[less than or equal to]0.001) on average and the participants retained the knowledge over time. Most par

. This curricular ethnic nullification negatively affects Latine students and the parents who place so much weight upon their ch

e study. There was a negative impact on students' science achievement in each of the study years, except for Year 3, when scie
ut how instructors design courses and assignments utilizing primary sources, and where and how instructors and their students
titutional change. Scott (1994) points out that regulative, cultural-cognitive, and normative forces cause resistance to change w
' curriculum conceptualizes the teaching of writing in the disciplines; how one teacher made sense of the curriculum; and wha

s for investigating how these tools are implemented across contexts, especially when triangulated with additional data includin
a further for the African American, special education, and low-socioeconomic in junior high (Grades 7-8), and high school popu

tate College, Washington State Community College, and Zane State College--have successfully implemented these reforms desp
esearch establishing the increased frequency of online writing instruction and its rising prevalence especially during COVID-19. I

anguage in adult ESOL", a study which employs classroom-based ethnography and classroom discourse analysis (Rampton, 2006
ct attempts to answer the following questions: 1. How do child bilinguals produce and perceive stress contrasts in both of their
ency. Our analysis illustrates a mechanism by which professional development opportunities worked in favor of increasing self-

asize mathematical connections and foster a coherent understanding of mathematics for students, (b) ranges of suggested dura
er, 1990), I explore how six elementary teachers "queered" their existing instruction. Drawing upon interviews with participant

discover what they considered effective transition to adulthood would resemble. The following themes were identified in the re
xamined herein across a longitudinal range from 1998 to 2022, is found to have its proairetic instantiation and apotheosis in th
upported employment: increased bachelor's degree attainment, better access to early childhood education and care, reduced
in Nassau County Long Island, New York, USA. This edited book details the results from the workshop through 28 chapters from
on. This BE-ICP, covers the essential requirements of all concerned; between the school and parents, and between teachers and
elopmental outcome of reading achievement. Physical resources capture the tangible and intangible "stuff" that makes up the

to develop statistical understanding. The first paper was the impetus for this three-paper series on statistics curricula. In this st
arcia & Kleifgen, 2020; Street, 1993; Shepard-Carey, 2020). Translanguaging pedagogies are one avenue for exploring this issue

Grassi" in Latina (seat of the Planetarium "Livio Gratton") who participated within the thematic area No. 3 "Test the Sciences in

aditional games from different cultures and geographical contexts. The microproject was implemented with 32 participants, fr

their school, N-12 education, and the Maker Movement as they implemented making in their classrooms. They practiced with

cuses on Cape Verdean teachers' perception of STEAM education and its integration into their pedagogical practices. It include
erviews consisted of "a priori," lean, and in vivo coding. The findings revealed six themes: motivation through engagement, intr
using data from the ROOTS Efficacy Project. Participants included kindergarten students at risk for mathematics difficulties wh
ges. Effective communication with students and parents is explored as a means to underscore the significance of mindset in ac

to-face contact time for many staff. Indeed much of primary teachers' work was focused on supporting children at home, eithe

skill compared to students in a traditional biology lab. Yeast Hunters is a well-suited C.U.R.E course due to students feeling own

was conducted among a group of eastern adult learners who were enrolled in a western online graduation program. Participan

achers and one leader then reviewed the website to evaluate how well it met its design goals. The study concluded PBL needs c

mpus and wider community, and promote sustainability. Although under-recognized, they also aim to share culture/tradition, i

ring the innovation. Quantitative data was collected from a single survey taken at three different times throughout the study. Q
mited based on lack of significance in the post hoc test. The results of this correlational study contribute to the body of research
partners, the transdisciplinary and T-shape skills approaches are introduced to the education programs of the partner's univer

arriers that hinder such development. The Literature review confirms prior research, which served as a departure point for the

tion (EdFunders), the Out-of-School Time Impact Group, a community of funders investing in the out-of-school time sector, initi
social-emotional, and behavioral outcomes--practices whose efficacy is supported by prior research and theory. This approach

ngful community relationship building, and public pedagogy. The theoretical framework informing Critical Podcasting Methodo

imaginative storytelling process provided scaffolding for participants to interpret novel OBL experiences with the textiles and g
s based on the results of the submitted surveys. Perspectives on enjoyment, relationships, and technology are themes discove
h Alliance for NYC Schools serving as the external evaluator. This report presents the evaluation results. The study randomly as

n enrolled at Howard University (HU), a Historically Black College and University (HBCU) who participated in a Spring 2019 ASB

ultures, most students do not have the time nor the financing to be able to travel. However, today virtual exchange empowered

als can support districts as they develop plans for closure, cleaning, and reopening of school facilities, both now and in future cr

e opportunities to develop the 4Cs, and most believed they were able to implement their new curriculum with fidelity. Over tim
arch Program? To answer both questions, I generated data from four sources: (a) a participant survey, (b) semi-structured parti

uy-in? The researcher analyzed pre and post student and staff surveys as well as meeting agendas, notes, and correspondence

depends on the vitality of the planet's ecosystems. Second, both reports are based on the view that anthropogenic environme

mputers were introduced to these educational institutions, schools and districts have positioned students as technical and ped

s (CPs) by assessing the linguistic features of SMs generated by diabetes patients and primary care physicians, respectively. The

pleted. The confidence factor did not have any correlation with either metric. Results of the study call for researchers to contin

ok Reading (SBR) activities and the use of books during adult-child interaction at home and in class. Second, the author present
ers responded to a study-specific online survey about education leader and classroom educator family engagement practices an
d to estimate competencies are captured in xAPI statements, a component called DATASIM was added. DATASIM simulated trai
survey for each teacher. 16 specific criteria known to form part of MKT were analyzed, while the beliefs survey data was used

ogical considerations of place, and critical culturally sustaining and revitalizing pedagogy (McCarty & Lee, 2014) provide the the
designed as a European credit transfer system that should be flexible enough to accommodate the characteristic features of E

mni Workshop that included past participants of the Smithsonian's STEM Education Summit. At the Alumni Workshop, K-12 tea

demonstrate college or career readiness through one or multiple alternative metrics, such as through an industry-based compe

a, of Taiwan, and one sophomore class and courses (2020-2021, N=98) in Yunlin, this research project by YouTube channels of t
cated-neighborhood programs to gain vocational skills. The results indicated that Saudi women were empowered with the voc
venue income and expenditure budgets; (2) An introduction to the way in which we collected the quantitative data for the proje
rly Years Project Manager, at the National Literacy Trust. The evaluation report key findings include: (1) 78% of parents say they

kerspace community and outlined future steps to amplify makerspaces' accessibility. Students discussed that their affinity for m
leadership, and a concluding workshop to debrief the three topics and how participants' new understandings had been incorpo

uilding transparency and insight, deepening relationships, and inspiring collective action. Several strategic themes emerged as v
plied Research, and Evaluation (CEPARE) were asked to describe and summarize the "mathematics pathways" movement whic
al learning as well as how to serve historically underserved students during disasters. Trauma-informed and restorative practic
re found to be more likely to recommend SELFIE WBL than other user groups. Overall, the highest mean rating on the SELFIE W

nowledge over time. Most participants indicated they would make one or two changes because of the workshop and follow-up

so much weight upon their children's education and ethnic appreciation. Though much existing research focuses on Latine com

s, except for Year 3, when science achievement data was not collected. These quantitative findings conflicted with qualitative d
w instructors and their students discover and access primary sources appropriate for classroom use. Detailed findings and action
s cause resistance to change within institutions (1994). Schools may be defined as institutions since they are "a relatively stable
nse of the curriculum; and what is missing from the curriculum that may limit its curricular and pedagogical appropriateness to

ed with additional data including teacher-student discourse, as in the present work. In this dissertation, a design-based researc
des 7-8), and high school populations (Grades 9-12). It was determined that restorative justice practices significantly decreased

mplemented these reforms despite challenges, including declining enrollments, decreased tuition revenue, and a reliance on pe
e especially during COVID-19. In the wake of the move from face-to-face teaching to online teaching, the need to explore instr

course analysis (Rampton, 2006; Reyes, 2011; Rosa, 2019) to look at the construction of 'English' in a nonprofit, community-bas
stress contrasts in both of their languages? 2. How does the production and perception of lexical stress develop as a function o
rked in favor of increasing self-efficacy and echoed more broadly into agency. Our study highlights the importance of agency w

s, (b) ranges of suggested durations to provide flexibility in meeting students' learning needs, (c) links to standards of mathema
pon interviews with participants, classroom observations of their teaching and accompanying post-observation conversations, a

hemes were identified in the results of their research study: (a) having an occupation or useful job in society; (b) moving out of
tantiation and apotheosis in the dearth of policy response following the deaths of four local Black students in a seven-month p
d education and care, reduced commuting times, and improvements to transit infrastructure such as highways and bridges. In a
kshop through 28 chapters from authors who were attendees, including educators, data scientists, and researchers. We aimed
nts, and between teachers and parents including the community, for all public and private schools as a result of the academic c
gible "stuff" that makes up the environment, including the actual physical spaces, structures, and items (i.e., books) that compr

on statistics curricula. In this study, I used queer theory and critical mathematics education to examine the exercises, examples
avenue for exploring this issue, which can be defined as intentional strategies for "building on bilingual students' language pra

area No. 3 "Test the Sciences in Space". They all worked on chemical tests, suitable for the ISS microgravity, under the tutoring

mented with 32 participants, from 8 to 12 years old. To analyse the results of the microproject, a case study was carried out usi

assrooms. They practiced with a strong sense of agency despite the fact that so many constraints were imposed upon them by

edagogical practices. It includes the analysis of data collected via a questionnaire adapted from one developed by the commun
ation through engagement, intrinsic engagement vs. accountability for motivation, the impact of technology, parental engagem
or mathematics difficulties who were randomly assigned to the ROOTS intervention condition (n = 880). Results of a latent pro
he significance of mindset in academic achievement. Lastly, the study demonstrates how opportunities for self-assessment and

porting children at home, either with their learning or with their general health and well-being. Many teachers were particularly

rse due to students feeling ownership over their project, collaboration between students, and potential contribution of their di

graduation program. Participants were divided into three groups: a control group and two experimental groups. Learner inform

he study concluded PBL needs clear district signaling; leader knowledge is critical to structural support; and PBL can benefit from

im to share culture/tradition, increase well-being, and promote inclusivity. The second utilized a longitudinal study over the co

times throughout the study. Qualitative data was collected from two focus group interviews and seven individual interviews. T
tribute to the body of research of viable interventions used to address the gender gap in STEM. This study will inform science e
rograms of the partner's universities. An innovative ICT based teaching and learning environment and associated teaching meth

ed as a departure point for the present study, and identified the following 8 KECs: (1) a common understanding of the knowled

out-of-school time sector, initiated weekly convenings open to funders and field stakeholders to share information, forge conn
arch and theory. This approach, called Personalization for Academic and Social Emotional Learning (PASL), emphasizes systemic

ng Critical Podcasting Methodology builds on anarchist philosophies, with specific influences from eco-anarchic activism and ed

eriences with the textiles and generate creative ideas for VCE development. The dissonance between individual interpretive le
echnology are themes discovered through examining participant survey data and reviews of pandemic-related literature. Resu
results. The study randomly assigned 32 afterschool programs to offer D2L or be part of a control group that offered their usua

ticipated in a Spring 2019 ASB trip serve as the primary source of data for this study. And the HU ASB program was selected bec

y virtual exchange empowered by technology is a viable, sustainable method. In this contribution, examples of tasks, activities

ities, both now and in future crises. States should ensure that districts with less capacity to manage operations, less knowledge

urriculum with fidelity. Over time, teachers became increasingly comfortable in their ability to differentiate instruction within t
urvey, (b) semi-structured participant interviews, (c) a document review process of participant research briefs, and (d) a group

as, notes, and correspondences to describe the process of implementing a cohesive grade-level PLC and determine the impact

that anthropogenic environmental changes can be reversed by increasing awareness and enhancing human capacities for positi

d students as technical and pedagogical supports for educational technology (National School Boards Association, 2002; Van Eck

re physicians, respectively. The study data was obtained from the KPNC Diabetes Registry, including only SMs that were betwee

dy call for researchers to continue efforts to explore the dimensions of engineering identity and seek to understand the separat

ss. Second, the author presents an analytical approach to language use and development and its application to children's lingui
amily engagement practices and communication methods related to technology in their student's district, school, and classroo
added. DATASIM simulated training sessions by generating xAPI statements that conformed to a STEEL-R "xAPI Profile." This fac
e beliefs survey data was used to calculate a rating of the productivity of the teachers' beliefs based on guidelines from the Nati

