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British Journal of Industrial Medicine 1987;44:510-520

Occupational hazards in hospitals: accidents,

radiation, exposure to noxious chemicals, drug
addiction and psychic problems, and assault
From the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Santiago, Santiago
de Compostela, Spain
ABSTRACT Except for infectious diseases all the main occupational hazards affecting health work-
ers are reviewed: accidents (explosions, fires, electrical accidents, and other sources of injury);
radiation (stochastic and non-stochastic effects, protective measures, and personnel most at risk);
exposure to noxious chemicals, whose effects may be either local (allergic eczema) or generalised
(cancer, mutations), particular attention being paid to the hazards presented by formol, ethylene
oxide, cytostatics, and anaesthetic gases; drug addiction (which is more common among health
workers than the general population) and psychic problems associated with promotion, shift work,
and emotional stress; and assault (various types of assault suffered by health workers, its causes,
and the characterisation of the most aggresive patients).

In a previous paper attention was drawn to the cur- should be instructed as to what to do in case of fire.
rent importance of occupational hazards to hospital Of 300 fires in United States hospitals, 74% were due
workers.' These were classified into six categories to the following four causes, human error being ulti-
(infection, accidents, radiation, exposure to noxious mately responsible in almost all cases: electrical faults
chemicals, drug addiction and psychic problems, and (23%), cigarettes and matches (21%), incorrect use of
assault), and the risk of infection was discussed. In the anaesthetics, oxygen, and inflammable fluids (19%),
present paper the remaining categories are consid- and non-electrical heating (11%).
ered. The most common direct cause of casualties associ-
ated with ihospital fires is asphyxia by smoke and
Accidents fumes, which accounts for 78% of deaths and 43% of
non-fatal casualties.3 Fire prevention measures
Among the possible types of accidents are included should aim to achieve four main objectives in cases of
fires, explosions, electrocution, and gas leaks; fire: immediate detection, rapid extinction or iso-
undesired effects of electromagnetic fields, micro- lation, non-propagation of smoke and fumes, and
waves, lasers, and vibration; cuts, bruises, and frac- safe evacuation of staff and inmates. To these ends,
tures; asphyxia and burns; and the effects of noise. attention should be paid to four basic points:
(1) Construction-for example, evacuation routes
EXPLOSIONS and fire escapes.
Explosions usually occur in laboratories, operating (2) Use of combustible materials such as plastics or
theatres, and boiler rooms. All products that are inflammable fluids.
inflammable or otherwise likely to explode should be (3) Countermeasures, including compulsory instal-
labelled as such and stored accordingly.2 lation of fire extinguishers.
(4) Training of personnel.
FIRE The hospital's fire procedures should be familiar to
Official regulations concerning the risk of fire in hos- all staff so that they all know exactly what to do in
pitals are in general adequate. Each centre should case of fire. Fire procedures should furthermore be
draw up fire procedures and all hospital workers reviewed at least every six months and corrected as
necessary, and fire drill should be practised in all
Accepted 5 August 1986 shifts.4
Occupational hazards in hospitals 511
ELECTRICAL ACCIDENTS may receive electric discharges if insulated from earth
Electrical accidents may cause injury both directly, by rubber soled footwear. In fact, if the atmosphere is
due to the passage of electric current through the dry just walking about on asphalt flooring, or even on
body producing electrocution, internal and external a woollen carpet, can charge the body sufficiently as
burns, or gaseous embolism; and indirectly, in the to produce small sparks that, though not normally
form of burns or asphyxia produced by electrical fires harmful in themselves, may ignite inflammable
or explosions, or injuries suffered in falls after electric
vapours and gases, cause dust explosions, or (more
shock. The immediate physiological effects of electric commonly) startle the person in question so that
shocks depend on the intensity of the current borne, other types of accidents occur. An idea of the risk of
the point of contact, and the path taken through the sparking may be given by the fact that an insulated
body. Currents near the threshold of perception human body dressed in nylon overalls can easily
(1-3 mA) are innocuous even when there is prolonged acquire up to 5 or 10 mJ of electrostatic energy just by
contact, but as the intensity of the current rises the sitting down on a chair covered in polyvinyl chloride
tingling sensation becomes progressively more and getting up again.
