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Conversation-01 about a person

Humaira: hello!
Sumaya: hi!

Humaira: Let’s start conversation.

Sumaya: Okay. You question first.

Humaira: May I know your name please? / would you pls. tell your name?
Sumaya: Sure, my name is ….

Humaira: Where are you from?

Sumaya: I am from Dhaka.

Humaira: Where do you live?

Sumaya: I live at Khulshi in Chattagram.

Humaira: What is your profession/ occupation?

Sumaya: I am a student / an employee.

Humaira: Where do you study?

Sumaya: I study at C.U

Humaira: Which subject do you study?

Sumaya: I study in BBA.

Humaira: Where do you work?

Sumaya: I work at National Bank.

Humaira: Why do you come here?

Sumaya: I come here to learn English.

Humaira: What is your age?

Sumaya: I am 25 years old.

Humaira: What types of person are you?

Sumaya: As a person I am very extrovert/ sociable/ introvert.
Humaira: What does your father do?
Sumaya: He is a lawyer/ a retired person.

Humaira: How many siblings do you have?

Sumaya: I have 4 siblings.

Humaira: What is your position in your family?

Sumaya: I am the 2nd issue in my family

Humaira: What is your favorite color?

Sumaya: My favorite color is ……

Humaira: What is your favorite hobby?

Sumaya: My favorite hobby is travelling/ chatting / fishing

Humaira: What is your future plan?

Sumaya: My future plan is to be a doctor/ a lawyer/ to go abroad.

Humaira: Are you pleased to converse with me?

Sumaya: Yes, I am highly pleased to talk to you.

Humaira: me too. Thank you very much, see you next class.
Sumaya: good Bye.

Meaning Check: Profession / occupation (‡ckv ), employee, (Kg©Pvix ), What

types of, (Kx ai‡bi) extrovert, (mn‡R wg‡k hvIqv †jvK ), introvert, (‡h GKv _vK‡Z cQ›`
K‡i ), retired person, (AemicÖvcÍ ), siblings, (fvB‡evb ), fishing, (gvQ aiv ),pleased,
Note: Employ (Kg©Pvix wb‡qvM †`Iqv ),
Employee (Kg©Pvix / PvKzwiRxwe / K‡g© wb‡qvwRZ e¨vw³), I am an employee.
Employer (whwb wb‡qvM †`b/ gvwjKcÿ ), Employers are very strict to rules.
Employment (PvKzix ), Shortage of employment is a global crises.
Structure Check: Pj hvB, Pj ïiæ Kwi, Pj Mí Kwi BZ¨vw` D‡jøL _vK‡j evK¨ ïiæ Ki‡Z nq
let’s w`‡q Ges c‡i verb |
Let’s go.
Let’s chat.
Let’s write.
English Expression-01
 ‡KD gRv Ki‡Q wKbv Rvb‡Z ej yb, Are you kidding me?
 ‡KD ÿgv PvB‡j ejyb , It is ok,/ forget it, don’t mention .
 ‡Kg‡b ev wKfv‡e n‡q‡Q Rvb‡Z ejyb, how come?
 Kv‡iv mv‡_ mv&ÿvZ †k‡l ejyb, Nice to meet you/ glad to meet you.
 ‡ekx fvj _vK‡j ejyb, I am pretty well / I am quite fine.
 ‡Kvb wKQz bv eyS‡j ejyb, sorry, I didn’t get it / sorry, I couldn’t catch
 eyS‡j ejyb, yes, I got it / yep, I understood / all right.
 c~bivq ejvi Rb¨ Aby‡iva Ki‡Z ejyb, Please repeat. / could you please repeat?
 KvD‡K wKQz †`Iqvi mgq ejyb, Here you are. / Here you go.
 ‡Kv‡bv wel‡q avibv bv _vK‡j ejyb, sorry, I have no idea. / No clue.
 fzj n‡j ejyb, sorry for mistake / sorry, I made a mistake.
 KvD‡K Amveavbfv‡e Kó w`‡j ejyb, sorry to hurt you.
 Avcbvi †Kv‡b Kv‡R †KD wei³ Abyfe Ki‡j ejyb, Sorry to disturb / sorry to Bother.
 Awf‡hvM Kivi ïi‡Z ejyb, I am sorry to say this, but…….
 Kv‡iv mv‡_ cwiwPZ n‡Z PvB‡j ejyb, let’s introduce / can I introduce to you?
 ‡gvUvgywU fvj _vK‡j ejyb, I am so so / not so good/ not so bad.
 ‡KD DcKvi Ki‡Z PvB‡j K„ZMMZv ¯^iæc ejyb, It’s so kind of you.
 ‡KD fvj wKQz Ki‡j Drmvn ¯^iæc ejyb, well done / keep it up/ excellent job, go on.
 AcªvmwCK K_v ev` w`‡q gyj K_vq wd‡i Avm‡Z ejyb, anyway, come to the point/
By the way, come to the point.
 ‡Kv‡bv wKQz fz‡j †M‡j ejyb, sorry, I forgot / I can’t remember.
 Amveavb fv‡e av°v jvM‡j ejyb, pardon me, I didn’t see.
 K_v fvjfv‡e bv ïb‡j ejyb, Please speak louder / please speak with high volume
AbygwZ PvB‡Z ejyb ,
 May I come? / May I see? / can I sit? / could I go out?
Lecture- 01
How to introduce in front of a class?
For a student: Hello class), good morning/ afternoon/ good evening. Hope you
all are fine, I am very much delighted to be here. thanks to my honorable teacher
to give me (gimmi) a chance to introduce myself before you .well, my name is...I
am from Kumillah. Here I am living at Newmarket in kotowali. I study at
subject is BBA. As a person I am very helpful/ extrovert / introvert. My future plane
is to be a lawyer/ to go abroad for higher study. That is all about myself .Thank
you so much to hear me.

