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Presenting The Internet


Briefly introduce the topic and its

Discuss the concept of IP addresses and domain names.

3. Internet Protocols:

Briefly explain essential protocols like HTTP, HTTPS, TCP/IP, and DNS.

Emphasize the role these protocols play in ensuring smooth communication and data

4. Services and Applications:

Explore various online services and applications, including email, social media, search
engines, and e-commerce.

Discuss the impact of cloud computing on internet services.

5. Internet Security:

Address cyber security concerns and the importance of protecting personal information.

Discuss common threats like malware, phishing, and data breaches.

6. Challenges and Controversies:

Explore issues such as net neutrality, online privacy, and digital divide.

Discuss debates and controversies surrounding internet governance.

7. Future Trends:
Highlight emerging technologies shaping the future of the internet, such as 5G, Internet of
Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence.

Discuss potential challenges and opportunities.

Communication Through The Internet

Communication through the internet is a fundamental aspect of modern life,

enabling people to connect, share information, and collaborate globally.
Several technologies facilitate internet communication:

Email: Electronic mail is one of the oldest and most widely used forms of
internet communication. It allows individuals and organizations to send
messages, documents, and multimedia files to one another.

Instant Messaging (IM): IM platforms enable real-time text communication

between users. Popular services include WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and
Slack. Some IM platforms also support voice and video calls.

Social Media: Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn

provide spaces for users to share thoughts, updates, and multimedia content.
These platforms enhance both personal and professional networking.

Video Conferencing: Services like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet
facilitate virtual face-to-face meetings. Video conferencing is crucial for
remote work, online education, and connecting with friends and family.
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP): VoIP allows users to make voice calls
over the internet, often at a lower cost than traditional telephone services.
Skype, WhatsApp calls, and VoIP phone systems are examples.

Forums and Discussion Boards: Online forums provide a platform for

discussions on specific topics. Reddit, Quora, and specialized forums cater to
diverse interests and industries.

Blogs and Micro blogs: Blogging platforms like WordPress and Medium
allow individuals to share articles and opinions. Micro blogging services like
Twitter focus on short, concise updates.

Collaboration Tools: Tools such as Google Workspace, Microsoft 365, and

other cloud-based collaboration platforms facilitate real-time document
editing, file sharing, and project management.

File Sharing: Cloud storage services like Google Drive, Drop box, and One
Drive enable users to share and collaborate on documents, photos, and other

Interacting With Computer (input Devices) Keyboard ,Mouse ,seeing

Hearing or Printing (Output Devices) Monitor Printer:

Input Device Definition: A piece of equipment/hardware which helps us enter data

into a computer is called an input device. For example keyboard, mouse, etc.

Output Device Definition: A piece of equipment/hardware which gives out the result
of the entered input, once it is processed (i.e. converts data from machine language

to a human-understandable language), is called an output device. For example

printer, monitor, etc.

List of Input Devices

Given below is the list of the most common input devices along with brief information

about each of them.

1. Keyboard
• A simple device comprising keys and each key denotes either an alphabet,

number or number commands which can be given to a computer for various

actions to be performed

• It has a modified version of typewriter keys

• The keyboard is an essential input device and computer and laptops both use

keyboards to give commands to the computer

2. Mouse
• It is also known as a pointing device

• Using mouse we can directly click on the various icons present on the system

and open up various files and programs

• A mouse comprises 3 buttons on the top and one trackball at the bottom

which helps in selecting and moving the mouse around, respectively

• In case of laptops, the touchpad is given as a replacement of the mouse which

helps in the movement of the mouse pointer

3. Joy Stick
• It is a device which comprises a stick which is attached at an angle to the base

so that it can be moved and controlled

• Mostly used to control the movement in video games

• Apart from a computer system, a joystick is also used in the cockpit of an

aeroplane, wheelchairs, cranes, trucks, etc. to operate them well

4. Light Pen
• It is a wand-like looking device which can directly be moved over the device’s


• It is light-sensitive

• Used in conjunction with computer’s cathode ray tube

5. Microphone
• Using a microphone, sound can be stored in a device in its digital form

• It converts sound into an electrical signal

• To record or reproduce a sound created using a microphone, it needs to be

connected with an amplifier

6. Scanner
• This device can scan images or text and convert it into a digital signal

• When we place any piece of a document on a scanner, it converts it into a

digital signal and displays it on the computer screen

7. Barcode Reader

• It is a kind of an optical scanner

• It can read bar codes

• A source of light is passed through a bar code, and its aspects and details are

displayed on the screen

All the devices mentioned above are the most commonly used input devices. Several

other such types of equipment are used in different fields which can be counted as

an input device.