unpleasant. Sudden application of 8 mA generally The control of electrostatic charge is difficult and
stimulates a reflex response which may itself bring generally entails facilitating its loss. In the case of the
about injury-due, for example, to a consequent fall human body both footwear and flooring should be
off a ladder-but electrification by currents of this sufficiently conductive as to prevent the accumulation
magnitude does not normally have direct phys- of charge. Flooring should be of wood, footwear of
iological consequences. Currents greater than about antistatic rubber, and polyester or polyamide clothing
1O mA produce muscular contractions that lock the should be worn. The risk of sparking may also be
hands and arms and prevent the release of the objects reduced by increasing the humidity of the air and by
held. Burns may also appear. When the current borne wearing clothing with antistatic coatings (although
is of more than 25-30 mA, spasm may affect the mus- most of the latter are lost in the wash, some have
cles of the thorax and cause "asphyxia" if artificial appeared in recent years which are relatively per-
respiration is not rapidly applied. manent). As regards other types of electrical accident,
Electric shock may be fatal if the current passes apart from the instruction of personnel in the proper
through the brain or the thorax, especially if the heart use of electricity and the frequent periodic mainte-
is affected. Since electric current takes the path of nance of apparatus and mains wiring, the measures to
least resistance, particular danger thus attends double be taken to minimise risk include the earthing of all
contacts in which the body forms a bridge between a apparatus, the installation of circuit breakers, the use
live wire and a conductor (right hand and left foot or of low mains voltages, and the separation of mains
vice versa, right and left hands, or hand and head). circuits.5
Double contacts affecting a single limb are less seri-
There are two contributions to the electrical Cuts, bruises, and fractures may occur in hospital
resistance of the human body: the external resistance work just as in any other human activity. Dominguez-
of the surface at which contact is made and the Carmona, for example, mentions the case of a nursing
resistance of internal tissues. The external resistance nun who was killed in 1976 in the Hospital Clinico,
varies from one individual to another and from one Madrid, when a lift she was entering started up on
part of the body to another (a calloused palm is much being called from a higher floor, the second fatal acci-
more resistive than the back of the same hand), and dent of this type in the centre in question.6 The risk of
also depends greatly on the humidity of the surface accident is greatly increased by physical fatigue,
(due, for example, to sweating: more than 60% of which is common towards the end of the day's work
electrical accidents suffered by hospital personnel but varies in intensity from one department to
occur during the hottest five months). A skin with a another and also depends on the building in which the
resistance of several hundred thousand ohms when department is housed and the type of personnel con-
dry may offer just 1000 ohms resistance or less when cerned. In old fashioned buildings it may be necessary
wet. The resistance of the area of contact also to do a lot of walking from place to place, and even in
decreases as the contact pressure increases. The well designed hospitals nurses spend most of the day
resistance of internal tissues varies less and is esti- on their feet, with the consequent prevalence of vari-
mated at between 100 and 5000 ohms. cose veins and foot complaints. Long working hours,
The chief electrical hazard in hospitals is the large changes of shift, and the arrangements before such
static charge that may accumulate in electrical appa- changes, eating hours, and coffee or tea breaks, and
ratus. Arcing may occur between charged material free time and holidays all greatly affect the fatigue and
and neighbouring conductors, and the human body general health of nursing staff. Training and
512 Gestal
qualifications nevertheless reduce the risk of acci- soft soled footwear should be worn, and medical sys-
dents: a survey carried out in the United States tem alarms and telephones should be muffled. Other
showed that nurses who had received a diploma suggested measures for limiting noise levels in hospi-
suffered fewer injuries than less qualified nursing staff. tals include restrictions on conversations between
Among nurses with a diploma about 30% of all acci- staff and patients with hearing difficulties and the
dents were due to overeffort and 20% to falls.7 Acci- isolation of noisy patients.'9
dents due to overeffort when lifting heavy weights, There have been several studies of the economic
however, are far from being restricted to hospital effects of accidents in various Spanish hospitals.2023
nurses; domestic nurses being quite as much at risk, if R Fernandez-Crehuet estimated that in the five years
not more. The risk of accidents from falling objects, 1978-82 the working days lost through accident in the
burns, machines, beds, operating tables, glassware, Hospital " Reina Sofia" in Cordoba cost 16117629
needles, or scalpels is similar to that encountered in pesetas (about £80,600).
other occupations in which comparable equipment is
used. Radiation
The nature of dental work exposes dentists to a
special set of hazards. The use of pointed metal Serious hazards are presented to health workers by
instruments carries a risk of pricks and cuts (which the medical use of ionising radiation. The radiation to
may also be caused by the edges of gold or steel which hospital staff may be exposed includes both
crowns) and of face and eye wounds caused by frag- photonic radiation (x rays and y rays) and charged
ments of tooth or metal when drilling. In the past, particle radiation (a and ,B rays).
painful and deforming cervical, dorsal, and lumbar x Rays are generated by conventional radio-
complaints were also frequent as the result of the den- diagnostic and x ray therapy equipment and by high
tist spending all day on foot leaning over the chair. energy x ray tubes. Gamma rays are produced by
Modern workposts have largely solved this problem cobalt and caesium bombs and by radioelements
by allowing the patient to be positioned so that the encapsulated in needles, tubes, or pearls, which may
dentist may work comfortably while seated or also emit ,B rays. Finally, unencapsulated radio-
standing. elements are used in solutions or colloidal sus-
pensions administered to patients and laboratory ani-
NOISE mals or applied in radionuclear laboratories to
Noise constitutes an increasing problem in hospitals biological material obtained from patients or ani-
and clinics as elsewhere. No cases have been reported mals. The use of these unencapsulated sources entails
in dentists in which actual loss of hearing may be the risk of laboratory equipment, workspaces, and
attributed to the use of low, medium, or high speed personnel becoming contaminated.2425
drills, though the latter are extremely noisy7; but it is
less clear whether the noise made by drills may not IONISING RADIATION
give rise to psychological problems such as loss of The effects of exposure to ionising radiation appear
concentration, character changes, or irritability.7 sooner or later after a latency period and may be
Other health workers likely to be exposed to high either stochastic or non-stochastic. Most of the cases
noise levels produced by certain of the machines they mentioned in textbooks of radiobiology involve either
work with include traumatologists, orthopaedic massive exposure to radiation used for military pur-
surgeons, and ear, nose, and throat specialists.8 The poses or doses of the same order of magnitude as
harmfulness of noise depends not only on the charac- those administered to patients subjected to radio-
teristics of the noise itself (its intensity and cadence)9 therapy. Personnel working in properly constructed
and those of the place in which the noise is experi- centres should never be exposed to such large doses so
enced but also on the susceptibility of the exposed long as they observe the necessary precautions,25 but
subject,' -15 many cases of acoustic trauma having many health workers are none the less the object of
been reported in which the noise level was not partic- chronic low intensity radiation and as a consequence
ularly high.'6 17 It should also be remembered that a small percentage may suffer somatic and genetic sto-
quite soft noises of certain types may be extremely chastic effects and possibly certain non-stochastic
unpleasant and their continual repetition may consti- effects also. In 1959 it was reported that there had
tute a long term psychic health hazard. In the United been 359 deaths from radiological causes throughout
States the recommended maximum noise levels for the world.
