DLL - English 6 - Q3 - W2

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SCHOOL Grade Level: VI

GRADES 1 to 12
Teaching Dates: FEB. 5-9,2024 Quarter: 3RD QUARTER Week 2


A.Content Standards The learner listens critically; communicates feelings and ideas orally and in writing with a high level of proficiency; and reads various text types
materials to serve learning needs in meeting a wide range of life’s purposes.
B.Performance Standards The learners shares/express personal ideas, thoughts, actions, and feelings using familiar words.
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives Present a coherent, comprehensive report on differing viewpoints on an issue. EN10LC-IIId-3.18
II.CONTENT Presenting a Coherent and Comprehensive Report on Differing Viewpoints on an Issue
A.References K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 136 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 136 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 136 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p.
2.Learners’s Materials pages
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional materials from learning resource
(LR) portal
B.Other Learning Resource Powerpoint presentation, pictures Paper,bond paper pictures
A.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the Recall previous lesson. Recall previous lesson. Recall previous lesson. Recall previous lesson.
new lesson
B.Presenting Examples/ instances of the new Present a short Show picture of the place Brainstorming of ideas on
lesson documentary video. affected by flood. how to protect our nature.
Then let pupils share
their thoughts about the
C.Discussing new concepts and practicing new Comprehensive reports are essential for our day-to Opinion is a judgment, or appraisal formed in the
skills #1 day life. Learning exactly how to write a coherent mind about a particular matter. Opinions are
and comprehensive report on an issue can be useful statements that reflect the views or ideas that people
for the readers to critically comprehend what he is have about subjects and topics.
reading. Reports must be coherent, meaning that all
its facts and information must fit together. Tips for Your viewpoint is the particular way you see the
Writing a comprehensive report world, or your distinct perspective on things. It’s
1. Write the report with clarity, organization and literally your point of view! We frequently have to
completeness. agree or disagree with the other person whether
2. It is about your point of view. You can use your negotiating, expressing thoughts, or simply speaking
own experiences to justify your side. with a buddy. We must convey our views while also
3. Provide support, reason or basis on your topic or demonstrating that we are listening, comprehending,
point. and appreciating the views of others.
4. Observe the use of capitalization, punctuation and Ex: I think…
grammar so that the reader can easily understand I believe…
your point of view. I like …
In my opinion…
I think action movies are the best. I believe this
pandemic will be out soon
D.Discussing new concepts and practicing new Read the story and answer Directions: Write 2-3 Things to consider:
skills #2 the questions that follow: sentences about the 1. Express your opinions
COVID-19 following issues with 2. Use adjectives and adverbs
(Coronavirus) has affected differing viewpoints 3. Ask other people’s opinion
day to day life and is slowing in A and B by 4. Know how to agree or disagree
down the global economy. answering the guide 5. Explain your opinions
This pandemic has affected questions.
thousands of peoples, who 1. Parents can serve When we are negotiating, expressing opinions or
are either sick or are being as an alternative simply chatting with a friend, we often have to agree
killed due to the spread of teacher while the or disagree with the other person. We need to
this disease. This, being a learners are under express our opinions and at the same time, show that
new viral disease affecting the distance learning we are listening, understanding and appreciating the
human being for the first program. other opinion.
time. This virus is spreading
exponentially region wise.
Countries are banning
gathering of people to spread
and break the exponential 2. Modular learning
curve. Many countries are as tool in making the
locking their population and learners learn the
enforcing strict quarantine to lesson.
control the spread of the
havoc of this highly and
communicable diseases.
COVID-19 has rapidly
affected our daily activities.
This virus creates significant
knock-on effects on the daily
life of citizens as well as
about the global economy.
E.Developing Mastery Questions” 1. What is the Answer the following Read the sentences. DIRECTIONS: Read
pandemic that affects the questions: Choose the correct answer the sentences then
lives of many people? 1. Among the two 1. Which phrase is used to circle the correct
2. What are the effects of issues presented, introduce your opinion? answer. (Agreeing and
COVID 19 pandemic to the which issue can you A. I firmly believe that … Disagreeing)
people? relate? B. The reason for my 1. If you are agreeing
3. How does it affect our 2. How do you choice … with someone, it
daily activities? handle the issue you C. What is more… means you have
have encountered? D. I won’t go for… ______views on the
3. Considering the 2. The phrase “I’m going to topic you are
issue in number 1, opt for… is used to: discussing.
what is your A. reject an idea  correct
viewpoint about it? B. make a choice  different
Explain your answer. C. justify an idea
 the same
4. Considering the D. make additional point
issue in number 2, 3. Which phrase
2. Which is best for
what is your CONTRASTS an opinion?
listening to people
viewpoint about it? A. I’m choosing…
agreeing and
Explain your answer. B. I’ve chosen… because…
5. Write your C. I’m rejecting… because
viewpoints for the …  news report
issue stated in no.1 D. On the other hand…  history lecture
4. The best way to reject an  political
idea is to say: debate
A. I won’t go for…
because… 3. Which expression
B. In my opinion… shows you strongly
C. If I had to choose… I’d agree with what
go for… someone’s just said?
D. Some people may say  That’s for
5. How can you express an
opinion that is not yours?  I’m not sure.
A. In my opinion  Well, I
B. Some people might say suppose so.
C. What is more 4. Which expresses
D. The reason for my weak or unsure
choice is… agreement on
 No doubt
about it.
 I doubt it.
 I guess so.

