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Cild 24. № 2
Vol. 24. № 2
Azərbaycan Ali Texniki Məktəblərinin
Baş redaktor müavini – Lətafət Qardaşova
İdarəedici menecer – İsmayılova Mehriban

V.M. Əhmədov, İ.A. Qaraqaş, H.B. Quliyev, R.S. Qurbanov,
K.Y. Deqtaryov, N.Ə. İmamverdiyev, N.Ş. İsmayılov, A.D. İsmayılzadə,
J. Kaspşik, A.T. Məmmədov, V. Pedriç, Ç,Q. Rəsulov, N.M. Səfərov,
V.M. Seyidov, E.F. Sultanov, A.İ. Timurziyev, Ə.A. Feyzullayev,
V.M Valyayev, A.V. Yazenin, Ə.Z. Zalov, N.P. Zapivalov

Jurnal Azərbaycan Respublikası Prezidenti yanında

Ali Attestasiya Komissiyasının qərarı ilə dissertasiya işlərinin
dərc olunduğu nəşrlər siyahısına daxil olunub

of Azerbaijan Higher Technical Educational Institutions


Deputy editor-in-chief – Latafat Gardashova
Managing editor – Mehriban Ismayilova

V.M. Ahmadov, I.A. Garagash, H.B. Guliyev, R.S. Gurbanov,
K.Y. Degtarev, N.A. Imamverdiyev, N.Sh. Ismayilov, А.D. Ismailzadeh,
J. Kacprzyk, A.T. Mammadov, W. Pedrycz, Ch.G. Rasulov, N.M. Safarov,
V.M. Seidov, E.F. Sultanov, A.I. Timurziev, A.A. Feyzullayev,
V.M. Valyaev, A.V. Yazenin, A.Z. Zalov, N.P. Zapivalov

The journal by decision of Higher Attestation Commission under

the President of Azerbaijan Republic is included in the list of scientific
editions, in which the results of thesis works publish


J.M. Eyvazov
Sensitivity analysis of oil and gas production as a result
of increasing the drainage area with changing in well parameters
during different completion of wells………………………………………………...6

N.M. Allahguliyev
Development of preventive measures against hydrate formation
in underwater main gas pipelines…………………………………………………………11

N.Z. Ramazanov
Construction of foundation №12 in Bulla-deniz field……………………………………16

R.V. Emirli
Technologies for the construction of submarine
pipelines in the Caspian Sea………………………………………………………………21

B.A. Tarverdiyev
Manifestations that occur behind the belt after cementation
and their removal…………………………………………………………………………...26

R.İ. Rustamov
Application of methods to increase the oil yield factor………………………………….31

F.M. Efendizade
Analysis and study of well operation modes…………………………………………….36

I.G. Ismayilov
Analysis of oil and gas field development methods…………………………………….44

S.S. Bakirov
Basic parameters of depth pump wells and determination
of optimal operating mode…………………………………………………………………49

E.E. Elizade
Selection of the optimal technologic mode based on the results of research
conducted in wells operated by a rod depth pumping unit……………………………55

Mechanics and machine-building

T.G. Jabbarov
Development of mathematical models of the process of cold pressing
of porous bodies in an elastic-plastic medium…………………………………………..58

Economy and management

S.N. Guliyev
Perspective directions of investment policy in the Karabakh
and East Zangezur economic region..........................................................................66


C.M. Eyvazov
Quyuların drenaj sahəsinin artırılması nəticəsində müxtəlif quyuların
tamamlanması zamanı müxtəlif parametrləri dəyişən neft və qaz
hasilatının həssaslığının təhlili...........................……………………………….....………6

Sualtı magistral qaz kəmərlərində hidrat yaranmaya qarşı
qabaqlayıcı üsulların işlənməsi……………………………………………………………11

N.Z. Ramazanov
“Bulla-dəniz” yatağında 12 saylı özülün tikintisi…………………………………………16

R.V. Əmirli
Xəzər dənizində sualtı boru kəmərlərinin tikintisi texnologiyaları……………………...21

Sementləmədən sonra kəmər arxasında baş verən
təzahürlər və onların aradan qaldırılması...................................................................26

R.İ. Rüstəmov
Neftvermə əmsalının artırılması üçün üsulların tətbiqi...............................................31

F.M. Əfəndizadə
Quyuların istismar rejimlərinin təhlili və tədqiqi...........................................................36

İ.Q. İsmayılov
Neft-qaz yataqlarının işlənməsi üsullarının təhlili.......................................................44

S.S. Bəkirov
Dərinlik nasos quyularının əsas göstəriciləri və
optimal iş rejiminin təyini.............................................................................................49

Əlizadə E.E.
Ştanqlı dərinlik nasos qurğusu ilə istismar olunan quyularda aparılmış tədqiqat
nəticələrinə əsasən onlar üçün optimal texnoloji rejimin seçilməsi.............................55

Mexanika və maşınqayırma

T.Q. Cabbarov
Məsaməli cisimlərin plastik mühitdə sıxılması prosesinin
riyazi modellərinin işlənilməsi…………………………………………………………......58

İqtisadiyyat və idarəetmə

S.N. Quliyev
Qarabağ və Şərqi Zəngəzur iqtisadi rayonunda investisiya
siyasətinin perspektiv istiqamətləri.............................................................................66

E-ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

OİL AND GAS UDC 626/628.52.47




J.M. Eyvazov
SOCAR, Oil and Gas Scientific Research and Design Institute
E-mail: jabrayil.eyvazov88@gmail.com


In the developing phase of a hydrocarbon reservoir and planning for drilling the production
wells, it is compulsory to drill the wells in an appropriate spacing to achieve maximum eco-
nomic revenues during the reservoir life span. Well spacing which is the real location and
interrelationship between producing oil or gas wells in an oil field is an important parameter.
It is determined for the maximum ultimate production of a given reservoir and should be
taken in consideration during well planning to avoid drilling of unnecessary wells. This rese-
arch presents the concept of drainage area on horizontal well and horizontal productivity
indices with various equations and their applications.
Keywords: sensitivity analysis, drainage area, skin factor, hydraulic fracturing, matrix acidi-
zing, formation damage, production rate.

Introduction: In optimization of hydrocarbon reservoir development optimal production well

spacing considered one of the basic problems in the oil industry. Horizontal wells drilled to
obtain more hydrocarbons from the reservoir and they cover more drainage area than
vertical wells. Usually, longer horizontal well section will give higher gas recovery factor [1].
In our days, when setting well coordinates at a geological or reservoir model and then run-
ning these reservoir model in software, for obtaining higher oil and gas recovery, defining
the best direction in effective thickness for horizontal well and optimal well length has been
determined by using different reservoir-well model. By using these procedures, it has been
saved cost and time.
In this case, increasing horizontal well length to close to the reservoir boundary will not give
higher oil and gas recovery, because, reservoir properties are low in this area [2]. This case
happened because of the drainage radius achieved by the well near the reservoir boundary
is getting in narrow effective thickness of reservoir layer. If the horizontal well section has
reached to the reservoir boundary area, it will decrease the oil and gas production [3].

Objective: In oil or gas fields by drilling horizontal wells that have relatively large size, main
issue is setting horizontal well location. Sometimes, conventional methods for horizontal well
location can be ineffective and inefficient [4]. Generally, it has been defined to do a lot of
sensitivity analysis for optimal production scenario in forecasting future reservoir performan-
ce. By doing sensitivity analysis for well length in horizontal well, it is possible to define
optimum well length and its productivity index.
There are a lot of parameters in determining the horizontal well length, such as reservoir
boundary. Based on the nodal well analysis reservoir production performance will be lower
in the area near the reservoir boundary than wellbore area [5].
Formation damage will cause to reduce the reservoir permeability in the around of wellbore.
This reduction will influence to the productivity index of the well. Formation damage induces

ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

the formation permeability to go down in the wellbore region. The reduction in the
permeability of wellbore region will influence on the reduction of productivity of the well. Skin
blockage will block pore throats near wellbore area. The production rates are reduced as a
result of this skin blockage. In this case productivity index is reduced as a result of turbulent
flow. When there is turbulent flow in the well, this increase pressure drop than same flow.
The decrease of permeability in turbulent flow is higher than Darcy law flow, because,
pressure drop in turbulent flow is higher than Darcy law flow [6].

Methods: Well stimulation is a term used to characterize various operation carried out in an
oil well to get optimum productivity. This method is very vital to the production operation and
is employed to strengthen production to flow from the reservoir rocks to the wellbore since
the hydrocarbons are located in the spaces between pores of reservoir rock. The pull out
which the hydrocarbons flow from the reservoir rock to the wellbore is known as the per-
meability and it is attained when the pore spaces are connected [7].
The permeability around the wellbore is always different from the permeability near the
reservoir boundary, because, these areas typically aren’t effected by drilling, completion and
production operations.
Fig.1 is a schematic illustration of the skin zone is shown here [8].
Partial or complete plugging of the near wellbore area, which reduces the original permea-
bility of the formation, damage is quantified by the skin (S).


Fig.1. Formation damage

S= − 1 ln (1)

Equation (1) indicates skin factor calculation for vetical wells.

S=[√ /√( ) − 1]ln / (2)

Equation (2) indicates the calculation of skin factor for horizontal wells [6].
Well Stimulation is a chemical or mechanical method of increasing flow capacity to a well.
Hydraulic fracturing is a well stimulating technique used to increase the well productivity. In
the hydraulic fracturing technique, fracturing fluid/pumping fluid is usually made from mixing
water with sand and injecting it under high pressure into the formation [7-8].
E-ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

This article describes how hydraulic fracturing, deviation angle and deviation angle with 500
m horizontal section influences to the well productivity based on real well example. Project
was conducted on Prosper model. This project covers how well oil and gas production will
behave in base case, in 30 deviation angle, in 30 deviation angle with hydraulic fracturing
and 500 meters horizontal length with 30 deviation angle. Except that, in this well model
defined how different parameters – tubing diameters, skin factor effect to the oil and gas
production for determination optimum well production rates. In reality, this well is a little bit
deviated well. Our purpose was to do some kind of sensitivity analysis to determine optimum
parameters for future wells and how production can be in different trajectory.
PVT parameters are as following for this well in the Table 1:

Table 1. PVT parameters for well model

Solution GOR , m3/m3 119

Oil gravity, kg/m3 838.369
Gas gravity,kg/m3 0.81328
Water salinity, ppm 0

The results of Constant Mass Expansion test are uploaded into the model and adaption of
parameters done for this section. The following results are shown in the Table 2.

Table 2. Matching of parameters in PVT tests

Pressure, GOR, Oil FVF, Oil viscosity,

bar m3/m3 m3/m3 cp
1 0 1.0309 2.41353
8.618 4.26 1.0441 2.10595
17.237 9.1 1.0572 1.99951
34.474 17.54 1.0786 1.82365
86.184 40.66 1.1325 1.40926
137.895 65.01 1.1875 1.10401
172.369 81.96 1.2248 0.94854
189.606 90.66 1.2437 0.88249
206.843 99.47 1.2627 0.82313
241.316 117.53 1.301 0.72155
258.553 126.74 1.3203 0.67808
277.176 136.86 1.3413 0.63576
376.041 136.86 1.31785 0.083676
536.608 136.86 1.288827 1.07761
676.09 136.86 1.26811 1.28684
GOR stands for Gas-Oil Ratio, FVF – Formation Volume Factor.

Fig.2 shows that, how daily oil production rate will be change in base case completion, with
30 deviation angle, hydraulic fracturing with 30 deviation angle and 500 meters length hori-
zontal section with 30 deviation angle in case of different tubing diameters. The main purpo-

ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

Fig.2. Oil production rate in different tubing diameters

with various completion type

se was to define the optimal and productive tubing diameter for this well in different comp-
letion type. As a result of this analysis, it has been defined that, with 2.98 inches tubing
diameter in base case daily oil production rate will be 101.4 m/day, in case of 30 deviation
angle oil production rate will be 175.8 m3/day, in case hydraulic fracturing with 30 deviation
angle daily oil production will be 246.4 m3/day, in case of 500 meters length horizontal sec-
tion the oil production rate will be 520.1 m3/day.

Fig.3. Oil production rate in different skin factors

with various completion type

Fig.3 represents that, how daily oil production rate will be change in base case completion,
with 30 deviation angle, hydraulic fracturing with 30 deviation angle and in case of 500 me-
ters horizontal section with 30 deviation angle. The main target was to estimate the optimal
daily gas production rate in various tubing diameters for this well in different completion type.
Based on this research, it has been defined that, with -2 skin factor in base case daily oil
production rate will be 127.2 m3/day, in case of 30 deviation angle oil production rate will be
183.7 m3/day, in case hydraulic fracturing with 30 deviation angle daily oil production will be
261.9 m3/day, in case of 500 meters length horizontal section the gas production rate will be
495.3 m3/day.

Conclusion: Study was conducted on how different tubing diameters and skin factor
influence oil and gas production in various well completion type. In different well completion
type the well drainage area will be increase, it will be effect to the well oil and gas production
E-ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

directly. One of the goal of this project was to determine the optimum tubing diameter to
extract more oil and gas from the well as a result of increased well drainage area. Another
goal was to define the better undamaged area around wellbore, to set negative skin around
wellbore area. Therefore, it has used hydraulic fracturing to increase permeability around
well. This well stimulation technique also will increase well drainage area by improving
damaged zone around wellbore.


1. Daniel Etesami. Modeling and Prediction of Rate of Penetration for Deviated Wells. –
2020. – Pp.18-23.
2. Samir Prasun and Anil Kumar. Drainage Areas, Shapes and Reservoirs for Wells in
Reservoirs with Multiple Fluid Contacts. // SPE -196184-MS. – 2019. – Pp.2-3.
3. Keng Seng Chan, Rahim Masoudi, Hooman Karkooti, Ridzuan Shaedin, Mohamad B.
Othman. Smart Horizontal Well Drilling and Completion for Effective Development of Thin
Oil-Rim Reservoirs in Malaysia. // SPE 170593. – Pp.3-4
4. Tutuka A., Pudjo S., Kuntjoro A.S., Soewono E., Septem L.R., Kenny D. Optimization of
Horizontal Well Direction and Length considering Geomechanics Properties and Drainage
Area Using Genetic Algorithm in a Gas Field. – Pp.114-116. doi.org/10. 5539/mas.v11n9p114.
5. Joshi S.D. Joshi Technologies International, Inc. Cost/Benefits of Horizontal Wells. //
SPE. – Pp.1-3. SPE 83621
6. Michael J. Economides, Kenneth G. Nolte Reservoir Stimulation.// Third edition. – Pp.140-149.
7. Wagenhofer T., Hatzignatiou D.G. Optimization of Horizontal Well Placement. // SPE,
University of Alaska Fairbanks. – U.S.A. – Pp.2-3SPE 35714,99.
8. Wiesław Szott, Krzysztof Miłek. National Research Institute Methods to determine drai-
nage area in shale formations produced by stimulated horizontal wells using reservoir simu-
lation modelling. // Oil and Gas Institute. – Pp.992-994. DOI: 10.18668/NG2015.12.07.
9. Ahmed Tarek Reservoir Engineering Handbook. – Pp.516-522.
10. Huang Lingyan, Tang Hai. The Optimization of Sidetracking Horizontal Well. – 2015. –
Vol.20, bund.14.

C.M. Eyvazov
Quyuların drenaj sahəsinin artırılması nəticəsində müxtəlif quyuların tamamlanması
zamanı müxtəlif parametrləri dəyişən neft və qaz hasilatının həssaslığının təhlili

Karbohidrogen rezervuarının işlənmə və hasilat quyularının qazılmasının planlaşdırılması

mərhələsində layın istismar müddəti ərzində maksimum iqtisadi gəlir əldə etmək üçün quyu-
ların müvafiq intervallarda qazılması lazımdır. Neft yatağında neft və ya qaz hasilat quyula-
rının arasında real yerləşmə və qarşılıqlı əlaqə olan quyulararası məsafə mühüm parametr-
dir. Müəyyən edilmiş lay üçün maksimum son hasilat müəyyən edilir və lazımsız quyuların
qazılmasının qarşısını almaq üçün quyunun planlaşdırılması zamanı nəzərə alınmalıdır. Bu
tədqiqat üfüqi quyuda drenaj sahəsi anlayışını müxtəlif tənliklər və onların tətbiqinin üfüqi
məhsuldarlıq göstəriciləri ilə əsaslandırılmasını təqdim edir.
Açar sözlər: həssaslıq analizi, drenaj sahəsi, skin faktor, hidravlik qırılma, turşu ilə işlənmə,
lay zədələnməsi, hasilat miqdarı.

Publishing history
Article received: 25.12.2021
Article accepted: 15.04.2022

ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022




N.M. Allahguliyev
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
E-mail: nahidallahquliyev98@gmail.com


A new inhibitor based on dipropylene and propylene glycol has been proposed to be used
to combat hydrate formation. Its component composition consists of 70.0 - 85.0% dipropy-
lene glycol, 4.9 - 9.5% propylene glycol, 0.1 - 0.5% surfactant and the rest is water. The
article considers the issue of sequential determination of specific consumption rate within
the main features of the new hydrate inhibitor in natural and associated (petroleum) gases
of different composition, including determination of hydrate formation temperature, liquid-
water content for different gases, liquid (water-water) to determine the concentration of the
inhibitor, to calculate the specific rate of consumption of the inhibitor in the liquid-water pha-
se to prevent the formation of hydrates, define the rate of loss of the inhibitor in the conden-
sate phase and give a calculation algorithm. The newly developed hydrate inhibitor has
successfully passed industrial tests and has proven to be a useful inhibitor. After reviewing
the methods of combating hydrates in the preparation and transportation systems of natural
gases, it becomes clear that the most effective inhibitor to combat the formation of ready-
made hydrates is methanol.
Keywords: hydrate, methanol, inhibitor, underwater gas pipeline, hydration mechanism.

Introduction: In 1811, the English chemist H. Devi discovered the world's first hydrate of
chlorine gas. In modern times, however, sufficient information has been obtained about the
hydrates of many gases. In general, the mechanism of hydrate formation occurs at the bo-
undary of gas-water phases. Significantly better studied in all these processes.
Hydrates are formed not only in the process of transporting gases, but also in the formation
Gas hydrates look like ice or black. However, it should be noted that hydrates are formed
under the pressure and temperature of each gas. Violation of this thermodynamic condition
causes the hydrates to break down into gas and water molecules.
Hydrates are very well studied physically and chemically. According to the data obtained,
the structure of hydrate formation is considered to be a crystalline mass obtained on the
principle of "guest and host". If we clarify this principle, we will see that the role of "host" is
formed by the crystal lattice formed by water molecules and the gaps in its nodes.
The role of "guest" is played by gas molecules, which are adsorbed by the voids there. There
is a hydrogen bond between the water molecules that lead to the formation of hydrate. There
are Van der Waals forces between the gas molecules entering the voids and the water mo-
lecules that have adsorbed it. In addition, gas molecules do not stay in one space, but diffuse
into other empty spaces.
According to R.M. Musayev, any impact on water has a certain positive effect on the forma-
tion of hydrate, and to a certain extent, a negative effect. According to these results, water
can be activated when it has different effects on water, one of the main components that
play a significant role in the formation of hydrate. This is clarified by the mechanism of water

E-ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

activation. Thus, when water is activated, it shifts to a weaker energy level, which weakens
the hydrogen bond between the water molecules and increases the number of free molecu-
les in the water.
According to Bigorne, when hydrates are formed from mineral waters, the concentration of
salt in the remaining water begins to increase.
Thermodynamically, gases can form hydrates from ice. However, if we look at it physically,
we see that ice contains hydrogen and helium gas, and it is impossible for other gases to
enter this structure.

Objective: A number of problems arise during the development of both oil and gas wells.
One of them is hydrate compounds formed by gases. Inhibitors (methanol and diethylene
glycol) are mainly used to prevent hydrate compounds during well development. In the main
gas pipelines, this process is carried out by drying the gas by various means. The prevention
of hydrate compounds will depend on the temperature at which it creats hydrates at a given
pressure. In this case, the problem is that the gases are released during the inter-mine
accumulation or in the facilities designed for transportation, etc. Hydrate formation at the
lowest temperature conditions is prevented. In other words, the effect of the reagents used
must be such that the temperature at which the gas is hydrated at a given pressure is less
than the actual minimum temperature of the gas under the same conditions.
Some of the methanol used in many gas fields is captured, regenerated and returned to the
system for reuse. In some cases, there are some difficulties in using methanol due to the
release of saline mineral water from wells.
However, the problems caused by the presence of mineral water are not limited to the
dissolution of salt deposits. The strata themselves also play a role in inhibiting the formation
of hydrates.
However, this feature of produced waters and their use have not been fully studied. As in
the past, many countries with developed oil and gas industries now use methanol as a
Methanol is currently used as an inhibitor against hydrate formation in oil and gas fields in
Azerbaijan. However, this methanol is then regenerated and not returned to the system.
This, in turn, has a negative impact on the cost of gas, both from an environmental point of view.
In addition, Russia's Orenburg gas condensate field uses more than 300 tons of methanol
per day. Here it is captured, regenerated and returned to the system. This process can be
found in other mines in Russia.
One of the main problems with the use of methanol is that more than half of the methanol
passes into the gas phase and is lost, and the rest is dissolved in condensate.
In addition to methanol, diethylglycol is also used to combat hydrate formation. Diethylene
glycol is used both as an inhibitor and as an absorbent in gas transportation equipment.
However, this inhibitor also has many disadvantages. Among them are the problems asso-
ciated with the formation of emulsions with gas condensate, solubility in condensate, re-
In addition to methanol and diethylene glycol, many inhibitors are used in various oil-produ-
cing countries. For example, as we know, produced water has a high mineral content, so it
has been suggested that it be used as an inhibitor in the fight against hydrates. The produ-
ced water was also mixed with methanol and applied together as an inhibitor. However, the
most widely used in the fight against hydrate formation is calcium chloride (CaCl2). The use
of this salt as an inhibitor has been added to the method of using inhibitors.
From this it is clear that the currently used inhibitors – methanol, diethylene glycol, etc. there
is a great need to increase efficiency.

ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

Methods: Methanol is the most effective inhibitor used against hydraulic fracturing in the
inter-mine accumulation of well products from gas and gas condensate fields or in the
process of preparing them for transportation. However, due to the fact that methanol is a
volatile inhibitor and is well soluble in the gas phase, more than 50% of it is lost when it
comes in contact with the gas. This has a negative impact on the cost of gas produced.
Thus, the use of methanol inhibitors in the fight against hydrate formation is also a major
goal to reduce losses.
The transition of the inhibitor to the gas phase depends on a number of factors: the compo-
sition of the gas, pressure and temperature, and most importantly, its concentration in the
aqueous solution.
As we know, as the temperature increases, the surface tension decreases, and as a result,
the transition to the gas phase increases. Pressure has a very different effect on this process
than temperature. As the pressure increases at a constant temperature, the transition of the
inhibitor to the gas phase also decreases, and at a certain value it is at a minimum level.
Then, as the pressure increases, the amount of inhibitor that passes into the gas phase also
Studies have shown that the most effective way to combat the transition of methanol to the
gas phase is its absorption by diethylene glycol. In general, two main inhibitors are used in
the oil and gas industry to control hydrates. One is methanol, which is used in the extraction
or transportation of gases, and the other is diethylene glycol, which absorbs moisture from
gases in low-temperature separation plants and significantly lowers its dew point. The ad-
vantage of diethylene glycol over methanol as an inhibitor is that it is less volatile because
it is not as volatile as methanol.
It turns out that while absorbing the liquid vapors in the gas through diethylene glycol, the
methanol entering the gas phase will also be absorbed by diethylene glycol. In the next pro-
cess, methanol can be captured and reused through a diethylene glycol regeneration unit.
Inhibitors used to control hydrates are regenerated and returned to the system in many
developed countries.
Analysis of such an experiment shows that methanol loss occurs not only in the gas and
condensate phases, but also in the process of methanol regeneration. The reasons for these
losses are that sometimes the regeneration process is incomplete and the effluent solution
contains about 10-20% of methanol. In this case, the effective use of methanol inhibitors
decreases, and in addition, various environmental problems arise. The problem is that ac-
cording to sanitary and hygienic norms, the concentration of methanol injected into the re-
servoir should be about 0.05%. However, as mentioned above, if the concentration of me-
thanol in water is higher than the norm, as a way out of the situation, technical water is
added to it and mixed, which leads to additional costs. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent
losses in methanol regeneration facilities.
As a result of the research, it was found that in practice, under normal operating conditions,
the temperature of the regeneration facilities is 93-96 ℃ in the lower part and 65-68 ℃ in the
upper part of the regeneration column, and under these conditions it is possible to obtain
96-98% solid methanol. In this case, it is possible to obtain methanol in accordance with
sanitary norms.
In general, the concentration of methanol in the effluent solution under any given conditions
can be explained by its boiling point of 20%. The main reason for this situation in the mining
conditions is the mixing of mineral waters in the regenerated solution, electrolytes, as well
as mineral waters are used as an inhibitor of hydrate formation. For example, a significant
reduction in the equilibrium temperature of hydrate formation of 10% NaCl was studied by
Hammerschmidt. RM Musayev and other researchers applied a combined composition of
mineral stratum water and a widely used hydrate inhibitor – methanol – in the Orenburg gas

E-ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

condensate field.
However, it should be noted that the lack of study of the theoretical and practical aspects of
the possibility of using electrolytes against hydrate formation, especially with gas, has a
negative impact on both the gas production process and their inter-mine accumulation
The formation of hydrates occurs in the water surface monolay on the gas-water contact
line. That is, when the mentioned surface is formed, the free water molecules in the mono-
layer voids are sorbed by the following voids. The resulting voids are captured by gas mole-
cules, and finally the capture of the voids reaches its critical point, where the corresponding
phase change occurs, ie hydrate crystals are formed to meet the energy demand. From this,
it can be concluded that when electrolytes come in contact with water, they dissolve in water
and fill the voids in the nodes of the water's crystal lattice. As a result, a gas-water contact
line is formed. The resulting gas-water line of ions in the monolay of the contact line is ad-
sorbed by water. As a result, the voids are freed from these ions, and the voids are replaced
by the gas phase, which reaches its critical point, when hydrates begin to form. If this hypo-
thesis proves to be true, then we can say that the number of salts in the water should incre-
ase steadily when the water is hydrated at the gas-water contact line.
When water comes in contact with gas, part of it passes into the hydrate, and the rest of the
electrolyte concentration should increase relative to the initial concentration. The compo-
sition of hydrates was also studied due to the increase in electrolyte concentration as a result
of hydrate formation.
Summarizing the above, it can be concluded that in order to reduce the equilibrium tempera-
ture of hydrate formation with the help of electrolytes, the gaps in the water monolay on the
gas-water contact line must be captured by these electrolytes and gas molecules must not
enter these gaps.
The mechanism for preventing the formation of hydrates by mineral aquifers is to capture
the gaps in the gas-water contact line proposed in the self-adsorption model of hydrate
formation of ions in the aquifer, and as a result prevent the adsorption of these voids by gas
molecules. In other favorable thermodynamic conditions, ions in produced water are ad-
sorbed by low-volume water layers, and voids (monolay) in the gas-water contact line are
occupied by gas molecules and hydrates are formed.

1. The formation of hydrates occurs in the water surface monolay on the gas-water contact
line. That is, when the mentioned surface is formed, the free water molecules in the mono-
layer voids are sorbed by the following voids. The resulting voids are captured by gas mo-
lecules, and finally the capture of the voids reaches its critical point, where the corresponding
phase change occurs, ie hydrate crystals are formed to meet the energy demand.
2. The mechanism for preventing the formation of hydrates by mineral aquifers is to capture
the gaps in the gas-water contact line proposed in the self-adsorption model of hydrate
formation of ions in the aquifer, and as a result prevent the adsorption of these voids by gas


1. Musayev R.M., Rzayev Y.R., Valiyev N.A., Ismayilov Sh.Z., Bagirov A.N. / Patent I.
200702 11, Republic of Azerbaijan. Inhibitor of hydrate formation of gases.
2. Hammershmidht E.G. Gas hydrates. // American Gas Association Monthly. – 1936. – Vol.
18, №7. – Pp.273-276.
3. Musayev R.M., Aliyev V.I., Yusifov E.A. Methods for preventing the formation of hydrates

ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

by inhibitors. // Ecology and water economy. – 2004, №1. – Рp.63-66.

4. Aslanov V.D. et al. Investigation of the causes of gas imbalance in Kalmaz NPP and
development of measures to eliminate it and determine the optimal buffer gas volume. –
Baku: Report of “Oil and Gas Research Project” Institute. – P.74.
5. Macogon, 2007; Macogon et al., 2005.
6. International Journal of Energy, Information and Communications. Issue 4. – 2013. –

N.M. Allahquliyev
Sualtı magistral qaz kəmərlərində hidrat yaranmaya qarşı
qabaqlayıcı üsulların işlənməsi

Qazların hidrat əmələ gətirməsi ilə mübarizədə istifadə olunacaq yeni dipropilen və propi-
lenqlikol əsasında hazırlanmış inhibitor təklif edilmişdir. Onun komponent tərkibi 70.0–
85.0% dipropilenqlikoldan, 4,9–9,5 % propilenqlikoldan, 0,1–0,5 % səthi aktiv maddədən və
qalanı sudan ibarətdir. Məqalədə, müxtəlif tərkibli təbii və səmt (neftli) qazlarında hidrata
qarşı yeni hidrat inhibitorunun əsas xüsusiyyətləri daxilində xüsusi sərf normasının ardıcıl-
lıqla təyini məsələsinə baxılıb, o cümlədən müxtəlif tərkibli qazlar üçün hidrat əmələ gəlmə
temperaturunun, maye – su miqdarının təyini, istifadə obyektində (maye - suda) ingibitor
qatılığının müəyyən edilməsi, hidrat əmələgəlmənin qarşısının alınması üçün maye – su
fazasında inhibitorun xüsusi sərf normasının hesablanması, inhibitorun kondensat fazasın-
da itki normasının müəyyən edilməsi məsələsinə baxılmış və hesablama alqoritmi verilmiş-
dir. Yeni işlənmiş hidrat inhibitoru sənaye sınaqlarını müvəffəqiyyətlə keçmiş və özünü fay-
dalı inhibitor kimi təsdiq etmişdir. Təbii qazların hazırlanması və nəqli sistemlərində hidrat-
lara qarşı mübarizə üsullarını nəzərdən keçirdikdən sonra aydın olur ki, hazır hidrat əmələ-
gələməyə qarşı mübarizə üçün ən effektiv inhibitor metanoldur. Lakin bütün bunlara baxma-
yaraq, istifadənin yüksək isitsmar xərcləri, təkrar emal texnologiyalarının yetərincə inkişaf
etməməsi ilə bağlı ciddi çatışmamazlıqlara da malikdir.
Açar sözlər: hidrat, qaz kəməri, metanol, inhibitor, sualtı qaz kəməri, hidratyaranma mexa-

Publishing history
Article received: 24.12.2021
Article accepted: 15.04.2022

E-ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

OIL AND GAS UDC 626/627.2



N.Z. Ramazanov
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
E-mail: nurlan_475@mail.ru


The article provides brief information about the offshore field "Bulla-deniz" and the construc-
tion of the base number 12. It was noted that the foundation was designed before construc-
tion. Due to the sea conditions, the foundations can be affected by various natural factors.
The article shows these natural factors, explores the problems they can create and ways to
solve these problems. The article briefly describes the technological parameters of the foun-
dation, the number of staff, the equipment and facilities supplied. As known, in the field can
come down accident for various reasons. This article propose possible accidents and pre-
vention measures. The project was developed by SOCAR (State Oil Company of Azerbaijan)
at its own expense and uses the latest technologies in the development, construction and
operation of the project. Examples include the SACS (Offshore Structural Analysis and
Design Software) program used in the design and the MPD (pressure-controlled drilling
technology) system used in operation.
Keywords: MPD System, «SACS» programme, TurboExpander, Bulla-deniz field, drilling

Introduction: The Bulla-deniz field was discovered in 1973 and put into operation in 1975.
The field is on the balance of the Oil and Gas Production Department named after N.Nari-
manov. The Bulla-Deniz field plays an important role in the country's natural gas supply [1,
2, 4]. Currently, the field has 13 wells, producing up to 700 tons of oil condensate and 3
million cubic meters of gas per day. Another 17 wells are planned to be drilled as part of a
large-scale development plan. The foundation for drilling 1 exploration and 4 production
wells is installed at a depth of 30 meters. The height from the sea surface to the foundation
floor is 12 meters. The average depth of wells drilled in the well is 6,300 meters. Drilling is
carried out under high pressure and is considered a technologically complex project. A total
of 2.5 million wells are drilled per day. The core is equipped with the HZJ-70DBS rig, which
meets the latest standards and has a drilling tower height of 46.6 meters. This rig is suitable
for drilling to a depth of 7,000 meters from the rotor level. Drilling and operation are carried
out in parallel. The operation is carried out by the N.Narimanov of Azneft Production Union.
For the first time in the history of SOCAR, the pipeline was laid in one section. The base
employs about 100 people. Workers are evacuated from the base when a strong wind
warning is issued. In this case, employees use certain labels. Each takes its place in the
boats (fig.1). In general, safety standards are strictly observed [5, 6].
For the first time in the region, MPD (Managed Pressure Drilling) system, a new technology
in the drilling process, has been introduced in our country. MPD is one of the leading tech-
nologies to achieve key objectives such as reducing hazards during drilling, maintaining well
integrity, ensuring drilling under narrow hydraulic windows, and keeping the reservoir (layer)
clean. As the Bulla-deniz field is included in the list of 10 most complex structures in the
world and is considered as an extremely complex field, the application of the MPD system

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VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

Fig.1. The foundation № 12 in the Bulla-deniz field

Fig.2. The foundation № 12 in the Bulla-deniz field(top view)

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VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

in this field is also a necessity. It is planned to bring the exploration well № 91 to the project
depth without complicating it by managing the layer pressure through the MPD system, and
thus successfully complete the drilling [7].
Material and technical support of the facility was carried out according to the technology of
the work done. Materials used in the construction were provided by the Technical Production
Supply Department of Oil and Gas Production Union. The materials were transported by
sea. In this case, the Shirvan TAS (transport-assembly ship) was used. Metal structures
were developed at the H.Aliyev Baku Deep Water Jacket Factory.
The total area of the production unit is 57x70m.The production unit consists of 2 prism-
shaped support blocks with an area of 20x30 m and a height of 46.6 m and an area of 27x30
meters. The gaps between the blocks are filled with metal plates installed at the legs of the
blocks (Fig.2). The foundation is provided with drilling equipment and ancillary equipment to
support well construction processes:
 AC electric drilling equipment combining main equipment;
 pushing equipment that moves the pedestal along the network of six pedestals;
 pumps with a manifold system that can pump the drilling product at different pressures;
 circulatory system;
 devices for collection and transportation of powdered solutions;
 devices for blocking open oil, gas, water solutions;
 pipeline connecting wellheads;
 pipe storage area; complex of geophysical devices; devices that prevent environmental
Construction should be started after the preparation process in accordance with AzDTN 1.6-
1 "Rules for the organization, implementation and commissioning of construction works" [9].

Objective: Depending on the working conditions, certain hazards can occur in the jackets,
and these hazards can sometimes lead to serious complications. Therefore, natural condi-
tions must be taken into account when designing the foundation before construction. These
natural factors include wind, waves, etc. Experience shows that if the wind factor is not taken
into account when designing the construction of the foundation, it can lead to serious acci-
dents. When Bohai 2 sank on November 25, 1979, only two of the 74 personnel survived.
The foundation, which continues to work in the gulf between China and Korea, was hit by a
10-scale wind and sank due to the storm. According to reports, strong waves dislodged the
fan-pump and opened a half-meter on the deck. The inflow of water immediately disturbed
the balance of the foundation and caused it to sink. However, low preparedness of personnel
for accidents is one of the reasons. The tragedy was caused by the inability to properly use
the rescue device and the inability to follow the usual evacuation procedures. Also, auxiliary
traction devices were not prepared for such an accident and could not help to get out of the
situation. On March 27, 1980, one of the greatest tragedies in Norwegian oil history took
place. The accident caused serious damage to the state and the oil industry in general. The
main reason for the accident was the obsolescence of the material of one of the five "legs"
of the drill. In total, 123 out of 212 people working at the base died. Hours after the crash,
seven planes and 19 helicopters from Norway, Denmark, Germany and the United Kingdom
began searching for survivors and the dead. In addition, nine military and 71 passenger
ships took part in a rescue operation in the North Sea during a severe storm. They managed
to save the lives of only 82 people in such weather conditions.

Methods: In order to prevent all these incidents, a number of solutions have been applied
to ensure the safe operation of the foundations before construction and during operation. A
number of reports need to be made before the platform can be built, and these reports play

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VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

an important role in the design of the platform. Most of these reports are now available
through the SACS program. Through this program, it is possible to measure the weight of
the platform, the maximum impact of wind and wave mode on the platform.
One of the accidents that can occur during operation is an accident that can occur during
high pressure. To prevent this, one of the modern technologies uses the MPD (Managed
Pressure Drilling) system, which provides regulation of the resulting high pressure. In
addition, seabed and soil type events may be unavoidable during the operation of the
platform. Therefore, before the foundation is built, exploration work must be carried out and
the type of soil and the relief of the seabed in the area, where the foundation will be built,
must be studied in detail.

1. In the article, we got acquainted with the construction of foundation № 12 in the Bulla-
deniz field. As we have mentioned, the latest technologies were used in the construction
and design of this foundation. The weights, wave loads and wind loads of the platform were
calculated using the SACS program when the foundation was designed before construction.
The equipment, materials and materials used in the construction each meet modern stan-
dards and have been tested. The MPD system was used to prevent accidents due to pres-
sure on the high pressure platform. The same system is currently in use in well №91 of this
foundation, and successful results have already been achieved.
2. From the accidents that have occurred on the platforms so far, it is known that the human
factor also plays a major role in accidents. Therefore, a full professional staff is involved in
the platform. Each of them is periodically instructed and tested on security measures.
Regular safety training should be provided without warning to ensure that they follow the
safety rules and develop certain habits in order to make the right decisions and take
preventive measures in the event of an accident.
3. It is known that there is a need for power supply in the foundations during both construc-
tion and operation. TurboExpander generator can be used to meet the required energy and
reduce costs economically. Thus, this device receives high-pressure gas from the field and
can convert the energy generated by the pressure of this gas into electricity. After regulating
the pressure, natural gas leaves the plant without any losses[10].


1. Mammadov A.C., Mammadova V.V. Daniz hidrotexniki qurğularının tarixi, metodologiyası

va muasir problemlari. // Dars vasaiti. – Bakı: AzMİU, 2019. – 162 sah.
2. https://az.wikipedia.org/wiki/Az%C9%99rbaycanda_neft_s%C9%99nayesi.
4.http://www.socarplus.az/pub/book/spextra_autumn_2012/files/publication.pdf. Interesting
facts from Azerbaijan oil and gas history”.
5. https://az.trend.az/business/2997842.html.
7.Rig Integral MPD Equipment and Services.
8.SACS™ Design and Analysis Software for Offshore Structures.
9.Azarbaycan Respublikasının Dovlat Neft Shirkati “Neftqazelmitadqiqatlayiha” İnstitutu,
Sifarish №11311, İshchi layiha, Cild 3 tikintinin təşkili.
10.Driving Expander Technology. Atlas Copco Gas and Process Solutions.

E-ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

N.Z. Ramazanov
Bulla-dəniz yatağında 12 saylı özülün tikintisi

Bulla-dəniz yatağı və burada yerləşən 12 saylı özülün tikintisi haqqında qısa məlumat veril-
mişdir. Tikintidən əvvəl özülün layihələndirilməsi barədə qeyd olunmuşdur. Dəniz şəraitində
olduğu üçün özüllərə müxtəlif təbii amillər təsir göstərə bilir. Həmən bu təbii amillər göstə-
rilmiş, onların yaradaca biləcəyi problemlər və bu problemlərin həlli yolları araşdırılmışdır.
Məqalədə özülün texnoloji göstəriciləri, işçi personalın sayı, təchiz olunan qurğu və avadan-
lıqlar öz qısa əksini tapmışdır. Bildiyiniz kimi özüllərdə müxtəlif səbəblərdən qəza hadisəsi
baş verə bilər. Bu məqalədə baş verə biləcək qəza hadisələrinin səbəbləri araşdırılmış və
qabaqlayıcı tədbirlər təklif olunmuşdur. Layihə SOCAR-ın (Azərbaycan Dövlət Neft Şirkəti)
öz daxili imkanları hesabına ərsəyə gətirilmişdir və layihənin hazırlanmasında, tikintidə və
istismarda ən müasir texnologiyalardan istifadə edilir. Buna misal olaraq, layihələndirilmə
zamanı istifadə olunan “SACS” proqramı (Dəniz Struktur Təhlili və Dizayn Proqramı) və istis-
marda tətbiq edilən MPD (təzyiqlərin idarə olunması ilə qazma texnologiyası) sistemi haq-
qında məlumat verilmişdir.
Açar sözlər: MPD sistemi, ”SACS” proqramı, turbodetander, Bulla-dəniz yatağı, qazma

Publishing history
Article received: 31.12.2021
Article accepted: 15.04.2022

ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022




R.V. Emirli
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
E-mail: emirliramil03@gmail.com


Technology of construction of submarine pipelines in the Caspian Sea has been considered.
During the pipe-laying process, divers constantly inspect the stinger and the pipeline. The
absence of obstacles in the sea, the correct placement of the pipeline and the correct posi-
tion of the stinger are controlled.
After the pipeline is placed on the platform, the divers connect a section of the pipeline that
rises from the seabed to the deck and resembles a structure with a lifter.
The pipeline must be compressed and compressed before starting. Similarly, decks, pipe-
lines and cables, valves and switches, ground crude oil pumps and systems, and all equip-
ment that cleans and pushes the shoreline must be tested repeatedly to ensure trouble-free
operation and not to endanger people.
The construction of subsea pipelines began in the 1960s with the discovery of the Yuzhnoye
gas field. It is important to build an offshore gas pipeline to transport gas from this area to
the land. The remoteness of the gas production area from the coast, the preparation of kilo-
meters of ceramics in the dry installation and welding areas, anti-corrosion insulation, ballas-
ting and falsification of transport pontoons led to the development of new pipeline construc-
tion technology.
Keywords: Caspian Sea, submarine pipelines, construction technologies, oil and gas trans-
portation, offshore field, pipeline laying.

