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Prepared by
1. Gelila Tegegne A/ur27635/11
2. Hilimenat Tadesse A/ur27078/11
3. Mekdes Girma A/ur27422/11
4. Natnael Alemayehu Tus/06780/10
5. Tesfahun Birega Tus/06993/11

Advisor name: Mr. Gudissa.

June 5, 2023
Ambo, Ethiopia
We hereby declare that the work that is being presented in this dissertation, entitled "Web based
Inventory Management System (IMS)", submitted towards the partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Bachelor of Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Ambo
University Hachalu Hundessa Campus, is an authentic record of the work carried out under the
supervision of Mr. Gudissa. The matter embodied in this dissertation report has not been
submitted by anyone for Final project examination at our university, and all of the material used
in the thesis has been acknowledged.

Date: June 5, 2023

Name of candidates ID No. Signature

1. Gelila Tegegne A/ur27635/11 _______________

2. Hilimenat Tadesse A/ur27078/11 _______________
3. Mekdes Girma A/ur27422/11 _______________
4. Natnael Alemayehu A/ur27635/11 _______________
5. Tesfahun Birega TUS/06993/10 _______________


Advisor: Mr. Gudissa ____________

Head, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Mr. Feyissa E. ____________

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System I

This abstract provides an overview of the web-based inventory system implemented at Ambo
University. The system aims to improve efficiency and accuracy in inventory management
processes across the university. With real-time tracking, centralized control, and enhanced
reporting capabilities, the system enables effective inventory control and decision-making. The
web-based nature of the system facilitates relevant communication and collaboration among
stakeholders involved in inventory management. The implementation of the system was guided
by the objective of optimizing inventory practices, reducing stockouts, and minimizing manual
errors. Overall, the web-based inventory system has the potential to streamline operations,
improve inventory management, and contribute to the efficient functioning of Ambo University.

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System II

First of all we want to thank almighty God who made all things good. We would like to express
our greatest gratitude to the people who have helped & supported us throughout our project. We
are grateful to our advisor Mr. Gudissa for his support for the project, from initial advice and
contacts in the early stages of conceptual inception and encouragement to this day. We wish to
thank all peoples who contribute their own part for their support and interest who inspired us and
encouraged us.

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System III

Table 1 : Use case description of Login/Logout............................................................................18
Table 2: Use case description of Create Account..........................................................................19
Table 3 : Use case description of Acquired items.........................................................................19
Table 4 : Use case description of Approval...................................................................................19

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System IV

Figure 1: Use case diagram............................................................................................................18
Figure 2: Activity diagram.............................................................................................................20
Figure 3: Sequence diagram for client...........................................................................................21
Figure 4: Sequence diagram for admin approval...........................................................................21
Figure 5: Home page code snippet................................................................................................22
Figure 6: login page code snippet..................................................................................................23
Figure 7: model_19 update code snippet.......................................................................................24
Figure 8: backend..........................................................................................................................25
Figure 9: model_19........................................................................................................................26
Figure 10: Model Controller 20 code............................................................................................27
Figure 11: Model 22 Controller code............................................................................................28
Figure 12: Prisma schema..............................................................................................................29
Figure 13: database........................................................................................................................30
Figure 14: Postman........................................................................................................................31
Figure 15: ER Diagram..................................................................................................................32
Figure 16: Home Page...................................................................................................................33
Figure 17: login page.....................................................................................................................34
Figure 18: signup Page..................................................................................................................35
Figure 19: Asset Registration........................................................................................................36
Figure 20: Inventory......................................................................................................................37

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System V

IMS Inventory Management System

HTML Hyper Text Markup Language

CSS Cascading style sheet

JS Java Script

SQL Structured Query Language

UI User Interface

CRUD Create, Read, Update, and Delete

XAMPP cross-platform, Apache, MySQL

UML Unified modeling language

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System VI

Table of Contents




LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................................................IV

LIST OF FIGURES........................................................................................................................V


CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1

1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................1

1.1. Background of the study...................................................................................................1

1.2. Statement of the problem..................................................................................................2

1.3. Objective...........................................................................................................................2

1.3.1. General Objective......................................................................................................2

1.3.2. Specific Objective......................................................................................................2

1.4. Scope of the study.............................................................................................................3

1.4.1. Physical Scope...........................................................................................................3

1.4.2. Technical Scope.........................................................................................................3

1.5. Significance of the project................................................................................................3

1.6. Feasibility Study of the New System................................................................................4

1.6.1. Economic Feasibility.................................................................................................4

1.6.2. Technical Feasibility..................................................................................................4

1.6.3. Operational Feasibilities............................................................................................4

1.6.4. Legal Feasibility........................................................................................................4

CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................5

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System VII

2. LITRETURE REVIEW...........................................................................................................5

CHAPTER THREE.........................................................................................................................8

3. SYSTEM REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION (SRS)...........................................................8

3.1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................8

3.2. Existing system.................................................................................................................8

3.2.1. Existing System Description......................................................................................8

3.2.2. Why describe the existing system..............................................................................9

3.2.3. Problems of the existing system................................................................................9

3.3. System requirement.........................................................................................................10

3.3.1. Hardware tools required are:...................................................................................10

3.3.2. Software tools required are:.....................................................................................10