ty & Lee, 2014) provide the theoretical frame for this series of investigations. Guidance from "Decolonizing Methodologies" (Tu
the characteristic features of European VET systems. In order to achieve this, ECVET was based on common principles concerni

he Alumni Workshop, K-12 teachers, school/district/state administrators, university faculty members and educators from non-

ough an industry-based competency certification, successful completion of a service-learning project, or an internship or coope

oject by YouTube channels of the instructor as well as the author, has discovered its efficiency and effectiveness. In the five cla
were empowered with the vocational skills obtained at educated-neighborhood programs. Moreover, the findings showed tha
e quantitative data for the project and what can and cannot be deduced from it. This section includes a discussion of cost endog
de: (1) 78% of parents say they are more confident singing songs and sharing stories with their child after the programme; (2) 6

iscussed that their affinity for makerspaces emerged mainly because of intrinsic interests in fabrication or because of class requ
derstandings had been incorporated into their professional roles. Prior to each workshop, participants observed a professional

strategic themes emerged as valuable opportunities for principals: (1) using climate data to drive toward equitable outcomes;
tics pathways" movement which is currently underway in the state of Maine, as well as in other states across the country. This s
formed and restorative practices embraced by all staff enhanced student outcomes and reduced educational disparities in clas
st mean rating on the SELFIE WBL questionnaire came in the area of 'Pedagogy: Supports and Resources', while the lowest mea

of the workshop and follow-up evaluation indicated many did implement changes. By implementing the changes, they further

research focuses on Latine communities in either large metropolitan areas of the state, or on the experiences of teachers and s

ngs conflicted with qualitative data collected from LISTO teachers, who indicated that the program led to improvements in both
se. Detailed findings and actionable recommendations can be found in the body of this report. [Contributors to the report inclu
nce they are "a relatively stable and legitimated system of interrelated beliefs, values, practices, and structures creating conditi
edagogical appropriateness to promote equity. We focus on one of Calkins' units, "Bringing History to Life" (Calkins & Cockerille

tation, a design-based research project was conducted over two phases to characterize and evaluate the remote use of Inq-Blo
ractices significantly decreased the amount of time spent out of the classroom by students due to disciplinary consequences fo

revenue, and a reliance on performance funding. All three colleges have made changes in practice that have enriched the exp
hing, the need to explore instructors' responding protocols are also increasing. While response to students' writing has been a

in a nonprofit, community-based adult ESOL program in New York. I argue that the structural conditions of the program promo
l stress develop as a function of age and proficiency? 3. Is there a discrepancy between perception and production abilities? 4.
ts the importance of agency when creating professional development activities to increase and sustain engagement in disciplin

) links to standards of mathematical practice, and (d) educative information for educators about the mathematics, student lear
st-observation conversations, and my reflective memos, I highlight five themes that emerged from the data: (a) disruptive tinke

ob in society; (b) moving out of the home aside from the parent or guardian; (c) association with peers; (d) aptitudes required fo
k students in a seven-month period--from June 2021 to January 2022--who were murdered by other Black school-aged youths
h as highways and bridges. In a more recent report, the same authors found evidence in favor of another policy strategy: increa
ts, and researchers. We aimed to achieve three goals through a collaborative workshop: (a) to bring educators together with da
ols as a result of the academic crisis since March of 2020. Although, the most essential instructional competencies and strategie
d items (i.e., books) that comprise a child's context, as well as the quiet, space, and time needed for a child to interact with othe

amine the exercises, examples, and other text from three widely circulated statistics textbooks. I then applied critical discourse
ilingual students' language practices flexibly in order to develop new understandings and new language practices, including tho

icrogravity, under the tutoring of Francesco Giuliano (Province Manager of the IYA 2009 and the IYC 2011 in Latina). The key re

case study was carried out using qualitative methodology. As part of the playful microproject, the necessary materials for each

s were imposed upon them by more powerful authorities, such as standards-based school reform measures and formal school

one developed by the community for science education in Europe, SCIENTIX, and reported information on official documents. T
technology, parental engagement, data-driven small group instruction, and phonemic awareness. The outcome of this project
n = 880). Results of a latent profile analysis indicated that variability in response to a generally effective intervention was best ca
unities for self-assessment and reflection are intricately linked to nurturing a growth mindset, with the allowance for assignme

Many teachers were particularly anxious about vulnerable children not in school and staying in touch with them. We often think

otential contribution of their discovery which can have broad applications in various industries. [The dissertation citations conta

imental groups. Learner information retention was measured with a pre/post-test. T-test and ANOVA were executed to explore

pport; and PBL can benefit from an intentional community. Implications for the organization are that knowledge raising is critic

longitudinal study over the course of three semesters with interns at a particular CAP and qualitatively described, using mixed

d seven individual interviews. The results of the study highlight the important role of student feedback, the tension between a
This study will inform science educators, administrators, and stakeholders of the value of positive non-content teacher talk as a
t and associated teaching methodologies will be developed. The research provides valuable input to the development of indust

understanding of the knowledge skills and attitudes related to IC; (2) supporting policies; (3) effective initial teacher education

o share information, forge connections and brainstorm effective philanthropic responses to the rapidly evolving situation. The e
ng (PASL), emphasizes systemic personalization where adults intentionally attend to practices in schools that improve relationsh

m eco-anarchic activism and education research, to present a Radical Praxis Pedagogies (RPP). Parallel with how "praxis" is the s

ween individual interpretive lenses and collaborative OBL influenced participant stories and the VCE narrative process. The VCE
ndemic-related literature. Results indicate that the sense of isolation felt by students can be addressed in the curriculum by cre
ol group that offered their usual science programming. The evaluation explored D2L's implementation and impact on various st

ASB program was selected because of its 25-year history and robust site selection. The researcher implemented an instrumen

n, examples of tasks, activities, technologies, and challenges resulting from various collaborations around the globe, in particul

age operations, less knowledge of strategies to limit infectious disease, or without detailed closure and reopening plans are not

fferentiate instruction within their new curriculum and felt less of a need for additional training and support. Most agreed that
esearch briefs, and (d) a group interview with the instructional leadership team. Collectively, their experiences revealed that th

PLC and determine the impact that it had on literacy practices and the culture of the school. Ethnographic notes revealed that t

cing human capacities for positive change towards a more sustainable future. Third, both reports also share the idea of empow

ards Association, 2002; Van Eck et al., 2001). Commonly known as student tech teams (STTs), this type of program is still freque

ding only SMs that were between patients and primary care providers. The final ECLIPPSE dataset for the patient HL measure co

seek to understand the separate and reciprocal effects of classroom learning and co-op work experiences on student identity d

application to children's linguistic and interactional competences: the author presents results from her own projects on readin
's district, school, and classroom. Second, ten focus group participants discussed the same topics' impacts on family engageme
STEEL-R "xAPI Profile." This facilitated testing of STEEL-R and was used to create a demo that highlighted the ability to map dat
sed on guidelines from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). Both within-case and cross-case analysis were

ecolonizing Methodologies" (Tuhiwai-Smith, 2021), methods from the fields of S-STEP, Self-Study of Teacher Education Practice
on common principles concerning the design for qualifications and arrangements for credit transfer and accumulation. One of t

mbers and educators from non-profit organizations shared reflections of their implementation of logic models, and discussed ch

oject, or an internship or cooperative education program, among other metrics. This report examines historical performance on

nd effectiveness. In the five classes in two periods, the university students in two universities were decidedly motivated to parti
eover, the findings showed that there were no statistically significant differences among the women's responses due to marital
udes a discussion of cost endogeneity; (3) A description of the data that was collected; (4) An analysis of the quantitative data c
hild after the programme; (2) 67% of parents say they read and share stories with their child more than before; (3) 78% of pare

ication or because of class requirements. Barriers that have impeded makerspace usage include fear or anxiety, sensory oversti
ipants observed a professional development video specifically associated with the topic of the workshop. During the workshop

e toward equitable outcomes; (2) creating routines to lead with data; and (3) choosing the right starting points. The strategies
tates across the country. This study of the math pathways movement is designed as a mini-case study to document the status o
d educational disparities in classrooms and throughout the school. The content then explores how improvement science change
sources', while the lowest mean rating came in the area of 'Infrastructure and Equipment'. The qualitative findings are also pro

ting the changes, they further demonstrated how youth can act as an agent of change within the family, farm, and community

e experiences of teachers and students, more work is needed centering the livelihood of Latine parents and their experiences w

m led to improvements in both science vocabulary and engagement and self-efficacy in science for students. LISTO teachers als
Contributors to the report include Daniel Abosso, Krystal Appiah, Katie Atkins, Peter Barr, Arantza Barrutia-Wood, Shatha Baydo
and structures creating conditions that constrain but also enable particular actions and outcomesâ ¦€(Bridwell-Mitchell, 2019)
ory to Life" (Calkins & Cockerille, 2013) and one elementary school teacher. We found that in this unit, writing was conceptualiz

luate the remote use of Inq-Blotter's alerting feature for math practices to inform future iterations of the dashboard alert desig
o disciplinary consequences for the overall K-12 student population, African American population, junior high population, and

tice that have enriched the experience in and out of the classroom for all students, not just targeted groups. College leaders cre
o students' writing has been a staple in composition studies for more than six decades, little research has focused specifically o

nditions of the program promote reliance on a conception of 'English' shaped by linguistic racism, despite the program's progre
on and production abilities? 4. How does perception and production of stress during childhood compare to that of adult bilingu
sustain engagement in discipline-based education research (DBER) in different institutional contexts. Second, we use phenome

the mathematics, student learning progressions, and possible models of teaching. My study focused on a single case--the desig
m the data: (a) disruptive tinkering, (b) deepening consciousness, (c) student agency, (d) moving through fear, and (e) connecti

peers; (d) aptitudes required for effective every day working; (e) proceeding with academic or intellectual interests; (f) autono
ther Black school-aged youths in front of three different Portsmouth City school buildings. Therefrom, I posit a thick descriptio
another policy strategy: increased investment in apprenticeship pathways. Because they are regular, paid employees from the
ing educators together with data scientists in collaborative co-design to build conversation, workflows, visualizations, and pilot
nal competencies and strategies, like using blended-online strategies, and other multiple learning modalities for teachers, scho
for a child to interact with others. Social resources are the people within a child's contexts, including their parents, siblings, tea

I then applied critical discourse analysis to develop overarching themes related to the way in which the identities of gender, se
nguage practices, including those deemed 'academic standard'" (Garcia & Li, 2014, p. 92). Effective translanguaging pedagogies

IYC 2011 in Latina). The key reference is a talk given in the 104th annual congress of the Italian Physical Society at the Universi

he necessary materials for each game were made by hand, and the games were then played. Both the realization of the games

m measures and formal school structures. This in-depth case study contributes new insights into ways in which teachers make d

mation on official documents. The findings reflect not only teachers' ideas and beliefs about STEAM education, but also their pe
s. The outcome of this project study is a three-day professional development addressing the needs of teachers based on the da
ective intervention was best captured by a more complex categorization framework encompassing four distinct response profi
th the allowance for assignment revisions emphasizing the value of learning from mistakes and the process of continuous impr

uch with them. We often think of a duty of care and a duty to teach as two separate elements in each teacher's work, yet a sin

The dissertation citations contained here are published with the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further reproduction is prohibite

NOVA were executed to explore group differences. Significant difference was found between the control group and the experim

that knowledge raising is critical to PBL success; the position of PBL should be clear in professional development initiatives; an

tatively described, using mixed methods, what they learned and experienced throughout their internship. Drawing on thematic

edback, the tension between a latent versus active curriculum, the need for flexibility when working with faculty, and the prom
e non-content teacher talk as a viable intervention to improve the development of female student science identity and thus as
t to the development of industry and research-oriented cross-domain study programs in Cyber-Physical Systems focused on th

ective initial teacher education curricula, including mandatory IC and related assessment methods, naming specific learning obj

apidly evolving situation. The exchange of information during the stakeholder convenings, combined with the dire situation wit
schools that improve relationships between adults and students. Drawing on multiple sources, the book delves into the five co

rallel with how "praxis" is the synthesis of both theory and action, RPP combines both theories of eco-democracy (Social Green

