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NAME: Josef St. Mary D.

Agmata Online Library Scavenger Hunt

Gr&Section: 7J Grade 7

Online Databases:

1. Open your Ranger360 – LRC Portal

2. Name 3 Online databases that you can use in the LRC portal:
o Gale
o World Book Online
o Learn 360

Searching for Articles

1. Click the Online Database “SOURCE REFERENCE”

2. To access source reference, click the link - Other login options – Username and password. Use your
grade level username and password
3. Type ATMOSPHERE in the box where you see searching full text article.
4. Give atleast 4 related terms that you can find on the mind map (explore related concepts).





Click Search

Locate the article titled “The Earth: Structure and Atmosphere” and click on the article title.

Answer the following questions:

1. Author’s name: The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide.

2. Database name: SOURCE REFERENCE

3. Is there an icon to Email this article? Yes

4. Give the APA citation: Helicon (Ed.). (2018). The earth: Structure and atmosphere. In The
Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia with Atlas and Weather Guide. Helicon.

5. URL

Thank you for visiting the LRC Portal!

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