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Book Club

Book: ‘Outliers’ by Malcolm Galdwell

Lessons: 8 Lessons in total - 1 per week
Lesson 1 of 8
In these lessons we will read the international bestseller ‘Outliers: The Story of Success’ by
Malcolm Gladwell

Each week I will prove you with the following:

● Discussion questions and talking points which we will discuss in our lesson ●
Extra materials related to the ideas presented in the book (videos, articles etc.) ●
An optional writing task
● Useful vocabulary that helps you understand the book and will be useful in our
All of this information will be updated to the Google Classroom - please click here to join it - If
you are having trouble joining it please contact me.

You can read more about the book here

There are 8 lessons in total. This is lesson 1. Please see the reading schedule below.

Reading Schedule

Lesson 1 -
Please read the following sections:
Introduction: The Roseto Mystery
Chapter 1: The Matthew Effect

To see the reading schedule for the other 7 lessons in the course please check the Google
Classroom or click here.

Useful Vocabulary:

Here is a list of Useful vocabulary from the chapters we read each week. These words &
phrases will be useful for understanding key ideas in the chapter/book but also very useful in
our weekly discussions. I suggest that you make a note of the vocabulary items below and try to
use them in our lesson.

Introduction: The Roseto Mystery

● A Close-knit community - (of a group of people) having strong relationships with each
other and taking a close, friendly interest in each other's activities and problems ●
Conventional wisdom - a generally accepted theory or belief.
○ This is often used in the expression “conventional wisdom says..” for example,
“Conventional wisdom says that success is due to personality, however that may
not be true”
Chapter 1: The Matthew Effect
● Meritocracy - holding a position of power selected according to merit. ○ Merit - the quality
of being particularly good or worthy, especially so as to deserve praise or reward
● Grit - courage; strength of character.
● Cut Off - a point or level which is a designated limit of something.
● Arbitrary - based on random choice or personal desire, rather than any reason or
● A head Start - to ‘get a head start’ means to start from a point of significant advantage
compared to others
● A level playing field - a situation in which everyone has a fair and equal chance of
○ This can also be used as a verb - ‘to level the playing field’ - meaning to make
the situation fair for everyone involved

Discussion points / questions

These are the points I would like to discuss during our first lesson. Please take a look at them
and think about your answers/opinions. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions!

1. Conventional wisdom would say that the lifestyle of those in Roseto would result in
serious health issues. Do you believe everything that you read in the introduction ‘the
Roseto Mystery’?
2. Are examples of such close-knit communities a thing of the past?
3. Using information from the book, can you explain why the author believes that our
current idea of ‘success’ is flawed?
4. What are your thoughts on Chapter 1: The Matthew Effect?
a. Was anything incredibly surprising or shocking for you?
b. Is this a problem that we can solve? How?
c. Do you think you have been a victim or benefactor of the Matthew Effect?

Additionally, I would like to invite you to share any of your favorite quotes & stories from the
book. You are also welcome to come to the lesson with questions of your own.

Important Links:

Here are some useful links for you during our reading course.

● Google Classroom: Here you can find class materials, extra information, assignments
and more -
● My website: - Sign up to the mailing list to hear about new
Book Clubs!

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