3.3.3. DATABASE THEORY...........................................................................................12

3.3.4. Relational Database.................................................................................................12

3.3.5. MySQL....................................................................................................................13

3.4. Data collection methodology..........................................................................................14

3.3. Requirement Specification System.................................................................................14

3.3.1. Functional requirement............................................................................................14

3.3.2. Non-Functional Requirements.................................................................................15

CHAPTER FOUR.........................................................................................................................16

4. ANALYSIS DELIVERABLES AND SYSTEM DESIGN...................................................16

4.1. Introduction.....................................................................................................................16

4.2. Use case diagram............................................................................................................16

4.2.1. Actor identification..................................................................................................16

4.2.2. Use case identification.............................................................................................17

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System
4.3. Activity diagram.............................................................................................................20

4.4. Sequence diagram...........................................................................................................20

CHAPTER FIVE...........................................................................................................................22

5. IMPLEMENTATION DELIVERABLE OF THE NEW SYSTEM.....................................22

5.1. Application code structure..............................................................................................22

5.2. Code Snippet...................................................................................................................22

5.2.1. Front End.................................................................................................................22

5.2.2. Back End..................................................................................................................24

5.3. Project Screenshot...........................................................................................................32

5.4. Debugging and Testing...................................................................................................37

CHAPTER SIX..............................................................................................................................39

6. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION....................................................................39

6.1. CONCLUSION...............................................................................................................39

6.2. RECOMMENDATION..................................................................................................39


Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System IX


The use of technology is increasing day to day, we all depend on technology and we use various
technologies to accomplish specific tasks in our lives. Today we have various emerging
technologies which impact our lives in different ways. Technology is being implemented in
almost every section of our lives and business structures. Some of the uses of technology today
are in health, education, government, communication, purchasing, agriculture, control and
harness natural forces, transportation, bank etc. More specifically Technology has a bigger
impact on inventory control in terms of efficiency, ease of accessing information and accuracy
thereby affecting organization performance, centrally manage all store inventory management
and improve availability of the system.
The implementation of a web-based inventory system at Ambo University signifies a significant
step towards enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of inventory management processes. As a
vital aspect of any organization, efficient inventory control is crucial for ensuring smooth
operations and minimizing costs associated with stockouts or overstocking. By transitioning
from manual or outdated inventory systems to a web-based solution, Ambo University aims to
leverage technology to streamline its inventory management practices. web-based inventory
system highlights the importance of effective inventory management, the challenges faced with
traditional methods, and the opportunities offered by a web-based approach. By embracing this
innovative solution, Ambo University can optimize its inventory control, improve decision-
making, and enhance overall operational efficiency.

1.1. Background of the study

Inventory management plays a vital role in the efficient operation of educational institutions like
Ambo University. Traditional manual inventory systems often lead to inefficiencies and
inaccuracies. To overcome these challenges, there is a growing need to implement a web-based
inventory system. Such a system offers real-time tracking, centralized control, and improved
accuracy in managing inventory levels. By transitioning to a web-based solution, Ambo
University aims to streamline its inventory processes, optimize resource allocation, and enhance

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 1

operational efficiency. This study explores the benefits and implications of implementing a web-
based inventory system, aiming to improve inventory management practices at Ambo University.

1.2. Statement of the problem

The current inventory management system at Ambo University relies on manual processes,
which result in inefficiencies and inaccuracies. The absence of a web-based inventory system
poses several challenges, including delays in tracking and managing inventory levels, difficulties
in maintaining accurate records, and a lack of real-time visibility into inventory status. This leads
to stock outs or overstocking, disrupting university operations and incurring unnecessary costs.

Additionally, the decentralized nature of inventory control across various departments and
locations hinders effective coordination and communication. Inconsistencies in inventory records
further complicate resource allocation and optimization efforts. The absence of automated
reporting capabilities limits the ability to generate timely and comprehensive reports on
inventory status and consumption trends.

1.3. Objective

1.3.1. General Objective

The general objective of this project is to develop web based inventory management system for
Ambo University.
1.3.2. Specific Objective
 Develop a user-friendly web-based inventory system interface that allows easy navigation
and access to inventory-related functions for staff members across different departments
at Ambo University.
 Implement real-time tracking capabilities in the web-based inventory system to provide
up-to-date information on inventory levels, enabling efficient monitoring and control.
 Establish a centralized control mechanism within the system to streamline inventory
management processes, ensuring consistency and accuracy in inventory records.

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 2

 Develop comprehensive reporting functionalities in the web-based inventory system,
allowing for the generation of timely and accurate reports on inventory status,
consumption trends, and key performance indicators.
 Train staff members on the effective use of the web-based inventory system, ensuring
their proficiency in utilizing its features and functionalities.
 Evaluate the performance and effectiveness of the web-based inventory system through
feedback and assessment from users, identifying areas for improvement and refinement.
 Optimize resource allocation by utilizing the data and insights provided by the web-based
inventory system, minimizing costs associated with stockouts, overstocking, and wastage.