VCE narrative process. The VCE team members needed facilitative guidance with rationales on the relationships between objec
essed in the curriculum by creating a course sequence which incorporates inclusive music practices that help students underst
ation and impact on various student outcomes. Overall, we found strong fidelity of implementation and program quality at D2L

er implemented an instrumental case study design, focusing on the relationship between Black women and their lived experie

ns around the globe, in particular with Morocco, Iraq, and China, are highlighted. Through these collaborations, students establ

re and reopening plans are not disadvantaged at a time when all schools need guidance to ensure the safety of all individuals t

and support. Most agreed that the resources provided by the district were valuable in supporting student learning, and that th
ir experiences revealed that they practice action research as a multi-step process. However, the process is not ongoing, nor do

nographic notes revealed that the teachers made a collective decision to focus on literacy across the curriculum. They collabora

s also share the idea of empowerment and agency -- i.e. becoming aware of what is, and being empowered to change it for the

s type of program is still frequent today within schools and there is a wealth of practitioner-created resources on the topic. Yet

t for the patient HL measure constitutes 283,216 SMs written by 6,941 patients to their primary care providers, a validated HL s

periences on student identity development. [The dissertation citations contained here are published with the permission of Pro

om her own projects on reading at home and propose qualitative multimodal analyses of the data to account for the participati
s' impacts on family engagement practices. Survey data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics and revealed
hlighted the ability to map data from multiple training systems to a single competency framework and to generate a display th
se and cross-case analysis were carried out of the teachers' question types and levels of cognitive demand. Although the study

y of Teacher Education Practices, and reflexive thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2021), necessitated attention to self-reflexivit
fer and accumulation. One of these key principles is the structuring of qualifications into units of learning outcomes. As an initi

logic models, and discussed challenges, strategies and shared vision to diversify the K-12 STEM teaching workforce; and (3) Th

mines historical performance on Keystone exams to explore the potential impact of the policy on students in the School District

re decidedly motivated to participate and accept to use the updated way of learning and teaching. Most adult students believe
men's responses due to marital status. However, there were statistically significant differences among the women's responses b
alysis of the quantitative data collected; (5) An analysis, based on the qualitative information gained from the interview program
re than before; (3) 78% of parents report that their child enjoys sharing books more than before; (4) 78% of parents report tha

fear or anxiety, sensory overstimulation, difficulty with machine operation, unawareness of makerspaces, and lack of physical a
workshop. During the workshops, participants were actively engaged through facilitated discussion on the topics, proposed scen

starting points. The strategies and tools offered under each theme are based on in-school observations and input from researc
study to document the status of the reform in progress. Findings review math pathways as a potential means of promoting ind
w improvement science change processes improve chronic absenteeism and discipline issues through whole-school practices re
ualitative findings are also promising. All participants stated that SELFIE WBL made it possible for schools to identify their stren

e family, farm, and community. Another study evaluated education methods for biosecure barn entry and exit protocols by ass

parents and their experiences with ethnic nullification so as to generate more equitable practices within the state. The purpose

for students. LISTO teachers also indicated that the program had benefited their struggling readers, but there was no observed
a Barrutia-Wood, Shatha Baydoun, Catherine Bazela, Cara Bertram, Colleen Boff, Steve Borrelli, Jay-Marie Bravent, Sarah Brenn
esâ ¦€(Bridwell-Mitchell, 2019). "My capstone explores the redesign and implementation of structures intended to support MT
s unit, writing was conceptualized as a cognitive process of thinking, imagining, planning, and noticing. The main writing activiti

ns of the dashboard alert design (i.e., embedding Teacher Inquiry Practice Supports (TIPS) for Using Mathematics within the da
n, junior high population, and high school population. The findings for the special education and low-socioeconomic population

ted groups. College leaders credit these changes for improvements in rates of student progression and completion they have a
earch has focused specifically on fully online situations, particularly those with an asynchronous approach. Furthermore, while

m, despite the program's progressive ideals. Drawing on ethnographic observation and interviews, I outline the discursive and p
ompare to that of adult bilinguals? 5. Can lexical stress perception be improved using pedagogical interventions? 6. Does impro
exts. Second, we use phenomenography grounded in Holland's figured worlds to identify the spectrum of ways emerging STEM

used on a single case--the design of the third-grade instructional framework by a 9-member writing team that included 4 stakeh
through fear, and (e) connection to citizenship. I argue that these five themes developed from participants' focus on method (

ntellectual interests; (f) autonomy/independence with assistance; (g) productive relationships with the community; (h) mental w
efrom, I posit a thick description of culture in four iterations relative to morality: culture as supra-moral, culture as amoral, cult
gular, paid employees from the start, apprentices can see the labor market value of their skills from day one. By learning on the
kflows, visualizations, and pilot code; (b) to train educators and data scientists around data use in schools using the current dat
g modalities for teachers, school lessons, and learners are required, there are also health standards and safety measures to be
ding their parents, siblings, teachers, peers and other social partners, as well as the knowledge, experience, ideals, beliefs, and

ich the identities of gender, sex, and sexuality are developed through the sample textbooks. I found that, in addition to definin
tive translanguaging pedagogies require educators to take-up three interwoven components: ideologies that view multilingualis

Physical Society at the University of Calabria (September 17-21, 2018) together with an invited lecture held in the 13th Europea

h the realization of the games and the act of playing showed evidence of mathematical and scientific content, although more in

ways in which teachers make decisions about implementing making as a part of their teaching practice and ways in which teac

AM education, but also their pedagogical approaches, the resources they (do not) use, and the obstacles they face.
eds of teachers based on the data. School and district leaders could benefit from this study by providing professional developm
ing four distinct response profiles: a moderate-risk, mildly responsive group; a moderate-risk, delayed response group, a high-r
the process of continuous improvement. The research concludes by advocating for a holistic approach to grading that consider

n each teacher's work, yet a single conversation or action can fulfil both roles at once. The survey questions were designed to ex

rther reproduction is prohibited without permission. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-06

control group and the experimental groups, and the two-way MM group demonstrated significantly higher score among the th

nal development initiatives; and fostering community collaboration is important for momentum. [The dissertation citations con

nternship. Drawing on thematic analysis, I identified themes that demonstrated interns not only gained agricultural skills but als

king with faculty, and the promise of professional learning communities. Finally, implications for practice and suggestions for fu
nt science identity and thus assist in closure of the remaining gender gap present in STEM. This study serves as a pilot project f
Physical Systems focused on the needs of Belarusian and Ukrainian industries.

ds, naming specific learning objectives and competences, and how to foster them with respective tools, methods and teaching

ined with the dire situation within the field and the urgent need for services that the OST community was well-positioned to pr
he book delves into the five components of PASL, providing stories from educators and students to illustrate how they were ad

of eco-democracy (Social Green Anarchism, EcoJustice, Earth Democracy, Social Ecology) with the anti-hierarchical actions of de

he relationships between object study, object stories, object research, and different types of interpretive narratives for the VCE
ces that help students understand their perspectives and the perspectives of others. This study may encourage the developme
tion and program quality at D2L sites, but the contrast between D2L and control sites was small. In addition, participation was a

women and their lived experiences during an Alternative Spring Break trip and how these students developed emotional intelli

collaborations, students established personal connections and shared responsibility in addressing local and global concerns. All

re the safety of all individuals that come in contact with the school building.

g student learning, and that the implementation of the initiative had a mostly positive effect on students' outcomes. This repor
process is not ongoing, nor does it account for student learning outcomes. Instead, action research is time-consuming because

the curriculum. They collaborated regularly and used data to inform their decisions and the course of their intervention. The re

mpowered to change it for the better. While the World Happiness Report demonstrates the current state of well-being around

ted resources on the topic. Yet, studies on these programs are absent from the decades of research on technology integration

care providers, a validated HL scale containing items measuring HL self-efficacy, and expert ratings of HL based on the quality o

hed with the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission. Copies of dissertations may b

ta to account for the participation framework and content of SBR activities. Corpus-based analyses of parent-child SBR activitie
erential statistics and revealed that education leaders engage families less than half of the time for feedback about leadership, i
rk and to generate a display that team leaders can use to personalize and optimize training across multiple training modalities.
e demand. Although the study found that the three participants asked a variety of question types, the majority of these types w

tated attention to self-reflexivity, improvement, and relationships. Researching from the positionality of a traditionally defined
learning outcomes. As an initiative, ECVET was closely linked to a number of other instruments and initiatives aimed at increas

teaching workforce; and (3) The shared learning at the Alumni Workshop and some of the findings from the survey is outlined i

students in the School District of Philadelphia's high schools. While data to understand the impact on graduation outcomes thr

ng. Most adult students believed they have more study intention by using cell phones and they tended to support this updated
mong the women's responses based on the number of courses taken. The benefit of the direction was for women who took 5 o
ned from the interview programme, of the impacts of the current funding level (and particularly the lack of recent increases to
; (4) 78% of parents report that they are more aware of why it is important for them to talk to their child; and (5) 91% of practi

erspaces, and lack of physical accessibility. Participants found belonging within the makerspace community through forging pe
on on the topics, proposed scenario narratives, and guided participant activities. Following the workshops, participants reflected

vations and input from research partners, consulting experts, students, and faculty. Each reference and link points principals to
tential means of promoting individualized student learning and career readiness, of clarifying math expectations, and of reducin
ough whole-school practices related to school climate. Centering student and family perception, developing representative sys
r schools to identify their strengths and weaknesses in different SELFIE areas from the perspectives of different user groups. As

entry and exit protocols by assessing the number of errors, length of time to complete and how it affected biosecurity complian

s within the state. The purpose of this qualitative study was to identify how first-generation Latine parents in West-Central Flor

ers, but there was no observed program impact on student reading achievement in any study year. While LISTO may have yield
Jay-Marie Bravent, Sarah Brennan, Tina Budzise-Weaver, Margaret Burri, Liz Cheney, Cait Coker, Heather Cole, Lisa Conathan, E
ctures intended to support MTSS implementation and the existing challenges caused by institutional factors. In addition, I exam
ticing. The main writing activities were drafting and free writing, without explicit attention to language. The privileged pedagog

ing Mathematics within the dashboard's alerts). Specifically, the present work: (1) examined the use of Inq-Blotter in remote co
low-socioeconomic populations were insignificant. Based upon these findings, a professional learning project was designed fo

on and completion they have achieved. This report summarizes what changes in practice the colleges implemented at scale and
approach. Furthermore, while care in the context of elementary and middle-school has been researched before, no such resea

s, I outline the discursive and pedagogical practices that uphold this conception of 'English', and how students destabilize it, wit
al interventions? 6. Does improvement depend on stress pattern and language? In order to answer these questions, this dissert
ctrum of ways emerging STEM education researchers identify or imagine themselves in DBER. We characterize three ways they

ng team that included 4 stakeholder groups. Data included 10 hours of audio recordings of conversations among the writing te
participants' focus on method (queering instruction) over content (direct representation of LGBTQ+ people). By bringing a quee

th the community; (h) mental well-being; (i) romantic connections or their potential beginning; and (j) physical well-being or se
-moral, culture as amoral, culture as immoral, and culture as moral. Consequently, due to the unpredictability of the aspectual
om day one. By learning on the job and taking technical coursework directly related to their work, which is usually provided at
n schools using the current data systems available and focusing on educator problems of practice; and (c) to publish open-acce
rds and safety measures to be observed while learners are homeschooled. This study comprising of 7 school administrators, 45
experience, ideals, beliefs, and attitudes of these social partners. Symbolic resources are the meaning and stability with which

und that, in addition to defining sex and gender as conflated and binary, the textbooks also construct identities of in ways that
ologies that view multilingualism as an asset and an integral part of students' identities, intentional design of lessons and asses

ecture held in the 13th European Researchers' Night by Frascati Scienza (September 28, 2018).

ntific content, although more in the act of playing. The results revealed that: (1) the three games mobilized 21 categories of ana

ractice and ways in which teachers make use of their agency within the current accountability climate. [The dissertation citatio

bstacles they face.

oviding professional development to improve instructional strategies for reading. Parents may benefit by learning of the use of
elayed response group, a high-risk, strongly responsive group; and a lower-risk, non-responsive group. Membership in each resp
roach to grading that considers both mastery and effort, encouraging students to embrace challenges and strive for personal g

questions were designed to explore how teachers managed both dimensions in responding to the needs of the families and pu

Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page:]

antly higher score among the three. Participants' attitudes were extremely positive toward the MM intervention, and demograp