hospital wards are 45 dB (A) during the day and 35 dB
(A) at night.'8 Hospital rooms should be suitably Non-stochastic somatic effects
sound proofed, noisy faults in taps, cisterns, trolleys, Non-stochastic somatic effects may arise in the hae-
and so on should be repaired as quickly as possible, matopoietic system, with occasional hypoplasia or
Occupational hazards in hospitals 513
even aplasia, and yearly or half yearly analyses of Exposure to noxious chemicals
peripheral blood should be carried out to check for
this condition. Dermatological effects may include Many of the hazards faced by hospital staff consist in
brittle, cracked, or grooved nails, the disappearance the wide variety of chemical substances used. Apart
of body hair and fingerprints, and chronic radio- from cutaneous infections, dermatological effects of
dermitis. Cataracts may develop. Irradiation of other infectious diseases, and infestation by parasites,
embryos or intrauterine fetuses by doses of more than and leaving aside the now quite rare occurrence of
I rem may cause abortion, fetal death, or the serious radiodermitis discussed above, the cutaneous
malformation of those fetuses that complete their occupational diseases suffered by hospital workers
gestation. Alterations may also be produced by may be classified as either irritations (caused by
unencapsulated radioisotopes able to cross the pla- chemical disinfectants and detergents) or allergies
cental barrier. (caused, for example, by antibiotics, rubber, nickel,
disinfectants, aldehydes, or phenothiazines). The
Stochastic effects occupational origin of dermatosis may be ascertained
Stochastic effects include the shortening of life, the on the basis of the shape of the area affected, its distri-
induction of cancer and leukaemia, and genetic effects bution and location, the recurrent coincidence in time
(an increase in the frequency of mutations).26 27 with particular occupations, the patch test, and the
Nowadays, the main radiation hazard occurs not in response to treatment. Skin complaints make up half
hospital radiological departments28 -30 but in the the total number of occupational illnesses both
consulting surgeries of general practitioners and small among hospital workers and among the working pop-
private clinics where adequate safety measures have ulation in general, 90% of them being cases of contact
not been put into effect, and in hospital departments dermatitis. Some 60-80% of these cases are caused by
other than the radiological department that may also chemical irritants (eczema due to primary irritants)
have occasion to use radiation (operating theatres and the remainder are of an allergic nature (allergic
and casualty and paediatric departments, for exam- eczema).
ple). Professional radiological staff are also less likely Occupational allergic eczema is more common
to expose themselves to radiation than other person- among nurses, surgical assistants, and other auxilia-
nel such as casualty staff or paediatricians, among ries than among doctors because of their continual
whom cases of radiodermitis and skin cancer still contacts with drugs, anaesthetics, and antiseptics.
sometimes occur. The most dangerous operations for Resistance is reduced by repeated washing with soap
these workers include radioscopy and the use of x ray and, especially, by scrubbing the hands and forearms,
surveillance of the setting of fractures, searches for which destroys the skin's protective layer of fatty
foreign bodies, and the introduction of catheters. acids. Surgical and casualty personnel may suffer
from "dry hand syndrome" due to handling plaster of
NON-IONISING RADIATION Paris. Dentists and dental technicians are often
Theoretically, non-ionising radiation used in hospi- affected by contact eczema caused by handling acrylic
tals may also constitute a health hazard. Such radi- monomers, local anaesthetics, essential oils, dental
ation includes ultraviolet light, laser beams, magnetic mould paste, epoxy resins, and amalgams. Labora-
fields, and radiofrequencies. Ophthalmologists who tory personnel are likewise put at risk by many of the
work many hours a week with lasers have been chemicals they handle.43 -47
reported to suffer from reduced central visual acuity, Mutagenic or carcinogenic effects result from many
abnormal colour perception, and other defects indica- substances used or found in hospitals. Thus beta-
tive of possible macular damage,31 and although propiolactone is known to be carcinogenic481 50;
these claims have not been confirmed, various bodies hexachlorophene is neurotoxic when applied to the
have established norms for the use of laser equip- skin, as was illustrated by the neural degeneration
ment.32 -34 Monitor screens have been blamed for suffered some years ago by French infants to whom
eye strain, postural complaints, and psychological it was applied in talc, and its teratogenic effects in
alterations leading to "technostress."35 42 In gen- people are also currently being investigated5 -53;
eral, however, the risk of health problems derived sodium orthophenylphenate and glycols have been
from non-ionising radiations is negligible. Perhaps responsible for cancer of the bladder; and benzol
the only individuals clearly put at risk by a subclass of (and xylol, toluene, and xylene contaminated with
radiations of this type are those who have had pace- benzol54 55) produces leukaemia and chromosomic
makers implanted, since exposure to strong magnetic aberrations. Busch and Nelson have reported cases of
fields such as those used in nuclear magnetic reso- acute respiratory distress in histological laboratory
nance equipment will probably disrupt the timing of staff exposed to xylene,"6 which may also give rise to
the pulses generated by the pacemaker. headaches, nausea, loss of appetite, lassitude, and
514 Gestal
impaired coordination.57 have shown its mutagenic effects on various micro-
organisms,'03 107 arthropods,'08 110 cell test sys-
Since 1894 formol has been used for terminal disin-
tems,Ill-116 and mammals.1 17 Since squamous cell
carcinomas of the nasal passages of rats and mice
fection of hospital rooms, beds, and apparatus. It is exposed to 6-15 ppm of formaldehyde were observed
also used as a preserving agent in pathological anat- in the United States,118 - 120 there has been contro-
omy and in the preparation of Salk and hepatitis B versy world wide as to whether formaldehyde is or is
vaccines. Apart from these medical uses of formol in not carcinogenic, 21 - 124 and there have been numer-
hospitals,58 -62 there are also non-medical sources, ous studies of morbidity'25 and mortality' 26 - 135
including chipboard and plywood, carpet glues, par- among groups of workers subject to occupational
quet varnishes, and urea-formol foam plastics used as exposure to formaldehyde. No abnormally high rates
thermal insulators.63-'70 The emanation of for- of mortality from nose or lung cancer have been