İntroduction: The development of offshore oil and gas fields is associated with the con-
struction of subsea pipelines and its availability as a convenient method of transportation.
Submarine pipelines have the following advantages for transporting well products from the
sea to the coast.
1. Transportation of well products by subsea pipelines is a reliable means of transportation.
2. The laying of pipelines does not depend on the structure of the seabed relief, the compo-
sition of the rocks, the depth of the sea, the construction of the platform and how they are
far from the shore.
3. It does not depend on weather conditions, hydrometeorological conditions and seasons.
4. All well products, including gas and condensate, can be transported.
5. Environmental pollution is prevented. Because the process takes place in pressure,
hermetic devices underneath.
6. Allows you to connect several belts to one trunk belt or separate several belts from it.
7. Gas or water injected through pipelines allows to keep the formation pressure constant.
The above-mentioned advantages of the construction of subsea pipelines show that it is
economically viable and environmentally friendly.
When constructing a subsea pipeline, it is important to select the most suitable route (Fig.1).
As it is known, the route of the pipeline is chosen by the designers. During the construction,
small changes can be made to the benefit of the work. Provided that the selected route
meets the following requirements:
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VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

Fig.1. Selection of the underwater pipeline route

1. The length of the track and, accordingly, the length of the pipeline must be kept to a
minimum. This keeps metal consumption to a minimum and reduces capital investment.
2. The route should be selected in such a way that it is possible to carry out construction on
the route with the help of modern machines, mechanisms and equipment.
3. The relief of the seabed along the selected route should be relatively indented, regular,
so that during operation it can remain stationary, resisting the waves and currents of the
4. The direction of the route should be chosen so that the impact of sea waves and currents
is minimal so that the pipeline can operate without maintenance for a long time.
5. It is necessary to pay attention to the depth of the selected route. Depths should be such
that modern construction equipment can be used for construction and installation work.
6. If there are obstacles along the route, it is necessary to cross them and turn in such a way
that the vehicles that work during construction and repair can work comfortably.
7. The distance between parallel tracks should be such that during construction and repair
there are no obstacles, construction and installation works can be carried out safely.
Construction norms and rules must be followed during construction and installation works.
If the above-mentioned requirements for the selection of the route are met, the construction
and installation work can be carried out successfully, construction costs will be minimized,
and the pipeline can be operated without interruption for a long time. [1]

Objective: The commissioning of new fields in the Caspian Sea will stimulate the develop-
ment of a network of subsea pipelines. This, in theory, increases the likelihood of damage
and loss of stability of subsea pipelines.
Several theoretical and experimental studies have been devoted to improving the durability
and reliability of subsea pipelines. In these studies, the effects of seismic activity, sea cur-
rents, ice movement and sediment accumulation factors on the stability and reliability of the
submarine pipeline were studied.
The main probable causes of damage to submarine pipelines in the Caspian Sea are:
1. Lithodynamic processes.
2. Earthquakes.
3. Movement of ships.
The first and second are the most probable reasons for the Caspian Sea. Damage to pipe-
lines by ships can occur in shallow areas, or when the ship pulls its anchor, which has
occurred several times [2].
For the Caspian Sea, seismic events may be one of the main reasons for the failure of
submarine pipelines. It should be borne in mind that the timing of the laying and construction

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VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

of subsea pipelines will be affected by seismic processes along the entire route. The maxi-
mum voltage can occur where the pipelines run from the sea to the shore and are submer-
ged. In order to reduce the impact of such local seismic shocks, the project envisages spe-
cial constructions. Seismic zoning of any area is the result of accurate generalized (synthe-
sized) work of seismic and geological materials. For this purpose, there must be data col-
lected as a result of accurate observations, but such observations are sufficient for the Cas-
pian Sea. As a result of seismic observations and studies, it was determined that the line of
tectonic fault in the Caspian Sea extends east of Absheron, and seismic activity is closely
related to geological (tectonic) faults. 7-8 magnitude seismic tremors were observed in this
region. Analysis of seismic data shows that the Absheron Peninsula and the eastern part of
the Caspian Sea, especially the areas where oil fields are located, have high seismic activity.
As a result of observations made by seismic instruments, the centers of earthquakes were
marked on the map. The map shows the epicenter of the energy nature of the shocks [3].

Methods: As a result of the development of the oil and gas industry, there is a need to
transport these products over long distances. As we know, the most cost-effective method
of transporting oil and gas industry products is to transport them through pipelines. Pipelines
laid below the water level at the intersections of rivers, reservoirs, lakes and seas are called
underwater pipelines. The complete crossing of the water barrier by the submarine pipelines
within the main pipelines is called the appropriate water barrier crossing of the pipelines.
Pipelines that do not completely cross the water barrier, depending on their purpose, sub-
marine sea, lake, river, etc. is called. They are targeted, for example, to transport submarine
oil and gas pipelines from a offshore field to a coastal receiving point. Several methods are
used in the construction of submarine oil and gas pipelines. The most common of these are
– pipes are welded to each other on coastal conveyors and placed on the seabed by vessels.
In this case, the pipes are filled with water or special pontoons are attached to the pipes to
maintain their stability during the placement of the pipeline on the seabed. This method is
mostly used in coastal areas (Fig.2);

Fig.2. Pulling the pipes welded to the shore to the bottom of the ship

– placing pipes on the seabed by welding them to each other in special vessels. This method
is now more widely used and is considered more appropriate for the construction of long-
distance pipelines through the depths of the long sea.
This method is also implemented in several forms, depending on the diameter, material and
purpose of the pipes:
1) the simplest and most common method S;
2) Method J (Fig.3)
3) Method G (Fig.4); this method is used only for laying low-diameter and elastic pipes.

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VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

Fig.3. Salting by the S method: Fig.4. Withdrawal by the J method:

1 – ship; 2 – pipeline; 3 – stinger 1 – ship; 2 – pipeline

Prior to the construction of the subsea oil and gas pipelines, a comprehensive exploration
of the seabed is being carried out along the route of the pipeline in order to study any ob-
stacles. Obstacles identified are being removed or the pipeline is planned to be laid around
them. At this stage, the parts where the pipes need to be buried or covered are also iden-
Special protective materials are applied to the inner and outer surfaces of the pipes to be
used in laying the pipeline:
– a special substance that prevents fractionation is applied to the inner surface in order to
reduce the transport time resistance;
– the outer surface is first coated with corrosion-resistant coatings, and then with an
aggravated concrete coating.
Laying of pipelines on the seabed is carried out by special pipelines. These ships are up to
300 meters long and have a crew of several hundred people.
In most cases, several vessels are involved in the process of laying pipes on the seabed:
– a vessel in front of a pipeline and monitoring the seabed;
– barges for the delivery of pipes on board the pipeline, taking into account the 12-hour
supply of pipes [4].

1. Pipes are welded to each other on coastal conveyors and placed on the seabed by
vessels. In this case, the pipes are filled with water or special pontoons are attached to the
pipes to maintain their stability during the placement of the pipeline on the seabed.
2. Obstacles identified are being removed or the pipeline is planned to be laid around them.
At this stage, the parts where the pipes need to be buried or covered are also identified.
3. Special protective materials are applied to the inner and outer surfaces of the pipes to be
used in laying the pipeline.


1. Abbasov R.F., Mammadov K.M., Musayev Z.S. Marine hydraulic structures, storage and
transportation of oil and gas. // Textbook. – Baku, 2010. – 448 p.
2. Resources of SOCAR's Oil and Gas Research Project Institute.
3. Azerbaijan Oil Economy Journal. – 2015, № 2.
4. Miralamov H.F., Ismayilov G.G. Oil and gas transportation by pipelines. – Baku, 2010. –
505 p.

ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

R.V. Əmirli
Xəzər dənizində sualtı boru kəmərlərinin tikintisi texnologiyaları

Xəzər dənizində sualtı boru kəmərlərinin tikintisi texnologiyaları göstərilmişdir. Boruçəkmə

prosesi zamanı dalğıclar daim stinger və boru kəmərini yoxlayırlar. Dənizdəki maneələrin
olmaması, boru kəmərinin düzgün yerləşdirilməsi və stingerin düzgün mövqeləri nəzarət
olunur. Boru kəmərinin platforma yerləşdirilməsi başa çatdıqdan sonra, dalğıclar dəniz di-
bindən göyərtəyə qədər çıxan və quruluşa bənzəyən boru kəmərinin bir hissəsini yüksəldici
ilə birləşdirir. Boru kəmərini işə salmadan əvvəl sıxılmış və sıxışdırılmalıdır. Eynilə, göyərtə,
boru kəmərləri və kabellər, ventil və açarları, yerdəki xam neft çıxaran pompalar və sistem-
ləri təmizləmək və sahilə doğru itələyən bütün avadanlıqlar əməliyyatın qəzasız keçməsini
təmin etmək və ya insanlara təhlükə yaratmamaq üçün dəfələrlə sınaqdan keçirilməlidir.
Sualtı magistral boru kəmərlərinin tikintisinin başlanğıcı 1960-cı illərdə "Yuzhnoye" qaz ya-
tağının tapılması ilə bağlıdır. Bu sahədən qaz torpaqlarına daşınması üçün açıq dənizdə
qaz boru kəmərinin çəkilməsi vacibdir. Qazın istehsal sahəsinin sahildən uzaq olması, quru
quraşdırma və qaynaq sahələrində kilometr keramika hazırlığı, antikorroziya izolyasiyası,
balastlama və nəqliyyat pantonlarının saxtalaşdırılması ilə yeni bir boru kəmərinin tikintisi
texnologiyasının inkişafına gətirib çıxardı.
Açar sözlər: Xəzər dənizi, sualtı boru kəmərləri, tikilmə texnologiyaları, neftin qazın nəqli,
dəniz yatağı, boruların düzülməsi

Publishing history
Article received: 16.12.2021
Article accepted: 15.04.2022

E-ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

OIL AND GAS UDC 622.24.276



B.A. Tarverdiyev
Azerbaijan State Oil And Industry University
E-mail: tarverdiyevbehrem73@gmail.com


Manifestations that occur behind the pipeline after cementation and methods of their elimi-
nation have been considered. During the drilling of oil and gas wells, in many cases, many
accidents occur, such as the implementation of the process of strengthening the wellbore
wall in the area where the complications occur, as well as the correct and effective separa-
tion of layers and cement bridges processes can be performed. Examples include the ab-
sorption of drilling mud, the capture of the drilling pipeline, landslides in the strata in the
drilling area, sand, as well as water, etc. can be shown. During the process of cementing
the wells, it is necessary to eliminate the accidents and complications caused by the inability
to isolate the layers in the backhole zone, the faster ignition of the cement solution used in
the well and the stay inside the pipeline. We can also emphasize that there is no ignition
process between the cement stone used and the productive layer.
Keywords: wells, cementing, drilling, formation, exploitation, occurrence of manifestations

Introduction: During the drilling of oil and gas wells, in many cases, many accidents or
complications occur, such as the implementation of the process of strengthening the well-
bore wall in the area where the complications occur, as well as the correct and effective
separation of layers and cement bridges. Examples include the absorption of drilling mud,
the capture of the drilling pipeline, landslides in the strata in the drilling area, sand, as well
as water, etc. can be shown [1].
As a result, the occurrences behind the pipeline after the completion of the drilling process
are one of them, and the most important thing be done is to effectively prevent such oc-
currences. There are many causes of manifestations, especially behind the pipeline: incom-
plete application of the parameters of the pipeline envisaged in the project, low quality of the
pipeline, if the post-pipeline zone has very high formation pressure, inaccurate material and
technical support in the cementing process, as well as organizational issues, etc. may be
related to [2].
The occurrence of manifestations results in complications in the well, as well as loss of
economic costs and time. When the value of the pressure in the zone behind the wellbore
is greater than the value of the crushing pressure of the pipe in the well, the products from
the annular space are discharged from the well through the preventor discharge line at the
wellhead. The value of the pressure can also be taken into account. These complications
are very difficult to solve and in some cases can lead to the closure of the well.
During cementing process in the well, the following measures must be taken to prevent and
investigate the occurrences behind the pipeline:
1. Study of the areas where the manifestations were recorded in the posterior zone.
2. Determination of the height of the cement mortar in the post-pipeline zone.
3. Reducing the intensity of emergencies.
4. Injection of cement mortar prepared in the area using expandable buffer cement.

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VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

Objective: The cementing process consists of many stages. These include the selection of
dry cement, its preparation, the selection and preparation of the given cement solution
according to the parameters of the well, and then the direction and lifting of the backhole
zone and the prevention of any subsequent complications depend on the quality of the
cement mortar used and the correctness of the cementing process. Cement mortar has
many key parameters, which also play a key role in the quality of cementation. Examples
are the watering of the cement slurry, its viscosity, the time of onset of the cement's ignition,
its density, as well as the storage of the cement slurry pumped into the well.
During the process of cementing the wells, it is necessary to eliminate the accidents and
complications caused by the inability to firmly isolate the layers in the back zone, the faster
ignition of the cement solution used in the well and its stay inside the pipeline. In addition to
the negative factors, we can emphasize the formation of oil and gas in the wells, the forma-
tion of griffins, as well as the absence of ignition between the cement stone used and the
productive layer.
Some complications occur with a decrease in hydrostatic pressure, and to prevent this, the
density of the drilling mud used in deeper wells is increased by 5-10%, and in wells with a
design depth of less than 1,200 meters, by 10-15%. For this reason, maintaining the value
of hydrostatic pressure in the well above the nominal pressure of the formation leads to a
decrease in the speed of the drilling process and an increase in the amount used for drilling
mud, but with the elimination of complications, during cementation the well It also has a
positive effect in the fight against manifestations.
Due to the low formation temperature in the layers above the bottom level of the drilled wells,
the cement mortar, which is raised in the direction of the annular space, hardens after firing
at different times, depending on the depth.
As a result of the research, it was determined that the values of excess pressures in the
post-pipeline zone after the cementing process in the appropriate sections of the drilling
process in different fields are different. As a result of the research, it was defined that in
some fields of Azerbaijan, including Absheron archipelago, the total thickness of the layers
characterized by active permeability increases with increasing depths in the same sections.
Some strata are located above the bottom of the well, and as the stratum temperatures of
such strata drop from the bottom to the top of the well, the cement mortar raised to the back
of the belt will harden later in the strata than in the lower strata. As the inflow of products
into the annular space of the well increases, the value of the hydrostatic pressure in that
annular space decreases.
Accidents recorded during the cementing process often occur due to improper compliance
with regulatory requirements. These types of accidents are mainly due to the lack of proper
control of the cementing pressure at the end of the cementing process also occurs when
pressure drops on the outside are not properly controlled. One of the most difficult stages in
drilling oil and gas wells is the cementation of the pipeline that is lowered into the well. The
cementing process is carried out by many service areas, a large number of special machines
and units, drilling workers, as well as specialists. One of the most important operations in
the cementing process is to follow the well-prepared cementing plan and cementing techno-
logy. In some cases, accidents are inevitable, despite the fact that the cementing process is
strictly controlled at all stages [3].

Methods: After the completion of the works provided for in the wellbore preparation plan,
electrical measurements shall be carried out in the well in order to study the actual condition
of the wellbore. A “Pipe Lower” plan is being developed to lower the safety pipe to the well-
bore. The plan calls for a number of measures to be developed and implemented to prevent

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VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

exploitation, as well as the retention of safety belts along the wellbore. These measures
 the speed of reprocessing in the wellbore should not exceed 60 m/s;
 the parameters of the drilling mud in the well must meet all the requirements of the
technical geological survey, and the weight of calcium ions in the drilling mud should not be
less than 300 mg per liter;
 in order to avoid the riveting process, the diameter of the coupling part and other elements
of the protective belt lowered into the well must be less than 0.94 times or 1.2 times the
diameter of the wellbore;
 the inside of the pipeline released into the well should be filled every 110-130 meters;
 when it is necessary to carry out the washing process in the open borehole zone of the
wellbore when releasing the safety pipe, the drilling mud consumption should be adjusted
so that the rising speed of the mud in the backhole zone is less than the rising speed of the
drilling mud at the backle of the drill pipe [4].
Maintaining a constant pressure in the well and in the formation when drilling wells ensures
that the drilling process is carried out without the occurrence and complication of the
wellbore. In modern times, the value of hydrostatic pressure in the well during drilling is
required to be taken in excess of the value of the formation pressure in the range of
approximately 5-15%, depending on the depth of the well itself. All these requirements are
often met, but in some cases, when the parameters of the drilling mud can not be adjusted
to the desired level, in addition, the well pipe is lifted at too high a speed, regardless of the
size of the annular space. Parts are not filled with drilling fluid, in addition, when we lift the
drilling tool, we do not take into account the effect of the piston in the annular space, the
penetration of large and small gas bubbles from the diffusion process into the wellbore
during long idle time, and so on. Inequality of well and formation pressures in the wellbore
zone can occur. Elimination of such inequalities can in some cases lead to the emergence
of gas, oil, as well as water. In addition, the formation of griffins, failure of safety belts due
to crushing for certain reasons, blockage of the drill pipe due to landslides in the well, the
occurrence of absorption during the injection of solution into the well can often lead to
technical and other reasons.
A lot of important work is being done in this area. However, the failure to take into account
some factors in the elimination of formation inequality in this area leads to the formation of
extremely dangerous open fountains.
It has been determined that when fluid circulation is not established in a well, the spontane-
ous movement of the drilling fluid from the annular space of the well or the increase in fluid
volume at the pumping intake points in the case of drilling fluid circulation in the well is due
to the penetration of stratified product into the wellbore arises. When the formation product
enters the wellbore, the well washing process is stopped and measures are taken to regulate
the up and down movement of the drill pipe. In order not to increase the amount of fluid in
the well and the actual value of the pressure in the annular space, ie to keep it stable, the
drilling mud used in the annular space should not be left out and the process should be
specially monitored. During the development of the well, the valve leading to the lower part
of the pipe in use, ie the working pipe, is closed.
In order to prevent the solution in the formation from entering the wellbore, the flushing
process must be carried out by applying a pressure equal to the value of the excess pressure
generated in the well in the throttle part of the preventor at the wellhead. The values of the
excess pressure in the above-mentioned annular space are recorded by a manometer
located above the working line of the preventor. The drill pipe must always be mobile. This
is because various accidents can occur when wells are washed under high pressure. When
washing in a well, various formation products are mixed with the drilling mud, and therefore

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VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

its density decreases. After the reduced density drilling fluid is removed from the annular
space and released from the gases in a special device called a degasser, it is aggravated
and pumped into the well using various special substances. Elimination of occurrences in
wells is achieved through a series of steps. [5]
Periodically recorded pipeline retention processes are due to the process of riveting the pipe
in the trough system in the wellbore, riveting due to the stiffness of the pipe in the well being
greater than the longitudinal resistance of the wellbore, due to excessive pressure in the
porous horizons. Due to the high velocity of the drilling mud and the formation of caps in the
backbone zone, due to fractures in the wellbore during the absorption process in the wells,
due to the water-gas-oil fountain when lifting the pipeline from the well, etc. consists. These
accidents occurred in most of the drilling areas.
Separation of the pipelines as a result of detachment from the body part is caused by the
failure of the threaded joints in the pipes inserted into the well by the drilling crew and the
quality of the couplings in the pipe by the factory. When a pipe is released into the wellbore,
the drill workers in the wellbore curve the threaded joints in the pipe and the threads are
deformed as they are tightened the joints more than normal. In some cases, due to the lack
of a torque meter to connect the pipes to each other, the drilling crew closes the joints in the
groove, causing excessive tension in the coupling and cracks in the coupling parts of the
pipe, and sometimes this groove are lowered into the well even if they are not sure that the
joints are completely closed.
Separation of the protective belt from the body part occurs when the pipe is lifted upwards
with a very large axial load to release the pipe trapped in the wellbore and regularly moves
the unobstructed part of the pipe up and down. Due to its own weight, the body part bends
and breaks.
One of the most serious accidents in a well is the crushing of the safety belt. These types of
accidents occur when the inner part of the pipeline is not filled with drilling mud every 110-
130 meters when the protection pipe is lowered into the well, when open gas fountains
appear in the wells, which are considered to be very dangerous accidents.
When we lower the pipe into the well, when any crushing is recorded in the pipe, the part of
the pipe that is lowered into the well is lifted towards the wellhead and the crushed pipe is
replaced with a new pipe. When the wellbore is crushed as a result of an open fountain or
tectonic disturbance, re-drilling is resumed after the diameter of the crushed inner part of
the pipe has been repaired with the help of special mandrels and rebars in the crushing
interval. In some cases, reinforcement works are carried out in the mentioned interval by
means of overhead pipelines. When a pipe is lost due to landslides in wells, the well is closed
for many technical reasons [6].