1.4. Scope of the study

The project that we are trying to focus on inventory management system will cover only on the
Ambo University.
1.4.1. Physical Scope
The Physical scope of this project is centered around the management system for Ambo
university. It emphasizes the ability to add, delete, and update inventory management system,
1.4.2. Technical Scope
The system's development will be based on a window-based or online platform, both of which
need an internet connection to function. In order to assess the viability of developing the system,
information about the Ambo University and requirements will be gathered from the appropriate
workers during the project's initial phase. The development of the system interface and choosing
the relevant approaches and technologies to client.

1.5. Significance of the project

 A web-based inventory system will improve efficiency and save time.

 Accurate inventory records lead to better decision-making and efficiency.
 Real-time tracking enables proactive management to reduce stock outs.
 Ambo University can save money through effective inventory management.
 System provides centralized platform to improve teamwork and efficiency.

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 3

 Data-driven approach enables informed decision-making to optimize inventory
management strategies.
 Ambo University's web-based inventory system can be scaled and adapted.

1.6. Feasibility Study of the New System

1.6.1. Economic Feasibility

An economic feasibility is a process of identifying the financial benefits and costs associated
with a development of a project. The proposed web based inventory system is economically
feasible because:
 The system will provide fast and efficient automated environment.
 This project is economically feasible because its anticipated benefit is greater than the
expected cost.
1.6.2. Technical Feasibility
The proposed system can be easily maintained and repaired technically; the system will be
powerful to be applied by low skilled users as much as possible. It is easily accessible by the
people who can easily understand natural languages.
1.6.3. Operational Feasibilities
The system will also be on behalf of origination’s goal and user satisfaction, because the system
will be possible to run and use in the organizations LAN internet. So the system will be
operationally feasible or it will be operationally acceptable to users in Ambo University
inventory office.
1.6.4. Legal Feasibility
The project team members built the system without violating rules and regulations of the
governments as well as the organization. The system being built is for the importance of
productivity of the organization, so that the project is legally feasible. Legal feasibility
determines whether the proposed system conflicts with the legal requirement or not.

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 4


Inventory management is a critical aspect of operational efficiency in educational institutions
like Ambo University. The adoption of web-based inventory systems has gained significant
attention as a potential solution to enhance inventory control, streamline processes, and improve
decision-making. This literature review examines the existing research and studies related to
web-based inventory systems in the specific context of Ambo University.

In this article, (Buxey, 2006) critically examines existing inventory management theories and
aims to contribute to the advancement of inventory management practices. The author explores
various aspects of inventory management, including inventory control policies, forecasting
methods, demand variability, and supply chain dynamics.[10]

(Loizides, 2013) provided is for a publication titled "Development of a SaaS Inventory

Management System" by Antonis Loizides in 2013. Unfortunately, I don't have access to the
specific content of the publication. However, based on the title, it can be inferred that the article
discusses the development process of a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) inventory management
system.The article likely explores the design, implementation, and features of the SaaS inventory
management system. It may discuss the benefits of using a cloud-based SaaS solution for
inventory management, such as increased accessibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.
Additionally, the article may delve into the technical aspects of developing the system, including
the technologies, frameworks, and methodologies [12]

(Rajesh Bose a) Design of smart inventory management system for construction sector based on
IoT and cloud computing Efficient monitoring and management of raw materials and goods in
manufacturing industries is crucial for operational sustainability and profitability. To address the
challenges and increase efficiency, this research proposes a novel approach for inventory
management in the construction sector. By integrating barcode technology with Cloud
Computing, Arduino-based wireless station nodes, IoT, and a secure web portal, the proposed
system offers real-time monitoring and access to data. The model focuses on managing inventory
for form work shuttering products. While the study is based on Indian construction companies,

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 5

the results can be applicable to other regions as well. This approach has the potential to
significantly improve inventory management practices and streamline operations in the
construction industry.

(SAMUEL, 2012) inventory management automation and the performance of supermarkets in

western kenya, In competitive business environment, effective inventory management is crucial
for organizations to achieve cost efficiencies and meet customer needs. This study focused on the
extent of inventory management automation and its impact on the performance of supermarkets
in Western Kenya. Data was collected from 11 out of 12 operational supermarkets through
structured questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings
revealed a positive relationship between inventory management automation and supermarket
performance, with automation explaining 56.7% of the performance variation. The study
recommended that supermarkets automate their inventory management systems to improve
customer service and reduce costs. It also suggested decentralizing management structures,
encouraging specialization, and conducting further research on inventory investment, demand
forecasting accuracy, and challenges in automating inventory systems.

(Jason S.K. Lau, 2002) The research focuses on the impact of sharing production information on
supply chain dynamics, specifically in terms of inventory allocation. Through a web-based
simulation portal, the study explores how information sharing influences inventory allocation
decisions within a supply chain context. The literature review emphasizes the significance of
effective inventory management and the potential benefits of information sharing. The findings
reveal that sharing production information leads to improved supply chain performance by
enhancing decision-making capabilities and reducing inventory-related costs. The study
highlights the importance of web-based simulation tools in simulating and evaluating the effects
of information sharing on supply chain dynamics. Overall, the research provides insights into
optimizing inventory allocation and improving supply chain performance through information
sharing practices.[11]

(Pramod Sanjay Mahajan, 2023) examines the relationship between inventory management,
Total Quality Management (TQM) practices, and firm performance. The review highlights the
significance of effective inventory management and the adoption of TQM principles in
enhancing operational efficiency and overall firm performance. The findings suggest that