maldehyde from these materials depends on the tem- observed in these groups, but there have been reports
perature, the humidity, the age of the materials, and of higher than average mortality from tumours of the
the technical quality of the products.68 - 71 A volume prostate, skin, kidney, brain, mouth, colon, bladder,
concentration of 40 ppm of formaldehyde is also con- and bone, and from leukaemia. Most of these studies
tained in tobacco smoke,7274 and an individual are open to the criticism that the small number of
smoking 20 cigarettes a day may retain some 0 38 mg. subjects prevented significant conclusions being
Uptake of formaldehyde occurs chiefly through the reached-for example, in the case of nose cancer-
digestive and respiratory systems, absorption through but a much larger study has recently been carried out
the skin being negligible.75 Small quantities are nor- by Acheson et al, who found no evidence of higher
mal in the cell. Its half life in the blood is about one than average rates of mortality from any of the
and a half minutes. tumours mentioned in earlier studies (including nose
In recent years several comprehensive reviews of cancer) and concluded that formaldehyde is not car-
the toxicity of formaldehyde have appeared.7679 cinogenic in man.'36 Further research on this subject
The main effect of exposure to low concentrations is is nevertheless still needed before definitive conclu-
to irritate the eyes and the upper respiratory sions can be arrived at.
tract,80 85 though other parts of the respiratory sys- The attitude of official bodies to formaldehyde has
tem and the skin may also become sensitised.8688 A exhibited the same incoherence as scientific publi-
concentration of 10 ppm begins to be unbearable, giv- cations. In 1981 the National Institute for
ing rise to burns in the nose, trachea, and eyes accom- Occupational Safety and Health declared for-
panied by intense lacrimation, coughing, palpitations, maldehyde to be a possible carcinogen,137 and in
and a sensation of thoracic and cephalic oppression. April 1982 the United States Consumer Products
Concentrations of 50-100 ppm produce pulmonary Safety Commission responded to numerous com-
inflammation and oedema and ultimately death.89 plaints regarding the irritant effects of formaldehyde
The North American Contact Dermatitis Group in the respiratory tract and its possible carcinogenic
have ranked formaldehyde as tenth in a list of those potential by banning the use of urea-formol foams as
chemicals causing most skin reactions.90 Allergic der- insulators in the building trade.138 A year later the
matitis caused by contact with formaldehyde has been ban was lifted by the Court of Appeal on the grounds
found in the medical sphere among nurses handling of the incorrectness of the documentation presented
thermometers sterilised in 100 g/l formaldehyde solu- by the CPSC regarding evidence of the health hazard
tion,91 personnel using disinfectants containing for- posed by the chemicals given off by the foams.'39 In
maldehyde,92 and patients whose injuries have been May 1984 the Environmental Protection Agency nev-
dressed with plaster impregnated bandages contain- ertheless included among its priorities reviewal of the
ing 100 g/l of melamine formaldehyde resin.93 94 In use of urea-formol resins in housing.140 Similar situ-
1966 Blejer and Miller described an outbreak of con- ations have been created in other countries. A World
tact eczema in a haemodialysis unit where a 20 g/l Health Organisation working party recently recom-
solution of formol was used to sterilise open tanks.95 mended that because of its possible carcinogenic
Specific sensitisation of the respiratory tract is also effects, formaldehyde concentrations at work should
possible, though this is much less common than sensi- be reduced as much as possible, and that as a pro-
tisation of the skin.9697 In recent years the auto- visional limit workers should in any case not be
mating of sterilisation processes, better ventilation, exposed to concentrations in the air of more than 0-5
and greater awareness of the need to use protective mg/m3 for a mean eight hours a day in a working
systems has reduced the incidence of such cases.98 99 week of 40 hours.76
Formaldehyde is known to be highly reactive with ETHYLENE OXIDE
nucleic acids and proteins, 100 - 102 and several studies The bactericidal properties of this colourless gas were
Occupational hazards in hospitals 515
first made known in 1929,'"' and since 1962 it has tions.l59
been widely used to sterilise medical material. At There are no data suggesting that ethylene oxide
present it is the disinfectant gas most widely used to has teratogenic effects in man, and the results
sterilise plastics and other materials that cannot be obtained with laboratory animals are con-
subjected to heat. Its acting at room temperature also tradictory.'60 161 As an alkylating agent, 162 many
makes it economical. Its disadvantages, however, studies have confirmed its mutagenic action in micro-
include its being explosive, which makes it necessary organisms, arthropods,164 plants, 165 166 and the
to mix it with inert gases; its remaining impregnated cells of man 167 168 and other mammals. 169 170 The
in the material being sterilised (it dissolves in rubber), frequency of chromosomic and chromatinic anoma-
which means that the material sterilised must sub- lies in lymphocytes is also known to be higher among
sequently be ventilated; and its toxicity, concen- people chronically exposed to ethylene oxide than
trations of 50 000- 100000 ppm being lethal in a few among the general population. '7' - 175 Rats exposed
minutes. 142 to ethylene oxide atmospheres have been observed to
In the United States more than 2000 million kilos suffer from leukaemia and mesothelioma, 17'1 and sub-
of ethylene oxide are produced yearly. Although less cutaneous innoculation in mice increases the inci-
than I % of this total production is used for industrial dence of fibrosarcomas. l76 The epidemiological
or medical sterilisation, this use constitutes the great- studies conducted among people are nevertheless
est health hazard, with an estimated 100 000 health insufficient to enable definitive conclusions regarding
workers at risk in the sterilisation services of United its possible carcinogenic action, for whereas Hogstedt
States hospitals. Whereas other industrial applica- et al'77 178 reported an increase in both general mor-
tions use ethylene oxide in closed circuits or outdoors, tality and mortality from tumours (especially leu-
sterilisation involves open processes carried out in kaemias), a study carried out in the United States
closed premises.143 The areas of greatest risk are in found no such effect.'79 Uncertainty regarding the
general the sites where ethylene oxide chambers are duration and intensity of exposure hinders the draw-
emptied, the most dangerous moment being when the ing of conclusions, and further epidemiological stud-
door is opened. ies are required.
