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Math Ed 807

Problem Set 2: Read, understand and solve each item carefully. Show your complete solution
and box the final answer for each item on your answer sheet. For item that requires proof, write
clearly your proof.

1. Determine the 10th entry in the 75th row of the Pascal’s triangle. (15 points)
2. Determine the middle entry/entries of the 94th row of the Pascal’s triangle. (15 points)
3. Determine the 12th term in the expansion of (5a + 2b)50 .
(15 points)
4. Determine the term involving x16y12 in the expansion of (3x – 5y)28 . ( 15 points)
5. What is the coefficient of x9 in the expansion of
(x + 1)14 + x3(x + 2)15 ? (15 points)
6. Show a proof: For integers n and k, with 0<k<n, the binomial coefficients of a binomial
expansion satisfy:
nCk = n-1Cj + n-1Ck-1. ( 25 pts)


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