[The dissertation citations contained here are published with the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further reproduction is prohibit

gained agricultural skills but also interpersonal and practical skills. Interns developed confidence and self-efficacy, increased se

practice and suggestions for further study and next steps are discussed. [The dissertation citations contained here are publishe
study serves as a pilot project for further research. [The dissertation citations contained here are published with the permission

e tools, methods and teaching approaches in classroom education as well as in extracurricular activities; (4) availability of high-

unity was well-positioned to provide, inspired the impact group funders to launch a pooled fund to support the field. This repo
to illustrate how they were adapted in different schools through a process of continuous improvement. "Steps to Schoolwide S

e anti-hierarchical actions of democratic education and diverse historical social activism ("Escuela Moderna," Illichian "Convivia

erpretive narratives for the VCE plan. Collaborative OBL and VCE activities constituted paradoxical events. Students acknowledg
may encourage the development of curricular resources which combat the adverse effects of events that devastate established
In addition, participation was a challenge. Both D2L and control sites offered fewer hours of afterschool activities than expecte

nts developed emotional intelligence. Illustrative quotes from participants will highlight the relevance of the data collected and

g local and global concerns. All of the collaborations underscore the value of virtual exchange activities, transcontinental partn

students' outcomes. This report concludes with a discussion of the lessons academic staff have learned from the curricula rollo
rch is time-consuming because the program requirements do not sufficiently differentiate based on participant needs. Ultimate

rse of their intervention. The researcher compared pre and post i-Ready scores to measure growth in reading comprehension.

rent state of well-being around the globe, the IPCC Assessment Report provides us with current and future scenarios for human

rch on technology integration within K-12 schools (Peterson & Scharber, 2017). This dissertation was designed to fill this void w

gs of HL based on the quality of patients' SMs. A Suite of Automatic Linguistic Analysis Tools (SALAT) was used to extract linguis

. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page:

ses of parent-child SBR activities at home will contribute to show how the parents in the corpus naturally and spontaneously en
or feedback about leadership, infrastructure, and large-scale assessment topics. Classroom leaders engage families between 60
ss multiple training modalities. This paper gives an overview of STEEL-R, its architecture, and the features that enabled the use
s, the majority of these types were asked at a low level of cognitive demand. The study found that teachers' MKT and their ma

nality of a traditionally defined teacher educator, I hope to build upon collaborative research scholarship which expands who is
and initiatives aimed at increasing transparency, supporting mutual trust and recognition in the area of education and training.

gs from the survey is outlined in this publication called "The Sourcebook". This Sourcebook provides some practical, research-b

act on graduation outcomes through each of the five pathways are not yet available, existing data on Keystone proficiency can p

ended to support this updated pedagogy of teaching. That implies, they require their cell phone to study English and actually th
n was for women who took 5 or more courses. One recommendation from this study was that vocational skills should design in
the lack of recent increases to it) on provision; (6) An outline assessment of the overall state of the sector; and (7) Some sugge
heir child; and (5) 91% of practitioners encourage their parents to listen to their child following the programme (32% before).

community through forging personal connections with staff and fellow makers. Students suggested boosting makerspaces' acc
orkshops, participants reflected on their understandings and use of the skills as they engaged in nine weeks of reflective journa

nce and link points principals to research and tools that can be used in school this fall. The year ahead will be rich with opportun
th expectations, and of reducing the need for remedial coursework at the post-secondary level. The successes of and challenge
, developing representative systems, and facilitating collaborative improvement projects were found to measurably improve th
ves of different user groups. As the SELFIE WBL reports show, schools have started to prepare their action plans with the involv

it affected biosecurity compliance over time. Three simulated farm entryways were constructed with a unique set of protocols

ne parents in West-Central Florida experience ethnic nullification through public school history curriculum, how they perceive i

ar. While LISTO may have yielded some benefits for students, these benefits were not well captured on the standardized tests o
Heather Cole, Lisa Conathan, Emily Cook, Danielle Miriam Cooper, Joshua Dacey, J. Gordon Daines III, Diana Dill, Carrie Donova
onal factors. In addition, I examine steps school districts can take to overcome them. Specifically, this capstone provides an ana
guage. The privileged pedagogy promoted by this unit of study was discovery-led, with achievement based on students' prior k

use of Inq-Blotter in remote contexts and students' corresponding performance on math practices (which informed the design
arning project was designed for K-12 public schools. This training addressed the discipline data that highlighted the need to mo

eges implemented at scale and how they are funding and sustaining these reforms. It is accompanied by case studies of each o
earched before, no such research focuses on the asynchronous online situation. This dissertation brings together these dispara

how students destabilize it, with an eye toward possibilities for alternate conceptions and pedagogies. In the next paper, "Engli
wer these questions, this dissertation is divided into three experiments. Experiment 1 examined the production of lexical stress.
We characterize three ways they conceptualize education research: to improve teaching, to join a new field of research or to neg

ersations among the writing team members as they designed the instructional framework across three meetings. The analysis
Q+ people). By bringing a queer lens to their overall teaching practices, participants made incremental changes--by way of disr

and (j) physical well-being or security. As Henninger and Taylor (2014) indicated, the issues related to transition planning requir
npredictability of the aspectuality of culture, I submit that it cannot be reckoned upon to be a guiding force toward enlightenm
k, which is usually provided at low or no cost, apprentices reap the employment and earnings benefits of higher education with
e; and (c) to publish open-access code as well as educator perceptions of this intersection of data use, visualization, and educati
g of 7 school administrators, 45 elementary school teachers, and 60 parents of selected public secondary schools in three (3) di
aning and stability with which interactions are imbued, and they are characterized by the existence of routines and norms with

truct identities of in ways that maintain strict boundaries between women/females and men/males, and these boundaries uph
nal design of lessons and assessments, and flexibility to meet learners' linguistic needs moment-to-moment (Garcia et al., 2017

mobilized 21 categories of analysis, made up of scientific-mathematical content; (2) the three games proved to be equivalent

imate. [The dissertation citations contained here are published with the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further reproduction is pr
enefit by learning of the use of instructional strategies for reading and how those strategies could be applied to supporting stu
roup. Membership in each response profile group was predicted by pre-intervention performance on measures of both early m
enges and strive for personal growth. This comprehensive examination contributes to the ongoing dialogue on effective gradin

he needs of the families and pupils that form part of their local community during this time. We wanted to know where they th


MM intervention, and demographic factors did not show significant effect on student gained scores in the study. [The dissertatio

urther reproduction is prohibited without permission. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0

and self-efficacy, increased sense of community, and learned to value service despite their struggle to see it. The third study a

ns contained here are published with the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission. C
published with the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission. Copies of dissertations

tivities; (4) availability of high-quality professional IC courses for teachers' continuous professional development; (5) integrated

to support the field. This report examines the experiences of the group and how, amidst the enormous stresses created by cris
vement. "Steps to Schoolwide Success" challenges conventional, fragmented, and top-down efforts at reform, and points the w

a Moderna," Illichian "Conviviality," Argentinian "Horizontalidad" social activist organizing, and the ongoing feminist anti-capita

al events. Students acknowledged the importance of collaboration for VCE planning and museums. Participant interpretive lens
ents that devastate established educational systems and processes. [The dissertation citations contained here are published wi
rschool activities than expected, and student attendance was low. Ultimately, D2L had no effect on students' interest and enga

vance of the data collected and the impact ASB has on Black women. Additionally, implications for higher education practice, po

tivities, transcontinental partnerships, and collective action. The global pandemic has fostered the opportunity to explore more

earned from the curricula rollouts, acknowledges how unforeseen challenges were handled, and makes recommendations for m
on participant needs. Ultimately, these findings offer strong support for discontinuing the current iteration of the evaluand; fil

wth in reading comprehension. At the beginning of the year, 103 students were reading below the fourth-grade level (based on

and future scenarios for human-made climate change, underlining the urgency and responsibility to take strong action to mitiga

was designed to fill this void within the literature, provide a foundational understanding of STTs within K-12 educational techn

LAT) was used to extract linguistic features from patient SMs. Using machine learning (ML) techniques, five separate LP prototy


naturally and spontaneously engaged in SBR activities with their children. Third, based on the analyses of the author, she draws
ers engage families between 60% and 85% of the time for teaching, learning, and classroom assessment topics. The top five fam
features that enabled the use of artificial data. The paper explains how xAPI statements are converted to assertions and how t
at teachers' MKT and their mathematical beliefs both appeared to be important factors influencing their questioning--an alignm

olarship which expands who is considered a teacher educator. These studies investigate teaching practices through community
area of education and training. The implementation of the ECVET Recommendation between 2009 and 2020 was supported by

ides some practical, research-based ideas to help teams develop a logic model and implement it in an activity system by introd

a on Keystone proficiency can provide insights into the Keystone proficiency and composite pathways. Thus, in this report, pre-

to study English and actually their payment to the telecom company can be resorted to the usage of study. This could sound m
ocational skills should design in a way that can encourage and empower women for the labor market for the 21st century. [For
the sector; and (7) Some suggestions for future work.
he programme (32% before).

ted boosting makerspaces' accessibility by displaying more instructional media throughout the makerspace and increasing the
nine weeks of reflective journaling based on standardized prompts. The prompts alternated among the topics of collaboration,

head will be rich with opportunities to deepen principals' repertoire for welcoming students into school. [This report was produ
The successes of and challenges facing individual institutions--from MCCS, to the state universities, to K-12 institutions--are als
ound to measurably improve the experience of students, increase equity, reinforce democratic principles, and empower school
eir action plans with the involvement of companies in order to address weaknesses in the use of educational technologies. The

with a unique set of protocols assigned (Protocol) using common industry practices. A participant learned operating procedure

urriculum, how they perceive it influences the perceptions of their children, and how they explain the overall value of learning

red on the standardized tests or survey instruments employed. LISTO had positive effects on teacher practices for a subsample
es III, Diana Dill, Carrie Donovan, Lori DuBois, Lisa Duncan, Sarah Evelyn, Mary Feeney, Patricia Figueroa, Rebecca Friedman, M
, this capstone provides an analysis of why two structures-- the Student Support Team model and District Curriculum and Acco
ment based on students' prior knowledge of language and exposure to the genres. As a result, access to the knowledge necessa

ces (which informed the design of Inq-Blotter alerts with TIPS for math practices); (2) examined if remote support elicited by ale
hat highlighted the need to move away from punitive discipline practices. The training also focused on utilizing the components

anied by case studies of each of the featured colleges, which provide more detail about their reforms, the effects of the reform
n brings together these disparate elements into a meticulously structured intellectual confluence. In brief, this dissertation exa

ogies. In the next paper, "English by the book: Linguistic (and social) normativity in adult English curriculum over time", I explor
he production of lexical stress. Spanish-English early heritage bilinguals ages 6-11 and a group of adult bilinguals completed tw
new field of research or to negotiate their position and identity in DBER vis-`a-vis their home discipline. The nuanced experien

s three meetings. The analysis involved using the constant comparative method to understand the writers' collective sensemak
mental changes--by way of disruptive tinkering--that significantly impacted their daily instruction. Over time, as participants bec

ed to transition planning requires a closer look at effective transition planning outcomes for those with ID. As members of the t
iding force toward enlightenment to address the problematics of any society. Thus, finally, I develop the metaphysics of a proc
enefits of higher education with less cost than traditional college. "Apprenticeship programs create pathways into middle-class
a use, visualization, and education data science to inform evidence-based improvement cycles for instructional improvement in
econdary schools in three (3) districts of the Division of City Schools of Manila has four (4) high schools as setting of the study. It
nce of routines and norms within a context, as well as a context's overall climate, or feeling. For instance, the sense of safety an

ales, and these boundaries uphold heteronormative ideologies. This paper has implications for textbook publishers, teachers, a
to-moment (Garcia et al., 2017). Few studies have explored the practical implementation of these pedagogies with English lear

ames proved to be equivalent in strong didactic potential; (3) that the microproject provides a valuable intercultural education