Exposure to ethylene oxide, usually either contact The degree to which an individual has been
with the skin or inhalation, may produce either local exposed to ethylene oxide may be measured biologi-
or generalised effects. The exposed individual's cally by its alkylating haemoglobin and binding to
defensive reactions are hampered by the typical lag of histidine to give N-3(2-hydroxyethyl) histidine.180
several hours between exposure and the appearance Legally established tolerable limits vary from one
of symptoms, and by the fact that the gas is imper- country to another. In 1971 the American Conference
ceptible to smell until quite high concentrations are of Governmental Industrial Hygienists proposed 50
present (700 ppm).144 Contact with insufficiently ven- ppm as the mean allowable concentration in the
tilated materials containing ethylene oxide (such as workplace,'8' but information gathered concerning
gloves, face masks, overalls, tampons, endotracheal mutagenic and possible carcinogenic effects has led to
tubes, or anaesthetic masks) produces irritant cutane- a legal threshold limit value (TLV) of 10 ppm and a
ous lesions, 145-.149 conjunctivitis and corneal proposal in 1982 for a reduction to 1 ppm,'43 the
burns,1 50 and, after exposure to high concentrations, same level proposed in 1983 by the Occupational and
cataracts.'51-153 Repeated contact may give rise to Safety Health Administration.182 In the USSR the
allergic sensitisation.154 Generalised effects may limit is 0 5 ppm. After comparing the alkylating and
include acute poisoning, the seriousness depending on mutagenic potential of ethylene oxide with that of
the intensity of exposure. Mild symptoms include ionising radiation, Calleman et al proposed a TLV of
nausea and vomiting155 and irritation of the eyes, 0-25 ppm, which would be equivalent to the maxi-
nose, and throat, whereas in the more serious cases mum allowed dose of 5 rads of radiation a year.'80
there may be respiratory problems (dyspnoea, In the light of the data now available, it may be
cyanosis, and pulmonary oedema), which may be concluded that whenever possible sterilisation by
produced by just a few minutes exposure to concen- ethylene oxide should be replaced by sterilisation by
trations of 500-700 ppm.144 Other symptoms may y rays or propyl oxide.
affect the heart, the nervous system (with headaches,
sleepiness, weakness, lack of coordination, and con- CYTOSTATICS
vulsions),144 the blood'56 and anaphylaxis.157 Certain oncolytic agents have long been known to
Chronic ethylene oxide poisoning may cause en- produce contact dermatitis and blisters, and elemen-
cephalopathy, polyneuritis, and neurovegetative tary precautions have always been taken to avoid
lesions.158 Exposure during gestation has been their contact with the skin of the patients to whom
reported to induce premature deliveries144 or abor- they are administered and the nurses responsible for
516 Gestal
their administration. Modem studies, however, have more mistakes than controls in specific tests but that
shown that the mutagenic hazard presented by cyto- their relative learning rates were similar.209 210
statics (found by Hoffman'83 in the urine of nurses Again, however, these results and their statistical
and technicians who had prepared or administered significance have been questioned.197 Present knowl-
antitumour agents) is not limited to physical contact edge suggests that no acute behavioural alterations
but also includes the inhalation of vapours and are produced by concentrations of nitrous oxide
microdroplets given off during the preparation and below 8-12% or by less than 0 1% of halo-
administration of cytostatic solutions, and these thane.2' 1213
mutagenic effects are reinforced by smoking. Immu- A finding that may or may not be relevant to the
nological alterations have been observed in the lym- toxicity of anaesthetics is that among United States
phocytes of the peripheral blood of both patients doctors, whose overall suicide rate is 15% higher than
treated with cytostatics and the staff who had pre- that of the general population,214 25 anaesthetists
pared and administered the drugs.'84-187 To elimi- are the second most suicidal subgroup (behind
nate these risks, cytostatics should be prepared and psychiatrists), with a rate three times that of the con-
reconstituted in vertical laminar flow chambers using trol group.216 217 This has been confirmed by Lew in
a laboratory coat, gloves, and a face mask, and the a study of the causes of death among members of the
same rules should apply to the handling of the urine American Society of Anesthesiologists,2'8 which has
of patients treated with these substances.188 -190 named suicide as the major health risk among
anaesthetists aged under 55.219 220
The first reports of harmful effects of anaesthetic Diseases of the organs for the transformation and
gases among health workers are those of Hewitt excretion of xenobiotics
(1893), Kirschner,'91 and Perthes (1925),192 all of Hepatic diseases-Since the introduction of halo-
whom described acute effects. Hirsch and Kappurs thane in 1956, occasional cases of hepatic necrosis
soon pointed out that although acute poisoning is after its use as an anaesthetic have been