Conclusion: Proper and effective pressure management in the wellbore zone plays an im-
portant role in preventing manifestations in the area. For this purpose, work should be
carried out in the following sequence:
1. 80% of the values of the rupture and bending (ie, excess pressure) pressures of the belts
shall be taken.
2. The test pressure values of the belt heads, belts and packers shall be used in the cal-
3. The differential pressures of the inter-belt space shall be calculated on the basis of the
given formulas.
4. The maximum permissible belt pressure is equal to the minimum value of the pressures
specified in the upper part for each space between the belts.
5. The maximum permissible value of working pressure shall be taken as 80-90% of the
maximum allowable belt pressure in accordance with international norms and standards.

E-ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022


1. Suleymanov E.M., Suleymanov O.E. New design and working principle, upper and lower
cement screeds. Khazarneftegazyatag – 2006. / Abstracts of the 7th International Scientific-
Practical Conference. – Baku, 2006. – Pp.22-23.
2. Guliyev B.A., Shirinov M.M. Drilling of oil and gas wells. – Baku: ADNSU printing house,
3. Süleymanov E.M. and so on. Method of installing cement bridges in wells. / Patent of the
Republic of Azerbaijan № 20050010. – 2005, №2.
4. RP 10B, Recommended Practice for Testing Well Cementing, 22nd edition, API (Decem-
ber 2008; Addendum 2, November 2007).
5. Akhundov C.S., Hasanov I.Z. Drilling of oil and gas wells. – Baku: Gunesh-B, 2015
6. Suleymanov E.М. Improvement of the device NIPIneft UKZ-95 to ensure the possibility of
its multiple use in the installation of quality cement bridges. // EI, series of construction of oil
and gas wells on land and on the sea. – Issue 7. – 1990.

B.A. Tarverdiyev
Sementləmədən sonra kəmər arxasında baş verən
təzahürlər və onların aradan qaldırılması

Sementləmədən sonra kəmər arxasında baş verən təzahürlər və onların aradan qaldırılması
metodları göstərilmişdir. Neft və qaz quyularının qazılması zamanı bəzi hallarda bir çox qəza
halları və ya mürəkkəbləşmələr ortaya çıxır ki,bu hallar baş verdikdə də mürəkkəbləşmələr
baş verən zonada quyu divarının möhkəmləndirilməsi prosesinin həyata keçirilməsi, həmçi-
nin layların düzgün və effektiv şəkildə ayrılması və sement körpülərinin qoyulması kimi pro-
seslər yerinə yetirilə bilər. Bunlara misal kimi qazıma məhlulunun udulması,qazıma kəməri-
nin tutulması,qazıma aparılan zonada laylarda baş verən uçulmalar və sürüşmələr, qum və
su təzahürlərini və s. göstərmək olar. Quyuların sementlənməsi prosesi aparılarkən kəmə-
rarxası zonadakı layların möhkəm təcrid oluna bilməməsi, quyuda istifadədə olan sement
məhlulunun daha tez tutuşaraq kəmərin içərisində qalması ilə ortaya çıxan qəza və mürək-
kəbləşmələrin aradan qaldırılması böyük vəsait tələb olunur.Mənfi amillərdən qeyd etdiklə-
rimizdən başqa, quyularda neft və qaz təzahürlərinin yaranması,qrifonların meydana gəlmə-
si və həmçinin də istofadə olunan sement daşı ilə məhsuldar lay arasında tutuşma prosesi-
nin baş verməməsini də vurğulaya bilərik.
Açar sözlər: quyu, sementləmə, qazıma, lay, istismar, təzahürlərin yaranması

Publishing history
Article received: 07.02.2021
Article accepted: 15.04.2022

ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

OIL AND GAS UDC 622.276.4



R.İ. Rustamov
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
E-mail: rovlan_r@mail.ru


Methods of increasing oil production in the fields have been considered. The issue of increa-
sing the oil recovery factor is one of the main problems facing the oil industry today. As a
result of the widespread use of oil displacement in reservoirs (currently 75% of oil fields are
operating in the injection mode), the average oil recovery factor in our country has increased
significantly. The oil recovery coefficient of strata operating in complex conditions (non-New-
tonian oils in non-homogeneous strata, strata in contact with a large aquifer, environments
with an initial pressure gradient, etc.) is much lower. Despite the high oil recovery factor
obtained in compression methods, sometimes the application of the process of oil compres-
sion with water in practice is geological, technological, economic, etc. therefore not possible.
This is mainly due to the fact that the oil is in non-homogeneous strata with high viscosity.
On the other hand, the issue of residual oil extraction in both irrigated and depleted fields
cannot be fully resolved by pumping water into the reservoir. From this point of view, the
formation is affected by thermal methods, and the increase in oil production is currently
considered promising. This method is currently used not only to developed fields, but also
to increase the oil recovery rate of depleted fields with large amounts of residual oil.
Keywords: formation, yield factor, water pressure regime, oil fields, exploitation, increase
of oil yield

Introduction: Filtration of liquid and gas in the formation at the bottom of the well occurs
under the influence of a force that depends on the reserve and type of formation energy.
During the operation of reservoirs through wells, the pressure difference in these two zones
occurs, because the value of the pressure in the wellbore zone is smaller than the average
value of the reservoir pressure. The pressure drop across the formation covers both the oil
and water part of the field. Thus, the field can be considered as a single hydraulic system
with wells drilled.
From this point of view, the pressure difference between the fluid and gas in the wellbore is
due to hydrodynamic factors (fluid and gas consumption, well construction and placement
in the reservoir, etc.), physical and chemical properties of the liquid and gas (viscosity, fluid
and gas composition, density and etc.) depends on the lithophysical properties of the layer
(permeability, porosity and composition of rocks, elastic properties, etc.).
The main energy sources that ensure the movement of liquid and gas in the formation are:
 the pressure energy of the surrounding water and the gas cap in the formation;
 energy of gas dissolved in oil and water, released from them with a decrease in pressure;
 elastic energy of compressed rock and fluid;
 the gravitational energy generated by the gravitational force of oil.
 One of the main tasks in selecting measures to increase the oil recovery factor is to
identify the factors affecting the oil recovery factor.
As a result of mining, laboratory and hydrodynamic studies, it was determined that the
factors affecting oil production can be divided into the following groups:
E-ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

I. Natural energy of the layer (layer regime).

II. Geological features of the deposit (including lithophysical properties of rocks, chemical
composition, permeability, porosity, heterogeneity, rock fractures, layer slope, etc.).
III. Physicochemical properties of oil, gas, water in the formation (oil composition, rheological
properties, gas composition, physicochemical properties of water, etc.).
IV. Interactions between rocks in contact with liquids and gases (events on the surface of
the porous medium, saturation of the porous medium with oil, gas and water, capillary
events, mass transfer in the movement of liquid and gas, changes in hydrodynamic and
rheological parameters during contact with water, etc.).
V. Technological processes (opening of wells and reservoirs, distance between wells and
location of wells, mode of reservoir operation, pressure maintenance, etc.).

Objective: The decrease in oil production in non-homogeneous strata is mainly reflected in

multilayer fields. Thus, in such layers with different permeability, in the process of oil com-
pression, water compresses the oil more intensively in the layers with high permeability. As
a result, the oil and water boundary in the field moves unevenly. In this case, in the layers
with high permeability, the water quickly reaches the bottom of the well - watering occurs in
the wells. In the low-permeability layers, despite the large amount of oil reserves, the water
saturation in the wellbore zone reaches such a level that the permeability to oil decreases
to zero. Thus, very little of the field's reserves are used.
In order to make full use of the reserves in such fields, the main task is to ensure that the oil
and water contour moves evenly along the thickness of the field.
As mentioned above, industrial-scale oil fields are known to be composed of fractured rocks.
An example of such fields is the oil fields in the Grozny region. It should be noted that if the
fractured bed has no hydrodynamic connection with the aquifer, it will not be necessary to
inject water into the formation behind the contour. In such cases, the process of displacing
the oil with water will occur when water enters the circuit. In both cases, depending on the
velocity of the injected water, the oil will reach the bottom of the well quickly and the oil
recovery coefficient will be small, as the oil is compressed in the porous medium only by
capillary absorption. If the oil reserves of the formation are mainly accumulated in the cracks,
then the oil recovery factor will be high. It has been determined that the angle of inclination
of the formation also has an effect on oil production. The oil recovery coefficients at different
pressures up or down the field are at different values. As the slope angle increases, the
upward compression along the descent line, the downward compression, the offsetting.

Methods: As mentioned above, many factors affect the oil recovery rate of a field. From this
point of view, it is more expedient to study the oil production process and the factors
influencing it by statistical methods. For example, as a result of analysis of variance, it is
possible to study the effect of geological, physical and technological parameters on the oil
recovery factor of the field.
With the help of variance analysis, it is possible to determine the main influence of one or
another factor on the course of the process, as well as the degree of influence of individual
factors and their relationship to each other. In the classical methods, one of the factors
influencing the process of solving such problems is considered to be variable, and the rest
is considered to be unchanged. It takes a lot of time to study the effect of all the factors on
this rule.
In the variance analysis, each observation is made to assess all the factors and their
interactions at the same time. Thus, since it is possible to be satisfied with one observation
in the collection of the corresponding limits of each of the factors, it is not often necessary
to make parallel observations. This is especially important.

ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

The following conditions must be met for the analysis of variance:

1. The resulting sign or its altered function can be considered as a random deduction from
the general population subject to the law of normal distribution.
2. Factors affecting the outcome trait should not be correlated.
3. The variance by groups must be homogeneous.
The effects of oil on the mechanism of compression of oil in the formation by water and gas
in different conditions in order to increase the oil recovery factor, measures to increase oil
production can be divided into the following groups:
1. Physico-hydrodynamic methods to ensure oil loss without compression.
2. Thermochemical methods to ensure that the oil is properly separated from the rocks and
reaches the bottom of the well without loss.
3. Thermochemical methods that ensure the lossless movement of oil to the bottom by
changing its physical and chemical properties.
4. Methods of creating physical areas that have a positive effect on the movement of oil in
the reservoir.
Due to the reduction of pressure in the bottomhole zone, the gas released from the oil after
a certain period of time occupies part of the porous environment, reduces the permeability
and production of oil, leads to inefficient excess energy consumption and, as a result,
reduces the oil recovery factor. In order to reduce the harmful effects of the gas, it is
advisable to periodically re-dissolve it in oil. For this, depending on the thermodynamic
conditions, it is sufficient to increase the pressure in the wellbore zone for a certain period
of time. The increase in pressure causes the free gas in the reservoir to re-dissolve in the
oil, increasing the oil saturation of the porous medium (increasing the phase permeability
due to the oil), increasing the amount of oil extracted at the same pressure difference.
Hydrodynamic calculations show that the time taken for gas to be redistributed to reduce
the phase conductivity of oil is measured in years. Thus, by taking periodic measures, oil
production can be increased.
As a result of mining research, it was determined that oil production increases as a result of
barometric changes in clay-bearing rocks and viscous-plastic oil production wells.
Experiments have shown that the oil recovery coefficient of the formation increases when
magnetic water is injected into the formation. Magnetically treated water gases dissolve salts
well, enhancing the leaching of oil from the rock.
In addition, the surface tension of such water increases, making it resistant to swelling when
in contact with clay. From this point of view, it is more expedient to inject magnetic water
into clay deposits.
When water is exposed to a magnetic field, its physical and chemical properties change.
After working with water magnets:
1) coagulation, the rate of aggregation of suspended solids in water increases;
2) when water evaporates, salt crystals are formed along the volume, not on the walls of the
3) the degree of wetting of the surface changes; so that water that moistens the surface in
weather conditions, after working with a magnet, significantly reduces the wetting capacity.
It should be noted that this depends on the composition of the surface;
4) adsorption intensifies and increases;
5) solubility of solids (salts) in water increases. It is used to prevent the deposition of salt in
the pipes.
Despite the high oil recovery factor obtained in compression methods, sometimes the appli-
cation of the process of oil compression with water in practice is geological, technological,
economic, etc. therefore not possible. This is mainly due to the fact that the oil is in non-

E-ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

homogeneous strata with high viscosity. On the other hand, the issue of residual oil extrac-
tion in both irrigated and depleted fields cannot be completely solved by pumping water into
the reservoir. In this regard, the formation has been affected by thermal methods, and in-
creasing oil production is currently considered promising. This method is currently used not
only to increase the oil recovery rate of developed fields, but also of depleted fields with
large amounts of residual oil. The main purpose of the application of thermal methods is to
sharply reduce the viscosity of the oil and increase the speed by increasing the temperature
in the formation. Due to the high temperature, the associated water evaporates, the oil is
squeezed easier, and the deposition of solid particles (paraffin, asphalt-resin, etc.) in the
wells and lifts is eliminated.
The extraction of additional oil by this method occurs mainly due to the cleaning of the well-
bore zone (increased permeability due to melting of paraffin, resin, etc. with oil), reduction
of viscosity and in some cases cracks and fissures in the wellbore zone due to temperature
stresses. Since the well is not stopped at the moment of constant heating, the heat dissipa-
tion is directed in the opposite direction of the moving fluid; therefore, at the same time, the
temperature distribution zone is less than in the case of immobility, periodic heating (during
which time the wells are stopped). With constant heating, additional oil is obtained due to
the reduction of viscosity.


At present, the thermal methods used in the oil industry in our country can be divided into
three types:
1. Heating of the well bottom zone due to steam, heaters and heat from chemical reaction;
2. Permanent or periodic injection of heat exchangers (hot water, hot steam and hot gas);
3. Creating a combustion source that moves within the layer.
Heating of the bottom zone is mainly applied in the following cases:
1. When the temperature in the bottom zone is lower than the melting temperature of
paraffin-resin particles (in this case, paraffin, resin, asphaltene, etc. precipitate in the bottom
2. In oil reservoirs where the viscosity of the oil is very high and can decrease significantly
with increasing temperature. The bottom zone can be heated periodically and permanently.
Special electric heaters are used for this purpose.


1. Pearson D.S. The doctrine of the oil reservoir. / Translation from English. – M.: Gostop-
tekhizdat, 1961.
2. Amiks D., Bass D., Whiting R. Physics of the oil reservoir. – M. Gostoptekhizdat, 1962.
3. Mirzadjanzade A.H. The paradox of petroleum physics. – Baku: Azerneshr, 1981.

R.İ. Rüstəmov
Neftvermə əmsalının artırılması üçün üsulların tətbiqi

Yataqlarda neft veriminin artırılması metodlarına həsr edilmişdir. Neftvermə əmsalının artırıl-
ması məsələsi hazırda neft sənayesi qarşısında duran əsas problemlərdən biridir. Laylarda
neftin su ilə sıxışdırılmasının geniş tətbiqi nəticəsində (hazırda neft yataqlarının 75%-i ilk
dövrdən su vurulması rejimində işləyir) orta neftvermə əmsalı ölkəmizdə xeyli artmışdır. Mü-
rəkkəb şəraitdə istismar olunan layların (qeyri-Nyuton xassəli neftlər qeyri-bircinsli laylarda,

ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

dabanı ilə böyük sulu sahəyə təmas edən laylarda, başlanğıc təzyiq qradiyenti yaranan
mühitlərdə və s.) neftvermə əmsalı xeyli az olur. Sıxışdırma üsullarında yüksək neftvermə
əmsalı əldə edilməsinə baxmayaraq, bəzən praktikada neftin su ilə sıxışdırılması prosesinin
tətbiqi geoloji, texnoloji, iqtisadi və s. səbəbdən mümkün olmur. Buna əsas etibarilə, nefti
yüksək özlülüyə malik olan qeyri-bircinsli laylarda təsadüf edilir. Digər tərəfdən, istər sulaş-
mış və istərsə də enerjisi tükənmiş yataqlarda qalıq neftin çıxarılması məsələsi də laya su
vurmaqla tam həll oluna bilməz. Bu baxımdan laya termik üsullarla təsir edib, neftvermənin
artırılması hazırda perspektiv sayılır. Bu üsuldan hazırda təkcə işlənən yataqların deyil, bö-
yük miqdarda qalıq nefti olan tükənmiş yataqların neftvermə əmsalının artırılmasında da
istifadə edilir.
Açar sözlər: lay, verim əmsalı, su basqı rejimi, neft yataqları, istismar, neftvermənin artırıl-

Publishing history
Article received: 07.02.2021
Article accepted: 15.04.2022

E-ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

OIL AND GAS UDC 622.276:658



F.M. Efendizade
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
E-mail: efendizadefaiq7@gmail.com


Analysis of well operation regimes has been considered. Determining the exact regime of
an oil field is often difficult, especially at the beginning of development. This is due to the
fact that it is possible to directly observe the extraction of oil from the reservoir. If the
displacing agent is water, it is important to know whether the water is being pumped behind
the contour or from the outside. Time-dependent graphs of layer indicators in different
modes are also not suitable for full definition of the regime. Because in order to build these
graphs reliably, these parameters must be measured for many years. Debit, pressure
difference, mass and long-term measurement of the gas factor in all wells is a difficult task.
In such cases, it is advisable to use indirect means, such as diagnostic indicators. This is a
time-consuming and costly operation. The main factors that determine this or that natural
layer regime are geological conditions. Structural and tectonic features of the structure of
the rocks to which the oil field depends on geological conditions, physical and lithological
characteristics of the reservoirs, especially permeability, physical and chemical properties
of formation fluids (liquid and gas), etc. belong to.
Keywords: oil and gas fields, field operation, operating modes, sand, formation, reservoir,

Introduction: In the study of the regime of the oil field, it is necessary to take into account
the general geological conditions of formation and distribution of fields within the oil and gas
field. In the process of such a study, the conditions of oil deposition, distribution of oil, gas
and water, their physical and chemical properties, geothermal conditions in the strata, the
state of piezometric levels, as well as the feeding area can be revealed. Structural conditions
determine the nature and characteristics of flooding. The study of tectonic faults helps to
determine the direction of groundwater movement and the distribution characteristics of
formation pressure [1].
The study of lithological-physical and collector properties of rocks allows to identify the con-
ditions that contribute to the manifestation of this or that regime, including the degree of
possible manifestation of flooding. If the rocks have favorable lithological properties, the
formation water pressure will be active and the field will have a water pressure regime. When
the lithological properties of the rocks are unfavorable, gas pressure or dissolved gas regime
occurs in the field. For example, in strata consisting of large thickness of clean sandstones,
the conditions are favorable for the flood regime, and conversely, in the strata of small thick-
ness, especially in the grooved and lens-like strata, the flood regime is completely excluded.
The presence of thin layers of sand and clay is unfavorable for the manifestation of the water
pressure (especially effective) regime; in this case, one of the gas regimes is expected. The
geological conditions and energy characteristics of the field only help to determine one or
another mode of field development, but do not completely determine the mode. It is
important to study the formation temperature to determine the formation regime. The normal
value of a geothermal step is usually observed in thin and fine-grained sand or sandstone –

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VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

in these strata, the natural movement of produced water is almost non-existent. In strata
consisting of coarse-grained sand or sandstones and waters with a low degree of minerali-
zation, a low formation temperature and active water pressure regime are usually observed.
In contrast, strata consisting of fine-grained sands and sandstones with high levels of mine-
ralization usually have the highest formation temperatures and, as a rule, gas pressure or
dissolved gas regime [2].
In order to determine the stratum regimes, it is important to define the surface hypersometry
of the strata (to determine the feeding area) and the hypsometry of the water flow area.
Knowing the condition of the feeding and flowing areas allows the assessment of piezomet-
ric levels, water flow direction and possible formation pressures. In layers with a very pro-
nounced water pressure regime, the initial piezometric levels are always lower than in the
layers with a gas pressure regime belonging to that system. The lower position of the pie-
zometric levels in the aquifers is explained by the relatively low hypsometric state of the
outflows of the sandy layers to the flow areas, as well as the relatively small size of the flow
areas. In addition to the above-mentioned complex of researches, it is necessary to use the
materials obtained at the initial stage of development during the geological field and explo-
ration works to study the regime of the oil field. Therefore, it is necessary to observe changes
in pressure and flow rate and their relationship during the field operation, as well as the dyna-
mics of changes in the gas factor. It should be noted that the regime of the oil and gas forma-
tion during operation may change under the influence of natural and artificial factors [3].
At present, in order to increase the efficiency of oil field development, additional energy is
widely used to inject water and gas into the reservoirs. Due to this, the pressure in the for-
mation is maintained at a high level, which sometimes prevents not only the replacement of
the best regime with the worst, but also allows the formation to switch to the most efficient
mode of oil and water displacement. Therefore, the above schemes can vary significantly in
the implementation of measures to affect the formation, depending on the method of impact
adopted. In addition to studying the behavior of the formation during operation, the move-
ment of gas-oil and oil-water contacts should be observed and their movement dynamics
(as well as the relevant contours) should be determined during this or that period. It is
important to consider the operation of wells, especially fountain wells. When the reservoir
has a gas pressure mode, the wells pump with a large gas factor and high buffer pressure,
while in the flooded reservoirs, the fountain occurs at a quiet, low gas factor and low buffer
pressure. The productivity ratios of individual wells and the entire formation are different in
various modes. In gas pressure and dissolved gas regimes, the efficiency coefficients do
not have a large value, and the difference between the static and dynamic levels is large. In
these modes, the productivity coefficient decreases during operation, while in the flood
mode, the productivity coefficients are relatively high, the difference between the static and
dynamic levels is not large, and these coefficients usually increase during operation. The
study of the above factors is the basis for the correct determination of the field regime and
the design of the efficient development. Prior to the discovery of the reservoir regime, it is
not advisable to set high flow rates for wells in order to prevent the disruption of the natural
regime of the reservoir and the deterioration of oil production conditions. A diagnostic appro-
ach can be used to determine the level of development of the oil formation regime, such as
the water pressure regime. Studies have shown that the ratio of oil and water volumes
affects the composition of free and oil-soluble gas. In this regard, the composition of the
extracted gas can be an informative indicator for determining the formation regime. Knowing
the fraction and component composition for the C5 + part of the formation, determine the
type of field, ie its oil, oil and gas, etc. it is possible to determine the presence of a bed. For
gas-condensate and light oils, a generalized correlation method for average molar boiling
point and average weight is used to determine the type of field. For gas-condensate and oil