LLC. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800
d be applied to supporting student reading proficiency during the school year and at home. Students may benefit with enhanc
ce on measures of both early mathematics and cognitive skills (visual-spatial, fluid reasoning, and working memory). On averag
ng dialogue on effective grading practices and mindset development in secondary education. [The dissertation citations contain

wanted to know where they thought the main priorities lay; and whether and if these unusual circumstances had led them to t

es in the study. [The dissertation citations contained here are published with the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further reproduc

y Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page:]

ggle to see it. The third study analyzed the lasting impacts of students who participated in an internship at a particular CAP by c

ohibited without permission. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page: http://w
mission. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page:

nal development; (5) integrated IC across the school curriculum; (6) the application of effective teaching methods, based on ada

ormous stresses created by crisis, funders and grantees found opportunities to connect with each other and work toward share
rts at reform, and points the way to a new generation of efforts that emphasize continuous, systematic improvement. Readers

he ongoing feminist anti-capitalist political project of Rojava in northern Syria). Informed by this theoretical foundation, Critical

ms. Participant interpretive lenses of OBL activities with Andean textiles for collaborative VCE development contributed to embo
ontained here are published with the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission. Copie
on students' interest and engagement in science, perseverance, or critical thinking behaviors, as measured by student surveys

or higher education practice, policy and research are presented. [The dissertation citations contained here are published with th

he opportunity to explore more of these enriching exchanges. [For the complete volume, "Virtual Exchange: Towards Digital Eq

makes recommendations for moving forward with future curricula rollouts. Recommendations include allowing adequate time
nt iteration of the evaluand; fill a qualitative gap in action-oriented teacher-led projects; and offer facilitators of professional d

e fourth-grade level (based on i-Ready scores). At the end of the year, there was a significant decrease of 18.4% to 84 students

y to take strong action to mitigate the consequences of global warming. The first section of this ad hoc paper introduces the con

s within K-12 educational technology initiatives, and identify practical strategies for school educators and leaders. Using a philo

iques, five separate LP prototypes were developed. Three were baseline profiles that used increasingly sophisticated NLP indic

alyses of the author, she draws some guidelines for the professionalization of preservice teachers who are trained in universitie
ssment topics. The top five family engagement communication methods preferred by families and used by education leaders w
verted to assertions and how these are used to estimate trainee competency. This is followed by a section on xAPI Profiles and
ing their questioning--an alignment of both MKT and productive beliefs was associated with greater use of question types mor

g practices through community "and" preservice teacher narratives, which critically explore places as a means of overcoming c
09 and 2020 was supported by a number of mechanisms and activities at European and national levels, to ensure quality and o

in an activity system by introducing the perspective of Cultural-Historical Activity Theory. We hope this Sourcebook supports s

hways. Thus, in this report, pre-pandemic administrative data for students in the classes of 2018 and 2019 who took Keystone e

e of study. This could sound more suitable and appropriate. This study applied students' cell phone to a purpose of study inste
arket for the 21st century. [For the full proceedings, see ED613257.]

makerspace and increasing the degree and types of staff support. Students also proposed that makerspace staff collaborate with
ong the topics of collaboration, resilience, and leadership. I used a concurrent mixed-method action research approach for this

o school. [This report was produced in collaboration with Cleveland Metropolitan School District, Tulsa Public Schools, Turnarou
es, to K-12 institutions--are also reviewed. Other challenges, including mitigating issues with tracking and ownership of the ref
rinciples, and empower school stakeholders, especially those whose voices have historically been ignored, to create meaningfu
educational technologies. The qualitative findings also show that in-company trainers highlight the potential of SELFIE WBL fo

nt learned operating procedures in one of three educational modalities (Method): listen, read, or watch. When half of the parti

n the overall value of learning Latine or Latin American history in schools. Following a narrative inquiry methodology guided by

cher practices for a subsample of teachers, specifically on increased delivery of research-based instruction to teach science con
igueroa, Rebecca Friedman, Myranda Fuentes, Danielle Gabbard, Eleonora Gandolfi, Chloe Gerson, Kelly Godfrey, Melissa Graf
d District Curriculum and Accommodation Plan-- which were intended to deliver necessary support to students in the Revere P
cess to the knowledge necessary for achievement was not equally distributed. In this way, we found the "Bringing History to Lif

f remote support elicited by alerts with TIPS was associated with student improvement on mathematical practices; and (3) com
ed on utilizing the components of restorative justice practices as an alternative, and finished with key tools to implement resto

orms, the effects of the reforms on student performance, and the strategies they used to fund their efforts: (1) North Central S
e. In brief, this dissertation examines the following questions through the case studies of two instructors teaching the asynchro

curriculum over time", I explore how the ideologies I observed in contemporary classrooms developed over time by looking at
f adult bilinguals completed two production tasks: a Delayed-Repetition task and an Elicited Production task. Data showed that
scipline. The nuanced experiences of these emerging STEM education researchers bring to the surface the challenges and oppo

he writers' collective sensemaking during conversations and then the use of frequencies to detect overall patterns and patterns
. Over time, as participants became more comfortable with queering instruction and deepened their consciousness around this

e with ID. As members of the transition team, parents have a voice in their child's specific learning needs, future planning, and
elop the metaphysics of a process I term cultural anamnesis--a dutiful remembering by a systematically oppressed demographi
ate pathways into middle-class careers for young adults who are unable or unwilling to go to college," wrote ILEPI's researchers
or instructional improvement in schools. This book contains three sections: Section 1, Education Data Analytics Collaborative W
chools as setting of the study. It is both descriptive and qualitative because it describes the current situations, issues and conce
nstance, the sense of safety and belonging a child feels as well as the qualities and actions that are celebrated and prioritized i

extbook publishers, teachers, and researchers and has been published in a special issue on Gender in Mathematics in "Mathem
se pedagogies with English learners in early grades, particularly with learners from less common language (such as Somali) and

aluable intercultural educational approach. The contents evidenced constitute a fundamental part of the Primary Education cu

ined by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page:

dents may benefit with enhanced overall student achievement. [The dissertation citations contained here are published with th
d working memory). On average, students with lower initial math skill and cognitive performance demonstrated stronger interv
e dissertation citations contained here are published with the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further reproduction is prohibited w

ircumstances had led them to think more broadly about the role schools play in their local communities and how this can be m

ProQuest LLC. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (80


ernship at a particular CAP by conducting a survey of former interns, followed by interviewing a subsample of former interns. D

-521-0600. Web page:]


eaching methods, based on adapted pedagogical approaches such as: Peer-learning, IC networks, IC working groups in school, I

h other and work toward shared goals. Their experience offers important insights for education grantmakers on advancing equ
ematic improvement. Readers will learn how high schools can be made stronger and more responsive places when educators e

theoretical foundation, Critical Podcasting Methodology culminates as a qualitative arts-inquiry bricolage which is also informe

elopment contributed to embodied stories of experiential museum training as aesthetic life-story narratives for future experie
ited without permission. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page: http://www
s measured by student surveys. It also had no effect on students' science grades or school attendance. Together, these findings

ined here are published with the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission. Copies of

al Exchange: Towards Digital Equity in Internationalisation," see ED614868.]

include allowing adequate time for the rollout, involving all stakeholders, providing adequate time for students and staff to ma
er facilitators of professional development insight into how these teachers understand and practice action research as professi

crease of 18.4% to 84 students. Surveys and reflections revealed that the project had a positive impact on relationships betwee

d hoc paper introduces the conceptualisation and agendas for well-being and LfS in order to provide the essentials of their the

tors and leaders. Using a philosophically pragmatic lens and an ecological framework (Zhao & Frank, 2003), this explanatory se

asingly sophisticated NLP indices, one selected 185 linguistic features to best predict self-reported HL, and one used 8 linguistic

s who are trained in universities, keeping in mind that the ecology of reading books at home significantly differs from that of re
nd used by education leaders were: email, virtual meeting or conference, face-to-face meeting or conference, online survey, an
y a section on xAPI Profiles and on the xAPI Profile used in STEEL-R. The paper then discusses how artificial data were generated
ater use of question types more focused on student thinking and with higher levels of cognitive demand--whereas the influence

es as a means of overcoming curricular misconceptions. Findings describe curricular possibilities and limitations, and the implic
levels, to ensure quality and overall coherence in this process. In addition to the ECVET support structure set up at European le

pe this Sourcebook supports schools and districts that seek guidance about broadening participation through the shared vision

and 2019 who took Keystone exams while enrolled in District middle or high schools was used to see how many and which stud

one to a purpose of study instead of playing games or social interaction, it suggests using YouTube to study English as a second
akerspace staff collaborate with individuals with disabilities to improve the general accessibility and design of makerspaces. Stu
tion research approach for this study, where I gathered quantitative and qualitative data over the course of the intervention an

Tulsa Public Schools, Turnaround For Children, EduDream, and National Equity Project.]
cking and ownership of the reforms, are discussed. The report concludes with recommendations for policymakers.
n ignored, to create meaningful system-wide school improvement. Finally, the material in the book provides concrete example
the potential of SELFIE WBL for self-reflection. [This report was written with Alessandro Brolpito and Ralph Hippe. For the main

r watch. When half of the participants returned after a lapse of time (> 1 month), they had to rely on their recall of the procedu

nquiry methodology guided by an ethnic nullification conceptual framework, I interviewed seventeen first-generation Latine p

nstruction to teach science content as rated on a rubric by external reviewers. There were no differences in two other teacher
on, Kelly Godfrey, Melissa Grafe, Brenda Gunn, Jeanann Haas, Terese Heidenwolf, Heidi Herr, Laura Hibbler, Matthew J. K. Hill,
port to students in the Revere Public Schools, were not working as intended. This is particularly troublesome because these syst
und the "Bringing History to Life" script to be potentially complicit in both creating and maintaining opportunity gaps in writing

ematical practices; and (3) compared the remote teacher discourse elicited by alerts with TIPS relative to the teacher discourse
h key tools to implement restorative justice practices in the classroom and school setting. The objective of this training is to giv

heir efforts: (1) North Central State College: Stabilizing Enrollment Through Strategic Realignment of Resources Struggling with
tructors teaching the asynchronous online iteration of a sophomore-level college composition course, mandatory to all underg

eloped over time by looking at 12 adult English textbooks from the 20th and early 21st centuries. Drawing on raciolinguistic ge
duction task. Data showed that duration is the primary cue that both children and adults use to denote lexical stress in English a
urface the challenges and opportunities of emerging STEM education researchers. Their experiences illustrate the need for a va

ct overall patterns and patterns by stakeholder groups. I identified three categories of debatable topics that emerged during th
their consciousness around this practice, they allowed for more student agency in the classroom, and ultimately, provided spac

ng needs, future planning, and specific intervention strategies. Students with ID may lack in forming positive relationships outsi
atically oppressed demographic of the people, the principles, and the power of their own cultural context. The methodology of
ege," wrote ILEPI's researchers in the 2020 report. Many successful apprentices, indeed, will enjoy higher lifetime returns from
Data Analytics Collaborative Workshop Organization and Studying the Event Itself, contains: (1) Introduction: Dashboards, Data
nt situations, issues and concerns as well as choices that affect the delivery of the basic education programs of the high schools
are celebrated and prioritized in an environment are examples of symbolic resources. In order to test this proposed framework

er in Mathematics in "Mathematics Education Research Journal" (Parise, 2021). Based on the findings from this paper, I wanted
language (such as Somali) and refugee backgrounds. Drawing on translanguaging pedagogies research (e.g., Garcia et al., 2017

rt of the Primary Education curriculum: classify, organize, measure, and quantify items, as well as formulate hypotheses, draw

ned here are published with the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission. Copies of
e demonstrated stronger intervention response. Implications for future research and practice are discussed. [The dissertation c
her reproduction is prohibited without permission. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600

munities and how this can be more fully recognised going forward.[This report stems from the research project, "A duty of care

y be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page:

subsample of former interns. Drawing on thematic analysis, results indicated their continued engagement with the food system

, IC working groups in school, IC connections within and beyond teacher training, Experiential Learning Collaboration, Challeng

grantmakers on advancing equity and building trust, insights that apply not only in crisis but also beyond. The fund's experienc
onsive places when educators employ strategies that bridge academic and social emotional systems.

bricolage which is also informed by, and drawing direct inspiration from, Critical Race Theory and Decolonizing Indigenous Met

y narratives for future experiences. [The dissertation citations contained here are published with the permission of ProQuest L
-0600. Web page:]
ance. Together, these findings suggest that there may not have been a substantial difference between the D2L and control exp

without permission. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page:

me for students and staff to make adjustments, developing mindset shifts, providing ample supplementary resources to teacher
tice action research as professional development. [The dissertation citations contained here are published with the permission

mpact on relationships between teachers and students as students reported feeling supported and cared for by their teachers.

