Medicine II

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Medicine II

Academic Year 2005/2006

Medical training for the dental student. (

Highlights of this Course

This course, year two of a three year medical course, provides the dental student with a more in-depth understanding of
the pathology of the bodily systems with special emphasis on the oral cavity in lectures given by specialists.

Course Description

Medicine II is the second in a series of three courses that provides medical instruction for the dental student.

This course teaches the student to evaluate systemic health problems and appropriately apply the knowledge in a future
clinical setting. Topics covered are Hepatitis/Cirrhosis, HIV/AIDS, Pulmonary, Hematology, Coagulation, Otolaryngology,
Pregnancy, LFT's, Hepatic Serology, Medical Emergencies, Endocrinology, Immunology, Oncology, Cardiology, Transplants,
Gastroenterology, Rheumatology, Renal, and Hypertension.

The practicum provides the student with supervised practical application of previously studied theory. This allows the
student to assess the level of compromise in the history and physical examination of a medically compromised patient.
The student can then modify the dental care appropriately.

Popular Content

 Management of the Medically Compromised Dental Patient - Part I

 Diabetes Mellitus: Pathophysiology
 Management of the Medically Compromised Dental Patient - Part III
 Diabetes Mellitus: Signs and Symptoms
 Management of the Medically Compromised Dental Patient - Part II


o Recognize the clinical presentation of common systemic conditions and medical emergencies.
o Appreciate concepts of medical management and suggested dental modifications.
o To understand the physical evaluation and laboratory tests used to evaluate specific disease states of special
interest to the dentist.
o Recognize and interpret common clinical laboratory tests and medical therapeutics associated with the common
systemic conditions.
o Understand the deviations from normal.
o Identify the need for further investigation.
o Help in the transition of the student from the preclinical to the clinical setting by participating in case study
workshops and dealing with common clinical laboratory tests.
o Determine the patient's chief complaint.
o Elicit a chronological account of the patient's problem.
o Obtain and evaluate the significant aspects of the patient's prior medical hsitory and experience.
o Elicit a personal, social and family history from the patient, including marital status, occupation, habits, and
behavioral status.
o Determine and record the physiologic and behavioral status of the patient.
o Perform a systemic and complete examination of the head and neck area, chest, and extremities.
o Recognize and describe the deviations from normal and identify the need for further investigation.
o Select and use appropriate aids or consultations, and properly interpret the results obtained.
o Understand and apply the basic priciples of common physiologic diagnostic tests (including blood pressure
recording, pulse rate, temperature, respiratory rate, TMJ palpation and auscultations, and transillumination).
o Understand and apply the basic principles of the common clinical laboratory tests including bleeding time,
platelet count, PT, PTT, INR, CBC, blood glucose, serum alkaline phosphatase, serum calcium and phosphate,
A/g ratio, urine protein, urea, sugar, hemoglobin, and hemocrit.
o Establish a working diagnosis based on a differential diagnosis by use of appropriate examination and testing

1. Grading

o Medicine Lecture Series (Medicine IIA):

 Two examinations, each worth 30% towards the final grade.
o Medical Practicum (Medicine IIB):
 One exam at end worth 40% towards the final grade.

2. Recommended Reading

o The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy. Rahway, NJ: Merck, 1999.
o Rose, Louis F. and Donald Kaye. Internal Medicine for Dentistry. St. Louis: Mosby Publishing, 1990.
o Kelly, William N., editor-in-chief, DeVita, Vincent T., Jr. Textbook of Internal Medicine.
Philadelphia: Lippincott; c1992.

Session Type Title

1 Lecture Hypertension and Kidney Disease

2 Lecture Immunology-the Hypersensitivity Disorder

3 Lecture Hematology

4 Lecture Oncology

5 Lecture Intimate Partner Violence: a Dental & Public Health Problem

6 Lecture Cardiology Overview

7 Lecture Cardiology and Rheumatic Fever

8 Lecture Case Studies and Laboratory Tests Evaluation Workshop 1: Coagulation/Lab Tests

9 Lecture Hematology/Oncology

10 Lecture Gastrointestinal Diseases

11 Lecture Pulmonary Disease and Dentistry

12 Lecture Rheumatology

13 Lecture Pharmacology: Cardiovascular and Respiratory Drugs

14 Lecture Pharmacology: Diabetes and Gastrointestinal Drugs

15 Lecture Hepatitis/Cirrhosis

16 Lecture Behavioral Medicine in Dentistry

17 Lecture Endocrinology Basics for Dental Students

18 Lecture Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office

19 Lecture Liver and Kidney Transplantation

20 Lecture Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery

21 Lecture Dental Care and Pregnancy

22 Lecture Case Studies and Laboratory Tests Evaluation Workshop 2: Hepatic Serology

23 Lecture HIV Infection/AIDS: Epidemiology, Natural History, Clinical Presentation

24 Lecture Management of the Medically Compromised Dental Patient

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