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VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

fractions, sharp changes in the properties of aromatic hydrocarbons can be considered as

an informative indicator for determining the type of field. Knowing the composition of hydro-
carbons by components, it is possible to determine the critical (crisis) temperature for the
formation system. If the formation temperature is higher than the crisis temperature, the
hydrocarbons in the field are in the gaseous state, and vice versa, in the liquid state. Care
should be taken when determining the component composition - this is important in deter-
mining the crisis temperature. Determining the type of bed is the most important issue in
determining the formation regime. In the water pressure mode, the volume of the aqueous
part of the formation increases, ie Vw/Vn increases. For this reason, the decrease in this ratio
indicates the appearance of a dissolved gas regime. Knowing the dependence of the gas
composition on this ratio and determining the change in the gas composition, it is possible
to diagnose the development of this or that regime. Given that the components of the gas
react differently to changes in the Vw/Vn ratio, we can use an integral indicator that charac-
terizes the change in component composition. Since it is difficult to physically substantiate
the change in this or that component with the change in the Vw/Vn ratio, the rank classification
method is used to diagnose the regime. Let's look at the ranking of gas components: the
classification function R for a specific gas composition from a well is taken as the sum of the
ranks of all the characteristics. When a field is included in development, a certain amount of
time is taken as a requirement for the formation of the formation mode. When a field is
included in development, it takes a certain amount of time for the stratum regime to settle,
and the regime is evaluated for the stratum as a whole. Also, layer modes may change
during processing. Therefore, the gas content should be analyzed for wells surveyed in the
same period (for example, in the same quarter). After a certain period of time, the dynamics
of the classification function R can be determined by repeating a similar analysis. As a result
of laboratory studies and analysis of the development of a number of fields, it was determi-
ned that an increase in the classification function R indicates an increase in the Vw/Vn ratio,
ie the development of the water pressure regime. A corresponding decrease in R indicates
the formation of a dissolved gas regime [4].
Objective: In order to create a flow of liquid (gas) from the formation to the bottom of the
well, the bottom pressure must be lower than the formation pressure, ie a pressure drop
must be created. The value of the pressure drop (depression) depends on various factors,
ie the consumption of fluid (gas) flowing in the formation, its viscosity, the properties of the
rocks that make up the formation, and so on. The bed should be a source of energy to allow
fluid to flow to the bottom of the well, ie to create the necessary depression. The natural
energy sources of the formation and their manifestation can take different forms. The follo-
wing energy sources that move the fluid (gas) in the formation can be considered:
1) hydrostatic pressure energy generated by the weight of water and oil in the formation;
2) elastic energy of water, oil, dissolved and free gas in the formation, the rocks that make
up the layer.
To study the energy source that moves the fluid (gas) in the formation, it is necessary to
know the mode of the formation. The formation regime means the mechanism of compres-
sion of liquid (gas) from the formation to the bottom of the well and the conditions under
which the forces involved in this process manifest themselves. The study of the layer regime
plays a key role in the selection of an efficient layer development system. The types of for-
mation energy depend on its geological conditions. In the stratum, all of the above energies
can manifest themselves at the same time. However, they do not always present themselves
equally. Depending on its natural conditions, major and significant energy sources can be
used during the development of the formation. Therefore, depending on the operating
modes of the layers, the main driving forces are considered when classifying them. So, we

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VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

are still talking about elementary regimes.

For example, the gravity of oil is not taken into account in regimes other than gravity. Given
the above, the following classification of elementary layer modes can be given:
1. Water pressure regimes:
a) hard gravity water pressure regime;
b) elastic water pressure regime;
c) elastic gravity water pressure mode.
2. Gas pressure modes:
a) hard gas pressure mode;
b) elastic gas pressure mode.
3. Gravity modes:
a) gravity mode in the mail deposit layer;
b) gravitational mode in the horizontal deposit layer.
4. Dissolved gas regime.
5. Mixed modes:
a) water-gas pressure regime;
b) gas pressure-dissolved gas regime;
c) water pressure-dissolved gas regime.
Hard gravity water pressure mode. This mode is briefly called hard water pressure mode.
The main driving force in the hard water pressure regime is the hydrostatic pressure created
by the gravitational force of the water behind the oil circuit. Due to the relatively small volume
of aqueous and oily parts of the formation, the elastic properties of the formation and the
fluid in the formation are not taken into account. Fig.1 shows a diagram of a layer with a
gravitational water pressure regime.

Fig.1. Layer scheme of rigid gravity water pressure regime

In order for such a regime to occur naturally, the feeding circuit must be fed from the outside,
ie there must be sea, river or groundwater in the part of the layer that rises to the surface.
The main hydrodynamic condition in the regime of hard water pressure is that the pressure
of the formed layer remains constant at the outer boundary of the formation, ie in the feeding
contour. In these modes, it is assumed that the change in pressure at any point in the for-
mation is felt at an instant (at the speed of light) at all points in the formation, as well as in
the feeding contour. It is possible to artificially create purely rigid water pressure regimes by
injecting water into injection wells located near the oil contour. In this case, the volume of
water injected into the injection wells must be equal to the volume of fluid extracted from the
formation, otherwise the aqueous part of the formation may show some elastic properties.
Elastic water pressure mode. This regime is caused by the movement of oil from the forma-
tion to the bottom of the formation under the influence of the rocks that make up the forma-
tion and the elastic force of the fluid in the formation. In order to have a purely elastic water
pressure regime, the layer must be horizontal and not fed from the outside. The volume of

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VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

the aqueous part of the strata should be much larger than the volume of the oil part. It should
be screened on all sides so that the layer is not fed from the outside. When the pressure
drops at any point in the formation (well), the porosity decreases due to the elastic properties
of the rocks and the fluid that make up the formation, and the volume of the fluid expands,
leaving some of the fluid out of the formation. If the pressure in the aqueous part of the
formation begins to drop, then from the aqueous part of that formation, part of the water will
pass into the oil zone, as a result of which the oil contour will move and the fluid will move
to the bottom of the well. The scheme of such a layer is given in Fig.2.

Fig.2. Layer scheme with elastic water pressure regime

In general, in all cases, during the pressure drop in the formation, the phenomenon of elastic
shrinkage of the pores and elastic expansion of the fluid will occur, but this must be taken
into account when the size of the formation is very large, as the compression ratios of rock
and fluid are very small. In order for the formation volume to be large, the size of its mostly
aqueous part must be much larger than the size of the oil part. When the volume of the
aqueous part is much larger than the volume of the oil part, the elastic properties of the oil
part can be ignored. When the oil content of the formation is large, it is necessary to take
into account its elastic properties [5].

Methods: When exploring wells in fixed operating modes, the following is obtained:
1) dependence of oil, water and gas flow rates of the well on the parameters of the deep
well pumping unit is determined;
2) the dependence of the well flow rate on the well bottom pressure value is found;
3) the dependence of the well flow rate on the depressive value is found;
4) the value of the current formation pressure is determined and the dynamics of its change
over time is established;
5) the optimal operating mode is determined.
The existing surface equipment of the submersible pump wells meets the research conditi-
ons in the established fluid flows. The change in fluid intake is regulated by increasing the
efficiency of the pump, the latter being done by changing the travel length of the pinch ma-
chine (plunger travel path), sometimes by changing the number of oscillations, or by various
combinations of them. In very rare cases, the mode is changed by changing the depth of
the pump under the dynamic fluid level, or its diameter. Thus, the fluid injection mode for a
deep well pump can be changed over a fairly wide range; Four to five different operating
modes can be implemented by simply changing the length of the well without stopping the
well during the study period. When changing the flow mode, it must be ensured that the
capacity of the submersible pump does not exceed the fluid flow rate from the formation at
a given well pressure (depression). Exploration of a deep well pump should start with mini-
mal parameters and continue to increase fluid intake. The greater the number of actual

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VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

points in the various fixed modes of well operation, the more complete the study will be. In
each steady state, the well flow rate and the corresponding well bottom pressure are
measured. Debits are measured on a measuring ladder. Wellhead pressures are measured
with a depth remote manometer, or calculated by determining the depth of the dynamic fluid
level using an exolot. Wellhead pressures should be measured with a remote depth
manometer in wells with a high gas factor; because it is practically impossible to determine
the dynamic level in such wells by other measurement methods. When installing a remote
depth manometer for this category of wells in front of a production pump below the depth
pump, it is important to know whether a clay-sand blockage is occurring in the well during
operation. For wells in single-phase flow fields, a remote depth manometer can be installed
directly at the pump intake. In this case, the depression is determined based on the pressure
at the pump intake in different flow modes. If the productivity of the pump is greater than the
productivity of the well at the smallest stroke of the nozzle, then changing the parameters of
the submersible pump in the direction of further increase will not lead to an increase in flow
rate, ie flow rate and dynamic level will remain unchanged. To conduct the study, a pump
with the smallest diameter is lowered into the well and the number of oscillations of the pinch
machine is reduced to a minimum. Before starting the survey, the bottom of the well is
cleaned of sand plugs (if any). During this time, they measure the established bed pressure
with a depth manometer. After the formation pressure is measured, a remote depth mano-
meter is lowered into the well and installed near the formation ceiling, and a filter and pump
are installed at the required depth above it. After lowering the pump, a second device is
activated to record the formation pressure. The well is then operated on the smallest path,
at which point the pipe space must be open to the atmosphere. The well operates in this
mode until the fixed indicator is recorded on the second device (the device must draw a
concentric circle after the spirals). The liquid and gas flows are then measured and the per-
centage of water in the product is determined. After receiving these values, they change the
flow mode by increasing the travel length of the pinion machine, and in this new parameter
the well operates until a fixed mode is obtained, in which case these measurements are
repeated. In this way, the remaining points on the ground are obtained. At the end of the
survey, the remote depth manometer can be stored at the bottom of the well at any time,
and only raised if necessary and lowered into another well. The equal distribution of infor-
mation on formation pressure and wellhead pressures is recorded as a percentage in the
second device cartogram; the debits of oil, gas and the percentage of water in the product
are recorded in the research journal. The rules of the study by measuring the dynamic fluid
level are the same as in the study in which the depth manometer is lowered. The depth of
the dynamic fluid level is also determined by measuring the well product through the exolot.
The methods of changing the operating modes of wells are different from the methods of
their operation. In order to change the operating mode in the fountain wells, the diameter of
the nozzle in the discharge line of the fountain well valve is changed. The diameters of the
nozzles range from 1 mm to 22 mm. As the diameter of the nozzle hole increases, the buffer
pressure decreases. When the buffer pressure (wellhead pressure) decreases, the wellbore
pressure also decreases and the flow rate increases. Conversely, when the diameter of the
nozzle decreases, the wellhead and wellhead pressures increase, the depression decree-
ses, and the well flow rate decreases. It is known, that the pressure is caused by the subse-
quent hydraulic resistance. When conducting research in gas lift and compressor wells, the
operating modes are changed in the following ways:
1) The diameter of the nozzle installed in the discharge line of the fountain valve is kept
constant, the consumption of the working agent (compressed air or hydrocarbon gas) inject-
ted into the well is changed several times. Consumption of the working agent is changed by
opening and closing the valve on the gas line;

E-ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

2) The diameter of the nozzle (discharge line) is changed, keeping the consumption of the
working agent in the well constant;
3) Both the diameter of the nozzle is changed and the opening and closing of the valve is
In rod depth pump wells, the operating mode is changed as follows:
1) the path of the plunger is changed several times;
2) the number of oscillations of the balance is changed;
3) both the path of the plunger and the number of oscillations of the balance are changed.
Adjustment curves are constructed to determine the flow rate of wells. In each established
mode, 0.5 liters of product is taken from the well and sent to the oil laboratory. The amount
of emulsion water and mechanical mixtures is determined there. In addition, the water con-
tent of the well product and the gas factor are measured in each mode. After obtaining this
information, the dependence of the set parameters on the diameter of the nozzle and the
well pressure is plotted. These graphs are called adjustment curves. Optimal operating mo-
des are determined from the adjustment curves. The optimal mode of a well is called the
operating mode from its allowable wellbore pressure and allowable depression. The flow
rate of a well in this mode is called the flow rate. The optimal mode of the well is the mode
in which the well provides maximum oil, minimum water, minimum gas flow and minimum
mechanical impurities. It is impossible to extract more oil than the debit norm. Doing so may
cause the well to fail. The well should work for more than 100-150 years. It is impossible to
extract less oil from the well than the debit norm. By doing so, we will reduce oil production.
In some cases, when a water or gas cone or "water tongue" forms in a well, the well is
suffocated, its production is reduced below the norm, and the water cone, gas cone, or "water
tongue" is eliminated. In some cases, the well is completely shut down for several days [6].

1. The types of formation energy depend on its geological conditions. In the stratum, all of
the above energies can manifest themselves at the same time. However, they do not always
present themselves equally. Depending on its natural conditions, major and significant ener-
gy sources can be used during the development of the formation. Therefore, depending on
the operating modes of the layers, the main driving forces are considered when classifying
2. The optimal mode of a well is the operating mode from its allowable wellbore pressure
and allowable depression. The flow rate of a well in this mode is called the flow rate. The
optimal mode of the well is the mode in which the well provides maximum oil, minimum
water, minimum gas flow and minimum mechanical impurities.


1. Mirzajanzade A., Ahmadov Z. and Gurbanov R. Physics of oil layer. – Baku, 1983.
2. Musayev M. On the labor front. – Baku, 2009.
3. Isgandarov M.A. Oil and gas mining geology and development of oil and gas fields. –
Baku, 1968.
4. Salavatov T.Sh., Ismayilov F.S. and Osmanov B.A. Technology of oil extraction by well.
– Baku, 2012.
5. Mustafayev S.D. Operation of wells by rod depth pumping. – Baku, 2010.
6. Mirzajanzade A.H., Isgandarov M.A. and eth. Exploitation and development of oil and gas
fields. – Baku, 1960.

ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

F.M. Əfəndizadə
Quyuların istismar rejimlərinin təhlili və tədqiqi

Quyuların istismar rejimlərinin təhlili və tədqiqi göstərilmişdir. Neft yatağının rejiminin tam
dürüst təyin edilməsi xüsusilə də işlənmənin başlanğıcında çox vaxt çətinlik törədir. Bu onun-
la əlaqədardır ki, laydan neftin sıxışdırılmasını bilavasitə müşahidə etmək mümkün olsun.
Əgər sıxışdırıcı agent su olarsa, bu suyun konturarxası və yaxud xaricdən vurulduğunu bil-
mək lazımdır. Müxtəlif rejimlərdə lay göstəricilərinin zamandan asılı olaraq qurulmuş qrafik-
ləri də rejimin tam müəyyən edilməsi üçün yararlı deyil. Çünki bu qrafiklərin etibarlı surətdə
qurulması üçün bu parametrlərin uzun illər ərzində mədən ölçüləri aparılmalıdır. Debit, təz-
yiqlər fərqi, qaz amilinin bütün quyular üzrə kütləvi şəkildə və uzun müddətdə ölçülməsinin
reallaşması çətin və ağır işdir. Belə şəraitlərdə dolayı vasitələrdən, məsələn diaqnozedici
göstəricilərdən istifadə edilməsi məqsədəuyğundur. Bu çox müddət və eyni zamanda xərc
tələb edən əməliyyatdır. Bu və ya digər təbii lay rejimini şəraitləndirən əsas amillər geoloji
şərtlərdir. Geoloji şərtlərə neft yatağının əlaqədar olduğu süxurların qurluşunun struktur-tek-
tonik xüsusiyyətləri, kollektorların fiziki və litoloji xüsusiyyətləri, əsasən də keçiriciliyi, lay
flüidlərinin (maye və qaz) fiziki-kimyəvi xüsusiyyətləri və s. aiddir.
Açar sözlər: neft-qaz yataqları, yataqların istismarı, istismar rejimləri, qum, lay, kollektor,

Publishing history
Article received: 17.01.2022
Article accepted: 15.04.2022

E-ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

OIL AND GAS UDC 622.52.47



I.G. Ismayilov
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
E-mail: ismayil686@gmail.com


Analysis of oil and gas field development methods has been considered. In non-ho-
mogeneous strata, the number of wells, ie the distance between them, has a greater impact
on the reserve utilization factor. It is possible to increase the reserve utilization rate by
increasing the number of wells in such layers. However, increasing the resource utilization
ratio by increasing the number of wells may not be economically viable. Processing time is
also one of the main indicators. However, it is not possible to pre-select the processing time.
When choosing the period of operation, the level of daily production, the cost of oil and other
economic indicators should be taken into account. Of course, it would be good to keep daily
production at the same level throughout the development process, but this is not always
possible. When this is sometimes physically possible, the economic performance of the de-
velopment deteriorates. The economic factor is the main indicator of development, but this
factor cannot be considered separately from the physical processes taking place in deve-
lopment and the issue of meeting the needs of the national economy. The system of efficient
development of separate oil fields should ensure the daily production required for the
national economy at minimal cost and the fullest possible use of the field's oil reserves.
Keywords: oil and gas fields, field development, development methods, wells, formation,

Development of oil reservoirs means the control of the process of liquid (gas) flow in the
reservoir to the bottom of the well by various means.
The process of liquid (gas) flow in the formation can be controlled depending on the
conditions of operation of the wells to be drilled in the formation, and finally the artificial
impact on the energy balance of the formation.
There are two processes involved in the operation of oil fields:
1) The process of movement of liquids and gases in a porous environment under the
influence of formation forces;
2) The process of lifting liquid and gas from the bottom of the well to the ground. These
processes are interconnected and manageable.
The above measures are different.
The mode of operation of wells is determined depending on geological and technical condi-
tions. It is always possible to control the movement of fluid from the formation by changing
the mode of operation of wells. However, it is not always possible to control the movement
process by changing the number of wells. Therefore, it is necessary to determine in advance
the number of wells, their placement and operation. If the number of wells needs to be
changed during development, this may be due to additional capital investment or misuse of
capital expenditures.
On the other hand, when changing the number of wells, it may be necessary to change the
order of their placement. This is not always possible.
Thus, we see that the main issue of development is to determine the number of wells to be
drilled, the order of their placement and operation. One of the main issues in the

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VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

development is to artificially affect the layer in order to change its energy balance. By artifi-
cially influencing the formation (injection of water or gas into the formation, exposure to the
wellbore zone, etc.), the process in the formation can be completely changed. The layer can
be artificially influenced at the beginning of development or after a certain period of time.
The method of artificial fixation to be shown on the bed and the number of injection wells
must be determined in advance. The operating modes of injection wells can be adjusted
during development [1].
Based on the above, the development of the layer can be defined as follows.
Determining the number of wells to be drilled, the order of their location and operation,
regulating the technological modes of wells and influencing the energy balance of the
formation to control the flow of liquid (gas) from the formation to the well is called reservoir
development. The work done to control the movement of liquid (gas) in the formation is
called the layer development system. Thus, the following issues should be addressed when
choosing a layer development system:
 in what mode the layer should be operated;
 whether it is necessary to artificially influence the layer in order to operate it in the specified
 the order in which production and injection wells should be located, their number and the
order of commissioning;
 operating mode of operation and injection wells.
Depending on the choice of the above measures, the development systems may be
The following key indicators should be considered together when determining the effective-
ness of a development system:
 number of wells and scheme of their placement;
 method of artificial impact on the layer;
 reserve utilization factor at the end of development;
 change in production during development;
 economic indicators of development.
The smaller the number of wells to be drilled, the higher the production per well. On the
other hand, by increasing the number of wells, total production increases, which leads to a
reduction in development time. However, the increase in the number of wells leads to an
increase in the cost of oil. Therefore, economic indicators must be taken into account when
determining the number of wells. At the end of the process, special attention should be paid
to the value of the reserve utilization factor. When the formation is homogeneous, the num-
ber of wells has very little effect on the reserve utilization factor. The reserve utilization factor
in a homogeneous formation depends on the mode of operation of the formation, the vis-
cosity of the moving fluids, the nature of the change in reservoir pressure and other factors.
In non-homogeneous strata, the number of wells, the distance between them, has a greater
impact on the reserve utilization factor. It is possible to increase the reserve utilization rate
by increasing the number of wells in such layers. However, increasing the resource
utilization rate by increasing the number of wells may not be economically viable.
Processing time is also one of the main indicators. However, it is not possible to pre-select
the processing time. When choosing the period of operation, the level of daily production,
the cost of oil and other economic indicators should be taken into account. Of course, it
would be good to keep daily production at the same level throughout the development pro-
cess, but this is not always possible. When this is sometimes physically possible, the
economic performance of the development deteriorates. The economic factor is the main
indicator of development, but this factor cannot be considered separately from the physical
processes taking place in development and the issue of meeting the needs of the national

E-ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

Thus, we see that the choice of an efficient development system is a complex issue. In
resolving this issue, it is necessary to take into account the needs of the national economy
in oil products and the costs of production of that oil and the probable losses at the end of
development (the rate of use of oil reserves). Thus, the system of efficient development of
individual oil fields must ensure the daily production required for the national economy at
minimal cost and the fullest possible use of the field's oil reserves [2].