5. Which expression
makes it clear that you
are sharing an opinion,
not stating a fact?
 As far as I am
 As far as I can
 As far as I

F.Finding Practical application of concepts and DIRECTIONS: Put a check if Directions: Read the Directions: Write TRUE if Directions: Read the
skills in daily living the statement is an opinion paragraph and the statement is correct and selection.
and cross if not. answer the FALSE if not.
________1. Pizza tastes questions that _____1. Opinion is a view
better than broccoli. follow. Global or judgment formed about
_______2. Lebron is the warming is an something, not necessarily
greatest player of all time. aspect of climate based on fact or
_______3. Based on the change, referring to knowledge. ____2. Based on the selection,
current update of Covid 19, it the long-term rise of Evidences are objects, what is your opinion
reaches 2 million positive the planet's documents, images, official and what supporting
cases. temperatures. It is statement and other details can you
_______4. Presidential caused by increased secondary sources of present?
election in the Philippines concentrations of information that are used to __________________
happen every 6 years. greenhouse gases prove something true or not __________________
_______5. Covid 19 in the atmosphere, true. __________________
Pandemic will end next year. mainly from human ____3. Supporting detail is __________________
activities such as additional information that __________________
burning fossil fuels, explains, defines or proves __________________
and farming. the main idea. __________________
1. What is the _____4. To have strong __________________
selection all about? opinion, you must follow __________________
________________ what why and how __________________
________________ strategies. __________________
________________ _____5. You need to __________________
_________ 2. What provide support or evidence ___________
is your opinion on to make you opinion
global warming? stronger.
_________ 3. Why
is this your opinion?
_________ 4. How
will you support your
G.Making generalization and abstraction Coherent means the quality of being logical and Opinions are statements that reflect the point of view
about the lesson consistent. It is clear and well-organized. or ideas that people have about topics and subjects.
Comprehensive means complete and reports must An opinion is a statement that expresses a feeling, an
provide with all the necessary details. Viewpoint is attitude, a value judgment or a belief. It is a statement
the way people think about things in general. It also that is neither true nor false. Or it may feel true for
refers to one’s idea about a topic or an issue some but false for others.
H.Evaluating learning Write YES if you agree Directions: Write a DIRECTIONS: Write TRUE DIRECTIONS: Study
with the statement and comprehensive, coherent if the statement is correct the dialogue then
NO if you disagree. viewpoint on the issue of and FALSE if not. choose the best
1. A viewpoint is a poverty in the Philippines. 1. If you say “ I couldn.t answer for the given
person's way of thinking agree with you more” It situation. 1.
in general or particular means you totally disagree. A: I feel so tired and
things. 2. No way! expresses a dizzy.
2. A person may have strongest disagreement? B: I think …Don’t leave
different viewpoints on 3. If someone says the bed if it is
a certain issue. “Exactly” after you’ve necessary.
3. In presenting shared an opinion, it means The correct expression
viewpoints, it is he or she strongly disagree to complete the
important to consider with you. dialogue is:
the viewpoints of 4. If someone interrupts you A. You must sing a
others. before you have finished funny song
4. Coherence is not making your point, it means B. You should lie down
important in presenting she agree with you. and have some rest.
your viewpoint. 5. Settle an argument or C. I must take a rest,
5. You should not give end a discussion that’s too.
others a chance to hear getting too heated. D. I can see the doctor
their viewpoint tonight.
2. Dave: what do you
think of my singing?
John: It’s really good,
but I suggest to try to
sing in a high note.
Dave: Thanks John.
John: No problem,
Dave! From the
dialogue above, John
is …
A. Asking for an
opinion B. Agreeing to
an opinion
C. Giving an opinion
D. Disagreeing to an
3. Jane: What do you
think of the cake I
bake? Rose: It’s really
delicious, I love it!
Jane: yes! From the
dialogue above, Jane
A. Asking for an
opinion B. Asking for
C. Requesting for
D. Giving opinion
4. Romy: May I help
you? Don: Hmmm,
Don’t bother yourself,
thanks. The underlined
sentence expresses
A. Asking help
B. Giving help
C. Accepting an offer
D. Refusing an offer.
5. Whenever you have
different opinion, you
will say…
A. Sorry, I can’t go
along with that
B. No problem
C. You are absolutely
D. Do you think so?
I.additional activities for application or DIRECTIONS: Write a
remediation coherent,
comprehensive report
on your viewpoint about
giving vaccination on
children aged 12-17.

Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students
learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No.oflearnerswho earned80%onthe
formative assessment
B. No.oflearnerswho
C. Didtheremediallessons work?
havecaughtupwiththe lesson.
D. No.oflearnerswho continuetorequire
E. Whichofmyteaching
F. WhatdifficultiesdidI encounterwhichmy
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?



Teacher I Principal II

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