infrequent, the likelihood of chronic poisoning can- reported,22' 222 and repeated anaesthesia under halo-
not be neglected,'93 and cases of chronic poisoning thane is now regarded as an aetiological factor that
were described by Werthmann in 1948.194 Never- cannot be ignored.223 Subanaesthetic doses of halo-
theless, this problem was generally ignored until in thane, isoflurane, diethyl ether, fluoxene, enflurane,
1967 Vaisman carried out an epidemiological study of and nitrous oxide have been found by some authors
Soviet anaesthetists,'95 since when a variety of disor- to cause hepatic alterations in animals,224- 227
ders have been attributed to anaesthetic gases.'96 - 198 whereas others have observed no such changes even
Following Cascorbi,'99 we shall classify them into after lengthy or intense exposure228 -230; controversy
three main groups: changes in behaviour and the abil- on this point continues.'97 231 232 In operating
ity to perform psychometric tests, diseases of the theatre staff temporary rises in hepatic transaminase
organs for the biotransformation and excretion of levels have been reported,233 and also jaundice234
xenobiotics, and faulty cell replication. and hepatic cirrhosis,235 whereas in the United States
Cohen et al found that the incidence of hepatic dis-
Changes in behaviour and the ability to perform eases was above average among female operating
psychometric tests theatre staff236 and dentists using general anaesthesia
Bruce et al found that volunteers exposed to trace three hours a week or more.237 An increase in the
concentrations of anaesthetic gases (50-500 ppm of frequency of hepatic diseases has also been observed
N20 with or without 1, 10, or 15 ppm of halothane) among anaesthetists in Czechoslovakia238 and
suffered alterations of perception, cognition, and England and Wales.239
motor skills.200202 Neither Smith and Shirley,203 Kidney disease-Certain epidemiological studies
nor Frankhuizen et al,204 nor Venables et al,205 how- have reported a higher than average rate of
ever, have been able to reproduce their results, which kidney disease among anaesthetists, women
are furthermore questionable as regards their statisti- especially216 236 238; Chang et al observed ultra-
cal significance'97 and the surprising finding that structural changes in the kidneys of laboratory ani-
nitrous oxide alone was more deleterious than when mals chronically exposed to low levels of
accompanied by halothane.202 Occupational halothane240; and Dahlgren found moderate tempo-
exposure to traces of anaesthetic gases has not been rary alterations of kidney function in Swedish health
observed to give rise to neuropsychiatric disor- workers exposed to methoxyflurane.24
ders.206 - 208 Quimby et al found that rats exposed to Faulty cell replication
10 ppm of halothane for eight hours a day, five days Abortion and congenital malformation-In Vaisman's
a week from birth to the age of 60 or 135 days, made report attention was drawn to the high rate of abor-
Occupational hazards in hospitals 517
tions among women working in operating theatres in of potentially confounding variables.262 These critics
the Soviet Union. 195 The same phenomenon was sub- emphasise the need to carry out suitably designed
sequently observed by Askrog and Harvald in prospective studies to determine whether or not
Denmark242 and was confirmed by Cohen et al in the exposure to trace concentrations of anaesthetic gases
United States and Canada,236 where the abortion entails a real risk of abortion or congenital
rate among pregnant women working in operating malformation.
theatres was 17- 1 % whereas that of other pregnant Chronic exposure to anaesthetic concentrations of
hospital workers was only 8-9%. Other investigators nitrous oxide or halothane has been reported to
have reached similar conclusions,238 243 244 though increase the resorption and congenital skeletal mal-
there have also been contradictory reports in which formation rates among rats exposed during
no increase in the spontaneous abortion rate was gestation263-267 or to reduce the weight and length
observed among doctors and nurses exposed to ana- of hamster fetuses,268 but no such effects have been
esthetic gases.245 246 Of the various dangers attrib- observed at subanaesthetic levels.267 269-271 Neither
uted to chronic exposure to traces of anaesthetic have changes been observed in the fertility of animals
gases, the risk of abortion among women working in exposed to subanaesthetic doses,248 269 272 or in
surgical departments is the only one recognised by the exposed chick embryos.273280 Mutagenic effects on
United Kingdom Department of Health and Social bacteria have been observed by some28' 282 but not
Security.247 by others.283 284 To sum up, there is at present no
A more surprising finding has been that abortions conclusive experimental evidence that chronic
are twice as common among the wives of United exposure to traces of anaesthetic gases-or even short
States dentists administering general anaesthesia at exposure to high concentrations285 has any adverse
least three hours a week as among the wives of those effects on gestation in animals.