vide the essentials of their theoretical (and political) contexts. The second section maps out four synergies between the two co

ank, 2003), this explanatory sequential mixed-methods study (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2011) explored the following research qu

ed HL, and one used 8 linguistic features to predict expert human ratings of HL. The authors explored associations between eac

nificantly differs from that of reading books in class. In this chapter the author aims to theorize parents' spontaneous behavior
r conference, online survey, and phone call. The top five family engagement communication methods preferred by families and
w artificial data were generated and the challenges of modeling longitudinal development and team in these data. The paper e
demand--whereas the influence of years of teaching experience was more indirect. This has implications for teacher training pr

and limitations, and the implications when these two phenomena clash, what I am conceptualizing as "curricular dissonance."
structure set up at European level, this was accompanied by funding provided to implement centralised and decentralised ECV

ation through the shared vision of diversifying the K-12 STEM teaching workforce by moving forward systems change in their ow

o see how many and which students would have met or almost met Keystone-associated requirements for graduation as define

e to study English as a second or a foreign language is a good excuse to hold a cell phone for a longer time. Also, USA Today (20
and design of makerspaces. Student participants recommended that makerspaces communicate with a wider range of academi
e course of the intervention and at its conclusion. Results centered around the themes of collaboration, resilience, leadership, a

for policymakers.
ook provides concrete examples of improvement science as it applies in real-setting to address high school advisories, graduatio
and Ralph Hippe. For the main report, "SELFIE for Work-Based Learning Pilots in Georgia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey," see

y on their recall of the procedures. Education method had no effect on errors or time to complete biosecure procedures. Howe

nteen first-generation Latine parents in Spanish from twelve different Latin American countries living in an idyllic area of West-

fferences in two other teacher outcomes, however, focused on the share of instructional time spent teaching new science cont
ura Hibbler, Matthew J. K. Hill, David Hirsch, Stefanie Hunker, Jamie Johnson, Emily Kader, Jessica Keyes, Paula Kiser, Joel D. Kit
roublesome because these systems are important to supporting many students including students with disabilities. Ultimately,
ing opportunity gaps in writing development, as the students who made progress did so because they did not need help from t

elative to the teacher discourse with basic alerts using Epistemic Network Analyses (Shaffer et al., 2016). These studies provide
bjective of this training is to give educators an alternative discipline tool that will keep students in the classroom and ultimately

t of Resources Struggling with declining enrollments after the Great Recession, North Central State implemented a series of ma
ourse, mandatory to all undergraduate students at Florida State University, namely, ENC 2135 (Research, Genre, and Context).

s. Drawing on raciolinguistic genealogy (Anais, 2013; Flores, 2021), metapragmatics (Cutler, 2020; Urban, 2006), and the discou
enote lexical stress in English and Spanish. As a secondary cue, intensity has language- and stress-specific differences for adults
nces illustrate the need for a variety of professional development support including but not limited to nuanced and explicit disc

topics that emerged during the conversations: topics that focused on the whole framework, a single cluster, and multiple clust
, and ultimately, provided space for students to critique systems and structures that keep queer people marginalized. Participa

ing positive relationships outside of the school setting and face a lack of community resources available to their needs. Studen
al context. The methodology of cultural anamnesis transposes David Hume's concepts of demonstrative and probable (moral) r
oy higher lifetime returns from their educational programs than will associate degree and even some bachelor's degree gradua
ntroduction: Dashboards, Data Use, and Decision-making: A Data Collaborative Workshop Bringing Together Educators and Dat
n programs of the high schools of the DCS, Manila. With the use of validated sets of survey questionnaire, the researcher toget
test this proposed framework for context, a proof-of-concept analysis was conducted using publicly available data from the US

dings from this paper, I wanted to explore how statistics students and teachers interacted with these identity constructions. Th
search (e.g., Garcia et al., 2017) and sociocultural, critical, and multilingual approaches to literacy instruction (e.g., Aukerman, 2

as formulate hypotheses, draw conclusions, place oneself in space, and design strategies, among others. It is concluded that the
without permission. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page: http://www.proq
e discussed. [The dissertation citations contained here are published with the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further reproductio
elephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page:]

search project, "A duty of care and a duty to teach: educational priorities in response to the COVID-19 crisis," funded by the the


gagement with the food system, use of professional and personal skills, and continued participation in community and service -

arning Collaboration, Challenging assumptions, and Communities of Practice; (7) the availability of supporting tools; and (8) a w

beyond. The fund's experience also raises important questions for education grantmakers around what it takes to build sustai

d Decolonizing Indigenous Methods. Thus, Critical Podcasting Methodology emerges in the form of several components: Critica

h the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission. Copies of dissertations may be obtain
tween the D2L and control experiences, and students may not have received adequate exposure to the intervention, to influen

00. Web page:]

ementary resources to teachers, and developing a comprehensive strategy to rebuild and sustain the professional developmen
published with the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission. Copies of dissertations

nd cared for by their teachers. There was an increase in the students' positive literacy practices and their confidence as reader

r synergies between the two concepts, beginning by explaining how these synergies were identified and going on to elaborate e

lored the following research questions: (1) How are student technology teams structured within K-12 school ecosystems? and

ored associations between each LP's classification of HL and patients' sociodemographic features, reported provider communic

arents' spontaneous behavior in order to provide professional guidelines for teachers in the context of story-reading activities
thods preferred by families and used by classroom educators were: face-to-face meeting or conference, virtual meeting or con
eam in these data. The paper ends with a section on future research. [For the full proceedings, see ED623995.]
ications for teacher training programs, as both MKT and beliefs can be directly acted upon by training programs in a way that y

ing as "curricular dissonance." I provide evidence of this phenomena in the first two empirical chapters. In my third chapter, I c
ntralised and decentralised ECVET projects, as well as funding provided to set up National teams of ECVET experts. In its eleven

ward systems change in their own regions. [This document was written with Marilyn Irving, Helen Bond, Patsy Boehler, Reginald

ments for graduation as defined by Act 158, had the policy been in effect at that time. [For the related brief, "Changing Require

onger time. Also, USA Today (2006-present), the newspaper ever reported the YouTube serves up 100 million videos a day onlin
with a wider range of academic departments to encourage more diverse students to enter makerspaces. Students' viewpoints
oration, resilience, leadership, and meta-topics, which included theme-related components such as asking for help, having a sha

igh school advisories, graduation rates, services for multi-lingual learners, students with disabilities, and reading clubs. Each ch
enegro, Serbia and Turkey," see ED617575.]

e biosecure procedures. However, the number of steps required and time between visits were found to be predictors of errors

iving in an idyllic area of West-Central Florida. Findings demonstrate that although the Latine student population is growing sub

pent teaching new science content while performing various activities. The LISTO teachers who participated in the program rep
a Keyes, Paula Kiser, Joel D. Kitchens, Maggie Kopp, Andrew Laas, Bill Landis, Christina Larson, David Lewis, Sara Logue, Mauree
ts with disabilities. Ultimately, I find that successful policy implementation requires specific actions by an organization. Those a
e they did not need help from the teacher, and those who needed explicit language teaching to make progress, did not get eno

, 2016). These studies provide valuable data on how technologies can help realize the vison of the NGSS in remote settings by s
n the classroom and ultimately improve student achievement outcomes. [The dissertation citations contained here are publish

ate implemented a series of major reforms with the aim of improving retention and completion on a substantial scale. These in
esearch, Genre, and Context). The research questions the dissertation answers are: 1) How do teachers of online writing instru

; Urban, 2006), and the discourse analysis of textbooks, I argue that while normativity remains a core focus of mainstream adu
s-specific differences for adults and children. F0 was also revealed to be a secondary cue, but only for the adults. There were n
ed to nuanced and explicit discussions of the norms and culture of DBER within disciplinary science departments and discussion

ngle cluster, and multiple clusters. I also identified five categories of discussion points introduced to resolve the topics or move
people marginalized. Participants linked their queering efforts to their students' future citizenship, emphasizing how starting t

vailable to their needs. Students with ID will need the skills necessary for beginning a working life, social and community partic
strative and probable (moral) reasoning, and belief as a mediating factor between these two epistemic poles. However, inevita
ome bachelor's degree graduates. To depict apprenticeship merely as an "alternative" to college, however, is an incomplete re
ng Together Educators and Data Scientists (Alex J. Bowers); (2) Planning, Organizing, and Orchestrating the Education Data Coll
tionnaire, the researcher together with the school administrators, teachers, and parents were able to generate the data neede
blicly available data from the US Census Bureau to capture the neighborhood environment and state-specific department of edu

these identity constructions. Therefore, in the second paper, I examine how statistics students are implicated in telling a hetero
y instruction (e.g., Aukerman, 2013; Garcia & Kleifgen, 2020; Hornberger, 2003; Street, 1993), this longitudinal participatory de

others. It is concluded that these games can promote scientific-mathematical enculturation in a contextualized way.
0. Web page:]
Quest LLC. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800)

ID-19 crisis," funded by the the Economic and Social Research Council.]

on in community and service -- all as a result of their internship experience. Resultingly, this dissertation demonstrates the pot

of supporting tools; and (8) a whole school approach to intercultural learning, framing, accompanying and supporting teachers

nd what it takes to build sustainable collaboration and aligned action for systemic change.

of several components: Critical Reflexivity, Voice(s) (i.e., Polyvocality and Conflict Consensus), Counter Narratives, The Dialogic

s of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page:

e to the intervention, to influence student outcomes. The findings raise important questions about afterschool interventions de

n the professional development infrastructure.

mission. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page:

and their confidence as readers. The effort had an effect on the wider school culture as other grade-level teams agreed to adop

fied and going on to elaborate each of them, namely: (i) Synergy I -- Becoming aware of the mind-body connection. (ii) Synergy

K-12 school ecosystems? and (2) What is the role of student technology teams within K-12 technology integration initiatives? R

s, reported provider communications, diabetes-related outcomes, and healthcare utilization. The final ECLIPPSE dataset for the

text of story-reading activities in a second language in class with children who cannot read yet. The analyses focus on how mea
ference, virtual meeting or conference, email, phone call, and direct text message. Two researchers thematically coded focus g
ee ED623995.]
aining programs in a way that years of experience cannot. [The dissertation citations contained here are published with the per

hapters. In my third chapter, I conceptualize this phenomenon as a site for learning through field experiences which confront th
of ECVET experts. In its eleven years of implementation between 2009 and 2020, the ECVET principles were used to support qu

n Bond, Patsy Boehler, Reginald L. Todd, Thomas T. Peters, Emily A. Jackson-Osagie, Peter Sheppard, Gina Patricia Saenz, and Su

elated brief, "Changing Requirements in Pennsylvania for High School Graduation. A Policy Brief on Pennsylvania Act 158," see

p 100 million videos a day online. Internet World Stats (2007-present) also agree the above point. Based on students' narrative
erspaces. Students' viewpoints reveal that makers value both intellectual and physical accessibility in makerspaces. Specifically,
as asking for help, having a shared goal, locus of control, resilience in the workplace, leadership styles, leadership qualities, com

ties, and reading clubs. Each chapter has an equity focus. The editors and contributors provide examples of how to use the proc

ound to be predictors of errors and time. Finally, three biosecurity games were developed to explore disease spread risk and to

udent population is growing substantially and Latine parents believe that an ethno-diverse history education is an invaluable su

articipated in the program reported that the Virtual Professional Development (VPD) and Virtual Mentoring and Coaching (VM
avid Lewis, Sara Logue, Maureen Maryanski, Jennifer Meehan, Ruthann Miller, Rebecca Miller Waltz, Meg Miner, Sarah Morris,
ons by an organization. Those actions include clear communication of expectations, stakeholder supports to meet those expect
make progress, did not get enough support. We conclude with recommendations for teaching writing with a more visible pedag

he NGSS in remote settings by supporting teachers' pedagogical practices for inquiry to promote students' learning of complex p
ons contained here are published with the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission.

on a substantial scale. These included embedding certificates in degree programs, redesigning advisor positions as success coac
eachers of online writing instruction describe their response protocols and goals? How, if at all, does "care-fullness" emerge wi

core focus of mainstream adult immigrant education from its early institutions into the contemporary moment, linguistic norm
ly for the adults. There were no major changes in production strategies based on age or proficiency, indicating that these two f
nce departments and discussions about DBER across STEM disciplines.Third, we use personas methodology and Ryan and Deci's

d to resolve the topics or move the conversations forward. The discussion-point categories included consideration of mathema
ip, emphasizing how starting this work in the elementary grades will not only build empathy but will provide the foundation fo

e, social and community participation, establishing relationships with others, and learn how to live on their own. ID individuals
stemic poles. However, inevitably, I reject Hume's subject-oriented, insular ethical framework for a revolutionary intercommun
e, however, is an incomplete rendering. Apprenticeship works as an end in itself--especially in traditional apprenticeship occupa
trating the Education Data Collaborative Workshop (Alex J. Bowers); (3) NSF Education Data Analytics Collaborative Workshop:
ble to generate the data needed to answer the specific questions raised during the conduct of the surveys using online, ZOOM,
tate-specific department of education websites, as well as the NCES and CRDC websites to capture the school environment. The

re implicated in telling a heteronormative narrative through statistics textbook word problems that use gender, sex, and sexual
is longitudinal participatory design research study (Bang & Vossoughi, 2016; PDR) addresses this gap in research by examining t

contextualized way.
e obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page:

sertation demonstrates the potential for campus and community impacts through the missions of CAPs and that service/experi

nying and supporting teachers IC learning and teaching activities, which needs to be promoted by policy makers and has to be

ounter Narratives, The Dialogic Spiral, and Public Pedagogy-Journalism. Accompanying an introduction to Critical Podcasting M]
ut afterschool interventions designed to increase middle school student interest and achievement in science. The difficulty getti]

ade-level teams agreed to adopt some of the practices of the sixth-grade team. [The dissertation citations contained here are p