For an employee
Hello class (smile), good morning/ afternoon/ good evening. Hope you all are fine,
I am very excited being here. Now let me introduce myself before you. My name
is..I am from Chattagram. I live at Newmarket in kotowali. I am an employee
working as a senior officer at National Bank. At present I am living at GEC. As a
person I am very liberal and straightforward. My ultimate goal is to establish a
charity for the welfare of society. That is all about myself .Thank you so much to
hear me.

For a housewife
Hello class (smile), good morning/ afternoon/ good evening. Hope you all are fine,
I am very excited to be here. Now let me introduce myself before you. My name
is... I am from Dhaka. I live at Kajirdewri in Chittagong. I am a housewife. My
husband is a lawyer. I like cooking and chatting/ shopping. As a person I am so
helpful. My future plan is to make a bright and safe future for my next generation.
That is all about myself .Thank you so much to hear me.
Use of ’ to’
GB eB‡qi cª_g †jm‡b Avgiv Lye mnR wKQz MVb e¨envi K‡i †Póv Kie Avgv‡`i gy‡Li RoZv `~i
Ki‡Z| Avgiv mevB †Póv Kwi K_v ej‡Z wKš‘ gy‡Li RoZvi Kvi‡b †mUv mevi n‡q D‡V bv ZvB Avcwb
covi mgq kã K‡i co–b Ges Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í covi MwZ evox‡q w`b |
Technique no 01: evsjv wµqvi †k‡l †Z ev i _vK‡j Bs‡iRx wµqvi Av‡M To hy³ Kiæb |
To do = Ki‡Z / Kivi
To go = ‡h‡Z / hvIqvi
To come = Avm‡Z / Avmvi
Technique no 02:
How to do = wKfv‡e Ki‡Z nq
How to go = wKfv‡e ‡h‡Z nq
How to study = wKfv‡e ‡jLvcov Ki‡Z
How to teach = wKfv‡e wkÿv w`‡Z nq
Technique:03: evsjv wµqvi †k‡l Ki‡Z n‡e, ‡h‡Z n‡e, †L‡Z n‡e BZ¨vw` _vK‡j have got to
I have got to + do. Avgv‡K Ki‡Z n‡e| have got to = gotta.
I have got to + go
I have got to + see.
I have got to + start.
I have got to + share.
Contraction::have Got to = gotta.
Note: Have got to is followed by British whereas American say have to.
Technique no 04: evsjv wµqvi †k‡l Ki‡Z PvB, †L‡Z PvB, †h‡Z PvB, BZ¨vw` _vK‡j Want to.
I want to do = Avwg Ki‡Z PvB
I want to draw = Avwg A¼b Ki‡Z PvB
Contraction: Want to = wanna , I want to study = I wanna study, He wants to play
= He wanna play.
Technique:05 evsjv wµqvi †k‡l Ki‡Z hvw”Q, †L‡Z hvw”Q, †`L‡Z hvw”Q, BZ¨vw` _vK‡j going to do.
I am going to + do. Avwg Ki‡Z hvw”Q |
I am gonna + See. Avwg ‡`L‡Z hvw”Q |
I am gonna + write. Avwg wjL‡Z hvw”Q |
Spelling Check: Write, wrote, writing, writer, written
Don’t write: I have writen.
Write: I have written.
Note:Don’t say: how to solving , Say: how to solve.
Practice words: See, Write, eat, read, swim, work, sleep, help, start, cook, work.

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