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 6

organizations that implement robust inventory management strategies and integrate TQM
practices experience improved customer satisfaction, reduced costs, and increased
competitiveness. The review emphasizes the importance of aligning inventory management and
TQM principles to achieve better firm performance. It provides valuable insights into the
benefits of integrating these practices and offers a foundation for further research in the field.[13]

(A.N. Mustafizul Karim) write a book on Development of a prospective web-based inventory

system for management of lab facilities that state on Real-time tracking and monitoring of lab
equipment and supplies, centralized database management, user-friendly interfaces, integration
with other systems, and reporting capabilities are vital features. These systems offer benefits
such as improved efficiency, enhanced inventory accuracy, streamlined procurement, and
effective resource planning. However, challenges including data security, integration complexity,
and user training exist. Addressing these challenges is crucial for successful implementation and
adoption. Overall, this review provides valuable information for researchers and developers in
creating efficient web-based inventory systems for lab facility management. By understanding
the importance of real-time tracking, centralized data management, user-friendly interfaces,
integration, and reporting capabilities, future systems can optimize lab operations and improve

(Bhebhe) This author write on Inventory management system for CAMFED Zimbabwe, a non-
profit organization dedicated to empowering girls and young women through education. Key
considerations include real-time tracking, centralized database management, user-friendly
interfaces, and reporting capabilities. Integration with procurement and distribution systems is
also crucial for streamlined operations. While limited literature specifically addresses CAMFED
Zimbabwe's inventory management system, drawing on general inventory management
principles can provide valuable insights to develop an effective system aligned with the
organization's objectives. Such a system would support CAMFED Zimbabwe's mission of
empowering girls and young women through education [9].

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 7




This chapter describes the existing system, players in the proposed system general work flow of
web based inventory management system in case of Ambo University. In addition to this
alternative solution suggested to overcome existing system, finally the proposed system
(functional and non-functional requirement).

3.2. Existing system

3.2.1. Existing System Description

The existing web-based inventory system at Ambo University is a technologically advanced
solution that has replaced the traditional manual inventory management processes. It serves as a
centralized platform accessible via web browsers, allowing authorized users from different
departments and facilities to efficiently manage and monitor inventory. This system offers a
range of features and functionalities that contribute to its effectiveness. Inventory tracking
enables users to have real-time visibility into stock levels, movements, and locations. Automated
updates eliminate the need for manual data entry, ensuring accurate and up-to-date inventory
records. The user-friendly interface simplifies navigation and facilitates seamless inventory
management tasks. Reporting and analytics tools provide insights into inventory trends, demand
patterns, and performance indicators, aiding in informed decision-making. The system
incorporates role-based access control, ensuring data security by granting appropriate access
privileges to authorized personnel. It enhances collaboration and coordination among different
departments and facilities, promoting efficient inventory management practices.
By leveraging technology and automation, the existing web-based inventory system at Ambo
University significantly improves operational efficiency, reduces manual efforts, enhances data
accuracy, and enables better resource allocation. It modernizes inventory control practices and
contributes to the overall effectiveness of inventory management within the university.

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 8

3.2.2. Why describe the existing system
 The main reason why the existing system describing is:-
o To know the background of the existing system.
o To identify which of these problems could be solved by the current project.
o To determine the essential business practice to be preserved if any.
o To identify problem of the existing system.
o To know the statement of the problem and challenge of the system and to come
up with the perfect solution.

3.2.3. Problems of the existing system

Problems of the Existing Web-Based Inventory System at Ambo University:
Limited Scalability: The existing system may face scalability challenges as the university
expands and the inventory volume increases. It may struggle to handle a growing number of
users and a larger inventory database.
Integration Issues: There might be compatibility issues with integrating the web-based
inventory system with other existing systems or software used by different departments within
the university. This could result in data inconsistencies and inefficiencies.
Technical Glitches and Downtime: The system may experience technical glitches, software
bugs, or server downtime, impacting the smooth functioning of inventory management processes
and causing disruptions in real-time inventory tracking.
User Training and Adoption: Adequate training and user adoption of the system may pose a
challenge. Some users may struggle to adapt to the new system, leading to resistance or limited
utilization of its features and capabilities.
Data Security Risks: While the system incorporates role-based access control, there may still be
potential data security risks such as unauthorized access, data breaches, or inadequate data
backup protocols. These risks need to be effectively managed to ensure the confidentiality and
integrity of inventory data.
Customization Limitations: The existing system may have limitations in terms of
customization to meet specific inventory management needs of different departments or
specialized inventory items at Ambo University. Customization options may be limited,
hindering flexibility and tailored functionality.

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 9

Lack of Real-Time Analytics: The system may not provide advanced real-time analytics and
forecasting capabilities, limiting the ability to proactively identify trends, optimize inventory
levels, and make data-driven decisions.