List of Output Device

The commonly used output devices have been listed below with a brief summary of

what their function is and how they can be used.

1. Monitor
• The device which displays all the icons, text, images, etc. over a screen is called

the Monitor

• When we ask the computer to perform an action, the result of that action is

displayed on the monitor

• Various types of monitors have also been developed over the years

2. Printer
• A device which makes a copy of the pictorial or textual content, usually over a

paper is called a printer

• For example, an author types the entire book on his/her computer and later

gets a print out of it, which is in the form of paper and is later published

• Multiple types of printers are also available in the market, which can serve

different purposes

3. Speakers
• A device through which we can listen to a sound as an outcome of what we

command a computer to do is called a speaker

• Speakers are attached with a computer system and also are a hardware

device which can be attached separately

• With the advancement in technology, speakers are now available which are

wireless and can be connected using BlueTooth or other applications

4. Projector
• An optical device which presents an image or moving images onto a
projection screen is called a projector

• Most commonly these projectors are used in auditoriums and movie theatres

for the display of the videos or lighting

• If a projector is connected to a computer, then the image/video displayed on

the screen is the same as the one displayed on the computer screen

5. Headphones
• They perform the same function as a speaker, the only difference is the

frequency of sound

• Using speakers, the sound can be heard over a larger area and using

headphones, the sound is only audible to the person using them

• Also known as earphones or headset

Transforming Data into Information

Transforming data into information involves the process of organizing, analyzing, and
presenting raw data in a meaningful and useful way. Here are the key steps in this

1. Data Collection:
 Gather raw data from various sources, such as sensors, databases, surveys, or
other information systems.
2. Data Cleaning:
 Identify and handle any errors, inconsistencies, or missing values in the data.
 Ensure that the data is accurate and reliable for further analysis.
3. Data Organization:
 Arrange the data in a structured format, such as tables, databases, or data frames.
 Categorize and label the data for easier understanding.
4. Data Analysis:
 Apply statistical methods, machine learning algorithms, or other analytical
techniques to extract patterns, trends, and insights from the data.
 Identify correlations, outliers, and other relevant information.
5. Communicate the findings through reports or presentations. This step involves
summarizing the information in a clear and understandable manner for

Storing :

Data storage refers to the use of recording media to retain data using computers or
other devices. The most prevalent forms of data storage are file storage, block
storage, and object storage, with each being ideal for different purposes .
Type of Storage
1Primary Storage (Main Memory):
 RAM (Random Access Memory): Volatile memory used by the computer to
store and quickly retrieve data that is actively being used or processed.
 Cache Memory: High-speed volatile memory located between the CPU and RAM
to temporarily store frequently accessed data.
2. Secondary Storage:
 Hard Disk Drives (HDD): Traditional magnetic storage devices with high
capacity, commonly used for long-term data storage.
 Solid State Drives (SSD): Storage devices that use NAND-based flash memory,
offering faster data access than HDDs and are often used for both primary and
secondary storage.
 Hybrid Drives: Combine the features of HDDs and SSDs to provide a balance of
capacity and performance.
 Optical Drives: Use optical discs (CDs, DVDs, Blu-rays) for data storage.
3. Cloud Storage:
 Public Cloud Storage: Services provided by third-party providers, such as
Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Microsoft Azure.
 Private Cloud Storage: Storage solutions hosted on a private network or data
center for exclusive use by a single organization.
 Hybrid Cloud Storage: A combination of on-premises and cloud storage
Network-Attached Storage (NAS):
 Specialized file-level data storage devices connected to a network, allowing
multiple users and devices to access and share data.

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