-body connection. (ii) Synergy II -- Strengthening nature-connectedness. (iii) Synergy III -- Facing and dealing with (difficult) em

nology integration initiatives? Results from the study indicated that STTs are structured as work- and project-based courses, as

e final ECLIPPSE dataset for the CP measure contained 724 unique SMs written by 592 primary care providers to 486 patients. R

The analyses focus on how meaning is co-constructed by the adult, the child, the story in the book, and the surrounding environ
ers thematically coded focus group transcripts. First, researchers assigned focus group statements one of eight themes: Leader

ere are published with the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission. Copies of disser

experiences which confront the tensions inherent in teacher education and curriculum studies, to engage scholars across both
ciples were used to support quality assurance in VET qualifications design as well as in the development and delivery of mobili

ard, Gina Patricia Saenz, and Susanne Teague.]

on Pennsylvania Act 158," see ED626029.]

t. Based on students' narrative statements and the transcribed and coded texts in to several themes. The processes of the stud
ty in makerspaces. Specifically, students desire having access to ample technical information and employee expertise. Addition
styles, leadership qualities, comfort zone, learning and growing, relationships, and so on. In the discussion, I explained the out

xamples of how to use the processes and tools of improvement science to increase equity system-wide. How to use improveme

plore disease spread risk and to engage group-based discussion to devise strategies to mitigate the associated risks. In the gam

y education is an invaluable subject to learn in schools, none of the public high schools in the area offered any sort of class focu

l Mentoring and Coaching (VMC) were well-received by teachers. In sum, LISTO appeared to improve instructional practices for
altz, Meg Miner, Sarah Morris, Kevin M. O'Sullivan, Catherine Oliver, Barbara Olson, Anne Peale, Matt Phillips, Roxane Pickens,
supports to meet those expectations, ongoing assessment and data response efforts and an understanding of change and broa
riting with a more visible pedagogy that makes the rules for being a successful writer explicit, visible, and accessible to all.

students' learning of complex practices such as Using Mathematics in science inquiry. [The dissertation citations contained her
prohibited without permission. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page: http://

dvisor positions as success coaches who help entering students choose a program of study, creating new division liaison positio
does "care-fullness" emerge within those descriptions? 2) How do teachers of online writing instruction respond to student pap

porary moment, linguistic normativity has become increasingly more central to mainstream conceptions of adult English learnin
ncy, indicating that these two factors do not modulate the production of lexical stress in the ages tested. Experiment 2 explore
thodology and Ryan and Deci's self-determination theory to articula te the motivation, challenges, and needs in public engagem

ded consideration of mathematical content--a typical consideration for traditional pacing guides--as well as four additional con
will provide the foundation for justice-oriented citizenship (Westheimer and Kahne, 2004).In addition, this research suggests t

ve on their own. ID individuals need support and training to learn different types of employment that they may have an interes
r a revolutionary intercommunalist methodology informed by Huey P. Newton and the Black Panther Party, as a philosophical m
aditional apprenticeship occupations in the building trades, as ILEPI's authors describe--but can also serve as a bridge to further
ytics Collaborative Workshop: How Educators and Data Scientists Meet and Create Data Visualizations (Seulgi Kang and Alex J.
he surveys using online, ZOOM, and interactive approach that took him almost two (2) months. The following are the findings o
re the school environment. The study sample comprised 163 students (93 first graders and 70 second graders, Mage = 11.99 ye

hat use gender, sex, and sexuality as context. I draw from Gerofsky's (1996) research which establishes mathematics word prob
gap in research by examining the collaborative (teacher-researcher) development and implementation of translanguaging ped

of CAPs and that service/experiential learning internships at CAPs not only teach students to grow food but to grow themselves

by policy makers and has to be put into practice by the respective educators and school administrators. In addition, the review

uction to Critical Podcasting Methodology as part of a Radical Praxis Pedagogy in the dissertation CPM is put to use in the cont
nt in science. The difficulty getting middle school students to participate in afterschool programming, at both the D2L and contr

citations contained here are published with the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further reproduction is prohibited without permi

and dealing with (difficult) emotions. (iv) Synergy IV -- Fostering happiness and resilience. The third section of the paper provid

and project-based courses, assistantships, and extracurriculars that can support the technical and instructional needs of staff a

are providers to 486 patients. Readability of physicians' SMs were rated by two experts and categorized into CPs of "low" or "hi

k, and the surrounding environment by taking into consideration all the semiotic resources that the speakers have at their disp
nts one of eight themes: Leadership, Infrastructure, Large-Scale Assessment Accessibility, Large-Scale Assessment Data Use, Tea

out permission. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page: http://www.proquest.

to engage scholars across both fields of research. [The dissertation citations contained here are published with the permission
opment and delivery of mobility schemes in many countries. However, while the implementation of ECVET can be considered a

mes. The processes of the study, including interviews and online study class time, were all recorded and collected. By the teach
d employee expertise. Additionally, students described the importance of staff members who readily offer assistance and demo
discussion, I explained the outcomes relative to theoretical perspectives and previous research that guided the study, presente

m-wide. How to use improvement science to address educational disparities system-wide with urgency, commitment, and a bel

he associated risks. In the games, simulated people and places each have a stock of particles, and a daily routine of interactions

ea offered any sort of class focused on Latine or Latin American history. Further, parents indicated appreciation toward Latine a

rove instructional practices for a sample of teachers who implemented the program for two years with complete data. Encoura
Matt Phillips, Roxane Pickens, Julie Porterfield, Sara Powell, Marcus Robyns, Dylan Ruediger, Deirdre Scaggs, Carrie Schwier, M
erstanding of change and broader organizational conditions. I found that these factors led to successful policy implementation
ible, and accessible to all.

rtation citations contained here are published with the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further reproduction is prohibited without
0-521-0600. Web page:]

ting new division liaison positions tasked with advising students in each of the college's three main academic areas, and recastin
ruction respond to student papers? How, where, and when, if at all, does "care-fullness" emerge within those response behavio

ceptions of adult English learning (and, therefore, immigrant socialization) than broader social normativity. I end with a discussi
s tested. Experiment 2 explored the perception of lexical stress of English- and Spanish-like pseudowords via an AX discriminati
es, and needs in public engagement of physicists with a range of different experiences. We discuss our personas refinement pro

--as well as four additional considerations: students' understandings, pedagogical connections, institutional obligations, and fra
dition, this research suggests that elementary teachers must continuously and simultaneously move through fear as they quee

t that they may have an interest in. The active involvement of ID individuals can promote a positive outcome of the transition p
nther Party, as a philosophical method to assert the ways in which a marginalized group's remembrance of their cultural heritag
lso serve as a bridge to further education, in some cases integrating completely with college degree programs. These nontraditi
w food but to grow themselves -- a growth that continues beyond the internship. [The dissertation citations contained here are

rators. In addition, the review detected a new essential KEC: Teacher educators with experiential knowledge about intercultura

n CPM is put to use in the context of teacher education, specifically in a preservice teacher education Social Studies Methods co
ming, at both the D2L and control sites, echoes findings from past research. Technical appendices provide additional informatio

on is prohibited without permission. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page: h

hird section of the paper provides selected inspiring examples of schools, projects and learning environments in which (some of

nd instructional needs of staff and students within a school or district environment. STTs also provide opportunities for student

gorized into CPs of "low" or "high". The Model of Text Readability in Physicians (MoTeR-P) used 24 linguistic features to predict

the speakers have at their disposal (vocal productions, words, actions, gestures, and facial expressions). To analyze how meani
cale Assessment Data Use, Teaching, Learning, Classroom Assessment Accessibility, or Classroom Assessment Data Use. Next, r

eb page:]

published with the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission. Copies of dissertations
n of ECVET can be considered a success in several respects, these eleven years have not been a journey without its challenges.

ded and collected. By the teacher's video camera in the interview, and the camera set up in the classroom by the principles of t
adily offer assistance and demonstrate mindfulness toward students' needs. Makers view makerspaces positively that embody
hat guided the study, presented limitations, proposed implications for practice and for future research, and reviewed personal

gency, commitment, and a belief in the success of every child, of every race, every ethnicity, gender, ability, and cultural identi

d a daily routine of interactions promotes the transfer of particles back and forth. The combinations of the pathogen source, its

d appreciation toward Latine and Latin American history in schools was apathetic or non-existent. Participants also explained t

rs with complete data. Encouragingly, treatment teachers' overall positive reactions to the program suggest its potential to imp
eirdre Scaggs, Carrie Schwier, Matthew Sheehy, Nicole Shibata, Dainan M. Skeem, Holly Snyder, Linda Stepp, Matthew Strandm
cessful policy implementation in the form of consistent use of the district's student support model and strengthened Tier 1 ins

roduction is prohibited without permission. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web

in academic areas, and recasting existing instructional design staff positions to focus on helping faculty teach online and evenin
within those response behaviors? 3) What role, if any, does the medium of response play in teacher of online writing instructi

ormativity. I end with a discussion of the potential reasons for this shift, and the ways it perpetuates the marginalization of adu
dowords via an AX discrimination task. The participants were identical to study 1. No effect of language was found, which indic
ss our personas refinement process, our set of personas and implications for the development of user-centered resources for t

nstitutional obligations, and framework organization. Also of interest were the differential priorities for each stakeholder group
move through fear as they queer their instruction: the fear of stepping away from neutrality, of doing something wrong, and of

ve outcome of the transition planning process (Schalock et al., 2012, Schippers et al., 2015, Van Heumen & Schippers, 2016). T
mbrance of their cultural heritage is a foundational and efficacious approach to confronting moral apathy and actualizing a just a
ree programs. These nontraditional, college-connected apprenticeships, which use college coursework for their related technic
on citations contained here are published with the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further reproduction is prohibited without perm

l knowledge about interculturality and diversity.

ation Social Studies Methods course co-taught at a large land grant university in the Pacific Northwest. This emerges as a "Critic
s provide additional information on attrition and response rates, impact model specifications, and non-experimental subgroup

) 1-800-521-0600. Web page:]

nvironments in which (some of) these synergies have been put into place. The ad hoc paper concludes by pointing to future av

ovide opportunities for students to collaborate and create by tinkering with technologies and developing products that interest

24 linguistic features to predict expert ratings of readability, achieving an accuracy of 0.749. Several challenges were overcome

essions). To analyze how meaning is constructed in this context, particular attention is paid to the book itself, its written and vis
m Assessment Data Use. Next, researchers inductively assigned subthemes to statements within each theme. Sixteen total subt

mission. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page:
ourney without its challenges. A 2019 study on EU VET instruments ECVET and European Quality Assurance Reference Framew

lassroom by the principles of the schools, this on-line course as well as the YouTube pedagogy is useful to diverse institutes, in
spaces positively that embody physical accessibility within the space to accommodate individuals with a range of disabilities. Fi
search, and reviewed personal lessons learned. [The dissertation citations contained here are published with the permission of

nder, ability, and cultural identity, is the essence of this book.

ons of the pathogen source, its concentration, biosecurity protocols and sequence of events could be explored through game p

nt. Participants also explained their perceptions regarding the teaching of history and systemic power as reasonings for the curr

ram suggest its potential to improve student affect and learning, but more extensive implementation experience by teachers an
Linda Stepp, Matthew Strandmark, Morgan Swan, Michelle Sweetser, Gabriel Swift, Jason Tomberlin, Niamh Wallace, Berenika
del and strengthened Tier 1 instruction, which I believe will lead to greater student outcomes in RPS. To answer the above ques

ne (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page:]

faculty teach online and evening classes (ED623434); (2) Washington State Community College: Improving Student Retention a
cher of online writing instruction response? How, if at all, does medium affect care-fullness? To find answers to these question

ates the marginalization of adult immigrants. In the last paper, "Whiteness as the standard: Shifting ideologies, race, and social
nguage was found, which indicates that participants are able to perceive stress contrasts in English as well they do in Spanish. A
f user-centered resources for the informal physics community. Our personas consist of the physicist who engages in informal p

ties for each stakeholder group as captured by the variability in the frequencies of discussion-point categories each group intro
oing something wrong, and of conflict/resistance. Participants in the study recognized fear as part of the process of queering th