3.3. System requirement

3.3.1. Hardware tools required are:

1. Personal computer (PC): almost all tasks of our project are performed on computer.
2. Flash Disk: required for data movement and store.
3. Disk (CD): necessary for the store of relevant data and for backup Pen and Paper: used
for write different question and resource.
4. A4 paper: used to write necessary data during data gather process.
3.3.2. Software tools required are:
The software requirements describe the software or Applications used to develop a system. The
software requirements of our system are as follows:
 Web Browser:- Chrome, Mozilla Firefox
 XAMPP Server: -is a free and open source server. It includes MariaDB, apache, PHP,
Perl and Windows.
 Design Tool:- Figma[6]
 Text Editor: - Visual Studio code , PyCharm
 PDF Reader:- Adobe reader
 UML design:- EdrawMax, Visio
Programming language
The project's programming language is separated into two parts:
1. The front end
2. The back end
Front-end web development, also known as client-side development is the practice of producing
HTML, CSS and JavaScript for a website or Web Application so that a user can see and interact
with them directly. It is a programming, which is used for the visual elements of a website, or

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 10

app that a user will interact directly with the client side. The front end uses web languages such
as CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.[3]
Languages used for the front-end development
REACT: React is an open-source JavaScript library for building efficient and fast user
interfaces. It offers features such as server-side rendering, testing utilities, and state management,
making it a powerful tool for scalable and maintainable web applications.[2]
HTML: html is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web
browser. It is used to create electronic documents that are displayed on the World Wide Web.
CSS : CSS is a language for describing the presentation of Web pages, allowing one to adapt it
to different devices. It is independent of HTML and can be used with any XML-based markup
JAVASCRIPT: JavaScript is a high-level, interpreted programming language created by
Brendan Eich in 1995. It is supported by all major web browsers and is used to build web
applications, mobile applications, desktop applications, games, and more. It is known for its
versatility, ease of use, and wide range of libraries and frameworks.
TALIWIND: is a utility-first CSS framework that provides pre-defined CSS classes to style
HTML elements. This approach is different from traditional CSS frameworks, allowing for more
flexibility and customization in styling. It can speed up development by adding classes to HTML
Back-end is the server-side of the website. It stores and arranges data, and also makes sure
everything on the client-side of the website works fine. It is the part of the website that you
cannot see and interact with. It is a portion of the software that does not come in direct contact
with the users. An application responsible for calculations, business logic, database interactions,
and performance. It runs on the server.
Languages used for the back-end development
Nodejs Express: Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that
allows developers to build server-side applications using JavaScript. Express.js is a fast and
minimalist web framework for Node.js that helps developers build robust web applications and
APIs quickly and easily. It provides a set of features for web and mobile applications, including

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 11

routing, middleware, templates, and much more. Express.js is known for its simplicity,
flexibility, and ease of use.[7]
MySQL and Xampp Server: MySQL is an open-source relational database management system
(RDBMS) that uses SQL (Structured Query Language) for managing and manipulating data in a
database. It is widely used in web development and is one of the most popular databases in the
XAMPP is an open-source software package that provides a local web server environment for
testing and development purposes. It includes several components, such as Apache web server,
MySQL database, PHP, and Perl. XAMPP allows developers to create and test web applications
on their local computer before deploying them to a production server.
A database is a structured collection of data that is designed to facilitate easy access,
management, and updating of information. It can be categorized based on the type of content it
contains, such as bibliography, full-text, numeric, or image. Alternatively, databases can be
classified according to their organizational approach in computing. For example, a distributed
database can be replicated or dispersed among different locations in a network.

3.3.4. Relational Database

SPM utilizes the relational database model, which organizes digital data based on the relational
model of data. This model structures data into one or more tables comprised of rows and
columns that are interrelated. The relationship between tables is maintained by a unique key
defined in each row, which can either be a primary or foreign key depending on the nature of the
connection. The structured query language (SQL) serves as the standard user and application
program interface to a relational database. SQL statements are utilized both for interactive
queries of information from relational databases and for collecting data for generating reports.
Primary Key
The primary key of a relational table uniquely identifies each record in the table. It can either be
a normal attribute that is guaranteed to be unique or it can be generated by the DBMS. A primary
key’s main features are:
 It must contain a unique value for each row of data.
 It cannot contain null value.

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 12

Foreign Key
A foreign key is a column or group of column in a relation database table that provides a link
between data in two tables. In foreign key reference, a link is created between two tables when
the column or columns that hold the primary key value for one table are referenced by the
column or column in other table thereby establishing link between them. Creating a foreign key
manually includes the following advantages:
 Changes to primary key constraints are checked with foreign key constraints in relation
 An index enables the Database Engine to quickly find related data

3.3.5. MySQL
MySQL is a relational database management system that is commonly used in backend
development. It allows for the storage, retrieval, and manipulation of data in a structured and
organized manner. MySQL can handle large amounts of data and provides powerful features
such as indexing, replication, and clustering. relational database management system that
supports various types of SQL commands, including Data Manipulation Language (DML), Data
Definition Language (DDL), and Data Control Language (DCL).
Data Manipulation Language (DML): DML commands in MySQL are used to manipulate data
stored in the database. Some of the commonly used DML commands include SELECT, INSERT,
UPDATE, DELETE, etc. These commands help to retrieve, modify, add, and delete data from
the database.
Data Definition Language (DDL): DDL commands in MySQL are used to define the structure
of the database, including tables, columns, constraints, indexes, and views. Some of the
commonly used DDL commands include CREATE ALTER, DROP, TRUNCATE, etc. These
commands help to create, modify, and delete database objects.
Data Control Language (DCL): DCL commands in MySQL are used to control access to the
database and its objects. Some of the commonly used DCL commands include GRANT,