Objective: The main purpose of the study of wells and reservoirs is the geological structure
of oil fields, physical properties of oil and gas rocks (porosity, permeability, oil and gas sa-
turation), physical properties of oil and gas holding its pores, formation regime, changes in
formation parameters, water-oil contact movement and is to study other issues necessary
for oil production technology. This chapter only considers mining studies conducted to deter-
mine formation parameters, such as reservoir productivity, permeability, piezoelectric
conductivity, initial and current formation pressure, and to establish the correct process
regime for a well.
During the study of wells, the opposite problem is solved. To do this, a coefficient of produc-
tivity must be determined. In order to determine the productivity factor, the well pressure and
production must be known. The main hydrodynamic research methods used in practice are
divided into 2 groups:
1) Based on established regimes.
2) Methods based on unstable regimes [3].

Methods: During the development of an oil field, in some cases, the natural energy that
pushes the oil into the porous medium is greatly reduced, and as a result, the productivity
of the formation is very low. The strata in Azerbaijan's old oil fields have usually been
exploited without pressure. Therefore, such fields contain a lot of oil reserves, as well as a
large part of the produced energy. In such fields or reservoirs, recycling methods are used
to extract residual oil reserves, in other words, water or gas is injected into the reservoir.
The extraction of residual oil in the final stages of production is associated with a number of
difficulties. Thus, during this period, as the pressure in the reservoir decreases, the oil
becomes degassed, its viscosity increases, and free gas is formed; the phase conductivity
of the rock for oil decreases; the oil field is more or less irrigated.
It should be noted that the effect of the recycling process increases with increasing residual
oil reserves in the field and the inefficient loss of the injected working agent decreases.
Therefore, the most suitable facility for the application of recycling methods will be the fields
and reservoirs with the minimum oil recovery factor in the initial development periods. In
other words, there will be layers that use mainly oil-soluble gas energy during operation. As
it is known, in this mode the coefficient of saturation of the formation with residual oil can be
up to 60-75% of its previous value.
The advantage of the first group of methods of reuse is that the pressure required to inject
water or gas into the formation is less than the pressure required to maintain it in the
In principle, the water column in the well in high and medium permeability layers is sufficient
for its large cooling capacity. However, in practice, large pressures are often maintained at
the wellhead to increase the oil recovery factor and reduce field development time.
As it is known, the methods of artificial impact on the field are mainly divided into 2 groups:
a) injection of water into the bed; b) gas injection methods.
Proper placement of injection and production wells in one scheme or another is of great
importance for the successful application of recycling methods. It should be noted that
unsystematic irrigation of the field does not have a good effect, uneven irrigation of the field
leads to the formation of unused oil islands, which are very difficult to find and require the
drilling of special wells. In order to get the greatest effect from the field injection method, it

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VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

is necessary to achieve even and even distribution of the injected water throughout the area,
as well as to irrigate as much rock volume as possible in a short period of time.
It should be noted that when the distance between the wells is zero, the flow from the oil
contour to the gallery is in a straight line. As the distance between the wells increases, the
linear form of this movement is replaced by a curved line, thus increasing the excitation
zone. Calculations show that when the distance between wells is 2σ (for example, 400 m),
this zone becomes σ (for example, 200 m). It can be concluded that the excitation zone
increases during contour irrigation. This is the downside of the scheme. In fields with a very
large oil content, the effect of injected water is felt at very short distances when applying the
method of irrigation behind the contour. Therefore, in such cases, the method of cutting the
bed (layer) is used. In this method, the field (layer) is artificially divided into separate points
by irrigating it from the field in several places. Thus, off-contour irrigation is applied to each
artificially created point. Sometimes this method does not give good results because of the
very low permeability in the contour zone (for example, in the Pokrovsky field in the middle
Volga). In order to prevent the formation pressure drop during operation, it is proposed to
lay injection wells near the internal oil contour in such cases. This method is called in-contour
irrigation. [4]
Depending on the purpose, gas can be pumped into oil fields in the following ways:
1) Method of pushing; this method is also called the Marietta method;
2) Method of maintaining pressure in the formation;
3) Method of pressure recovery in the formation;
4) The method of maintaining the gas pressure regime or its artificial creation.
The Marietta method is used in the fields in the final stages of development. This method
was first used in the early twentieth century in a place called Marietta (Ohio) in the United
States. To prevent gas leakage, the injection pressure is not too high, taking 10-15% more
than the current formation pressure. Gas injection technology is no different from water in-
jection technology. The working agent is pumped from wells regularly lined up in the oil field
area. The injected working agent moves the residual oil to the production wells.
The work done by the injected gas is used to push the remaining oil in the reservoir. There-
fore, the pressure in such strata increases only at some points in the stratum (around the
bottom of the injection wells), and no increase in pressure is observed in the general stratum.
This is a recycling method.
The pressure maintenance method is used to keep the formation pressure close to its
previous value, starting from the first stage of field development. This is a way to maintain
pressure in the formation. The pressure recovery method is used in layers where a small
amount of formation energy is consumed. The amount of gas injected is greater than the
combined amount of oil, gas and water extracted from the reservoir. This is a recycling met-
hod. Methods of maintaining and restoring formation pressure by gas injection are not
widespread in the oil fields of the USSR.
The fourth method, the maintenance of the gas pressure regime, or its artificial creation, is
applied to the upper parts of the gas and oil field. Thus, the formation pressure is maintained
by means of a natural or artificial gas cap. This method is very successfully applied in a
number of fields in the Krasnodar region, in the area called the Third Monocline (Shirokaya
Balka, Asfaltovaya Gora, Abuza, etc.), as well as in the Absheron Peninsula and other oil
regions of the former USSR. [5]

1. Therefore, the most suitable facility for the application of recycling methods will be the
fields and reservoirs with the minimum oil recovery factor in the initial development periods.
In other words, there will be layers that use mainly oil-soluble gas energy during operation.
As it is known, in this mode the coefficient of saturation of the formation with residual oil can
be up to 60-75% of its previous value.

E-ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

2. The pressure maintenance method is used to keep the formation pressure close to its
previous value, starting from the first stage of field development. This is a way to maintain
pressure in the formation. The pressure recovery method is used in layers where a small
amount of formation energy is consumed. The amount of gas injected is greater than the
combined amount of oil, gas and water extracted from the reservoir. This is a recycling met-


1. Abdullaev M.A. Deep pumps. – Baku: Aznefteizdat, 1951.

2. Abdullayev M.A. Underground equipment in pump operation. – Baku: Azerneftnashr,
3. Abdullaev M.A., Olshwang D.E., Subbotin M.A. Chemical fastenings the soil of the
subsurface zone of oil wells. // Labor AzNII DN, Issue1. – Baku: Aznefteizdat, 1954.
4. Aliev Sh.N., Badalyan G.A. On the mobility of oil contour circuits. – Baku: Aznefteizdat,
5. Allahverdiev T.A. Definition of the most economical terms continuity of development of
sea oil deposits. – Baku: Aznefteizdat, 1957.

İ.Q. İsmayılov
Neft-qaz yataqlarının işlənməsi üsullarının təhlili

Neft-qaz yataqlarının işlənməsi üsullarının təhlilinə həsr edilmişdir. Bircinsli olmayan laylar-
da isə quyuların sayının, yəni onların arasındakı məsafənin ehtiyatdan istifadə əmsalına
daha çox təsiri vardır. Belə laylarda quyuların sayını çox götürməklə ehtiyatdan istifadə əm-
salını artırmaq olar. Lakin quyuların sayını artırmaqla ehtiyatdan istifadə əmsalının artırıl-
ması iqtisadi cəhətdən əlverişli olmaya da bilər. Işlənmə müddəti də əsas göstəricilərdən
biridir. Lakin işlənmə müddətinin əvvəlcədən seçilməsi mümkün deyildir. Işlənmə müddətini
seçərkən, gündəlik hasilatın səviyyəsi, neftin maya dəyəri və digər iqtisadi göstəricilər nə-
zərə alınmalıdır. Əlbəttə, bütün işlənmə müddətində gündəlik hasilatın bir səviyyədə qalması
yaxşı olardı, ancaq buna nail olmaq həmişə mümkün deyildir. Bu, bəzən fiziki cəhətdən
mümkün olan hallarda işlənmənin iqtisadi göstəriciləri pisləşir. İqtisadi amil işlənmənin əsas
göstəricisidir, ancaq bu amil işlənmədə gedən fiziki proseslərdən və xalq təsərrüfatının tələ-
batının ödənilməsi məsələsindən ayrılıqda nəzərdən keçirilə bilməz. Ayrılıqda götürülmüş
neft yataqlarının səmərəli işlənmə sistemi minimal xərclə xalq təsərrüfatına tələb olunan
gündəlik hasilatı və yatağın neft ehtiyatından mümkün qədər tam istifadə edilməsini təmin
Açar sözlər: neft-qaz yataqları, yataqların işlənməsi, işlənmə metodları, quyu, lay, süxur.

Publishing history
Article received: 06.01.2022
Article accepted: 15.04.2022

ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

OIL AND GAS UDC 622.276.054



S.S. Bakirov
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
E-mail Address: said.bakirov99@gmail.com


The methods of determining the main parameters of the depth pump wells and the optimal
operating mode have been analyzed. The operation of wells with a deep pump is a
mechanized operation. In world practice, most wells are operated in this way. At present,
more than two-thirds of the wells are equipped with submersible pumps, and this method
will remain the most widely used for a long time to come. The main reasons for this are the
relatively economical method, simple and lightweight design of the whole device, simplicity
of pump maintenance, stability of operation mode, flow rate from wells in a fairly large range
(several hundred kilograms to 500 t / day and more) and depths up to 3000 m, availability
of oil extraction, etc. Such possibilities of submersible pump operation can eliminate the
need for expensive compressor operation. Thus, the depth of wells is determined by the
method of operation when the natural energy of the formation is not enough to pump, and
in the method of compressor operation, the gas consumption (specific gas consumption) for
each ton of oil produced is too high. Therefore, after the fountain operation method, it is
possible to operate the well directly with a submersible pump without switching to
compressor operation.
Keywords: well, method of operation, depth pump well, optimal mode, depth pumping units,
determination of operating parameters.

Introduction: At present, more than two-thirds of the wells are equipped with submersible
pumps, and this method will remain the most widely used for a long time to come.
Submersible drainage pumps used for oil production are divided into different types
according to the following main features:
1. All devices and submersible pumps are divided into the following types according to the
principle of action and design features: plunger (piston); centrifugal; screwed; scaly; vibra-
ting (sound); diaphragm; rotor-piston, etc.
2. According to the method of transferring energy from the ground to start the pump; barbell;
Devices where the engine is on the ground and the pump moves through the rod pipe are
called rod devices, and devices that are directly connected to the engine submersible pump
are called rodless devices.
Bar rod pumps are divided into balanced and unbalanced types and according to the
transmission used: mechanical; hydraulic; pneumatic.
Rodless pumping units are divided into the following types according to the type and location
of the transmission used: electric; hydraulic; ground-based transmission; located in the well.
3. Depth pumping units are divided into the following types according to their purpose:
 operation of small debit wells;
 operation of medium debit wells;
E-ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

 operation of high-flow wells;

 for the operation of shallow wells;
 operation of medium depth wells;
 for the operation of deep wells.
4. Group transfer pumps that move several balancing devices with one motor.
Depending on the design flow rate, geological and technical characteristics, rod-mounted
plunger pumps, rod-free submersible centrifugal electric pumps and hydraulic submersible
piston pumps are widely used in the operation of wells with deep pump equipment. [2]

Objective: In real conditions, the low performance of the pumping unit is mainly explained
by the fact that the cylinder of the rod pump is filled with liquid. The most important factor
influencing the degree of liquid filling of the cylinder is the presence of gas in the product.
The normal operation of the pump is ensured by lowering it below the dynamic level. In this
case, the liquid in the pump intake is free (in the form of independent bubbles) and dissolved
gas. When the formation pressure is below the saturation pressure, free gas is released
from the liquid phase and a two-phase flow enters the wellbore zone. The ratio of liquid and
gas phases depends on the saturation pressure and the dynamic level maintained during
well operation, ie well bottom pressure. If a single-phase flow (oil) enters the bottom of the
well, it is possible to separate the gas from the liquid phase even if the wellbore pressure is
kept below the saturation pressure.
It is known that the gas in the oil does some work when the liquid is lifted from the bottom
of the well to the surface. However, the presence of large amounts of gas in the pump intake
reduces the efficiency of the pump, and sometimes leads to a loss of efficiency. As
mentioned above, the effect of the gas on the suction fluid is determined by the filling factor
of the pump cylinder. [3]
As the plunger moves upwards, a gas-liquid mixture enters the pump cylinder, and as
the volume under the plunger increases, the free gas expands and the dissolved gas
separates. Under the influence of gas, the pump's filling ratio decreases because the gas
occupies part of the cylinder and the plunger compresses as it moves down and expands
as it moves upwards, which reduces the efficiency of the pump. The filling coefficient
increases with the decrease of gas and harmful space in the mixture, as well as with the
increase of the path. Harmful space of the pump - the volume between the suction and
injection valves when the plunger is in the lowest position. The above formula takes into
account the harmful volume of the pump and its effect on the filling factor during the
absorption of gaseous liquid. As the plunger moves down, the gas-liquid mixture beneath it
is compressed to a pressure large enough above the plunger. The gas is compressed in the
liquid, including harmful liquids. During the subsequent upward movement of the plunger,
the pressure under it decreases to the pressure at the intake of the pump. The dissolved
gas is released and the opening of the suction valve is delayed until the pressure drops to
the pressure at the inlet of the pump. As a result, a small amount of gas-liquid mixture enters
the bottom of the plunger.
It is important to take the following measures to combat the harmful effects of the gas
during pump operation:
1. Reduce the volume of harmful space by placing the injector valve in the lower part of the
plunger, ie with the maximum approach of the suction and injector valves when the
plunger is in the lowest position;
2. Increase the path of the plunger;
3. Increase the immersion skin of the pump. In this case, the submersible pressure increases
and, consequently, the absolute volume of free gas entering the pump per unit volume of oil

ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

4. Application of special gas anchors at the reception of the pump; the gas anchors partially
direct the free gas from the pump to the well.
Sand control is one of the main problems in the operation of wells. The sand that enters with
the oil from the bed creates a blockage at the bottom of the well, riveting the plunger in the
cylinder pump, premature wear and tear on the pump parts and lifting pipes, disturbing the
balance of the crank machine, increasing hydraulic resistance and so on. The small sand
that enters the pump's friction parts along with the oil is particularly destructive; sand
particles falling into the gap between the plunger and the cylinder cause the pump to fail
more quickly. Sand grains, even with very little leakage of the pump-compressor pipes,
quickly erode the fluid flow channels in the threaded joints, strongly penetrating the rod
couplings and the inner surface of the pump-compressor pipes (especially in inclined wells).
Even when the well is stopped for a short time (10 to 20 minutes), it is possible to rivet the
puller to the pump, and in case of excessive sand deposits, the rods are riveted to the pipes.
The backflow of the liquid due to the abrasive effect of the sand reduces the efficiency of
the pump. Decreased well flow and the formation of a sand plug will lead to premature
repairs to replace the pump and flush the plug. Such wells belong to the category of sand
wells when the amount of sand in the liquid is 1 g/l. Sand control methods can be divided
into the following areas:
1. Prevent sand from entering the well from the formation; for this purpose, special filters of
different constructions should be installed at the bottom of the well or the well bottom zone
should be strengthened.
2. Regulation (reduction) of fluid production from the well; as a result, sand is prevented
from entering the bottom of the well or sand penetration is reduced.
3. Ensuring that all (or most) of the sand entering the well is removed to the surface;
4. Connecting the tails in the pump-compressor pipes to the lower end of the pump; the
application of tails reduces the height of the blockage formed at the bottom of the well when
the well is stopped.
5. Application of special pumps
6. Application of various protective devices, filters, sand anchors and separators to reduce
the amount of sand in the pump intake [4].

Methods: Determination of the injection mode from the depth L (m) of a given quantity of
liquid Q (t/day) in the practice of submersible pump operation. The flow rate of the fluid to
be injected is determined by the allowable depression of the level and the productivity ratio
or the specific flow rate. The maximum allowable level drop in wells or the level of depression
at which continuous operation is possible is determined based on the survey data and the
geological and technological conditions of operation of each layer and its parts. In this case,
it is necessary to pay special attention to the condition of the wellbore zone, the proximity of
the contour and the location of the heel water. The efficiency of the pump should be designed
only within this depression boundary. If the injection mode is designed correctly, the actual
capacity of the submersible pump must correspond exactly to the fluid and formation flow at
a given dynamic level and must be determined according to the formula Vday = 1440Fspnα.
The conventional theoretical performance of standard plunger pumps with a Kipgac piston
length of 0.6 m to 3 m and a travel speed of 6 to 15 rpm is quite large.

Diametr of the 28 32 38 43 55
pump, d, mm
QTheoretical, m3/day 3-37 4-50 6-68 7-87 12-140

E-ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

In selecting the best combination of parameters Fpl, S, n, it is necessary to take into account
the operating conditions of all pumping equipment (pumps, rods, clamps) installed for the
well. In order to ensure the theoretical efficiency given in determining the operating
parameters of the submersible pump, it is necessary to try to use a pump with the smallest
possible diameter. This leads to a reduction in loads, the installation of lighter equipment in
the well and a reduction in energy consumption. The expression Sn is found with the cross-
sectional area of the plunger Fpl en, and the final variant n is determined, in which the
minimum dynamic loads are obtained by assigning different values to S in sequence. Under
normal conditions (absence of large amounts of gas, low wear of the pump, compatibility of
its flow with its efficiency), the value of the flow coefficient α can be selected within the limits
given in the table.

Depth, m Wells with a small Wells with a large gas factor

gas factor (more than 40 m3/m)
up to 500 0,8 0,6
500 – 750 0,75 0,5
750 - 1000 0,7 0,4
more than 1000 0,7 - 0,5 0,35

The task of the optimal operating mode in wells with a depth pump is to create an effective
match between the state of the dynamic level, the diameter of the pump, the nozzle and the
plunger, and to bring the well to the maximum oil content. In this case, both fluid production
and well repair time criteria can be used to assess the effectiveness of regime optimization.
In most cases, the task is to find the maximum value of the maximum oil production in a
favorable ratio between the plunger path (S) and the number of oscillations (n), ie the
function Qn = Qn (S, n) whose analytical expression is unknown. When regulating oil
production in the fields, changes in the main route and the number of oscillations are used.
Liquid production is measured at each value of these parameters. From the comparison of
the obtained results, S and n corresponding to the maximum oil production are determined.
With this method, the study of depth pump wells requires the determination of the optimal
operating mode through minimal changes in the parameters and equipment used. The
importance of limiting research intervals is to prevent oil losses at low flows and operational
difficulties at large flows. Deterioration of operating conditions - sand inflow, product
irrigation, gas separation at the bottom of the well, etc. may be related to. Let's look at the
possibility of determining the operating modes of deep pump wells through evolutionary
planning and the advantages of this method. The research is conducted in the following
1. Selection of level and change intervals of adjustable basic parameters. The actual opera-
ting mode parameters of the well (S0, n) are usually taken as the level of the controlled
parameters. The change step is selected according to the technological capacity of the well
(∆S, ∆n). The values of the upper and lower ranges in the parameter study are as follows:

S+1=S0 + ∆S n+1=n0 + ∆n
S-1=S0 - ∆S n-1=n0 - ∆n

2. The protocol-schedule of the first phase of the research is developed.

3. The research is conducted in the following sequence:
a) I mode S0 = 600 mm, n0 = 10 cycles/min;
b) Mode II S1 = 450 mm, n1 = 9 rpm;
c) III mode S + 1 = 750 mm, n-1 = 9 cycles/min;

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VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

d) IV mode S – 1 = 450 mm, n – 1 = 11 cycles/min;

e) V mode S + 1 = 750 mm, n + 1 = 11 cycles/min.

Indicators Cycle
1 2 3
Procedure for conducting 12345 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Practice number 53214 54123 34512

The regime change can be in any order, but each regime must differ from the neighboring
regime. Optionally, the following survey sequence is taken for the well under consideration

1. It is known that the gas in the oil does some work when the liquid is lifted from the bottom
of the well to the surface. However, the presence of large amounts of gas in the pump intake
reduces the efficiency of the pump, and sometimes leads to a loss of efficiency. The effect
of the gas on the suction fluid is determined by the filling factor of the pump cylinder.
2. Liquid production is measured at each value of these parameters. From the comparison
of the obtained results, S and n corresponding to the maximum oil production are determi-
ned. With this method, the study of depth pump wells requires the determination of the opti-
mal operating mode through minimal changes in the parameters and equipment used. The
importance of limiting research intervals is to prevent oil losses at low flows and operational
difficulties at large flows.


