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Paper Chromatography

 Chromatography: A laboratory technique used to

separate a mixture into its individual compounds
 Paper chromatography is a type of chromatography.
 The resulting image on the paper is called a

Different coloured pen inks have different

mixture of dyes that produce that
particular colour.

How paper chromatography is done

 Different compounds move to different heights depending
on their solubility in water. (each compound has a specific
retention factor/Rf value in a particular solvent)
Uses of chromatography
 Breathalyzer - police forces use chromatography to
measure the alcohol in a driver’s blood
 Detect traces of explosives on bomb suspects
 Scientists use chromatography to separate the
compounds in crude mixtures from plants/reactions

Principles of paper chromatography

How different compounds in a mixture are separated?
 Paper chromatography involves two components:
a.Stationary phase: filter paper
b.Mobile phase: solvent in the jar (water, organic solvent)
 In order to move up the paper and be separated, the
compounds in the sample must be soluble in the mobile
 Water (mobile phase) moves up the filter paper
(stationary phase) using capillary action.

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