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 13

REVOKE, etc. These commands help to grant or revoke privileges to users and manage security
in the database

3.4. Data collection methodology

Data collection is the most important part of our project to find the main required information to
system and to understand how the system works. We used the following methods to collect
relevant data required to our project.
 Interview: To get information, interview with the store head will be conducted with
concerned staff of the corporation to get reliable information which is important to do the
 Observation: It helps us to get the right information how the organization performs its
function and this helps to strength the data that gathered through interview and document
 Document Analysis: This technique provides information on how the existing system
works. There for documents related to the existing system of the organization will be

3.3. Requirement Specification System

Requirements Specification is requirement by the system to achieve its goal. In this section we
have kept the basic understanding of the requirements and dependencies of the current system
prior to any actual design or development work. We deal the functional and non-functional
requirements of the proposed systems.
3.3.1. Functional requirement
Functional requirements are the planed behaviors of the system. This behavior may be expressed
as services, jobs, utilities or functions that the system is required to perform. Since the team are
going to develop computerizing inventory management system that used by the employee’s in
the university, the system is used to manage and process data according to the System. The new
system is expected to provide the following functionalities:
 Register of Auditor, Director, Client.
 Registering of the new items based on their category.

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 14

 Displaying information about the item.
 Generating and recorded new items.
 Generating withdrawal items in the store.
 Generating received and withdraws item
3.3.2. Non-Functional Requirements
Non-functional requirement describes the necessities of the computerized inventory management
system that are not directly related to the functionalities of the proposed system and any
constraints that may limit the boundaries of the proposed system. In short, non-functional
requirement is all about system attributes such as security, reliability, usability, integrity and so
Security: The system only allows authorized people to access it.
Interface: The interface is user friendly and can properly guide the user how to use the system
and perform operations easily.
Response time: the system gives response to service request within a short period of times.
Availability: This system should always be available for users to access item information

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 15



4.1. Introduction

There are different methodologies exist used for the analysis and design of the system. Among
those methodologies we choose to use Object oriented methodology for this project Because of
its better way to construct, manage and assemble objects that are implemented in the system.
Here are some of the benefits
 Faster Development
 Reduced Maintenance
 High Code Reusability
 Improved Quality
 Improved Reliability and Flexibility Use case diagram

4.2. Use case diagram

Use-case diagrams describe the high-level functions and scope of a system. These diagrams also
identify the interactions between the system and its actors. The use cases and actors in use-case
diagrams describe what the system does and how the actors use it, but not how the system
operates internally.
Use case components:
 Actor: is a person, or external system that plays a role in one or more interaction with the
system. And represented with:
 Use case: describes a sequence of actions that provides something of measurable value to
an actor and is drawn as a horizontal ellipse.
 System boundary: indicates the scope of the system project. Anything within the box
represent functionalities in side in scope
4.2.1. Actor identification
In the use cases an actor interact with the system to perform a piece of meaningful work that
helps them to achieve a goal and has access to define their overall role in the system and the

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 16

scope of their action. Depending on the above explanation actors in this system are the
 Client: Someone who views the items information provided on the website and send
 Assigner: a person who view and approve request items.
 Director: one who view and approve request items.
 Auditor: a person who record acquired and outward equipment.
 Admin: Someone who create account, view and approve request item.
 Purchaser: a person who view and purchase insufficiency items.
4.2.2. Use case identification
Each Use Case describes the functionality to be built in the proposed system, which can
include another Use Case's functionality or extend another Use Case with its own behavior. The
most important and basic use cases of this system are the following:-
 Create account
 Approve
 Record Acquired items
 Record Outward items
 Store item
 View items
 Request items
 View Request items
 Purchase

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 17

Figure 1: Use case diagram

Table 1 : Use case description of Login/Logout

UseCase Login/logout
Actor Client
Description This use case describes the scenario where the client in the website , logs into the
system and logs out after the work are done.
Pre The client logs into the website with their username and Password.
Post The website verifies the authenticity and displays the home page of the user.
condtion After finish the activity client click Logout button exit from the system.

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 18

Table 2: Use case description of Create Account

Usecase name Create Account

Actor Administrator
Description The administrator must be view and create account for the client.
Pre condition Administrator must have correct username and password.

Post condition Administrator can view client.

Table 3 : Use case description of Acquired items

Use case Name Record Aquired items

Actor Auditor
Description The Auditor records all the Acquired items.
Pre condition Make sure the retailer has all the things in the store.
Post condition Give the items for approval client

Table 4 : Use case description of Approval

Usecase name Approval

Actor Assigner / Director
Description Approve fulfilled request from the request
Precondition Accept the request from the client.
Post condition Approve the request item.

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 19

4.3. Activity diagram

We use Activity Diagrams to illustrate the flow of control in a system and refer to the steps
involved in the execution of a use case. We model sequential and concurrent activities using
activity diagrams. An activity diagram is a behavioral diagram i.e. it depicts the behavior of a

Figure 2: Activity diagram

4.4. Sequence diagram

A sequence diagram is a type of interaction diagram because it describes how-and in what order-
a group of objects works together. These diagrams are used by software developers and business
professionals to understand requirements for a new system or to document an existing process.