who use only local anaesthesia (18% v 9%),237
though Askrog and Harvald had already reported a Malignancies-Chloroform286 287 and trichloro-
similar phenomenon among the wives of Danish ethylene238 have been found to be potentially
anaesthetists.242 This suggests that anaesthetic gases carcinogenic (causing hepatic carcinomas and kidney
may affect spermatogenesis, and such alterations tumours) for experimental animals exposed to large
have indeed been observed in animals,248 -251 but doses introduced by mechanisms different from those
Wryobek et al found no changes in either the mor- involved in the occupational exposure of man. With
phology or the concentration of spermatozoa pro- the exception of a study by Corbett,288 however, the
duced by anaesthetists working in three San Fran- results of which he was unable to reproduce,289 there
cisco hospitals (though the modem gas extraction is no experimental evidence that low concentrations
systems in these centres may have meant that these of halothane, nitrous oxide, enflurane, isoflurane, or
anaesthetists enjoyed better than average protec- methoxyflurane are carcinogenic.290294
tion).252 Bruce et al detected an abnormally high rate of
Several studies have reported that women exposed mortality from lymphoid and reticuloendothelial
to anaesthetic gases during gestation run a greater tumours among anaesthetists during the period
than average risk of giving birth to children with con- 1947-66,216 but a subsequent study failed to confirm
genital malformations.236 253-256 Tomlin found that any relation217; Cohen et al observed a greater inci-
the central nervous system and musculoskeletal sys- dence of cancer among female anaesthetists in their
tem were especially affected by this abnormal inci- nationwide study236 but found no difference between
dence of malformations,244 whereas Pharaoh et al exposed and unexposed subjects in their study of
observed higher than. average frequencies of con- dentists237; and although Corbett et al reported an
genital cardiovascular malformations and stillborn above average cancer rate among anaesthetic nurses
births and a smaller average size among live new- in Michigan,288 serious doubts have been raised as to
born babies.245 Baltzar, however, found no such the validity of both this study and Cohen's.258 259
differences.257 The validity of many of these The suggestion that anaesthetic gases may act as
studies237 242 244 256 257 has in any case been ques- transplacental carcinogens is not supported by the
tioned258-262 on the grounds that most were carried studies of Knill-Jones et a1243 and Pharaoh et a1245 in
out using retrospective postal questionnaires. Fer- which the incidence of cancer is no greater among the
standing,260 Axelsson and Rylander,26' and Tan- children of female anaesthetists in England and Wales
nenbaum and Goldberg262 have been especially crit- than among those of other women, though a
ical, pointing out numerous methodological flaws difference between the two groups has been claimed
such as the lack of criteria for exposure or outcome, by Tomlin.244 In view of these studies it cannot be
poor survey response rates, selection bias, lack of concluded that there is a risk of cancer from chronic
validation of outcome, recall bias, and lack of control exposure to traces of anaesthetic gases.
518 Gestal
Other risks, and preventive measures neurotic depression, and affective psychosis among
Irritation of the respiratory tract has been reported doctors. Perhaps because of the high prevalence of
after chronic inhalation of ether, and laryngitis and depression, suicides are two to three times more com-
attacks of asthma after exposure to halothane and mon among doctors-psychiatrists especially318
enflurane respectively.295 Personnel long exposed to than among the general population.313 319-321 Mar-
nitrous oxide have been reported to suffer ital and sexual dissatisfaction is also more prevalent
neuropathies296 -298 recently shown to be caused by than among non-doctors,316 322 323 though the
the ability of nitrous oxide to oxidise vitamin B12, divorce rate is no higher than average.324-326
thus impeding the synthesis of methionine, folate, and Work, which as a channel for the fulfilment of the
thiamine.299 -303 individual may favour his or her psychic wellbeing,
To prevent abnormalities caused by exposure to may also prove psychically deleterious owing to the
anaesthetic gases it is necessary to make anaesthetic individual's own traits (personality, social conflicts,
and surgical staff aware of the risks and to urge the etc), to the working environment (group relations), to
introduction of efficient gas extraction systems (levels the nature of the work itself (disagreeable or alien-
of 130-7000 ppm of nitrous oxide and 10-85 ppm of ating jobs, overfast workpace, excessive workloads,
halothane have been detected in the region where the changes of shift), or to promotion.
anaesthetist breathes).304-306 Good practice codes
should be adopted to reduce atmospheric pollution, CHANGES OF SHIFT
routine inspections of equipment should be carried Changes of shift originate personal, family, and social
out, and routine checks on pollution levels in the problems.327 The resulting lack of synchronisation
affected areas and personnel should be performed. In between exogenous stimuli328 (the periodic variation
the United States, where (without counting surgeons, of light, sound, heat, and atmospheric ionisation) and
dental staff, and vets, whose exposure is intermittent endogenous clocks329 330 gives rise to disorders due
and variable) about 50000 people, 35% of them to dysrhythmia. In such cases the human organism,
women, are occupationally exposed to anaesthetic which is programmed for daytime activity, receives
gases (anaesthetists, anaesthetists's nurses, operating stimuli opposed to its physiological requirements, the
theatre nurses, and technicians),305 hospital regu- consequence being a characteristic disorder featuring
lations limit pollution in operating theatres to 25 ppm insomnia, irritability, dyspepsia, spacial and temporal
of nitrous oxide and 1-2 ppm of halogenated disorientation, and eventual corticosuprarenal
agents.307 exhaustion.33' Night work goes against the genetic,
professional, and social characteristics of the human
Drug addiction and psychic problems species. Working while in a state of nocturnal "dis-
activation" requires double effort and hence produces
The risk of health workers becoming addicted to greater fatigue than day work, and this fatigue is
drugs arises because of the stress and anxiety to which incompletely eliminated because daytime sleep is less
they are subjected at times and because of the ready restful than night sleep. This state of chronic fatigue is
availability of suitable drugs.308 It is quite common exemplified by the slowing down of motor responses
for attempts to be made to overcome the pressures of to optical and acoustic stimuli and by decreased
overwork, stress, and affective strain by excessive efficiency at work. Digestive dysrhythmia is also
resort to stimulants, whose use may alternate with observed, and there is greater dependence on tobacco
excessive consumption of coffee or tobacco and the and alcohol among night workers than among day
use of sleeping pills, alcohol, or other drugs. Several workers.