Heumen & Schippers, 2016). Teachers play critical roles in providing transition services for students that have disabilities such
l apathy and actualizing a just and verdant society. This article, based on chapter 3, however, focuses on how moral apathy is e
sework for their related technical instruction, provide a work-based pathway into well-paid careers in a number of professional
tion is prohibited without permission. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page

hwest. This emerges as a "Critical Social Studies Question Bridge" which, drawing from Chris Johnson's "Question Bridge: Black
d non-experimental subgroup analyses.


cludes by pointing to future avenues for research, and listing some of the shortcomings and necessary cautions to consider whe

veloping products that interest them while building their digital literacy skills. No two STTs are structured the same; however, s

eral challenges were overcome during the creation of LPs and CPs, including maintaining both patient security and data accessib

e book itself, its written and visual contents, as well as how it is manipulated by the participants. [For the complete volume, "La
each theme. Sixteen total subthemes emerged. Communication and Collaboration, the most common subtheme, was identifie]
y Assurance Reference Framework (EQAVET) found that ECVET made a significant contribution to the implementation of a learn

useful to diverse institutes, including telecom companies, and educational institutes. The themes resulted by the four classroo
s with a range of disabilities. Finally, students appreciate collaborating and sharing feedback with staff to improve makerspaces
ublished with the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission. Copies of dissertations m

ld be explored through game play. The concepts of the games were assessed to explore their impact and adaptability for use in

ower as reasonings for the current experience with ethnic nullification in Florida schools and how this negatively affected their

ation experience by teachers and multi-year exposure by students starting in earlier grades may be needed to yield measurable
erlin, Niamh Wallace, Berenika Webster, Ashley Werlinich, Clare Withers, Lijuan Xu.]
RPS. To answer the above question, I engaged in a strategic project as a doctoral resident in Revere Public Schools. Specifically,


mproving Student Retention and Success Through Organizational Efficiencies and Alignment Since 2017, a new president and l
find answers to these questions, the data corpus consisting of the instructors' response philosophies and textual comments, al

ng ideologies, race, and social context", I explore how these ideologies developed more broadly, analyzing historical language s
sh as well they do in Spanish. Adults were shown to be more accurate and more sensitive to stress contrasts than children are.
cist who engages in informal physics for self-reflection, the physicist who wants to spark interest and understanding of physics

int categories each group introduced. Findings indicated that each stakeholder group brought different priorities to the design
rt of the process of queering their instruction, and frequently reflected on how they could overcome their fears to implement q

ents that have disabilities such as: (a) informing students and families of the transition process and services, (b) coordinating tra
uses on how moral apathy is evinced in the city leadership through a culture of immorality. I outline the listless governing polic
ers in a number of professional fields that have historically required strictly academic training. The evolution of apprenticeship
00) 1-800-521-0600. Web page:]

nson's "Question Bridge: Black Males transmedia project" with ongoing applications of Question Bridges utilized in educational
essary cautions to consider when advancing policies in these fields. In this ad hoc paper, LfS is used as an umbrella term for sus

ructured the same; however, staff and students' technical and instructional needs are common programmatic focus areas acro

tient security and data accessibility, identifying messages written by patient proxies, selecting the best set of linguistic indices f

[For the complete volume, "Language Learning and Professionalization in Higher Education: Pathways to Preparing Learners an
mmon subtheme, was identified within five of the eight themes. In the final data analysis phase, researchers created an interac

o the implementation of a learning outcomes approach and to a higher level of quality of mobility experiences (better understa

es resulted by the four classrooms from the interview themes concluded were: (1) Animation images were preferred for langua
h staff to improve makerspaces. Based on this study, makerspace staff could engage in such partnership to create makerspaces
sion. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page:

pact and adaptability for use in specific farm systems, facilities, and audiences. Qualitative feedback occurred through particip

w this negatively affected their children's sense of belonging as well as generated deficit-oriented beliefs on their children's per

be needed to yield measurable benefits.

ere Public Schools. Specifically, I conducted an analysis of why the current Student Support Team model and the District Curricu

ce 2017, a new president and leadership team has engaged faculty and staff throughout Washington State in making substantia
phies and textual comments, along with transcripts of audiovisual conferences and retrospective protocols were collected, code

, analyzing historical language scholarship, again employing elements of raciolinguistic genealogy and metapragmatics. I find th
ess contrasts than children are. Additionally, age and proficiency were shown to be predictors of sensitivity to stress. Finally, Ex
t and understanding of physics and the physicist who wants to provide diverse role models to younger students and inspire the

fferent priorities to the design process based on each group's most prevalent discussion-point category, some omissions in disc
ome their fears to implement queer pedagogy in their classrooms. The findings from this research imply that a focus on metho

nd services, (b) coordinating transition services such as arranging meetings, (c) networking, (d) supporting students and their fa
line the listless governing policies of the Portsmouth City school district and those in power over it. To do this, I analyze data fr
he evolution of apprenticeship programs and the variety of their possible uses in municipal economic development strategies a
ed as an umbrella term for sustainability-related education, and is used interchangeably with Education for Sustainable Develo

programmatic focus areas across STT environments. The role of STTs within K-12 technology integration initiatives is to give stu

e best set of linguistic indices for training machine learning models, and working across multiple scientific disciplines and geogr

hways to Preparing Learners and Teachers in/for the 21st Century," see ED608931.]
researchers created an interaction matrix to determine how focus group subthemes help to explain survey findings. Within the

y experiences (better understanding of competences gained, sharing experiences about methods, management competences).

ages were preferred for language learning from students' views; and (2) Grammatical structures of the instructors' own record
nership to create makerspaces that more effectively welcome students with disabilities. [The dissertation citations contained h

back occurred through participant feedback and observations. Quantitative data was collected to validate particle transfer durin

d beliefs on their children's perspectives on the Latine ethnicity. Nevertheless, some parents explained how their children demo

m model and the District Curriculum and Accommodation Plan were not being implemented as intended leading to challenges f

gton State in making substantial changes to organizational practice and culture with the goal of improving student recruitment,
protocols were collected, coded, and interpretated through observation, transcription, color classification, and tabulation. The

y and metapragmatics. I find that while the linguistic features of 'nonstandard' English have remained remarkably consistent in
sensitivity to stress. Finally, Experiment 3 investigated the impact of a pedagogical intervention on the perception of lexical str
unger students and inspire them to pursue STEM careers. Needs covered a range of resources including science communicatio

ategory, some omissions in discussion-point categories, and their perspectives within certain discussion-point categories. This s
ch imply that a focus on method (queer pedagogy) over content (LGBTQ+ direct representation) in both university and K-12 setti

upporting students and their families in finding and applying for adult services agencies, and (e) developing the skills that stude
r it. To do this, I analyze data from the Virginia Department of Education and the Portsmouth City Police Department, giving par
omic development strategies are nowhere as evident as in Chicagoland. The governments of the City of Chicago and Cook Coun
ucation for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Education for Sustainability (EfS). The term refers to all educational levels, from

gration initiatives is to give students autonomy, unique experiences, and opportunities to learn while serving the school and/o

scientific disciplines and geographical locations. The chapter concludes that applying innovative NLP and ML approaches to ge

lain survey findings. Within the context of Bronfenbrenner's (1977) Ecological Systems Theory and Crenshaw's (1991) intersecti

s, management competences). In some countries, ECVET contributed to reforms of national VET systems. However, ECVET had

of the instructors' own recordings by the animation images were comprehended, understood and learnt in an interesting fashi
sertation citations contained here are published with the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further reproduction is prohibited witho

o validate particle transfer during the games. Players of all backgrounds learned about the variability of particle movement thro

lained how their children demonstrated a desire to learn about Latines and Latin American history in open-choice research ass

tended leading to challenges for students with disabilities. In this Capstone, I detail how I explored Revere Public School's inter

mproving student recruitment, retention, learning, and success. These changes have been implemented in three phases: first, t
ssification, and tabulation. The coding of the data happened on two levels. The descriptive coding focused on answering the qu

ained remarkably consistent in the popular imagination, they became increasingly linked with Blackness, especially during and
on the perception of lexical stress and the relationship between perception and production abilities. Participants and tasks wer
ncluding science communication training, community building among informal physics practitioners and mechanisms to recogn

cussion-point categories. This study is an existence proof that collective sensemaking during the collaborative design of a resou
in both university and K-12 settings might yield stronger results in creating safer and more inclusive learning environments for

developing the skills that students require for life after high school (e.g., daily living, vocational training, personal skills, social sk
y Police Department, giving particular focus to the three high schools in Portsmouth, Virginia--I.C. Norcom High School, Manor
City of Chicago and Cook County have worked for decades to build policies and systems that incentivize apprenticeship trainin
s to all educational levels, from early childhood to lifelong learning; however, in this report the focus is placed on formal educa

while serving the school and/or district community. The role of STT, as well as the benefit to its student members, is shaped by

NLP and ML approaches to generate a patient-physician LP and CP from their SMs is a feasible strategy for identifying patients

nd Crenshaw's (1991) intersectionality theoretical frameworks, the discussion offers practical recommendations for education l

systems. However, ECVET had limited success with the use of credit points to transfer assessed learning outcomes. The 2020 V

nd learnt in an interesting fashion. That is to say, the contents in the YouTube on the teacher's web pages were directly relevan
eproduction is prohibited without permission. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. We

ility of particle movement through interactions that mirror the reality of day-to-day pathogenic particle transfer risk because o

ry in open-choice research assignments and projects, and how they compensated for the ethnic nullification experienced in sch

ed Revere Public School's intervention process as established through Building Based Support Teams (BBST) and led a stakehol

mented in three phases: first, the college focused on strengthened advising and support for enrolled students; then it improve
ng focused on answering the questions: what, who, when, where, why, and how. Likewise, the "care-fullness" coding focused o

ackness, especially during and after white backlash to the Great Migration (and other cultural and political changes) in the mid-
ties. Participants and tasks were similar to Experiments 1 and 2, except the participants underwent a week-long teaching interv
ers and mechanisms to recognize, elevate and value informal physics. Using personas not only expands our understanding of m

collaborative design of a resource is possible during reform efforts that use a systems approach. Findings also offer three insigh
sive learning environments for queer children as well as disrupting systems of oppression that keep queer people marginalized.

aining, personal skills, social skills, and arranging work experiences (Park, 2018). Teachers may also have difficulties working wi
C. Norcom High School, Manor High School, and Churchland High School--as a case study, examining the pathological and pheno
entivize apprenticeship training and equitable hiring in public and private development projects. Organized labor, commercial
ocus is placed on formal education -- in particular, primary and secondary education.

tudent members, is shaped by the coaches, tech department, and administrators' intentionality and mindset related to the cap

trategy for identifying patients with limited HL, and to identify those physicians who write complex messages to their patients.

ommendations for education leaders and classroom educators to effectively engage families in technology discussions. The CIT

learning outcomes. The 2020 VET Council Recommendation repealed formally the ECVET and EQAVET Recommendations. Whi

eb pages were directly relevant to their proficiency tests. Also, the cell phone convenience made their learning very beneficial.
hone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page:]

particle transfer risk because of playing all three biosecurity game designs. In conclusion, biosecurity communications that enco

nullification experienced in school by implementing their own forms of learning, which generated positive feelings of self-wort

eams (BBST) and led a stakeholder group in restructuring and improving the intervention system. I will describe how the stakeh

olled students; then it improved recruitment and onboarding of new students; in the current phase, the college is converting n
are-fullness" coding focused on the occurrences of the elements of the "care-fullness" triad, i.e., engrossment, motivational di

d political changes) in the mid-20th century. I argue that this represents a larger pattern in the relationship between language a
ent a week-long teaching intervention via instructional games that aimed to improve sensitivity to lexical stress. Data showed t
xpands our understanding of motivations and needs of practitioners in physics public engagement, it brings user-centered desi

Findings also offer three insights related to the design of pacing resources during content standards reform, which could be of
ep queer people marginalized. Furthermore, the field of education alone cannot be responsible for ensuring the safety and we

lso have difficulties working with some families due to unrealistic expectations, denial of a student's disability, too demanding
ing the pathological and phenotypical expressions of moral apathy in Portsmouth City Public Schools longitudinally across twen
. Organized labor, commercial developers, and contractors, as well as the steadfast efforts of dozens of community-based orga

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