1. Mirzajanzadeh A.H. and oth. Development and operation of oil and gas fields. – Baku:
Azerneftnashr, 1960.
2. Mirzajanzadeh A.H. and oth. Theoretical bases of operation and development of oil and
gas fields. – Baku: Azerneftnashr, 1960.
3. Salavatov T.Sh. Elements of the operation of horizontal wells in the development of oil
and gas fields. // Textbook. – Baku: Maarif Publishing House, 2002.
4. Salavatov T.Sh., Osmanov B.A. Methods of increasing the productivity of wells. //
Textbook. – ADNA.
5. Salavatov T.Sh., Osmanov B.A., Ahmadov S.Sh. Oil extraction technology. – Baku, 2008.

S.S. Bəkirov
Dərinlik nasos quyularının əsas göstəriciləri və optimal iş rejiminin təyini

Dərinlik nasos quyularının əsas göstəricilərinin və optimal iş rejiminin təyini üsullarına həsr
edilmişdir. Quyuların dərinlik nasosu ilə istismarı mexanikləşdirilmiş istismar üsuluna aiddir.
Dünya təcrübəsində quyuların əksəriyyəti bu üsul ilə istismar edilir. Hazırda quyuların istis-
mar fondunun 2/3 hissəsindən çoxu dərinlik nasosu ilə təchiz edilmişdir və bu üsul hələ uzun
müddət ən geniş yayılmış istismar üsulu olaraq qalacaqdır. Bunun əsas səbəbi üsulun nis-
bətən qənaətli, bütün qurğu konstruksiyasının sadə və yüngül olması, nasosa qulluq edil-
məsinin sadəliyi, istismar rejiminin sabitliyi, quyulardan kifayət qədər böyük diapazonda (bir
neçə yüz kiloqramdan 500 t/sut və daha çox) debitin alınması və 3000 m -dək dərinlikdən
neft çıxarma imkanının olması və s.-dir. Dərinlik nasosu istismar üsulunun belə imkanlarının

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VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

olması bahalı kompressor istismarına olan zərurəti aradan qadıra bilər. Belə ki, quyuların
dərinlik istismar üsuluna əsasən o zaman keçirilir ki, layın təbii enerjisi fontan vurma üçün
kifayət etmir, kompressor istismar üsulunda isə çıxarılan hər bir ton neftə sərf olunan qaz
sərfi (qazın xüsusi sərfi) hədsiz çox olur. Ona görə də fontan istismarı üsulundan sonra,
kompressor istismarına keçilmədən quyunu birbaşa dərinlik nasosu ilə istismar etmək
Açar sözlər: quyu, istismar üsulu, dərinlik nasos quyusu, optimal rejim, dərinlik nasos
qurğuları, iş parametrlərinin təyini.

Publishing history
Article received: 06.01.2022
Article accepted: 15.04.2022

ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022




E.E. Elizade
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
E-mail Address: alvinalizade2018@gmail.com

A brief analysis of the selection of the optimal technological mode for wells based on the
results of research, conducted in wells operated with a rod depth pumping unit has been
presented. In real conditions, the low performance of the pumping unit is mainly explained
by the fact that the cylinder of the boom pump is filled with liquid. The product has the
greatest effect on the degree of filling of the cylinder with liquid. The task of the optimal
operating mode in wells with a depth pump is to create an effective match between the
dynamic level condition, the diameter of the pump, the pinion and the path of the plunger,
and to bring the well to the maximum oil content. In this case, both fluid production and well
repair time criteria can be used to assess the effectiveness of the optimization of the regime.
As the plunger moves down, the gas-liquid mixture under it is compressed to a sufficiently
large pressure on the plunger. The gas is compressed in the liquid, including harmful liquids.
During the subsequent upward movement of the plunger, the pressure under it decreases
to the pressure at the pump inlet.
Keywords: pump, gas-liquid mixture, optimal operating mode, rod pump cylinder, well.

İntroduction: In real conditions, the low performance of the pumping unit is mainly explai-
ned by the fact that the cylinder of the boom pump is filled with liquid. The most important
factor influencing the rate of liquid filling of the cylinder is the presence of gas in the product.
The normal operation of the pump is ensured by lowering it to a certain level below the
dynamic level. In this case, the liquid in the pump intake is free (in the form of independent
bubbles) and dissolved in gas. When the reservoir pressure is below the saturation pressure,
free gas is released from the liquid phase and a two-phase flow enters the wellbore zone.
The ratio of the liquid and gas phases depends on the saturation pressure and the dynamic
level maintained during the well operation, the wellbore pressure. If a single-phase flow (oil)
enters the bottom of the well, it is possible to separate the gas from the liquid phase even if
the wellbore pressure is kept below the saturation pressure.
As the plunger moves upwards, a gas-liquid mixture enters the pump cylinder, and as the
volume under the plunger increases, the free gas expands and the dissolved gas separates.
Under the influence of gas, the pump's filling factor decreases because the gas occupies
part of the cylinder and the plunger compresses as it moves down and expands as it moves
upwards, which reduces the efficiency of the pump. The filling coefficient increases with the
decrease of gas and harmful space in the mixture, as well as with the increase of the path.
The harmful space of the pump is the volume between the suction and discharge valves
when the plunger is in the lowest position. The above formula takes into account the harmful
volume of the pump and the effect on the filling factor during the absorption of gaseous
liquid. As the plunger moves downwards, the gas-liquid mixture beneath it is compressed to
a sufficiently large pressure on the plunger. The gas is compressed in the liquid, including
harmful liquids. During the subsequent upward movement of the plunger, the pressure under
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VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

it decreases to the pressure at the pump inlet. The dissolved gas is released and the opening
of the suction valve is delayed until the pressure drops to the pressure at the pump inlet. As
a result, a small amount of gas-liquid mixture enters the bottom of the plunger.
Objective: The flow rate of the fluid to be injected is determined by the allowable depression
of the level and the productivity ratio or the specific flow rate. The maximum allowable level
drop in wells or the level of depression at which continuous operation is possible are
determined on the basis of the survey data and, accordingly, on the basis of the geological
and technological conditions of operation of each layer and its parts. In this case, it is
necessary to pay special attention to the condition of the wellbore zone and the proximity of
the contour and heel waters. The efficiency of the pump should only be designed within this
depressant boundary. If the injection mode is designed correctly, the actual capacity of the
submersible pump must correspond exactly to the fluid and formation flow at a given
dynamic level and must be determined according to the formula Vday = 1440Fspnα.
Conditional theoretical productivity of standard plunger pumps with a piston length of 0.6 m
to 3 m and a flow rate of 6 to 15 rpm is quite large.
In selecting the best combination of parameters Fpl, S, n, it is necessary to take into account
the operating conditions of all pumping equipment installed for the well (pump, rods, pliers).
In order to ensure the theoretical efficiency given in determining the operating parameters
of the submersible pump, it is necessary to try to use a pump with the smallest possible
diameter. This leads to a reduction in loads, the installation of lighter equipment in the well
and a reduction in energy consumption.

Methods: The task of the optimal operating mode in wells with a depth pump is to create an
effective match between the dynamic level condition, the diameter of the pump, the pinion
and the path of the plunger, and to bring the well to the maximum oil content. In this case,
both fluid production and well repair time criteria can be used to assess the effectiveness of
regime optimization. In most cases, the task is to find the maximum value of the maximum
oil production in a favorable ratio between the path of the plunger (S) and the number of
oscillations (n), the maximum value of the function Qn = Qn(S, n) whose analytical expression
is unknown. When regulating oil production in the fields, it is used to change the main path
and the number of oscillations. Liquid production is measured at each value of these
parameters. From the comparison of the obtained results, S and n corresponding to the
maximum oil production are determined. This method requires the determination of the
optimal operating mode through the study of deep pump wells and the minimum variation of
the applied equipment. The importance of limiting research intervals is to prevent oil loss at
low consumption and operational difficulties at high consumption. Deterioration of operating
conditions - sand inflow, product irrigation, gas separation at the bottom of the well, etc. may
be related to. Let's look at the possibility of determining the operating modes of deep pump
wells through evolutionary planning and the advantages of this method. The research is
conducted in the following sequence:
1. Selection of level and change intervals of the main regulated parameters. The actual
operating mode parameters of the well (S0, n) are usually taken as the level of the controlled
parameters. The change step is selected according to the technological capacity of the well
(∆S, ∆n). The values in the upper and lower ranges of the parameter study are as follows:
S + 1 = S0 + ∆S n + 1 = n0 + ∆n
S – 1 = S0 - ∆S n – 1 = n0 - ∆n
Let's consider the determination of the operating mode for well No. 1736 of Balakhanineft
OGPD of Azerneft Production Association. The actual operating mode parameters of the
well are as follows: S = 600 mm; n = 10 cycles / min; Qn = 2.6 t/day and Qm = 11, 7 t/day.
2. The protocol-schedule of the first phase of the research is developed.

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VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

3. The study is performed in the following sequence: I mode S0 = 600 mm, n0 = 10

cycles/min; Mode II S1 = 450 mm, n1 = 9 cycles/min; III mode S + 1 = 750 mm, n – 1 = 9
cycles/min; IV mode S – 1 = 450 mm, n-1 = 11 cycles/min; V mode S + 1 = 750 mm, n + 1
= 11 cycles/min. The mode change can be in any order, but each mode must differ from the
neighboring mode up to the change step specified in paragraph 1. Optionally, the following
research sequence is taken for the well under consideration.

1. Conditional theoretical performance of standard plunger pumps with a piston length of
0.6 m to 3 m and a flow rate of 6 to 15 rpm is a fairly large margin.
2. The importance of limiting research intervals is to prevent oil losses at low flows and
operational difficulties at large flows. Deterioration of operating conditions – sand inflow,
product irrigation, gas separation at the bottom of the well, etc. may be related to.


1. Mirzajanzadeh A.H. and oth. Development and operation of oil and gas fields. – Baku:
Azerneftnashr, 1960.
2. Mirzajanzadeh A.H. and oth.Theoretical bases of operation and development of oil and
gas fields. – Baku: Azerneftnashr, 1960.
3. Salavatov T.Ş. Elements of the operation of horizontal wells in the development of oil and
gas fields. // Textbook. – Baku: Maarif Publishing House, 2002.
4. Salavatov T.Sh., Osmanov B.A. Methods of increasing the productivity of wells. //
Textbook, ADNA.
5. Salavatov T.Sh., Osmanov B.A., Ahmadov S.Sh. Oil extraction technology. – Baku, 2008.
6. Salavatov T.Sh., Osmanov B.A., Ismayilov F.S. Technology of oil extraction by wells. –
Baku, 2012.
7. Internet resources.

Əlizadə E.E.
Ştanqlı dərinlik nasos qurğusu ilə istismar olunan quyularda aparılmış tədqiqat
nəticələrinə əsasən onlar üçün optimal texnoloji rejimin seçilməsi

Ştanqlı dərinlik nasos qurğusu ilə istismar olunan quyularda aparılmış tədqiqat nəticələrinə
əsasən onlar üçün optimal texnoloji rejimin seçilməsinin qısa təhlili verilmişdir. Dərinlik na-
sosu ilə işləyən quyularda optimal iş rejiminin vəzifəsi dinamik səviyyənin vəziyyəti, nasosun
diametri, mancanaq dəzgahı və plunjerin gediş yolu arasında səmərəli uyğunluq yaratmaq-
dan və quyunu, ümumi məhsulda neftin miqdarının maksimum olması rejiminə çıxarmaqdan
ibarətdir. Bu halda rejimin optimallaşdırılmasının effektivliyini qiymətləndirmək üçün istər
maye hasilatı, istərsə də quyunun təmirarası müddəti kriteriyaları götürülə bilər. Plunjer aşa-
ğı hərəkət edən zaman, onun altındakı qaz-maye qarışığı plunjerin üstündə kifayət qədər
böyük olan təzyiqə qədər sıxılır . Qaz-mayedə, o cümlədən zərərli həcmdə olan maye sıxılır.
Plunjerin sonradan yuxarı hərəkəti zamanı onun altında olan təzyiq nasosun qəbulunda olan
təzyiqə qədər azalır.
Açar sözlər: nasos, qaz-maye qarışığı, optimal iş rejimi, ştanqlı nasosun silindri, quyu.

Publishing history
Article received: 17.01.2022
Article accepted: 15.04.2022

E-ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022




T.G. Jabbarov *[0000-0002-5922-8785]
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Department of Mechanical
and Materials Science Engineering
E-mail: tahir.cabbarov@asoiu.edu.az


When developing technological processes for obtaining cold-pressed sintered parts from
iron-iron glass of low porosity, special attention is paid to the mechanism of density variation.
The article deals with research on the compaction of a porous body consisting of an elastic-
plastic medium of iron-iron glass under conditions of limited passive deformation. Based on
the concept of root-mean-square stresses and strain rates in a porous body, a model of the
plastic behavior of porous bodies consisting of their elastically plastic medium is proposed.
In contrast to existing models, this model makes it possible to characterize the behavior of
plastic deformation of a porous body not only by its current porosity, but also by the measure
of plastic deformation accumulated in the base material. It was found that at sufficiently large
radial compressions of the porous body, the volume change is negligible, that is, as the
radial deformations grow, the porosity practically does not change. The process of formation
of a sintered porous body from iron-iron glass occurs in two stages. On the first of them,
there is a change in both the shape and volume of the body, and on the second - only a
change in shape, that is, the body does not compact. At the first stage of formation, the ratio
of volumetric and radial deformation is of great importance. Radial reduction of porous iron-
glass bushings, hardened in a rigid mandrel, is an energetically more favorable process. It
was found that during radial compression of porous bushings in a rigid mandrel, the density
of the body being compacted is uniformly distributed along the radius. The result obtained
in this case can be regarded as an initial approximation to the true solution of the problem.
Keywords: elastic-plastic medium, porous body, radial compression, longitudinal deforma-
tion, closed mold, iron-cast iron glass.

Introduction: Two directions are characteristic of the theories of plastic deformation of com-
pressible powder media [1-9]: the creation of deformation theories and theories of plastic
flow The equations of the deformation theory are relatively simple and convenient for calcu-
lating the stress-strain state. However, the area of their application is limited by small elas-
toplastic deformations and a certain class of loading paths (proportional paths and paths of
small curvature) [9]. These conditions do not preserve the validity of the theory for most
technological processes of compaction of powder and porous materials. The equations of
the theory of plastic flow are free from a number of disadvantages inherent in the theories
of elastoplastic deformations. At the same time, there is currently no consensus on the sha-
pe of the loading surfaces, a hypothesis, the existence of which is one of the main postulates
of the flow theory. [10]
Expansion of theoretical and experimental studies of compaction processes during plastic
deformation of compressible media is the basis for calculating and optimizing technological
parameters for manufacturing products from powder materials.

ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

Objective: The purpose of this article is to develop mathematical models of the process of
cold pressing of porous bodies in an elastic-plastic medium.

Methods: For the theoretical evaluation of the compaction of the elastic-plastic medium, we
used a charge consisting of powders of special gray cast iron, iron and vacuum glass. The
content of the components of the charge was distributed as follows, wt.%: cast iron powder
– 2.5; vacuum glass – 5 and iron powder – the rest. This state of the components provided
an elastic-plastic medium. After cold pressing under a pressure of 700 MPa and sintering of
compacts at a temperature of 1150 ° C in an endothermic gas medium, a porous body with
a porosity of 12% was obtained. In [8], a model of the plastic behavior of porous bodies
consisting of an elastically plastic medium is proposed. In contrast to existing models, this
model allows one to characterize the behavior of plastic deformation of a porous body not
only by its current porosity, but also by the measure of plastic deformation accumulated in
the base material. Thus, the theory of plasticity of a porous body proposed by V.V Skorokhod
in [11] takes into account the geometric and physical factors of hardening of this medium.
Since this model is closed and mechanically correct, its basic relationships can be used to
analyze the stress-strain state that occurs during various technological processes of
processing porous bodies with pressure.
Let us draw the basic relationships between the model and the form that takes into account
the geometric conditions, in which all the analyzed processes are considered. Since the
stress-strain state is asymmetric, the stress tensors ij and strain rates & ij will have the form:
3 p   z   r   ; (1)
2 2 2
 1   1   1 
 2    z       r            2 iz2 (2)
 3   3   3 
&  &z  &r  & ; (3)
2 2 2
 1   1   1 
 2   &z  &    &r  &    &  &   2&rz , . (4)
 3   3   3 
The components of the velocity vector r , z are related to the components of the strain rate
tensor by the following relations:
d d 1  d d 
&z  z ; &r  r ; &rz   r  z  ;
dz dz 2  dz dz 

&  r ; (5)
In accordance with the general methodology of continuum mechanics, the components of
the strain rate and stress tensors that describe the macro state of the investigated elastic-
plastic medium must satisfy the basic conservation laws. Therefore, the equilibrium equation
d z d rz  zz
   0. (6)
dz dr r
d r drrz  r   
   0. (7)
dr dz r
and the continuity equation
1 d &
&   . (8)
 dt 1  &

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VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

The basic conservation laws (6)-(8) and geometric relations (5) are supplemented by rela-
tions characterizing the mechanical properties of iron-cast iron glass. In accordance with
[11, 12], the loading surface equation has the form:
2 p2
  (1   ) 02 ( 0 )  0, (9)
 ( )  ( )
and the flow surface
 ( )& 2  ( ) 2  (1   )&22 , (10)
where  0 is the measure of the accumulated plastic deformation of the deformation, and -
 0 is the yield stress of the base material of the porous body according to [8]
2 (1   )3
 ( )  (1   ) 2 ; ( )  ; (11)
3 
According to [11], strain rates are related by an associated law, which leads to the relation-
ship between the coaxiality of stress deviators and strain rates
1 1 1
&z  & &r  & &  & &
3  3  3   rz , (12)
1 1 1 r
 z    z      rz
3 3 3
and also to the equation
& p ( )  
& ( ). (13)
The last equation (13) characterizes the compression of a porous elastic-plastic medium
irreversibly change its volume. This ratio shows that the material is compacted only in the
case when the hydrostatic pressure is not equal to zero, although it can also take place
when P. If the material is non-porous, &  0 then the ratio.
Let's consider the first of the tasks. The z-axis of the cylindrical system, the coordinates are
aligned with the axis of the compressible porous cylinder. The equation of boundary condi-
tions has the form:
 z z  0   z z h  0;  rz r  a  0, (14)
where h is the current height; a – is the current radius of the porous cylinder.
Direct substitution into equations (6) - (8), (5), (12) and the boundary conditions show that
the system of functions
 z  0;  rz  0; (15)
    r   r ( );     r   r ( );  z   z ( ). (16)
is the solution to the problem. And  r    ,  r    ,  z ,  it is necessary to determine from
the relations (9) - (13). Based on (15) and (16), the expressions for the invariants of the
stress and strain rate tensors are simplified and take the form:
2 2 2
P   r ;     r ; &  2&r  &z ; &  (&z  &r ). (17)
3 3 3
Let's define the deformed state. For this, we substitute (17) into (13), after simple calcula-
tions, given taking into account (11), we obtain
&z  &r   ; (18)

Together with the expression
&z  2&r  ;

ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

Relation (18) constitutes a system of linear differential equations of the first order, which is easily
integrated and has a general solution
1 1  0 2 0
 z  ln  ln ;
3 1 3 
1 1   0 1 0
 r  ln  ln ;
3 1 3 

Where  is the initial porosity of the elastic-plastic medium.

The definition  0 is not difficult either. In the case under consideration, the flow surface
equation (10) is reduced to the form:
2 &2 1 4 (1   )3 2
&02 (1   )  (1   )2  2    .
3 2 3  (1   )2
By further transforming it by integration, we obtain
2 0
0  ln . (20)
3 
Let's move on to the definition of stresses, namely, the only non-zero component. Substitu-
ting the loading surface equation (9) into (17) and solving the resulting equation for r, we
find its final expression
 r    0 (1   ) 2 . (21)
In accordance with what was said earlier,  0  there is a value characterizing the stress state
of an elastic-plastic base during its transition to a plastic state and associated with the
indicated dependence with  0 .
If the relationship between stress and strain  0 under uniaxial compression of a non-porous
material is taken in the form  0  a  b  0 , then the law of strain hardening of an elastic-
plastic base in invariant form will be written as

2 2 
i  a b 0 . (22)
3 3 
 
From (21), taking into account (20) and (22), we find the final expression of pressure as a
function of the initial and current porosity.
As an example, stresses and strains are calculated for a given current and different initial
porosity of sintered iron-iron glass.
In [13], the porosity dependence of the ratio of the transverse and longitudinal components
of the strain rate tensor (Poisson's ratio) was determined for the case of uniaxial compres-
sion under conditions of a macrohomogeneous state:

&r 2  3
  . (23)
&z 4  3

In the same work, an expression was obtained for the yield point under uniaxial compression
of a porous body depending on the porosity for the non-strengthening component of the
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(1   ) 2
z   6  0 . (24)
4  3
In the same way as it was done above for the case of radial compaction, explicit expressions
for  r and  z can be obtained from the continuity equation and (23) for uniaxial compres-
For deformation components, there are formulas
1 1  0 4  1 1  0 2 
 z  ln  ln ;  r  ln  ln . (25)
3 1   3 0 3 1   3 0
With their help, from (3), (4) and (10) we calculate  0 for this case, which is not expressed
in terms of elementary functions

2 3 d
0  
3 0
1  
4 

Taking into account the law of strain hardening (22), the dependence of the yield point on
the initial and final porosity was determined.
The given formulas were used to calculate the compaction of sintered porous iron-iron glass
with different initial porosity (Fig.1). During the transition from the scheme of porous uniaxial
compression to radial, some decrease in the acting stresses was observed, all other things
being equal. For the rest, the character of the dependence of the acting stresses on porosity
in both cases was similar – they increased, approached the current yield point of the porous
body substance, taking into account strain hardening.
Indeed, in the case of radial compression, the force F is calculated by the formula:
F  2 r ha ,
where h – is the current height; a- is the radius of the cylinder.
From (19) and the definition of true deformations it follows that h and a are related to their
initial values h0 and a0, initial 0 and current porosity  by the dependences

a) b)

Fig.1. Calculated curves of compaction of sintered porous iron-iron glass with different initial
porosity at free radial (a) and simple uniaxial compression (b) of a porous cylinder 0:
1 – 0.4; 2 – 0.3; 3 – 0.25; 4 – 0.15; 5 – 0.12

(1   0 ) 02 (1  0 )
h  h0 ; a  a0 3 . (26)
(1   ) 2
(1   ) 0
The product ha increases indefinitely as 0. A similar situation takes place in the case of uniaxial

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In this case, the effort is calculated by the formula F  2 a  z , and the current radius- a from the

a  a0 (1  0 ) 02  (1   ) 2  .