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 20

Figure 3: Sequence diagram for client

Figure 4: Sequence diagram for admin approval

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 21



5.1. Application code structure

The visual studio code editor was used to create the proposed system's inventory management
system. This editor offered a tool for converting logical ideas into code, which was then safely
saved in the inventory explorer. Each code file was placed in an own folder based on its type to
guarantee proper organization. The name of the system's top-level folder was inventory
management system.

5.2. Code Snippet

5.2.1. Front End

Home page code snippet
This code component serves as the fundamental element responsible for displaying a concise
preview of the text section on the system's homepage landing page.

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 22

Figure 5: Home page code snippet

login page code snippet

This code section encompasses the crucial implementation of the login page, providing the
necessary functionality for user authentication and access control within the system.

Figure 6: login page code snippet

Model_19 update code snippet

Provided below is a concise code snippet extracted from the mode-19 module. This meticulously
crafted piece of code represents a focused and integral aspect of the module, showcasing the
expertise and precision applied during its development.

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 23

Figure 7: model_19 update code snippet

5.2.2. Back End

This code snippet offers a comprehensive depiction of the module controller, providing an
insightful understanding of its purpose and functionality. Through meticulous design and
implementation, the module controller governs the various interactions and operations within the
module, enabling seamless coordination and execution of tasks. This code serves as a testament
to the careful consideration and expertise applied in crafting an efficient and robust module

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 24

Figure 8: backend

Model_19 backend code

Following the code snippet below is an extensive description of the model-19 controller, a
critical component within the system's architecture. This comprehensive explanation sheds light
on the controller's purpose, functionalities, and its pivotal role in managing the intricate
operations of the model-19 module. Through meticulous design and implementation, the model-
19 controller seamlessly orchestrates the module's various interactions, ensuring smooth
execution and optimal performance.

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 25

Figure 9: model_19

Model controller_20 code

Below the code provided is an extensive description of the model-20 controller, an essential
component within the system's architecture. This detailed explanation delves into the controller's
purpose, functionalities, and its crucial role in managing the intricate operations of the model-20
module. Developed with meticulous attention to detail, the model-20 controller seamlessly
orchestrates the module's various interactions, ensuring smooth execution and optimal

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 26

Figure 10: Model Controller 20 code

Model 22 controller code

The model-22 controller, described below the code snippet, is a pivotal component responsible
for managing the operations of the model-22 module. Meticulously designed and implemented, it
seamlessly coordinates interactions, handles data processing, validation, and retrieval. With its
emphasis on efficiency and reliability, the controller contributes to achieving the module's
objectives and enhancing system performance.

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 27

Figure 11: Model 22 Controller code

Prisma schema
The section below provides an in-depth description of the Prisma schema, which serves as a
fundamental component of the system's data modeling and database management. This
comprehensive explanation outlines the structure, relationships, and configurations defined
within the Prisma schema, highlighting its pivotal role in ensuring efficient and reliable data
operations within the system.

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 28

Figure 12: Prisma schema

The PHP My Admin database, described below the code, is a powerful and user-friendly tool for
managing MySQL databases. With its web-based interface, it enables efficient database
operations such as creation, table management, data manipulation, and query execution.
Designed for administrators and developers, the PHPMyAdmin database ensures data integrity
and optimal performance.

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 29

Figure 13: database

Postman, described below the code, is a widely-used API development and testing platform.
With its user-friendly interface, it simplifies API development, testing, and documentation. It
supports various authentication methods, facilitates collaboration, and offers powerful testing
capabilities. Postman is an essential tool for efficient API management.

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 30

Figure 14: Postman

ER Diagram
The ER Diagram, explained below the code, provides a comprehensive visual representation of
the system's entity-relationship model. It depicts entity relationships, attributes, and cardinality.
The diagram aids in system analysis, design, and communication, guiding efficient database
design and implementation for optimal data structure and performance.

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 31

Figure 15: ER Diagram

5.3. Project Screenshot

Home page

The image below offers a descriptive visualization of the home page, providing insights into its
layout, content, and functionality. It serves as the primary landing page within the system,
offering users a comprehensive overview and access to various features and information. The
home page acts as a central hub, presenting relevant data, navigation menus, and interactive
elements that allow users to navigate the system efficiently. With its visually appealing design
and user-friendly interface, the home page aims to provide a seamless and engaging user
experience, guiding users towards their desired actions and ensuring easy access to system

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 32

Figure 16: Home Page

Login page

The image below offers an informative depiction of the login page, providing a visual
representation of its design and functionality. It showcases the various components, such as input
fields, buttons, and navigation elements that enable users to authenticate and access the system.
The login page serves as a crucial entry point, ensuring secure access to authorized users while
maintaining the overall user experience. With its intuitive layout and clear interface, the login
page plays a pivotal role in establishing a seamless and secure user authentication process within
the system.

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 33

Figure 17: login page

Sign up page

The image below provides a comprehensive representation of the sign-up page, illustrating its
design and purpose. It showcases the various elements and input fields that facilitate user
registration and account creation. The sign-up page serves as a crucial component in onboarding
new users, capturing essential information like full name, department, administrative role, id
number and password. With its intuitive layout and user-friendly interface, the sign-up page
ensures a seamless and streamlined registration process, enabling users to create accounts and
gain access to the system's features and functionalities.