studies have confirmed that alcoholism, drug addic- The family life of the night worker is likewise upset,
tion, and depression are more common among doc- since unless the hours kept by the rest of the family
tors than among the general population,309315 as are made to fit in with his he himself must either fit in
are visits to the psychiatrist.3'6 For example, of the with theirs or live apart. Socially, night work results
5925 patients admitted to the psychiatric wards of the in greater insularity (nightworkers have fewer friends)
Mayo Clinic between 1956 and 1963, 93 were doctors and less participation in group activities (sports,
(one in every 64 admissions),3'7 and in 59% of these union or political work, or cultural pursuits), though
cases the cause was either alcoholism (16-6%) or drug it is also true that morning and afternoon shifts like-
addiction (34 4%). Almost all these patients had used wise have their social disadvantages. Thus the morn-
drink or drugs as a defence against acute anxiety. ing shift allows the midday meal to be shared with the
Similar findings were reported by Murray after exam- family and leaves time for other family and social
ining admissions to psychiatric centres in activities, but since it begins so early may also prove
Scotland318: there were significantly higher than aver- fatiguing. The afternoon shift prevents social life,
age rates of alcoholism, drug addiction, functional since contact with the children is limited and there are
Occupational hazards in hospitals 519
no evenings out, but sleeping hours are normal and worker, the patient, and the latter's relatives and
workers with alternating shifts regard it as allowing friends. To paraphrase Berard and Gubler,
lost sleep to be made up. It is the night shift that sometimes it achieves its purpose, the curing of the
causes most problems due to its consequences for disease; generally it manages to provide relief; and it
family life and social activity.332 always provides assuagement.346 Each member of the
group has his own status and accompanies the
Emotional stress is one of the main health hazards for execution of a particular function with a behaviour
hospital personnel, especially for the student that is expected by the others. Each status and role in
or young graduate nurse, and derives from contact the group has its complement: husband and wife,
with the dying, with seriously ill children, and with father and son, health worker and patient. The roles
sorrowful, anxious, and suicidal patients. Working in of the health worker and the patient are defined by the
intensive care units also gives rise to situations that, ambient culture and certain aspects are even
depending on the personality of the individual, may regulated by law.347 The role of the patient is
cause pathological psychic disorders.336 337 In this characterised both by rights such as exemption from
context the relation between doctor and patient is his responsibilities and the right to receive aid, and by
passive, with the doctor and nurse being under the obligations such as his obligation to wish for his own
constant pressure of having continually to take recovery and to cooperate in his treatment.348 The
instant decisions that are critical for the patients' status and role of the health worker are characterised
lives. This highly stressful combination of great by impartiality (giving each patient the attention
responsibility and continuous attention to patients' required by the gravity of his illness), by
needs, which is further exacerbated by a work pattern confidentiality (using the patient's body and the
that does not allow relaxation during breaks and information he knows regarding the patient solely for
leisure periods, ends up by producing exhaustion and the patient's cure), by affective neutrality (avoiding
reduced operational capacity.336 338 339 Signs of involvement in the patient's affective problems), by
stress among intensive care unit workers include disinterested altruism, and by technical and scientific
psychosomatic disorders (mainly affecting the competence.41 Criticism of the health worker's
digestive system), anomalous social reactions, various behaviour will come from the patient's relatives and
types of neuroses and depression, and even dereliction friends, the commonest criticism being that little time
of duty.340 Psychopathological stress likewise tends is devoted to Social Security patients.349 The patient
to increase when health work becomes monotonous, should be convinced that a diagnosis has been
boring, and "meaningless" while retaining its attained or at least that everything possible is being
demanding nature. In all these stressful done to attain it. The harmonious course of the
circumstances, however, the effect on the health relation between doctor and patient, each with his
worker depends largely on his attitude to the situation status and role, is fundamental for achieving the
and on his resources for coping with it.337 341 objective, health.350352 If disrupted the results may
be pathogenic not only for the patient but,
Assault paradoxically, for the doctor also.353
For the doctor, the pathogenic consequences of a
Human life undoubtedly includes a degree of breakdown in his relation with the patient may be
aggressive conduct, whether this be innate or physical (injuries), anatomopathological (heart
acquired. The necessity of continual adaptation to a attacks), or functional or psychosomatic (ulcers). The
changing environment forces such conduct on us, sources of the patient's aggressive conduct may be
especially in a society as competitive as ours. In this classified in three categories: those arising in the
section, however, we shall limit our considerations to context of his relation with the doctor, those arising in
the urge to harm some person (or some object that his own family and working environment, and a
represents or replaces that person), the harm caused residual group of other social sources. Aggression
being the sole aim of the aggressive act. Innate may take the form of physical assault or verbal
aggressive behaviour needs no stimulus, but there attacks and be received either by the health worker
also exist socially acquired forms of aggression that himself or by his family or possessions. Verbal assault
are triggered by external stimuli such as frustration. is undoubtedly the most common but cases of
The patient and his relatives should therefore never be physical attack are by no means rare and are
frustrated, since they may become aggressive.342 - occasionally reported by the daily newspapers.
Frustration may be produced when the behaviour When faced with patients known to be mentally ill,
of health workers is unfitting or is not what is awareness of the possibility of apparently
expected, in short when they forget their role. Health unmotivated fits of violence puts the doctor on his
care involves a social group comprising the health guard. The most dangerous are the paranoics,
520 Gestal
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