In the process of free deformation of a porous body, both compaction and a change in its shape can
occur. To qualitatively analyze the contribution of each of the indicated types of deformation of a
porous body for both types of stress state, it is necessary to construct a relationship between
longitudinal  z and radial  r deformation (Fig. 2).
In analytical form, this dependence is expressed by the following formula:

 z  2 r  ln 0 e r  (1   0 )  ,

is obtained from expression (19) after eliminating  from both formulas.

This also implies that
d ( z  2 r )
 3 . (28)
d r
Axial deformation as a function of radial deformation, contains the initial porosity 0. as a parameter.
If we take 0 = 0 we obtain the well-known equation from the theory of incompressible media
 z  2 r  0 ,
which reflects the fact that the volume remains unchanged.
The impulsive property of radial compression is found by directly analyzing equation (27). At a
sufficiently large radial deformation 0  r ( 0  0) , it becomes sufficiently small, and therefore this

equation has the asymptote

 z  2 r  ln(1  0 ) .
This result has the following meaning: for sufficiently large radial compressions, the volume change
is negligible, that is, as the radial deformations grow, the porosity practically does not change (Fig.
2). Starting from some values of r (r = r кр), the graphs are straight lines, also the slope angles of
which are close to two. The exit to the volume invariance mode is determined by the initial porosity.
The less 0, the earlier it happens. Up to r = r кр cr, the dependences of z on r are non-
linear. Therefore, the values r cr conditionally divide the process into two stages: at the first of them
(r < rкр), both the shape and volume change, and at the second (r > rкр) - only a change in shape.

а) б)

Fig. 2. The relationship between the longitudinal and transverse components

of deformation at simple uniaxial (a) and free radial compression (b)
of a sintered porous cylinder with different initial porosity 0:
1 - 0.4; 2 - 0.3; 3 - 0.25; 4 - 0.2; 5 - 0

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Comparison of this result with the one obtained for radial reduction allows us to conclude that in the
range of porosity variation 1/3 <  <2/3 the conditions for compaction of the material with radial
reduction are more favorable than with uniaxial.

Conclusion: Mathematical models of cold pressing of porous bodies made of iron-iron glass in an
elastic-plastic medium have been developed. It was found that at sufficiently large radial compres-
sions of the porous body, the volume change is negligible, that is, as the radial deformations grow,
the porosity practically does not change.
The process of forming a sintered porous body from iron-iron glass can be divided into two stages.
On the first of them, there is a change in both the shape and volume of the body, and on the second
- only a change in the shape, that is, the body does not become denser. At the first stage of formation,
the ratio of volumetric and radial deformation is of great importance.


1. Shcherban N.I. On the influence of technological factors on the mechanical properties of porous
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nature of the flow of a porous material under biaxial deformations. // Powder metallurgy. – 1992, №7,
5. Raichenko OI, Model of Compaction Process of a Porous Powder Elastic-Viscous Material at
Electric Sintering. // Metallofiz. NoveishieTekhnol. – 2016, 38, №5. – Pp.635-645. DOI: 10.15407 /
6. Kuhn H.A., Downey C.L. Deformation characteristics and plasticity theory of sintered powder
materials. // Int. J. Powder Met. – 2001, 7, №1. – Pp.15-25.
7. Makarova E.S. On the theory of forming metal powders under plane deformation. // Proceedings
of universities. / Mechanical engineering. – 2003, №10. – Pp.158-162.
8. Martynova I.F., Shtern MB The equation of plasticity of a porous body, taking into account the true
deformations of the base material. // Powder metallurgy. – 2008, №1. – Pp.23-29.
9. Mikhailov O.V., Stern M.B. Taking into account the resistance to tension and compression in the
theory of plasticity of porous bodies. // Powder metallurgy. – 2004, №5. – Pp.11-16.
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T.Q. Cabbarov
Məsaməli cisimlərin plastik mühitdə sıxılması prosesinin
riyazi modellərinin işlənilməsi

Çuqun-dəmir-şüşə materiallarının alınmasında texnoloji proseslərin işlənməsi zamanı

sixliğin dəyişməsi mexanizminə xüsusi diqqət yetirilir. Ixtira məhdud passiv deformasiya şə-

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VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

raitində dəmir şüşədən düzəldilmiş plastik mühitdən ibarət olan məsaməli cismin möhkəm-
lənməsinin tədqiqinə aiddir. Orta kvadratik gərginlik və deformasiya sürətləri konsepsiyası
əsasında məsaməli cisimlərin plastik davranış modeli təklif edilmişdir. Mövcud modellərdən
fərqli olaraq, bu model cismin plastik deformasiyasının davranışını yalnız onun cari ci-
simliyinə görə deyil, həm də əsas materialdan toplanmış plastik deformasiyaya görə xarak-
terizə etməyə imkan verir. Müəyyən edilmişdir ki, kifayət qədər böyük radial sıxılma zamanı
həcmin dəyişməsi əhəmiyyətsizdir, yəni radial deformasiyalar artdıqca məsaməlik demək
olar ki, dəyişmir. Çuqun-dəmir şüşədən hazırlanmış məsaməli cismin formalaşması prosesi
iki mərhələdə baş verir. Onların birincidə həm forma, həm də bədən həcmi dəyişir, ikincisin-
də isə yalnız forma dəyişir, yəni bədən kompakt deyil. Formalaşmanın ilk mərhələsində
həcmli və radial deformasiya nisbəti böyük əhəmiyyət kəsb edir. Sərt sıxılma içərisində çu-
qun-şüşə süxurların radial bərpası enerji baxımından daha əlverişli prosesdir. Kəşf edilmiş-
dir ki, sərt sıxılma zamanı möhürlənən cismin sıxlığı radiusa bərabər paylanır. Bu halda əldə
edilən nəticəni məsələnin həqiqi həllinə ilkin yanaşma kimi nəzərdən keçirmək olar.
Açar sözlər: plastik mühit, məsaməli cisim, radial sıxılma, uzununa deformasiya, qapalı
qəlib, çuqun-dəmir şüşə materialı.

Publishing history
Article received: 17.01.2022
Article accepted: 15.04.2022

E-ISSN: 1609-1620

VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022




S.N. Guliyev
Azerbaijan State University of Economics
E-mail: sabirkhan.guliyev@gmail.com


The economic potential and the main directions of development of the economic regions of
Karabakh and East Zangezur are determined. The special role and functions of the Zange-
zur corridor are noted, which will contribute to the expansion of integration processes in the
region and rapprochement with Turkic-speaking countries. The establishment of the Kara-
bakh and East Zangezur economic regions increases Azerbaijan’s strategic role by one-
fifth, as there are strategic goals in reviving the two new economic regions, accelerating the
integration of Turkic-speaking countries through the Zangezur corridor, increasing cargo
between West and East, North and South, international trade. It is noted that due to the
expansion of operations, significant development of the transport and logistics sector, a real
potential will be formed to increase the competitiveness of our country, including its political
and economic power. The potential opportunities and prospects for strengthening the resto-
ration work in Karabakh after the war are analyzed and assessed. The problems of the revi-
val of the liberated territories from the Armenian occupiers are considered. The investment
attractiveness of the Karabakh region is substantiated in the context of natural and economic
potential. A number of proposals and recommendations were given to enhance the attraction
of potential investors to participate in the revival of the region in the near future.
Keywords: Karabakh and East Zangezur economic regions, investment policy, perspective
directions, competitiveness of country, strategic aspects

Introductıon: In the modern world, historical events and a number of global changes are
taking place that deeply affect the development of civilization and, in general, the well-being
and prosperity of people on the planet.
Therefore, the active integration of the regions of the country is of strategic importance not
only for the countries of this region, but in general for the countries of the world. However,
conflicts, unjustified territorial claims, aggressive policies and, finally, war and martial law
between the countries of the region aggravate economic and social life, take away real funds
and resources, and generally slow down socio-economic and integration development in the
region. For almost 30 years, the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan suffered from the aggressive
actions of Armenia, and the region was deprived of the intensification of integration proces-
ses. As a result of the heroic actions of the Azerbaijani army and in the close interaction of
the people, in 2020, an end was put to the seizure, which opens up a powerful potential for
the beginning of the revival of the liberated lands from occupation, transformation into a
center of integration processes and economic development [4]. A similar development of the
event will allow the regions of the country, including Armenia, to strengthen interaction and
mutually beneficial trade and economic ties and thereby receive a multiplicative impetus to
accelerate the development of the national economy and improve the living standards of the
country's population. Under these conditions, Azerbaijan intends to effectively use the
historical chances and opportunities for unblocking transport communications in the region

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VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

and ensure the intensive development of the liberated territories from capture and achieve
their speedy revival [1]. It can be noted that a conceptual approach and the main priorities
for the revival and development of these territories of Azerbaijan in the short and long term
have already been formed in these strategic areas.

Objective: The land of Karabakh, an integral part of the victorious country, will become a
prosperous land. The most fundamental issue is the settlement of the population in the
liberated territories, the return of refugees and displaced persons to their homes. On the
instructions of the President, the Presidential Administration and government agencies are
working in this direction. One of the important issues is the reconstruction of the transport
system in the region. For this purpose, important projects are being implemented to establish
transport infrastructure in the liberated territories. New railways and the Fizuli-Shusha high-
way are being built in the region, modern airports are being built in Fizuli, Zangilan and
Lachin. Ensuring the operation of the Zangezur transport corridor, the liberation of Nakhchi-
van from blockade, the creation of Armenia's access to Iran, Turkey and Russia from Azer-
baijan will contribute to the further expansion of economic relations between the countries
of the region.
Although the natural climatic features of the region and the predominance of high mountai-
nous areas create objective difficulties, a well-thought-out transport development strategy
will play an important role in the balanced development of the liberated areas. At present,
the relevant structures are collecting and processing more necessary materials on the
region's natural, land, water resources and minerals in the occupied territories, which will be
used in future development programs.
The East Zangezur economic region was formed on the basis of Jabrayil, Kalbajar, Gubadli,
Lachin and Zangilan regions, which are distinguished by an abundance of natural wealth of
resources, a favorable climate, including mineral resources, and there is a productive envi-
ronment for the simultaneous development of many sectors of the economy, primarily agri-
culture, tourism, agro-industrial complexes, mining hospice industry, production of building
materials, etc.
The creation of a new Eastern Zangezur economic region will become a serious impetus
and support for deepening socio-economic development in the region, and strengthening
the economic power of Azerbaijan as a whole, its competitiveness and image in the world.
The creation and development of the new East Zangezur economic region can be assessed
as a historic step, and after a hundred-year break, Zangezur officially returned to the politi-
cal, administrative and economic life of the independent Azerbaijan state [8]. With the de-
velopment of Zangezur, a powerful potential and the basis for transforming the ancient lands
of Azerbaijan will be formed, which will unite the entire Turkic world, at the same time the
regions of the country, and strengthen the integration processes in the whole world through
the Zangezur transport corridor. In addition, within the framework of socio-economic deve-
lopment, there will be the restoration of destroyed infrastructures, residential buildings, pub-
lic buildings, schools, hospitals, art institutions, pre-school institutions, mosques and cathe-

Methods: In the current conditions, in general, in the liberated territories of the country,
intensive work is underway to restore and revive villages, towns and cities. To this end, in
accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated January 4,
2021, the composition of the Council of Observers "The Fund for the Revival of Karabakh"
was approved [10]. As part of the ongoing activities, the Foundation has developed and is
implementing systemic activities and projects on the historical and strategic significance of
the revival and restoration work in the liberated territories from Armenian occupations. In

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VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

addition, targeted work and activities are being carried out to effectively use the natural and
economic potential of the liberated territories.
Pilot projects are already being implemented - "Smart Village" in the village of Agali in the
Zangelan region, which is part of the newly created East Zangezur economic region. The
creation of such settlements and cities will allow the formation of a significantly favorable
and comfortable use for people to live and will allow the implementation of smart techno-
logies, forms of management, development of society and economy, environmental safety
of the industrial sector [11].
As part of the implementation of the planned projects and activities in Eastern Zangezur,
social and economic development and the creation of more efficient sources of added value,
permanent jobs will be ensured. Favorable conditions for the development of entrepreneur-
ship and the creation of a more attractive investment environment for the intensive attraction
of investment flows to the region. In this economic region, the transit potential will be of
particular importance, thanks to the implementation of the Zangezur transport corridor, a
powerful potential for the growth of economic activity and the creation of new foreign
economic relations by subjects of countries, regions and the world will be created. The fact
is that, according to the agreement between Azerbaijan and Russia, the construction of a
43-kilometer railway section will be ensured, since the Armenian railways belong to Russia
and thus an important transport link between Turkey and Azerbaijan will be created, inclu-
ding uninterrupted ground and railway communication between Turkey and Russia through
Azerbaijan [9]. This is precisely what characterizes the strategic importance of the imple-
mentation of the Zangezur transport corridor and communication infrastructure project. In
addition, such a strategic international transport hub has been unblocked, which will allow
the intensification of the region development and the inclusion of the countries of the region
in more active world economic processes and ties. One of the most important features of
this transport corridor lies in the fact that the opening and development of such a transport
route meets the strategic interests of two neighboring and strategic partner countries –
Azerbaijan and Russia [11].
Simultaneously with the opening of the Zangezur corridor and the acceleration of
development, the East Zangezur economic region will contribute to the development and
prosperity of the lands liberated from the Armenian occupation [2]. Since these lands are
characterized by productivity, there is a huge potential for the development of the most
important areas of agriculture and, in general, the deepening of the agricultural sector. As a
result of the implementation of these intentions, hundreds of thousands of hectares of
agricultural land, pastures and unused lands will be involved in the agricultural business. It
should be noted that the lands located on the territory of the East Zangezur economic region
are distinguished by fruitfulness, the cultivation of wheat, grapes, vegetables and melons,
as well as the productive development of animal husbandry, sericulture, etc. [7].
In addition, there is a huge industrial potential here due to the expansion of the processing
industry network, especially in the agro-industrial complex. It is planned, taking into account
the accelerated development of animal husbandry, sericulture, and crop production, that
great opportunities will open up for the formation of raw materials, which will lead to the
creation of modern processing enterprises and, thereby, form a strong industrial potential.
Based on our empirical extrapolation analysis, we conclude that the probability that the
financial potential of the Karabakh economic region (the region's own funds and borrowed
resources) will increase to 30-40% of the country's financial potential by 2050 is quite real.
The dynamic growth of the non-hydrocarbon resources sector and the deepening of the
process of economic diversification give us reason to come to this conclusion.
We consider the forecast of the Karabakh economic region, which is developing against the
background of balanced and dynamic development of traditional and non-traditional sectors

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VOLUME 24 ISSUE 02 2022

of the Azerbaijani economy, to become a mini-"Switzerland" of the whole Caucasus by the

middle of this century. Dozens of local and foreign banks and branches, insurance and bro-
kerage companies, investment funds and financial institutions, transport and tourism com-
panies - all this will form the fundamental foundations of a huge infrastructure conglomerate.
Logistics communications, major transport - automobile, rail and air corridors - will create
conditions for huge capital flows [8].

Conclusion: Thus, in the near future, it is possible to predict the intensification of the
development of the East Zangezur economic region of Azerbaijan and the transformation
of one of the rapidly developing regions of the country:
- at present, the conceptual framework has been formed and priority areas for the
accelerated development of the East Zangezur economic region have been identified based
on modern technologies and international experience on settlement, creation of settlements
and development of the sphere of employment, production;
- ın the economic region, pilot projects are being implemented to create a "smart village"
according to international experience, a powerful network of infrastructure facilities is being
created, airports and international road and rail routes are being built;
- all this leads to a comprehensive and systematic approach to mobilizing resources and
creating a more attractive environment for actively attracting additional investment, primarily
foreign investment;
- ıt is considered necessary to intensively develop available financial, credit and investment
mechanisms to ensure the activation of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as larger
representatives of business structures in the participation of restoration and district, etc.
According to professor A.Musayev and M.Zeynalova: “Different types of assistance from
foreign countries, international organizations play an important role in the reconstruction
phase: we can summarize the assistance provided to different countries at different times
as follows: donations; investments; loans; grants; debt write-off; making deposits in local
banks; increasing the value of the local currency” [5]. It should be noted that the state budget
for 2021 has already allocated 2.2 billion manats for the return of the liberated territories.
This fact makes it necessary to establish transparent, accessible and maximum effective
financial and credit mechanisms in the Karabakh region, as well as the widespread use of
these mechanisms in the revival of agro-industrial sectors in the region. We consider it
important to pay more attention to a number of issues in the near future:
- formation of financial and investment mechanisms for agriculture and agro-industry should
be organized, based on the tasks and priorities of the revival of agro-industrial sectors in the
Karabakh region;
- the organization of a network of financial-credit and investment enterprises and associa-
tions, foundations, associations, which allows the development and accessibility of financial-
credit and investment mechanisms in the region, is an important condition;
- development of large financial-credit and investment-oriented projects in various areas of
agro-industrial sector. Presentations to local and international financial-credit organizations,
investment funds, in other words, international financial and economic institutions, potential
financial-credit and investment partners;
- active arrival to our country - Karabakh region must be achieved, etc.


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4. Huseynova N., Yahyaeva A., Aliev Sh. Problems of increasing the investment attractive-
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S.N. Quliyev
Qarabağ və Şərqi Zəngəzur iqtisadi rayonunda investisiya
siyasətinin perspektiv istiqamətləri

Qarabağ və Şərqi Zəngəzur iqtisadi rayonlarının iqtisadi potensialı və əsas inkişaf istiqa-
mətləri müəyyən edilib. Zəngəzur dəhlizinin regionda inteqrasiya proseslərinin genişlənmə-
sinə və türkdilli ölkələrlə yaxınlaşmasına töhfə verəcək xüsusi rolu və funksiyaları qeyd olu-
nub. Qarabağ və Şərqi Zəngəzur iqtisadi rayonlarının yaradılması Azərbaycanın strateji ro-
lunu birə beş artırır, belə ki, iki yeni iqtisadi rayonun dirçəldilməsi, türkdilli ölkələrin Zəngəzur
dəhlizi vasitəsilə inteqrasiyasının sürətləndirilməsi, qərblə şərq, şimal və cənub arasında
yükdaşımaların, beynəlxalq ticarətin artırılması kimi strateji hədəflər mövcuddur. Əməliyya-
tların genişlənməsi, nəqliyyat və logistika sektorunun əhəmiyyətli inkişafı hesabına ölkəmi-
zin rəqabət qabiliyyətinin, o cümlədən siyasi və iqtisadi qüdrətinin artırılması üçün real po-
tensialın formalaşacağı qeyd olunur. Müharibədən sonra Qarabağda bərpa işlərinin güclən-
dirilməsi üçün potensial imkanlar və perspektivlər təhlil edilib və qiymətləndirilib. Erməni iş-
ğalçılarından azad edilmiş ərazilərin dirçəldilməsi problemlərinə baxılıb. Qarabağ regionu-
nun investisiya cəlbediciliyi təbii və iqtisadi potensial kontekstində əsaslandırılıb. Yaxın gə-
ləcəkdə regionun dirçəlişində iştirak etmək üçün potensial investorların cəlb edilməsinin
gücləndirilməsi üçün bir sıra təklif və tövsiyələr verilib.
Açar sözlər: Qarabağ və Şərqi Zəngəzur iqtisadi rayonları, investisiya siyasəti, perspektiv
istiqamətlər, ölkənin rəqabət qabiliyyəti, strateji aspektlər

Publishing history
Article received: 08.02.2022
Article accepted:15.04.2022

Ünvan: AZ1010, Bakı, Azadlıq prospekti, 20
Telefon: (99412) 598-44-77; Faks: (99412) 598-65-61
Elektron poçtu: AATMX@asoiu.edu.az

Jurnal 1999-cu ilin iyun ayından nəşr olunur

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