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 34

Figure 18: signup Page

Asset Registration Page

The image below depicts the Asset Registration Page, an essential interface for inputting and
managing asset details within the system. It showcases an intuitive layout with fields for
capturing crucial information such as Category, product name, items per price, product number
and items image. By streamlining the registration process, this page ensures accurate data entry
and enables efficient asset management, contributing to an organized and well-documented asset

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 35

Figure 19: Asset Registration

Inventory Page

The image below offers a visual depiction of the Inventory Page, a pivotal interface for
managing and tracking inventory within the system. It provides a comprehensive view of product
name, product number, category, per price and new value. With its user-friendly design and
intuitive interface, the Inventory Page facilitates seamless inventory management, ensuring
precise tracking and efficient control of stock levels.

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 36

Figure 20: Inventory

5.4. Debugging and Testing

Software testing is an investigation carried out to notify the user of the caliber of the good or
service being tested. Program testing can also give the business an unbiased, unbiased
perspective on the program so that it can appreciate and comprehend the risks associated with
software implementation. The process of running a program or application with the goal of
identifying software bugs (errors or other problems) is included among test approaches, but it is
not the only one.
The process of validating and confirming that a computer program, application, or product:
• Meets the requirements that guided its design and development;
• Operates as intended is known as software testing.
The inventory management system will be tested on several levels to evaluate its functionality
and performance. This level consists of
Integration test
Integration tests ensure that the many components or services utilized by your application
function properly. Testing the relationship with the database or ensuring that the micro services
interact as intended are two examples. These tests cost extra to conduct since several components
of the application must be operational.

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 37

Unit test
Unit tests are used to check code at a low level and near to its origin. They involve evaluating
specific classes, elements, or modules that your software uses, as well as their unique methods
and functionalities. The cost of automating unit tests is typically low, and a continuous
integration server can run them quickly.

System testing
After all the modules have been successfully integrated, another test will be performed to
evaluate the system's overall performance and functionality.

Acceptance testing
It is a pre-delivery test in which the complete system is examined for flaws using real-world data
at the client's location.

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 38


The implementation of a web-based inventory system at Ambo University has significantly

transformed and improved inventory management practices. It offers real-time inventory
tracking, automated updates, user-friendly interfaces, and role-based access control, enhancing
efficiency and accuracy in inventory management processes. It provides centralized access to
inventory data, enabling authorized users from different departments and facilities to collaborate
and make informed decisions. The system's scalability and integration capabilities ensure it can
adapt to the university's growing needs and seamlessly integrate with other existing systems.
Although challenges such as user training and data security risks need to be addressed, the
benefits outweigh the limitations.

Overall, the web-based inventory system has revolutionized inventory management at Ambo
University, enabling efficient resource allocation, accurate inventory tracking, and improved
decision-making. It has paved the way for streamlined operations, enhanced productivity, and
effective utilization of resources.


Based on the evaluation of the web-based inventory system at Ambo University, several
recommendations are proposed to further enhance its effectiveness:
Firstly, continuous evaluation is essential to ensure the system remains aligned with evolving
inventory management needs. Regular assessments should be conducted to identify areas for
improvement and make necessary updates or modifications.
Secondly, providing comprehensive user training programs and resources is crucial. This will
ensure that all users, including staff from different departments, are well-trained and proficient in
utilizing the system's features and functionalities effectively.

Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 39

Thirdly, strong data security measures should be implemented to safeguard sensitive inventory
data. This includes robust authentication mechanisms, encryption techniques, and regular data
backups to prevent unauthorized access or data loss.

Fourthly, exploring opportunities for integrating the web-based inventory system with other
existing systems within the university can streamline data exchange and reduce manual efforts.
This integration can enhance the overall efficiency and accuracy of inventory management

Furthermore, enhancing the system's reporting and analytics capabilities will enable advanced
inventory insights. This includes implementing tools for demand forecasting, inventory
optimization, and cost analysis to facilitate informed decision-making and resource allocation.

Mobile accessibility should also be considered, either through the development of a dedicated
mobile application or optimizing the system for mobile devices. This will allow authorized users
to access and manage inventory data conveniently from anywhere, enhancing operational

Establishing a user feedback mechanism is recommended to gather suggestions and address any
usability or functionality concerns. User feedback is valuable in identifying areas for
improvement and ensuring the system meets the specific needs of Ambo University.

Regular system maintenance, including software updates, bug fixes, and performance
optimizations, is crucial to keep the system running smoothly and efficiently.

Collaboration with inventory management software vendors, industry experts, and other
universities can provide valuable insights and knowledge sharing opportunities. Participating in
workshops, conferences, or forums focused on inventory management can help Ambo University
stay updated with emerging trends and best practices.

Lastly, planning for the long-term evolution of the system is essential. Anticipating future
growth and technological advancements will allow the university to adapt the system accordingly
and ensure its continued effectiveness in supporting inventory management operations.

By implementing these recommendations, Ambo University can optimize the web-based

inventory system, improve efficiency, enhance data security, and support better decision-making
in inventory management processes.
Ambo university HHU Web Based Inventory Management System 40

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